lovealotpets · 5 years
5 Ways Having a Pregnant Pet Can Change Your Life
Taking care of a pet is one thing. Taking care of a pregnant pet is entirely another. Having your cat or dog pregnant feels very much like expecting a child. There are preparations to be made, adjustments to be catered to. Pet care becomes a priority for the pet owner. Pregnant pets can act differently than when they were weren’t pregnant yet, so having a pregnant pet can cause many changes to the routine of your daily life.
Here are five ways having a pregnant pet can change your life.
Less play time
When your pet gets pregnant, they cannot be as active as they were during their un-pregnant days. This means you get to have less playtime with them and fewer activities. Pet care for pregnant pets is much alike to taking care of a pregnant woman. There are things she can’t do in the meantime as she nurtures a baby inside her own body.
Budget adjustments
Having more living creatures in the house will mean spending more on your pet’s and her offspring’s necessitates like food, space, veterinary care, and attention.
More mouths to feed
You have to prepare yourself for what’s to come – babies. Whether it’s kittens or puppies, this certainly means that you will have more mouths to feed for yourself. Not only does this affect your budget, but it also affects the physical labour you have to exert, especially when the babies grow and stop getting milk from their mother.
More space needed
Having more creatures also means more space is needed. If you live in a small room and you have five new puppies, it will be difficult to manage the space with all of them running around once they’ve grown. You might have to make the decision of selling them or putting them up for adoption.
More happiness
Although more pets can mean more effort and more attention needed, this also means more sources of happiness. So don’t begrudge having a pregnant pet!  
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lovealotpets · 5 years
Why Never Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Pet Wounds
Hydrogen peroxide is a commonly used antiseptic for wounds, whether its minor cuts, scrapes, or burns. It can even be used as a mouth rinse to relieve minor mouth irritation.
So why not use Hydrogen Peroxide for pet wounds?
If your pet has a wound that doesn’t seem to heal, there are many ways to treat it. Although there isn’t a one-size-fits-all way to treat pet wounds, there is one way you must avoid at all costs if you don’t want to slow down the healing process – hydrogen peroxide.
A lot of well-meaning owners tend to use hydrogen peroxide on wounds found on their pet – cat bite abscesses, dog bite wounds, skin cuts and lacerations, abrasions, etc.
If hydrogen peroxide works for human wounds, why not use it on pets?
When you put hydrogen peroxide on your pet’s wound and see it bubbling, this doesn’t only mean that it’s killing the bacteria present. It’s also a sign that it is killing the very cells that your pet’s body is counting on to heal the wound. These healing cells are called fibroblasts and are very crucial to proper wound healing. Using hydrogen peroxide to clean pet wounds will delay healing instead of help it.
If you do use hydrogen peroxide, do not use it at its full strength. Remember to dilute it with either water or saline. If your pet has a serious wound, bring him immediately to your veterinarian. For small wounds, just use soap and water.
Hydrogen peroxide has other uses for your pets. It is useful for de-skunking a dog. It can also help induce vomiting when your dog has eaten something nasty.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
3 Tips to Get Rid of Pet Urine
For pet owners, pet urine is a common problem. Whether it’s dog pee or cat pee, getting urine in spaces where they shouldn’t be is inevitable, even if your pet is potty trained. There are times when cats choose to not pee on the litter and dogs just get too excited.
However, pet urine is not as grave a problem as you might think. Once you know these home remedies, getting rid of your pet’s pee-pee is as easy as 1-2-3.
White Vinegar
As simple as white vinegar may seem, it can do wonders in getting rid of urine odor. White vinegar neutralizes odors and works well for wet stains as well, even those that have been there for a while. You can use this by pouring generously an equal mixture of white vinegar and cold water. Blot the area well and let it dry. Once it is dry, you can then vacuum over the area.
Baking Soda
One of the greatest inventions of mankind is baking soda. Although it is named after its function for baking, it has been widely used and greatly helpful for cleaning, especially pet urine. Baking soda neutralizes the odor of the urine naturally. Sprinkle it liberally on the damp area and work the powder gently into the fibers of the fabric. Let it sit overnight to absorb as much odor as possible, then vacuum it up.
