loser-tsuna · 1 month
It will be officially released on September 24, 2024!
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loser-tsuna · 2 years
I'm frothing at the mouth over Tsuna's newest illustration for October
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loser-tsuna · 2 years
Delicate Petals
Rated T- mentions of blood, Hanahaki au with my own takes on it, angst
Summary: Falling in love is meant to be a beautiful thing, so why do these flowers hurt so much?
A/N: let me know if anyone wants this to continue, I will be posting the next chapter to Somewhere in Italy soon, as well as a Yamamoto/OC for my friend
Such pretty flowers.
The delicate cherry blossoms floated on the water's surface. You sat against the toilet, heaving as you held your throat. It was hard to swallow, feeling more coming up. You squeezed your eyes shut trying to breathe through the urge to vomit more of those beautifully, cursed petals. The girl’s bathroom stall felt like it was closing in on you. You gripped your skirt, before inevitably grasping the toilet. Your stomach convulsed as the petals spilled from your lips. Despite the volatile feeling, the petals gently floated down to the water, dancing around as if they were in a pond. Tears welled up as you attempted to catch your breath. Sobs wracked through your body. Red spilled from each petal into the water. It was getting worse. You slowly stood up, legs shaking as you felt even worse than before. You watched the petals swirl around before flushing. It was almost poetic. Like watching your own fate.
 Kyoko was the girl to be. The girl everyone wanted to talk to and be around. She was bubbly, cute, and fun to be around. It only made sense that Tsuna fell for her. You stumbled to the bathroom mirror, washing your face as you remembered the summer festival. 
                 "Tsuna, play with me." You gestured to the festival game. It was a shooting game, shoot all ten and you won the grand prize. You knew he was a terrible shot, so with a coy grin you set your terms. "Loser has to grant the winner one wish." Tsuna groaned, but with a smile.
"Alright, fine. You're on." He laughed, paying the fee. You stood elbow to elbow as you both aimed down the sights. Truth be told, you weren't much better than him. Hearing his grumbles of losing did make you grin and giggle. It was nice being close to Tsuna. It was warm, like relaxing out in the park on a sunny day. After all your ammunition was spent, the nice man declared that you both had won a small prize. You cheered as Tsuna groaned, you won by one point. He nudged you as you dug around the small bin of children's toys.
 "I think you cheated. Last summer, you were worse than me!" You grinned as you plucked a tiny keychain from the bin. It was a stuffed bear with a heart on its belly. It made you smile as you turned to Tsuna and presented it to him. "I've been practicing. This is yours." You were feeling smug at your win. Tsuna scoffed and took a hold of the bear. His cheeks tinted red, smiling. His thumb running across the rough material. "Fine, but I'll be sure to win next year." You snickered as you pulled him away from the game to allow others to play. "Counting on it." 
It wasn't lost on you how much Tsuna had grown. In middle school, he called out sick a lot and seemed to have some issues especially when Enma moved in. You were nervous when he started making new friends, but that quickly subsided as you felt part of the group. High school rolled around, and you were in your sophomore summer. Over the years, Tsuna grew taller, his muscles filled out, and his voice dropped a lot deeper. He was attractive and gained a lot more attention from girls in high school. There were times when he was near that your heart would skip a beat, but you didn't think much of it. He was your best friend and that’s all there was to it.
You grinned as the two of you walked the length of the road, looking at all the stands. Tsuna seemed to be looking around for something, or rather someone. You knew he was looking around for Kyoko. Everyone knew he had a crush on her, and word started going around that she had a crush on him. It was selfish, wanting to keep him to yourself, but it felt like forever since you last hung out. You nudged him with a grin. “The food smells great. Weren’t Gokudera and Yamamoto stuck running a stand?”
Tsuna laughed, nodding as he looked rather proud. “Yeah, they got volunteered for it by the class. Since it was by popular vote, I didn’t have to do it. But the night is still young, so I’m probably going to get dragged into it anyway.” You laughed, knowing full and well, his freedom was limited. You passed a food stand. “I’m going to get some food before the fireworks, meet me at the temple, okay?” He nodded, jogging off to the top of the stairs.
It felt like hours until you finally got your food. The moon was out as you headed for the top, to the shrine. BOOM! The fireworks roared behind you. You quickened your step, rushing to the top of the stairs, grinning to see Tsuna, when you froze in place. Bathed in the light of the fireworks, Tsuna stood there, cupping Kyoko’s face as they kissed. Your heart dropped as he pulled away for a moment, smiling. He was looking at his whole world. The food in your hands dropped, as you quickly averted your eyes away from their private moment. You couldn’t hear the fireworks as you turned and ran. Your heart pounding, and tears brimming.
The image was burned into your brain of Tsuna and Kyoko. That night was when you realized you fell in love with Tsuna, and he was far out of your reach. The petals began not long after.
You dried off your face in the bathroom. You were losing weight, your skin becoming paler with sickness, face gaunt. You looked like a ghost of your former self. You were pulling away from everyone, trying to hide all evidence of the flowers. Such pretty, delicate petals were suffocating you little by little.
Was this love? Was this symbolic of what love does to you?
The thought was sickening. You finally stepped out and headed back to class. You stepped in and went to your seat. No one paid you any mind as the teacher continued his lecture, except one. Tsuna looked up at you, clearly worried. He returned his gaze to the paper he was doodling on since the lesson was really falling on deaf ears. He would just ask Shoichi for help later when he would study with him. Tsuna instead turned his gaze to the window. He squeezed his eyes closed. That worried feeling was taking over again.
Tsuna was aware that you were pulling away from him. At first, he didn’t notice anything different. Yamamoto mentioned in passing that you hadn’t been hanging out lately. Tsuna realized it had started up around the summer. He sighed, debating on asking Kyoko for her advice. Kyoko and you got along great; you even gave advice to him once on confessing. Up until Reborn showed up and turned everything he knew on its head. Middle school was rough, but as the years went on, he was getting more comfortable with his future occupation and felt normalcy returning. Naturally, he didn’t tell everybody, and you were included in that. He just wanted normalcy. He didn’t want any strange looks from anyone, and he didn’t want anything to change before the inevitable move to Italy.
He was admittedly feeling guilty, leaving you out of it, but its not like you were that close, were you? He glanced back at you. He slowly set his pen down as he took in the sight of you. Beautiful. He looked away quickly at the thought, sucking in a breath. That wasn’t normal, right? He was dating Kyoko. He shouldn’t be looking at his best friend like that. He cleared his throat, feeling anxiety building up as he looked back. This time he started noticing minor details. Pale, clammy skin. Drawn in features. The anxiety only built as he started recognizing the signs. It had been years since he experienced it. It felt as if his lungs stopped breathing.
He once stared at the petals that fell from his lips.
Such pretty, delicate flowers. Like Her.
