loversonthegrid · 19 days
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Jack Doohan | 2024 Canada Grand Prix FP1 🎥: F1TV (June 7th, 2024)
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loversonthegrid · 21 days
F1 Drivers x spicy girlfriend texts
summary: just some spicy texts the drivers get from their girlfriend.
warning: sexual content (18+), mdni
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loversonthegrid · 21 days
New Neighbors and Interrupted Streams [Part 1] (LN4)
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Read Part 2 here! Summary: Desperate for new friends, maybe it's time to revert to the tried and true neighborly American cookie exchange.  A/N: I know Lando lives in Monaco but in this he is still in the UK. Also I really love fics that have something to do with Lando streaming and being teased the entire time.
This was stupid. This was probably so stupid. But she had to do something.
Two weeks she had been in her new apartment, in a new country. In that time, she had gotten increasingly lonelier, seemingly unable to make friends.
She had moved to the UK for work but with another month till she actually began her new job, she didn’t know how to make friends in her free time.
God, why was it so hard to make friends as an adult? 
So, after a call with her mom expressing her issues with making friends, she was reminded of a good-old US custom.
Baking cookies for your neighbor.
Usually, this was reserved for pre-existing residents to introduce themselves to the new folks moving in, but after all this time she didn’t expect her neighbors to reach out, so it seemed she had to do it herself. 
After that phone call, she tried it twice with some of her neighbors. The first time, she left them at the door with a note introducing herself to them, saying she hoped they could meet up sometime. She found the cookies still in the box, with the opened note on her doorstep later that day. 
The second time, she got so excited when she saw from down the hall that her neighbor had grabbed them, swiftly moving inside his own flat with the cookies while reading the note. But a week later and no sign of any desire from the neighbor to connect with her, she gave up. 
She had one last person she could try with, the ridiculously cute boy who lived in the apartment across from her. She hadn’t actually talked to him, just spied on him a few times from her peephole when she heard him leaving his flat. Creepy, she knew, but she was far too shy to say anything.
But she was so desperate, and she could tell he was around her age… she thinks. After sitting at her table for an hour staring at the home baked goods, she finally grabbed them and knocked on his door before she could chicken out. 
Lando was streaming with Max next to him, when he got a notification that someone was by his door. Thinking it was the takeaway he ordered, he swiftly excused himself to go grab it. What he didn’t expect was the pretty girl who had just moved across from him to be at the door.
There was a beat of silence as they both stared at each other. In all honesty, she was just going to knock, wait a few seconds, then leave the cookies. She hadn't expected him to answer the door so she was unsure what to say. 
Finally he spoke up.
“Sorry, are we being too loud? We can totally quiet down if you need to.” He said while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
She still didn’t reply, too stunned by seeing him for the first time not through a small and dirty peephole. God, he was beautiful.
Seconds of silence went by until she finally managed to get everything she wanted out.
“No, no I am so sorry. You are completely fine, that's not why I am here. I just didn’t think you'd actually answer the door. Anyway, I know this is probably strange and I don’t think they actually do this here but I just wanted to introduce myself to my neighbors, so I made cookies! Again this is probably so weird of me so it's totally fine if you don’t want them or something, the other neighbors clearly didn’t but that's okay. Anyway- Hi, I live across from you and now I am here with cookies!” She managed to get out in one breath while sticking the cookies out for him to grab.
This time, Lando took a few seconds to reply, trying to process what she said. “You’re American.” Was all he managed to get out.
She didn’t know what to reply, it wasn’t a question but felt like he needed reinforcement about that statement.
“I am.”
“I didn’t realize they actually did this, thought it was a movie thing.”
“Uh- I am sorry?”
“No. no! It's sweet, thank you for them. I really appreciate it… sorry what's your name? I’m Lando by the way” 
How she managed to not actually say her name while she spent a full minute rambling about how she wanted to introduce herself was beyond her, but after quickly introducing herself, properly this time, she finally felt the tension and awkwardness leave her body.
He took the cookies from her, promising that he was excited to eat them even though he knew his trainer wouldn’t be too happy, and took this opportunity to get her phone number. Promising to text her, he closed the door and immediately looked out his peephole, wanting to get one more look at her. He was surprised, and amused, to see she did a little celebratory dance in the hallway, before taking a breath and entering her own apartment, excited she had just made a new potential friend.
“What took you so long, Mate? And why are you so red? And why do you have cookies? Where is the food we ordered?” Max asked when Lando entered the room again, a stupid grin adorning his face.
“It wasn’t our delivery, the new neighbor just stopped by to introduce herself.”
“The cute one you kept going on about?” Max teased, earning a kick to the shin as that wasn’t information Lando wanted everyone watching the stream to know.
“Anyway- she brought cookies as a little hello. It's sweet. I've never gotten cookies made for me before.”
“She brought cookies? The hell would she do that for?”
“Like I said, to introduce herself. She’s american.”
Before Max could ask anymore questions, specifically about why Lando was smiling so much and why he was beet-red, which Max already knew the answer to, their actual takeaway came, saving Lando for the time being.
When he came back and they started eating, Lando wasn’t interrogated on the topic, at least not until he began giggling on his phone.
“Mate, what are you- Oh my god guys he is giggling and texting his new neighbor. Chat, this is unbelievable.” Max yelled as he stole Lando’s phone from his hand. Reading the messages with disgust, he added, “God, you need to work on your flirting, you sound like an absolute muppet right now.”
Lando quickly took his phone back and tried to change the topic. Throughout the rest of the stream, he tried his best to not look at the new messages she had sent in order to not be teased, as the chat seemed to still be mentioning every time he would secretly text her, trying to be stealthy as to not let Max find out.
He just hoped this whole thing stayed on the stream, and that it wouldn’t come to the press, who loved to question him on his relationships. The last thing he needed was to be asked this during media after a race.
He wouldn’t be so lucky, he soon would find out after the next race.
Read Part 2 here!
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loversonthegrid · 21 days
Media Interrogation [Part 2] (LN4)
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(Read part 1 here!)
