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lotfseal · 1 year ago
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lotfseal · 1 year ago
LOTF blog#5 #lovepiggy #justkilledsimon
After most of the people from my group left me for Jack; Piggy, me, and I, think Simon was all that was left. I told Piggy that bathing was pretty much the only thing left that we needed to do. While getting in the water, Piggy and I both admire the clouds and reminisce about how on the first night of the crash landing it rained really hard. Then Piggy starts blabbing about how if he gets his specs wet he needs to get out, so I start squirting some water at him. It's kind of fun to pick on him but when I think about it, Piggy is the only friend I got. I start laughing and then eventually Piggy starts laughing with me. After some silence, Piggy and I start listing things we want such as to go home, or cooler air. I asked Piggy where the rest of the people (the ones that were left) went and Piggy claimed that they also left to go to Jack’s party while pointing in a certain direction. Then my stomach started to growl but I don’t think Piggy heard it, that’s when I remember Jack was having a feast with a bunch of food. I stare in the direction he pointed at and then quickly look down at the water. Then Piggy said “P’raps we ought to go too” and I quickly looked at him, and then his face turned red. I can’t believe he’d think that we would go to Jack’s dumb party with all their stupid hunters. But I am, after all, very hungry, and after taking another glance at Piggy, I’m sure he is too. So I squirt water at Piggy again and then we start to get out and head to Jack’s “feast.” When me and Piggy arrived, we saw a big fire with a pig on top and some boys handing out meat to everyone. I don’t know if Jack saw us, but I took a piece of meat and so did Piggy. We ate silently, enjoying the meal because we hadn’t eaten in days. Then Jack starts asking if everyone had enough meat, which I guess was him trying to act like a leader, but no one answered him. Serves him right, if anything he is a fake leader, they only like him because he is crazy enough to hunt and touch pig droppings for food. Then he asked if they ate enough meat far more aggressively and everyone answered in a sort of mumbled panic. That’s when I realize that the boys only follow Jack because they are afraid of him; there is no way they think he is a real leader. Suddenly, Jack asks the group who will join him, which is bizarre, he is just using the food he got to his advantage. He has no real leadership abilities; everyone is crazy if they join him. I speak up saying that all they do is chase food but then Jack interrupts me stating that I, too, chase after food. My face goes crimson and I start stuttering but then I remember the conch and so I say, “I’ve got the conch” but then Jack laughs in a sort of “So what?” manner. None of them care about the rules anymore. I start talking about how they have no shelters for the heavy rain that is about to fall but then Jack starts saying “Do our dance”, do what dance? A group of boys start getting up with spears and going around in a circle chanting. Rain started pouring down along with some thunder and it kind of put me in a trance. I started dancing with them and singing along too. The beast crawled into the circle, so they started stabbing it. The beast came amidst a feast! More meat for all of us, I guess. Piggy and I started jumping and walking around in a circle and soon everyone joined in. We were all having fun but then, we heard someone screaming about the mountain or a body. I couldn’t really hear the chants and thunder. But then after the dance I looked back, and I wanted to puke. I didn’t- I couldn’t have been with the group. We didn’t kill any beast or pig, or even a boar. We had killed Simon. Simon was the beast, and we, including Piggy and I, were part of the group that murdered him. 
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lotfseal · 1 year ago
LOTF blog #4 #firsthunt #BEASTWYA
The group of littleuns’ kept talking about some beast and while I was trying to calm them down, Jack decides to rowdy them up and say he will kill the beast and stuff like that. I look at Jack like “really?” but he just shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his spear and started assembling a team. Although this plan is stupid, I told the group that I would hunt as well because, as the chief, I need to make sure the imaginary “beast” that they believe in is killed. I need to witness the so called “beast” firsthand. So, Jack and I, plus a few others, set out on a hunt to go find the beast. But while on the hunt we encounter a few pigs and a boar. At first it was honestly scary because we had to sit silent in the bushes with a bunch of mosquitoes flying everywhere and stinging us. Then all the sudden, the bushes started making a cracking sound, I guess it symbolizes that the pig is right there because all the boys leapt forward and started charging toward it. Then I see the pig, oh wait, I believe that it is a boar. The others are very far but I think they are chasing another animal other than mine. I grab the spear that Jack made for me and lunged it as far and as fast as I could, and I heard a very loud squeal. The squeal brought enjoyment to my eyes. It was like I was in a bloodthirsty rampage. I just wanted to chase after the boar and stab it to death so I could hear more squealing and see more bloodshed. I take a step forward to charge after it but then I remember what we came here for. But my enjoyment was not lost; when the group came back, I started expressing how I hit the boar, but they just seemed disinterested. I mean I finally hit something, just like they did. I never understood why they liked hunting so much, but now I do. I screamed “I wounded him!” but the others just looked at me, they might’ve chuckled a bit but nothing major. I got kind of bummed out, but I just kept up with the group in search of this “beast” we are searching for. I mean what is the deal with these guys? I finally get a little experience of the job they do every day, but they act like it was nothing. Looking back at it, why did I want to chase after the boar? I must’ve just been too excited or something, ill just pretend like nothing happened. 