He suffered from the disease only briefly. When Reborn came, and he confessed, Kyoko minor affections staved off the affects. With each interaction, it got better. Over time, it was rare to see such petals and once he finally sealed the deal last summer, he hadn’t experienced anything since. He felt rejuvenated.
Now seeing you suffering sent Tsuna into panic. Terrified for his best friend. Who could it be? Who was it that you loved? That thought sent a pang through his chest. He felt like he was hyperventilating. Why had the thought of you falling in love disturb him so much? No. it wasn’t falling in love that was the issue. It was with whom you were falling in love. Kyoko flashed in his mind. Guilt was rising in his chest. Why? He had done nothing wrong.
He stole another glance at you. This time meeting your eyes. You looked like you were about to cry before you averted your gaze. He stood up; head bowed. He needed air. He needed to breath. It felt like the petals were back, filling up his chest once more.
“Mr. Sawada, is there an issue?” The teacher inquired, frowning at the disruption. A few people snickered at Tsuna when he looked up, stuttering to answer. “I-I, uh, I need to use the restroom, please excuse me!” He didn’t wait for a response to leave the room. His heart was pounding in his ears. He ran up the steps, bursting through the door to the roof.
He sucked in air as if he were going to suffocate. He leaned over, hands on his knees as he hyperventilated. You were dying. You were dying, and he couldn’t stop it. His mind tried to comprehend who it could possibly be that you were in love with. The thought conjured a familiar feeling. Jealousy. He looked around, rubbing his face as he tried to rationalize his thoughts and heart. The cool of his rings anchoring him. He glanced down to the Vongola ring, feeling his stomach lurch. What was the point of such power if you can’t save those you love? Love. Did he love you? His eyes widened as he leaned against the fencing of the roof. No, that can’t be right. He loved Kyoko. She had been through so much with him, but… You were there first. You were always there, even when he pulled away.
You were there before anyone else. He pressed his palms into his eyes, trying to prevent the rising tears as his breathing haggard. You were his best friend. He was going to lose you. he barely registered the words being spoken to him.
“Tsuna, are you okay? What happened? I heard you ran out of class.” Tsuna raised his head, with teary eyes to see his best friend, Yamamoto. The raven-haired man grabbed Tsuna’s shoulder, worried. “What happened? Talk to me.” Tsuna was speechless, gawking at his left-hand man. His cheek felt wet as he slowly realized why his heart was racing so much. Why when he looked at you, he thought you were breath-taking, despite Kyoko.
“I’m in love with my best friend.”
His voice was soft. Tears were running down his face as he looked down to the ground. He was in love with you. It was a quiet love. Not the big romantic gestures he always believed in, but kind love. Being over at his house and enjoying video games, whether you simply watched or played along. Coming over just to visit his mother and help out so you could have dinner together. Helping with his homework, no matter how much trouble he had. You were always there, just behind him. Supporting him. It was a kind love that settled heavy in his heart at the thought of losing you.
He swallowed the sob that choked him, grasping his throat. All the air in his lungs escaped him. He hacked and coughed. His stomach convulsing. He reached out, taking hold of Yamamoto’s shirt. His mouth spilled open, coughing violently.
Delicate, pretty petals floated to the ground. They landed as if falling from the tree they belonged to.
Yamamoto stared at the petals with wide eyes. His own breathing stopped as his boss only coughed up more. He hooked his arm under Tsuna’s chest, trying to support him through the coughing. “Tsuna...” He was speechless. In shock.
Tsuna finished coughing, leaning into Yamamoto’s side. His heart ached, tears streaming. He hadn’t felt like this in years. It terrified him. “What am I going to do?”
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loser-tsuna · 2 years
Fanfic Masterlist
Somewhere in Italy (Rated M, Tsuna/Reader)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Delicate Petals
Vongola Family Fics
Respect to the Boss (Rated G)
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loser-tsuna · 2 years
Somwhere in Italy chapter 2
Rated M
link to part 1: Somewhere in Italy
Summary: You live in a small town in Italy, curious about the rumors of the mansion in the woods. You find yourself in the midst of the mafia
   I sat at the fountain, staring up into the sky as the clouds rolled through. I felt like the rain was already coming down. It had already been a few days since I last saw Tsuna. The thought of him sent a strange ping through my chest. 'Did I really miss him that much?' 
      It hadn't occurred to me how much I was going to miss him. It had only been a few short hours that we talked, but it didn't mean he didn't capture my attention. I closed my journal with a sigh, still unable to get any writing done. 
      The rush of the fountain water behind me became apparent as I took in the crowded streets. I listened to the tumble and roar of the water. It was nice, writing in such a beautiful area. I leaned back and let my fingers dip under the flowing waterfall. The weight of the water felt nice as it mixed with the cool of it. I smiled and ran my hand back and forth, just letting it flow over my fingers, when something caught my ears. 
"Tsuna? Tsuna!" I could hear a man yelling for him over the crowd. I turned back to search for the origin of the shout, when a tall man stuck out in the crowd. He was certainly tall, with broad shoulders and messy, short black hair. I watched him approach, as I saw something peculiar. His face was young, but an old scar marked his chin. He looked rather concerned, his eyebrows creased. He was wearing some jeans, and what looked like a school shirt. 
      "You're looking for Tsuna?" I spoke out to him, standing up. I realized my hand was still wet from the fountain and ungraciously, dried my hand on my clothes. This caught the man's attention. He turned to face me when I was taken back. His brown eyes were soft, but sharp. He was gorgeous. "Yeah, are you friends with him?" 
  "I… I wouldn't say we're friends, but I know him. We had some coffee together, is something wrong? Is he hurt?" I watched the taller man step closer; his hands were in his pockets. "No, he isn't hurt. I'm Yamamoto Takeshi. I'm his best friend." He stuck out his hand, smiling. His smile practically took up his whole face, eyes closed and cheeks wide. I glanced at his hand before slowly taking it. I nodded my head to him, shaking his hand. I introduced myself as I let go of his firm handshake. His hand was callous. "May I ask why you're looking for him? Could I help?" 
    Yamamoto tucked his hand away, looking unsure of what to say. "We were just planning on meeting up to study with a few of our other friends. If you see him, could you tell him to give me a call? Gokudera isn't very happy right now." I could only guess Gokudera was another friend of his. "Right of course, I can text him. How long have you known Tsuna?" I turned around and gathered my things. 
  I felt like I could feel Yamamoto's gaze on me. "Since middle school. We've been inseparable." He smiled again; his tone cheerful. "I owe him my life." I turned back to him, rather curious by the last part. "Oh, did you…move here with him?" 
  The raven-haired gentleman nodded as he checked his watch. "Yeah, he was expecting to move abroad and the rest of us felt it best to come with him." His eyebrow raised at the time. "Sorry, I would love to stay and chat some more, but I gotta get going. I'll catch you later!" He waved his good-bye with his charming smile and jogged off into the crowd. 
