I NSFW Content related to 2d men, sentient monster humanoids, and fantasy-related stuff.
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Senshi x Laios fanfic idea:
Modern AU:
Senshi: A polynesian, Okinawan, or Filipino private chef who cooks with unique and exotic ingredients. He quite often goes hunting, foraging, fishing, etc, for the ingredients himself.
Laios: An American Paleontologist who loves learning researching about dinosaurs and the prehistoric world. He has a massive obsession with wanting to eat dinosaurs, since they are extinct, much to his dismay, he settles with their modern day relatives and creatures that resemble them.
How they met: Laios was conducting field research on prehistoric fossils with his team; Marcielle, a medic.
Chilchuck, an expert on prehistoric and ancient architecture, artifacts, and traps.
Falin: an expert on botany and horticultural medicine.
They had run out of food whilst on their expedition, and Laios took it as an opportunity to capture a crocodile to eat. An argument ensues amongst the team, and the noise alerts Senshi, who is nearby hunting for ingredients himself. Excited that he found someone who loves out of the ordinary ingredients as he does, he offers to help them cook the crocodile. Laios and Senshi bond over the experience, and Senshi asks to join their expedition.
They grow close over the expedition and eventually sexy stuff ensues. The expedition ends with Senshi inviting Laios to his home in Japan, which Laios just ever so casually happens to be working next, and Laios accepts. They eventually become boyfriends and live together and go casually hunting and foraging together as dates.
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I've been watching Dungeon menshi, and I'm gravely disappointed that there isn't much senshi x laios going around. I must rectify this folly of humanity.
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I finally finished my Sajin x Izuru fanfic and posted it 😭😭
Warning, chapter 4 is NSFW. https://archiveofourown.org/works/54936613
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I finally finished the first 2 chapters of my Komamura Sajin/Kira Izuru. Feel free to check it out:
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Fic Ideas
I have some fanfic ideas, let me know your thoughts.
Rose x Izuru: Rose has tied Izuru up Shibari style on a bed, balls deep inside Izuru. He's set a romantic atmosphere, candles, music, etc. He suddenly gets inspired seeing Izuru in a whimpering, panting, horny mess. He reaches for a brush and ink, and with no paper at hand, he begins to write song lyrics on Izuru's torso. Izuru finds this arousing and embarrassing.
Sajin x Izuru: Izuru, Iba, and Sajin go on a quest to restore Sajin from his dog form to his human form. They succeed and Sajin regains his human werewolf form. On their way back, they stop and rest for the night. Izuru wakes us up and goes for a walk, Sajin notices Izuru is gone and follows. He catches up to Izuru and Izuru pulls him into a hot kiss. Sajin gets shoved against a tree and Izuru initiates sex, complaining it's been too long. Sajin hoists him up and allows him to take control. Halfway through, Izuru begs for rougher treatment, so Sajin shoves Izuru against the tree and ravages him, while biting him anywhere he has reach.
Main Sajin x Izuru and Gin x Izuru, slight Renji x Izuru and Shuhei x Izuru (Could evolve): Omegaverse fic. Izuru was a beta his whole life until he wasn't. He was diagnosed with omega dormancy. He ends up experiencing his first heat in a captains and lieutenants meeting and is whisked away to squad four to spend his heat cycle. Questions are raised if Izuru should be allowed to remain a lieutenant. He is defended of course, by his friends, his captain, and other captains, specifically Sajin. Izuru dislikes heat and would rather not have to deal with them. He looks into his options and decides to choose a mate that can satisfy him and sleeps around to decide.
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NSFW Sajin X Izuru fanfic WIP Part 2
They arrive at Izuru’s quarters. Sajin insists Izuru to bed. Izuru playfully flirts and invites Sajin to his bed.
Sajin accepts the invitation, only in hopes it will get Izuru to sleep. He pats the bed, signaling Izuru to join him.
Izuru makes his way to bed. Lies down at Sajin’s instruction. As Sajin attempts to reach for the covers to tuck Izuru in, Izuru pulls Sajin into an embrace.
Izuru looks into Sajin’s eyes before pulling him into a kiss.
Sajin is surprised but doesn’t pull away. Unsure what to do. He enjoys the kiss but finds what he is doing inappropriate given that Izuru is subordinate and intoxicated.
Izuru breaks the kiss and pulls Sajin into a tight embrace. Snuggling into his neck and holding onto Sajin tight.
