World Riris
20 posts
Hello everyone. Call me Riris. I'm an aspiring author here. English is not my native language, so I use a translator. Sorry for the mistakes.
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loveririska · 22 hours ago
I don't like the way Apollo's face turned out… But the redness of the body, ahem.And the second one is a daily dose of hugs.
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loveririska · 14 days ago
The altar in Hellenism.
This article is based on the work of my mentor and my additions.
The altar is a sacred space where ritual and magical actions are performed, where we address and contact the gods, it is a place of spiritual encounter with the divine. The altar is often the heart of our home, a reflection of us and our lives.
Previously, altars were located at temples of the gods, or home altars were in the backyard of the dwelling. Offerings were presented there and many of them were burned.
But if you look at the old records, altars, or rather shrines, were also at home.
And so, the rules of the altar:
1. The altar is located on a flat surface. It can be a table, a chest of drawers, a window sill. Choose with your heart.)
2. The altar is limited by the fabric. Bedspreads, tablecloths, napkins. There are no specific rules for the fabric. Whatever you like. We keep fire safety in mind. I recently burned the tablecloth.
3. We install the image of the god / gods whom we worship. It can be an image that you like (Pinterest art, a photo of a statue...) and you can purchase a statue/bust of a god. There may be several of them, but there are no restrictions. For example, I ordered a bigger and smaller bust.
4. The figurines are cleaned. It is considered, especially if you buy with your own hands, that they carry unnecessary energy for us. You need to clean it physically - wipe it off from dust. It all depends on what the statuette is made of. And energetically. I will recommend 2 ways, but there are more of them.
A. Fire and incense. With fire, we hold the statuette high above the candles so that the statuette does not suffer, and imagine how the flame cleanses it.
Incense - there are several incense that can be used for fumigation, even for beginners and without harm to health: Laurel, lavender, frankincense, Paulo santo. We set fire to it and clean it with smoke around the statuette.
B. Salt. They filled the statuette with salt and left it for a day. When we remove it, we do not touch the salt with our hands! You can wear gloves. We dispose of the salt. The statuette is clean.
5. The altar candle. The candle is placed in the middle and from it to the figurines is the divine part. We put offerings there, we put objects that we give to God. From the candle to us is our space. Here we can do all kinds of work: guessing, preparing an offering, meditating. For example, I study religion and magic here.
An altar candle is a large candle that burns for a long time (from 3 hours.) We use it to open the altar, calling God to us, to the room, to the altar. It is best to use a wax candle - wax is a great guide to our intentions. If there is no wax, then paraffin wax is also suitable. Candles are matched to God.
6. The objects that we place on the altar symbolize what is happening in our minds and hearts. Therefore, try to ensure that your altar is not clogged with those things that do not carry any functionality in this space. I personally ordered a box where I will put all inedible offerings.
7. Remember that the altar must be clean. The gods will come where it's clean.(Temples were often cleaned and statues were dusted.) You can decorate the altar for the holidays. The gods will love it.)
8. Incense. My favorite part! The gods love incense! Frankincense is suitable for everyone. Each god has his own flavors. I'm thinking of ordering an incense burner where I'll burn laurel and incense for Apollo. I also have incense sticks. You can also use an aroma lamp!
9. The altar can be permanent, temporary and for travel. Temporary is when we turn to some god on a one-time basis and make offerings to him in gratitude. For example: If you need help in a romantic relationship, we turn to Aphrodite. But, for example, we don't want to work with her all the time.)
10. I would like to add that it is good to have a bowl and a cup (glass) for offerings. I'm an aesthete to the point of horror, so even for offerings, I ordered a plate for edible offerings and a glass for liquid ones. Plus, I have a pitcher and a deep bowl for libations.
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an example of a good location on the altar
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loveririska · 14 days ago
Offerings to the gods.
An offering is a "meal" for the gods. We transfer energy to them. The very object that we transmit carries energy, as well as we fill it ourselves. Offerings are needed to build a solid channel of communication with the gods and gratitude to them.
