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Hi, guys! Lala here. We all know the importance of having a morning and night routine, but I haven’t seen a lot of people talking about having a study routine. So I wanted to share mine with you and hopefully you guys can get some value out of it.
Do you have a study routine too or want to share some tips? Share them with me!
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🌻 little habits/things to do more of 🌻
make your bed. (no, really.)
set your top 3 to-dos for the day.
do your top 3 to-dos for the day. (heh)
unpack your bag when you get home.
prepare your things for the next day before sleeping.
skincare. (your basic cleanse and moisturize)
sweep the floor of your bedroom.
talk to your plants. (if you have plants)
update your financial report/expense tracker.
take a good photo.
hug at least three people. (seriously.)
polish your school shoes.
mop your bedroom floor.
dare i say, laundry. (don’t put it off!)
take a leisure walk.
review your past week and plan your next week accordingly. (a part of your routine may not be working–try something new)
make a piece of art. (a sketch, a collage, a quote in pretty lettering, a god-awful poem..)
sanitize your gadgets. (whip out the wet tissue and wipe away at your phone, your laptop, your mouse, your earphones–just don’t forget to IMMEDIATELY follow that up with a dry cloth to prevent fogging and short circuits)
watch a TED Talk.
make a new playlist.
wash your bag.
wash your shoes.
change the sheets of your bed and your pillows.
clip your nails. (honestly)
wax/shave. (if you want. i just really like how fresh my skin feels after i torture it with razors and wax strips)
wipe your shelves/the tops of your furniture clean. (try to avoid dusting. it just scatters the dirt everywhere. use a damp cloth instead)
see if there’s anything in your storage that you don’t need/want anymore and give stuff away or sell them.
review your month and plan the next one accordingly. (just like your weeks. remember to refer to your Life Goal/Year’s Goals page)
finish reading at least one book. (and review it!)
discover new songs.
- 🍂
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🌼🌻study smarter🌻🌼
(here are some study tips straight from my psych notes)
1. interest: the brain prioritizes by meaning, value, and relevance so u remember things better if ur interested
find a study partner
do extra practice or research
teach it to someone else (this works so well!)
2. intent: be actively paying attention. very little learning actually takes place without attention
use a concentration check sheet (every time u get distracted, put a check on ur sheet. this is supposed to program ur mind to pay attention)
while u read, talk back to the author
ask questions during lectures (this is scary ik!! but do it!)
3. basic background: make connections to what u already know
preview and skim the material before u read it. or google it!
write out a list of vocab words before a lecture and leave some spaces between them to fill in during the lecture
read ahead of lectures
watch crashcourse tbh
4. selectivity: start by studying whats important
look for bolded words, graphics, pictures, chapter review questions in ur readings
listen for verbal clues like emphasis and repetition during lectures
make urself a study guide as u read and write down questions for urself to answer later as review (kinda like cornell notes)
5. meaningful organization: u can learn/rmr better if u group ideas into diff categories
apply vocab words to ur life
make flashcards and sort them (try not to have more than seven items in one category!)
use mnemonics
6. recitation: saying ideas aloud in ur own words strengthens synaptic connections! when u say something aloud u r forcing urself to pay attention
after u read, ask urself questions
talk abt what u learned w/ classmates outside of class
again, teach someone else
7. visualization: ur brain’s quickest and longest-lasting response is to images
convert info into a chart or graph
draw it out
make a mental video of a process
look at picture/video examples
8. association: memory is increased when facts are consciously associated w something u already know. memory = making neural connections
ask urself: is this something i already know?
9. consolidation: give ur brain some time to establish a neural pathway
make a list of what u remember from class
review notes at the end of the day, every day
stop after reading each prg to write a question in ur notes
make ur own practice quiz
10. distributed practice: we all know cramming doesnt work but we do it anyway! but yeah short and frequent study sections work better
make a daily/weekly study schedule
create a time budget/time tracker (track everything ur doing for a week and see how u can be more efficient w/ the time u waste)
divide the reading/vocab by the number of days before an exam and do a little bit each day (u can use sticky notes to divide ur reading)
other tips:
stop stressing! this sounds stupid and it isnt going to be easy, but anxiety causes u to lose focus. try ur best to think positively. sleep a lot. minimize ur caffeine intake. take a walk maybe
when u need to remember something, look upward or close ur eyes (when ur eyes are open ur using visual parts of ur brain that u might not need to be using)
find a rival! (like the person right above u in class rank) secretly compete w/ them (envy can improve mental persistence bc it makes u focus more intensely) but dont overdo it!