Summary: He had prayed the media would leave his newfound ‘friend’ out of their questions, only focusing on the race. But Lando Norris would soon see he wasn't so lucky.  A/N: I don't know how Twitch works so excuse the poorly explained streaming things.
A little less than two weeks after Lando had met his new neighbor, they had spent any time they could together, and any time they couldn’t they were texting and calling. It was exciting, they weren’t dating per se, still trying to get to know each other before they jumped into anything, but this newfound friendship had been great for both of them. Slowly, Lando had been introducing her to some of his friends, and with all the new faces, she didn’t feel half as lonely as she used to. 
It was wonderful.
He had warned her about the stream, leaving the details of him turning bright red, giggling, and Max admitting that Lando had called her his “cute neighbor” out. But, of course, after she spent far to long going through the #landonorris tag on various social media sites, she had found a clip of the interaction. Seeing how giddy he was about it, even after meeting her for only a minute, made her giddy as well, happy to know that it seems her feelings weren’t one sided.
He had invited her to the race, being as it was at Silverstone, but the thought of going there and meeting new people and being seen by the media so soon after her and Lando just met made her nervous, so she politely declined. 
Although he was a bit upset, he understood her reasoning. 
Before the race, Lando was with Oscar giving various interviews, with mostly race related questions. ‘How was the car feeling?’, ‘you think you guys can give Max a run for his money this weekend?’, etc. It was easy and he wasn’t worried about intrusive questions.
Until they opened it up to the fans.
When they said they’d take fan questions, Lando began to sweat. Beside him, Oscar let out a laugh, knowing what the first question was bound to be.
“Lando, it seems you made friends with you “cute neighbor” while streaming, have you guys talked more?” one of the fans asked.
He probably should have warned her this would happen but, maybe it was wishful thinking, he hadn’t expected to be asked about it. And maybe his cute neighbor wasn’t even watching. 
“Uhhh” he said as he let out an awkward laugh, “Yeah, we have talked a bit more. The cookies were really good so I’ve been trying to get the recipe.” Lies, he hadn’t asked for the recipe, he just wanted her to make the cookies for him again.
“Is she your girlfriend?” Another fan yelled out.
There was a beat of silence from Lando, causing fans to laugh at his awkwardness around the situation. Oscar, now feeling bad for his teammate, jumped in.
“He shared some of the cookies with me too. He wasn’t kidding when he said they were really good. Might have to ask her to make me a batch.” Oscar jokes. 
Seeing as he wasn’t going to answer the girlfriend question, which wasn’t even a proper question as the fan just yelled it out instead of waiting to be picked, the interviewer moved on. 
He really hoped she wasn’t watching this.
She was totally watching this and enjoying every second.
It felt nice to see Lando blushing so profusely at the mention of her, which made her feel better for also blushing profusely when he talked about her.
Since she saw the stream, she had noticed he definitely had a bit of a crush on her, but she didn’t know how deep it went. If it was a tiny crush that was bound to fade as they became closer, or if this closeness was going to lead to an even bigger crush. Only a few weeks into their friendship though, and she had already fallen fast and hard.
She couldn’t do anything. She'd never do anything, even though she so badly wanted to. All her new friends were Lando’s, if he wasn’t as serious as she hoped about his feelings, it would crush her. She wouldn’t be able to stay friends with him and in turn would lose all the new friends she had made. 
So she vowed to not make the first move.
Eventually, three months had gone by and the pair only became more inseparable. Instead of planning mini vacations and trips between races, Lando always tried to get home so he could see his favorite neighbor, who he now knew he had massive feelings for.
She had started work and it was going great! Her worries about being alone if she lost Lando went away as she made more non-Norris-acquired friends. 
The two had also graduated to an even deeper level of intimacy. They weren’t sleeping together, or straight up kissing. But holding hands, cuddling, kisses on the cheek or forehead, were all normal for the pair. Sure it seemed so childish to dance around their feelings at their grown age but it's all they could do for now.
Baking had become a new hobby as well. Before moving, she couldn’t really say she was much of a baker, only doing it when it came to birthdays or bake sales. But with Lando becoming increasingly more obsessed with her cookies, she had started to branch out with other flavors, even throwing in muffins or a pie. 
She had just finished a new recipe her mom sent her, which were divine, when she knocked on Lando’s door, flashbacks to the first time they met those few months ago going through her head.
Lando, also like those few months ago, had been streaming when he got a knock on his door. Smiling to himself as he already knew who it would be, which the fans most certainly caught, he quickly excused himself to go open it. When he saw her there, he immediately pulled her into a hug.
“I’ve missed you.” He mumbled into her neck.
“You saw me yesterday.” She laughed, happy to know he missed her as much as she did him.
“Can’t blame me for wanting to see my favorite girl all the time.” He replied.
“Favorite girl, huh? It's an honor. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a title.” She teased.
“Your cookies, of course!” He said as he pulled back, when she shot him a look, he continued, “and your wonderful personality, and how great of company you are.”
“That's more like it. Speaking of, I tried a new recipe and, not to toot my own horn, these are the best yet.” She said as she grabbed the container of cookies from her bag.
“Yes! Thank goodness I was beginning to experience withdrawal. I am streaming right now, they are always asking about you since the- anyway, could I do a taste test? You can join me, I think the chat would love it. I would love it. But you don’t have to if-” He began to ramble, clearly feeling awkward at almost admitting just how much she is brought up on his streams.
“No, that sounds great! I definitely join.” She immediately regretted the words the moment they left her mouth but the look on Lando’s face stopped her from taking it back. He has lit up in a way she hadn’t seen and all she wanted to do was forever make him light up that way.
He quickly pulled her to his streaming room, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling her onto the screen. “I’ve returned with cookies, oh and of course a special guest. Guys, please don’t be weird. Be normal or I'll end the stream.” He joked, but also prayed that his fans would for once listen and try not to embarrass him for their own entertainment. He knew they wouldn’t listen though.
