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A little trip
Pairing: Hosea Matthews & You/Reader
Rating: General audience
Tags: Cutness, fluff, romantic
Hosea and you are on your way to a deserted hut at O'Creagh's Run at Grizzlies East. Hosea found it once as Arthur and him tryed to hunted that beast of a Bear. It's Quiet a ride with your camp being located in Clements Point now. But Hosea don't seem to mind. You sit on his strong dapple grey czech warm blood horsebody. Your head leaning against his human shoulders. The stallion calmly gallops towards your destination. He enjoys taking trips with you. With you on his horseback. You feel honored. Cause Bessie and now you are the only ones who are allowed to ride on him. You, he would gladly carry everywhere you like. Others he would buck off like a wild horse. You and him are a couple since two months by now. And everybody in camp knows that.
They are happy that he finally is happy again and found love. After Bessie he was sad and alone. And now at his age, he feels like a worn out stallion who is settled down to live on a meadow for the rest of his life. Nobody wanted him anymore. Not only because he's a freaking centaur wich are normally extinct, but also due to his looking. His cheek bones standing out, thin and slender human body and Silver hair. But you still see the strength and the fighter in him. Just because he is 55 doesn't mean he's automatically getting weak. You can clearly feel the muscles in his chest, biceps and shoulders. And not to forget the muscles in his horsebody. It's damn strong too. You can feel it move strongly underneath you, with muscles flexing then and there from the movement. Sometimes when you ride on your horse and he gallops next to you, you can even see a few veins coming out then and there underneath his skin and soft fure. Hosea is still galopping slowly along the path's between the trees and bushes.
You are on your way for surely two hours by now. Hosea often switched between Gallop, Trott and a slow walk. But you can feel that he's slowly getting tired. Pants leave his mouth then and there from the running he do for the last thirdy minutes. In this time he only used the Gallop.
,,Take a break baby. I can feel you getting tired and me too." You whisper against his back.
,,You probably right dear." He gasp.
Then he slowed down into a trott, and after a short while into a slow walk. The only thing Hosea and you have with you is food. He wear black big saddlebags wich are fastened behind you on his horsebody. But you found a save spot between bushes. He lays down carefully on the soft grass between big bushes and trees. It should be save for tonight. You get down from his horsebody, and lay your head on his horse belly. Then you two fall asleep. You wake with the singing birds. Both of you slowly get up, and stretch yourself. Then Hosea help you up on his strong horseback again. He turn arround and Trott back on the path wich lead you two to your direction. It's still two hours to go. So he start to Gallop slowly right away.
Two hours later you are finally by the big hut. Inside there is a fireplace with a white fur carpet opposite of it, a big table with six chairs, three on each side and a big bed wich is even able to hold Hosea's heavy centaur weight. You get off of his back. Then you enter the hut. Hosea close and lock the door behind you two. The curtains are closed too. So that you have some privacy.
,,Can you help me dear?" He ask.
,,Of course cutie." You smile.
Then you open the strap from the saddlebags, and take them from his back. Then you give them to him.
,,Thanks darling." He smiles.
Then he turn around and bend down to place a soft kiss on your lips. You happily kiss back. After three kisses he turn arround again, to lay the saddlebags on the table and open them. He wear his gunbelt, and you your bow and arrows. He give you a bread roll and some sausage. You thank him. And he eats the same. While you sit down on a chair opposite of him, Hosea's horse ass sit down on the wooden floor. You love him so much.
,,We need to go hunting later dearest." He says before he take another bite of the sausage.
,,Indeed." You agree.
,,But let's realx for a while baby. Specially you. You did most of the work." You smile after a short silence.
,,Sure. No problem angel. I would take you anywhere you want." He smiles.
You blush.
,,Aww your cute. I love you." You smile.
Now he blush too.
,,I love you too dearest."
Then you eat the rest of your sausage and bread roll in silence. He's such a cute and lovely stallion. Abd always so sweet, tender and caring for people he love. You never understand how you got so lucky with such a beautiful, cute, tender and loving centaur like him. Yeah sure, at first it was weird to be together with him cause he's a centaur. But you got used to it, and it has many benefits. Like having a big pillow or a ride to someplace you want. At least with some centaurs. You really appreciate it and feel honored that Hosea trust you so much that he would take you anywhere you like. And that you can use his horsebody as a big soft pillow. Sometimes you cuddle with him instead of his horsebody. He and you love both. It don't matter. But sometimes both of you simply enjoy laying in each other's arms. Meanwhile you two are done eating. Hosea start a fire now. So both of you take off your thick coats and hang them up next to the door on a few hooks on the wall.