Bleach is a strong way to get rid of dog pee and cat pee stains. However, its smell is quite strong as well. This is especially effective for cleaning caked-in stains. Dilute the leach, using 10 parts water to one part bleach. Spray the solution on the stain and then let it sit for 15 seconds. After that, rinse the area with warm water. If the stain is still visible, repeat the process until the spot is gone.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
3 Pet Activities for You and Your Dog During Snowy Weather
Winter does not have to be spent indoors in front of the fireplace all the time. During the cold season, you and your dog need to exercise all the more to keep your body warm. So when the snow starts falling and carpets the roads outside, it is time to take your dog for some fun pet activities the both of you will surely enjoy.
Here are 3 highly fun pet activities from Tractive.com:
There is a way you can play with your dog while skiing. This dog play requires nothing but a pair of skis! This is great for people who love skiing and for dogs who love running. Skijoring is basically skiing while being harnessed by your dog who will run in front of you. Your dog will pull you across snowy fields. This is sure to be a lot of fun for the adventurous type.
Snowball fight
This is perhaps one of the earliest childhood games that involve snow. But did you know you can also do this as dog play? Since most dogs love fetching and chasing stuff, your dog will surely love snowball fights. However, this is not played the same way as with humans. Don’t pack the snowballs too hard and don’t throw them directly at your dog. Instead, toss it lightly so your dog can try to catch it.
Hiking and snowshoeing
Dogs love new spaces and smells, so you might want to consider taking them on your next hiking and snowshoeing activity. Although this activity is not exactly a game, it will be a great way for you and your pet to bond.
Check out the full list here for more pet activities you can do with your dog during the winter.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
3 Reasons Why You Need a Dog Raincoat for Your Pet
A dog raincoat, or pet clothes in general, has been a topic of much debate among pet owners. Some people discourage the use of a pet raincoat because it is uncomfortable for dogs to be wearing clothes in the first place.
For some pet owners, however, pet protection is more important. We want to place pet safety on the top of our priority list, whatever the weather may be.
Here are 3 reasons why your pet needs a dog raincoat.
To protect him from the rain.
As obvious as this may sound, your dog is not exactly waterproof. A pet raincoat will protect him from the rain and will allow him to walk in it without getting soaked, which will be bad for his health especially in the colder seasons. Pairing a raincoat with rainboots is also ideal, since the rainboots can protect your dog from being exposed to puddles that might contain unknown and harmful chemicals.
To allow him to exercise.
Some dogs hate going on walks during rainy days the same ways a lot of us do not want to go jogging when the skies are pouring outside. Getting your dog a raincoat will allow him to exercise even when it is raining. Even if the weather is bad, it is important to give your dog the exercise he needs as well.
To prevent him from bringing mud into your house.
Imagine if you walk your dog without a raincoat and he comes running into the house when you get back from your walk. Imagine him jumping around the furniture, getting his muddy feet and soaked fur all over the place. Need I say more? Get your dog a raincoat and rainboots before taking him out for a walk.
A raincoat and rainboots is not a matter of luxury for your dog. It is part of pet protection. So if you want to protect your dog even during the rainy season, get him a raincoat.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
Are You Spending Too Much on Your Pet?
For a lot of pet owners, pets are a part of the family. We go to great lengths and spend a lot of money to ensure our pets get the best possible life they could live. This is how we show our pet love. But when do we know that we are spending too much? When do we know that our pet budget has exceeded what we can afford or is necessary?
Spending less on our pet does not necessarily mean we lack pet love. Although the amount of money you spend on your pet really depends on how much you are willing to give for your pet, one must be wise in setting a pet budget. Spending too much on your pet can lead you to compromise on other necessities in life and other needs.
One thing a pet owner must do is to decide ahead of time on the amount of pet budget to give. Although pet treats and squeaky toys can take up a certain amount in your budget, the biggest danger to your budget is usually health care. We all want our pets to live as long as they can. At the moment of danger, most of us want to do whatever it takes to save our pet, no matter the odds. This can cost you hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. When possible it is better to make a decision ahead of time, when your emotions aren’t tearing you apart.
