em 🤍
7 posts
your usual evan peters lover | spiderwoman
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lovcrss ¡ 1 day ago
maybe an x reader with miles morales and a girl with depression? like he notices something’s going on and tries comforting her?
dreaming of miles telling me it’s gonna be okay
swing | miles morales
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In a big city such as New York, time flew by, the noise was always present, people were always on the streets, lights were always on and heroes saved the day.
Still, lately you felt empty inside and lonely, feeling like there’s no one to turn to. Except for your boyfriend Miles, of course.
You two met when he first arrived at your school. As a good student, you showed him around the place. Since you were the only person he knew there, he asked you about everything. Surprisingly alike, you two always had something to talk about. The similarities and chemistry were undeniable. He made you laugh a lot, and he liked making you laugh.
However a lot has changed since then and now a laugh from you is heard only now and then. You became more serious than before, more careless and less communicative. Miles was the only person you actually could talk to. You had friends, sure, but none of them could actually understand or try to understand what you were currently going to, and you hadn’t tried talking with them about it.
One night, you hear a knock on your window. You got used to it since Miles told you about his abilities, about how he was the one who saved New York City from crime every day.
His dark hair peeked through the glass, waving to you. You were glad to see him after locking yourself in your room all day, refusing to talk. “Hop in.”
The window gets opened and Miles steps in with a smile on his face. “Thanks. Sooo what’s up?” He wore a jacket over his hoodie and blue jeans with his Jordans, taking off the jacket.
“Oh, nothing much”, you answer with a weak smile. Your energy was low, you sounded tired and beat up.
Miles notices how you talked, your lack of energy and weak smiles you gave him instead of usual enthusiasm.
In the last couple of days you didn’t see each other as much, due to your different classes and studies. It seems as though you changed during that period of time.
He didn’t want to bother you yet. He asked you about school, told you about his day and recent adventures. You listened attentively, reacting to his words here and there, trying your best to listen but you still looked a little blunt and tired.
Miles decides to confront you about your mood. “Hey, what’s going on? You seem sort of off, hm?”
Words didn’t want to come out of your mouth no matter how hard you tried to let it out, you just struggled to express how you felt. He waited, but you just shrug defeatedly. “Don’t really know, actually.”
He had a sympathetic look on his face, putting his arm around your shoulder. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
Tears filled your vision, yet you didn’t let them fall, leaning on his shoulder so he wouldn’t see. “I don’t know. Just feel like…”
He waited patiently, giving your temple a kiss, rubbing your back and shoulders with his fingers.
“Feel like I don’t have anything to offer. Like a shell of a person.”
“That’s not true”, he argues, furrowing his eyebrows. But that is what you felt like, even though it was hard to describe. You shake your head, pushing your head in his shoulder.
Miles couldn’t stand to see you upset. “You’re the most beautiful, smartest creature I’ve ever known. Remember how you helped me out when I first came to school? How I basically passed all my classes solely because of you? I would be nothing here without you. I think in the future, when you do those things again in a different scenario you’ll change the world.”
He went on a full tangent, his worlds so beautiful and unreal to you. “Not to mention that you put up with my dumbass everyday, I mean that take some serious inner strength…” You sit up to look at him. “Miles?”, you interrupt.
Then you finally let a laugh escape your lips, a genuine one, and Miles’ heart skips a beat. That sound was all he waited to hear.
“Just saying, you’re so much more than just a shell. You’re really special, Y/N. I’ll forever be grateful… for meeting you.” He watched you with admiration and fondness.
His tone and the seriousness he talked with made you feel like the best version of yourself, bringing you to tears again. “Oh, God…”
You pull him in a strong, emotional hug and he embraces you back, soothing you with sweet nothings and brushing your hair with his fingers. “Just swing through it, Y/N, I know you can.”
“I’m so lucky”, you mumble in his shoulder.
“I think I’m the lucky one here”, he smiles.
Immediately your chest felt lighter, like losing a rock that weighed on you for the last couple of days, making it a little easier to breathe.
“I love you, it’s gonna be okay.”
