lordofthekinkdom · 10 months
I was today years old when I learned that when you type "otp: true" in AO3 search results it filters out fics with additional ships, leaving only the fics where your otp is the main ship
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209K notes · View notes
lordofthekinkdom · 10 months
What does a vibrator feel like?
imagine the hwaa dmitri vegas remix on full volume with bass boosted just pumping onto your clit
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lordofthekinkdom · 10 months
Borrowed Time
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Four in the morning. Another night only half-slept. It was becoming an inescapable pattern, for weeks now. The same story; the only thing that changed was whether she got five hours of sleep or three.
There was nothing in the window, just the sleepy blackness of a city lulled into the night, and the reflection of her girlfriend’s form snoozing peacefully in their bed behind her. Hyunjung closed her eyes slowly and pinched the bridge of her nose. Her shoulder pressed against the cold window pane. How many hours until sun up? How many hours to go?
Nights were the worst. When there was no city to escape into. To try and forget her guilt. Pulled from sleep at four in the morning, there was nothing to do but wait with the company of her thoughts. Hyunjung pulled at her hair. Sometimes it was unbelievable that this was even real. If only life had an undo button. If only she could go back. If only. But real life doesn’t have take backs.
And sometimes you’re in too deep that you can’t get back out—you can only try to hold on to that momentary peace for as long as possible, even as you stare its death in the face. The most painful part of these blissful moments was knowing it would all fall apart one day. Even if Hyunjung lied to herself, told herself she could keep the act up, keep the secret sealed, bury the truth behind her—nights like these she was at her breaking point anyway. The anxiety gnawing away at her composure. It wasn’t a quick knife in the night, it was a slow burn. Building day after day. At least during the day the sounds of the city could drown out the sound of her soul simmering away, but in the silence of the night there was no escape.
Every laugh. Every smile. Every giggle. Every twinkling eye. In the beginning, even in the quiet first few days after she had done the unthinkable, Hyunjung didn’t have to fake them. But her lips hurt now. Every muscle of her face, holding itself together like fingernails digging into the edge of a cliff. Slipping slowly. Aching under a pain greater than the weight of her chin. No longer searching for happiness; now just praying for survival. But in a way, it was still better than when she could turn off the act. And be alone.
Her phone buzzed. An instagram notification—Hyunjung only had them turned on for one person.
Sojung was on vacation in Hawaii.
Hyunjung buried her phone in her pocket; her demons were tethered to her at the hip. She turned around and slunk past Soobin breathing softly between the bedsheets, not trusting herself to even get close to her girlfriend. Not right now.
Out the door.
Down the steps.
One day it would all come out. That was the horror of it all. Not maybe. It would come out. And then what? Her friends would abandon her. Soobin’s family would be crushed. What would her own family think? Years from now, they’d still talk about it in hushed voices over dinners. Her name. Forever. And Soobin—
Hyunjung needed to find a bar.
“Where were you?”
But the look in Soobin’s quiet eyes—it wasn’t worried at all. As if there was nothing for her to be worried about—not with Hyunjung. Of course not.
Hyunjung smiled. Forced.
Not one second. Her conscience couldn’t spare her even one second of true happiness. Not even to enjoy the life she had now, while she had it.
Hyunjung lifted the plastic bag in her hands. “I brought you something,” she murmured, crawling onto those king-sized clouds of heaven she was renting, until the devil finally came to bring her home. She opened the bag and took out a bottle of red wine with a little stuffed dog hugging the neck.
Soobin’s eyes lit up. “Oh? What’s this?”
“I… I worried, I felt like I hurt you last night,” Hyunjung said quietly.
If only Soobin knew what she really meant by hurt.
Soobin looked up at Hyunjung. “No, baby, I told you… I asked to try without lube.” She wrapped her arms around Hyunjung’s neck and pulled them so close Hyunjung could feel her smile. “You didn’t hurt me.” Their bodies tugged at each other like magnets. Soobin giggled softly in Hyunjung’s ear. “You could never hurt me. Don’t you know that baby?”
Her hands closed on Soobin’s back as if they were trying to claw back a real lifetime of love. If only Hyunjung wasn’t living this perfect life on borrowed time.
The inner hem of Soobin’s pajama pants came to a rest in Hyunjung’s lap. Fabric slid over fabric. Hyunjung could feel Soobin’s warm heart pounding and she was afraid hers would run away doing the same. The bottle of wine rolled into the pillows. Soobin’s hot breath clung to Hyunjung’s ear and Hyunjung could already feel the words forming in a weak script. Fuck me.