Immediately after saying that, someone donated and got their message read out loud,
‘Are you the cute girl that gave him cookies?’
“Uh I don’t know. That depends. How many cute girls give you cookies, Lan?” She teased.
“Oh hundreds, I am constantly drowning in sweet baked goods. My trainer hates me now.” He teased back.
“Then I guess I should take these back, don’t want to make your trainer even more mad.”
“Over my dead body. Seriously, you’d have to pry these out of my cold dead hands. Anyway, this is a taste test of a new recipe, as was explained to me ‘it's the best yet’. You guys can’t eat them obviously so I’ll try to be descriptive.” 
After one bite, Lando started moaning in a way that was uncomfortable for everyone except him. Her face had never felt hotter at the sounds he was making and she was far too scared to check to see if her face was as red as it felt.
Do you hear him make those noises a lot?
“Alright! I told you if you guys made it weird I’d end it, so you lost your privileges. Goodbye everyone, think about what you did.” Lando was kidding, his fans knew it, but it was a pretty crazy question to ask. Not that the chat cared.
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting all that.” She said once he turned off the stream.
“I know, I’m sorry they get like that.” He replied, feeling bad that he hadn’t explained well enough what she should expect. 
“No, I thought they would be worse to be honest, I meant the moans you were making from my cookies.” “Oh come on they weren’t that crazy, and the cookie was amazing, I had to.”
“Lando, those noises were nothing short of erotic, I was worried how far you were going to go if you had another bite.” She teased.
They both laughed and after a few seconds, a beat of silence fell over them. As they looked into each other’s eyes, the energy in the room shifted. Finally, Lando spoke up.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked.
“Please,” She replied.
Explosions, fireworks, sparks, whatever you want to call it, they felt it. It was so cheesy but it was so electric, they couldn’t help but feel like they did in the movies.
After a much needed breather, before going in for more, Lando asked, “Let me take you out, properly, please? Like an actual date.”
“Only if it's not a seafood place, I’m allergic to fish.” 
“Good God, I’m gonna fall in love with you.”
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loversonthegrid · 21 days
chaotic texts - pato o’ward
reader x pato o’ward texts, except they’re crazy
for more chaotic texts
warnings: suggestive!! 18+
a/n: i love pato yall we need more pato stans and content
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loversonthegrid · 22 days
great mclaren bakeoff | x
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loversonthegrid · 22 days
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just friends - pato o'ward
sister’s best friend!reader x pato o’ward social media au
a/n: it’s a sister’s best friend to best friends to lovers brain rot. i also needed something to soothe my heart after that last lap on the indy500. i also love pato with all my heart. fc is olivia rodrigo!
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liked by patriciooward, elbaoward and 21,546 others
y/ninstagram: the bff + the princess and the prince at their wedding + the bitch ass brother
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elbaoward: love you soooo much 🤍🤍🤍
y/ninstagram: i love u more 4eva, don’t care if ur married ur my wifey above all🤍
elbaoward: wifeys 4eva
patriciooward: I’m the cool brother
y/ninstagram: uncool*
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liked by y/ninstagram, elbaoward and 126,746 others
patriciooward: Woke up with a new brother today. Congratulations to the love birds. 🤍 Also pictured y/ninstagram waking up with a hangover. ☕️
view all 2,332 comments
y/ninstagram: delete
patriciooward: But you look like a ray of sunshine
elbaoward: thank you always baby brother🤍 you look like you had a goood time lol
user46: ayo who is y/n i’m new here
user67: okay I love y/n lore, she is an influencer/model type of deal and she is pato’s sister’s bestie since forever ago and she and pato get along really well, they’re seen together a lot when elba attends races with her. it’s an ongoing joke in the fandom that pato has the biggest crush on her, which has never been denied nor confirmed lol but they’ve never posted each other on their feeds before so the rumors are rumoring
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liked by y/ninstagram, elbaoward and 108,924 others
patriciooward: Pre-Season recharging with some sea salt. Also pictured y/ninstagram on the phone with God. 🌊🍌
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y/ninstagram: posting bad pictures of me is becoming a thing i see
patriciooward: Technically, you started it
user74: now what is going on why are they vacationing together
user82: y/n said on her tiktok live that they’re with a bunch of other friends so there’s that
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liked by y/ninstagram, elbaoward and 183,746 others
patriciooward: Good season start 😊 Also pictured y/ninstagram side eying me when I asked if I could try her ramen 🍜
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y/ninstagram: you don’t just ask a girl to have her ramen, even if you got a podium
user13: anyone else noticing how they’re becoming super close after elba’s wedding
user82: I think everyone is noticing alright… elba isn’t even there
user26: they’re so dating
user98: i thought the same thing but literally every interview today was dedicated to pato saying they’re just friends
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liked by patriciooward, elbaoward and 20,724 others
y/ninstagram: it’s rawe ceek + pato’s lil hat
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elbaoward: why are you replacing me with another o’ward?