That was all it took for you to kiss him with so much love and passion, cupping his face with your hands. The kiss fixed all of your pent up sorrow from the day. Miles kisses you until he made sure that you were fine and satisfied.
After a few moments he stands up, taking your hand in his.
“Come on, let’s get you outside.”
Sudden excitement finally rushes through your body. “Can we swing, Miles? Please?”, you ask with enthusiasm.
“Anything for you, m’lady”, he laughs.
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lovcrss ¡ 2 days ago
pretty please could i request a peter maximoff fic? >__< i'm thinking one where peter gets arrested for some petty theft (again) and u can't help but find it attractive HAHA he looks like such a total loser but ur all heart eyes.. a total 'crush' by ethel cain moment
obsessed with this, LOVE PETERRRR
handcuffs | peter maximoff
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The evening started off peacefully. You went to a coffee shop with friends after a long day and had much fun. The weather was perfect for walking and you used that opportunity to walk back to the X Mansion.
You’ve been working with the mutants for a long time, supporting their missions, helping with their physical health and being a major problem solver. Out of all of them, Peter Maximoff should be the most lucky to have you to get him out of trouble.
His little scandals and adventures always caused him a lot of trouble. He was wanted by many for his mischievous tricks. The gift of super speed was mostly used for petty things such as stealing, yet somehow he would always get away with it.
Charles always warned you about Peter, telling you to keep an eye on him and you tried hard, but Peter was spontaneous and restless. With him, you never knew what could happen.
Enjoying your walk back to the mansion relaxed, you receive a warning text. It was from Charles: “Peter is at it again. I sense trouble, please check it out.”
After you were finished reading the text, sirens started blasting somewhere behind you. Police cars passed and your gut told you that something was wrong. Running after the cars, you cursed Peter for being so recklesss.
When you arrive at the scene, your suspicions appear to be right. Police cars surrounded a gaming shop, where Peter got all his video games from. Peter’s silver hair pokes out the door, in between two officers who held his hands behind his back. You quickly jog closer to the mess he made, calling his name.
Peter looked up and saw you, after which he smiles ironically and shrugs his shoulders. He looked all flushed and ashamed. “What can I say?”
You shake your head disapprovingly, glaring bullets at him. “Officers, will it be possible for me to take it from here?”
“No, unfortunately. We have to report him back to the station.”
One of them put handcuffs on him and that’s when a weird feeling interrupted your train of thoughts. With his hands pinned behind his back, Peter throws his head back, closing his eyes defeatedly. His Adam’s apple popped though his neck, he sighs, his eyelashes falling to his rosy cheeks. Even in this state, Peter managed to look like a statue. “Oh thank you, officer”, he jokes.
Snapping out of your daze, you realize what’s happening when they start approaching the car. “W- uhm, Wait up-”
Peter turns around to look at you. Suddenly you appear more nervous than you were when you arrived, you had no idea what was happening but he noticed it.
“I’m right behind you!”, you shout after him.
“Don’t speed too much”, Peter calls sarcastically.
A cab took you to the police station. It was half empty, so it was easy to spot Peter right away. He still had handcuffs on, looking bored and embarrassed.
The officers who took him here were speaking to the receptionist, guarding Peter between each other. You enter, hurrying to check the situation. It seemed like they checked him in the sistem, but now you were there to take responsibility for him.
Once he saw you, Peter straightened his posture and focused, relieved to see that you came to his rescue once again. His lips squeezed together in an “oh well” manner.
You roll your eyes, quickly whispering in his ear: “I’ll deal with you later.”
His eyes darken, lips part and face turns red in a flash. For a second the arrest was worth hearing you whisper that sentence to him, making his blood rush through his veins.
He watched you speak to the police, loving how in charge and leading you looked. You held your head high and tone calm as you negotiated.
“Give us some time and we’ll let you go shortly”, they told you.
Meanwhile you notice how the handcuffs made Peter’s muscles more defined, his back wider and his behaviour more tamed than ever. It made you wonder why the hell you hadn’t reported him yourself earlier to watch him in this state. With his arms behind his back, wrists crossed and head thrown back, his silver strands of hair falling around his head he looked hotter than ever.