Then you sit down opposite the fireplace on the soft fur. Hosea lay down next to you. You lean to the left against his arm and close your eyes. It seems that you fell asleep, cause as you wake up, the fire is hardly burning and it cooled down in here. As you look up, you can see that Hosea's sleeping too. So cute. You once saw him on the breach back in camp once. There he fell asleep while standing. Just like a real horse. It looked cute too. But you still wonder how someone can fall asleep standing. You carefully get up, and throw something in the fire. Then you slowly to not wake him up, go next to him again, and lay down that your head rest on his horseback. But you only doze with closed eyes. After a while you hear Hosea's cute yawn. And you hear his shoulder joins crack while he stretch himself.
,,Awake baby?" You whisper.
,,Yea. We should go hunting. Shouldn't we?" He suggest.
,,Yes baby."
So you both get up. You stretch your body, and Hosea his horse half. Then you both put on your coat's. After that you grab your bow and arrows from the table. You both get outside. Hosea help you back on his horseback. Then you start searching. You find two beautiful big bucks. You immideatly shoot them. You managed to kill both immideatly without much pain for them. Hosea pick them up, and carry you back to the hut. You duck your head in the doorway. Hosea get out again to skin them and take the meet you can eat back inside. He has two big bowls of buck meat now. That should be enough for two days at least. You take the meet and grill it in the fireplace. It tastes delicious.
,,That was a real good hunt. It was delicious." Hosea smiles.
Meanwhile it's late at night. Hosea opens the other saddlebag where both of you stored a few clothes. Hosea put on a simply black shirt and you a pair of black pants, black socks and a black shirt. Then both of you settle down for the night. Hosea lay completely on his back. And you lay next to him. Your head on his human chest, your head hidden in the crook of his neck. Both of you fall asleep immideatly. It was a beautiful day. Finally some privacy. And you have two hopefully beautiful days with Hosea ahead of you, before you must go back to camp.
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Literally just Dutch saying Daddy.
You’re welcome.
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So I made this. I love this song. Cause I have a bad past, that's why I made a lot of big scars on me, and had a Lotta suicide thoughts. I still have. But this song kinda helps me. And it probably suits Dutch. Cause even though I hate him for what he did to the gang (listening to the rat) I saw his face while Arthur died. He surely felt sad and regretted listening to Micah.
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Breakaway was and is my fav Autobot from the game. I played hours with him lmao
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Hot Rod is such a nice car lol
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I listened to that song physical. And then I noticed it's Hosea fucks Friday..... So happy Hosea fucks Friday everyone!
Who needs to go to sleep, when I got you next to me?
All night, I'll riot with you
I know you got my back and you know I got you
So come on, come on, come on
Let's get physical
Lights out, follow the noise
Baby, keep on dancing like you ain't got a choice
So come on, come on, come on
Let's get physical
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Pairing: Alpha Centaur!Arthur & Omega Centaur!Bill
Tags: Heat, Rut, sex, breeding, mates
Rating: Teen and up audience
Bill and Arthur are far away from camp. Because Bill his mate slipped into heat this morning. They left three days ago. Bills omega cock is completely hard and outside and leaking pre cum. His slit wich is well hidden by his tail, produces so much slick that it runs put steadily and drip to the ground too. He has the horsebody of Brown Jack and Arthur has a beautiful big and strong completely black shire horse horsebody. It drives him wild. The sight and the scent of his mate. His big cock is rock hard and outside too and leaking pre-cum. Bill is a bigger breed, but due to him being an omega his cock is slightly smaller in width and length. Both mated one month back. This is their first heat and rut together. Bill moves his tail aside. His legs shaking slightly.
,,C'mon mount me already! Watcha waiting for?" Bill growls.
Arthur dosen't let him told this twice. He dances over to him like a wild stallion want to fuck a mare. He rear up, and mount his boyfriends horsebody wich is a bit larger and biger. His tip touch the wet slit of Bill's cunt. His front legs locked next to Bill's arms against the sides of his horse chest. Arthur's hind legs dances until he have a good hold. And so do Bill's four legs. He never got mounted. And he's lucky to have such a big and strong horsebody. Because he's sure if he wear a Mustang or a American paint, his body would fall to the ground powerless under the weight of the Shire. Arthur's whole body is muscle and strength. As with Bill. Even though Bill is an omega. He's a bit weaker then Arthur but otherwise you couldn't think he's an omega. As long as he hides his cunt under his long brown tail.
