lovelydosage · 1 month
I badly need one
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This is the magic lucky word count. Reblog for creativity juice. It might even work, who knows.
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lovelydosage · 4 months
just finished bolas 2 (finally) shame there was no aerin marriage scene or something
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lovelydosage · 9 months
Now that Aerin is finally back I will resume BOLAS!
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lovelydosage · 11 months
omg!!! you can comment with a sideblog now?? that's an update i can roll with!
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lovelydosage · 1 year
i'd be all hyped up for the next part then remember i didn't write the next part 😭 damn
me, reading my own incomplete writing : *gasp* and then what happened?
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lovelydosage · 1 year
this is so them
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what do you mean this wouldn’t happen
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lovelydosage · 1 year
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It's my 2 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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lovelydosage · 2 years
looking through the parksborn tag is very therapeutic to me
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lovelydosage · 2 years
no but like. Norman actually wanting Peter to be his son in law is so fucking funny. Like “if I can’t swap kids I can at least have him marry into the family” kind of vibes. he’s such an asshole, he can at least be the unintentionally funny kind
norman osborn, reading a newspaper: I’m so glad you and peter have finally made it official
harry, spitting out his coffee: sorry, what?
norman: come on, no need to hide anymore, son. thanksgiving at your apartment and your special someone will be there? obviously it’s peter. you’ve been enamored with him since high school. I thought you would remain repressed, so I’m impressed you made a move.
norman: I briefly considered adopting him but this is close enough
harry, realizing this is the first time norman has ever approved of his life choices (even tho he and pete r not actually dating): right ha ha ha me and peter two love birds
norman: make sure he takes our name when you get married
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lovelydosage · 2 years
real. say it!!!
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lovelydosage · 2 years
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lovelydosage · 2 years
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100 posts!
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lovelydosage · 2 years
Out of curiosity I made the decision to lurk around the anti stancy tag.
 I keep seeing people talking, mostly jancy shippers, about how stancy shippers don’t take into account Nancy’s hopes and dreams. I’m wondering exactly how that is. 
Let’s start by establishing what Nancy’s hopes and dreams are. What has Nancy said explicitly out of her mouth? And want was told to her by Jonathan or Barb or Murray? And how would ending up with Steve prevent her from not achieving any of her goals?  The line about the house at the end of the cul-de-sac is from Jonathan, and tbh I interpret a lot of his actions during Season 4 as being driven by a fear of ending up like that with Nancy. What Nancy says during the scene is that she doesn’t want to be in a loveless marriage (which is also something that both Steve and Jonathan don’t want either). “We like Steve, but we don’t love Steve” is said by someone who only met Nancy two minutes ago, has never even met Steve, and has never seen the two interact. How can we trust that?“ And even if we do trust that, why does that mean that Nancy can’t fall in love with Steve during the 4th season? I say this not to lessen the importance of Nancy’s ambitions and dreams of becoming a reporter. She’s a badass girlboss and I respect that with everything in my heart and mind, but only so we can keep things clear. Especially during the first and second season Nancy has a lot of people, namely Barb, Jonathan and Murray, telling her who she is and who she actually should be, and I think it’s really important to separate what Nancy says about herself versus what others say about her. 
Nancy has never stated out loud on the show that she never wanted kids. Furthermore, during the scene in the R V Steve never said that it absolutely had to be six kids and that is a dealbreaker otherwise. Steve was a dream, not a legit plan for the future. Steve said six because there are six kids in The Party (Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Will, Max and Eleven). If they end up together who’s to say they never get married, or they never have kids, or they have two or three, and/or adopt? How would steve not be an absolute wifeguy as nancy goes out becoming the most amazing reporter, always there to support her? How does their team-up during the 4th season not show that they would be just as equal a partnership as Jonathan and Nancy? And Nancy’s face while Steve is talking doesn’t look like she’s hearing a nightmare. There is no way I could even interepret it as uncomfortable. She has a genuine smile.
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THAT SOUNDS NICE!!!!!  If this was tumblr in 2015 I would follow this by shouting “LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK”. People get hung up on the six kids, but Steve also describes traveling the country, having adventures and learning to surf, not staying trapped in a cul-de-sac.
As Natalia Dyer said in a recent interview with Vulture, Nancy is now a much more confident and secure person. There is no doubt in my mind that the Nancy Wheeler of Season four knows exactly who she is. If she ends up with Jonathan, or Steve, or Robin, or someone she hasn’t met yet  will be for the right reasons. If Nancy chooses Steve (and I have every belief that it will be Nancy making a “Reader, I married him” choice) it will be because she knows that he will be the best partner as she becomes a world-class reporter. 
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lovelydosage · 2 years
jooyeon is so strong my head dizzy (2)
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lovelydosage · 2 years
i like how the two biggest arguments against stancy are “no! we already saw that they didn’t work out the first time/steve was not what nancy wanted” and “why would they do this again when they have both had so much character development” as if those points aren’t somewhat contradictory. 
so, like, they’ve both had incredible character development and are new and improved people from when they fell apart, but you say it’s impossible that they can rekindle anything now because the old versions of themselves didn’t match? 
the problem is that y’all are so set in your ways, and think you’re entitled to decide on what relationships are allowed to be THE ship or not, that you won’t allow other things to develop and you come up with a bunch of bs reasons to justify it.
also, idk how many stupid “not a single person in the world wants stancy back actually, so the writers are doing this for NO ONE” posts i’ve seen in the stancy tag. as if there aren’t currently several fan edits with s4 stancy scenes on twitter/youtube/instagram/tiktok coming in at 100k views, after only two weeks. just because YOUR fandom circle don’t want to see them revisited, doesn’t mean you speak for everyone else.
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lovelydosage · 2 years
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Stancy Through the Decades: ¼, 90s 
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lovelydosage · 2 years
this! it pisses me off how they spend so much energy talking shit about stancy. nobody cares if they make your skin crawl! get off the mic!
all i know is stancy will prevail 😁
i can’t stress this enough but: CAN U STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE STANCY TAG IF U HATE THEM SO MUCH? seriously is fucking annoying, u dont have to use the ship tag to talk nonsense, just dont use their tag, its just that simple
“steve has grown too much to-” [GUNSHOT]
everytime i see people talking “he has grown so much and bla bla bla” i just know they dont know shit about steve’s character at all, like steve’s redemption starts WITH NANCY, steve defending nancy to his shit friends, he get rid of his toxic friends FOR NANCY, some of u dont know shit about his character and it shows, the end of s2 he’s looking at her from his car and u just know that he still loves her, then s3 robin mentions if steve have ever been in love, and he says nancy’s name without hesitating, then he only thought he got over nancy bc he met robin but we know how that story ends, its like some of u dont watch the show at all, u dont need to ship stancy to know it makes sense
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