You were so stunned you didn’t notice when the officers tried talking to you. Peter looked at you to see what you were gonna respond, instead noticing the look in your eyes as you watched him. “Hello?”, he tilts his head.
Reality hit you once again, trying your best to focus. “You were saying?”
The conversation between you and the police resumes, while Peter notices the shift in your behaviour. He observes: you nervously play with your hands, red in the face and constantly glimpsing over at him, not even sure if you were listening to what was being said to you. This was confusing, but he liked the way you were looking at him.
Once you were finished, you were instructed to sit down on nearby chairs. Peter joined you while the officers weren’t looking, still handcuffed. He was tamed and still a little ashamed of the situation he found himself in, getting caught like this, more importantly having you witness it. On the other hand, you were more aware of his presence than usual since they caught him.
He was eager to tease you. “You know I’m the one arrested, not you, right?”
He looked you up and down. “Well, I can sense you’re nervous. Did anything illegal tonight, Y/N?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about”, you scoff, playing it off, trying to ignore him and crossing your arms.
He chuckled, standing up. “Whatever you say, ma’am.”, he shrugs.
His long sleeved shirt showed his muscles and you couldn’t help put notice them. You felt like you were being tested, like Peter knew exactly what he was doing. Subtly, you stand up and pull at his handcuffs. “Stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”, he smirks.
Your glare riles him up even more, adrenaline entering his system. He realized you secretly loved watching him in those handcuffs.
Going back to the reception, you talk to the officers again. Negotiations were ahead, deciding if Peter was going to get punished slightly or not. “Bail is possible, since this is his first strike”, the blonde policeman explained.
Hearing this Peter went back to being embarrassed, staring at the ground and squirming in his place. This only made your excitement grow.
“Don’t worry, we will make sure this doesn’t happen anymore. Right, Peter?”
His gaze was still focused down. “Yes, I promise”, he mumbles slightly desperate, nodding.
After a few minutes, they finally announce: “You’re free to go, for now.”
You wait outside while they took his prints and take off his handcuffs, much to your disappointment. As he walks out, Peter barely looks at you. His shame and sudden lack of cockiness only amuses you. “Why so sad now, Quickie? You miss the cuffs?”, you tease.
He rolls his eyes. “Not funny. Matter of fact if anyone misses them, it’s you.”
You play dumb. “What the hell are you saying?”
“I’m saying I saw the way you looked at me.”
“You’re too cocky”, you scoff.
“Am I?”
It was already past midnight, you waited for a cab to take you to the mansion. He had his hands in his pockets, still feeling humbled. “Should’ve just ran from here.”
“I’m tired, let’s just put this behind us now.”
Your relaxednesses was suspicious to him, making him gain a little confidence again. “Still gonna deny it, huh?”
“Deny how I saved your ass once again?” , you raise you eyebrows at him.
He kicks pebbles, humbled once again.
“However, I think I’m gonna buy you those handcuffs for later”
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lovcrss ¡ 3 days ago
hey!! i love your recent kit walker fic. you should next, do a fic that’s just evan peters, not one of his characters. it would be awesome :3
thankssss! you ask and I shall deliver! since February is still here here’s a valentines fic
valentine’s day | evan peters
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a/n : fluff, short n sweet
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It was 4 AM in the morning when you finally reached your apartment. Work was draining all your strength and time always, especially today. You even rarely got to see your beautiful boyfriend lately, thinking about him all the time. Evan worked hard too, always away, shooting daily and nightly. You haven’t seen him for a week or so.
Phone calls and messages kept you connected throughout the day when you couldn’t be together. Evan sent the cutest and weirdest memes to you as well. But still, you missed him dearly and promised yourself to spend some good quality time with him the first chance you got.
You took of your shoes, drank some water and headed to the bedroom. You saw that the lights were turned on in the room, which meant Evan was home. Excitement and happiness overtook as you opened the door, expecting him to be asleep, but when you open the door a gorgeous sight surprises you.