Soobin squeezed Hyunjung’s hand. “F—”
Hyunjung coughed loudly.
The rise and fall of her chest jostled Soobin and a cloud of condensation cooled in Hyunjung’s ear.
Soobin sat back. “Are you okay?”
Hyunjung looked up into her lover’s worried eyes.
Are you okay? No. I haven’t been. And I won’t be.
Hyunjung closed her eyes and nodded. Damn. God fucking dammit. Every one of Soobin’s tender words got twisted in her ears. She couldn’t even get through a single complete sentence of her girlfriend’s anymore without some part of it coming back to haunt her. “I’m fine, just something stuck in the back of my throat.”
Some choices only last a day. Do you want Pepsi or Coke? Momentary. You can choose differently tomorrow. Some choices last a lifetime. Do you want to cheat on your girlfriend? It will never go away. You can choose differently tomorrow; you could become the perfect, loving, faithful girlfriend of her dreams. And you still cheated on her—forever. “I just need a glass of water.”
Was it worth it, Hyunjung? Well? Was it worth it?
When Soobin rolled onto her hands and knees, Hyunjung felt part of her die inside.
Soobin didn’t like doggy style. Hyunjung did.
And some days Hyunjung couldn’t tell anymore whether she liked the position or just the fact that she didn’t have to look Soobin in the eye.
Hyunjung hated that nothing could get her harder than Soobin’s ass spread in front of her dick. Soobin was worth more than her ass. Well, she should have been. She was supposed to be. She thought she was.
Hyunjung hated herself but her cock couldn’t resist. She palmed Soobin’s ass and rolled her cock’s length forward into her folds. Warm ecstasy blanketed her cock. Her eyelids fell heavy and all she heard were Soobin’s sweet moans. Bliss. Pussy juice-coated bliss.
The head of Hyunjung’s cock twitched as it sank into Soobin’s familiar depths. It only added to the feeling knowing these walls belonged to her and only to her—she was the one and only her conservative Soobin had ever given access to. The secret they shared. The gift Soobin had saved just for her.
Hyunjung’s hips vibrated as she rammed into her partner. Lovingly. Harshly. Hyunjung was feral for her—always had been, always would be. Soobin grunted and panted between the sheets as she was drilled elbows-first into the mattress. Her muscles spasmed as she fought to keep her back arched. Hyunjung bit her lip, eyelids heavy. God, it was ecstasy. What had she done to deserve this—
—deserve this?—
But Soobin mewled, “H- H-”
It sounded like a hefty pant. Hyunjung’s cock was swelling within her depths. A ferocious blast building, and Soobin could feel it. For a moment, Soobin whined again, almost with doubt in her voice.
Hyunjung pulled back; if she was honest, begrudgingly. But she could never deny Soobin what she wanted at their climax. It was Soobin’s one standing request, and Soobin in return did everything Hyunjung asked for. The cock was extracted one sticky inch at a time, and then Soobin was flipped onto her back.
Those soft hands reached for Hyunjung. As cock and cunt met once more, Hyunjung sank into those loving arms. They coiled around her like vines, ensnaring her. Hyunjung let out a desperate moan in Soobin’s ear.
“F-Fuck me,” Soobin moaned, legs locking around the small of Hyunjung’s back.
Hyunjung grunted. The load coursed through her. Her cock head swelled and jittered. Hyunjung lost control.
Soobin’s breath shook. “Give m-me babies,”
White. Somewhere deep inside Soobin’s womb, splattered white.
“I want—” Soobin panted, “To carry your—”
Hyunjung’s cock pulsed with undeserved bliss.
“Our family,” Soobin whispered in her ear.
A tear rolled from Hyunjung’s eyelashes onto the pillow beneath Soobin’s head.
Her breath fogged up the taxi window. Another rainy night in Seoul. The thought briefly crossed her mind—Soobin liked spending rainy nights together back home. Just the two of them.
Maybe she didn’t want to admit it. But frankly that hurt to Soobin was too insignificant for her to care. She’d done worse.
She would do worse again.
Her phone buzzed. Hyunjung looked down to see a text from Soobin. Dinner reservations. Tomorrow at five. Hyunjung exhaled softly and leaned her head back against the rest. She tilted her phone, covered it from the vantage point of the window, and opened a second text left idling in her messages.
Hyunjung’s eyes drifted shut, expressionless. Her thumb extinguished the mirror selfie of a lingerie-clad Sojung into a black screen.
