Love Is A Battlefield
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Trae×Chrae Fanfic Love is as strong as you want it to be. Before starting a war, you have to know what you're fighting for and if its love, it's always worth it.
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“are you coming tonight? ” I had a club appearance tonight, the second night in a row and it’s always nice to do such things when I have one or two of my friends around. Seiko had planned to come with me and Chris said he’d make an appearance later during the night since him and I have been doing at lot of things together like shopping, apartment hunting for him and last night’s appearance.
“I want to but Shaun isn’t feeling well and I left him with Mikey and you know how that goes.” She rolled her eyes.
“It’s okay Seik. I understand besides Chris is coming with anyway so it’s no biggie but it seems like you’re avoiding Chris or you don’t wanna be around him?”
She eyed me while she sipped her drink. Her and I were having lunch after meeting with the wedding planner and my mom. “Are you sure? Cause you and him have been hanging out a little too much don’t you think? And yes, I’m avoiding him cause I can’t stand him. You know he’s trying to get in between you and Trey.”
“Relax, relax, reeeelax. He’s being good, he’s redeeming himself, let him do it and he’s asked for my help on his search for a new apartment so I’m just being a helping hand in that case plus it keeps my mind busy, which is why we spent so much time together . This is the first time Trey and I have been apart for this long so maybe it’s taking a toll on me a bit.” I scrolled through my phone texting Trey. He was in Paris, getting ready to perform. He’s been gone for nearly 3 months and I missed him so much but Chris has gotten back in my good books and been keeping me company during that time plus he’s been suspended although he attends practice but he’s been suspended from the he has nothing to do all day than workout, play video games and eat.
“Hopefully you’re not falling for him cause we both know what dilema you had in highschool and we cannot have a repeat of that. You know it would really mess things up for you and then you can say bye bye to the wedding you’ve always wanted.” She rolled her eyes.
“You know I love Trey, it’s always been him. So there’s nothing to worry about. Yes Chris screwed things up but he’s part of the best friend circle and he deserves a chance to redeem himself.”
She nodded before getting up from the table. “Uh huh, and you are always the one giving him one too many second chances but don’t get carried away. This isn’t high-school anymore, they’re not a couple of teenagers, they’re men now so playing a love triangle won’t end well.”
I nodded in understanding and followed right behind her.
I watched her sway her petite frame to the music in the club, second night in a row, while I sat back and watched everybody. I wasn’t drinking tonight again since I was trying to stay clean and show Kae that I’m responsible and worthy of her time and forgiveness. But also I was trying to stop the wedding, trying to show her that she’s better off with me instead so I had to be on my best behaviour.
“Are you okay over there?” she yelled over the music.
I nodded and held my cup of soda up. “Yep, having all the fun over here!” She smiled and walked towards me and landed on my lap. I put my arm around her waist balancing her since she seemed a little bit more than tipsy. “You’re having fun and there’s that beautiful smile.” I touched her lower lip with my thumb.
“Yeah and I wish you were having fun too but you look miserable Chrissy.”
“I’m fine Rue, as long as you’re getting loose and havin’ a good time, I’m good baby girl.” Everyday she’s strung up worrying about the wedding plans, and Trey and how much she misses him. It’s nice to finally see her let loose and relax, be free for a change.
“Look, I’m ready to go now. Can we go?” She got up, I watched her say goodbye to everybody in the VIP section after doing one last shot. I grabbed her purse while she stumbled in front of me causing me to grab her waist to keep her steady. “I got you mama, we got the car waiting outside.”
Once we got outside, I opened the door for her and we both got in the backseat. She lay her head on my lap and started laughing. “You must be a little more than tipsy, drunk I guess.” I brushed her hair and she kept on laughing.
“I feel queasy but freeeeeeeeeee!” She giggled.
I chuckled “Well don’t throw up in the car babe, it’s a rental and we’re almost there.” I played with her hair for a little bit while she laid her head on my lap and slowly fell asleep. Once we got to my apartment, I carried her upstairs to the room she’s been sleeping in for a while now when she came over whenever she was tired of being alone in their big house.
I tucked her in and sat her purse on the nightstand. Her phone started buzzing and I looked at it only to come face to face with the one person I was hoping to make her forget. Trey. It was a face time call. I answered the call.
“Baaaybee!” He sang when I answered till he saw my face and his face changed. “Chris? Whatchu doing with ma baby’s phone?”
I scoffed in annoyance. “She can’t talk right now, she asleep bro.” His face fell completely and I ended the call.
The fuck just happened? I stared at my phone’s screen which was Rue’s picture. The fuck did Chris mean when he said she’s asleep? What is she even doing with him? She knows how I feel about him. Could they be? Nah… Rue would never do that to me.