walking and sleeping build memory storage in ur brain
eat flavonoids! (grapes, berries, tea leaves, cocoa beans make neurons in the brain more capable of forming new memories + increase blood flow to the brain)
obstacles force ur brain to try harder, so space learning lessons apart or create a puzzle to solve or change ur physical setting
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I’ve been working on being more conscious of how I write emails, and made this handy printable guide! I have a bad habit of overusing exclamation points, emojis, and qualifiers like “just” and “possibly” to sound extra-friendly and non-threatening in emails. (“Just wondering / just confirming / just checking / just making sure / just wanted to let you know”)
You are allowed to take up space. Your voice deserves to be heard. Your opinions matter. You don’t need to apologize for existing or asking for what you need. You are not “bossy” or “bitchy” for not sounding like a pep-machine 24/7.
If you act like a doormat, you better develop a taste for shoe leather. You have power too. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself— no one else is gonna do it for you. 💕 Support my art, join our awesome Discord community, and get exclusive access to new comics before anyone else: www.patreon.com/danidonovan
WANT MORE EMAIL TIPS? Check out my interview with Bored Panda! https://www.boredpanda.com/helpful-email-tips-dani-donovan/
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how we make cinemagraphs: watch the stories
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Astrology Characters for Stories
Aries: Your hero. Your fun loving wild child. The woman in a male dominated field. Your sportsman. Your adrenaline junkie. Your catalyst for chaos Expresses as excitable, decisive, unpredictable, defender, destructor, antagonist, revolutionary The Aries character is youthful, brave, competitive, and will do anything to win. A character with a strong will and even stronger body to follow. A character who triggers chaos to ease their own boredom. Likes wearing red. Has an equally fun loving and energetic dog that is adored. A character that is capable of working under high pressure situations like paramedicine or emergencies. A character that is fighting for her cause. Mars is the ruler of Aries and corresponds with accidents, a character that displays remarkable inner strength to recover from a trauma. A character who won’t hesitate charging into danger to save somebody. Wonder Woman.
Taurus Your figure of beauty. Your desired one. Your affluent one. The stylish artist. Your business owner. Your hippie. Your hopeless romantic. Expresses as socially graceful and considerate. May be very indulgent. A character who knows how to enjoy the good things in life. A socialite. A character who loves throwing dinner parties. A savvy business woman with elegance, beauty, and sass. A character longing for traditional, classical romance in a world that seems to have forgotten what that is. A character who suffers financial instabilities. Has a taste for the aesthetic. Loves to stylise. A character who can play instruments or write music. The beautiful girl next door. A character working at the art gallery longing for her portraits to be on the wall. A woman who runs the floors of Wall Street with her stunning heels and pink blazer.
Gemini Your main voice. Your student. Your teacher. Your intellect. Your author. Your gossip. Your talkative barista. Your school starter Expresses as clever, charming, and a little cunning. A unpredictable character. Your character who shuts down debate instantly with wicked wit. She could be comedic. She may speak many languages. She may be a professional student. A character who is the ‘go to’ when people have questions. A character who is always using her phone. A character who seems to know everything about everyone. A character that you never quite figure out what the real intention was. Likes to wear fresh, cute and youthful outfits. A character who takes off in a moment’s notice, and plays the devil’s advocate. A character who is underestimated due to her scattered and erratic behaviour but solves great codes or crimes or mysteries. Fyi. Sherlock Holmes was a Gemini
Cancer: Your mystical fantasy. The adored child of the family. Your first time mother. Your People’s Princess. Your Queen Mother. Your witch or sorceress. The family matriarch Expresses emotional and maternal qualities, often moody, easily provoked, imaginative, and nostalgic The Cancer character is protective. She could be a psychic or receive messages from crossed ancestors. Likes wearing darker hues. Maybe also a cross. A character who may be lost in time or attempting to run or heal from her past, one who makes admirable sacrifices. This character prefers to be home with loved ones and retains traditional values. She may live in a house the family has had for decades, probably haunted. Very caring and sensitive, could be a nurse, counsellor, or work with children. A character who has a vivid and intriguing inner life that is shut off to others. A character who is reuniting with her family or meeting her mother for the first time.
