17 posts
let's create a community in which we can all smile and have so much fun!!!!!!
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It has been such a long time since I last posted I hope all of you have been doing well
I did smash my head into another lamppost but that is a story for another time I am about to throw hands with it though bahahahaha
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this is a message for all of you I know life itself may be hard and it may come with its many challenges but I believe in each and every one of you I know for a fact yall will overcome them there are so many things that you're capable of things that not even you realise and that alone makes you far better than what you think of yourself if anything ever gets too difficult if anything may overwhelm you take a step back close your eyes and breathe there is no rush there will never be any rush take life at your own pace rushing anything will not allow you to thoroughly enjoy it all never give up hang in there ya got that maybe the present isn't so good and maybe the past hasn't been any better but with each passing second the future draws nearer each of you will attain this future and I know for a fact it will get better life will be brighter yall are so amazing keep pushing you have got this HAPPY NEW YEARS TO EVERYONE
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It feels like forever since I posted however I just want to say I hope yall are doing so well and have had an amazing Christmas with family each and every one of you deserve so much good im super proud of yall well done your going to kick so much ass
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Make sure to eat your three meals breakfast, lunch and dinner with plenty of water through the day I'm so proud of you keep pushing no matter what I know you can do this
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Don't stop don't give up keep on pushing I know things may be difficult now I know emotions may not be stable but you can do this I believe in you take a step back breathe in and breathe out collect your mind I support each and every one of you I'm so proud of you all your future is ahead of you and I believe it is so bright
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No matter what anyone says I'm super proud of yall don't give up carry on push forward don't give up on the future because it could entail so much your life is so precious make sure to get plenty of rest drink plenty of water and eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner once again all of you are amazing
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my god yall are doing so well no matter what you are doing I know you'r trying your best and that alone is just incredible keep at it okay you all have got this I have hope in each of yall
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BOOOOOOOOPY GOD DAMN DOOOOOOOOPY.......I honestly don't know I just felt like that needed to be said
Stay at it peoples yall are doing great
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Hey hey heyyyyyyyyyy I hope yall are doing well and have had an amazing day yesterday and an even more amazing one today I'm so damn proud of yall never give up okie you have got this I assure you of that
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so how are yall doing?
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Hey heyyyyyyy people I do hope you have had an amazing day today and if you haven't I wish for all the best in terms of it getting better for the later parts of today I am very proud of each and every one of you
A fun little question, what is your favourite game of all time?
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Good morning my amazing people I do hope yall have slept well or are currently sleeping I also wish for each and every one of you to have such an amazing day
Take kitty madara to start off your day

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Okay I'm not going to lie to yall I was in the process of setting things up I turn to my left I saw I a god damn bird go SMACK into my window I'd say this is a very interesting discovery
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I also aboslutely love mobile gacha games yes I know they are huge loop hole for disaster but the ones I play are just too good to pass up like dokkan battle that game is just the best it's so fun
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To further introduce myself well I love anime and I love games (woahhhhh I know generic nah I'm only messing) I love all types of games especially JRPG's like persona 5 royal which I'm currently playing now I also am starting to get back into genshin. My favourite genre of anime though is romance my god is it just so damn beautiful but of course all anime is welcome here
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Hey hey my beuaitful people of the universe I do hope yall are having an amazing day I just wanted to say that this is a new account I created I'm on a fun little journey to grow and create a community in which we can all smile and have the utmost fun full of positivity I do hope yall can join me it would mean the world to me im in the process of setting up my twitch so look out for that one
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