Sajin feels more uncomfortable with the situation, Izuru is touching his neck and causing him to feel aroused.
Sajin attempts to address Izuru but is silenced by Izuru’s quiet sobs.
Izuru asks the captain not to leave him, abandon him, like his former captain.
Sajin pulls Izuru into a tighter embrace and promises. Izuru sobs louder and Sajin comforts him.
Eventually the two-fall asleep together, in an embrace.
Izuru wakes up at the early hours of the morning. The sun is still down.
Izuru takes a moment to register his surroundings. He is laying on top of Sajin, their arms wrapped around one another.
Izuru has little recollection of what happened and is worried. Izuru’s shifting alerts and awakes Sajin.
Sajin greets Izuru groggily. Izuru jumps out of the embrace and bows his head in apology.
Sajin calms Izuru down and tells him there is nothing to be sorry for. Izuru inquires as to what happened.
Sajin informs him about everything, including the kissing and the sobbing.
Izuru bows his head in shame and looks away. Sajin guides Izuru’s face to look at him and tells him there is nothing to be ashamed of.
He informs Izuru that he too has cried for Kaname and is very much still broken over his dear friend’s betrayal.
Izuru thanks him, but apologizes for kissing Sajin, implying that it must have been awkward and gross.
Sajin disagrees, stating he found himself uncomfortable as Izuru was intoxicated and he didn’t want to do anything with Izuru in such a state.
Sajin follows up by saying that he enjoyed the kiss and the embrace.
Izuru looks embarrassed and awkward. Stammering out excuses, stating that the captain was just trying to make him feel better.
Sajin comes close and takes Izuru’s face into his hands. He kisses Izuru gently and lovingly.
Sajin inquires if Izuru believes him now when he said he enjoyed the kiss. Izuru swallows and nods.
They stare hotly at each other before entering another kiss. This one lustful.
Izuru pulls Sajin with him to the ground in an embrace. With Sajin’s large body looming over him.
They eventually pull away from the kiss, both panting. Izuru looks away shyly before asking Sajin if he wants to have sex by grinding his hips into Sajin’s body.
Sajin accepts and they go back to making out fervently.
Sajin brushes Izuru’s kimono aside and asks if he can remove his clothing. Izuru allows it.
Sajin lowers Izuru’s kimono and proceeds to kiss, lick and bite Izuru’s neck, nipples, and torso.
Izuru tangles his fingers into Sajin’s fur from pleasure.
Sajin continues down Izuru’s body, getting to his hakama. Sajin asks for permission to remove the article. Izuru approves.
Sajin removes Izuru’s hakama and proceeds to kiss and lick his pelvis, groin and thighs.
He spread Izuru open and proceeds to eat him out.
Izuru is unable to contain his voice and squirms in pleasure. He cums on his chest.
Sajin removes himself from Izuru’s hole. He asks if Izuru can still continue.
Izuru looks down and see’s the tent that has formed in Sajin’s hakama. Excited, he asks to pleasure Sajin.
Sajin responds by removing his kosode and loosening his himo. He lies down and allows Izuru to explore him.
Izuru kisses Sajin and mimics his actions. He kisses Sajin throat, which makes the larger man groan.
He bites down slightly, which elicits a growl from Sajin. Izuru backs off and attempts to apologize.
Sajin clarifies that Izuru did not hurt him, biting him drives him crazy and makes him want to reciprocate the bite. He worries he might hurt Izuru.
Izuru smiles and kisses Sajin and continues back to his neck, this time gently mouth his neck. This elicits groans and more gentle growls.
Sajin bucks his hips into the air, eager to mount Izuru.
Izuru continues to go lower, all the way to Sajin’s groin.
He mouths Sajin’s groin through his hakama. Sajin groans and asks Izuru to not tease him.
Izuru removes enough of Sajin’s hakama, allowing Sajin’s arousal to spring up and slap him in the face.
Izuru is aroused and intimidated by the size of Sajin.
Izuru proceeds to give him head, only getting about halfway down Sajin’s erection. He sucks and fondles Sajin’s balls.
Sajin groans and alerts Izuru he about to cum. Izuru sucks on Sajin’s cock harder. Sajin cums with a growl down Izuru’s throat.
Izuru swallows, some spilling out of his mouth, down his chin. Sajin pants.
Izuru gets on all fours and spreads himself infront of Sajin. He inquires if Sajin can continue.