patriciooward: Sorry, she’s my best friend now. You have a whole ass husband
y/ninstagram: u could never be replaced bby girl 😽😽😽
patriciooward: Wow
user82: are we seeing this fam
user23: maybe the best friend gate is all part of pato’s plan to get the girl
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liked by y/ninstagram, elbaoward and 127,924 others
patriciooward: Did the best we could on that race considering the circumstances 🤪 Also pictured y/ninstagram’s sushi eyes 🍱
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y/ninstagram: maybe u didnt win on track but you won best sushi recommendation
user83: they’re so sus but they also don’t even touch when they’re in public… perhaps they are just best friends
user53: who needs touching when pato looks at her like she put the stars up in the sky
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liked by y/ninstagram, elbaoward and 192,246 others
patriciooward: F1 testing done right 🥹 Also pictured y/ninstagram’s face when I got in the car 🧡
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user24: are we still pretending we believe the best friends bullshit
y/ninstagram: this is so crazy to me because i’m honestly here for a shot with lando norris
landonorris: message received 🫡
patriciooward: Mate 😂
user27: that’s the most threatening laugh emoji i have ever seen
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liked by patriciooward, elbaoward and 25,935 others
y/ninstagram: it’s indy 500 time + elba being pretty + pato eating something he definitely shouldn’t be eating
view all 1,983 comments
elbaoward: the support system is in need of support
y/ninstagram: we are doing great! (we are crying)
user45: how are we feeling watching the race personally I want to throw up
y/ninstagram: im fine! (i have blacked out multiple times)
user36: oh man… im so glad she’s there after that final lap heartbreak
user26: please give pato our love ❤️ he gave it all
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liked by y/ninstagram, elbaoward and 293,927 others
patriciooward: I woke up with a big smile on my face today, feeling very loved by all of you. Wouldn’t change a thing about my journey so far, I know it will be so special the day my name is written among the stars and I get to experience the magic everyone talks about. Excited for the rest of the season, wouldn’t want it to be with anyone else arrowmclaren 🧡 #indy500
view all 7,014 comments
y/ninstagram: you inspire me every single day. your time will come and it’ll be epic. 🧡
elbaoward: you are a force of nature and the sun ☀️
user83: im sorry i really want to comment about the race and compliment pato but are we just going to ignore the last picture of him and y/n holding hands
user53: are we going to ignore their hug on national tv i really felt like i was interrupting
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liked by patriciooward, elbaoward and 35,924 others
y/ninstagram: lover boy + lover boy + lover boy. you’re amazing. 🧡
view all 3,045 comments
patriciooward: 🧡
elbaoward: been a long time coming 🥰
landonorris: 😔
landonorris: jk ive been in on pato’s crush all along
y/ninstagram: 💀
user94: WAR IS OVER
user52: not the hard launch
user85: at least tell us how it happened after friend zoning each other for months
y/nusername: comfort after a heartbreak go crazy
patriciooward: You’re a natural romantic
915 notes · View notes
loversonthegrid · 24 days
— forms of non-sexual intimacy with f1 boys.
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kind of intimacy where you guys do things together that lead to inside jokes and private memories; a beautiful feeling of closeness that comes from working in unison. sometimes it's so subtle and unexpected, it's like the two of you lose your way going somewhere the two of you have never been and one is responsible for the driving and the other for the navigation. maybe a bit of a fight here and there, but both  still working together to reach your destination and knowing you’re never really lost as long as the other is around.
kind of intimacy where actions speak louder than words. making - or at least trying - each other's lives a little easier, a little lighter, a little smoother, a little prettier, and a little more bearable. having breakfast ready so you don't forget it when you're in a hurry. wash and dry dishes together after dinner. leaving little love notes in your things to make you smile. the little things he would do only for those he is really close to.
his favorite form of intimacy is where the two of you give each other undivided and unique attention when you're together; being as busy as he is and having a lot to think about, there's something so beautiful and comforting about focusing on just one person: you. that means ignoring notifications and anything that bothers him aside when he's with you. leaving certain places earlier to spend more time with you. looking adoringly into each other's eyes at random moments where you can swear there are only the two of you in the world.
distracted physical touches, usually out of habit. when you are watching tv; he reaches out and strokes your hair, plays with your earlobes, or nudges you gently with his foot. and even when you are in public or with other people, he finds himself playing with your hands, your fingers, tracing patterns on your palm or the back of your hand with his thumb, all while casually conversing with another person.
bathing together; the form of intimacy in which you fully discover yourself and can appreciate every physical aspect while sharing a genuine and loving atmosphere. him gently washing your body with care and delicacy, as if he had all the time in the world to discover every little universe hidden in your body; he leaves soft kisses on your shoulder and neck as he washes your hair, which makes you smile because together with the little ripples of hot water they tickle your skin. being totally comfortable in each other's presence is what he's always wanted for the two of you since the beginning, and seeing your love growing every day makes his heart race with happiness in his chest.
the form of intimacy that grows on common interests and activities. for him, there's nothing quite like coming together because of a mutual love for a particular tv show, or during an animated monopoly game or mobile games, or an underrated book. thinking about each other whenever see or hear about it. simple but precious memories resulting from losing sleep because you were too excited at that show or playing together all night.
the kind of intimacy that only grows and flourishes with time, the true meaning of “making life” together. the kind where the two of you help each other grow in every aspect of life; supporting and rooting for each other's victory but also being there and taking care of each other in defeats. it's when you start to know each other's thoughts, times and patterns as if there is an invisible bond that grows each day between the two of you; like it always connects the two of you even when you're not physically together. it's the form of intimacy where you only know and understand each other on a very deep level.
a kind of pure, genuine intimacy that encourages each other; listen to each other's dreams, fears, stories and secrets without judgment and show that no matter what, you will be there for each other. always cheering and supporting each other's hobbies, which always makes your heart warm to remember that someone is genuinely rooting for you and that even if you fail, that person will not give up on you.
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loversonthegrid · 26 days
oh my GOD
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loversonthegrid · 26 days
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Pato O'Ward finished 2nd at the 108th Running of the Indianapolis 500
x x x x x | image sourcing assisted heavily by @tyresdeg
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loversonthegrid · 27 days
Part II
Part I
Formula 1 x Russell!Reader
Summary: you decide to throw your brother a birthday party based on the thing he loves most in the world: PowerPoint
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#16 - Charles Leclerc
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#18 - Lance Stroll
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#20 - Kevin Magnusen
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#22 - Yuki Tsunoda
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#23 - Alex Albon
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#24 - Zhou Guanyu
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2K notes · View notes
loversonthegrid · 27 days
Part I
Formula 1 x Russell!Reader
Summary: you decide to throw your brother a birthday party based on the thing he loves most in the world: PowerPoint
Note: a huge thank you to @struggling-with-drivers because this would not have been possible without her help
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#1 - Max Verstappen
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#2 - Logan Sargeant
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#3 - Daniel Ricciardo
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#4 - Lando Norris
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#10 - Pierre Gasly
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#11 - Sergio Perez
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#14 - Fernando Alonso
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loversonthegrid · 27 days
based on this request ✧ my inbox is open for requests (or if u just want a chat!) ✧
warnings - none! just fluff (not proofread), oblivious reader and lando
feel like i could do a pt2 for this? - lemme know what you think!
masterlist the playlist
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the sun was shining brightly over the racetrack, casting on the 4 karts, lined up behind the group. max stood behind the camera, making sure everyone was in frame before running round to join Lando. at his other side stood y/n - long term friend of the two, and unofficial quadrant member.
lando flashed a wide grin at the camera.
