lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
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The squirt function
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
Under the logic of capitalism, there can be no greater luxury than the luxury of time or, rather, the crime of boredom. For to be bored is not to have made full use of time, to be inefficient, to waste time. If mainstream cinema’s aim is to provide “escapism” from boredom by utilizing “various forms of speed (activity-filled narratives, rapid camera movement, fast cuts, up-tempo soundtracks, and so on) to keep us entertained” (Misek 2012, 135, 137), the slow art film, on the other hand, “anticipates a spectator not only eager to clarify the value of wasted time and uneconomical temporalities but also curious about the impact of broadening what counts as productive human labor” (Schoonover 2012, 65). A cinema of slowness, therefore, invites us to reconsider the value of waste…
Song Hwee Lim, Tsai Ming-liang and a Cinema of Slowness (2014)
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
“Learning requires study and reflection. Don’t be so busy studying that you never reflect.”
— Get your grades up and enjoy the process more by following for your daily tip. Have you followed the Twitter & Pinterest yet? https://twitter.com/StudyTipsDaily https://www.pinterest.com/smartstudentsec/ Join our community on Reddit! https://www.reddit.com/r/studytips/
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
Christopher: Cryptography is the science of codes.
Alan: Like secret messages?
Christopher: Not secret. That’s the brilliant part. Messages that anyone can see, but no one knows what they mean, unless you have the key.
Alan: How is that different from talking?
Christopher: Talking?
Alan: When people talk to each other they never say what they mean. They say something else. And you’re supposed to just know what they mean. Only, I never do. So how is that different?
Christopher: Alan, I have a funny feeling that you’re going to be very good at this.
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
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3 hours into debbuging
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
MY study tips!!!
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I think it’s time to share with you what I actually do when I study. Here’s a list (non-exhaustive) of the main tools I use before an exam. Enjoy! 
I read my notes consciously, then I hide them and try to write down everything I remember. Then I’ll take my notes again, and look for what’s missing. Not only it permits me to see what I still don’t know, but it also consolidates what I already know. This one really works if you have to learn pathways, key concepts, etc. Re-write as it comes to your mind, make a mind-map, use arrows, etc.
Once I identified what I don’t know, I’ll just put a mark on my notes, so I know that this specific part needs to be more reviewed.
When I feel overwhelmed by all the stuff I have to review, I’ll just divide it into sections and create a study plan! 99% of the time, this makes me realize that it’s not that terrible and I can get through this! I feel much better then!
The Forest App. I don’t use it systematically but it really helps me keeping distractions away (AKA my phone) and in the end, I can have a little peek view of my study session!
Whenever I’m reading something important that I know I won’t automatically remember, I write it down on a piece of paper. Indeed, I always use a bloc-notes when studying, so I just write down important points. By doing this, I become more active when learning and actually remember better! And sometimes I keep those pieces of paper so I can re-read them just before the exam.
I try to stick to a memorization routine. For example, if it’s the first time I read a specific topic that I have to memorize, I’ll re-read it 3 days after, then again a week after, then 10 days after, etc. This is the best way to memorize: « repetitio est mater studiorum » as my anatomy teacher says.
When reading your notes, always try to think about what could be the possible questions that are “exam askable”.
If you have any specific topics to learn about the same main subject, try to summarize each topic on only one paper sheet. It’s been proven that we tend to memorize more when we see the information only on one paper than many. For example, I’m currently preparing my microbiology exam, so I did a sheet for each virus or bacteria and put them in plastic sleeves and store them in a binder. By doing this, I’ll be able to re-read them all the days before the exam and retain the most important information! 
The textbook is cool, but sometimes I’m in a rush and summaries made from previous years students will do the job. Of course, I make sure there’re no mistakes inside. And it can actually help with difficult subjects. 
I only use flash cards for vocabulary (my dear Spanish!) or pharmacology. They are the PERFECT way to memorize some things by heart!
I multitask intelligently. For example, when I workout I listen to audiobooks or watch medical-related videos on youtube while walking on the treadmill 
I test myself. I take online quizzes, I ask some friends or my boyfriend to interrogate me so I train my brain to see the problems differently and learn more! 
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
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Had my last lecture of 2018! Now I have 10 days to retain all the information I need for my exam and then I’ll be DONE!
Do you have exams soon?