Read the full article from Moneyning.com here.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
5 Christmas Decors Every Cat Owner Must Avoid
‘Tis the season for Christmas decors and fancy lights. As pretty as we want our homes to be during the holiday season, a cat owner must know those fancy decors can also mean Dangerous decors, especially for our feline friends. Dangerous decors can be as simple as little things we hang on our tree or flowers we scatter on the wall. But with a cat’s curious nature and instinct to climb things, it could very well be dangerous.
Here are 5 Dangerous decors every cat owner must avoid.
Tinsel –
Tinsel is possibly the most dangerous holiday decoration not just for cats alone, but pets in general. It has the tendency to shed its strands, and ingesting a few of these strands can make your cat ill. It can even lead to intestinal obstruction.
Delicate or treasured ornaments –
A cat owner should never put up such sentimental stuff on the tree, mainly because a cat will most likely climb up the Christmas tree and knock over your décor.
Holly berries –
According to the ASPCA, holly berries are considered potentially toxic if consumed in large amounts. This can result in gastrointestinal irritation and depression of the central nervous system.
Christmas lights –
Christmas won’t seem complete without the lights, but you have to make sure to keep the strands away from the very bottom. Your cat can easily just chew on the electrical cords and end up getting an electrical shock. Make sure the end of the extension cord is tucked away so your pet cannot get to it.
Lit candles –
Avoid this at all costs. Cats jump around the place and can easily knock over a lit candle, which can result to a fire. Never, I repeat, never light a candle around a cat.
Read the full article here for more Christmas decors a cat owner must avoid.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
What to Do When Holiday Fireworks Scare Your Dog
As pretty as holiday fireworks can be for us, it is not the same for dogs. Most dogs are scared of fireworks, and this anxiety can leave them in a panicked state even when the lights and sounds have faded. Even if you do not take your dog outside to see the holiday fireworks and you are just staying inside the house, the noise can overwhelm your dog. A scared dog or a scared pet can become unnecessarily aggressive, can pee all over the place, hide, tremble, and whine.
Here are a some ways on how to deal with a scared dog or a scared pet around fireworks.
Sound Training
You can help your pet get used to the sound of fireworks by setting up training sessions throughout the year. You can do this by playing a fireworks sound effect at a very low level for a brief period. Give your dog a series of small, tasty dog treats and lots of praise when they remain calm. Then turn the sound off and stop giving treats. Gradually turn up the volume after each cycle. Always be sure to check that your dog is comfortable with the sounds and not displaying signs of anxiety.
Dog Anxiety Vest
Much like swaddling helps calm infants, a snug garment that puts gentle pressure on your dog’s torso can reduce fireworks anxiety. Train your dog in wearing a pressure wrap before fireworks so that he will get used to wearing it around.
Toys and Games
Distract your dog during fireworks by giving him something delicious and fun to focus on and enjoy. Stuff a toy with special goodies and treats so that your dog will not be overwhelmed by the noisy fireworks outside.
Check out the full article from PetMD.com here for more tips on handling a dog scared of fireworks.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
How to Do Pet Friendly Decorating for the Holidays
Christmas won’t be Christmas without the Christmas decorations, neither will it be if your pet gets hurt. This holiday season, as we set up the tree and hang the Christmas balls, every pet owner must know how to keep their pet safe. Every pet owner must learn how to make pet-friendly Christmas decorations.
Here are a few tips from interior designer Heather Higgins, ASID, CID, of Higgins Design Studio, LLC.
Skip the boughs of holly.
Although live mistletoe and holly make really pretty Christmas décor, they are also highly poisonous if ingested. Poinsettias, while not being poisonous, can cause upset stomachs. It is safer to use silk plants as decorations for the holidays.
Let there be light – safely.
Candles can be a nice touch to the ambiance, but not when they are a fire hazard. Do not place candles in unprotected locations where a wagging tail can knock them over. To avoid these issues, you can use flameless battery-operated candles instead. If you insist on using real candles, make sure to put them on a high and sturdy piece of furniture.