       I uselessly waved as I watched him disappear into the crowd. I turned around to gather my things when I heard the thunder rumble above. ‘Great, it would be my luck.' I wasn't opposed to the rain, in fact, I enjoyed it, but I didn't want to be caught in it. I looked around before realizing I had forgotten my umbrella. I groaned and felt the rain starting to come down. 
      It pelted against my skin and soaked right through my clothes. I held up my books to try and protect my head as I attempted to retreat to safety when the rain stopped. No, rather it stopped falling on me. I felt a warm body press close as I stared out at the pouring rain. My eyes widened as the world seemed to slow. I turned to see Tsuna, with a sweet smile. He held a black umbrella above our heads, his own brown locks rather drenched. "Hey. Sorry, you looked like you were getting pretty soaked out here." 
  I was at a loss for words as my heart pounded in my chest. My throat was dry as he was so close. I could smell his cologne. It was wonderful, an amber with oranges and lemons. I could feel my heart skip a beat. I wanted to bask in the smell of him. The rain came to a stop in the moment. In a heart’s beat of time, I could see each drop of the rain fall around us before I centered my focus on the taller man before me. My cheeks burned at our proximity and his rather shy smile. “I- Uh, thank you. Didn’t know it was going to rain.” Tsuna’s brown eyes looked up from me and looked over my head as if he were looking for someone else. His expression turning unnaturally serious for such a kind face. “Oh, your friend, Yamamoto was looking for you, asked me to let you know.” I was watching him, feeling like an outsider at his distant expression. “Is everything okay?”
 Tsuna stirred from his gaze, meeting my eyes once more. He smiled albeit, it looked forced. He let out a breath, shaking his head. "Yeah, everything is fine... Promised Yamamoto I would hang out with him. I'll text him later." I got the suspicious feeling I wasn't getting the full story, but I didn't know if I should press it or not. "Right. Of course, you know if you need anything you can come to me." Tsuna's smile turned gentler; his brown eyes were soft. "Yeah, I'll definitely keep that in mind. Let me walk you home." 
The rain around us became distant as we walked. I clutched my things in silence, not wanting to break the moment. It felt unreal, strolling in the rain with practically a handsome stranger. I nudged his side, looking at him with a smile. "Thank you... You didn't have to do this." Tsunayoshi was strange. He seemed so tall and mysterious, but at that moment, he blushed. His face turned red as he looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. It was adorable how embarrassed he was. "It's nothing really. Besides, we wouldn't want your schoolbooks getting wet." He mustered an awkward laugh. The brunette kept his gaze averted. I giggled when I felt my shoulder getting wet. I noticed that in his embarrassment, the umbrella tilted towards himself. Without thinking, I pressed in close to him to get away from the rain. 
I heard an odd noise that sounded strangled, when I looked up to Tsuna and realized I was so close. His eyes were wide, trying to clear his throat, before looking at me. I could see his eyes shift to my wet shoulder, and I could tell he was wanting to curl up and die. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- Ah… Sorry!" He quickly adjusted the umbrella back, as I stepped away from him. I could feel my own face beat red and warm. I quickly averted my own gaze, clutching my books close to my chest. "Oh, no worries! Don't even worry about it." 
                Eventually, we made it to my house. I stepped under the tiled roof, turning to Tsuna. My heart skipped a beat. There he stood in the rain, under an umbrella. His hair was a bit wet and eyes wide like a curious puppy. The rain once again faded into the background as time stood still. Meeting his beautiful eyes felt like the earth slowed to a stop. The world pauses around us, at his command. The blood rushed to my ears as I managed to recollect myself, waving to him with a smile. "I'll text you. Thank you." Before I let him respond, I quickly entered the house. 
               My heart was racing. I put my books on the table as my mind reeled. The smell of the rain and his cologne. Being pressed against his firm side, his wonderfully, bashful smile. I dragged my hands down my face. "What am I doing? I don't even know him." I took a seat at the table, in awe. I tried to calm myself, taking deep breaths. I felt giddy, like the butterflies in my stomach were restless. My cheeks were still burning. A voice then stirred me from my thoughts.
            “Everything okay? Did you forget your umbrella again?” Marcell came down the steps, wiping his hands off. I turned, unsure if I wanted to tell my roommate about Tsuna. “Uh, yeah. I did. I ran home. Actually, I’m feeling pretty cold. I’m going to get changed.” I gathered my stuff and started to pass by Marcell when he stopped me by the elbow. “Y/N, I know you’ve only been here for a few months. I’m confident you can handle yourself, but… don’t go anywhere near those fires at the estate. Just to be safe. Don’t get involved with anyone from that family. They’re nothing, but trouble.”
            His words caught me off guard. Marcell was normally a welcoming, and friendly person. He was the only one around who wanted to take on my sponsorship for abroad studies. I stopped on the step just before the bigger man. The butterflies quieted as it felt the air turn serious. “Marcell, I’ve been here for 6 months, and you’ve never said a word about the estate.” I watched him. His expression was unreadable, like he was hiding a bad memory. “You know something don’t you? You know what those fires are…” I spoke, albeit with hesitation. Marcell met my gaze, taking a deep breath. “           I don’t want you getting hurt. Please, just steer clear. That family has a long and bloody past.” He started down the stairs. “I’m running out for more supplies. I’ll be home later.”
            It struck me as odd. When I thought about it, no one in the village ever mentioned the estate beyond the woman coming to warn us about the fires. Marcell’s warning set me on edge. It was peculiar timing. The days I meet two strangers from out of town is when he decides to warn me of something I never felt was a concern. Could Marcell believe Tsuna and Yamamoto had something to do with the Vongola family?
            I shook my head of the idea as I proceeded up to my room. To my knowledge, Marcell didn’t know Tsuna. Although, it would be naïve to assume he wouldn’t have a way of knowing him. I got changed into more comfortable, dry clothes and determined I should eat.
            Hot breaths mingled together, a desperate need pulling taught against the heated moment. I was dizzy, lost in the embrace of the man laying over me. I could barely register the fist clenching the sheets as pleasure washed over me. A moan was caught in my throat, scratching to get out. My hands traced the frame of such a firm body. Brown locks shadowed my vision. He lowered himself to me, pressing our chests flush. With each thrust, my core tightened. The pleasure coiling like a snake, until it would eventually strike.