The offerings come from the heart! We have no specific rules (except for holidays) on how many times a week to make offerings!
There are two types of offerings: Material and non-material. The material ones are divided into; edible, non-edible.
I will be writing an article on the offerings of my patron, Apollo.
Let's start with the material ones.
Edible - I think it's clear that we are presenting food. Apollo is presented with food in the amount of 3 or 9.
The food is chosen according to the god to whom you want to bring it.
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I can say for Apollo:
1. Bread products. Especially if you made them yourself. I recently brought pancakes.
2. Honey. It can be used both separately and to lubricate food with it.(The Hellenes presented cakes with honey)
3. Citrus fruits.
4. Cheese and parsley. Like honey, you can use it with pastries.
5. Meat. READY-made meat. In the 21st century, we don't make blood offerings! The law, moral standards and ... we will not be able to kill the animal immediately, and if it suffered, it is no longer a sacred sacrifice. Apollo bluntly told me: The meat that you cook!
6. Wine. Semi-sweet white, sweet.
7. Milk.
8. Olives.
9. Grapes.
Information about what exactly your god loves can be easily found on the Internet. If you don't know, I can search and tell you)
Important. We keep edible offerings on the altar for a maximum of a day! Who would be pleased to smell unpleasant?
1. Stones: Citrine, rock crystal, selenite, lapis lazuli, amber and other stones associated with the sun, light.
2. Figurines \ objects that are related to your god. For Apollo, these are: Lyre, bow and arrow (gold, gilt), dolphin, raven.
3. Images with the sun and moon. This is how I presented my favorite moon and sun earrings.
4. The light. It is worth noting that Apollo is the god of LIGHT, not the sun! The sun gives light, the moon gives light, the stars shine. I have a sun/light catcher hanging above the altar. A photograph of the rays of light, candles, or the candles themselves.
5. LAUREL! I don't see many people with laurels on their altars... This is literally one of the sacred trees! You can put a laurel wreath, bay leaves. You can decorate with a laurel (I saw a golden laurel wreath, very cool).
6. Incense. Frankincense, laurel, mint, calendula, santo. And other medicinal incense. You can just buy marigold flowers and put them in a bag.) You can also put cedar or cypress leaves/ twigs.
7. Flowers. Alive. Hyacinth and sunflower. I have them growing in pots. You can use lavender and all the flowers that represent the sun. For example, an aster. If we put fresh flowers in a vase, we remove them as they begin to fade.
8. Any gold/gilt objects.
9. Something that we will create ourselves! This is a magnificent offering: we will fill it with energy ourselves. I have received a request to mold a temple onto an altar and sew a toga.
I recommend purchasing a jewelry box where you will put all the stones and jewelry.) Our altar is clean.)
Not material:
1. MUSIC. Singing, praising God. I remind you that Apollo is associated with music. You can play musical instruments.
2. Dancing. Dancing under the sun's rays, mm... Or the moon.
3. Hymns and praises. This is the base for all the gods. We can write it ourselves, we can take it from Homer, for example.
4. We take care of our health. It was written by a sick man ehehe... Especially when I'm openly hinting at you.)
5. Studying medicine completely is a chore... It will be enough that you study first aid.But here's your wish.
6. The Manticore. Studying tarot, pendulum, wax, coffee, and more.
7. Studying the biography of God. Myths about the family, opinions and discoveries from scientists, reenactors.
8. A base for everyone - learning the basics of religion. By accepting religion, we choose not only God, but also principles and morals.
9. According to my observations, respect for his sister Artemis.
10. A walk in the sun. We don't forget the protection.)
If you need help, I'll tell you.)
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loveririska · 1 month ago
Okay, I didn't think I'd touch on this topic here, but I think it's worth sharing my experience.
I am an esotericist. A witch, a practitioner, a priestess are one thing. I am in constant development and I consider information from different directions.
So, despite the fact that I am Russian and from a Christian family, my religion is Hellenism. My main deity is Apollo, as my mentor.
