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loveofthemoon · 3 months ago
i 100% believe thin thighs would fix my problems
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loveofthemoon · 6 months ago
i’m sooo normal about the thought of someone holding my waist i’m sooo normal about the thought of someone holding my waist i’m sooo norma-
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loveofthemoon · 9 months ago
my meds have made me lose about 1Ølbz in a week I'm so pumped. definitely going to keep on it
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loveofthemoon · 9 months ago
my dash is SO DRY lately soooo ->
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loveofthemoon · 9 months ago
constantly thinking about all the cute outfits i'll wear once i'm skinny
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loveofthemoon · 9 months ago
good news friends, my doctor just started me on a wl medication and I've been eating significantly less. Bad news is that my roommate keeps saying that they're not pretty enough and they'll never be loved or have a partner even tho they're talking to someone rn and I can't help but think that if they're feeling that then what the hell am I supposed to feel
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loveofthemoon · 9 months ago
Offerings for Hekate
In case you don’t want to read this whole passage, I have highlighted the offerings. 
Traditional offerings to Hekate consisted of a lot of animal sacrifice, but so did most of the Ancient Greek gods. But, her offerings also had components of other kinds. One such example is found in the Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes (the edition I quote from is the Penguin Classics Voyage of the Argonaut). In this quote, Medea, the witch priestess of Hekate, instructs Jason on how to make an offering to Hekate:
”Wait for the moment of midnight and after bathing in an ever running river, go out alone in sombre clothes and and dig a round pit in the earth. There, kill an ewe and after heaping up a pyre over the pit, sacrifice it whole, with a libation of honey from the hive and prayers to Hecate, Perses’ only Daughter. Then, when you have invoked the goddess duly, withdraw from the pyre. And do not be tempted to look behind you as you go, either by footfalls or the baying of hounds, or you may ruin everything and never meet your friends alive”
(Page 136, Book III, lines 1002-1044)
The methods used here to perform the offerings were very common for deities like Hekate. She is a chthonic deity which means she resides in the Underworld, or at least lives there sometimes. When performing offerings for these deities and for the dead, they would be poured/sacrificed directly onto the earth, or in most cases a pit that was dug. Also in this passage, we see two offerings: honey and an ewe. Also noticed is the suggestion not to look back. This is quite a common practice when honoring chthonic beings such as Hekate.
Another passage which describes an offerings to Hekate comes from a later Latin (which is probably considered a little less traditional) text that also discusses the workings of the witch priestess Medea:
“As she came Medea stopped before the threshold and the door; covered by the sky alone, she avoided her husband’s embrace, and built two turf altars, one on the right to Hecate and one on the left to Youth. She wreathed these with boughs from the wild wood, then hard by she dug two ditches in the earth and performed her rites; plunging her knife into the throat of a back sheep, she drenched the open ditches with his blood. Next she poured upon it bowls of liquid wine, and again bowls of milk still warm…”
(Ovid’s Metamorphoses page 128 from book VII in the Barnes & Noble Classics edition)
Again, we see the sacrifice of a sheep, but this time, there is the edition of wine and milk.
As seen, though animal sacrifice is a common motif, there are offerings which require no animal bloodshed. The philosopher Porphyry in his work On Abstinence expanded upon this by writing about other offerings given to Hekate:
“He diligently sacrificed to them at proper times in every month at the new moon, crowning and adorning the statues of Hermes and Hecate, and the other sacred images which were left to us by our ancestors, and that he also honored the gods frankincense, and sacred wafers and cakes.”
(Porphyry On Abstinence quoted in Hekate: Liminal Rites by Sorita D’Este)
Porphyry’s quote displays a few offerings: frankincense and sacred wafers and cakes. Incense was a common offering to the gods, and remains so today. However, incense was not usually given to chthonic deities. This is slightly different for Hekate most likely because she was not always in the role of a chthonic deity. She was often honored in an ouranic, or heavenly, aspect. This could account for the offering of frankincense.
Some more offerings recommended are found in Sorita D’Este’s book Hekate: Liminal Rites, which I think is a must read for any Hekate follower. In the book she includes a chart which lists offerings of garlic, mullet, eggs, and cheese. Though this book is modern, these are often commonly accepted as traditional offerings to Hekate. She also references cakes called amphiphon which is described as a “flat cheesecake which was surrounded by small torches” offered to her at the Deipnon.
I have outlined some traditional offerings to Hekate, but I have some of my own that I find she enjoys from my experience honoring her. I have found that candles, scented or unscented, sprinkled with her sacred herbs make good offerings, not only for the evaporation of substance, but for the presence of a flame. As a torch-bearing goddess, I figured she might like fires. Another offering I give to her is just a modification of a traditional one. When offering milk to her, I sprinkle cinnamon in it for extra flavoring. Another thing I have found to be an effective offering is blood. I often give her my blood on festivals and celebrations, but I also offer it to her when I am in serious need of her assistance. These offerings aren’t really traditional, but they have worked well enough for me!
