#JanetJackson #JanetJacksonStateOfTheWorldTour #MsJacksonIfYoureNasty #RhythmNation #BeTogetherAgain #GreatConcert
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Mastery Journal turned 1 today!
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Final Mastery Journal
Over the past 12 months I have learned a lot from the classes I have taken in the Entertainment Business Master’s Degree Program. Everything that I have learned I can use in my personal and professional career. I have learned how to start my business, how to brand my name, how to budget my business, how to read and understand negotiation contracts and how to be great leader. Being enrolled at Full Sail University has taught me a lot. My goals before starting each class were to, take what I learned from each course and apply it to my profession.
While enrolled in Personal Development and Leadership, we had to read Mastery by Robert Greene, and there were a few concepts that stuck with me throughout the course. The first concept is, “you must see your career or vocational path more as a journey with twists and turns rather than a straight line. You begin by choosing a field or position that roughly corresponds to your inclinations”. The closer I got to my last class I started to slack off, I wanted to give up because things were getting harder and life was throwing bricks left and right. But I knew I couldn’t give up I was too close to the finish line, my dream.
While in Executive Leadership class I read a book that I will take with me is “Developing a Leader Within You” by John Maxwell. I enjoyed reading the book, I learned about leadership and that I am 97% like Maxwell and 3% like Robert Greene book “The 48 Laws of Power”.  In Project and Team Management class I learned what a Gnatt chart is and how to put it together. I also learned how to put a project together which will come handy with my new job at Amazon.
Business Storytelling and Brand Development was one of my favorite classes. I learned how to brand my personal brand. Building my personal brand is important to me because, when companies look at my profile they will see my brand. While enrolled in Entertainment Business Finance I didn’t think I would excel in this class but I did. I learned how to create a pro forma sheet for the business ventures I have come up with. Doing the pro forma assignment, it helped me understand how much money I would have to put in before asking an investor or a lender.
My two favorite courses were Negotiation and Deal Making and Advanced Entertainment Law. I love studying law. I wanted to have a better understanding of entertainment law with contracts and learning how negotiate better. I learned some new strategies for negotiation like Tit for Tat, and I also learned about BATNA, Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement, is when a party is engaged in negotiations and the talks fail and no agreement can be reached. In Advance Law, I gained a better understanding of legal liabilities in the entertainment industry. An assignment that we did that was very helpful was learning how to fill out the business, copyright, and trademark registration form.
Product and Artist Management class was a very helpful and fun class. We had to research talent and management agencies. While doing research I found a few companies I would like to work for. A project that we did that I enjoyed is Product Planning. With this project, we could develop 2-3 new products for our artists that they can sell while on tour or on their websites.
Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution was another helpful class that I enjoyed being enrolled in. Something I have never did or knew about was writing a query letter. I didn’t know you had to write a letter to an agent just to get a publishing deal. I also learned about some new aggregators for self-publishing like DistroKid and Ditto.
Being enrolled in Business Plan Development and Business Plan, I learned how to write a business plan, how to develop a budget for two of the business I have started. I enjoyed writing a job advertisement for the CEO I would want to hire for my company. I enjoyed creating an elevator pitch and business plan presentation for my restaurant. I appreciate the feedback that I have received on my business plans I know what I need to improve before I show an investor.
I have enjoyed my time here at Full Sail and learning from professors that have worked in the industry. I will be taking everything I learned and all the feedback with me as I continue my journey in life.
Greene, Robert. The 48 Laws of Power. Penguin Books, 09/2000. VitalBook file.
 Maxwell, J. C. (1993). Developing the leader within you. Nashville: T. Nelson.
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Mastery Journal: Business Plan Development
My goals for Business Plan Development were to have an understanding on how to develop a business, how to write a business plan and to develop a budget for my business. My goals for this class are to take everything I learned from this course and apply it to my everyday profession. I plan to start my restaurant and consulting agency business in a few years and writing a business strategy and creating a budget will help me.
In week one, we had to write a company description and the industry analysis. Completing this assignment helped me to see and understand the market opportunity in the music industry and how I need to improve my business. The music industry is steady growing and I believe my business will be needed.  We also had to develop a job advertisement for the CEO we would want to hire for our company. I enjoyed this assignment, I know how to write a job advertisement and I know what I want in a CEO.
