2015 The Year Of The Goddess
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Becoming Yemaya Spend as much time in or near bodies of water as possible . Spend time with your children. Create a stream of income. Take a moment to honor your ancestors of the mid Atlantic slave trade.
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Yemaya is near and dear to our hearts in the diaspora because she travelled with us from Africa and along the middle passage to America and all the ports in between. She was there to welcome her children who chose to return to her bosom in the sea as they dove overboard in their misery and she comforted the others as they made the harrowing journey .
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Money comes easily to Yemaya and she is eager to share the wealth with women who are in need to take care of their children. She is the Goddess of the side hustle . The cowrie shell represents her wealth because she used them to make money doing divination.
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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As well as being a nurturing mother figure, Yemaya is also a seductive enchantress. She is said to have large breasts, a large derri猫re , and wide, shapely hips. She smells of verbena and when she dances, her undulations causes all the phenomena of the ocean; the tides, waves, whirlpools, even tsunamis and hurricanes. Fishermen can't resist her pull and when she's in a good mood she blesses them with plenty of fish and safe passage of their vessels .
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Yemaya is the Goddess of the ocean, the moon, and motherhood. She is often depicted as a double tailed mermaid or as a voluptuous woman dressed in blue. Seven is her number. She wears a blue and white skirt with seven ruffles to represent the seven seas and seven silver bangles. All life begins in water and she is the ever loving Mama Watta, the mother of us all. She is very devoted to her children and the ebb and flow of the tides is Yemaya soothing us and washing away our sorrows, worries, anxieties , and fears. Like a loving mother, she is always with us . Her first gift to us was the seashell so that if we put it to our ear , we can always hear the ocean, her voice. She has a soft spot in her heart for women having issues of infertility and rape survivors, so if you are dealing with either of these issues it will help you to draw close to Yemaya.
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Becoming Erzulie Have a day or block of time to pamper yourself. If you are in an abusive relationship , seek help. Start a business that you have been dreaming of starting.
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Erzulie is known for her generosity to women. She supports business women and is a patroness of women's finances. Erzulie is a supporter of our dreams, hopes, and aspirations. As much as she loves luxury and riches, she wants us to experience lavishness, prosperity, and abundance also.
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Erzulie is a fierce protector of women. She seeks vengeance for those who are abused and mistreated by their lovers. She also consoles the hearts of women who have lost their lovers or who have been betrayed by their lovers. The women of the slave trade who were raped and abused by the slave masters, or had their husbands and children ripped away and sold, often called on Erzulie.
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Erzulie believes in living a glamorous lifestyle . She only wants...no DEMANDS the finer things in life. She loves expensive jewelry , fancy perfume, and lots and lots of champagne! She is said to be very vain, spoiled and pampered. She eschews working and instead soaks in warm baths with milk and aromatic oils .
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Erzulie is the Haitian goddess of love . She is the representation of femininity and womanhood . She represents the ideal woman and is the embodiment of charm and grace. She is an empath with a deep and abiding love for all women. She knows all of our joys, pains, fears, and secret desires. She is closely associated with the moon and represents the Triple Goddess as the voluptous, sensual coquette, the fierce warrior protectress of women and children, and the inconsolable , weeping crone.
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Becoming Sekhmet Do not look at your cycle as a curse but as a time of power, regeneration, and renewal. Stand up for yourself! Wear tiger's eye or garnet to symbolize the Goddess, especially when dealing with matters of law, court cases, or issues involving injustice or right and wrong.
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Sekhmet's anger and wrath is righteous indignation. She is a defender of Ma'at (justice) and detests evil. She is known as "The one before whom evil trembles". She believes in divine order and represents for women the freedom to express our feminine sexuality and power. Sekhmet, with her lion head and warrior spirit, has to be the inspiration behind the mantra "I am woman, hear me roar ".
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Sekhmet is also known as the goddess of fire and vengeance. She is often shown depicted in red to symbolize her bloodlust. She is the most powerful among the God/Goddesses and almost single handedly wiped out humanity. The streets ran red with the blood of humans which she drank . She was enjoying the carnage so much that when told to stop she just couldn't . Being that mankind was on the brink of extinction she had to be stopped. So the Gods mixed beer with pomegranate juice and poured it over the land. Sekhmet saw it, thought it was blood and proceeded to drink it. She eventually became drunk and fell asleep and mankind was saved! I find it ironic that the Goddess associated with our period probably went on a PMS fueled rampage and slaughtered all in her path... kind of like what we feel like doing right???
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Sekhmet is a warrior goddess with the head of a lion who is a special benefactress to women as she rules our menstrual cycle. She is also closely associated with the divine feminine energy known as kundalini.
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Becoming Hathor Using a compact or handheld mirror, really look at yourself. Gaze into your eyes, into your soul. See no flaws, only divine beauty. Say to your image with sincerity " I am beautiful". Write your mate a sexy, erotic love letter. State this motherhood/expectant mother affirmation " I am (or am going to be) a good mother".
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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By embodying Hathor you become a better woman, mother, and lover. She encourages you to embrace your femininity and beauty, and to accept your sexuality as part of your divine expression.
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lotusfalana 10 years ago
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Hathor is the Goddess of feminine adornment, enchantment, and love making, as she is the mistress of the vagina and tantra. Take the time to get to know and pamper your body. Make yourself look and feel beautiful. Embrace your inner seductress/temptress and know that the pleasures of the yoni are sacred and divine.
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