“hey, everyone!” he announced, clapping his hands together, “welcome back to the quadrant channel. today, we have something special for you. me and max are going to teach our karting rookie here how to drive on a track like a pro,” he add, hands moving to gesture in y/n direction.
she smiled, waving awkwardly at the camera. it wasn’t her first time featuring on the channel, but she usually made small appearances when the whole team filmed. at the start, viewers had assumed she was lando’s girlfriend, noticing the way the two interacted with each other. but she wasn’t - not to say there wasn’t anything between the two of them, but they were just too stubborn to talk about it.
“you nervous?” lando asked her, smiling lightly.
“no different to driving a car right?” she replied, smiling back at him.
“not the way you drive, i guess,” he retorted, earning a light slap to his arm.
“so!” max started, clapping too as he faced the camera, “we’re starting y/n off in the lowest powered kart, and working our way up. when she’s comfortable, we’re going to have a small competition,” he added, his tone holding emphasised mystery.
it was y/n turn to speak to the camera.
“do i also need to clap when i start my sentence?” she asked max, grinning as she did. y/n could see niran burst into laughter behind the camera, all too familiar with the “who claps the most” argument.
“sorry, sorry,” she jokingly defended, holding up her hands when she caught max and lando both giving her a look filled with distaste. she turned back to the camera, “we will be seeing if the student really becomes the master, as i take on lando in a time-trialled race.”
the group moved closer to the first kart, y/n zipping up the rest of her protective clothing as they moved, balancing her helmet in the crevice of her arm.
“right, helmet on!” lando told her, though he moved to tuck loose hairs, that had fallen from her ponytail, behind her ears before grabbing the helmet from her, pushing it over her head. his hands rested on the side for a moment, wobbling her head slightly before moving to pop the visor up and look her in the eyes.
“comfortable?” he asked her, watching as she nodded, “ready?”
she hesitated for a moment, before nodding again. y/n wasn’t worried about injuring herself, no, she feared that she would do a bad job and the video wouldn’t be a good watch.
“you’ll be fine, angel, i promise,” he reassured her, his fingers moving to pull the zip of her suit up further, “if not, we blame max,” he joked. the two of them looked at the man stood on the other side of the kart, who quickly turned his head as though he hadn’t been watching the two interact, wondering when they’d figure whatever this was out. though he didn’t supposed it mattered, if this footage was left in the viewers would be quick to point it out, as they always did.
“it’s ok - if something bad happens, you’re the one that has to tell my mum,” y/n replied with a shrug, trying to grin despite her face being squashed.
“bagsy not me this time!” max called out.
“not fair! i did it last time!” lando shouted back childishly.
“in max’s defence, last time was your fault, lan,” y/n chimed in, patting his shoulder, “and all you did was leave a voicemail!”
“hiya, it’s lando - just letting you know y/n is in the hospital, but she’s fine. probably,” max mimicked, recalling the way lando left quite possibly the worst voicemail anyone had ever.
“not my finest moment, i’ll admit,” lando replied quietly before trying to manoeuvre the woman in front of him towards the kart.
y/n moved to climb into the first kart, her hand gripping tightly at lando’s arm to use as support before she sat down fully. he squatted down next to her, max following suit on the other side, before explaining the basics to her - when to brake, when to speed up, when to take a corner wide.
“last thing - the steering wheel,” he continued, making sure the mic could pick up his voice. his hands reached out to grab hers, placing them in the correct position on the wheel.
“what about the pedals?” she asked him.
“the same as normal? accelerator….brake?” he added, smiling as he pointed to each pedal as though it was obvious.
y/n nodded up at him, before grabbing the steering wheel and pretending to drive, making a ‘neeyowwwm’ noise as she did.
“she’s fine,” max laughed out, “strap her in and we’ll get started. oh, y/n don’t forget you have a the mic and the headset so we can communicate as you go round the track.”
“you’re doing great!” lando’s voice sounded through her earpiece, full of encouragement, “brake a little earlier for this next turn.”
y/n grinned, confidence growing with each lap. she was now onto the last kart, one lap left before she was supposed to race lando.
“how’s that?”
“perfect! you’re a natural,” he praised, his pride evident.
“i’m gonna kick your ass,” she threatened as she neared the finish line.
“looking forward to it,” lando remarked, this time in person as he stepped towards the side of her kart, “10 minute break before we race?”
“please,” she replied, nodding up and moving her hands to undo the straps before pushing herself up to step out from the kart. her balance faltered slightly as she did, though lando’s arms had shot out, his hands gripping her waist to steady her as she stepped out from the kart. even when y/n was fine to walk alone, lando’s hands never left, his hand firmly positioned on her lower back as they walked towards max.
“how was that,” max asked her, his eyes darting from lando to the woman who was struggling to pull her helmet off.
“really good,” she replied with an enthusiastic nod once lando had helped to pull the helmet from her head, “not sure on that last corner but we’ll see how it goes.”
“seemed alright on that last lap,” max reassured her, though he couldn’t help but notice the way lando looked at her face, smiling fondly as she explained how she might approach the race.
“right, it is finally time!” max called out, facing the camera as y/n took a seat in the kart behind him, “the moment we have all been waiting for. lando norris, formula one racer versus karting rookie y/n.”
“karting rooki- max i have so many better attributes to describe me?” y/n called out jokingly.