A brief history of how and why I realized this and chose it.
1. Christianity is not to my liking. There are many controversial points for me that I cannot accept.
2. I am a terologist, a candle practitioner.Spontaneous. I study the world from different traditions and forces.
3. With the help of other practitioners, I contacted my deity. And yes, hello, Apollo.(I can write a post about this separately.)
And so, what triggers me a little bit is the influence of Christianity on Hellenism. !!!! THERE ARE NO PRAYERS HERE!!! You can PRAISE AND ASK your god/gods, but you don't pray to them. It's different. You don't have to ask for forgiveness for your sins. The sins are CHRISTIANITY. You will have to answer for your misdeeds later in the kingdom of the dead. The gods of Olympus are more human. If you've read the myths, you know what I mean. And in principle, many pantheons of gods are human.
Try, at least in small steps, to eradicate the Christian roots in Hellenism. May the light be with you. ;3
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loveririska · 2 months ago
Dropping by to say that you made some great research for Steb over here (I'm taking most of it as personal headcanon from now on). It would be great to see more in the future if you ever have time and wish to do so.
Thank you :)
Waaa, thanks for the feedback. I am very pleased that my work helps someone.)
Everything about Piltover and Zaun is currently in development. There are plans to eat Vastaya (although there is not much information about this).
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loveririska · 3 months ago
I decided to make aesthetic collages for fanfiction. Yes, yes, what else to do at night.
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loveririska · 3 months ago
Argh, the creators of the Arcane make me puzzle. I thought for a long time that it was Vastaya's scar, but it's a Chirean. So you're saying that he and these little puffy guys are the same kind? Then Steb can be a human fish, although he doesn't fit the description?!
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loveririska · 3 months ago
Ehehe, here's the cover for the first part of the fanfiction.
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loveririska · 3 months ago
As a reminder, amphibians live mainly in freshwater, which means that the Steb smells like a river.😍
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loveririska · 3 months ago
And again, there are many letters. My analysis of Vastaya Zaun and Piltover. Complemented the amphibious Vastaya.
This time I want to touch on the topic of Vastaya in Piltover and Zaun. Attitude to them, types. There will also be a discussion on the type of Steb. But first things first.
And so, let's start with the species diversity of Vastaya in these cities.
1. Amphibious Vastaya.(Jericho, Banter, etc.)
2. Vastaya - bats.(Skar and others.)
3. Vastaya - mountain sheep.
4. Other types are isolated.
If we compare the number of individuals in cities, there are more in Zaun.(Except for the sheep.) Why is that? One of my versions is related to the biological features of the species. Remember where most species of bats live? Where it's humid and dark. Amphibians also love twilight and humid places. And where is it darker?In Zaun! If we recall physics, where is the humidity higher? Near the ground and in the lowlands. Which city is lower? Zaun.
This choice of accommodation is related to the peculiarity of animals. The amphibian, in order to maintain skin hydration, leads a nocturnal lifestyle, since the absence of sunlight prevents evaporation. Mice are guided by sound waves.At the same time, many of these species sleep during the day.
There are more sheep in Piltover, and isolated individuals are found in Zaun. Take a look at the screenshots for yourself.
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(If you remember, in the first season we were shown in Piltover Vastaya - the bat. And yes, I found another Amphibian there.)
But let's focus on Amphibians.
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I have already said once why I think they are amphibious Vastaya, but now I want to clearly show my guesses.(Although, to be honest, I had a thought that they were Sharks.) Also, let's touch on the attitude of Banter towards them.
Anatomical features.
A. Skin. All Amphibian Vastaya have a greenish skin tone with darker stripes on the head and neck.And there are dark spots on the skin.(Usually the shoulders and forearms.) The skin itself is smooth, without scales or any outgrowths.