Stabilize the tree.
The tree is usually the centerpiece of the home during the holidays. However, it can easily topple when kids are running around and dogs are playing. Make sure to attach your tree to the wall or ceiling using thin, barely visible guide-wires.
Choose ornaments wisely.
Make sure to use pet-friendly ornaments as well. Keep breakable ornaments high and out of reach. Avoid very small decorations and ones that are made of food like strings of popcorn, candy, or nuts. These are enticing for dogs to chew and can also pose a choking hazard.
Read the full article here for more pet friendly tips on Christmas decorations.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
5 Budget Tips for Pet Owners
Let’s be honest, having a pet can be quite expensive. When you love your pet like a child, you tend to spend freely on all its needs and comforts. However, we can’t always afford to give every good thing to show love to our pets. That is why it is important to know how to budget your money and spend wisely on things.
As much as you love pets and love having pets, you don’t want to end up spending thousands of dollars when you could literally spend so much less. Here are a few budget tips on keeping a pet.
Adopt, don’t shop.
Buying a purebred dog from your local pet store can cost you hundreds – even thousands – of dollars. Adopting one from the animal shelter only costs 75 to 150 dollars. Not only that, but you are also giving a home to an abandoned soul and saving one animal from being euthanized.
Barter services.
Instead of hiring a pet sitter when you go on a business trip or a vacation, why not exchange service with your friends? You can come to an agreement with them that you will watch over their pets while they’re away and they will do the same when you go out.
Shop around.
Don’t settle for the first thing you find. Whether it’s a veterinarian or medicine, pet insurance or pet food and supplies, it is better to check out choices from different stores to see which is more affordable.
Do it yourself.
Vets and groomers can be quite expensive. This doesn’t mean that you should stop taking your pet to the vet or grooming salon. You can, however, lessen the number of visits by doing some of the things yourself like brushing your pet’s fur, giving your pet a bath, trimming his nails, and giving him a thorough inspection.
Practice good preventive care.
It is important to follow your vet’s recommendations for check-ups and other health tips to prevent your pet from getting sick. Give your pet all of the vaccinations and preventive medicine. Also, brush their teeth to avoid gum disease and rotten teeth.
Read the full article here for more tips on budget and how to spend wisely for your pet.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
Can I Feed My Pet with Christmas Treats?
Christmas tends to make us lenient with everything. As the season brings in loads of Christmas sweets and Christmas candy, we can get the idea that feeding pets with these are not a big deal and should not be an issue. However, feeding pets the right kind of food is not something we should take lightly. Although it might be considerable for humans to eat more Christmas sweets and Christmas candy than we usually do, this should not be so for your pet.
So if you are wondering if you could give your pet those sweet treats, the answer is a resounding no.
No matter how big those puppy eyes get, do not be fooled. “Dogs and cats are simply not designed to eat processed human snacks,” says Alison Daniel, founder of healthy pet supplement company Din Dins. Here are some common Christmas treats and why we should keep them for ourselves.
Never, ever give chocolate to your dog, whatever the occasion. This contains active ingredients like theobromine and caffeine which can affect hormonal and neurological functions in dogs. Even small doses can be harmful and may even be fatal.
Fatty meats can make your pet’s stomach upset and can even cause pancreatitis. Cooked bones, especially poultry, are brittle and can get stuck in your pet’s throat or gut. While raw bones are beneficial for teeth and health, this is not so with cooked bones.
Fruit cake, figgy pudding, mince pies
These sweets usually contain raisins. Dogs affected by grapes or raisin toxicosis can develop vomiting, lethargy, or diarrhoea. This can make the dog dehydrated, which can lead to worse symptoms.
Read the full article from The Huffington Post here.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
3 Ways to Pet-Proof Your Christmas Tree
As Christmas Day gets closer, you would not want to have your Christmas tree get damaged by your mischievous pet. As you mark another day off the calendar, another item in the to-do list remains to be done: protect Christmas tree from a dog. If you want your Christmas tree to keep standing, you need to be smart and learn ways to make a pet proof Christmas tree.
