WC AU as told by Clangen. Text based. Asks on. Mun is 21+
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Updated sprites and new kits (Moons 7 and 8)
Magpiekit (Tom, Fernswishes kit)
Hailkit (Molly, Fernswishes kit)
Chicorykit (Tom, Fernswishes kit)
Bumblekit (Molly, Bramblefaces kit)
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Nothing happens in moon 7 so.. (Moon 8)
Swiftstar can swear his paw is aching, but the paw doesnt exist anymore.
The other leaders force Heartstar and Swiftstar to make peace.
Fernswish has given birth to a litter of three kits!
She's exhausted, but so happy. Purring loudly as her mates tuck into the nest and coo at the new kits.
Brambleface comes home with a single kit that looks quite a bit like him. He refuses to say where she came from.
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Updated sprite, new cat, and kits (Moon 6)
Branchsplinter (Cis tom, he/him, 79 moons)
Briarkit (Molly, Brightlaughters kit)
Burrkit (Molly, Brightlaughters kit)
Flickerkit (Tom, Cinderbreath and Ashfreckles adopted kit)
Scorchkit (Molly, Cinderbreath and Ashfreckles adopted kit)
Blazekit (Molly, Cinderbreath and Ashfreckles adopted kit)
Flarekit (Tom, Cinderbreath and Ashfreckles adopted kit)
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Suddenly so many kits (Moon 6)
Cinderbreath declares that Snowpaws new name will be Snowowl. Even if he doesn't understand truly.
Fernswish is expecting kits!
Brightlaughter gives birth. It goes quite smoothly. Cinderbreath is very relieved it didn't go the same as Silverstreams kitting. A litter of two mollies is born!
As her mates funnel in, Brightlaughter wonders briefly which of the two toms is the father. Then again. It doesn't matter much.
Ashfrecke is injured from a trap laid by Flutterclan.
Cinderbreath comes across a dying tom with a litter of four. As she approaches, he lifts his head weakly and begs her to take his kits someplace safe. She checks his wounds first, and the bite at his throat is entirely too deep and has bled too much already for her to do much.
She sighs. Apologizes that she would not be able to help him. But she would take the kits in herself. They would be loved and cared for. He nods, rasps out a garbled thank you, and dies.
She takes the litter home and she and Ashfreckle adopt the kits. Brightlaughter will be happy to nurse them.
An injured loner is accepted into the clan. He takes the name Branchsplinter.
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Updated sprites! (Moon 5)
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War is declared! (Moon 5)
Swiftstar and Flutterclans leader, Heartstar, declare a war!
Shortly after the war is declared, Thornshred steps on a concealed pit trap near the Flutterclan boarder. He limps home with a mangled leg.
Brackentangle is doing much better, and sighs when his brother takes his place in the medicine den.
Swiftstar clambers up onto the calling root to call Lotusclan to him.
"Bramblepaw come up please."
He does so, separating from Tawnypaws side reluctantly.
"I, Swiftstar, leader of Lotusclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Yes, I promise. My clan is my life. You all are my life."
He grins. "Then you will be called Brambleface."
"Tawnypaw, come up."
She does so eagerly, bumping her shoulder with her brother.
"I, Swiftstar, leader of Lotusclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Yes, I swear."
"Then you will be called Tawnypatches."
Cinderbreath and Ashfreckle become mates. The clans in this area practice different laws for medicine cats.
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Nothing of interest happens in moon 3 so..(Moon 4)
Brightlaughter is expecting kits! She and her mates are the most excited, but the whole clan is hopeful for these kits!
Fernswish makes it home after being bitten by a badger. She had run the beast off though. Her mates are proud, but usher her quickly to the medicine den.
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Rabbitclan no! (Moon 2)
Brackentangle is out on a patrol when he winds up on the wrong side of the Rabbitclan border. He makes it home with a mangled leg. The entirety of Lotusclan is furious.