Sajin immediately approaches Izuru and begins to fondle him.
Sajin begins to ask about lube and Izuru finishes by point to night table.
Sajin fishes the lube from the table and coats his claws in the slippery substance.
He begins to prepare Izuru slowly. Rubbing his hole with his claw before carefully and gently plunging his digit inside of Izuru.
He does this until he is able to fit all four of his digits inside of Izuru.
Izuru is a squirming gasping mess.
Sajin asks to enter Izuru, Izuru allows him and wiggles his backside in eagerness.
Sajin begins to slowly enter Izuru, growling at the tightness.
Sajin sets a slow pace, allowing Izuru to get comfortable.
Izuru was getting a bit impatient, he liked a bit of pain.
Sajin brushes Izuru’s prostate and Izuru begs to be pounded.
Sajin proceeds to go faster and faster with Izuru’s pleading.
Izuru buries his face into the blankets of the futon. Sajin bends over Izuru’s body and tilts the man’s face to him. He kisses Izuru lovingly.
Sajin is getting close, his thrust begin to get more desperate and rough, which pleases Izuru.
Sajin mouths at Izuru’s neck, Izuru desperately wants Sajin to bite him. He begs Sajin to sink his teeth into him.
Sajin responds by roughly sinking his fangs into Izuru’s shoulder/ neck region. This causes Sajin and Izuru to cum.
Sajin removes himself from Izuru and pulls him into an embrace. He licks the wound on Izuru’s neck.
Izuru thinks about how he can’t remember the last time he felt this loved and relaxed. He thinks how he can get used to this and is brought into a loving kiss by Sajin.
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NSFW Sajin X Izuru fanfic WIP Part 1
Here is the outline of the fanfic I am working on. Enjoy ya horndogs.
Takes place after the captain's betrayal.
Izuru is by himself in a bar, he is mildly tipsy.
The bar was shown to him by Ichimaru, it is quiet, with a nice menu and modest drink selection.
He is thinking about the betrayal and the part he played.
Komamura walks in and interrupts Izuru’s thoughts. He requests to drink with Izuru.
Izuru allows the captain to join him.
The captain shares how he first found out about the bar.
Tosen had brought him to it, after encountering each other in the court guard squads. They drank and discussed ideology, convictions, justice, etc.
The captain asks how Izuru came to know about the bar.
Izuru hesitates, Sajin assures him he does not have to share. Izuru swigs his sake and shares how he was introduced to the bar.
Ichimaru showed it to him after he graduated from the academy, to celebrate.
They discuss Izuru’s trial.
Izuru brings up the stalker from central 46.
Izuru asks if Sajin was one of the captains who spoke out on his behalf. Sajin confirms this to be true.
The pair talk about other things. Time goes by and it gets late. Sajin offers to walk Izuru back to his barracks.
Izuru hesitates, before accepting the offer and walks back to the third squad with the captain.
They get to the third squad’s barracks, Izuru thanks Sajin and says good night.
Izuru settles down for bed, thinking how tonight wasn’t so bad. He goes to sleep.
Izuru continues to go to the bar, occasionally meeting Sajin and having nice talks with him. The night always ends with them walking Izuru back to his barracks.
A few nights pass, and Izuru, feeling overwhelmed, goes to the bar.
Sajin is already there, eating and drinking sake.
Izuru greets Sajin. Sajin invites Izuru to sit next to him.
Izuru observes what Sajin’s is eating is not on the menu. Sajin explains that the owner will make something you want if he has the ingredients.
Izuru notes that it looks good, Sajin responds by offering Izuru some of his food. Izuru accepts but is surprised when Sajin holds his chopsticks out for Izuru to eat from.
Izuru hesitates, before awkwardly eating the morsel. He is surprised by how good it is and Sajin offers to split his food. Izuru accepts.
Izuru asks for a custom dish and offers Sajin food from his plate. He hesitates, before offering a bite from his chopsticks.
Sajin accepts and eats from Izuru’s utensils. He enjoys it. They continue to share and eat from each other’s plates.
The night ends with them walking Izuru back to his barracks, this time, they walk all the way to his quarters.
They chat for a bit. Sajin caresses Izuru’s face, thumbing over his eye bags. He inquires if he is sleeping alright.
Izuru responds he is sleeping enough. Sajin asks if he has the next day off. Izuru confirms. Sajin implores him to go to bed as soon as he is in his quarters and to sleep in.