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loveofthemoon · 9 months ago
Offerings for the Goddess: Hekate
These offering ideas can of course be changed depending on what you have available to you, what you can make and what you connect with but these are just a few of the items I find work best for me when I give offerings to the goddess of crossroads, witchcraft and so much more!
items labeled with * are things I find are extremely well received
Cakes - lit with candles especially 
Pomegranates *
Milk - I prefer warmed milk but I’m not aware if She has a preference 
Chocolates - I usually offer dark chocolates 
Poppy seeds
Blood - I’m only listening this because it’s worked wildly well for me but DO NOT ATTEMPT if you do/have struggled with self harm of any kind or are easily made ill due to the sight of blood. Hekate understand you cannot give Her your essence and she values your mental health and well being more than anything you could ever give her!!! she will love and protect you reguardless!!
Frankincense *
Lavender *
Jasmine *
Citrus - especially orange 
Dragons Blood
keys *
Tea Lights 
Fires - i.e. bonfires *
Oil lamps 
Lavender *
Crow/Raven/Owl Feathers - only feathers naturally fallen off 
Statues of Her and Her sacred animals *
Poetry, literature, and music you heavily associate with Her **
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loveofthemoon · 10 months ago
I hate knowing that I will never be pretty enough to be the first choice. no guy will ever look my way and go "you're so hot" honestly at this fucking point, I crave being six feet under more than I crave being pretty
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loveofthemoon · 10 months ago
I'm talking to this guy I found on tinder and he keeps calling me beautiful and when I told him I was fat he was like okay??? I was like well I'm just letting you know in case you're not into that and he was like "I saw your profile and I swiped right for a reason" and I just can't help but feel like I'm being lied to consistently
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loveofthemoon · 10 months ago
I feel like lipstick on a pig is my life fucking motto, you mean to tell me that whenever I try to cover the problems on my face with makeup or when I try to wear pretty clothes, you can't see right through me? you can't tell that I have analyzed every part of my body, mapped out everything in my head that needs to change, starved and pushed and begged to just weigh 100lbs less? maybe its my fault, because I'm so massive, people don't care enough to look. I'll be left with surface level relationships bc I can't get my fucking shit together
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loveofthemoon · 10 months ago
my brain has just convinced me that because of how big I am, I will never be loveable. no man will want to date me. nobody will want to protect me. nobody will want to be around me. because if I'm fat then I don't deserve the love. I want so desperately to be the smallest person in the room, I want to be envied, I want to be loved and that's not gonna fucking happen if I look like a fat ass
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loveofthemoon · 10 months ago
fuck it. shout out to "high functioning" neurodivergents
the ones who can mask easily, the ones who can get social cues, the ones who have managed to go most of their life not even knowing they were ND because they didn't present as the stereotypical ND person.
the ones who can pay attention in class, understand social etiquette, who understand societial expectations
the ones who don't feel neurodivergent enough bc they don't struggle in the same ways/areas a lot of NDs do, or they can't relate to other NDs' experiences because they always understood these things easily
the ones with high empathy, the ones who DO get the joke, the ones who are constantly told that they can't possibly be neurodivergent because they don't act like what you'd expect a neurodivergent person to act like.
you are neurodivergent enough. you are valid, and so are your experiences. not struggling as much as others do in some places doesn't mean you dont struggle at all. your condition and diagnosis is valid. your symptoms are valid. YOU ARE VALID. not checking all the supposed boxes doesn't mean you aren't neurodivergent. you are enough. you are valid. you are loved. you are valued. you matter. you belong in neurodivergent spaces, you deserve to use whatever resources are available to you, you are allowed to take up space in these communities. and i am so, so proud of you.
feel free to, and actually, i encourage you to reblog this with your experiences. we belong in this community as much as anyone else. please also tag this w/ any neurodivergent conditions i may have forgotten 💙
since this is getting lots of notes I'd like to add, even if you're undiagnosed or maybe self diagnosed, for whatever reason, (i.e. can't get access to a diagnosis, not being taken seriously, or just not wanting an official diagnosis, etc.) this still applies to you. actually especially to you folks. don't think for a second you're not valid just bc you don't have the paperwork or whatever to say it
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loveofthemoon · 10 months ago
being 5'7" is so fucked. AND i'm a top. i suffer more than you could ever know.
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loveofthemoon · 10 months ago
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this is what I fucking get I swear the weight us visible on me so much so that other people see it. is this what everyone sees when they look at me? am i literally that humongous?
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loveofthemoon · 11 months ago
I forgot my ID at a friend's house this weekend and can't get lunch and part of my brain is happy because I haven't eaten since yesterday but the other half of my brain wants to cry because I'm hungry and I know weightloss doesn't work by just starving myself... I fucking hate this I want to leave
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loveofthemoon · 11 months ago
being healthy isn't enough. I need to be tiny, I need everyone to worry about how small I am. I need to be able to be moved with the fucking wind
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