“sorry - lando norris, formula one racer versus ‘nine points on her license’ y/n!” he joked, “is that better?”
“NINE? i do not have nine points on my license?” she retorted, “it’s like 3?”
“it’s nine,” lando interrupted with a snort as he crouched down next to her to check her straps were tight enough, “two counts of speeding, and that one time you ran a red light - am i wrong?” he added with a grin.
y/n shook her head at him, though her silence confirmed his claim. the three moved on quickly, y/n finding herself breathing in sharply as lando pulled on the straps too hard, tightening them around her ribs.
“sorry,” he mumbled, loosening them slightly, “breathe out f’me,” he added, checking that she had room, before muttering a quick perfect as she did.
anyone who believed lando would go easy on y/n was a fool. she’d managed a good few overtakes, took corners well and maintained her speed, but as they approached the last lap lando seemed to slip further away. even with her foot to the floor, her kart was slowing more and more until the engine fully gave up, spluttering a few times before dying.
“well this is embarrassing,” she announced, looking into the gopro attached to the kart as she did.
“hold still for a moment, y/n,” max said through her headset, “need lando to stop before you can get out.”
so y/n sat, waiting for lando to stop so that she could climb out from the kart and do her walk of shame back to base. but she didn’t have to wait long before she saw lando jogging towards her.
“you good?” he asked her on approach, his helmet long abandoned with his kart.
“the engine just died on me,” she told him, annoyed.
“i told max i thought i could hear it struggling when i passed you,” he told her, holding out his hand for her to climb out, “however, can’t have you not finish your first ever karting race.”
“climb on,” lando told her, crouching slightly and tapping his back for her to climb on.
y/n didn’t argue, she knew she’d lose. so she stood behind him, bouncing slightly before jumping onto his back, his hands moving to grab her legs and her arms wrapping around his neck loosely. he started running towards the finish line, y/n clinging tightly onto him whilst mimicking car noises, lando laughing loudly as she did.
“you two look like you’ve been doing this for years,” max called out, breathing through his laughter at the sight in front of him.
“we have,” they said in unison as they approached him. max knew this - he himself had fallen victim to giving y/n a piggyback a fair few times over the years - however it didn’t make the situation less funny to him.
lando placed y/n down with a soft thud, before realising something, his eyes widening.
“wait who won?”
“what do you mean ‘who won’?” she asked confused, “my engine died, lando.”
“i didn’t cross the line,” he whined, “i went to get you before i crossed it.”
“funny you should ask,” max interrupted, using the opportunity to turn to the camera set up, “we ran the VAR and…”
“are you waiting for a drumroll or…?” lando asked impatiently.
“don’t be mean,” y/n told him, slapping his arm lightly, “god forbid you not be so competitive for once.”
“so!” max started again, knowing their bickering could last hours if he didn’t interrupt, “we ran the VAR and you’ll be glad to know that….y/n - your foot was the first to cross the line!”
“yes!” she cheered, pumping her fist dramatically.
“how is that right? i was carrying her?” lando whined again.
“her foot was in front of you mate,” max laughed, “should’ve tucked it behind you if you wanted to win so bad,” he added, shrugging.
“that is the last time i do anything nice for you,” lando seethed jokingly, turning to face y/n before ruffling his hand through her hair to mess it up.
she dodged his hand quickly, head jerking sideways as she shouted at him.
“you’re such a sore loser.”
“i am not.”
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loversonthegrid · 29 days
Little things
WC: 720
Summary: Ways Pato shows you he loves you
-Watching your favorite show
Pato had never been big on watching TV, before he met you he’d just occasionally watched what was on. This was something that shocked you when you got together, as you’re an avid binge watcher. Being with Pato actually made you give up a lot of watching TV. Instead of using it as background for every situation, you often have a record playing, you’ll spend your free time together reading or just talking.
The one time you can not give up watching TV is when you’re sleeping. You always have something on while you’re trying to sleep, and Pato gets surprisingly interested. You’ll be half asleep and he’ll start asking you questions about the show which you have no clue the answer of so you’ll usually just mumble incoherently into his chest. The next day he’ll talk to you about the episodes you watched the nights before, and have you explain things to him. He sprinkled in constant references and jokes about your show in your everyday conversations now.
-Talking about kids with you
By your third date you’d both shared that you wanted kids, and Pato never hid that he’d want as many as you gave him. He’s always a little obsessed with the idea of you pregnant or having kids with you. When he’s around your nieces and nephews he never fails to make puppy dog eyes at you and ask if he can have one. When you pass baby clothes in a store he’ll grab a onesie, “Imagine how cute our baby would be in this,”
You usually just laugh him off, but it never fails to pull at your heart strings how desperately he wants to start a family with you.
-Making food less spicy for you
Pato loves to cook, and he’s the best boyfriend ever, so he’s always cooking for you. The problem is he’s very Mexican, and loves spicy food, you however do not. Despite him liking his food so spicy, he always makes very tame meals so you can eat it.
-Pet Names
Pato almost never uses your real name, he always has some sort of nickname for you. Some examples are amor, cariño, bella, and corazón.
-Bringing you coffee in the morning
He without fail is always up before you, so when you’re in the same city he sneaks out of bed to make you a cup of coffee, then sets it on your night table and climbs back into bed with you. You wake up with him clinging to you, pressing kisses to your shoulder, and the smell of coffee filling your nose.
-Being possessive in public
Pato really tried to not be controlling because at the end of the day he knows that you’re your own being and you owe him nothing, but when you insist on going out in a dress that makes his mouth water for everyone to see he really can’t help it. You’re in Monterey, and going out with a bunch of friends and other drivers to celebrate the end of the season. The dress you have on is a mini orange sparkly dress. In Pato’s mind it was down eight indecent how good you looked, the dress perfectly hugging your body.