Brightlaughter, a clam and sweet cat, is terrifying as she grooms her injured brothers face and mutters deathwishes to the cat who hurt him.
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Nothing much happens (Moon 1)
Fernswish is accepte into Swiftstar, Brightlaughter, and Cloudbellies relationship.
Every cat helps support the others. Every adult cat here is adapting to new lifechanging disabilities. Every apprentice is trained by whatever warrior is available when their mentor isn't.
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The cats
Swiftstar(bird)! The leader. 15 moons. Cis tom, he/him. His kin includes: Bramblepaw (Apprentice, Brother), Tawnypaw (Apprentice, Sister), Brightlaughter (Warrior, Mate), and Cloudbelly (Warrior, Mate). 9 lives. Apprentice is Tawnypaw. He is missing a leg.
Brackentangle! The deputy. 14 moons. Cis tom, he/him. His kin includes: Cinderbreath (Medicine cat, Sister), Thornshred (Warrior, Brother), and Brightlaughter (Warrior, Sister). He is missing his tail, and is prone to seizures.
Cinderbreath! A medicine cat. 14 moons. AMAB, Trans molly, she/her. Her kin includes: Brackentangle (Deputy, Brother), Thornshred (Warrior, Brother), and Brightlaughter (Warrior, Sister). Her apprentice is Snowpaw. She has a twisted leg.
Ashfreckle! A medicine cat. 14 moons. Cis tom (?), he/him (?). His kin includes: Fernswish (Warrior, Sister). He is blind, and is missing both ears.
Snowpaw! Medicine cat apprentice. 6 moons. Cis tom, he/him. His mentor is Cinderbreath. Born deaf.
Thornshred! A warrior. 14 moons. Cis tom, he/him. His kin includes: Brackentangle (Deputy, Brother), Cinderbreath (Medicine cat, Sister), and Brightlaughter (Warrior, Sister). He has a twisted leg, and half a tail.
Brightlaughter! A warrior. 14 moons. Cis molly, she/her. Her kin includes: Brackentangle (Deputy, Brother), Cinderbreath (Medicine cat, Sister), Thornshred (Warrior, Brother), Swiftstar (Leader, Mate) and Cloudbelly (Warrior, Mate).
Fernswish! A warrior. 14 moons. Cis molly, she/her. Her kin includes: Ashfreckle (Medicine cat, Brother)
Cloudbelly! A warrior. 13 moons. Cis tom, he/him. His kin includes: Swiftstar (Leader, Mate), and Brightlaughter (Warrior, Mate). His apprentice is Bramblepaw.
Bramblepaw! An apprentice. 7 moons. Cis tom, he/him. His kin includes: Swiftstar (Leader, Brother), and Tawnypaw (Apprentice, Sister). His mentor is Cloudbelly.
Tawnypaw! An apprentice. 7 moons. Cis molly, she/her. Her kin includes: Swiftstar (Leader, Brother), and Bramblepaw (Apprentice, Brother). Her mentor is Swiftstar.
Instead of Swiftpaw and Brightpaw being the sole apprentices taking on the dog pack, the whole crew went. Each cat being torn up, but resulting in no deaths and the dogs deciding they dont want to deal with this and leaving. After receiving terrible and insulting names from Bluestar, Swiftpaw rejected the concept, and the group leaves the clan. Taking Swiftpaws younger siblings, and recently orphaned Snowkit with them.
Speckletail had died defending her son from a bird of prey.
Swiftpaw takes the name Swiftbird, and takes on the role of leader once they have settled in an area past the twoleg place near a large lilypad pond. They find other clans here! Rabbitclan, Ermineclan, Flutterclan, and Morningclan.
Swiftbird picks names for the other warriors, and he becomes mates with Cloudbelly and Brightlaughter.
Brackentangle becomes his deputy.
Ashfreckle asks to become a medicine cat, and Snowkit spends a lot of time with the medicine cats, being taken as Cinderbreaths apprentice.
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