Leo: Your starring role. Your Queen. Your dramatic teenager. Your aspiring actor or artist. Your Prince Charming. Expresses the graces and faults of youth, playfulness and fun, leadership and dignity. The Leo character is noble, honest, strong willed, and creative. This is the one who lights up the room. Well liked, but sometimes misunderstood.She may live in a palace, a place of privilege, or more likely a chic and stylish decorated apartment with her prized animal. Likes wearing gold. Will go into battle. But gets very wounded in battle. A character who is trying to feel comfortable in her own skin, a character who expresses with pride and confidence but is secretly very unsure, a character who has overcome all the odds to reach their dreams and rule the world in some form
Virgo Your intellectual progeny. Your puzzle master. Your dedicated and deserving labourer. Your problem solver. Your domestic eccentric. Expresses as competent but self doubtful, has perfectionist tendencies, is very helpful and knowledgable, can be socially awkward in conversation until she is completely comfortable. A character who has odd rituals or phobias. A character who is a nurse or a nursing student. A character who has gruelling self expectation and goes to extremes. A character suffering a health crisis or a character who solves medical mysteries. A character who is special and can decipher number riddles and patterns Appearance can be very primed to perfection. The home can have a unique, very personal set up that reflects deeply ingrained rituals, it may be A character who is under appreciated. A character who carries out secret acts of altruism. Bree on Desperate Housewives is a good but extreme example of a Virgo character
Libra The King’s daughter. Your object of desire. Your hopeless romantic. Your sweetheart. Your lawyer. Your court room darling. Your heartbreaker Expresses as sociable and friendly. Is easily well liked but has quite intense self doubt. Can routinely fall dangerously in love because of her vivid fantasy life. The friend everyone calls when they need a hand, an ear, or a heart. A character who crumbles when she is alone. A character who runs a law firm and throws the best parties like she has a day and night personality. A character who sacrifices everything for love. A character who has dreamed of her wedding since she was a child. A character who has a gleaning, blissful, classical image of romance in her mind. A character who is written off for her femininity or ideals but has a blade on her tongue during debate and slices just about anyone. Well styled, complementary dressed, nothing outlandish but nothing boring. Likes to accessorise. Home is cordially decorated and symmetrical. A character who is forced to choose between her head and her heart. A character who is fighting injustice against a big corporation or government. A dancer who is forced to choose between love and her art
Scorpio Your anointed one. Your gifted one. Your medium. Your seducer. Your revealer. Your hidden catalyst. Your troubled one. Expresses as secretive, knowledgable, calculative, sensitive, and intense. Can easily throw off weaker characters. Can be the intriguing object of desire. A character who is a detective. A character who can read people’s minds. A character who doesn’t trust other people. Scorpio is watery and medicinal, the character could be a grand healer or crone. A character who is a witch or gets involved in dark occult. A character who is forced to undergo psychoanalysis but systematically erodes the mind of the psychiatrist in the process. Lives in the house down the end of the street with the forbidding black fence and cemetery gates with a pet crow A character who uncovers conspiracies or government corruption. A character who follows the trail of serial killers and never fails. A character who assists dead people crossing over. A character that is instantly respected regardless of social skills. A character who can’t help but seduce unsuspecting victims
Sagittarius Your free spirit. Your jet setter. Your foreigner. Your student. Your professor. Your life of the party. Your pilgrim. Your comic. Your philanthropist. Your genie in a bottle Expresses as fun loving, provocative, knowledgeable, open minded, pleasure seeking. A character who has a remarkable change of fortune. A character who celebrates culture, freedom, and life. A character who can provoke tension due to her sharp honesty. A character that wanders endlessly but doesn’t want to be found. A character that lives out of her suitcase and wears flowers in her hair and follows the festivals around. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius so this character has numerous lucky breaks. Earthy, festive, and bohemian styling, cool and casual A character that never gives her real name or address, aspiring to escape the memories and confines of her home town. A character that experiences an enlightenment and goes completely off the grid. A character who falls in love abroad or meets a guru with profound spiritual truths, a character on a journey