            His heavy moans were low in my ear. He spoke, but I heard no words. I could see his smile. Such a beautiful smile with red cheeks and the rise and fall of his chest. I threw my head back at a delicious thrust, finally letting out a long moan. It was pitched and full of gasps, desperately trying to catch my breath. My nails dug into his shoulder, dragging down his back as I squeezed so tightly around his length. The coiled snake finally pounced. Ecstasy washed over me, feeling the sweat cool over my skin. Every goosebump raised as I pressed against my lover. His name was on my lips. My mouth left agape before he captured my lips with his. My eyes fluttered shut, melting against his wonderfully kiss. The fist that gripped the sheets, slipped to my waist. I gasped, sensitive to touch as my back arched into him. His arm wrapping under my waist, lifting me up.
            He sat on his haunches, thrusting into me with numerous moans. He held me to his chest, smiling up at me. Brown eyes filled with adoration and lust. My arms wrapping around his shoulders, trapping him in. His name was on the tip on my tongue, needing so to call out to him. His mouth moved again to speak, but I could not hear a word. Right as I whispered his name, I felt as if I was pulled back from a void.
            My eyes shot open in bed, panting heavily. I could feel my core heated and wet, wanting, and needy. I sat up trying to catch my breath, gripping my blankets with wide eyes. My chest was heaving as I frantically tried to remember every moment of such a wonderful dream. I fought against the smile on my lips, as I moved out of bed for fresh air. I crossed my bedroom to the window when I paused. There was a large explosion. Was it an explosion? A rumble shook the house around, with a loud boom. I opened my window with wide eyes. In the distance roared a large plume of black smoke. It was haunting. The woman hadn’t come to the village with her warning. This rising smoke that engulfed the sky made my blood run cold, all memories of my dream were quickly swept away.
            In the distance, my eyes caught something. There was that streak of orange light illuminating against the dark fume except there was something else close behind. It began as a large, glowing illumination amidst the clouds before a roar of an explosion fired off like thunder. It then streaked after the trail as if chasing it. Fear prickled at the back of my neck as I gripped my windowsill. The two trails moved so fluidly it was impossible to determine what they could possibly be. Were these aftermaths of the fires or the cause?
            My eyes lowered to the horizon of the smoke, knowing exactly where it led to. The Vongola Estates… I took a deep breath and threw on my coat and slippers. I headed outside, a terrible feeling tugging at my gut. On the streets, I couldn’t see any of the light of the fires as the surrounding hills obfuscated the roads that led to the estate. The cobblestones beneath my feet were still wet from the rain. I hugged the coat closer around me, as I looked around for anyone else out so late at night. No one. There was no one out as if they were all used to it. I had only witnessed three of these fires. Around a month after I arrived, the one a few nights ago, and this one. It was strange for fires to be this close. I kept down the cobbled path until I reached the fountain in town square.
            Another loud explosion made me cower, holding my ears as I looked around desperately for its source. I could barely make out the gentle rush of the fountain water. My heart was pounding as more explosions drew closer. I braved a look to the sky when I saw the orange trail just above the town. I could see a vibrant orb of flames where the trail ended. Fire? All the way up there.  BOOM! The sound made the ground shake as the orbs traveled down. I watched helplessly as a figure came into view, breaking from the black clouds in the sky. Fire resonated at their hands and their head. It was too dark to make anything out. They fell from the sky, the fire at their hands flickering.
            I watched in horror as they crashed into the water of the fountain. The water splashing over the side as they moved about. I was frozen, caught between running back home and checking to see if the person in the fountain were okay. Another dark figure fell from the clouds. My ears went deaf, blood rushing to my head made me dizzy. The explosion nearly knocking me off my feet. The other figure had raised a gun, shooting directly at the fountain. I ducked under my arms, as marble and stone exploded, splashing water everywhere. I fought the rising scream in my throat, tears threatening to spill. I stumbled back, my slippers scrapping the cobblestone, turning the tall figure’s attention to me.
            The figure began to approach but stopped as the smoke at the fountain slowly cleared. The figure with the fiery hands was revealed to be standing, albeit slouched as they had taken the brunt of the impact. I could make out that it was a man, messy hair whipping around in the wind of the explosion. Fire rested so delicately upon his head, defying all gravity. It illuminated his hair and his eyes in the dark of the night. Brown locks, and stark, serious, orange eyes. His gaze pierced the air, as if all seeing. He stared at his assailant, ready to speak, when his opponent took another shot at him. His reflexes were unimaginable, dodging out of the way as if he were flying, fire trailing in his wake.
            I put my hands over my mouth, hoping to remain quiet as I watched these two people fight. A cruel laugh resonated through the town from the unknown assailant. His voice was resonant, and arrogant. “I knew it was a fluke. You’re still the pathetic piece of shit you were back then. Refusing to fight me is only going to piss me off.” The assailant turned his gaze onto me. Ice seeped throughout my body at his unyielding, murderous presence. “That soft-heart of yours makes you weak.” He aimed his gun at me. I could hear the shot go off, the gleam of the blast highlighting the streets around us and the broken fountain. But the shot never hit. The wind was knocked from me as I felt my feet leave the ground. Arms wrapped around my shoulders, pressed against a strong body. My vision was blocked by my rescuer’s shoulders. I could feel heat resonating from him. I dared a glance up at the flame upon his head. I couldn’t make out much of his features before we landed a safe way from the attacker.  My savior leaned in close to my ear. His voice was soft, yet stern. It seemed so familiar, but it was lower. The blood pounded in my head, rushing to my ears. “When I let you go, run. As fast as you can back home.” My voice was caught in my throat as I slowly nodded.
            Over my savior’s shoulder, I could see the approaching assailant. Despite his words, my hands gripped his clothes, a black button up shirt. I didn’t want to let go. I felt safe. I quickly dropped my gaze and buried my face into his shoulder. My breath hitching as I felt a hand on top of my head, patting it slowly. “Go.” With a single word, he let go. In the blink of an eye, he swung his arm out, slashing the air with a fiery fist. It created a cloud of light and smoke as I listened to him.
            I didn’t think I could ever run so fast in my life as had in that moment. I didn’t look back despite the roar of more gunshots. I ran into the house, panting. I slammed the door shut beside me, locking it. I laid my head against the door, trying to make sense of everything I had just seen. Was it really possible for people to wield fire like that? I pushed off the door, checking around the empty house in case I had accidentally woke up Marcell. After a few moments, I went back to my bedroom. I looked out the window. I didn’t have a good view of the town square. The fire in the distance still roared, but I saw no signs of the two men in the sky. As time slowly passed, I eventually calmed down and resigned myself to bed.
            It was quiet for the next few days. The aftermath of the fountain drew the village’s attention. They cleaned up the mess as if it never happened. I had heard from Marcell that the mayor was heading to the estate to inquire about the fountain and money for the repair. Marcell joked that the fountain was old anyway and needed to be touched up. After my day at school, and stepping off the train, I headed for the café. It was strange not seeing the fountain there anymore. Admittedly, my mind was far too distracted. I could only speculate about that night. I wrote down everything I remembered, trying to figure out who those two were. As I attempted to do my homework, I heard the doorbell ring. I didn’t bother looking up until one of them spoke. One that sounded familiar. I finally stole a glance to see Yamamoto ordering with his usual, casual smile. Beside him was a shorter guy, although just as young. He had silver hair, and an unimpressed expression. His clothes were very well-kept, except they reflected the look of a punk. He fiddled with a cigarette in his hand, keeping his voice low as he spoke to Yamamoto. I leaned in to try and catch their conversation.