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“That’s a wrap! Kae baby, you were great as always when we work together.” Mark the photographer said after the last shoot. I went over to look at the photos with Seik by my side and we were pretty satisfied. They looked pretty good plus Mark is one of the best photographers.
After the shoot, Seik and I decided to go grab lunch before my club appearance later tonight. “So tonight? The hosting gig, I don’t think I can come babe.”
“That’s okay boo, I have Chris coming so it’s cool.” I shrugged her off and she gave me a look. “What?”
“Don’t you think you and Chris have been hanging out a little too much? I mean it seems that you guys live together too now and I doubt Trey would be happy about that.”
I rolled my eyes, yes I’ve been staying at Chris’s place for a bit, he has 2 extra bedrooms so I took one of them temporarily but only because I hate staying in that big house by myself and I’m lonely and bored and he’s good company plus he’s also trying to make it up to me for the engagement party.
“I’m serious Kae, he loves you and he might get the wrong idea with all this attention you give him.”
I shrugged. “I guess but he knows I love Trey soooo stop trippin’.”
I watched Kae dance her petite self off to the music in the club. Even amongst so many girls, she was still the only one I had my eyes on and plus we’ve been spending so much time together maybe I could convince her to call off this wedding.
“I’m ready to go!” She yelled over the loud music while she swayed her hips a bit and took a sip of her drink. I could tell she was a little tipsy and for the first time, I wasn’t drunk. I didn’t even touch a drink since I’m trying to get clean. So I nodded and took her hand as I led her through the crowd out of the VIP area and outside to the car we hired.
Once we got in the car, she couldn’t stop giggling so I assumed she was more than tipsy. “You okay Rue?” I asked concerned, her ass better not throw up in the car cause it’s a rental.
“Yeah! Why wouldn’t I be? Wasn’t that awesome? The buzz? The music? I needed a night out from missing Trey and our boring usual stay in at your place watching movies or playing video games.”
I chuckled, “Okay, miss drunk you need to get your ass in bed when we get home.” I played with her hair while she lay her head on my lap in the car. I could do this whenever I want if she’d just cut him off and let me step up.
when we got to my place, I carried her up to the guest bedroom she’s been occupying for the last 3 weeks. I took her shoes off, made the bed and tucked her in then kissed her forehead.
Her phone started going off as I was on my way out, I picked it up and saw Trey’s name flash across the screen, it was a face time call. I silently rejected it then switched her phone off. She needed to get some rest without TREY bothering her or making her feel guilty for going out and having some fun.
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I had feeling something was up when I dropped Kae off last night and she just dismissed me by saying she had to study with Seiko. I can tell when she’s lying.
So later that night I decided to pass by Seiko’s to see if she was there but I knew she wasn’t. *FLASHBACK* “Trey?” Seiko asked with a surprised face when she opened the door.
I cracked a small smile. “Hey, uhm is Kae around?”
I knew she could see the look of hope and despair on my face, she moved aside and let me in. “I’m having some milk and cookies, wanna have some?”
“Uhm sure, why not.” I took a seat on one of the couches in sitting room.
“Trey, there’s really no easy way to say this, it’s not even my business but we both know why you’re here and you’re my friend so…”
I nodded. I knew what she was about to say was clearly something I didn’t wanna hear just from her saying there’s no easy way to say this.
“Kae and Chris kissed. I’m sure she’s with him right now if you don’t know where she is. I’m guessing she told you she was here and you just had a hunch that it’s bogus.”
I nodded and got up. I forced a smile. “Cool, I’m just gonna go.” *END OF FLASHBACK*
“TREY baby? You’re gonna be late for class. Send Kae my love okay?” My mom kissed my cheek as she broke me out of my thoughts.
Ever since Seiko told me what she told me last night, it’s been playing in my head like a broken record. I couldn’t believe that Kae would cheat on me.
How am I supposed to look at her now? Or Chris. I knew he wanted her but I didn’t think he’d go this low. Now definitely our friendship sleeps with the fishes.
I grabbed my stuff and headed out. I had to pick Kae up. I parked up outside her house and she had the biggest smile on her face when she saw me but the feeling wasn’t mutual. It’s just disgusting thinking about, she was with him last night, I can tell just from her behavior that they did more than just kiss.
To think that I was planning on taking her to New York with me. Guess now it’s a solo trip.
My ass woke up in a good mood after the night I spent with Chris but all that was ruined when Trey picked me up. He was quite through the whole ride to school so basically I was talking to myself the entire time.
Once we got to school he didn’t even walk me to class. I guess he’s just not in the mood today. “Seik? Whatchu doing after school?”