Here are 3 ways to crash off the protect Christmas tree from dog item off your list:
Spray it with a repellent.
Fallen pine needles can be dangerous for your dog. It can puncture your pet’s tongue, paws, and even their intestines if they swallow it. Deter your curious pet by spraying the whole tree with a 50-50 mixture of red pepper sauce and water. This is a way to turn it into a pet-proof Christmas tree.
Anchor it.
Some pets like to climb up the tree (especially cats). To prevent more accidents from happening, make sure your tree is secure by running a 200-pound invisible fishing wire from the trunk to a hook on your wall.
Watch the water.
Pets can be oblivious to what is harmful, and Christmas tree water may contain preservatives and traces of fertilizers that can upset their stomach if they drink it. You can’t just tell your pet Christmas tree water is dangerous; you have to prevent them from drinking it. Refill the water often and keep the bowl covered tightly with a tree skirt.
Read the rest of the article here from Parents.com.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
3 Things to Remember Before Giving a Pet as a Gift
Christmas can be lonely for your friend who is living alone, away from his family. If you are shopping for a gift, why not consider a pet as a Christmas gift? A pet is always a great idea, but there are some things you should consider.
Here are three rules to remember when giving a pet as a gift:
Never give a pet as a surprise.
Although the idea of giving a Christmas gift as a surprise seems like a thoughtful thing to do, pets are a different story. Taking in a pet not only requires commitment but also preparation. You have to make sure the person you are giving a pet has the time, energy, money, and interest to raise it. Otherwise, your gift might end up becoming a burden to them instead of a blessing.
Pay the pet’s adoption fees.
Once you are sure the recipient really wants a pet (and what kind of pet he wants), tell them you’ll be paying the shelter’s adoption fees for them in advance. Since it is a gift, you wouldn’t want them to spend in acquiring it.
Avoid impulse.
Perhaps the most important rule in the book. You have to consider and think over this decision carefully before pushing through with it. Give a pet to a person who badly wants one and is capable of taking care of one. Your friend might accept it because he doesn’t know how to say no. This is an important distinction.
The post 3 Things to Remember Before Giving a Pet as a Gift appeared first on Love A-Lot Pets Blog for Pet Lovers.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
5 Most Popular Christmas Animals
We’ve sung the Christmas carols and heard the hymns. From Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer to 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas animals take the spotlight. This Holiday season, we don’t only remember the angels or the stars or the snow that falls but also the Christmas animals that remind us of the season we are celebrating. Who knows, they might make a good Holiday pet.
Here are the 5 most popular Christmas animals.
Reindeers are a Christmas icon and are known to pull Santa’s sleigh as he delivers gifts. The most famous reindeer, Rudolph, was created when department store employee Robert L. May was asked to create a Christmas story to increase marketing.
The Yule Goat is especially common in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. This is a décor of a goat made of straw and relates to the last harvest (since the last sheath of grain from the harvest is believed to have magical properties). The Yule Goat has also been regarded as a spirit that visits households to make sure the Yule preparations are underway.
Being the first gift in 12 Days of Christmas, the gifts in the song is commonly believed to be given by a true love. However, the partridge in the pear tree actually represents Jesus Christ, and all the gifts in the song have a religious connotation.
Though they may not seem like much, donkeys are sometimes seen as sacred because it was a donkey that was said to have carried Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem on Christmas Eve. Donkeys are also commonly depicted in the nativity scene showing the birth of Christ.
In Victorian times, the postmen wore bright red coats and were given the nickname ‘robins’. Thus, robins became associated with Christmas as they are usually depicted on Christmas cards as carrying cards in their beaks.
Read the full article here for more Cute animals that represent Christmas.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
4 Tips on Handling Dogs with Anxiety
There are times when your dog can act in a way you don’t understand. He may be unusually afraid or aggressive, even urinating or defecating in the house. These are all symptoms that your dog may be having anxiety. Like humans, pets can get anxious and scared. It is a part of pet safety that we as owners know how to handle when we have scared pets and anxious pets.