Week two projects were interesting and very time consuming. This week we had to write out our business plan discussing, the target market, competition and marketing plan. I know I have competition in the industry, but this assignment opened my eyes to see the direct and indirect competition. Another project we had to do was a differentiation project. We had to state how what sets our business apart from our competition and create a SWOT analysis. This project really opened my eyes to see how I need to stand out from other agencies in the music industry.
Another project I enjoyed was creating a market and sales budget and the overview of the company operations. Before doing this budget sheet I have only did a year budget for sales, doing a three-year budget was interesting, seeing if your company will make a return on goods sold. Also, determined how much I would need for start-up. The overview of the company operations was another project I enjoyed, explain the business operations and the strengths and how the business is different from other companies in the same industry, and identifying the key executives who will working for the company.
I enjoyed being in the Business Plan Development course this month. I learned something new that I can apply in my profession.
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Mastery Journal: Entertainment Media Publishing & Distribution
My goals for Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution course were to have an understanding on publishing, licensing and distribution and agents. My goals are to also take what I learned from the course and apply it to my profession, for example when I start my consulting agency business, I will need to know everything about agents, publishing and licensing and distribution.
In week one, I learned how to write a query letter to agents. A query letter is stating who you are and what you’ve done. In the letter, you are also stating what the project is about and the artist credentials. The purpose of the query letter is to connect with an agent so you can get a publishing deal. I enjoyed this assignment, because I have never written a query letter and this was very helpful.
Another assignment I enjoyed was putting together a press kit in week two. In a press kit you’re putting together existing material about your artist into a media kit. The kit tells the media all about your artist, who they are what they have done, a few pictures, a demo of their work, and your contact information. Putting together the press kit allowed me to tap into my creative mind and create a press kit for my brother who was a trumpet player in high school and college.   Even though my artist hypothetical, I still enjoyed putting together the press kit for my artist who was a rapper who played the trumpet. Doing this press kit will prepare me for the future, when my company will have to create a press kit for the artists.
For our discussion post in week three, I learned about some new aggregators for self-publishing. If I were to self-publish my creative content, I would use DistroKid. DistroKid had some great advantages that are better than other self-publishing services. With DistroKid, you can publish unlimited songs for $19.99 a year. They also do not take a commission and DistroKid clear cover songs and you keep 100% of your royalties. While doing this discussion, I also learned about DITTO, MondoTunes and a few other self-publishing sites. After learning about these services, I seen they had more disadvantages than advantages. I would stick with DistroKid and CD Baby.
 I enjoyed being enrolled in Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution class. I can honestly say I learned something new, and I can apply what I learned to my business.
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Y'all make sure y'all go get my Auntie Album!Me and my Best Friend Drew are hosting the Listening Party! #AuntieMaxine #ReclaimingMyTime #NoCredibility #StayWoke #ImAStrongBlackWoman #ImpeachHim #ListeningParty #ItsMyTimeToShine
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#Google #SilentParade #NAACP #1917 #Centennial #SilentProtestParade #ThankYouGoogle #NYC #BlackMen #BlackWomen #SwipeLeft #SwipeRight
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Mastery Journal: Advanced Entertainment Law
My goals for the Advanced Entertainment Law course were to have a better understanding of legal liabilities in the entertainment industry, understand intellectual properties better, and to create a registration form for my business to protect my business. My goals are to also take what I learned from the course and apply it to my profession, for example, when I start my consulting agency and my restaurant business I will need to protect my name, logo, and brand.
For our first assignment, we had to research legal liabilities that our company may face. We also had to identify what legal exposure is common in our industry, and what steps could I take to avoid lawsuits. Legal liabilities that my company may face are copyright infringements, trademarks, music publishing and other liabilities. For my business to avoid any type of law suit, we must make sure that no other business has our name or logo by using USPTO website. To avoid copyright infringement my artist must have permission to use work that’s not theirs.
An assignment I found to be very helpful is the IP Audit assignment. With this assignment, we had to protect the content our company is creating. We also learned how to obtain the proper rights to use the content. For my business, I will need a federal trademark to protect my company name and brand. I will also need a copyright sound recording for recorded sounds, to protect all music that my artist creates.
Learning how to fill out the business, copyright, and trademark registration form was very helpful. I know in the future I will have to fill out these forms to help protect my business. Each form taught me how to properly fill out the forms.
 Advanced Entertainment Law has been a very interesting and a little challenging, class. I enjoyed learning more about legal liabilities, and intellectual property’s. This month I was able to see a different side of law besides negotiation and contracts, I learned how to register my company, trademark my logo, and copyright a song or a poem. This class dealt with the stage before your business is able to be up and running. I will take everything I learned in this class and apply it to my professional career.