She rolled her eyes. “Not hanging out with you.”
“And the attitude?”
“Don’t go around lying to Trey, using me as an excuse so you can go hoe around.” She gave me a blank stare.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She pointed over to where Trey, Chris and the boys were standing. “I’m talking about that.” Chris was staring at me but Trey wouldn’t even look my way, all day.
I shrugged. “Still don’t know.”
“Okay, well maybe this will ring a bell. Trey came looking for you last night. Told him you’re pretty much hoeing around on him.” She closed her locker and walked away leaving me with my mouth on the floor.
I looked over at Trey, his eyes still wouldn’t meet mine. Him and Chris came to my locker. “I’m going home early today, no basketball practice for me.” He said blankly.
“Uhm okay, can you come by tonight for dinner.”
“Nah, I’m good. Gotta pack. I’m going to New York tomorrow morning.”
My face fell when he said New York. He knew how much I wanted to go with him and he’s leaving a week early. Did I chase him away?
Trey was acting like a bitch all day. After he left I pulled Kae by the waist. I didn’t care whether people were watching us or not.
She hit my arm. “Stop it! People are looking.”
“I’m not your side nigga you know.”
“Yeah, Trey knows and I’m pretty sure he just dumped me.”
I chuckled, damn, that’s why he’s been acting like a lil bitch all day. “Lovely, then there’s no reason to sneak around. Bring your sexy ass over tonight.” I winked at her before turning on my heel and walking away.
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For as long as I’ve known Trey, I’ve never known him to call me out and check me even when I did some crazy shit but damn he must really love her. I sighed as I thought about our conversation on the basketball court last week. “Don’t try me man, her and I have a good thing going, I love her and I wanna make her happy.” “Don’t be a dick, you know she won’t forgive you if you tear us apart and I sure as hell won’t forgive you either. You’re my best man so act like it.”
I chuckled to myself as I watched Kae pick some stuff for her honeymoon. I’m the best man at the wedding of the woman I love. Wow, my life is officially fucked up. “Something funny?”
“Nah, Trey will like that.” I nodded at the different sets of lingerie she had in her basket.
She blushed, “Oh hush Christopher!”
I laughed, “Then why am I here? I’m here to voice my opinion so you don’t mess up.”
I was so jealous! Trey was taking her to Italy, Spain, Brazil, Dubai. And I was stuck lingerie shopping and outfit shopping for the next week. I groaned. “I’m hungry Kae, we’ve been at this for the past two hours, feed a nigga?”
She nodded. “Okay big baby, I’ll pay for these and we’ll go have lunch.” I watched her walk off to the sales assistant. I was stuck with her doing shopping while Seik and Kae’s mom did wedding stuff, I wish I’d said yes when Seik asked me to partner with her in the wedding stuff but instead I wanted to be joined at the hip with Kae but all I’m stuck with is her talking about Trey, the honeymoon, their plans and blah blah blah! I was glad her and I made peace but damn this was torture!
I ran my hand over my face and sighed. The mini tour was starting next week and I didn’t want to leave. At least not without Kae but she’s got her modelling stuff, hosting gigs and the wedding so she can’t come with me.
“BABY! I’M HOME! COME HELP WITH THE BAGS!” I heard her yell from downstairs. I went down to help only to see her with literally the whole store in her car.
I chuckled. “Shopaholic wife? Gonna bankrupt us before we’re even married!” She hit me with one of the bags I assumed had jewelry because of the clinking sound it made. “Not funny Tremaine.”
“Okay okay baby, what’s all this?” I asked as I carried most of the bags and helped her inside.
“Our stuff for the honeymoon.” She cheesed like an idiot. God this woman loves to shop. “I got some stuff for us today while I was with Chris.”
I kinda tensed up. I didn’t trust him around her. She jumped on my back after putting everything down, wrapped her arms around my neck. “Stop worrying about him. You worry too much Trey and I sense some sadness. What’s wrong?”
I gave her a piggyback ride all the way to the kitchen while I got the ice cream out and then I put her on the counter. “Well the tour, I want you to come with.” I pouted.
She took a spoon full of ice cream licked it off a bit then fed me the rest. “I’m sad too. I really want to come but I have two magazine covers and an interview with BigBoy. Then the wedding too.” She gave me her big puppy dog eyes.
“We’ll Skype everyday right? Even with the crazy different time zones?”
She smiled with a mouth full of chunky monkey. “It’ll be like I’m right in tour with you! We can even squeeze in some phonesex.” She gave me her naughty eyes and I winked at her before kissing her.
