i’m dying
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How to Make Galaxy Cupcakes
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ok universe, i’m ready to feel good things. make me feel good things.
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a compilation of my favorite vines to commemorate one of my favorite social media platforms ever
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Little Friends 
Created by Darren Rawlings
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not gonna lie… I miss them. I miss their voices. I miss their shows. I miss them together… I miss my boys
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Person: Why do you always go on all these side-quests and play your character like a goody two-shoes?
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i don’t think i will ever stop loving this
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hey guys i hate to do this but my mom really needs some help right now. my mom, my dad, and i are all working but we still can’t afford my mom’s chemo. it breaks my heart to see her sick and i’m selling handmade pressed flower pendant necklaces to try and raise money for my mom’s treatment.
my mom has been through two abusive husbands, the abduction of her son, and multiple hate crimes, but shes STILL the strongest person i know. even when she’t at her sickest, she still makes us breakfast in the mornings and does everything she can for us. if there’s anyone that i know that deserves help right now, its her.
all of the necklaces pictured here are for sale. my prices will be very flexible, so just message me if you’re interested in purchasing any of these.
even if you can’t buy something, please reblog
additional note: everyone’s package will also include a personal handwritten thank you notet!!
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Oh, fuck. Goodwill has so many Mask tapes
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Ok, well, really they only have 3 different The Mask Animated Series tapes, but why do they have so many copies? Who donated these and why did they have them? Oh, fuck, now I have a lot of Mask tapes…
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69 Mask tapes to be exact. They were all unopened. I don’t even have a VCR. Even if I did, I wouldn’t need to buy every copy they had. Why did I do this? Well, let’s get them out and play with them…
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This is not very much fun.
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Every tape comes with the most incredible coupon. Some tapes actually came with two, so thank you very much, packaging errors. 
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The true bummer here is that these coupons expired 20 years ago. The $3 refund does not appear to be worth the effort and I wonder if anyone ever bothered. You had to buy 4 Totino’s pizzas, pizza rolls, or hearty pockets between 10/24/95 and 5/31/96, include the upc from the packages, the receipts from when you purchased those awful food products with the awful food products circled, this coupon, the proof of purchase tab from the Mask box and the receipt from when you purchased the tape during the previously mentioned dates. If anyone did this for $3, I would like to hear from you. Print out this post, take a picture of you eating the printout instead of a Totino’s party pizza, pizza rolls, or hearty pocket, and email it to me with a short story describing how you spent your hard earned $3. Anyway, I guess I’ll epoxy the tapes together and start coating them in resin.
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Yes, and do something with those stupid coupons.
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TOTINO’S PIZZA ROLLS SMMOKIN’! Now do it several times.
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I can’t just throw away the boxes either. That would be terribly wasteful.
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Surprisingly, I had more than enough tapes to do what I wanted to do, but the boxes came up short, so the other side of this had to be a little different. 
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I suppose this is good, because one day I might want to know what I’m missing out on, having ruined nearly all of the precious tapes. I can just look at this side and read what the episodes were about. I think I watched some of this cartoon when I was a kid. I fucking loved the movie when it came out, so I’m pretty sure I watched this show. Anyway, what’s next?
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Oh. I guess I’m really bad at taking pictures of the process. It’s a bookcase. There was only one tape I didn’t have to open.
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Maybe I’ll get a VCR one day so I can watch this tape.
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There’s just one more thing.
Bookcases are usually just so damn boring. 
Now I need Dark Horse to print some nice Library Editions of The Mask, because the out of print Omnibuses are Fuck That expensive online. Maybe if I hadn’t spent so much money on old tapes, epoxy, resin, glue, and christmas lights, I could buy one or two of the omnibuses in questionable condition, but then where would I put the books? I now have the perfect place to put as many Library Editions as it takes. Get on it, Dark Horse.
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“Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree?“
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I remember when I first watched this show, I played this part at least 5 times
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Best Pun Ever
Mallory and Mark Kensington were two star struck lovers who had been married for 12 years. Mallory was a commercial airline pilot and Mark was the captain of a nuclear submarine. They were both very responsible with their money, lived simply, had no children, and no vices. The only exception to their frugality was their dog Max whom they doted on at every possible occasion. Unfortunately for Max, fate had terrible plans in store for him. One dark August day, Mallory and Mark were both at their respective jobs and in a cruel twist of fate suffered major mechanical failures at the same time. In a million to one oddity, they both perished in the astonishing first-of-its-kind airplane/submarine accident.
Keep reading
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Bucky and Steve meet Parks and Recreation
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omg please listen to this aractic fox laugh
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