Evan laid on his side with glasses on, covered in red and white roses, chocolates and little gifts, with a black shirt and gray sweatpants on. He seemed tired but when he saw you come through the door, he shook himself awake and smiled cheerfully. “Good morning!”
You watched him with disbelief, jaw dropped as you laugh. “This is unbelievable.” You clap your hands together, admiring the scene for a few more moment. “You waited around this long?”
“Of course?” He stands up and you immediately run into his arms. You were both smiling to your ears. Evan picks you up and spins you around, enjoying your yelps and laughs.
“Happy Valentines, babe”. He kisses your forehead as he lets you go. You couldn’t believe this was happening to you. Evan just made your whole year already.
“I missed you so much, I can’t believe you’re here and awake still. When and how-”
“You think I wouldn’t come to see my gorgeous girlfriend on Valentines Day? Buy her favourite stuff?”, he asks in between kisses. “I knew you’d be working late as always.”
You pull away for a second to look at him. Evan was absolutely stunning. His brown hair was messy, his dark eyes bright and cheeks rosy. His dimples showed which made him look even more adorable.
“Are you real?”, you ask slightly tilting your head.
He laughs and it’s music to your ears. “If this doesn’t convince you I don’t know what will.” His lips find yours and catch them in a passionate, heated kiss. His hands support your back, embracing you completely. You hook your arms around his shoulders, pulling him as close as possible. Your tongues moved in sync, the kiss lasting long.
When you pull away, the reality of the situation hits you again and you squeal, jumping into his arms once again as he lifts you up. “Whoa! So you really missed me, huh?” You laugh together.
Feelings of love for him overstimulated you so much you thought you could explode. “I love you, Ev”, you sigh in his shoulder.
“Love you more, baby.” He brushes your hair through his fingers.
Still keeping you in his arms, Evan takes a rose from the bed and puts it between his teeth. “For you m’lady.”
You take it, covering your heart with your hand. “That’s adorable.”
“Aw, you think I’m cute?”, he grins with his gorgeous dimples, his cheeks looking incredibly pinchable. You cup them with your hands, scrunching your nose at his prettiness. “A little.”
Once on the ground, you push him on the bed. He looks at you in awe, turning red. “I might just sleep here with all of this still in the bed, it would be a shame to remove it”, you said, straddling his waist. His hands covered your lower back with a smirk on his face. “I won’t mind. Waited all night for you.”
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lovcrss ¡ 4 days ago
hii, can i request an angst fic with kit walker inside briarcliff pls? the reader can be another patient in there or something.. ty <3
oooohh I love kit so much !!! tysm for the idea 🩷
I really didnt do my best work here, I’m sorry I promise I’ll do better 😭
worth it | kit walker
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Days in Briarcliff were long and tiresome. Sometimes a reason to keep going never seems to exist.
That’s what it was like until you met Kit Walker. A tall brunette guy with pretty dark brown eyes. He was the only person in there who you could relate to, the singular person who still had his mind intact.
Rumours about him though were absolutely insane, you were a little skeptical about him at first. It took one conversation with him to actually convince you that they were all false.
It felt like nobody else cared whether he actually did the crime he was accused of except you. Your gut feeling about him was that he was innocent, and you trusted your gut very much
“ I loved Alma. She was my whole life and I would kill myself before I’d ever kill her ”, he would say. You didn’t know what that was like, but it sure felt genuine.
Once you got acquainted you became each other’s anchor and everything about Briarcliff became a slight bit brighter. You snuck out together, talking, smoking, cheering each other up.
“Really glad I met ya”, Kit smiled as you said goodbye on the way to your rooms.
You smile as well in return. “Same here.”
Kit felt incredibly lucky, having someone who believed him, someone he could confide in. He was your rock and you were his. Things could be worse than this.
“Yeah, Kit?”
“You still believe me?”, he asks quietly, head slightly bent down
“I do. Every word.”
The day was passing and Kit was nowhere to be seen. You would usually hang out together in the living room area, he didn’t come out of his room at the usual time as everyone else.