Anxiety can be caused many different reasons, but three of the most common causes are fear, separation, and aging. Fear-related anxiety can be caused by loud noises, strange people or animals, visual stimuli, a new environment, etc. Separation anxiety is something a dog experiences when he is unable to find comfort when left alone or separated from his family members, and usually leads to him urinating or defecating inside the house. Age-related anxiety affects a dog’s perception and awareness.
Anxious pets and scared pets often show one or more of the following symptoms: aggression, urinating or defecating in the house, drooling, panting, destructive behaviour, depression, excessive barking, pacing, restlessness, and repetitive or compulsive behaviour.
Here are some tips on how to treat dog anxiety:
Talk to your vet.
Your veterinarian is the person who can help you identify the type of anxiety your dog is suffering from. They will also be able to determine if the anxiety is simply situational, or if it is becoming an overwhelming issue for your dog.
Training and counterconditioning.
There are several training strategies owners can use to treat anxious pets, and one of them is counterconditioning. This is used to change your pet’s response to the stimuli that trigger his anxiety, usually by replacing the anxious or aggressive behaviour with a more desirable one, like sitting down or focusing on the owner.
This is another training strategy that can be used for your dog. This is done by slowly introducing your dog to the source of anxiety, preferably in small doses and at a decreased intensity. Repeated exposure and rewarding positive behaviour is the key to this strategy. However, it is best to contact a professional dog trainer to help you choose the best approach.
Anxiety medication for dogs.
Your vet may recommend medications if your dog develops a serious anxiety disorder. Talk to your vet before administering any medication to your pet. This is a basic rule in pet safety.
Read the American Kennel Club’s full article here for more information on how to handle anxious pets.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
3 Ways to Keep Your Dog Happy This Christmas
Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year. It is the time when families get together and celebrate and give presents to each other. It is not just a holiday for people, but for our pets as well. Christmas should be celebrated not just by making our family happy but making our dog happy as well by showing him some pet love. Indeed, happy dogs make happy owners, so here are three ways you can make your dog happy this Christmas.
Christmas Day Dog Monitor
Christmas celebrations are very busy and we tend to forget our pets as we go about hustling and bustling. To keep your pet from getting lonely, a family member should be assigned as the Christmas Day Dog Monitor to help with caring for the dog, checking if there is enough fresh water for him, giving him a chew toy, and playing games and petting him. This is a great idea to help your kids be occupied as you prepare for the celebration.
Presents can also be for dogs. Give your dog a present he can unwrap – maybe a biscuit or some sort of treat or chew toy that will keep him entertained.
Christmas Snooze
The celebration can take a lot of energy for your dog. Give him a place to rest, somewhere quiet and away from all the talking and laughing and music. Make his space as comfortable and cozy as possible.
Check out more tips here in Dogs For Good.
The post 3 Ways to Keep Your Dog Happy This Christmas appeared first on Love A-Lot Pets Blog for Pet Lovers.
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lovealotpets · 5 years
3 Best Ways to Keep Pets Healthy
No pet owner who truly loves his pet would want them to get ill. Every pet lover would want to keep pets healthy. Pet health is not just another item in a list of to-do’s but is actually a priority. A healthy pet also means a happy pet. And a happy pet makes his owner happy as well.
Here are 3 tips on how to keep pets healthy from the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Keep your pet at a healthy weight.
Pet owners tend to spoil their pets a lot. Many of us even think that a fat pet means a healthy pet. This is not so. Obesity in a pet can lead to many serious diseases like heart problems, arthritis, and lethargy that will keep your pets from being active.
Feed your pet a balanced, nutritious diet.
You should not feed your pet just whatever it wants to eat. Like children, their diet has to be supervised. You need to make sure your pet is getting enough of the nutrients he needs.
Vaccinate your pet.
There are a lot of potentially deadly diseases that can kill your pet in a matter of weeks if they catch it. This is why it is important to vaccinate your pets. Your veterinarian will know which diseases they should be vaccinated against.
Read the full article here for more tips on pet health.
The post 3 Best Ways to Keep Pets Healthy appeared first on Love A-Lot Pets Blog for Pet Lovers.
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