The entire night he’s on top of you, never letting you get more than 5 feet from him. Even though he’s not much of a dancer, and you’d usually be with Emile on the dance floor, Pato is dancing with you the whole night. When you’re sitting at a table his hand is sitting possessive on your hip and pulling you as close to him as possible. The final straw was when a drunk guy starting hitting on you. When you got back to your hotel room he was all over you, he only got more wound up when you told him you picked out the orange dress for him/mclaren.
-Not letting you get out of bed
Even though he wakes up before you, he could spend hours in bed wrapped up in you. When you try to get up, he’ll usually cling so hard to you you can’t move. On days after you’ve been separated for a while he’ll barely let you get out of bed the entire day. Alternating between slow, loving sex and sweet, sleepy cuddles.
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loversonthegrid · 29 days
Birthday Wishes
WC: 2k
Summary: YN gives Pato a birthday surprise
Tags: smut, fluff if you squint, oral (m&f receiving)
It’s a rare day that they get to wake up without an alarm blaring. One of them always has to be up for work or some other engagement, but today Pato is off between races, and YN took off to spend the day with him. Her first thought as she began to wake is to curl deeper into Pato and enjoy as many cuddles as she could before she had to start the day. As soon as she’s awake enough to realize what today is, her plans quickly change.
Pulling back enough to look at Pato, the white sheets are sitting low on his hips, leaving his chest completely exposed. The light coming in through the windows puts a glow on his tan skin, accentuating his abs, and the sunshine has made his chest warm. The trail of hair from his navel to below the sheets teases her, she knows where it leads and it makes her mouth water. She can’t wait anymore and leans over, placing a tentative kiss to his lips.
When that does nothing to wake him she continues, placing a kiss on his cheek, his jaw, his pulse-point, a few down his neck and across his collar bone. “Amor, wake up, it’s your birthday.” He leans his head back to give her more access and smirks, so she knows he’s awake. Straddling him so she can reach better, YN kisses across his other collar bone and up the opposite side of his neck. When she reaches his pulse-point, she scrapes her teeth across it, and he lets out a groan. Continuing the same pattern up his jaw and cheek, YN makes her way back to his lips, and slots their lips together. “Feliz”, another kiss, “Cumpleaños” and another.
“What did I do to deserve all this?” his voice is still laced with sleep.
“Today is your day, and you deserve to be celebrated.”
“Well in that case,” a cocky grin paints his face as he leans back in to kiss her.
They lay together with YN still straddling his waist for a while, neither in any hurry to get the day started. The kiss started, slow, soft, with Pato’s hand cupping her cheek, but grew in intensity. Neither minded the morning breath, or seemed to notice, both too encapsulated with each other.
Pato’s hand ventured from her face down her sides, he slipped a hand under her shirt and quickly found her exposed nipples. He ran his thumb across the hardened bud and relished in the noise it drew from her. The hand still on her waist tentatively pressed down, encouraging her to grind against him. As soon as she did he was moaning into her mouth.
YN can feel the effect their kissing had on him below her, and continued moving against him. Two thin layers of underwear are the only thing between them, and it’s the perfect amount of friction against her.
Pato is panting as she continues to use him, “Amor, please,” he’s never been ashamed to beg if it’ll get him what he wants, which is currently nothing more than to be in YN.
YN isn’t done yet, she wants to put on a show and make him see stars. She slows her hips, but doesn’t completely still them as she sits up and gets rid of his shirt that she wore to bed. His hands immediately go to her waist grabbing hard enough to leave marks. She’s a vision like this, sitting atop his waist in nothing but a small pair of underwear, soaking them both as she uses him to get herself off.
Leaning down to place another kiss to his lips she gathers her hair and ties it out of the way before whispering in his ear. “Alright, birthday boy, make a wish.” She bites playfully at his ear before sitting up, but it clearly has the desired effect on him as he bucks his hips upwards.
“Fuck,” He’s forcing her down onto him now enjoying the moans he’s drawing from her. “sit on my face.”
“Uh-uh, today’s about you and making you feel good.”
“Trust me, there’s nowhere I want to be more than between your thighs right now, please baby.” and YN is a mere mortal so who is she to deny that request, especially when he adds a slight pout to his lip at the end of his sentence.
“Alright, your wish is my command.” He laughs at that a little as she positions herself off of him. YN always thought laughing during sex was a myth but everything with Pato was so different. He made her laugh 24/7 and she was always so comfortable with him. They easily switched from hot and heavy dirty talk to giggles frequently while having sex, or as Pato sometimes referred to it, only to make YN squeem, making love.
YN strips herself of her underwear and climbs back on Pato, this time straddling his chest. Immediately he grabs her ass and starts urging her forward. She keeps herself lifted above him for approximately .3 seconds before he forces her hips down onto his face.
Pato wastes no time in diving straight in. He begins to lap feverishly at her opening, and his nose rubs against her clit. He takes his time, exploring different rhythms as his tongue prods in and out of her entrance. Looking down at him she finds him looking back at her watching how his every movement affects her, and sees nothing but bliss in his eyes.
When he moves his head and starts focusing on her clit she’s done for. As soon as his tongue darts across the bud YN is screaming out and moving her hands from the headboard to his hair. He sucks on her clit and as she shouts, “fuck, baby, so good” she pulls on his hair making him moan into her.
He sets a pattern, alternating between licking and sucking, and she’s a goner. It’s just on the right edge of too much when he starts moaning around her. She can feel the familiar knot forming in her stomach and her thighs are shaking where they’re clenched around his head.
YN screams as she comes undone, and Pato flattens his tongue to let her ride out her high. He rubs her thighs and up her waist as she slowly starts to come down. When she leans forward and hangs her head he can tell how thoroughly fucksd out she looks. It sends a jolt to his cock to know he’s the one that gets her like this.
His cock which has taken a back burner and he is only now realizing is so hard it hurts. YN shimmies her way back down to his waist. “You’re too good to me.” Instead of waiting for an answer she slots their mouths together, tongues automatically beginning to dance.
It’s not rushed like it was before she takes her time exploring his mouth and taking him apart. When she finally pulls back after minutes or hours, Pato’s panting. Without saying anything else she moves on from his mouth, kissing a trail down his jaw, occasionally biting but not hard enough to leave any marks.