You were worried, knowing what the staff of this institution was capable of and lots of possibilities popped up in your head. Bearing this place without him became impossible.
In the evening when it was time for patients to go back to their rooms, a shocking scene occurred.
As you walked down the hallway, you heard groans and dragging coming from behind you. After turning around to check where the sounds were coming from, you finally see Kit for the first time that day. He was a wreck; looking beat up, pale, barely holding his eyes open and being dragged through the hallway. The sight made you gasp and cover your mouth.
Without thinking and not caring about the staff member seeing you to your room, you start making your way towards Kit.
“Kit!”, you scream. “What have you done to him?!” When he laid his eyes on you, Kit tried calling your name but instead a strained choke left his mouth.
The two doctors who held him were incapable of stopping you as you approached them, hitting them with all your strength. Guards ran after you. Wiggling out of their grip, you reach for Kit’s cheek. “Y/N- ”, he coughs.
“Oh God, what happ-”
That’s when a burning, electrifying force enters your body unlike anything you felt before. The strong currency makes you drop to the floor, disabling you completely. Trying to get up was useless. Black spots covered your vision right before everything went dark.
Your eyes fluttered open the next day. The guards must have locked you in your room. The first thing that entered your mind right away was Kit.
The morning light signals that it will soon be time for going out of your chamber. A few minutes later, guards unlocked your door, waiting to escort you to the living area. You were both confused and grateful that you weren’t in a worse position considering last night’s event.
Thoughts raced through your head about it all while walking, inpatient to see him. Where did they take Kit? Is he alive? What do they intend to do with the both of you?
The questions didn’t matter anymore the moment you laid eyes on him. He sat on the couch, arms leaning on his knees, his leg shaking nervously Kit’s eyes automatically lightened up when you appear. For a second he just stares.
All of the tension finally releases. He sighs, looking down.
“God, you’re okay”, he stands up and signals to the door once the guards left you unmonitored for a minute. Both of you snuck out into the hallway quietly.
“Where the hell were you? Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” The questions kept rising. You observe him: he got a black eye and bruised lips. He looked swollen and tired.
Kit grabbed your arms to calm you down. “It’s fine, Dr. Arden did… horrible… check ups. He thought I was sent to spy on him. I’ll explain later but…” he shakes his head, looking for words to express himself.
“When I get out of here I’ll put him in jail I swear.” Anger towards everyone and Briarcliff overflowed your feelings. You wanted to beat someone up for torturing him and scaring you like that.
“Y/N, why the hell would you put yourself in danger? You know I’m not worth that. I thought they would put you in solitary!”
You couldn’t believe his words. “What? I thought you were in solitary, or worse! How could you say that you’re not worth it? Not when I almost went insane worrying for you”, you argue, pushing his shoulder lightly.
“You shouldn’t have done that”, he calmly told you. “You put yourself in a very dangerous spot. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you… because of me.”
You shake your head, turning around to leave so he wouldn’t see the tears that were about to escape your eyes.
Kit wouldn’t let you, taking your hand and gently pulling you back. “Where you goin’?”
“I was… I thought they…”, you tried explaining, but your words failed you.
Kit observed you with a gentle and worried gaze. “Y/N…”
Not being able to watch you hurt, Kit embraces you, holding you firmly. His smell filled your senses, his warmth comforting you easily. You stayed like that for what felt like minutes until you pull away.
Suddenly, your hand smacks his chest. Kit was caught off guard. “Asshole. How could you say you’re not worth it?”
Kit was so confused, not knowing what to answer. “Well I-”
You didn’t let him finish his sentence, grabbing his face to kiss him. Your lips collided and Kit put his arms around you. This felt so right. All of your problems disappeared as your soft lips crashed with his. You were the only two people in the world.
When you backed up to catch your breaths, Kit couldn’t contain his grin. “Thought you were ‘bout to kill me before Dr. Arden could.”
“Might as well have”, you smirk.
Kit averted his gaze to your lips again. “All of yesterday’s hell was worth this. Every minute.”
His hands felt perfect in yours. “Should we just stay here, take a walk?”, you suggest.