Sajin asks if Izuru will be coming to the bar tomorrow. Izuru asks if Sajin is inviting him. Sajin pauses, before smiling and confirming he is.
Sajin asks to treat it as a casual hangout between friends and to dress down.
Izuru agrees. They say their good nights and head off to their respective destinations.
The next day, Izuru wakes up, having taken Sajin’s advice and slept in.
He decides to spend the day until his meeting with Sajin by reading, writing haiku, and going on some walks.
A few hours before the date, Izuru remembers he is supposed to dress casually. He struggles to find something casual yet nice, but eventually settles on a blue kimono.
He arrives outside of the bar, greeted by Sajin. When they attempt to enter, they notice a sign that says they are closed for the night.
Sajin offers to entertain Izuru at his personal quarters.
Izuru agrees, albeit awkwardly.
They walk together to Sajin’s quarters. Sajin compliments him on his clothes. Izuru reciprocates the compliment.
They arrive at Sajin’s quarters. Sajin asks if Izuru is bothered by dogs. Izuru responds that he is not.
Sajin opens the door to his quarters and Goro comes out to greet him and Izuru. Izuru asks if it is alright to pet Goro and Sajin permits it.
Sajin tells Izuru that Goro thinks he smells nice. Izuru, surprised, looks at him alarmed.
Sajin responds to Izuru’s surprise by informing him that he can speak to animals.
Izuru is impressed by the skill. He asks if animals have unique conversations.
Sajin smiles as he confirms by going on a story about squirrels having a war with the raccoons.
As Sajin tells the silly tale, he retrieves sake and a few game boards. Shogi and go.
They sit at a small table, drinking and playing games. Goro lays his head on Izuru’s lap. They are both a little tipsy.
Sajin notes how much Goro likes Izuru. He asks if Izuru likes dogs and if he has or is considering owning any pets.
Izuru notes he likes the idea of owning a pet but worries if he would be a good enough owner.
Sajin disagrees, believing Izuru to be caring and devoted. Traits that make a good pet owner.
Izuru looks away with embarrassment.
Sajin chuckles and leaves to retrieve more refreshments.
Izuru briefly lies down and pets Goro, who plants himself on Izuru’s chest.
Izuru starts to feel sleepy and drifts off to sleep.
Sajin encounters the sleeping Lieutenant and begins to clean up.
He carries Izuru to his quarters and places him on his futon. He sleeps next to Izuru with Goro.
Izuru starts to wake up hours later, feeling warm and well-rested.
Izuru is surprised to see he is in bed with Sajin, with no recollection of the events leading to him sleeping in Sajin’s bed.
Izuru’s stirring wakes Goro, which in turn wakes Sajin.
Izuru awkwardly asks what happened, blushing. Sajin informs him that he had found Izuru asleep and had laid him to rest on his futon.
Izuru breathed a sigh of relief. Sajin inquired if there was something wrong. Izuru embarrassingly informed him it wasn’t the first time he had fallen asleep with no recollection. Half the time he woke up with no clothes either.
Sajin chuckles and says it’s nice to see there are more sides to Izuru than what meets the eye.
Sajin offers Izuru breakfast, Izuru accepts, and they enjoy talking and eating together.
Sajin asks if Izuru would like to be walked home. Izuru declines, stating Sajin has been more than a gracious host. Sajin asks if they can do this again sometime. Izuru agrees.
Izuru begins walking home and encounters Hisagi and Iba. They greet each other.
Iba applauds Izuru for hanging out more with his captain. He praises his captain for being captain that all squad members like.
Hisagi agrees with Iba, noting that more socialization is good for their introverted friend.
He informs Izuru that he also hangs out with Sajin and that they should all get together as a group sometime. Izuru tentatively accepts, feeling awkward.
They wave Izuru off as he heads off towards his barracks to enjoy the rest of his weekend.
Izuru reminisced throughout the day about the gentle warmth he felt with Sajin and how safe and comfortable he felt.
A few weeks go by and Izuru has a stressful week. He heads to the bar to get drunk.
He is drunk by the time Sajin arrives. Sajin greets the drunken blonde.
Sajin, worried about how intoxicated Izuru is, offers to walk him home. Izuru agrees and offers to host Sajin.
Sajin agrees, but only so he can ensure that Izuru gets to bed safely.
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