            “I’m going to kill him. This is the last damn time, before I get involved. I’m only standing still because the boss said so.” Yamamoto laughed at the silver-haired man’s words as he paid. He turned his attention to him. “I have complete faith in T-“ He stopped mid-sentence. His attentive brown eyes met my gaze. My eyes widened as I realized I had been caught eavesdropping. I quickly returned my attention to my books, hoping he didn’t see me. Soon, both of them approached my table. I heard a tsk from one, as I glanced up. “Hey, y/n. It’s been a couple of days. Sorry, I ran out on you like that. I was super busy. I also managed to get ahold of Tsuna.” Yamamoto was definitely as cheerful as ever as he took his seat before me. “Oh, yeah. I’m glad you could. Don’t even worry about it.” It fell silent. I squirmed, feeling the silver-haired man’s eyes on me. “Um, who’s your friend?”
            Yamamoto nudged the other guy. “Oh, this is Gokudera. He’s really nice underneath the scowl. I promise he doesn’t bite.” He laughed. Gokudera uncourteously dropped his bag on the table and took his seat with a tsk. He regarded me with a cold gaze. “It’s nice to meet you, Gokudera.” I was undecided as to offer him my hand or not. “That remains to be seen.” Yamamoto looked rather awkward, exhaling deeply before looking out the window. “Its weird seeing the fountain is gone. Wonder how it got destroyed. I heard some town’s folk saying it was blown up.” This drew my attention to the outside. Do I tell them what I had seen? No, certainly not. These were just another two strangers that I didn’t know. “I know the mayor was heading up to the estate to ask for money.”
            Gokudera leaned in close with an observant gaze. “How much do you know about the Vongola family?” He placed the cigarette he had been holding precariously on his lips. I felt like I was being interrogated. “I…I…Not much? I don’t really know anything. I hear a bunch of mixed stories about the mansion. Why?” Gokudera seemed unsure if he liked my answer or not. “What kind of stories? Like they’re apart of the mafia or something?” The mood shifted where it felt like he was teasing me, as if he knew something I didn’t. I readjusted in my seat. “I mean, yeah. I heard a few people say something like that. Why? Is it true?” Yamamoto laughed, breaking the tension of the moment. “Always with these silly games. Even in middle school, they always liked talking about the mafia. Don’t worry about it. I’m guessing its because the Vongola probably help with the town’s money.” He leaned on his hand, resting his elbow on the table. “Busy with college? Gokudera is also with Tsuna and I abroad.”
            The doorbell rang once more. I looked up to see Tsuna had entered. Although, he was digging through his bag, sounding rather panicked as if he lost something. Gokudera got up without a word and approached the brunette. Yamamoto simply gave me a sweet smile. “That’s our cue. I hope we can catch up later, maybe do something fun like a movie.” Yamamoto got up and followed Gokudera. Tsuna smiled at them, talking to Gokudera when his eyes fell on me. His smile faltered for a moment, looking as if he wanted to say something before Yamamoto pulled away his attention. They grabbed their order and left. I was left speechless, turning to watch them out the window. I could see Tsuna’s head tilt back as if he were trying to look back to the café. My heart was pounding at seeing him again, but disappointment took over. I returned to my studies, feeling unnaturally dejected.
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loser-tsuna · 2 years
This is gonna maybe get me in hot water but I genuinely can't stand the weird cross-over au's like I love characters from different stories interacting but I saw a post of Xanxus being reincarnated as Uraraka and I was boggled and the Harry Potter grows up to be Skull I'm sorry like do your thing but it's not to my tastes
What constitutes as annoying fanon for khr
I will regret asking this three reblogs in.
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loser-tsuna · 2 years
I'm all for creative expression but some fanon just makes me go
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*head in hands* I hate khr fanon I hate khr canon I hate khr fanon I hate khr fanon I h
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loser-tsuna · 2 years
Respect to the Boss Rated G: for everyone
Word count: 1438  cw: silly shenanigans
Tsuna and Yamamoto were tasked with the delivery of a very important item. Finally arriving home to deliver it.
Tsuna felt like his nerves were shot. The suit was itchy and warm. He had to keep himself from fumbling with it, despite immediately pulling at the collar for some breathing room. He was trying to remain calm and collect, serious. It wasn’t the first time he had done this, and it wouldn’t be the last. Beside him was one of his best friends, Yamamoto. The taller man with dark hair also wore a suit, his signature blade strapped to his back in its case, and in his hands held a rather beautifully intricate, red box.
               Tsuna groaned once more as they approached the wide double doors of the office. The boss was just beyond those doors and Tsuna wasn’t eager to meet with him. He felt a nudge on his side and looked up to his best friend. Yamamoto simply laughed at his nerves, his smile taking up his whole face. “Don’t worry so much. You’ve done this before. We’ll be in and out before you know it.” He spoke with a calm tone. Tsuna mustered a smile, letting out a sigh of relief. It felt like Yamamoto could always read his mind and know just what to say.
               The young Vongola boss nodded and set his hands on the doors. He had already been in the office a few times, but it didn’t make it any easier knowing eventually it would have to be his. He loved his friends and family and over a few short years and speaking with Vongola Nine, he was feeling a little better about assuming the role. He pushed at the solid oak doors. On them was engraved the symbols of the Vongola, with patterned lines twisting and turning around the crest.
               The doors opened with a heavy thud. Tsuna felt as if he were stepping into a whole other world. Each time without fail, his eyes wandered the great room, looking at the grandiose walls. They were covered corner from corner with books, antiques, and portraits. A clear sign that the Vongola kept each memento from the previous bosses. The room was lit by candles and a large chandelier hanging over the middle of the room with a few wall lamps scattered about. A dark red rug sprawled across the length of the floor with the family crest and a large desk seated at the back of the room. The desk had all manner of items, from papers to decorative pieces, to a laptop. In front of the large desk was two rather comfortable looking chairs.
               Beyond the desk was a large chair facing the fireplace and away from Tsuna and his rain guardian. He was slow to approach the desk, standing rather awkwardly, considering the situation. The brunette bowed his head and cleared his throat to say he was present. The chair remained facing the other direction when its occupant tilted their head and spoke with a raspy voice. “So, you’ve brought it then?”  Tsuna nodded for a moment, before realizing he needed to speak. “Y-Yes, we brought it for you.” He gestured to Yamamoto to set the red box down on the desk. “All accounted for, Boss.”