“You wanna get caught, loonie?” He laughs.
“Solitary is totally worth it”, you shrug with a mischievous smile .
Kit’s face was lit up, the butterflies in your stomach grew the longer he was smiling. He connects your lips for a quick kiss, putting his hand over your shoulder. “Well we might as well grab the opportunity”, he winks.
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lovcrss ¡ 5 days ago
so real
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lovcrss ¡ 5 days ago
hi! thank you for the follow :) welcome to tumblr (if you’re new) but if this is just a new account then hi!!
i was curious if you do headcanons , and if you do: maybe tate langdon friends to lovers? the reader has depression and some anger issues (this is embarrassing but so me) but tate isn’t deterred, just interested even more because he thinks reader is “broken” and he can “fix her” or something silly like that
thank you :)
heyy, thanks so much for the rq i love this ideaaa!! you’re the best!! 😚
tate langdon friends to lovers headcannons
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— when you first met tate, the instant chemistry between you two was undeniable
— at first, you had a hard time letting him in, fearing the strong connection you developed. tate realized this and adjusted himself to you repeatedly, reading your emotions of built up anger and sadness. he didn’t want to scare you away
— but soon, you became inseparable. you loved talking to each other about everything. he became someone you turned to about everything and vice versa. best of friends, clicked since the first moment
— “c’mon, I know somethings wrong” he analyses you.
��� what’s wrong is you choking me with these questions” you’d blurt out, not meaning a word.
— you’d eventually end up talking about your problems, knowing tate is the only person who could actually understand and listen to you. during those conversations he’d get so attentive, focusing only on you, eyes shining with admiration.
— his heart broke each time he saw you cry
— he didn’t want to push you, but he’d make sure you were okay every day and when you weren’t, he’d stay and listen to you till you expressed all your emotions and rage
— “fuck everything”
“ most honest sentence in the word” tate would encourage, hoping to make you smile and when you do, he feels like he won the lottery
— tate never got offended if you burst out with frustration. he is a sensitive guy, but he felt your pent up anger with school, people, everything. he let you let it all out and you appreciated him a lot for that.
— you just understood each other
— he did everything in his power to help you get out of your shell
— all of that talking and joking with each other led you to grow a small crush on tate. you’d never do anything to ruin your friendship, so you just ignored it and pushed it away
— it got harder, just wishing to tell him everything right away but you were anxious
— then it came : your first kiss
— tate waited until you came back from school. you came in, not in the mood to do anything after a long day. however, seeing tate caused a heartbeat to skip, warm feelings inside and a small smile to form on your lips
— and tate counted EVERY smile of yours all the time, he felt like he could fly each time he saw one
— “ hey. how’s that hellhole doing? is everything good?”
— you got into your home clothes, tate admiring your beauty. he practically melted on the spot
— you caught him staring, letting out a chuckle. “ and what exactly are you looking at?”
— he looked starstruck. man was in heaven
— suddenly that feeling of fondness and love for you overtook his mind. he just shook his head and kept staring. feeling the tension, you take a step forward, confused. “what’s gotten into you?”
— tate had no idea what he was doing. he took your head in his hands and crashed your lips into his. all of your troubles dissapeared right then but still a panic crept in.
— you pull away, furrowing your eyebrows, looking at him with a “what the fuck?” expression. then you kissed him even harder
— all of your kisses were passionate and loving
— “ that’s my side of the bed, asshole ”
“ so charming with your words ” he winked, leading you to punch him in the shoulder
— he hugs you any time he gets the opportunity. any excuse to have his hands on you
— you got more comfortable with each other every day
— he’d never let you go to sleep sad
— holds your hand, wipes your tears and cheers you up all the time
i really just need him tbh
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lovcrss ¡ 5 days ago
hello tumblr !!
i’m a writer, a veteran on this app and recently I’ve been getting into all of that stuff again.
that being said I’d aprriciate if you’d send me requests, I mostly write for evan peters characters, peter parker and miles morales!! (comfortable with nsfw and sfw)
lots of love 🤍
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