Capricorn Your Cinderella story. Your rags to riches Princess. Your leader. Your corporate ruler. Your battler. Your old soul. Your matriarch or patriarch. Expresses as focused, resourceful, dedicated, loyal, overcomes the odds, graceful, elegant, powerful , formidable A character who proves herself against the odds. A character who inspires and leads the way while secretly doubting herself. A character who is a master or expertise of their trade. A character that missed out on childhood. A character with an absent father. A character who has generated remarkable wisdom during her short time on earth. A character who can stop or change time. A character that owns a clock with everyone’s date of mortality. Appearance is sharp, classical, elegant, conservative, dapper May live in a noted part of town or in a well known building considering Capricorn’s social prestige. A character who relentlessly chases her dream. A character who expires through her story from heartache to success. A teacher. A business woman. An expert on intricate statistics. A character who feels like death is always chasing her
Aquarius Your genius. Your eccentric. Your mad professor. Your enigmatic air fairy. Your revolutionary. Your conspiracist. Your misfit. Expresses as highly intelligent, peculiar, outlandish, compassionate, unpredictable, free spirited, intriguing. A character who is relentless and frenetic about proving her unorthodox theories. A radical protestor. An environmental warrior. A character with secret alien friends. A character that experiments with everything with natural style and flair. Unusual or striking appearance, a teal haired character with purple contacts Aquarius is a character who has a lot of friends and appreciates unity. A character who inspires other people to join her plight against an injustice. A character from a small part of the world given nothing but a voice to change the world. A character who indulges in the Aquarian utopia that has been created in the near future
Pisces Your inspiration. Your salient chameleon. Your lover. Your sacrifice. Your Fairy Godmother. Your mythical creature Expresses as highly sensitive, emotional, withdrawing, creative, mysterious, tempting, and delirious. A character who is spiritual and has psychic gifts. A character that listens to fairies. A character who dreams herself into new worlds every night. The Pisces character is gifted, multifaceted, receptive, and intuitive. She can instantly tell if somebody is happy or sad before they say anything at all so she knows all the time that people lie. Styled in darker or purple hues with thick coated mascara. Wears a cross or a symbol. Lives alone because she needs to escape from people. A character who is trying to support and heal people from their mental illness while suffering it herself. A character that receives frequent psychic prophecies. A character who can see what other people can’t. A character that deals with inhuman experiences in a human world. A healer, a witch doctor, a medicine woman, an evangelist
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things to learn during the holidays
read music
play the guitar
play the piano
play the ukelele
play the drums
play a new instrument
play a duet
sing all the lyrics to a song
the entire discography of an artist
compose your own tune
write your own lyrics
using watercolour
using charcoal pencils
using new mediums
sketch people or portraits
sketch nature
sketch buildings
stop motion
make your own zine
start an art journal
start a bullet journal
start a scrapbook
editing photos
editing videos
making gifs
making gfx
make an interactive website
graphic design basics
programming basics
coding basics
HTML basics
use python
use excel
use photoshop
a new language
sign language
expand your vocab for a language you already know
read up about a subject you’re passionate about
your family ancestry
your country’s history
another country’s history
your culture and traditions
another culture and its traditions
all the flags of the world
all the capitals of the world
basic psychology
creative writing
ride a bicycle
play a new sport
play a new position in a game
an entire choreography piece
choreograph your own dance
a new dance genre
brew your own coffee
brew your own tea
latte art
plating methods
blend your own juice
make a smoothie bowl
mix your own drinks (pls be legal sweeties)
cake icing
cook a simple meal
cook an extravagant meal
a new cooking method
fry the perfect egg
pancake art
public speaking
typing fast
reading fast
do your own makeup
fashion styles
flower arrangements
card trick
magic trick
throwing cards
recognise constellations
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Giveaway Contest: Thanks to the generosity of @harperperennial, we’re giving away all eight of the brand new, limited edition 2018-19 Harper Perennial Olive Editions! And this year, all of the Olives are CLASSICS! <3 Won’t these look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these books, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will randomly choose a winner on November 10, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, for the third straight year, Harper Perennial has agreed to make this an International giveaway! Good luck!
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Hello lovelies! ( ゚▽゚)/
Today’s masterpost would be about picking a college major! ( which is something i’m quite avoiding as well lmao). It’s not an easy task, and sometimes it would take a lot of reflection and careful consideration. However, it could be a fun way to discover yourself at the same time! Hopefully, I wish my advice will help you in this crossroad of your life.