“Hmmmm now that I think about it, we haven’t done the nasty in this kitchen yet.” I said while kissing her and taking her shirt off. “Mmmhhh I don’t remember us doing that yet.” She blushed and took my shirt off while we kissed. Damn I’ll be gone for so long without any of this with her. Without her by my side.
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“Wake up sleepy head.” Trey shook me out of my sleep while placing a tray full of breakfast on the bed next to me.
I groaned and sat up. “You’re up early.”
He chuckled. “No, we both overslept seeing that we were up all night last night.” He winked at me, causing me to blush as I thought about last night. It was one freaky night but then again, Trey and I are always freaky.
“Thank you for the breakfast.” I smiled while I put the tray on my lap.
“You’re welcome baby, but I gotta go. Got a meeting with the tour manager and Seik called, she says she’s gonna be here at 12 to pick you up for some wedding stuff.” He kissed my forehead before grabbing his phone and car keys and heading out.
I sighed while I dug into my english breakfast, I was kinda tired but I knew I had another dress fitting and more wedding stuff to do. Like picking out centerpieces etc. And bridesmaid dresses although I only had one bridesmaid/maid of honor since Draya skipped town after her nonsense with Chris.
When I got the call in the morning from Seik, to meet her and Kae at the bridal shop, I was kinda excited and nervous at the same time because I wasn’t sure whether Kae would want me at the dress fitting or not. I mean I did crash her engagement party so she might still be angry even though Mike made us all hash things out plus I had a basketball game with Trey later on and I already knew what it was about:KAE.
“Eeewwww! You’re so disgusting!” Kae giggled while she walked behind Seik, as they made it to the front desk in the bridal store and the lady led them to the couch where I was.
The smile on Kae’s face fell off immediately when she saw me. She rolled her eyes. “What’s he doing here?”
Seiko sighed. “Come on, grumpy pants. You guys hashed things out, he’s your best friend too and you know you want him here!”
“I can go if you don’t want me here.” I started to get up. It hurt my feelings that she was being like this towards me.
She bit her lower lip. “Fine. Stay.” She waved me off and went to the dressing room to try on some dresses she chose already. Turns out she had two wedding dresses, one for the ceremony and one for the reception.
“You think she’s still angry?” I asked Seik who was texting on her phone.
“Uhmm nah, she’s just acting like she is. You know her, she’s like you, she’s a big baby.” Seiko chuckled.
“Well I’m - WOW KAE…” my mouth dropped open when she walked out in her first dress.
“Seik? How’s the fit? They altered it a bit.” She looked herself in the mirror while I was still trying to find words.
“You look absolutely beautiful.” I spoke before Seiko could. I nearly got all teary eyed. Damn, she’s another niggas bride now. It’s official, got a dress and everything now.
“Perfect babe. I love it. I know Trey will probably cry when he sees you walk down the isle.” Seiko said making her turn around.
“Babe? Something’s wrong with Shaun so I gotta okay? I’m so sorry but you look stunningly perfect in both dresses well I’m sure the second one is as perfect. We’ll do my fitting tomorrow.” She spoke all in one breath as she got her stuff and kissed Kae’s cheek before rushing off.
Inside I was praying she’d come back. “Well this is awkward…” I said after a while since Kae and I were staring at each other in an awkward silence.
“Uhm I’m just gonna change and we can go.” She picked up her dress and started to head to the dressing room.
“Nah, come through in that other one.” I smiled reassuring her that I didn’t mind plus I wanted to see it before everyone did. She looked so beautiful today that I wished I was the one getting married to her and I’m not even marriage material, at least I don’t think I’m ready.
“For somebody who does this professionally, you should be whooping my ass.” I chuckled as I threw the last hoop. “Or maybe you’re trying to sweeten me up with a win?”
Chris laughed. “Maybe man, I don’t want any bad blood between us, we’re brothers even though we love the same girl.”
I chuckled and nodded, even though I wanted to punch him the face. I was still angry, I know Chris very well and knowing him he’s not gonna back down and watch us get married especially now since everyone knows that he loves her.
I sat down on the bench. “Look man, I know you love her. And quite frankly I don’t give a fuck. She’s my woman, don’t try some slick shit like that again, stay in your lane. You’re good friends with her, keep it at that, don’t ruin it for everyone. Then we’re good.”
He nodded and grabbed his water bottle. “Understood.”
I was glad we got that outta the way because I’m prepared to fight if I have to and call an end to our friendship if I have to because the way I love her is a way that I’ll never love anyone else. She’s the one.
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Everything at the engagement party kinda happened a little too fast and none of us even saw it coming.. No matter how much I like to side with my boy Chris and defend him, this time his ass was waayyyy foul. Who did he think he was messing up my baby sister’s engagement party?
