Here & Queer
51K posts
18+ | she/her | Dutch | F1 sideblog
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lovebird17 · 19 minutes ago
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feels like fake news
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lovebird17 · 1 hour ago
...what is the "sex is just rock climbing" category
It was kind of a joke between me and a friend ("you wouldn't judge someone for having gone rock climbing with a bunch of different people") but honestly the more I thought about it the more I bought into it unironically because:
It is a physical activity done with one or more partners
You should only go rock climbing with people you trust to not let you fall
You should not go rock climbing with someone who is drunk or currently incapable of rational decision-making
Some people get super super super into rock climbing and do not shut up about all the places they have climbed and how many are left on their bucket list and these people are usually men between the ages of 20 and 35 and like it's fine dude I'm glad you're happy but I don't know what most of those mountains even are
While many consider it a fun activity, pressuring someone into climbing when they don't want to (or ignoring their feelings and just dangling them off a cliff,) could cause both psychological and physical trauma
There is no moral value to it whatsoever. Who you have gone rock climbing with (or whether you have rock climbed at all) has no bearing on who you are as a person. Imagine telling someone "it's not that heights make you nauseous, it's just that you haven't found the right person to belay you!" or "you need to save your first time rock climbing for someone special." That would be absurd.
For some people it is a deep and moving personal experience.
historically I have not asked myself "will this aggravate my hip flexor injury" before participating when perhaps I should have 😔
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lovebird17 · 1 hour ago
I stg I could come on here and be like “everyone should try to be nice” and somebody I the notes would be like op you don’t understand I have Terminal Meanie Disorder and this hurt my feelings 🥺
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lovebird17 · 1 hour ago
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My personal brand of humor is "horrible, useless advice delivered in an authoritative way" and this is the result of it
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lovebird17 · 1 hour ago
I can never reblog that one post that's like "what fictional food did you desperately want to eat as a child " bc I had this dinosaur book as a kid and in the book there was this illustration of a T. Rex eviscerating a Triceratops and feasting on its remains and it looked like it was having such a good time with the triceratops carcass that I would have traded anything to be that T. Rex. And I can't just add that to a random stranger's post
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lovebird17 · 1 hour ago
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lovebird17 · 2 hours ago
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we got em
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lovebird17 · 2 hours ago
Voor alle BH-dragers: heb je ooit het volgende in je bh bewaard:
- cash geld
- gsm
- kaarten (id pin of bankkaart)
- tampons of maandverband
- zakdoek
- iets anders
- meerdere van deze opties
- ik steek nooit iets in mijn bh
- ik draag geen bh / resultaten
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lovebird17 · 3 hours ago
He was so real for this.
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Thank you sir!
We need to stop glamorizing jobs and making people feel that they need to find their dream job or they're somehow missing out. Sometimes a job is just paycheck and that's okay. You don't have to find your passion or whatever.
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lovebird17 · 3 hours ago
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Honestly, this question becomes less important as one grows older. When you're young, all the adults will drill into your head that you must find a dream and strive to make that dream into a reality. Otherwise, life would be dull and not worth living.
But as one grows older, you'd realise that most adults lie. How the world perceives us does not really matter. What matters is how we perceive ourselves DESPITE all that background noise.
Thame's letter shows that he is also starting to understand, it's not really the accolades that matters. It's how they got there: the steps and the decisions they made that put them there. That's how you measure one's success. Sometimes, it really is that simple.
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lovebird17 · 3 hours ago
It is morally correct to be horny on main.
If we really want to fight against this puritanical culture that seems to be hell-bent on running sex workers off the internet and banning pornography wherever they can find it, you have a moral duty to post hole on main. Doesn't have to be your own hole but you got to post it.
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lovebird17 · 3 hours ago
alright question time, because my best friend and i were trying to explain something to someone today and it seems we're both too lost in the sauce that is the tumblr dialect to effectively do so:
to you, is there a difference between a guy being classified as "wet and pathetic" versus "soggy and pathetic", and if so, can you explain the distinction?
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lovebird17 · 3 hours ago
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lovebird17 · 16 hours ago
the "canon isn't real we make our own rules" to "i am begging you people to revisit the source material" pipeline
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lovebird17 · 17 hours ago
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lovebird17 · 17 hours ago
Love this dude. An inspiration to people that have no fucking clue what to do with their lives, may we all end up having a little shop where a gay love story happens in the background
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lovebird17 · 17 hours ago
Earn: with a logo designed by a famous director
Me (and po):
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