Nightmares to Dreams
Is it possible that our life nightmares can become our dream? What I mean is when hellish nightmares of life happen is it possible that from that wreckage and total devastation a life long dream can give birth? And if so what do you do with the guilt you feel from realizing that without the hellish nightmare your dream come true would not be possible? I know that I refuse to dwell on that guilt when it comes. And come it will if your Nightmare becomes your Dream. I wish no one had to live out bad catastrophic life events but that is life. The question is will you turn that Nightmare into a Dream come to? I plan on doing just that💝❤💘💗
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I sit here overwhelmed with thankfulness and a flood of other emotions. It's cold and snowing outside but my Soul is Warm and burning with desire to begin what comes next. In two more weeks the Second half of my life begins. I Hope she approves. #bonnielou #iwillalwaysmissyou but my life here must go on.
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