Love For Sale
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All anybody ever wants is to be and feel love
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loveforsale-ff · 5 years ago
Chapter I
Well I guess I'm trying to be Nonchalant about it And I'm going to extremes to prove I'm fine without you But in reality I'm slowly losing my mind Underneath a disguise of a smile Gradually I'm dying inside Friends ask me how I feel And I lie convincingly 'Cause I don't want to reveal The fact that I'm suffering So I wear my disguise 'Til I go home at night And turn down all the lights And then I break down and cry Mariah Carey- Breakdown
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Bliss Daniels
Bliss tossed her keys into the glass bowl that was in the foyer of her home, while simultaneously kicking her heels off. Her body swayed back and forth, as she headed towards the stairs in her home. Lethargically she ascended the stairs, giggling every time her body swayed into a wall. Bliss entered into her room, and immediately began to strip out of her clothes. Once she was down to just her bra and panties, she shuffled into her bathroom. Standing at the sink, she gazed intently at herself, and before she knew it, a tear had escaped from her eye. 
Shaking her head, she shuffled over to the shower, she wiped at her face quickly, as she cut the hot water on for her shower. If it was one thing that Bliss hated it was crying over her ex husband, knowing that he's out living life to the fullest, while she's playing a good game of charades. They type of pain she felt, when she was all alone, was a pain she had never felt before. Her thoughts always seemed to run wild whenever she was only in the presence of herself. Removing her bra, and stepping out of her panties, she stepped into the shower, pulling the glass door closed. Bliss slid down the wall, and cried silently. 
Wondering what she did to deserve this type of pain. After fifth-teen minutes of crying and throwing herself a pity party, she stood to her feet and began to wash her body off. She dropped her loofah onto the shower floor, as she stood underneath the shower head, letting the hot water rinse away the breakdown that she'd just had. Feeling as though she was clean, and that she was over her mini meltdown, she cut the water and grabbed a towel. After drying herself off, she tossed the towel into the dirty clothes hamper, and stalked into her bedroom. 
Shuffling over to her dresser, she grabbed her Shea butter, and lotion and began moisturizing her body. Once she noticed her skin began to glow, she stood and sauntered over to the dresser to place the items back where they belonged. 
Swaying over to her bed, she flopped face first, huffing out a breath, and she felt a fresh batch of tears coming on. Grabbing her pillow, she held it close to her body, as she closed her eyes, trying to will the tears to stay confined to her eyes, but it was a battle she lost, as the tears began to slowly slide down her cheeks. 
She cried herself to sleep, with her mind wondering when the pain of heartbreak, and failure would subside.
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loveforsale-ff · 5 years ago
Don't believe the lies Look me in my eyes Please don't be scared of me Please don't be scared of me Drake- Fear
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Bliss Daniels
"Bliss c'mon!" Harmony yelled, "I'm coming!" Bliss yelled back as she pulled on her thigh high boots. Standing in her floor to wall mirror, Bliss looked her self over. Loving what stared back at her. She wasn't the thickest, but she knew how to work what she had. Shuffling out of her room, she headed down stairs. "I'm ready," "Ok I was not ready for this slay!" Heaven yelled out. Bliss chuckled, as she looked her cousin over. "Bitch you talking about me, but look at you." Bliss deflected.
Heaven struck a pose, as she showed off her outfit, that was a lime green two piece, that consisted of a halter and skirt set. Her braids were hanging, and her face had more of a natural beat.
“I'm tryna snatch somebodies daddy tonight." The girls fell out laughing at Heaven, before they each began posing for pictures, and quickly posted them to Instagram. Then headed out of Bliss' front door.
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"Where's Pialar?" Bliss asked once they slid into her white Jeep Cherokee.
"She's meeting us there." Harmony answered as she searched for a song that they could ride too. Bliss hummed as her response as she bought her car to life, and pulled off. The car ride to Pulse was quiet as the three woman bobbed their heads to Webbie's Six Twelves. Pulling up to the club, Bliss pulled up to the valet. Stepping out of her truck, Bliss took a deep breath, as her nerves began to get the best of her.