,,C'mon fuck me." Bill growls again.
And that's it. Arthur thrust forward harshly. This made his whole stallion cock dissappear into Bill's wet cunt immideatly and in one go. He's so tight and warm. A jolt and a deep moan went trough the older centaurs whole body. And Arthur let out a deep moan. Bill was way to wet to take it slow. Even if he wanted to he probably couldn't.
,,Fuck yes. So big! NGH." Bill moans.
,,So wet, tight and warm." Arthur sighs.
,,You alright?" He ask.
,,Yes. So good and so deep!" Bill moans.
He arch his human back, and brace himself with his hands against the thick stone wall opposite of him. He gives his mate some time to adjust. And then after a while, he start to thrust slowly into the tight wet heat. Both centaurs are a moaning, panting and grunting mess. He start to fuck his mate harder. He can feel hus orgasm rushing on fast. And suddenly Bill let out a low groan and cum on the floor. This made his cunt walls flutter arround the stallions cock. And that's it. Arthur cums loud moaning deep inside him. His knot swells and lock them both in place. He spread Bill's walls even more open die to his knot. Both man let out a deep grunt at that.
,,Oh yes that's it breed me baby." Bill moans.
Arthur is shocked in a good way. He never thought that Bill would think about it, or like the thought of being pregnant or breeded. Of course it's to late now anyway to go back, but this catched him of guard. Bill giggles trough his panting.
,,Of course I want to be breeded by you. And by you only. I want to have a foal with you." Bill says softly.
,,Awww. Me to Angel." Arthur smiles.
It took one hour for Arthur's knot to go down. And then both man seperated. They layed down on the cool stone ground and fall asleep cuddling tidly.
*Three months later*
Bill became actually pregnant that day. Now he's in the third month. And the herd is happy for them. They all are excited for the new foal in the gang. Arthur and Bill ae sure that this must be a pretty abd smart foal growing inside Bill's now slightly bulged horse belly. Both centaurs are so damn happy!
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Kind of sort of sums up the gang’s philosophy/actions.
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Fuck The Van Der Linde Gang
You can find the full OS book on Archive of our own (RewindTheExit)
Pairing: Leopold Strauss & You (Reader)
Tags: Smut, fluff, Love, Strap-on
Rating: Teen and up audience
You and Leopold are a couple since three weaks now. As you went trough the drawer in your room at the Shady Belle Manor, you found something quiet interesting, wich is surely not yours. You found a strap on and lube two days ago. It has a skin colored thick cock on it. The length is about average size, a bit bigger. He wants to get fucked? Since the day you found it, thus thought swirls arround in your mind. You know that Leo is still a Virgin with 60 years. And your a Virgin too. You kept quiet about your interesting found. But you decided to tell him today. You closed the shutters to your room window, so nobody can look inside. Leo walks in, not knowing that you know his dirty secret or fantasy? Probably both. He sit down next to you, and then kiss you softly.
Of course you kiss back happily. It would probably take some time to get him hard and ready. But if he really wants to get fucked, you happily fulfill his wish. The camp isn't probably the best spot for it, even though with thick
walls around it wich muffle your noises a bit, but that's okay. But if he wants to do it in a hotel or at a own camp far away from here, that's fine too.
,,Uh why is the shutter closed schatz (honey)." He ask confused.
You need to talk about this with him. You both are verry shy. But if you don't make the first move, this surely will never happen. Cause he would never talk about you about that stuff. He's still unsure of you really love him. You need to earn his trust. You already gained a bit of it. You want to make him feel loved and good. He's pretty for you. You hate his self doubts. Sometimes they make you verry happy.
,,I uh......" You start.
,,I found something in the drawer." You blushed, and look down at your legs.
,,Uh i wasn't sniffing arround! I just wanted to store my book there. And then I found uh you probably know what I mean." You start.
,,I belive you. And I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I-I didn't wanted you to find this. I'm really sorry. I-I....." He stutters.
