Lerato Motsoagae
35 posts
Writer. Blogger. Fashion designer. Facebooker. Instagrammer. Tumblr. Twitter-er.
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love-precious-wisdom · 6 years ago
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"I was silent for a long time. I was trying to fit in to what other people felt I should look like,” #billyporter in a #christiansiriano tuxedo gown.
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love-precious-wisdom · 6 years ago
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I feel like the Bible didn't tell us how sexy Eve was when she gave Adam the forbidden fruit. Eve must have looked like that sexy model from the old Liqui Fruit ad campain eating fruit as if it were an aphrodisiac. Backdrop of that scene... droves of trees, in all their splendour, bearing fruit of varying colours and sizes. The smell of that sweetness, an incessant temptation to the senses. Yup, I think some of them must have been neon in colour, like in the movie "Avatar". Some of them had Sade's music emanating from them. Adam is chilling like Simba, proud of his territory, while Mufasa whispers in his ear, just how all of this and more will be his one day, when he proves himself to be a good son. Then this strikingly beautiful woman emerges from the trees, with the one bad fruit in her hand... It must have been dull, compared to the good fruit. I imagine it was brown as fuck and hairy, like a kiwi. The trees started to disappear from Adam's vision. The ground opened up and enveloped the trees as they fell, like the twin towers in 9/11 and all he could see, through that dusty fog, was SHE. Eve's beauty was so magical, it seemed like just by touching it, the dull kiwi fruit transformed into a scarlet colour and gave it more sweetness. Adam silenced Mufasa with his finger... "shhhh...." Then she, looking like a bare garden waiting to be seeded, was like: "ithate yonke baby", put the now red kiwi in her mouth, nibbled on it, while juice was trickling down her arm and at that moment, Adam knew that humanity would never be the same again because he had an overwhelming urge to help lick the juice off her... It would put a lot into perspective, like how Adam decided one bad kiwi had more importance than all those good ones... Including how, since that day, men have blamed women for tempting them into doing what "they didn't intend to do", on some "but, what could I have done? She seduced me", as if they didn't have a choice. I think if we went to that forbidden book, Songs of Solomon, we would find this scene... Remember how those angels saw the beauty that was human females and were like: "ah bab' God, nawe uyabona... Sizoy'faka kancane ke" I mean... 😂
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love-precious-wisdom · 6 years ago
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Love. #michaelangelo #robindoyle #shusakutakaoka #art
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love-precious-wisdom · 6 years ago
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#MondaysWithWisdom #lovepreciouswisdom #mondaymotivation
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love-precious-wisdom · 6 years ago
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#lovepreciouswisdom #ntozakeshange #quotes #wisdommondays
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love-precious-wisdom · 6 years ago
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Don't hate what you don't understand. #fashionstatement #lovepreciouswisdom
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love-precious-wisdom · 6 years ago
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Some of my favourite images from Isabella Montan's Pantone-inspired graphic series.
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love-precious-wisdom · 7 years ago
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#sense8 #lovepreciouswisdom #tvquotes
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love-precious-wisdom · 7 years ago
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Nikita Gill
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love-precious-wisdom · 7 years ago
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I love this
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love-precious-wisdom · 8 years ago
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love-precious-wisdom · 8 years ago
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Dear "Same sex marriages are unafrican", meet the rain queen, queen Modjadji of the Balobedu tribe... from South AFRICA, in AFRICA. Did I mention that she's an AFRICAN queen, from AFRICA?
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love-precious-wisdom · 8 years ago
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Issa cancer this thing. Honestly... #notallwhitepeople #notallmen
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love-precious-wisdom · 8 years ago
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When you hate waking up in the morning #depression
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love-precious-wisdom · 8 years ago
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Black hair magic (artist unknown)
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love-precious-wisdom · 8 years ago
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love-precious-wisdom · 8 years ago
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Oh, but what about us? Women also kill us! #menaretrash #Patriarchy101
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