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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
Hello friends! We are very excited to announce that our main is officially closed. We have finished all of our work on our relocation and revamp and you can now find us at REQUIESCAT IN PACE.
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
We know that our main has been super quiet as of late and you haven’t seen much of Lost in the Dark in the tags but that’s for great reasoning! We are currently under the process of revamping and relocating with exciting twists on some of your favorite characters and a plot that definitely has some fun turns. We have been working on this quietly behind the scenes and we are hoping to show you the fun things that we have coming your way very soon. For now, however, Lost in the Dark has closed our submit box and we will not be reopening it. We hope to see all of our loyal followers stay with us and we as an admin team are very excited for the changes coming your way.
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
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Molly Weasley
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
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Under this cut are all accepted applications for this acceptance, if you are not on this and have not received a message, please feel free to message the main off anon. For those accepted please follow the instructions on our after acceptance checklist for your next steps.
Name: Shelia @dorcas-e-meadowes Timezone: EST Character Name: Mary MacDonald Wow! It was a great surprise to see an application for Molly in our inbox and are so excited to see you roleplaying her. Your application was well thought out and beautifully written Your face claim change to Molly C. Quiin has been accepted.
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
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Mary MacDonald
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
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Under this cut are all accepted applications for this acceptance, if you are not on this and have not received a message, please feel free to message the main off anon. For those accepted please follow the instructions on our after acceptance checklist for your next steps.
Name: Ashley @prince-amycus Timezone: EST Character Name: Mary MacDonald You have proven time and time again to be nothing but an asset to Lost in the Dark and we would love to have you playing Mary. You have a firm grasp on the character and how you’d like to play her. Your face claim change to Camilla Belle has been accepted.
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
Hey there loves! We hope you’re enjoying this weekend and are getting everything done on your to-do list. Perhaps there’s one more thing that you need to check off? Like find that new roleplay with an awesome bunch of open characters and some great roleplay partners to match? Well, look no further my friend Lost in the Dark has many plot relevant characters open like James Potter, Rabastan Lestrange and Ted Tonks. And we have an awesome roleplay family that’s always looking to add more members. So come on, get that application in today, we’d love to have you.
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
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It’s that day again, time for our weekly meme day. As always we ask that you remember that this is the only day of the week that reblogging and answering memes counts towards activity! You are welcome to go on anon and send them or send them off anon to your friends. Please keep this fun and hate-free.Thanks friends and enjoy!
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
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Remus Lupin
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
Holy CRAP! Hey there tags! It looks like we’re brilliant and our submit got slipped off during the last update. Thanks, Tumblr! Anyway, you should all head in now that our little problem is fixed. Everyone should come in and check us out. We could totally use Rabastan Lestrange and James Potter. We’ve got three of the four marauders we just need that last boy to finish up the quartet
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
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Under this cut are all accepted applications for this acceptance, if you are not on this and have not received a message, please feel free to message the main off anon. For those accepted please follow the instructions on our after acceptance checklist for your next steps.
Name: Lizzie @romulusisdead Timezone: EST Character Name: Remus Lupin I know you and I know you love Potter as much as the rest of us do. You're an amazing writer and I’m glad you are here. You’re the best and I’m just-- yes good. Also your face claim change to Toby Regbo has been accepted.
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
Hey there rp tags! We have tons of open roles that include characters like James Potter, Rabastan Lestrange and so many more. We would love to see you application and to make turning that application in even more temping we’re offering daily acceptances. So come turn in that app, we’ll be here to answer any questions that you might have.
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
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“ You are doing your best only when you are trying to improve what you are doing.”
Marcel McKinnon
Affiliation: The Order
Age: Twenty-One
Availability: OPEN
Faceclaim: Matthew Daddario
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+ Strong-willed + Charismatic + Self-reliant - Cunning - Tactless - Phlegmatic
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Marcel was a strong name with a meaning of little warrior. With such a strong name with such great meaning it was no wonder the third born son of the four McKinnon children was always ready to stick his neck on the line for any member of his family. When someone was bullying his older brothers Marcel was the first one to throw a punch, his attitude and personality were strong and it often shown through at the worst times. His mind was strong and his tone would often come off with attitude without even meaning to.Despite a strong personality, Marcel was always well taken care of and well taught by his family. With two brothers to teach you the ways of the Wizarding World, he has always known what is right and wrong, and has a good heart that shines through even in the darkest of moments. When his older twin brothers or his younger sister needed his help, he was always willing to lend a hand no matter the question. His siblings were his family and his best friends in all sense of the meaning. It was no secret to Marcel that he would attend Hogwarts like his parents and brothers before him. But there was something real about holding his letter in his hand, there was something about school shopping like his brothers had done the last two years. Marcel was ready, he was excited, it was time for him to get to learn everything that he could. He wanted to immerse himself in knowledge, anything that he could to make himself better than who he was. Marcel was constantly looking to be the best and would do whatever it took to get there, he would read numerous books, writes numerous essays, if he wasn’t the best at something he would study the person who was watching them to see what they did different than him. It was no secret that the headstrong attitude and thirst for knowledge made him a perfect candidate but it was his cunning behavior and willingness to do what was necessary that placed him in Slytherin. At first thought Marcel was hesitant on letting himself fit into Slytherin, the misconceptions that all Slytherin’s were evil stuck in his mind. But that was far from the case, he made friends with people just like him, wanting to succeed and being the best person they could be. After Graduation Marcel had his eyes set on joining the Order like his parents and they took him in quickly. Likewise, he passed the auror exam for the Ministry and was employed nearly as soon as he graduated. He holds his worth, keeping himself and the person he’s partnered with alive. His focus was nearly unbreakable and he kept himself grounded in Order mission and auror missions alike.
More recently, his strength was tested when both his parents were killed by a group of Death Eaters, it was as if Marcel’s world was crumbling around him. His twin brothers and his younger sister took it even harder, and while Marcel was effected in his own way, he preferred to distract himself and care for Marlene in whatever way possible, even though that meant pushing his own feelings down. He’s even more focused now, promising that he will protect his friends with whatever he can give, even he must shield their lives with his own.
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MARLENE MCKINNON: Sister - There is little that he wouldn’t do for Marlene, she’s his younger sister and when push comes to shove they would kill for each other.
DORCAS MEADOWES: Friend - When Marlene met Dorcas she was originally just an addition that he didn’t want but the older they got the more he learned to appreciate the bond that Dorcas and Marlene have.
RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE: Indifferent - Marcel knows of Rodolphus,as do most people, they shared a house but aside from that he can’’t say he knows much about the bloke. That being said in passing Rodolphus comes off well enough.
ALTERNATE FC OPTIONS: Drew Roy,  Grant Gustin
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
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Marcel McKinnon
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
Howdy there friends! I hope I’m catching you after you’ve had a great day and are just itching to join a new roleplay. Let me tell you, look no further, Lost in the Dark is a great environment with tons of open characters like James Potter, Rabastan Lestrange & Alastor Moody. We would love to see an application from you so come make our day and make that happen.
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
Hey there tags.  We’ve got some awesome open characters! And some new plots coming down the pipeline. The Solstice Celebration is looking to get a little rough, or maybe.. barking mad? Join and get in on the action!
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lostinthedark-rp · 8 years ago
Any other alternative Lucinda FCs? :)
Antoinette Robertson, Zoe Kravitz, Jessica Parker Kennedy. If you have a particular face claim in mind we would gladly consider it! Just let us know who you’d like when you app!
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