B. The presence or absence of hair. Do you know what is the most important difference between Banter and its "relatives"? THE PRESENCE OF EYEBROWS! As you can see from the screenshots, the amphibian Bastards have no eyebrows at all. About the hair on the head, it's debatable. If you look closely at the screen where Isha is, one of the Bastards has a pink mohawk. I don't think it's a fin. And so, yes, most of them have no hair. Let me remind you that only terrestrial animals have hair. It is needed for thermoregulation and protection. (This is how eyebrows protect your eyes from sweat, for example. The hair on the head is protected from sunstroke and burning.Body hair protects the pores.) I would again think that the Banter stands out strongly against their background...IF I HADN'T FOUND THIS. Screenshot from the first season. That Vastaya has hair on her head!
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C.) Eyes. Amphibians have predominantly bright blue eyes with rounded pupils.
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d.) Physique. In addition to Jericho, the Vastaya of this species have an asthenic physique.
An asthenic is a person with a body type characterized by tall stature, thinness, a long neck, a longitudinally elongated skull, and a narrow sharply defined face.
What a pumped-up asthenic looks like.
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And now we remember Steb. I don't think any further explanation is necessary. We remember the amphibian girls. Also. Actually, that's why they have such a physique. It's just great underwater. A well-developed musculature (like that of the same Scar) is not needed underwater, due to the density of the water.You have a foothold for action. You need to stretch it out for swimming, so it's easier to perform maneuvers. Streamlined body and face. Underwater, the density is high, and in order to move, you need to reduce the resistance.Did I notice that the face in the profile of the Steb is more even? He doesn't have a strong protrusion of nose and chin. I'll attach a screenshot, I hope you understand what I mean.
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E.) And finally, I ask fins . Amphibian fins have CARTILAGINOUS fins, like our auricles or noses.That is, they are quite flexible and sensitive.Ahem…I'm sorry, I don't think that's why. Do you know what else I noticed? ONLY Steb (of all the Easties that were shown to us from the back) has a dorsal fin. I have a theory based on amphibians that the dorsal fin is an indicator of the age of the species. Until adulthood, amphibians have a dorsal fin, but later it disappears, as the individual uses water only for reproduction.
And by the way, there are SCALES under Steb's eyes. Here, I honestly don't know how to comment on it, that's why I thought he was a SHARK. Diamond-shaped scales - observed in Sharks.Actually, why is it scales? Look at the YouTube moments with him without music, only with sounds. At the moments where the scales are moving, there is a sound like scales. The fins have a more muffled sound. With his scales, he catches and reads the air currents, assessing the situation when he does not see.(Many aquatic species do not see well in the distance, so they have developed other organs of touch.)
Actually, I believe that the Steb is of the same species as the Amphibian Wastaya, but perhaps a different subspecies.No one has canceled evolution)
I still think he's a half-breed, though. At least because of the ears. His auricle is similar in size to a human's and is pressed against his head. At the same time, it is more convex in other amphibians.
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loveririska · 3 months ago
Please, give me some ideas on the Steb to investigate.🥹
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loveririska · 3 months ago
Wow, I've created a community for Stab lovers. There you can upload all the content with our boy and chat)
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loveririska · 3 months ago
New post investigation. Careful, there are a lot of letters.
And so, my new post-reasoning is an investigation. We will consider 2 issues:
1. Origin.
2. Approximate rank.
And the result is an approximate age. They are both interconnected, so one will flow from the other.
1. Origin.
According to the gaming champion from the League of Legends, Vasthaya Shai, for about 100 years a purebred Vasthaya has not been born in the world. This is due to the fact that the balance of magic in the world is disrupted (because of people), and Vastayas are associated with magic. She's like life to them. (I remind you that in ancient times people turned to the spirit world for help, some of them became the founders of Vastaya.) The flow of magic is weakening and apparently the reproductive system of Vastaya is also suffering, BUT this does not apply to the establishment of offspring with humans. The League of Legends already has a half-breed Settrich Vasthaya. His mother is a Vasthaya, and his father is a Human. At the same time, we do not know who his mother is (fox, wolf, etc.).