Here’s some steps to guide you ( WARNING: this is going to be a long post)
i. Know your passions and interests
Maybe you’re a tech wiz who wishes to become the next Mark Zuckerberg. Maybe you’re a die hard activist for women’s rights. Maybe you aspire to make films like Wes Anderson. Maybe you love the periodic table so much that you’ve memorized all 118 elements. It is most likely that your interests would play the biggest role in choosing a major. When there’s a plethora of courses offered nowadays, if you know what you truly want and what you’re deeply passionate about, it would help a lot.
If you have the knack for making money and setting up online stores in Etsy or Instagram, maybe you’d love Business. In no time, you could be a billionaire or a CEO of your own corporation. Some courses related to business would be:
If biology was a piece of cake for you and you are curious about the many wonders of the universe, you’re a natural fit for the Sciences. Whether you enter the world of medicine as a doctor or an engineer, who knows if you can find the cure for cancer or build award-winning structures? Some courses related to science would be:
Information Technology
Computer Science
If you’ve got hundreds of sketchbooks filled to the brim or you’ve imagined yourself performing in Broadway, the Arts is your soulmate. You’re a creative soul blessed with a beautiful mind. You can’t wait for everyone to read your New York Times best-selling novel or applaud your spectacular masterpiece. Some courses related to arts would be:
Fine Arts
Creative Writing
Theater Arts
Graphic Design
If you’re a history trivia master and politics is your cup of tea, then the Social Sciences is for you. Through the social sciences, you could become tomorrow’s leaders and law makers. Some courses related to social sciences would be:
Development Studies
Political Science
If you’re fluent in 10 languages and you love immersing yourself in different cultures,the Humanities is where to go.Through the humanities, you can become a diplomat or a well-known philosopher. Some courses related to humanities would be:
Foreign Languages
Asian Studies
If you’re the editor-in-chief of your school’s newsletter or you aspire to become a Youtube vlogger, Communication is your best friend. You’ve got a talent for connecting with people. Through Communication,you can bag an Oscar for your film. Some courses related to communication would be:
Mass Communication
ii. Ask someone
You could talk with your parents, friends, mentor, counselor or anyone you trust. They could narrate their own experiences and help you widen your perspective. But don’t let them dictate your choices, they’re only there to give you an edge or guidance in your decision-making. In the end, you’re the one in control of your life, not them.
iii. Research,research, research
The Internet is such a treasure trove these days. It would be very useful if you could check out websites of the universities you plan on entering. Some offer virtual classes. You could explore hundreds of blogs and forums that will inform you on the major you’re interested in. There are sites as well that give out your possible career opportunities, what skills you must possess and the perfect college for that course.
Here are some resources!
Big Future
My Majors
Find Your Calling
The Complete University Guide
LUC’s What’s My Major Quiz
The Common Application
iv. Other methods
Elimination Method
I once went to the guidance office and got some university brochures. I read about their course offerings and encircled what I liked most, and crossed out those I’m not interested in. This could be helpful if you’ve got a dream university in mind. Also, it would give you an idea of what specific type of course you’d like
Career Proximity Method
Maybe you’ve got a dream career instead. Research on what possible courses that could lead you that job. Learn How To Become is an awesome site for that!
Internship Method
You could take a workshop or internship that would be related to the major you’re interested. I once took up an internship as an operations manager so I know what’s in store for me if I took a Business course. As I have said, it’s a good opportunity to widen your perspective and learn more.
v. Last Reminders
Never pick a major that you dislike or forced to take
You would be dedicating yourself to study that course for more than 10 hours a day, and for four more years or so. Also, if you’re not passionate about the course you take,it would be detrimental to your studies and future.
Never pick a course just for prestige
A lot of people choose a course only to achieve success in the future. Although it isn’t bad to aim high and become ambitious, don’t forget that you’re in college to have fun and LEARN as well. Choose a course that you love. And if you would dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to it,it will become rewarding one day.
Here are quotes from the movie, 3 Idiots, that inspired me so much (GUYS YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS MOVIE LEGIT)
“Never study to be successful, study for self efficiency. Don’t run behind success. Follow behind excellence, success will come all way behind you.”