I felt really bad for how things went down so when Trey went to perform in Toronto, New York, London and Spain. I surprised the workaholic: Kae with tickets to join him for the next two-three months to let things blow over and get things with Chris in check. - With Kae gone, I took the opportunity to get Chris to rehab and back on the team. At first he was reluctant but later on he came to his senses and realized that he needs help cleaning himself up. So Shad and I sent him to the best rehabilitation centre in LA and ever since then he’s been clean.
I took the liberty to rent out Mr Chows for the night and had everybody come through since Kae and Trey just got back from their little vacation away so I figured it’s time these people fixed things because we a family and family don’t stay with tension amongst them…
“Are you sure this is gonna work Michael?” Seiko looked at me and Chris doubtfully while she scrolled through her tumblr.
Honestly I didn’t know because Kae can be a little too stubborn and everybody knows how angry at Chris she is plus Trey seems to be angry too and nobody has ever seen him this angry.. “Yeah babe, I’m sure they’re all over it. I mean it’s been nearly three months. I don’t think they can stay mad that long.”
Seiko shook her head. “You act like you don’t know Kae and Trey seems really pissed off at Chris’s behavior..”
“I do know but look at Chris, he’s clean now and on his best behavior and he’s sorry. He wants to make things right plus he’s back on the basketball team too Seik, things are in order here..”
Chris cleared his throat. “Y'all know I’m sitting right here right?”
“Oh hush Chrissy-poo! We’re all sitting here cause of you!” Seiko stuck her index finger at him.
“Don’t start you two, they’re here so act right.” I whispered before I got up to give Kae a big hug. “Lil sis and my man Trey!”
They greeted everyone before sitting at the table. I saw Kae giving Chris a blank stare while Trey whispered something in her ear. “Come on y'all. We’re all family here… don’t you think it’s time to hash the hostility out?”
Kae chuckled bitterly. “Mike, Trey and I literally just got off the jet, we’re more than the word jetlagged. And you called us up here for this nonsense when we could be home?”
“I told you.” I heard Seik whisper to me.
“Stop being a big baby Kae. We family here. Talk y'all shit out.” I stared her down in annoyance.
“Stop making it seem like I’m upset for no damn reason! Seriously,. Christopher barges into MY engagement party and unapologetically ruined it! If that’s not some sick selfish shit, I don’t know what is.” I sighed, maybe this wasn’t a good idea by the looks of things.
“Rueche look, I see now what I did was way outta line, maybe at the time I thought otherwise but I see my mistakes and I’m getting my life back in order. Don’t be upset with Mike, he’s just doing this for me but I have to be a man and take responsibility.” Kae crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
“That’s all you got?” She asked.
“Nah, Rueche I’m sorry and Trey, you and I are brothers man. I’m sorry for what I did, I sincerely apologize for my uncalled for behavior, I know how much you love Kae and I wouldn’t wanna ruin that for you guys. She deserves a good man like you.”
Trey nodded silently before he extended his hand to Chris. “It’s all good man but things might not be the same between us. You came for me and mine man, that shit wasn’t cool. It was hella disrespectful but I respect and appreciate you coming up, owning up and apologizing.”
Chris nodded.. “I understand.”
“Yeah well don’t ever try to come for mine again nor disrespect her like that. Kae and I are gonna leave now. There’s no bad blood here so enjoy y'all dinner.” Trey got up and took Kae’s hand in his and they left us sitting there with our mouths open. Never have we seen Trey be so forward and cold, I guess Chris really did strike a nerve in him and he won’t hesitate to check him.
While we sat there dumbfounded. I had never seen Trey that cold, every time I fuck up, he’s the first to forgive and move on but this time I guess he’s not taking my mistakes.
But I’m glad I got that off by chest, now I can continue to work on myself. Even though I apologized, it doesn’t mean I feel different. I still love Kae very much and Yes I should’ve done things differently but I don’t regret it. I was only trying to get my love across
“Thanks Mike but I’m gonna leave you and Seiko here to enjoy your dinner, I have practice in the morning so check ya later.” I chucked up the deuce as I left.
Even though Chris apologized and he’s getting his life together, doesn’t change what happened and how I feel. I forgive him but I’m upset that he embarrassed Trey and I like that. It’s all over the media. The whole thing. It looks like a love triangle when it’s not and I guess that’s what had Trey extra upset. I love Chris but not like that, I love Trey, it’s always been Trey and It’ll always be him.
Trey and I were so tired when we got home, we took a shower together and decided to cuddle in bed afterwards. I snuggled up on his chest as I traced his chest tattoo. “You okay baby?” He asked while he caressed my back.