If you look at Settrich, he looks like a man, but there are ears on top of his head.(Different from his mother's ears!) He doesn't have claws (Mom does. A phrase from the game: I remember how she wiped her tears with her claws.), no fur (Of course, it's debatable here, we didn't see him completely naked. A game phrase: Bald for Vasthaya, overgrown for people.) And he has long fangs, like a predator. Apparently, they got it from Mom.
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From this information, we conclude that the half-breed vastayi will look even more like a human. Actually, Steb looks more human than his fellow Zaun. At a minimum, the presence of thick hair and the absence of sharp teeth tells us about this. Perhaps one of his parents was Vastayi from Zaun.
BUT, this whole theory is true according to LOR LoL today. Arcane has already forced developers to start rewriting the story of some characters.
2. His rank.
Again, that's about it. The canon is only from the creators of the universe.
At the beginning of the second season, he and Maddy are in the rank of junior officer (approximately. Maybe there's another system there.) This title is given to beginners, chicks who have just left the walls of the Peacekeeper Academy. (Again, is there one?) and people without influential connections. Their task is to patrol the city and solve minor crimes. And they have a black headdress.
There are also "elite" peacekeepers. The elite are people with work experience, or with connections.(We remember Caitlin in the first season.) They are also on patrol and are engaged in more serious crimes. Only, they don't patrol the city, but rather protect the nobility and guard all kinds of banquets.(Again, we recall Caitlin's first season and Jinx's fire.)
And the finale is a shock group. Security forces. A special unit that takes on the most dangerous and difficult tasks. They wear berets. We can say that they are already closer to the military than to the patrol.(In reality, berets are worn by special police units instead of other headdresses. They work where ordinary police officers are powerless. For example, during the uprising of the people against the government, with the use of weapons, etc., dangerous groups are eliminated. ) That is, the first two work with the court, provide daily protection for citizens. But berets are used in dangerous situations. Caitlin also wears a beret in the second season, when she becomes Commander-in-Chief. Her beret is different in color from everyone else.
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Take a closer look at the background. All three ranks of peacekeepers are there.
The difference in the shape itself.
For the younger members, the tunic looks like an elongated raincoat that fastens from the side. Notice the collars and shoulder pads.
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The Elite has a uniform with white elements. More elegant. Why do I call them the Elite? White is the color of nobility. It is the most branded color. Light-colored clothes have always been considered the lot of the nobility, and they cost more. This means that the status can be shown through the color. There are also shoulder pads, only slightly different.
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And a strike force. They have the same style of tunic, but with some differences in collars and belts. Here we have already done specifically for the characters to show their role in the squad. For example, Vai and Loris wear shoulder pads, because they are melee fighters. Steb has a lot of bags, because he is a peacemaker-medic. Maddy have a chest shield so that the bullet wouldn't hit her heart. And Caitlin, she's a sniper, she's poorly protected.Plus, they wear white shirts and note that they have an emblem on their hands like a beret. I think the shoulder pads and the emblem are like chevrons indicating rank.Plus, then Steb acts as a leader on the Bridge and during the battle, he is obeyed. Apparently, his rank is not lower than Captain! The boy has grown so much...
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from all of the above, we can conclude that Steb is about 20-25 years old. Maybe he's Caitlin's age. For he could learn first aid skills while training peacekeepers.(As an additional course.) He's not a doctor, but a field medic.
These are just my views, you can offer your own.♥
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loveririska · 3 months ago
I'm already burning up from people who write that Steb is not a vastaya, but a fish man from Bilgewater. In the lore, those people look like a dropfish...A DROP!!! They heard information about fish people somewhere and let's shove it everywhere. And you can't prove it to them anymore. My poor amphibian, who are you being compared to..
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loveririska · 3 months ago
I've already drawn as much art as there won't be any moments in fanfiction, but my brain generates everything. They may be fast, not particularly high-quality, but two pots will definitely be well drawn. And I haven't started writing fan fiction yet...Steb, what are you doing to me.
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loveririska · 4 months ago
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spoiler :3
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loveririska · 4 months ago
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