It has been seven months since she'd stepped out as a single woman, and she didn't know what to expect, she wasn't back home in New Orleans any more. She was traveling in uncharted water right now. "Look cousin just have fun tonight. I know this all new, but we wouldn't have begged you to move out here. We got you, cause we all we got." Heaven told her. And Bliss couldn't do anything but smile. Heaven may have acted like a clown ninety-five percent of the time, but she had moments where she actually gave sound advice.
"Yall ready?" Harmony asked, "yeah." Bliss answered, ready to forget about her past, ready to just live in the moment for once in her life. With that the three woman shuffled towards the door. "We skipping people." Bliss whispered to Heaven, "this her nigga club." Heaven whispered back, "oh ok." With that they walked in the packed club, and a cloud of smoke immediately engulfed them. With their heads held high, and their heels clicking on the marble flooring of the clubs floor, the trio headed straight for the bar.
Eyes fell upon them, but they paid it no mind. The only thing they was worried about was enjoying the night out with each other. It's why Harmony asked her boyfriend Zar for a VIP section on the first floor. This was a night just for girls. It was a night to lift Bliss spirits up after her nasty divorce. "Hey Harmony, hey Heaven." "Hi Jacob." They said in unison. "What can I get for you all?" He asked, but his focus was on Bliss. "I want a call the cab please." Harmony stated, "make that two." Heaven added, "and what about you pretty lady?"
"Double shot of Hennessy, and an old fashion." "Coming right up." As he began to fix their drinks, the last member to their group showed face. "Hey yall!" Pialar yelled to them over the loud music. "Hey love!" Bliss yelled back as she gave her a quick hug. After greetings and Pialar ordering her drink, the four ladies headed to the dance floor, as the DJ began to play City Girls Twerk. Bliss put a slight arch in her back as she began to make her ass shake to the beat. Her hand that held her drink in it raised above her head, as she got lost in the beat.
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Omer Beckham
Omer leaned over the rail of the vip section that he occupied in his best friend's club, people watching, when his eyes landed on a pretty brown thing doing killing it on the dance floor, her friends hyping her up, as she made her ass shake to the beat. Biting down on his bottom lip, he let his orbs roam all over her. Liking what he seen. The short dark blue denim shorts stopping right underneath her booty, the multi colored bodysuit hugged her upper body just right, but what Omer was feeling the most were the tan thigh high boots, it sent her outfit over the edge and had him fantasizing.
"Nigga what you doing?" Kaziar asked as he came and stood on side of Omer. Omer simply pointed out towards the dance floor, Kaziar bushy eye brows raised upon his head, as he followed his friends finger. A smirk graced Zar's face as he rubbed his hands together like birdman. "That's my shorty's people, I can run interference for you." Zar stated.
"Nah, I'ma get at'er when she least expect it."  Licking his lips he shook his head as he thought about all the positions he could bend her ass in. Just thinking about it had him stiffing in his jeans, as he wondered if she tasted as good as she looked. Omer had to chuckle to himself, as he thought about a conversation that him and his boys had days prior. They were all clowning on him, saying how he had a preference. He tried to deny it, but looking at the brown skin beauty he knew they were right.
He didn't know what it was, but he always migrated to the more melanated women. He continued to watch her through out the night on some creep shit, but Omer really couldn't help himself, and he wasn't the only one watching her, he'd seen a couple of niggas, and a few females watching her too. She was just that damn captivating. Seeing that she was on her six cup of Hennessy, Omer pushed himself up off the rail.
Dapping up his friend Josiah, Omer headed down the stairs and to the first level. He maneuvered quickly through the sea of bodies, that littered the dance floor. His orbs bounced around frantically, as he searched for his brown skinned beauty. Once finding her he licked his lips, as he swaggered over to her. Tapping her on the shoulder, he backed up some, as she quickly turned around.
Omer let his eyes roam her face, and for the first time in all of his twenty- five years of living he'd never been stuck, captivated by a woman's beauty, to the point where he was rendered speechless. "Can I help you?" Coming out of his daze, Omer gave his million dollar smile, "I just need your number." He stated once he grab his bearings. A soft chuckle escaped from Bliss lips. "Sorry I'm not on the market." Omer nodded his head, then turned on his heels and pushed back through the crowd. 
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