lostwithoutlost · 4 days
who hurt you" myself bro, i make horrible decisions
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lostwithoutlost · 5 days
Lost - Community Discord
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Hej! I'm glad to introduce you to our Lost - Community Discord!
This is a fanmade project related to the Tv Series 'Lost' and is supposed to provide a safe-place. A place to share your thoughts and theories about the Tv show or just hanging around! We would also love to see what you're creating, such as paintings, literature, music etc.! Even if it's not Lost related.
We provide some cool show related features: - Lost Archive | We collect any kind of extra content around the show, interviews, articles etc.
- Lost Network | A cooperation between different themed Lost servers, working together instead of against each other. - Lost Swan Station Bot | You can push the button and fight your way to the top of the ranking!
We opened 2020 our doors for everyone and celebrated recently our second anniversary. The server is moderated by 5 people at this moment and visited by over 270 people!
We'd love to welcome you, even if it's just for cheking it out! Official Invite: https://discord.gg/42Jhw3V Namaste & Good Luck
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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Lost 4.09 | The Shape of Things to Come
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
Lost - Community Discord
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Hej! I'm glad to introduce you to our Lost - Community Discord!
This is a fanmade project related to the Tv Series 'Lost' and is supposed to provide a safe-place. A place to share your thoughts and theories about the Tv show or just hanging around! We would also love to see what you're creating, such as paintings, literature, music etc.! Even if it's not Lost related.
We provide some cool show related features: - Lost Archive | We collect any kind of extra content around the show, interviews, articles etc.
- Lost Network | A cooperation between different themed Lost servers, working together instead of against each other. - Lost Swan Station Bot | You can push the button and fight your way to the top of the ranking!
We opened 2020 our doors for everyone and celebrated recently our second anniversary. The server is moderated by 5 people at this moment and visited by over 270 people!
We'd love to welcome you, even if it's just for cheking it out! Official Invite: https://discord.gg/42Jhw3V Namaste & Good Luck
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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Lost 4.02 | Confirmed Dead
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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Benjamin Linus Trivia Headcanons
should i start writing for this fandom? would i get an audience from like, the 10 active lost blogs on tumblr.com? i can do reader-inserts and general stuff. have some random ben headcanons that live rent-free in my brain
warnings: some angst, mentions of child abuse (all my homies hate roger linus)
Ben learned to cook when he was still a kid. Roger didn't have a lot of interest in cooking anything and was probably fine living off microwaveable DHARMA meals and dry cereal. Ben often stayed over at Annie's house for dinner and learned early on how to manipulate conversations so they'd end with the adults giving him food or letting him stay for lunch or dinner because aside from that he didn't really get a lot of warm meals. Sandwiches were one of the first things he learned to make but it quickly evolved into complicated meals. He only ever cooked when his father was at work so Roger wouldn't demand to have some of the food as well and reprimand him if it wasn't to his liking. Ben eventually taught Alex how to cook.
Ben had the typical abused kid habit of hoarding stuff under his bed and wherever he could best hide his possessions in his room because he feared his father wouldn't approve of them or destroy them when he was drunk and enraged by a minor inconvenience.
This became a habit that continued way into adulthood. A lot of his drawers have secret compartment where he keeps items that aren't necessarily secret or vital to his plans but just a little more valuable to him than everything else he owns.
Ben became so used to lying as his default that after he becomes Hurley's #2 he has to actively correct himself. Hurley would ask him a question and Ben's immediate response is to lie before he goes "oh wait hold on-" and then says the truth.
After Alex dies, everytime he's in mortal danger he's struggling with the thought that now no one's going to remember the real him or hardly anything about him that wasn't based on a lie if he died
His favorite songs are "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel and "New York, New York" by Frank Sinatra.
Has gone to Jacob's cabin at least once to rant about how much he thinks Goodwin sucks
One of those people who brush their teeth before breakfast
The thought that Jacob might not actually exist is definitely something that has occurred in Ben's mind and he tried to push that idea away everytime it creeped up on him.
Worst hay fever known to man. Is fine on the island but everytime he leaves it in spring or summer he has to pop 2 allergy pills a day to function normally
Has these cute little cat sneezes. People have definitely tried not to laugh about it in his presence.
He has never been held as a kid and it's very noticeable
Ben has been in many situations where his life was in danger but two of them include choking on cereal and attempting to teach himself how to drive after Roger refused to do it
Has never been drunk. Only over his dead body would he put himself into a situation where he's at risk of spilling all his secrets in an intoxicated state.
The music that plays in the bear cage when you earn a fish biscuit doesn't actually come from the DHARMA Initiative; it isn't in the Hydra Orientation video even though there's sound when they activate that mechanism. Ben added that music in retrospect for his own personal amusement. Definitely sat in the surveillance room snickering to himself whenever Sawyer got a fish biscuit.
He tried to draw an identikit of Jacob solely based on Richard's descriptions on more than one occasion.
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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I will never stop.
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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Lost 1.07 | The Moth
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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The Constant
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
Lost - 0102
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lostwithoutlost · 1 year
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“Ben! If you’re trying to put me in my place, or embarrass me—” “Where would you get a ridiculous idea like that?”
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