“I’m just .tired and sleepy.” I yawned a bit while I nodded
“It’s okay, you can sleep.” He started singing to me while he continued to caress my back. Minutes later I was completely knocked out and sleeping peacefully with my head on his chest.
Chris must be stupid or crazy if he thinks I’m gonna let this shit slide. On that note, Michael needs to stop getting in people’s business, he needs to stop making excuses for Chris’s stupid behavior.
I shook all the thoughts away since we hashed things out. I still couldn’t get any sleep though. I looked down at Kae, who quickly fell asleep while I sung to her. I looked at the lines on her face and wanted to trace every bit of beauty on her face. I love her and Chris shouldn’t try to take that away from me.
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So, I kinda got drunk and high and I might have crashed the engagement party. You know how it is sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I felt like that needed to be done. I might’ve gotten my ass beat a little but I’ll be aight plus Kae knows how I feel now so I’m definitely good.
“You know you gotta go too right?”
I removed the ice pack from my mouth. I groaned. I probably had a busted lip, nose and eye and maybe a few bruised ribs too. I looked up at Seiko. “Yeah whatever, I wanna talk to Kae first before I go.”
“And say what? Oh Rueche, I’m sorry but not sorry for my actions? I meant to ruin your engagement party but really my aim was to ruin things for you and Trey? Just take ya junkie drunk ass home! Geez, I’ll even have Michael take you. Nobody wants you here!” She half yelled.
I groaned again. Shit, I had a headache. All I wanted was to talk to lil mama and be sure we good. I got up from the grass and walked to the house, completely dismissing Seiko’s hating ass.
I walked in to see Kae packing up her first aid kit and handing Trey some more ice for his busted lip and nose. She glanced at me before giving Trey a kiss and whispering something to him. He didn’t even look at me, he just got up and headed upstairs.
Kae made her way towards me with her arms crossed. “Whoa watch out. The lioness has been unleashed and I sense some hostility.” I chuckled trying to break the ice.
“You’re still here?” She asked with a straight face.
I sighed. “Yes I’m a little drunk…”
She scoffed. “A little Christopher???”
“Look ma, I love you and I came here to make that shit clear to everybody. I don’t want you marrying that nigga.”
“Yeah well I am. And that nigga, is supposed to be your brother! You know what? No. I won’t do this, not right now. Please leave.” She walked towards the door. I grabbed her arm and she quickly pulled away. “Don’t touch me! I said get out! You ruined my engagement party! You’re trying to ruin what Trey and I have! If that’s not selfish, I don’t know what is so get out Christopher!”
She opened the door for me. I nodded and sighed. “Aight. I’ll leave but we need to talk ma.” I pleaded but she just slammed the door in by face.
Of course, I’m guessing that’s my cue to leave. I need to convince her and have her see that I love her.
After Kae did her magic on me, I went upstairs and got out of my stained suit. I sighed. What the fuck is he trying to do? Seriously, he knows how I love Kae. She’s my everything and he’s trying to mess it up. Yes, I know he loves her but I doubt he loves her the way I do. Nobody can ever love her like I do.
This is just fucked up on some other level, what about the freakn guy code! Clearly he forgot that. Kae is with me, his best friend. He’s our best friend. You never ever go after your best friends girl!
All these thoughts were just swimming in my head. Until I felt a small pair of hands wrap around my torso. “Baby. Tremaine. You’re doing that thing again. It’s gonna be okay.” She moved her hands up and down my abs.
I turned around and took her hands and kissed them. “I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry everything turned out like this. I know how happy you were about the engagement party and he just came in and fucked it up!” I sucked my teeth in frustration.
“Ssshhhh calm down. It’s okay, as long as you’re okay.”
I brought her in for a hug and then we laid on the bed while I played with her hair as she laid on my chest. “I’m okay but clearly Chris isn’t. Mouthing off like that?” I shook my head in annoyance.
“I don’t know Trey, he said he was drunk and high but I kicked him out. I’m happy with you Trey. I want us to get married, to be happy and have little ones. I don’t want you to ever doubt how I feel about you.“ She giggled a little.
I kissed the top of her head. “And all I want is to make you happy but I’ll have him in check.”
“Uh I think at this point we need to distance ourselves. I just feel like we have a wedding to get ready for, we have our future you know. I’m tired of Chris’s annoying behavior.” She looked up at me and sighed.
At that moment. I knew something had to be done with Chris’s behavior and I was gonna handle it when the time comes and make it very clear to him not to test my patience by coming in between me and Kae.
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“Okay guys come on, wrap it up. Everything in place, they’ll be here soon.” I stood in the middle of Trey and Kae’s garden, in their back yard, looking at the set up for their engagement party.