               The chair creaked as it was slowly turned, although in a manner of someone who couldn’t quite touch the floor. Before Tsuna, it turned to reveal a boy in cow pajamas with unruly curls and a red, snotty nose. He couldn’t have been any older than seven years old. The young Bovino leaned forward, albeit too small to full reach so the chair was scooted extremely close to the desk. “I’ll check that myself.” He reached out with rather short arms, barely taking ahold of a knob on the box. Noises of distress from reaching too far. Yamamoto tried to hold in his laughter as he lightly pushed the box just a tad bit further to help the young boy out. Lambo took ahold of the box with a glimmer in his eyes as he opened the drawers of the box to reveal several compartments of food, ranging from soup to traditional Japanese dishes. Lambo took a deep, ragged breath (evident that he was congested) and nodded. “Good, I believe you’ve earned the right to live another day.” He began to try and dig into a piece of sushi.
               Tsuna groaned and put his hands on the desk with a scolding gaze. “Lambo! You’re not eating at the desk!” Lambo pouted and put the food back with teary eyes. “Tsuna! You said I could have whatever I wanted! I want to be the boss!” The Vongola sighed as he stood back up straight. When he saw Lambo coming down with a fever and being bed ridden for the last few days, it tugged at his heart strings. Lambo requested they play mafia boss and let him into the main office under the condition he didn’t destroy anything. He requested food from home to make him feel better and sent Tsuna and Yamamoto to do it.
               Yamamoto laughed and crossed around the desk to present some napkins and a placemat for the seven-year-old. “I brought this just in case, Boss.” He laid out the mat and napkins, placing the bento box of food on the mat. “Just no messes, okay?” Lambo grinned and nodded, digging into the feel-good meal. He took a moment to wipe his runny nose before continuing. Tsuna’s awkwardness and aggravations were swept under the rug at seeing his little brother feeling better at a meal. He smiled and took a seat, letting his whole body relax. “When you’re feeling better, we can go out to town for some ice cream.”
               Lambo’s eyes widened with a toothy grin, although a few were missing. “I as boss declare we go out for ice cream.” Tsuna chuckled when he heard someone new walk into the room. Gokudera made his entrance as he looked over reports. “Boss, Dino is here to rev- “He looked up to see Lambo sitting in the office chair and eating away. “What are you doing in Tenth’s chair, Stupid Cow?” His tone was seething. Before Tsuna had a chance to react, Lambo sat up in the chair, trying to appear as big as possible. He tried to deepen his raspy voice. “You come to me on the day that my tummy hurts so so much? You yell at the boss? I banish you to the dungeon, stupidera!” Gokudera growled, heading towards the desk. “Why you little- “
               Yamamoto quickly intervened, placing a hand on Gokudera’s chest to get him to back away with a nervous laugh. “He’s not feeling very well. Tsuna gave him permission to be the boss for a day.” Tsuna stood up with a weak, tired smile. “Yeah, don’t worry about him. You said Dino’s here?” He turned and gave Lambo a look that clearly said, ‘Sit down and eat.’ The silver-haired man relented and handed the documents to his boss. “He’s down the parlor waiting. I can head down there with you.” Tsuna read over the report with a slow nod. “I would like that. Yamamoto, could yo-“ The rain guardian took his seat from across the desk with a two finger salute. “Watch Lambo? Already got it.” Tsuna smiled gratefully, gesturing to leave when Lambo called out to them. “Wait! Before he goes, he must pay respect and kiss my ring.” He grinned triumphantly. The Storm Guardian glanced to his boss with a sour look. “I’m going to kill him.” Tsuna sighed, “Lambo, no, he isn’t going to do that.” Lambo paused for a moment. “If he does, I’ll clean my bedroom after I’m sick.”
               The offer was tempting as Tsuna was normally stuck cleaning the young Bovino’s room. He knew he was being selfish but turned to look at Gokudera with sad eyes. Gokudera tsked, trying to build up the courage to tell his boss no, when he ultimately gave in. He grumbled as he approached the boy to see he had two rings on, his Vongola ring which was still far too big for him, and a cheap green spider ring he won from an arcade. Gokudera took his cold, sticky, snotty hand and kissed both rings briefly, before standing up with a scowl. “If you weren’t sick, I would strangle you.” Lambo stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry as he pulled down his lower eyelid. Gokudera almost threw himself over the desk, as Tsuna pulled him away. The heavy doors closed to the sound of Yamamoto losing it in his chair, laughter echoing down the halls. Tsuna couldn’t help, but smile at the craziness of his family.
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loser-tsuna · 2 years
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loser-tsuna · 2 years
Okay, I don't know how much attention this is going to get but it's worth a shot!
Viz Media owns Shonen Jump and Shonen Jumps vault, what they also own is the English rights to the series they are currently taking suggestions for new adaptations to add to their vault and app!
1. Select Series Suggestion Form
2. Fill out information
Name: Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Reborn!
Creator: Akira Amano
Japanese Publisher: Shueisha
Follow those two steps and hopefully with enough attention and requests we could get an official English translation and be able to support the series overseas! Thank you for your time!
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loser-tsuna · 2 years
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loser-tsuna · 2 years
Somewhere in Italy
(Tsunayoshi/Reader) rated M for future!
Summary: You live in a small town in Italy, curious about the rumors of the mansion in the woods. You find yourself in the midst of the mafia.
Chapter 1
It was quiet that night in Italy. It was unusual to say the least. Normally, the streets were filled with lovers, tourists, and drunkards alike. Tonight, was different, all that could be heard was the sounds of birds and soft footsteps upon the stones of the streets. The town was bustling during the day, but by no means a large city with the likes of Florence, Venice, and Milan. I sat that night by the window, looking out at the smoke that rose above the horizons. That was why it was so quiet. An estate that lived just a few kilometers off from the town had asked the people to stay inside that night. It was eerie and made my skin crawl with a sense of looming darkness.
What caused the fire on the horizon? Was it a fire? Was everyone within safe? These questions felt heavy as I looked at the large plumes of rising smoke. I sighed, closing my journal in favor of watching this silent, ominous cloud in the sky. I knew I wouldn’t be able to focus on any writings. I held my pen between my forefingers, pressing the face of my thumbs against the plastic as I wondered what could be happening. Everyone knew that estate belonged to a prestigious family, The Vongola. Stories amongst the townspeople varied, some stated they were righteous protectors of the people while others said the family held a long and blood past that loomed over the town like a shadow reaching out to suffocate them. Either way, its said fires at the estate were common, with no one knowing why these fires took place. Before a fire would happen though, a spokeswoman always visited the cobbled streets of the small town to warn the good people to stay inside. I hadn’t seen her myself, but you could hear her stark warning. Why warn the people if you know a fire will start? The surrounding area of the estate was said to have a large wood. Trees that protected its home from any intruders. Could it be they were culling some of the woods? No, the fires were sporadic. These would not be the fires of simple yard work, it felt… darker. There was something in those fires. I wouldn’t say I had the urge to find out.