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lotfseal · 1 year ago
After waking up most of the group knows that we have chores to do and things we need to accomplish so we almost immediately start doing them when we wake up. One of our main priorities is to watch the fire that we need to make smoke for our rescue, obviously. I assigned certain people to watch it daily, but they can switch out with people after a certain amount of time, almost like we have shifts. Today was Jack’s turn because I was busy with other stuff. It’s almost halfway through the day and Piggy and I notice that the coconut shells are empty, so we go by the ocean to fill them up. On my way there I see some blurry thing in the distance. OH MY GOD. IS THAT A SHIP?! Piggy somehow starts yapping in my ear about how there isn’t any smoke. Wait, there isn’t any smoke? No, no Jack is watching over the fire there must be smoke. I turn around quickly to look at how much smoke is showing. There….there isn’t any. I start feeling as pale as a ghost and my eyes start going blurry. There is a ship before us, but we don’t have any smoke. I feel someone touch my shoulder but then I take off running up the mountain. “I’ll just build the fire quickly, as fast as I can, and surely the ship will see us” I tell myself. I hear voices in the background saying, “Come Back!” but I just scream “They let the bloody fire go out.” At this moment, I’m really mad at Jack because we could’ve had an easy rescue if he were just tending to the fire like I told him to. I mean really, what is the point of choosing me as a leader if no one listens to me? After I reach the top of the mountain, I can no longer see the ship. My face starts burning with anger, and then I spot Jack, all happy and laughing with the others. I start stomping towards him and then we meet eyes. I faintly hear him and the others chant “Kill the pig” or something like that, a stupid chant really. And then Jack talks about how the gathered around the pig and stabbed him; that’s when I realize the stupid paint on his face. I mean are they a bunch of children? They left our only chance of escape, of rescue, to go kill a pig? What are they, savages or something? I just stare at Jack and say, “You let the fire go out” and he starts defending himself saying how we can always re-light the fire and stuff. He doesn’t realize how important the fire actually is to our rescue, all he cares about is killing stuff. Am I the only one listening to the rules we all agreed with? It’s like the hunters want to stay on the island or something. Then I try to explain how a ship came by but then Jack says that he at least got us food. I just walk away because he will never understand how much we need the fire. I start a plan to make an assembly on how no one follows the rules in place, but it’s not like they’ll listen anyways. 
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lotfseal · 1 year ago
LOTF blog #2 #minecraftsurvival #nooneunderstands
We all realized that if we were to survive on this island, we needed to build shelter from the horrible rain we experienced on the first day of crash landing. Well I say “we” needed to build a shelter but really it was just me and Simon. Everyone helped on the first one, which looks pretty good, but then they just left to go play on the beach. This is severely annoying, considering I told them how important it was that we had shelters and huts but then they just go and play like a bunch of children. As I’m staring at the hut, I didn’t even realize Jack was standing next to me. “Oh, Hullo. Water? There by the tree. Ought to be some left” I say assuming he was asking for water. Then I go back to surveying the sad, wobbly “hut” that Simon and I built. Looking at this stupid hut makes me get angry and annoyed, so I start shouting “Been working for days now. And look!” because nothing has been done like I asked for. The first few days we were doing our tasks but now they are just leaving their duties to go play in the sand like a bunch of children. This is stupid, at least Simon and I are still working. Jack does hunt but he could still help us out too, instead of just doing his chores when he knows we are struggling too. Well, next time I will just make sure we follow the rules. At least they are still putting the water in the coconut shells, that’s a plus. We are just drifting away from our goal slightly, but as the leader, I can surely bring us all back together. 
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lotfseal · 1 year ago
LOTF blog #1 #justcrashed #survived #BLESSED
After landing on the island next to this fatty named Piggy, we find a conch shell that I use to alert any other possible guys where we are; soon after, we all sit down and discuss what we need to do. All the boys declare that they need to “vote for chief.” I look at Jack and shrug my shoulders, but he seems to have a stubborn expression on his face. I simply ask the group “Who wants Jack for chief?” but no one makes a sound, which is very awkward. I glance at Jack, whose face looks like a tomato, and then look at the ground. I already know that they will choose me but I still raise my head and ask “Who wants me?” and everyone raises their hands almost immediately. But then I feel bad for Jack, after all he did come up with the idea, so I offered him a choice to lead a small group of boys, which he names hunters for some reason. Jack looked happy about the offer and I felt proud because I know I’m already taking the role of a leader. That’s right, I’m a leader and I will lead this group to rescue. Speaking of rescue, we need to know if we actually are on an island because we might find others in a town or something. Then I ordered the boys to remain silent and motionless while Jack and I, plus a few others, look around. We made a plan to stay together so we can all survive. When Jack and I get back to the group we decide that whoever has the conch, the one I blew when me and Piggy first landed, is the only one aloud to talk. These rules are a good way we can all have a turn voicing our opinions safely and peacefully. These rules might help us survive long enough to be rescued. 
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