Supergirl 4x02.... Masterpiece. Supercorp Endgame.
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‘She, rides away... Like a ghost, in the night’
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Moving into a new home is not as cracked up as it seems... I’m coated in emulsion, gloss and fallen off a ladder at least three times....
Kids, stay with your parents please
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Hot damn, it’s 2:42am in the morning and I’m still up looking at the supergirl (cough Katie/meltie/chyler/supercorp/agentcorp/nia/nicole content....
Father do not forgive me because I have sinned and I Goddamned regret nothing.
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Also, a shoutout to all the trans SG fans out there. I really do hope that Nia Nal (Aka Dreamer) represents you guys to the max (Queller and Rovner, take note, not the cast)... You guys are dope and deserve some non problematic shit. Nicole, girl, give ‘em hell!! Terfs, please disappear if you’re lurking!!
I am so looking forward to seeing her hit the screen, her synopsis seems like an utter livewire and a great addition! If anyone wants to educate me on any trans matter they hope SG covers then I am all ears my darlings!! With love from an ally sissays and broskies and they/them.
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Queller actually let them sit together... by them I mean Katie and Melissa and Chyler.... The gal has some sense at least...
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Also, Benwa and Chyler are just making matters so much worse...
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I didn’t intentionally plan my work annual leave for comic con but I am so glad I did...
The Katie thirst is nowhere near quenched, and ten years of stanning has done nothing to quell it! Amaretto, SDCC, and Katie is beginning to polish me off but I have so much left in me to spew!
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@lenazorel just.... wow.... nahhh.... asdghfkfkfkjkgjg
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# stop it
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Also they separated Chyler and Katie for a reason... Queller was shaking and that’s the tea on that...
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Okay so I’m 99% sure Katie has been hammered for the majority of comic con and I am absolutely living for it... My Celtic brethren I salute you!!
On a serious not I’m 100% sure I’ve also had a heart attack....
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Pretty sure all this Katie content has given me a minor stroke...
Woman, let me live!
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Ed Sheeran @ The Principality Stadium, Cardiff, Wales, UK! I’ve got to say, considering it was a free ticket and I’m not his biggest fan he was absolutely fantastic!! Also, I get to spend time in my spiritual home, the best stadium in the god damn world! ✌🏻
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Are we going to get an update soon to your Unbent, Unbroken series? I know you are probably busy, but I just love that series.
Hi love aha! Yes it’s coming, at the moment I’m tinkering and tweaking it to make sure all the threads come into one but fear not it’s being worked on fervently lovely! Thanks for the message, and hopefully I’ll get out to you guys as soon as possible!
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Hit me up if you’re brave enough?!
Let's play "Get to Know the Blogger"
Send me any questions about anything, and I’ll answer them.
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Straya trip update...
So far the only thing that has remotely tried to kill me is the ridiculous driving system, a couple of Ubers and a mosquito. So I’m counting this as a win, but theres still another week to go...
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So the journey begins.
Suffice to say I am tripping over my own feet with excitement and nerves. Wales my beautiful country, it has been a pleasure, Australia, I’m coming for you. These 10,00 miles and £3000 better be worth it I’m telling you now.
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