Last minute touches were being added, people had already arrived with gifts, wine, flowers and more but still waiting in the house for my cue to let them through to the garden.
When I had decided to take over the engagement party from Kae’s mom, she warned me that Kae and Trey felt quite sensitive about having people all over their all white in-house decor.
Once everything was done, people were sent through to the garden, drinks were served and everything was perfect. “Baby you really outdid yourself.” Michael said while wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Mmmhhhmm I hope they love it.” I looked around at everyone and everything.
“They’d be dumb if they didn’t, you worked your magic baby.” He kissed my bare shoulder while grabbing my ass.
“So where’s the big baby?” I rolled my eyes at the thought of his junkie ass.
“Chris? I haven’t seen him yet but I can call him babe, to make sure he’ll be here before them.” Michael stepped aside to make his phone call.
A minute later, he turned around and shook his head. I guess he wasn’t getting through to Chris. I sighed. His psycho junkie ass better not mess this up for them, it’s probably for the best that he’s not here anyway.
“Ahhhh! I can’t wait to see what Seik has done with the place.” I gushed while Trey and I stood outside.
“I’m sure it’s amazing, I told her I only want what’s best for my baby.” He caressed my cheek with his thumb which trailed all the way to my chin and tilted my head for a soft kiss.
I grabbed onto his shirt while he pulled me closer to his body. The heat radiating between us was too much that I pulled away. “Let’s not get carried away handsome.” I said while I wiped some off my lipstick off his lips and he winked at me. “Of course baby, saving it all for later when I have you all to myself.”
He opened the door and let me in first and I was both glad and surprised to see my living room spotless as we made our way to the backyard. “Totally glad Seiko made sure nobody would mess our new home up.”
“Yeah I’m guessing the backyard worked out just fine.” He took my hand into his as we walked out to the backyard and everybody screamed “HAPPY ENGAGEMENT GUYS!” all at once.
I couldn’t even stop giggling from all the joy I felt that Trey brought me into a bear hug and kissed my forehead. “I love you beautiful.”
I blushed “I love you too Tremaine.”
We walked over to all our friends and family, we spent our time greeting and thanking them as they gave us their congratulations. I managed to sneak away from Trey for a bit who wouldn’t let my hand go since he kept telling every single person how he can’t wait to lock me down for good and I’d laugh and tell them how locked down I am already.
“You did a great job Seik, it looks beautiful, it’s perfect.” I gave her a hug.
“Of course, you know I got you.”
“Yeah but have you seen Chris? I heard he’s a mess.”
“Uhm I don’t think Chris is coming honey and it’s probably for the best.” She forced a comforting smile.
“May I borrow my future wife?” Trey said from behind me as he gave me a little smirk. And Seiko smiled “She’s all yours!” Seiko raised her wine glass.
I giggled while he took my hand and made our way through the garden till we disappeared into the house, we went all the way upstairs to the main bedroom and to the bathroom. There were two glasses of champagne on the bathroom counter. Trey lifted me and sat me on the counter next to them.
He handed me a glass which I accepted with a confused face. “Shouldn’t we be out there with everyone for exactly this.”
“Not this, this is just for me and you. I love you Kae, and I want to give you the world baby and make you the happiest woman alive. To us?” He toasted.
I blushed. “To us!” I took a sip and then pulled him to me for a kiss. I love this man more than anything in the world.
He pulled away, went to the bedroom and came back with three gift boxes stacked on each other. “For you, my lady.” He smirked.
“A charmer like always and spoiling me rotten like always too.” I took the biggest box and opened it only to find a customized black matte Chanel bag and a pair of black fade louboutin heels. I cheesed hard, my two favorite things, shoes and handbags.
I pulled him in for a kiss causing him to chuckle. “Open the other ones.”
I opened the middle box to find an all diamond necklace and matching diamond earrings and the small box had a diamond ring from Cartier. I gasped. “Baby.. you shouldn’t have, I feel too spoiled. It’s a little much?” I tried to cover my face. I already have a diamond ring but you can never have too many diamonds.
“I only want what’s best for you, I love to see that beautiful smile on your face and it’s your engagement gift.” He removed my hands from my face.
“Well then I love them Mr Neverson, I can’t wait to be Mrs Neverson.” I put the gifts aside and kissed him again. He carried me to the bed and started trailing kisses from my feet once I kicked my shoes off all the way to between my thighs while I moaned a little.
He slid my black dress up and bit onto my red lace thong and took it off then began trailing kisses between my thighs again before he had his head buried deep between my legs.