I had packed away my journal and books and started to turn to my bed when something caught my eye. It was quick, a flash before my eyes, but bright against the night sky and the dark smoke. A long trail of orange streaked across the horizons. My eyes widened as I stood, pressing my fingertips to the desk, leaning forward towards the window to catch a glimpse at what that was. A shooting star? It couldn’t be! There was a clear trail in the skies above, shooting stars came and went with little residual light. What I saw in the sky left a orange trail, like watching sparks fall slowly down to the Earth. Whatever had caused such a sight was long gone, leaving me with more questions then answers. ‘How beautiful.’ I thought. I left my questions at the window and crashed into my lovely bed.
There was a light sound of strings. They began with soft strums, airy, high notes soothing into lower tones as the strings strummed lower. His breath on my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Our bodies were close, far too close as heat began to build between us. The fine threads of his suit sending goosebumps up my bare arm. Gold glinting from the corner of my eye, a chain settled on his chest as he closed the distance between us. The strings of music drowning his sweet words. My heart pounded, skipping in time of the delicate music that played around us. Those strings reflected the euphoria of his presence and the low heat that rose between our bodies. His thin fingers slid up my arm, my body tensed at the motion, grasping onto his cloak without a second thought. Without any thoughts truly. The cold of his ring is a stark contrast to his warm hand. His name at the tip of my tongue, wishing to call out to him. His lips slowly met the crook of my ear and cheek, pressing softer kisses along my jaw, reaching to my neck. Obediently, I gave him the access he silently requested. His lips made every part of me flare up with a heated desire. The strings rang in my ears, the flow of music swaying me against him as he enveloped me in this dance. The sleeves of the dress I had worn, slowly falling down around my arms. His smile made the room spin, absorbing my thoughts. His brown eyes looked up to me for permission. I met his gaze, my world slowly dimming to surround him. I tried to call his name, when nothing came. The world around me spun as he whispered once more. My eyes opened in an instant with a heavy breath.
The light of the sun came streaming through the window of my room, directly onto my face. Its heat making me too warm, so I threw my blanket off of me as I stretched against the mattress. I sighed, trying to recollect such a pleasant dream, wanting to burn it into my brain. I had half a mind to write it down, but before I came to that decision the dream was already swept away as I became preoccupied with my morning. I checked my phone, seeing it was my week off from school. I got dressed as per usual and made some toast to satisfy my never ending appetite. I complimented it with expresso. I never really considered myself a coffee drinker until I moved abroad to Italy and it simply became apart of my routine. I heard footsteps behind me. My housemate, Marcell, was also beginning his day.
“Good morning, y/n.” His voice was deep, but Marcell was always the cheerful sort. He wasn’t the type to let things hold him back from his day. Marcell was a handsome man with messy brown curls and broad shoulders, although his most notable feature was how tall he was. He was practically all leg. “Good Morning, want a cup? Just made it.” I asked despite already knowing his answer and grabbing another glass for him. “I would, thank you.” He went about grabbing the eggs from the cabinet and went about prepping his own breakfast. “I heard you’re on your first break of the year. Any plans for today?”
I thought on it, as I made his cup and set it down beside him on the counter. “Not particularly. I was planning to get the usual out on the market, maybe find a corner to practice my writing. I’m getting rusty I haven’t written in so long.” Marcell scoffed as he picked up the cup and took a drink. He smacked his lips in satisfaction as he grabbed his seasonings. “If you’re getting rusty on anything, it’s your Italian. How long have you been in Italy and you’re still using textbook phrases.” I pouted and picked up my toast. “I take offense to that! I’ve been getting better! I’ve only been here for a few months.” I knew Marcell was teasing. I hadn’t been studying much Italian as of late and it was starting to show despite living in Italy. I enjoyed the taste of my morning expresso and finished my toast.
“Alright, well if you’re finished being a butt-head. I’ll be heading out now.” Marcell laughed, waving me off with a side comment of a good-bye. I grabbed my journal and books as well as my wallet and set off onto the lovely streets of the small town.
The first thing to catch my notice is the smell. The moment your feet hit the ground and you take a deep breath you catch the smell of fresh bread, coffee, the river not far off from the town. It’s a wonderful scent that just pulls you in. The second is the sounds. The hustle and bustle of all the towns people starting their shops and lives, hearing mothers send their children off to school and the tourists looking about for something to do. It was Spring, the flowers were in bloom filling the air with a thick and sweet scent. I took it all in, inhaled it really. I had only been in Italy for a short time, but I could get used to this kind of living. The town I lived in was a short train ride away into a larger city. The local college was located there and where I current attended for my abroad trip.
Off to my side, I could hear a few gentleman prepping their food stands and setting out boxes of fresh produce and vegetables. I could vaguely make out the sounds of a box falling and landing on one of their toes, followed by a string of curses and orders. I laughed, heading towards my preferred destination to relax. A small café a mere few steps away from my home. As cliché as it was, it was a great atmosphere to relax and think and spend the day away watching the people go by.
The streets widened out to the main square of the town, the cobblestone road turning to flat stones of the area. A large fountain sat in the middle of the square. It was rather peculiar as the symbol of the fountain was that of three large clams leaned onto each other, each spouting their own water stream. I asked about the fountain once and a woman simply said. “That, there fountain was a gift. A gift from the family to the town. Said they would always provide what we need should we ever ask.” The woman was older, a slim face with graying hairs and wrinkles. She spent her days watching the children play. She spoke of the few times she ventured to the large estate that laid on the outskirts. It was rare for any of the townspeople to visit and even rarer for a select few to be seen leaving. She gossiped that the local meat seller was always requested with his finest cuts, but he never delivered it himself.
It was peculiar how much mystery that surrounded the Vongola estate. The memory of last night came to me. The streak of light in the sky mixed with the smoke. It came from the direction of the estate. Although, no one around seemed to take notice of the fact that last night a fire had taken place so close to the town. It seemed everyone moved on with their lives.
I was still lost in thought about what I had seen when I collided into a rather solid object. I hit the ground, butt first, my eyes squeezed shut expecting impact. I heard the sound of books, pens, and papers flying about. I groaned at the pain of the stone when I looked up. I heard what I could only think would be the sound of pain. It sounded foreign, but if I ventured a guess it was something along the lines of ow. As I looked up, I saw a man rubbing his backside, scattered around us looked like the extent of his whole book bag. My eyes widened, as I started gather all of the materials. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying attention.” My hand grabbed a book when my fingertips brushed against his own. His fingers were slender, a gentle touch. My heart raced at the smallest touch, my cheeks burning red as I finally looked up at the man. “No, no. It’s fine. I should have realized you were there.” He smiled at me, looking rather bashful himself. He was gorgeous to say the least. He was tall, with rather soft, round cheeks that suited his face. His smile only drawing them back further, with a strong jawline. His eyes were a deep brown. The part that had really caught my attention was his hair. It almost looked like it was spiky, but it appeared soft. It had to be natural. The thought of how soft it was conjured an image of running my fingers through it. I shook my head of such thoughts, feeling even more embarrassed and red faced. It was interesting as he was foreign. Well, so was I, but his features and darker skin tone were that of a man from Asian. His words were Italian, but an unknown accent could be heard.