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Mastery Journal: Product & Artist Management
My goals for the Product and Artist Management course were to learn how to manage an artist, an event, and product for my artist. My goals are to also take what I learned in the course and apply it to my profession. Our first assignment we had to create a case study for an artist manager and research their background as a manager, and analyze the manager skills on a scale of 1-5. If you’re going to be an artist manager you must be the best manager you can be, you should always want the best for them and you.
An assignment that I enjoyed doing is, ‘Know the Major Players’. With this assignment, we had to research talent agencies and management firms and compare and contract both companies. This assignment was helpful because it allowed me to research companies I never thought about working for. After doing the research I found out that I like how Creative Artist Agency function and how they treat their employers.  I enjoyed reading about CAA so much that I applied for a position at CAA. 
Another assignment that I enjoyed is the ‘Product Planning Project’.  With this assignment, we could develop at 2-3 new products for our artists. I enjoyed this assignment because I could think outside the box. For this assignment, I came up with ‘The Greatest Rappers Alive Tour’ featuring four of the greatest’s rappers in today’s time. The merchandise that would be sold before and at the concerts were fashionable backpacks, phone cases, and power banks.  All three items are popular in the hip-hop and pop culture. People are buying backpacks and sunglasses, girls make sure that their phone case matches their outfit, and that their phone has enough charge. I could give the audience something that no rapper has offered.
I enjoyed being enrolled in the Product & Artist Management course, the course went more in-depth on product management artist management and royalties and a few more other things. This was a very interesting class that allowed me to really think outside of the box.
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Mastery Journal: Negotiation and Deal Making
My goals for the course of Negotiation and Deal Making are to learn how to negotiate, and to analyze principled negotiating techniques. Our first assignment we had to analyze a mock negotiation between a filmmaker and an athlete. In the assignment, we had to give an example of bargaining position and underlying interest. After finishing this assignment, I now have a better understanding of bargaining position, underlying interest and mutual benefit.
 I also learned about BATNA or Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. BATNA is when a party is engaged in negotiations and the talks fail and no agreement can be reached. BATNA is a term created by Mr. Roger Fisher and Mr. William Ury in 1981, in their book Getting to a Yes: Negotiating Without Giving In.
 Before starting this class I never heard of a theory called ‘Game Theory’. While watching a video on Game Theory, I was very confused about the point of the theory and why it was used. After watching the video for at least two times I did receive a better understanding of the theory. Game Theory validates the different results between cooperating and defecting. Game theory allows you to determine how well parties communicate with one another. You must communicate with the other party to develop a mutual benefit. With Game Theory, you have a strategy called “Tit for Tat”, and that is my favorite strategy. Tit for Tat is when you and your opponent are negotiating, you start cooperating and then they start to cooperate and then they might defect but goes back to cooperating again, it creates a win-win situation.  
 After learning how to analyze a negotiation, a new negotiation strategy, and new terms, I plan on using everything I learned this month in my everyday life and professional career. Using BATNA and the Tit for Tat strategy will help when negotiating what I want in my career and when I’m managing my artist.  I enjoyed being in this class, I learned a lot about negotiating skills that I didn’t know before.
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#ThisSaturday #MaryKayFashionShow #TeamUpForWomen #FashionShow #MaryKay #BreastCancerAwareness #DomesticAbuseAwareness
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Mastery Journey: Digital Marketing
My goal for the Digital Marketing course is to learn more about digital marketing, like SEO, and why we need it. Also how to use social media for your brand and digital advertising. Our first assignment we had to apply SEO to our portfolio on Wix. I would like to take what i learned and use it in my everyday life, business and professional. For the Lynda Course, I watched Top 10 Social Media Management Tools.
The three things I took away from the video is I learned how to manage my social media accounts. Buffer allows you to schedule all of your social media accounts to tweet or post on a certain day at a specific time. According to Brad, Buffer lets you continue to add content to your queue, you don't have to worry about when to post it or about posting it too frequently. Another take away i learned is IFTTT, If This Then That. IFTTT allows you to create custom triggers to automate your social media workflows. With IFTTT, you create something they call  "recipes", essentially a set of instructions for what you want to happen.  I also learned about SproutSocial, another social media app that allows you to manage your social media accounts on one platform. I knew about Hootsuite and Tweetdeck, i had those apps when they first came at and I'm surprised to see that they are in the top 10. These three apps are new to me, now that i have learned some new social media apps and how to manage them I can tell my artists and friends about these apps.