I pulled my dress down and patted it a little while he grabbed my ass on our way down to the backyard, earning a naughty wink from me. We stopped in our tracks when we saw Chris holding up a glass of champagne along with everyone looking like he was giving a toast.
“To the briiide and groom to be everybody!” He slurred a little. “Where they at???” Everybody seemed shocked at his behavior, so was I. I was literally picking my mouth up off the floor.
“Chris, maybe you’ve had too much for one day.” I heard Seiko and Michael say to him.
“Nah nah nah! Don’t come near me okay? I’m good! Where they at?!?”
Trey walked towards him with me trailing behind. “Chris what are you doing?” Trey asked with annoyance laced in his tone.
“The bride and groom to be ladies and gentleman! Here they are! The beautiful Karrueche of course, who’s also my bestfriend and the love of my life…” everybody gasped in shock along with me. What? Love of your life? This can’t be. Yes Chris behaves like an idiot but this here takes the trophy, who the hell does he think he is? This is my damn engagement party. I was fuming! And if I was fuming Trey must’ve been over the edge. He’s super over protective of me. He held me back while he walked towards Chris.
“Seriously Chris? Sto-” he cut Trey off. “Don’t say anything mister perfect! Mister get the girl! Mister be better at everything I’m good at! Mister have it all, why did you get the girl? You know I love her too! Karrueche! I love you okay? And I’ll make sure you won’t have to end up miserable marrying this loser! I could even buy you a much bigger better house than this shit his bitch ass got you!” Chris slurred at Trey before throwing his glass at him and grabbing a champagne bottle from the table nearby.
Before I could swallow everything that was going on, Chris and Trey were already on top of each other and Chris being drunk as he was had spilled champagne on Trey’s versace suit and Trey was on top of him beating him to a pulp while Michael along with security tried to get them off of each other.
“Stoooooppp! Just stop it! Tremaine! Christopher! Stop it!” I managed to yell out, and there they were. Both bloodied and looking stupid, they finally stopped. The look on Trey’s face was heartbreaking. He got up, unbuttoned his shirt and walked off into the house.
I ran after him. What the hell was Chris thinking! Trey probably feels horrible for letting his anger get the best of him.
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“Baaaabbyyy, you wanna tell me wassup with you and Chris? I caught that vibe.” I said once Kae got into my car when I picked her up after school.
I saw her interaction with Chris earlier and that shit didn’t sit right with me. It’s like something went down between them. I ain’t dumb, I see how he looks at her too so I'ma need to check him too.
“It’s nothing baby, he’s just an ass and I feel like he needs to be more respectful to me.”
I nodded as I turned on her street. “So now you just don’t vibe with him?”
She nodded and I sighed. “Could that be because you know he wants you?”
She coughed, kind of like she was choking and I sucked my teeth. “What? No! Why would you think that?”
I parked infront of her house. “Dinner today or?”
“Uhm I’m busy tonight. Gotta study with Seiko.” I nodded and leaned in to kiss her cheek before she got off then I drove off after she left. None of this felt right.
After Trey dropped me off, I changed and went straight to Chris’s place. After talking to Chris in the hallway, I found myself in his arms. For some reason I was drawn to him. I was already falling for him but I was never gonna admit that to anyone.
“Rue? You okay baby?”
“Uhh yeah, I was just thinking.”
“Well you being here should say a lot.” He caressed my cheek before kissing me.
I pulled away. “Uhm, Chris… I’m not so sure about this.”
“Come on baby, you came all the way here. You know you passed by Trey’s house. If you wanted to be there, you’d be there.” He sighed before walking away.
“Okay I’m sorry. You’re right. I want to be here.” I nodded to myself, I don’t know what was drawing me to him.
“Yeah well before you say you want to be here, there are some things you and I need to clear up, be upfront about.” He took my hand.
“And what would that be? I know you want me to leave Trey, and I will when the time comes. But right now I’m here with you.” I confessed.
“Of course you gotta leave him. You and I have been feeling each other, so you gotta make your choice but before you do, There are some things you gotta know about me ma.”
I followed him all around the house as he told me about his businesses till we got to his office. “Nice office.” I remarked. I honestly don't know anyone with an office who's as old as he is.
“Damn, after all that I said that’s all you got? You must really feel me." He cheesed.
I chuckled. I don’t know, I was just drawn to him. The danger and bad boy demeanor excites me. “I don’t care about all that, I’m here for you.”
He smirked and licked his lips. “Damn ma, you down forreal?” He grabbed me by my waist, lifted me up onto his desk and I nodded before he kissed me.
He slipped his hands between my thighs underneath my dress while we kissed. I know we shouldn’t be doing this but it feels right and at the moment nothing else matters.
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