This is a place where i can just be, simply me. There's no reason for me to edit or censor my feelings or opinions on any topic and so i am prepared to be brutally honest. I will also be using this as kind of the "lazy girls" diary as opposed to sitting down with a pen and doing it the ol' fashioned way, i shall be typing up a storm with everything from; how i feel about topical news, to every day happenings.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
when somebody whos generally nice gets upset over the smallest thing then its probably because theyre fed up of getting walked all over all the time and having their feelings and belongings disregarded by other people so next time someone flips their shit because you took a piece of their food without asking or wore a piece of their clothing without permission you should probably apologise instead of saying they have a short temper or theyre too dramatic
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Weak Women.
Yup, you guessed it. Here goes yet another early morning rant... I am extremely disappointed in the lack of self worth and self respect that some people have when it comes to relationships. If a person has ever TOLD you that you mean nothing to them, admitted they never cared about you, honestly confessed to how manipulative and self indulgent to their own ego and that alone they are...And you not only go running back, but reinstate that person straight back ON to the pedestal you so naively had them on before these revelations... You really need to acknowledge how far you're willing to go for male attention, how low you're willing to stoop to feel even a now transparent form of intimacy, and how you are actually the LAST person who should be on social media giving advice on how to be "strong" and "build your own foundations in life" Sooooo, is the strength you have implied by your lack of standards in partners or your inability to see a snake in the grass even once it's bitten you ?! Because it turns out a "man" can literally tell you.. "I used you for sex and stripped you of a privilege, all because I couldn't get with the girl I ACTUALLY wanted. I didn't bother to maintain a relationship afterwards, lied about my reasonings behind doing such things because I knew - as I've said before many times - that you would forgive me no matter what. Then proceeded to flirt with and ACTIVELY try to sleep with - daily - your "best friend" who you're secretly jealous of and resent (proved by your lack of loyalty and over zealous bitching at every chance you get - let's not forget all the secrets you told me about her (in your attempts to soil her name and make her seem less attractive in all her fucked-upness)...All whilst apparently "knowing" - as you claimed to know on the phone when I confessed to everything - that I would inevitably attempt to use those most vulnerable secrets to my advantage to try to bed her. But you didn't care about that, regardless of how many posts you want to make about being a "good friend" and "never being able to turn your back on anyone" ... Little does everyone know it's because you're too busy shoving the knife in to everyone else's back while theirs is turned!) luckily for me your priorities have ALWAYS been firmly placed around romance and your desperate struggle to obtain it. You see, guys like me can see needy and "please love me and treat me like the girls in my favourite books" women a mile away. And so when I saw you, dripping with all the typical characteristics of a girl who would buy in to ANY old bullshit as long as she gets to pretend she is sought after for a while, I jumped at the chance. As I recall, you "fell in love" (I use the term loosely as you tend to "fall in love" with every guy you fancy) with my best friend first. Spoke for hours about how much you cared about him, loved him, the lot. Then it was me next.... Or did you love us both and we kind of overlapped ?! Only I find it hard to keep up because you now claim that you NEVER loved him... Shall I wait another year or so and expect you'll be saying the same about me too when you find the next "Romeo". For someone who's so content with your life, you sure do go out of your way to ensure the worst types of people remain in it.....all whilst genuinely betraying and hurting the people who have done nothing wrong. Then again, it's not all my fault. Doesn't the saying go that what goes around comes around?! ... Well seen as you spend a majority of your time complaining about how I've treated you in the past, bitching about your current "best friend" and your suspicions she's in love with you (as you believe everyone is) and how you think she uses her child to manipulate and control you, the "family" that you constantly complain about.... It's only fitting that you should be condemned to a life spent surrounded by EXACTLY those types of people you evidently despise so much. Congratulations, you got your man, I'm officially yours and you have absolutely no dignity left because of it." Don't make out that when someone tells you everything that he has, that you just find it hard to stop being friends with someone. Because when it comes to GIRL mates... You'll bitch about them at the drop of a hat, when it comes to cutting out GIRL friends, they're gone at the click of a finger. .... But the boys?! The manipulative boys who are genuinely toxic for you, they remain. That just says it all. Ha. Fancy being a "writer" and having no self awareness, varied perspective or ability to acknowledge the facts.
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who is cutris lepore and what did he do? ive never heard about him before

this asshole is curtis lepore. he’s a famous viner who pled guilty to raping his ex-girlfriend and harassed her and made jokes about it when he didn’t get jail time.
he also lied about doing charity for a domestic abuse center as if him donating charity means he’s a good person after being an unapologetic rapist.
he’s on a bunch of vine and shit that gets spread around tumblr even though he’s the kind of person we should not be endorsing in the slightest but hey! who cares about aiding a rapist get more famous so he can continue to get people to send death threats to his victim because someones safety doesn’t matter as much as that 6 second vine does.
stop fucking reblogging curtis lepore.
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If your girl sees you before she goes out with her friends and she look good af with a tight ass dress this is what I want you to do
Pin her sexy ass up against a wall .. Spread her legs apart and play with pussy and talk dirty to her .. Tell her how good she looks and tell her how bad you wanna fuck her and let her go out after that .. I bet she’ll leave the club early
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Let’s play a fun game called “we’re just friends but I’d fuck you if you asked”
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'Tell me what happens the first time you see a woman naked.' 'The first time you see a woman naked will not be like you imagined. There will be no love, no trust, no intimacy. You won’t even be in the same room as her. You won’t get to smile as she undresses you and you undress her. You won’t get to calm her nerves with nerves of your own. You won’t get to kiss her, feeling her lips and the edge of her tongue. You won’t get to brush your fingers over the lace of her bra or count her ribs or feel her heartbeat. The first time you see a woman naked you will be sitting in front of a computer screen watching someone play at intimacy and perform at sex. She will contort her body to please everyone in the room but her. You will watch this woman who is not a woman, pixelated and filtered and customized. She will come ready-made, like an order at a restaurant. The man on the screen will be bigger than you, rougher than you. He will teach you how to talk to her. He will teach you where to put your hands and he will teach you what you’re supposed to like. He will teach you to take what is yours. You must unlearn this. You must unlearn this twisted sense of love. You must unlearn the definition of pleasure and intimacy you are being taught. Kill this idea of love, this idea of entitlement, this way of scarring one another.’
this scared me and made me cry and i am almost embarrassed to post this but quite honestly i would rather fight for this rather than anything else.
men and womens value, and the indescribable importance of intimacy
(via fluts)
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To my daughter I will say, ‘See your beauty without a compliment or a mirror.’
'Blind' by Della Hicks-Wilson (via bl-ossomed)
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Maybe I wasn’t made for anyone.
(via fouilis)
This has been one of my main thoughts for over a month
(via jose-junior)
Except myself. That's okay too because realistically, I'm the only one who knows how to love me properly
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stop what you’re doing and adore me
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What the fuck....

im deleting my life
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A woman is unstoppable after she realizes she deserves better
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i remember when i was 5 i used to take dancing lessons and there was this kid in 7th grade who’d make fun of me and call me “gay” but the jokes on him because i gave his younger cousin a handjob at camp so who’s gay now
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I am fucking gold but you prefer silver and that’s ok.
(via notapear)
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