He throws his head back and YN continues her path down his throat, softly mouthing over his adam’s apple. Just below his collar bone she bites hard enough to leave a mark which has Pato moaning and begging for more. She knows him well enough to know he’ll walk around shirtless whenever possible this weekend and revel in whatever comments are made about the purple marks across his chest. Not stopping there, she leaves many more across his pecs and down his abs. Switching between leaving marks and tracing his abs with her tongue.
Finally she’s brought to where she’s wanted to be since she first woke up. She’s more laying in between his legs now, the comforter long forgotten and kicked off the bed, and she’s face to face with his happy trail. The V formed by his pelvic bones are teasing her, knowing where they lead.
Cautiously she brings her lips to the head of his cock and mouths at it through the fabric of his underwear. She’s immediately delighted by the darkening spot by his head, and knows there’s precome leaking from his tip.
Hissing he grabs a handful of her hair in a fist, “You can not do that if you want me to last at all.”
In lieu of an answer she removes his boxers, the way his cock springs up and hits his stomach makes her want it more. Settling back in to her spot between his legs, she gently grabs the base and begins working his precome down his shaft to make the glide easier. As she uses a hand to work up and down his shaft, she brings her mouth to the head, and sucks the tiniest bit.
She can tell how on edge he is by the way his hand tugs at her hair, the burn delicious. When another blot of precome escapes him she presses her tongue slightly into his slit making him groan and his hips lift off the bed. “Fuck, baby, please you’re too good”
She basks in the praise and takes more of him into her mouth. She focuses on keeping her throat open and breath even as she tries to take all of him. When her nose touches against his pubic bone she makes her way back up. Pato babbles a lot during sex, “Baby, it’s good, so good, you’re perfect, please please please” He doesn’t even know what he’s asking for but she understands, taking him all the way again.
When she pulls back this time she keeps her hand stroking him, then runs her tongue over the vein on the underside of his cock, swirling around the head when she gets there. Alternating between deep throating him and just appreciating his dick because god is it pretty, YN has him tumbling dangerously close towards the edge.
YN can tell he’s almost there because he’s an incoherent mess, muttering words in Spanish and English, pulling on her hair, and begging for more. She can see his abs clenching as she takes him into her throat again. He tries to pull her off by yanking on her hair, but she doesn’t budge, instead he shoots hot liquid down her throat. He really doesn’t mean to but he gets too caught up in the moment and jerks farther into her mouth causing her to sputter and pull off of him. When he comes back down, he sees the tears running down her face and realizes what he did.
He begins to apologize immediately, “Mi amor, I’m so sorry I didn’t want to hurt-“ his rant which was sure to be long winded and unnecessary is cut off by YN slotting their lips back together.
“Hey, I’m all good, no worse for the wear alright?”
He laughs at her, partly because she’s ridiculous, and partly because he’s so in love he can’t believe it. “I love you so much you know. Best birthday ever.”
“Oh yeah? It’s only 10:00, you sure you want to declare that already?”
“Trust me, nothing’s topped that.” he has a shit eating grin on his face and YN rolls off of him and throws a pillow at his head.
“You’re ridiculous,” Pato pulls her into his side to cuddle against him.
“Yeah, but you love me,”
“I do. I don’t know why sometimes, but I do.”
Pato switches the position they’d spent most of the morning in and rolls on top of her, but finds her waist and begins to tickle her. “I can’t believe you’d say such a thing, and on my birthday! Take it back!”
She’s laughing so hard it’s hard for her to get the words out, “Fine, fine, I love you and I know exactly why.”
Pato let’s up on his assault, “Good, now tell me all the reasons.”
YN took the same pillow from before and threw it at him again. “and I thought 25 was the age you were going to grow up, silly me.”
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loversonthegrid · 29 days
Home Is With You
pairing: pato o’ward x reader
summary: snapshots of love and life with the love of your life. 
author’s note: this one doesn’t have a total plot but it’s giving more snapshots of life with boyfriend pato <333
all photos are from instagram and/or pinterest :) 
written in the photos series masterlist
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loversonthegrid · 1 month
absolutely devastating ending for pato, and i had to write something to comfort him, even if it’s just in my head.
The driver’s room was eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the energy of the room prior to the race. The rain delay meant you had 4 hours to kill this morning and Pato had decided the best way to kill that time was singing karaoke. It’s ironic now, you can hear the muffled tune of Party in the USA, the same song he was singing earlier, but it wasn’t fun anymore.
You hesitate at the door, not knowing how to approach him or what to say. He’s slumped on the couch with his head hung, and you know he’s been crying. You finally decide to just sit on the couch next to him, wrapping your arm around his waist, and wait for him to talk.
It was several minutes before he said anything, “I wanted to win so bad, I tried so hard.” his voice broke as he said it.
It absolutely broke your heart to see him like this, “Oh, amor,” he starts crying harder as you pull him into your chest. “you gave it everything you had, that’s all anyone could ever ask from you.”
“What if that’s not enough? I let down so many people today, and I just keep letting the team down.”
His words make you sick, “Baby, look at me,” he does, and you grab his face with both of your hands. “You drove this car to a better finish than it should’ve had, so don’t for a second think that you are not enough, you are everything, to the team and to me.”
You drop your hands from his face and he looks down at his lap before responding. “I want to win for you. Obviously for the team and the sponsors and all the fans, but mostly I just want to win for you.”
Part of you can’t believe what he’s saying, he’s the most competitive person you’ve ever met, and part of you wants to laugh and say he just wants the bragging rights, but looking at him you know he’s telling the truth. Looking at him you can tell he thinks you’re his whole world, and you’ve never been more sure about spending forever with him. “You already have. You are always a winner to me.”
“I love you so much, I’m going to bring it home for you next year, I promise.”
He’s finally cracked a smile, and the tears on his face have dried, “and I promise that when you do, I will get your name tattooed on my ass.”
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