I was speechless at the interaction as I rather unabashedly gawked at him. I was shaken from my stupor, immediately looking down at the book we both held. Italian for Dummies. I let go of the book with an awkward laugh. “You’re fine. Don’t even worry about it, really…” I felt even more awkward as I didn’t know what I was doing. He seemed equally as awkward and almost appalled. ‘Great. Just great. First hot guy I meet and I make him uncomfortable.’ I continued to gather his other things, looking back up at him as I handed his materials back over. “Are you learning Italian? I’m still having issues myself.” This seemed to get his attention. He looked up at me with an uncertain smile. “Yeah, I am. It’s really not my first language, and I’ve been studying for a few years now. I’m still trying to get the hang of it.” He seemed sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding my eyes. I couldn’t help, but giggle a little. It made me feel a bit better knowing I wasn’t the only awkward one in this. His clothes caught my eye, some jeans and a bright orange and white hoodie. He looked to be a college student about the same age as me.
He nervously laughed at my giggle. “It’s pretty stupid. Thank you for my stuff. I’m….” He seemed uncertain for a moment of how to introduce himself before holding out his hand. “I’m Sawada Tsunayoshi.” I glanced at his hand before taking it with a smile. I told him my name, giving his hand a firm shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Sawada.” Sawada snorted a little, as he retracted his hand. I tilted my head in confusion. “What’s wrong?” He chuckled again, shaking his hand out in front of him. “No, it’s fine. Sawada is my last name. You can just call me Tsuna.”
“Oh, I see. So, you say your last name before your first name?” My cheeks burned, feeling rather stupid that I didn’t know this information already. He offered a sweet smile, nodding. “Yeah, I come from Japan.” I nodded along to what he was saying as he turned towards my side, opening the pathway for us to walk. “Ah, so that would explain the accent. Mine isn’t much better. Italian is harder than I was expecting it to be.” I spoke quietly. My feet starting their usual path with Tsuna falling beside my pace with ease. He was certainly taller than I had originally thought. I averted my gaze, looking everywhere, but him. “So, where were you heading? I could escort you there. The least I could do for bumping into you.” He sounded a little strained. It certainly helped me knowing he seemed just as nervous. “I was just going to the café for some writing.. Would you like to come with me? I would like to treat you to some coffee.”
Tsuna shook his hands once more, trying to keep his books and papers in place in his arms. “I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but I would be happy to sit down with you.” I raised an eyebrow with a smile, looking at him. “So what do you drink?” He laughed, looking almost ashamed. “I’m honestly more of a soda drinker. I like a lot of sugar and caffeine, but I-I could also have some tea.” I couldn’t help, but laugh again. He was sweet and honest. It was like most guys to put up a façade, but he seemed genuine.
We passed the fountain. I stopped, looking up at the structure. I examined each small detail and curve of the clams. Tsuna cleared his throat. “Something wrong?” I looked back at him, shaking my head. “Oh, no. I was just admiring the fountain. Do you know much about it?” His expression seemed to go pale, mouth set in a stern line. Was that a bad question? Before I could speak up, Tsuna shook his head and spoke, “No, I don’t really know much. Just heard it’s from the Vongolas, but I don’t know anything about them.”
I glanced up at Tsuna, feeling best not to press him further as he looked almost like he was about to cry. I clapped my hands together, mustering my best smile and gestured towards the café. “We should hurry along! I don’t want to miss all the fresh baked pastries. I only had toast this morning.” It was Tsuna’s turn to look amused as we began our journey once more to the café. “Just toast? Not very filling. How about I treat you?” My eyes widened at the idea, shaking my head rather adamantly. “No, I couldn’t ask that of you, if its about bumping into you, don’t worry. Having such a gentleman as company would be enough.” His smile was shy, looking away, rubbing the back of his neck. It was cute, reminding me of a schoolboy.
We entered the café and placed our orders. I took my usual seat as Tsuna made himself comfortable across from me. “I haven’t had a chance to visit this place yet.” He noted as he took in the atmosphere. “Oh? Any particular reason as to why?” I opened my own bag, taking out my journals and pens. He watched my movements before going to do the same. He seemed to squirm, a little unsure of himself. “I only just moved here recently. As I said, I’m from Japan and decided to move in with my relatives.” I nodded along to his words. “Well, I’m no expert, but I would be happy to show you around.” Tsuna grinned at these words; his shoulders visibly relaxing as he laughed under his breath. “I would really appreciate that.” I began writing down in my journal. “In return, you could teach me some Japanese. I would love to learn a new language.” He looked down to his own notebook. I thought I could see a bit of reds in his cheeks. “Yeah, I can do that for you.”
Time was strange around Tsuna. To myself, speaking to him, time was slowed. He had a wonderful laugh. It was deeper and made his whole face light up. He could talk about anything and everything. He was shy at times and easy to discuss with. He was polite, and cheerful. He paused at times to think of what he was wanting to say. I found myself focusing less on my writing and more on just getting lost in our conversation. We went through several cups of coffee, tea, and treats. I didn’t realize how much time had passed until Tsuna went to take my phone number when he pointed out the time.
“I-I’m so sorry! I have to go! I didn’t even think of how late it was getting. I have some friends waiting on me. I’ll catch you later, okay?” He smiled, albeit anxiously as he packed up his bag. I waved to him as he was hurrying out the door. “I-… Alright, I’ll catch you later!” Tsuna was already out the door by the time I finished. I looked out the window, watching him. He was certainly tall and had a slender figure. He was on the phone, practically panicking as he disappeared into the crowd.
My head was reeling from such a lovely day. I walked home, carrying my things with a smile on my face. My cheeks felt warm, and my stomach fluttered with butterflies. I was rather giddy. I said my hellos and goodbyes to Marcell and laid in my bed. My arm laid over my eyes, my imagination sweeping my vision. I could vividly remember his smile, his messy hair, his small little fidgeting when he couldn’t understand his work. I had helped him as much as I could. I curled onto my side, fighting the smile that wouldn’t leave as I tried to calm the wonderful tingle in my stomach. I found myself still laughing as his jokes and smiling at the thought of him even as I showered and went to bed. I only hoped I would see him again soon.
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