In week one i did learn about adwords and how to apply them to my portfolio. I'm looking forward to see what i will continue to learn from this class.
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#StraightfromColombia #CaféQuindio #GourmetCoffee #SouthAmerica #EmLinhaRetaDeColômbia #CaféDaColômbia (at Restaurante Cafe Quindio Gourmet)
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Mastery Journey: Entertainment Business Finance
Before this class started I was nervous about taking this finance class, finance has never been my strong subject. But I was a little excited because for the last five years I’ve had this idea of starting my own business, I just wasn’t sure about how to start, and I what I needed to do to start my business. I would like to open a restaurant that have live music five days throughout the week, and karaoke one day of the week. The restaurant will be in a great location, the area is constantly growing with businesses, condos and apartments, so I know I will receive business. The feedback from my fellow classmates has helped me think of creative ideas on how I want my restaurant to standout from other business.
The Entertainment Business Finance class has taught me how to create a pro forma spread sheet. The pro forma spread sheet is a financial income statement, for your new company. The pro forma allows lenders and investors to see if they want to give you money for your company. This assignment helped me to understand how much money I would have to put in before asking an investor or a lender. The time value assignment also known as “present discount value”. This assignment helped me to understand and calculate when investing money at a certain percentage interest, I will receive this amount at the end of the year. For example, if I was to invest $200 in a bank at 4% interest for 5years, at the end of the 5years I will have $243.40 ($200x1.217%=$243.4). Even though I did not do well on this assignment I appreciate what I learned from the assignment.
 Finance is still not my strongest but I learned some new things and understand a little better. I enjoyed this class and everything it has offered me. I will be hiring an accountant to handle my books.
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Mastery Journal Post: Business Storytelling and Brand Development
This month in Business Storytelling and Brand development, my main goal for this course is to pass with nothing lower than a B. My secondary goal is to learn about how to brand my personal brand and my company brand, and how to develop my company story. I can say that I have improved my personal brand and my company brand. I’m proud of how I have improved both. I also understand the concept of branding and business storytelling better.
 I enjoyed creating a digital portfolio in week one. I had seen other peers with a digital portfolio and didn’t really understand what it was for. The portfolio will help people understand my personal brand, and what I want to achieve. The portfolio will also help me maintain my goals. Now that I have created one, I will be adding it to my resume and job applications in the future.
 I also enjoyed week 4 discussion board post, brand storytelling and archetypes. I enjoyed taking the assessments to see what they said I am. The brand archetype was very interesting and on point with my results. The results were I’m a Sage, as a Sage, my gift is intelligence and wisdom. I’m a lifelong student and learner, I love to seek out information and knowledge, no matter what the subject. This is true because this Master’s degree will be my third degree, and I plan on getting one more Master’s and maybe my PhD.
 I really enjoyed this class, learning different ways to brand my identity. This class really made me think of how I want my company to be perceived. I want my company to be strong, honest, respectful and resourceful. Creating a brand identity prism was new for me and I enjoyed and understand the purpose of the prism.
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Mastery: PDL
Before taking Project and Team Management I thought that this class was going to be the usual class type, join a group and create a project and have different roles for the project. No this was not the typical project and team management class, and I was excited and looking forward to what was to come. In this course, I have learned how to put a project together and how to project brainstorm and I’ve learned how to put together a Gantt chart for a project. Each project I learned something new, like for week two assignment, we had to break the project down, who will do what for the project, are there any milestones for the project, when do you plan on starting the project and when do you actual start and finish the project, and how long will the project take. In week two we had to use the Gannt Chart and that was my first time using the chart.
           In week three we did risk management and budgeting. With risk management, we had to list anything that would affect the project in negative way, what was the impact and what is the probability of it happening. This was my first time doing a risk management for a project. Something I will take with me is the DiSC assessment. The DiSC assessment allows you to know your team members. The information can help improve communication and collaboration. As a leader, it lets you know how to approach you team members. The profile is also a good tool for when forming groups. I wouldn’t want to put two people that scored low in compliance with someone who scored low in influence and steadiness, that could be a disaster waiting to happen.
             Everything I learned in this course I will take it with me as I continue my professional journey in life.
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I entered to win a PS4, Xbox One, GoPro and more in Full Sail's #12DaysofGear Giveaway. Enter here:
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