”Today my respect for that idiot shot up. Most of us went to college just for a degree. No degree meant no plum job, no pretty wife, no credit card, no social status. But none of this mattered to him, he was in college for the joy of learning, he never cared if he was first or last.“
”Whatever you enjoy doing, make that your profession. Then work won’t seem to be work, but a game.“
( source )
Don’t worry, there’s always a backup
If you didn’t like the major you picked, you could transfer. If you have two courses you like, there’s two solutions for that. You could either have double majors or “ major minor”. I heard in other universities that you could make up your own course as well.
And that’s it!
Thank you @studynest for this lovely suggestion.
If you need help in choosing a major or you have a suggestion for a post I can make, shoot me a message and I’d be delighted to assist you ♥
| my other masterposts + advice |
korean langauge resources
japanese language resources
study apps + extensions
advice for new studyblrs
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When studying, most people try to find motivation thinking that this will get them through their study session, or they will see their failure as a result of a lack of motivation. While motivation might be useful in the short term, discipline is what you need in the long term to succeed.
Lets take a look at the difference:
motivation- a goal or reward that you look forward to that will encourage you to study - while this is useful, what happens on a day when you just don’t feel like studying?
discipline- being trained to routinely study regardless of how unmotivated you are - this is what will get you out of bed on a day you don’t feel like studying.
How to become self-disciplined:
1. Just do it. Whatever the task is, whether its due in a month or due tomorrow, just get on with it. No point procrastinating because you’re wasting time. Instead you can do the task and then reward yourself! Be harsh on yourself (but not too harsh!). Set short term goals, make a to-do list, delete all social media, do whatever it takes to just get that damn task done!
2. No zero days!. whether its studying for 30 mins or 3 hours, study for some time everyday. This will help help develop a routine and make it easier for you to cope. Also, by studying everyday you’re brain will know that the content you are learning should be stored as long-term information so this will benefit you during exam season!
3. Avoid long breaks. Unless you are 100% confident that taking an hour break means ONY an hour break then you can ignore this step. But like the majority, we can get extremely distracted and our hour break can end up being a 4 hour break and then we realise it’s time to go to bed?! To avoid this, only take small breaks when you know you are losing energy/ concentration. The last thing you want is studying for 30 mins and your brain is in the mood to be productive, then you take a 15 min break and come back but realise you want a longer break and not in the mood to study anymore.
4. Be patient. It’s going to be a rough journey, it’s going to be hard but you’ve got this! Take it one step at a time. Start off by completing one task a day, then move to two, then three, and the next thing you know, you’ll have a regular routine where you will constantly be ticking off your to-do list everyday! Also, please be kind to yourself, know when your body is not in the right state of health to study and don’t force it. Only force yourself to a limit, you’ll know when to stop and that’s ok. Just try again when you feel better!
thank you for reading this and I hope this has helped, please feel free to message me!
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magical autumn things 🍂
- the sound of rain knocking in your window
- recently shaved legs touching fresh blankets
- the trees tinted in warm colours
- that good sip of your hot coffee
- staying in cafés in rainy days
- hearing the leaves crunching below your feet
- the preparations for halloween
- the comfort of your bed sheets after a long day
- the air humming in your ear
- getting inversed into a book and unconsciously spend hours reading
- the beauty in the simplicity of the ambience
- hugging a pillow while watching horror movies
feel free to add more ✨
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Writing a strong personal statement is the key to getting into a top Russell Group (or equivalent) university. Especially for courses without an interview, it is the way for the University to get to know you and why they should choose you to study there. For me, applying to university in 2014 seems like a lifetime ago, and I feel like I have a lot of top tips to share with you all!
1. Talk about why you want to study the course
It might seem obvious but students frequently make the mistake of talking about why they want to be a lawyer, doctor, engineer, etc. but forget to talk about motivations for actually studying the course. Of course, it’s important to talk about your future aspirations, but they shouldn’t be the focus of your statement. How do your current academics relate to what you want to study? If they don’t, what have you read/attended outside of school that makes you interested in it?
2. Remember that the application goes to all of your courses
Yes, you might be incredibly inspired by the professor at UCL, but remember that the Bristol admissions team are reading it too. Save the more personal compliments for open days and interviews.