Ps : how cute is Micky in this pic? 😍🐱
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
12-13/100 Days of Productivity
   So yesterday I spent a lot of time finishing and polishing my website for CS148, and also being angry at a group member who ended up doing jack squat for the whole project. Still debating sending an email to the professor asking him to deduct from that dude’s grade because he did nothing. But anyways I was up uuuuntil like 3 AM getting the last bits done. I had to download each page as HTML and run that through the W3C validator because of the password lock on my website. But it got done.
  Today I put up my last bulletin board of the year, harassed my group member until he finished the spec doc so I could submit my assignment, and made a poster for the CS Fair later today. Which I don’t want to go to because I’m running on four (4) hours of sleep at best and I hate myself right now. Unfortunate bit is that I’ve got RA duty tonight starting at 10 PM and going till 2 AM because of the end of classes event (which I won’t name because it’ll give away what school I go to, we’re weird). So I’m going to be burnt out all day. Uuuuugh. I’ve also got to work on the final write up for CS121. I kind of just want to slap some shit together and submit it but super nerdy dude wrote a whole ass outline for an essay and shit and ugh. Today is hard.
   Tomorrow I’m going to sleep in. Till at least 11. Then I’m gonna take some time to myself and read a book  that’s been in my queue for a while. And then work on my CS120 project. I have duty tomorrow night, so I’ll be at the desk for 3 hours anyways.
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
10-11/100 Days of Productivity
   Wowee, this has been a trip. SO Tuesday my entire Advanced Programming class asked our professor if we could turn our projects in during finals because literally every other CS class is having projects due right now and she said yes. So we got a week extension. Tuesday afternoon I did some work on my CS124 project, and then ran an International Film Appreciation Night- during which I sat under the desk the entire time and worked on my website. Which my group member (bless his heart) broke by being a dumbass. So I redid all the css from scratch, implemented a gallery search function, so on and so forth.
   Today, I overslept and missed my final accounting class. Which sucked. But I went to the library, worked on my website until it was good enough for in-class presentations, and then studied for a quiz- which I’m pretty sure I got an A+ on, based on the answer guide Prof. D posted this evening. I then finished my 124 project, and a project for accounting which I thought was due at midnight but was actually due at 8:30 AM today (I apologized for lateness, hopefully they won’t dock too much), and then did a bug patch on my website. And I’m going to do a little more work before a scheduled skype call with my BFF at 11 and then bed.
 Plans tomorrow are to go to Advanced Programming, and then spend the rest of the day working on my website, and then the Advanced Programming project as appropriate.
  Woo. Productivity.
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
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Nothing wrong with it, just interesting
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
Sometimes you don’t start your day until 2pm. Sometimes you have to put on a pair of jeans and a nice shirt instead of sweatpants in order to feel good about yourself. Sometimes it’s really fucking hard to get up and take a shower or brush your teeth. Sometimes it’s really fucking hard to take care of yourself and it’s okay. That is okay. Simple things aren’t always easy and simple things being hard doesn’t make you weak, you are doing the best you can and some days there are things you just can’t do and that’s okay. You are healing. You are trying. Do what you need to do to feel good.
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
Self Care Tips
Make time every day for some “me time” or make a dedicated day or two each week for this time.
Have a shower every day!
Brush and floss your teeth 2-3 times a day.
Use a soft bristle toothbrush: hard bristle toothbrushes can damage your gums and teeth.
Exfoliate 1-2 times a week if it suits your skin type.
Wash face and moisturise 1-2 times a day if it suits your skin type.
Do not wash your face in a hot shower: it will dry your skin out and will damage it.
Do something you enjoy and relax.
Get outdoors and get some fresh air.
Regularly exercise!
Eat a well-balanced diet.
Drink plenty of water!
Maintain healthy friendships.
Make some plans to look forward to.
Try meditation.
Get plenty of sleep.
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
reminders for the overworked soul
you don’t need to be productive all the time 
you don’t need to have productive breaks 
expand your definition of “productive” to include non-academic things 
don’t measure your worth by the number of things you do or how pretty your bujo is 
remember to have fun and little breaks between work
you are studying/working to become more informed, to learn about the things that excite you - not to check off your to-do lists  
you don’t need to monetise or make your hobbies productive; they are lovely on their own 
you are lovely on your own
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
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Every Single Time
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
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lovelace-and-lattes · 6 years
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To all mobile developers
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