You can hear how afraid and paniced he is to loose you. And as you look up, you see tears tuning down his eyes. You see pure shock, shame, surprise and angst in it. It breaks your heart. You reach forward, and softly cup his wet cheeks in your hands.
,,Baby it's Alright. I just don't know what I should think about it. You want to get uhm fucked?" You whisper.
He unsure nods.
,,You really do?"
He nods again.
,,Okay then." You smile.
You can see how the confusion take over his eyes and face. That made you giggle a bit, before you kiss him softly. He shyly kiss back.
,,If this is your wish, why not. I love you. And it's alright." You smile.
And now he blush. You kiss him again. And he happily kiss back this time. He immideatly relax into the kiss. He's melting against your body. That's it!
,,Should we go into a hotel or so?"
,,Hotel sounds nice." He murmurs.
So you take the strap on and lube, and hide it in your black saddlebags. Leo whipe the tears from his cheeks. Then you walk to the horses. You inform Dutch that you ride out for a while. You lay the saddlebags over your horse behind the saddle. Then you mount your big and elegant black friesian horse. Leopold follows you, and mount his beautiful snow white Lipizzan horse. You both ride to the hotel in Valentine. There you both rent a room for the night. You take the saddlebags with you. As you arrived into the cozy room, Leo lock the door behind you, and you close all curtains. Then you lay the saddlebags in the bed, before you slowly walk towards the Austrian, and softly pin him against the door with your body. You both have the same height, so thats not a problem.
,,You trust me?" You ask while you look him deep into the eyes.
,,Of course Engel (angel)." He whispers.
You can see pure honesty, love and warmth in his eyes. He really trust you.
,,Okay then. Tell me when I need to stop. I don't want to force you to anything. I also need to learn what you like and what not, so don't hide your noises Leopold. But don't be to loud either. This is our first time together so I feel unsure too. But I make sure, and try my best, to make you feel good." You explain.
,,Alright Engel. I will don't you worrie." He smiles.
His smile is so cute! He should do it more often.
,,Good." You smile.
Then you slowly and tenderly kiss him. He kiss back right away. Meanwhile your right hand slowly wanders to his manhood. You can feel it twitch against your hand slightly, as you grab him softly trough the fabric. A soft sigh escape Leopold at your soft touch. You want to go slow. You want to make him feel good, and not give him a heart attack.  There's no need to rush. You start to slowly palm him through his jeans. His head fall back against the door with a low moan. His cheeks start to blush. His eyes are closed behind his glasses, and his mouth is slightly open. You love what you see. You place a kiss on his throat. A jolt went trough his body followed by a deep grunt. You softly smile to yourself. You can feel how he let go. How he fully trust you. And that makes you happy.
,,Come on beautiful. Get on the bed." You whisper in his ear.
You let go of his manhood. A whimper left his mouth at the loss. But he nods. Then he removes his shoes and lay on its back on the bed. You removed the saddlebags before he layed down. You lay them down on the chair next to the bed. Then you crawl over him. His cock is still soft. But you didn't expect it to be otherwise. He's an old man. He needs longer to get hard and cum. That's no problem for you. You carefully sit down on his hips. Your not heavy, but you are afraid to hurt him. His body is still strong but fragile too.
,,It's Alright. It dosen't hurt." He says.
You can hear the honesty in his voice.
,,Good. Too hurt you is the last thing I want." You say.
,,I know angel. But you surely will not. I trust you." He smiles.
,,That's good cutie." You smile.
Then you bent down to kiss him softly.
,,May I?"
,,Yes darling." He smiles.
You start to open his vest. And then his shirt. You push both a bit to the side, so you can see his chest and stomach. He has a view Grey chest hair but not verry much. You start to suck at his right nipple. He let out a surpsied gasp. The other nipple you start to massage with your finger. You can feel how his back arches slightly. And you can feel his cock twitch against you trough your clothes. After a while of teasing his nipples where you switched sides to then and there, you can feel how his cock get semi-hard. That's good. You slip back a bit. Then you look him into the eyes. He nods. You open his jeans. And then you get up. He get up to. While he completely undress, you get to the saddlebags and put on the strap on. Then you take the lube and get back to the bed. There Leopold is laying naked with wide open and bend legs. So you can see his thick cock and hole. Even though he's only semi-hard, he leaks pre-cum. You kneel between his legs. Then you start to suck at his cock.
Meanwhile you lube three of your fingers and the cock from the strap on with a decent amount.