3. Don’t worry if you don’t have relevant work experience
Don’t panic if you think that your Saturday job in retail doesn’t relate to your desire to study classics. Anything you do outside of school contains transferrable skills that can apply to your studying - time-management, organisation, communication, etc.
4. If you run out of space, ask your teacher
If you find that you have more accomplishments and interests than you have space for, don’t be afraid to ask the teacher who is writing your reference to include them in what they write about you.
5. Avoid quoting others
There’s only so many times admissions teams can read an Aristotle quote without wanting to weep. Instead of wasting your word count on what others have to say, use it to talk about a Ted Talk you’ve watched or an academic paper in that field that you’ve read.
6. Think about your format
Stick to the character/word count (I believe UCAS is 4000 characters or 47 lines). Use full sentences and paragraphs. Spell check. Read it aloud. Show it to others. Have them read it out to you.
Start with your initial interest in the field, your academic studies, then work experience, and finally your interests and hobbies.
Lines to avoid:
“I’ve always wanted to study…” “For as long as I can remember, I…” “I am passionate about x because…”
If you want to read my personal statement, I have made it available for instant download HERE. Although it is for Law, the format and content can inspire those applying to all courses. My personal statement received all 5 UCAS offers, including an unconditional offer with a scholarship.
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“How come she married him?” Harry asked miserably. “She hated him!“
“Nah, she didn’t,” said Sirius.
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i know u havent done preferences in a hot minute but could u do one of like what typa girls prettymuch would be in to?
Brandon’s a saggitarius and yet he’s an attention whore?? (I mean this in the most loving way possible LOL) I’m usually quite good at guessing but he’s got me confused. I feel like he would find the typical insta baddie like Madison Beer or Maggie Lindemann really beautiful but I don’t see him going for the total LA girls, you feel? I feel like Brandon would like a girl who’s a bit more natural? She’s creative and productive, just like him. She’s smart and passionate, too. I feel like she’d be the type to crack up jokes that would make all the boys laugh and I think she’d have a bigger personality than him. I feel like he’s the one that would become the cuddly, love struck one who’s following the girl around like a puppy, which is the opposite of his usual leading demeanor.
Austin’s girl would be so adventurous!! The type that’s always on a 100 and would be down for anything. She’d like to go camping and hiking and roadtripping!! She’d lowkey be hella good at singing too so the boys would let her have the aux when they’re driving somewhere and Austin would secretly record her cause she’s got the voice of an angel. She’d be really sweet and supportive, always at the shows and always promoting the band on her own socials. I feel like she’d be the smiley type, the one that’s always greeting strangers and complimenting other girls when she finds their outfits/hair cute, even if she doesn’t know them.
Zion’s also a bit harder to put your finger on just because he’s both the hypest and the quietest at the same time?? I feel like Zion’s girl would be The girl. She’s got the chillest taste in music, she can dance really well, loves to have fun and hang out. She’s quite level-headed but will go all the way off just to hype up her friends. I feel like her style would be a bit more toned down. She’d like the mom jeans and the t-shirts and the cool, worn out Vans. Either that or she’s the complete opposite and she’s super shy and feminine, I really can’t tell. Either way I see her as a skater girl.
Ed’s girl would be so artsy and cool!! She’d be a fashionista, just like Ed but she’d be the thrifty kind. She’d be woke too, I think. She’d be a writer and she’d post really cool pictures with really poetic captions. I feel like Ed wants a girl who he can have a deep intellectual connection with, so I think she’d be the type to always talk about social issues like feminism and the BLM movement and homophobia. She’d have hella aesthetic pics on the gram too tho. Always posin, always ready.
Yo Nick’s girl would be a straight up s w e e t h e a r t. She’d probably be really cute and maybe a little small (IMAGINE HER SMALLER FRAME IN HIS OVERSIZED HOODIES AW). She’d be the blushing type the boys all like to playfully tease, and she’d be really close with Nick’s mom cause they bond over making fun of Nick. BUT Nick can flip his switch and so can his girl. When Nick gets a little crazy or rage-y she’s the only one who can tell him off and she won’t even need to raise her voice but once she speaks, all the boys would be scared shitless.
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Giving money away
Hey everyone, I’m giving a thousand away again, I’ll pick a random reblog, i really don’t want this money, it doesn’t make me happy and I’m hoping it’ll make someone else happy
Share the love and I’ll share my money
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