,,It's probably a bit cold honey." You warn him.
,,It's Alright."
At the same time you push your finger in, you deep throat his cock. A shiver from the cold lube and pleasure went trough his body. And a breathless gasp leave his mouth.
,,Alright?" You ask after you slipped him out of your mouth.
,,NGH yes. Go on!" He moans.
You start to slowly move your finger inside him. His eyes roll in the back of his head, and a beautiful grunt leave his mouth. After a long while, you add another finger. He groans from pain and pleasure. As he got used to it, you slowly scissor him loose. He let out a set of deep moans.
That's it. He slowly relax. And then you add a third finger.
,,My God." He moans.
His head fall back and his eyes roll back too. You love the sight of him. You are fully clothed. Except from your boots. But no one of you cares. This is about him. Not you.
,,You alright?"
,,Yes. Uhm can you.....?"
,,Sure." You cut him off.
He blush a bit more. You slowly pull your fingers out. Again he whimper from the loss. But you immideatly line up the head from the cock against his loose hole. Then you slowly let it slide in. Leopold's back arch. His face switch between pain and pleasure. His cock is fully hard now. The sight of him is so pretty. Finally you shoved the whole cock inside him. You brace yourself with sour hands left and right from his head. You give him time to adjust. Meanwhile you place a soft kiss on his lips. After a while his face change to pure pleasure.
,,Alright?" You ask curios.
,,Yes. Pleas go on Schatz (Darling)."
You slowly start to move your hips. A shiver went trough his body and a sweet moan left his mouth. You go slow. Not to slow but not to fast. And he enjoy it verry much. You bent down, and start to lock at his right nipple. You get a mix of a grunt and a moan as a reward.
,,You alright?" You ask worried.
,,Yeah I'm fine. So good. Hör nicht auf! (Don't stop)."
You love his Austrian accent. Even though you don't get what he's saying.
,,Good." You smile.
And then you switch to the other nipple. It took one hour, until Leopold is close. But that's alright. Both of you enjoy it verry much. You softly kiss him again. You can feel how he get restless. And then a jolt went trough his body, and he cums with a deep groan on his chest and stomach. You can feel how he clench arround your cock. Leo close his eyes panting.
,,Thank you angel. That was amazing." He gasp.
,,No problem. I would do it again if you want. I'm glad you liked it." You smile.
Then you slowly slip out. A whimper from the loss leave his mouth. You take a wet washcloth from the water bucket in the corner, and clean him and the strap on cock. Then you take it of, and put the lube and the strap on back in your saddlebags. Then you strip to your underwear and lay down next to your exhausted lover. He immideatly cuddle against you.
,,You would really do it again?" He whispers.
,,Of course. I love you beautiful." You smile.
,,Thank you baby. I love you too."
And then the two of you drift into a peaceful sleep.
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I just found out that:
The male first name Arthur means "the bear strong". Lol
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White Horn 😍
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Sry. Someone requested it. And I couldn't help myself. 😂
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Wot ?
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This is an appreciation post for the fanfic authors who aren’t included on rec lists
For the fanfic authors who don’t get art of their fics
For the fanfic authors who can’t get to 1000/500/100 hits
For the fanfic authors who don’t get comments/reviews
For the fanfic authors who write for small fandoms
For the fanfic authors who write rarepairs or gen fics
For the fanfic authors who get hate for the ships/characters/fandoms they write
For the fanfic authors who write in English despite it not being their first language
For the fanfic authors who don’t write in English
For the fanfic authors who don’t think anyone reads or likes their work
For the fanfic authors who aren’t big name fans
For the fanfic authors who don’t get requests in their inboxes
For the fanfic authors who can’t write stories that are more than a thousand words
For the fanfic authors who only write one ship
For the fanfic authors who are just starting
For the fanfic authors who have been writing fic for years
For the fanfic authors who use fanfic to practice writing
For the fanfic authors who write self-insert fics
For the fanfic authors who write about their OCs
For the fanfic authors who write to vent or cope
For the fanfic authors who are just waiting for their big break
Keep creating, I love you ❤️
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Working on a new Red Dead Redemption 2 fic. I hope you will read it when it's done :)
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My heart 😭 Look at this beauty.
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You have been visited by midday nap Hosea. Like this post to always have the most restful midday naps
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“This family is a nightmare!” -Arthur, at some point, probably
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😂 😂
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