Her cock throbbed against her jeans.
Their breaths purred against one another. Eyes closed in a hazy stupor. Hyunjung felt one straggling gob of cum leak from her tip somewhere between the hotel sheets. The sweetest of sugar-coated seconds ticked by. And just for a few minutes, the endorphins intoxicated Hyunjung with peace.
“I love you,” Sojung whispered.
“W-What?” Hyunjung’s eyes snapped open in a panic. She stared past Sojung’s back at the wall.
The air in their lungs morphed into lead, dragging them down, threatening to drown Hyunjung in her own cum and stained sheets.
Sojung gulped. “I said, I love doing this with you,” she replied quietly.
Blinking in the dark, Hyunjung sat up. Slowly. She looked at Sojung’s body, half-spooned against her, woven through her legs. Her heart pounded against her ribs, struggling for release.
Sojung’s head rolled, glancing over her shoulder with trepidation. And then defeat.
A hand wiped the pain from Sojung’s brow, then darted back beneath the sheets before Hyunjung could see it. She sat up and looked at her bedmate with dead eyes. Hyunjung glanced away. Sojung’s lip trembled for a moment and she wiped the lingering strands of Hyunjung’s cum from it with her thumb. And cleaned off the stains on her chin with the back of her hand.
Hyunjung opened her mouth but nothing came out. Her eyes dropped, defeated.
Sojung looked at her with that strained look—the one where her eyes wonder out loud why she’s not enough, why she hasn’t earned enough, why she hasn’t given enough. It was a look she could only hold for a few seconds. Her eyes dashed to the other side of the room and Sojung covered them before they filled with tears.
Hyunjung’s lips audibly parted—
Sojung pushed off the covers. Hyunjung saw the cum—her cum—leak in a thick gob from Sojung’s asshole—then another from her cunt—as the girl crawled away. Not even bothering to clean up the cum stain trail she left from their messy sheets to the edge of the bed.
Hyunjung swallowed a pit in her throat as Sojung pulled on a pair of pants that would have to be thrown away by the end of the night.
“You should get going.” Sojung didn’t even bother to look at her as she said it.
Hyunjung patted her suit as she landed at the bottom of the stairs. A quick glance in the wall mirror to the right, adjusting her black tie. Wear your best. Soobin had said. She nodded to herself. Sharp. Hopefully that would make up for being fifteen minutes late.
She stepped forward and opened one of the double doors to the hotel restaurant. The dim lights twinkled around her. Brandi Carlile played in the background. A few busboys shuffled in front of her and the host stepped forward, and across the room, Soobin rose from her seat.
Hyunjung waved past the host. Her eyes trained on a big table in the middle of the room: Soobin, and her parents, and Soobin’s parents. Hyunjung blinked. She hadn’t known.
Soobin’s face lit up. As if in slow motion, Hyunjung could see the color rise in her cheeks and smile. Wear your best. She was dressed in a red gown that practically glowed in the evening light. Hair styled so well it looked like she’d gone to the salon. Soobin’s eyes twinkled as she beckoned Hyunjung over to a seat next to her.
Across the sea of people and the small chatter, they were drawn together.
“You didn’t tell me…?” Hyunjung said softly as she looked back and forth between their two sets of parents.
Soobin took her hand. “Surprise!” She giggled softly.
Hyunjung couldn’t help smiling back. The devotion in Soobin’s eyes was something Hyunjung would never grow old of. Never recover from. She was perfect. The definition of perfect. So perfect it almost brought tears to Hyunjung’s eyes.
“Done with work for the day?” Hyunjung’s father asked, giving her a curt glance.
“Yes— Sorry!” Hyunjung stammered. She looked down at her hands. “Sorry, it was, um…”
Soobin’s father beamed, “You’ve been working very hard, Hyunjung. We’re very proud of you; Soobin was telling us all about your recent projects in Japan.”
“No worries, dear,” Soobin’s mother added. “We’ve just been catching up for a few minutes. Sit down! Sit down.”
Soobin didn’t let go of Hyunjung’s hand as they sat together. Next to her, Soobin’s mother poured a glass of wine and placed it in front of Hyunjung. Though they made the conversation seem normal between the six of them, Hyunjugn couldn’t help feeling like something different was in the air. Even as the conversation drifted from Hyunjung’s work to her parents’ retirement. The restrained laughs and the knowing looks. She just couldn’t tell what it was.
A course of steaks were rolled out for them. Soobin reached across the waiter’s body to grab Hyunjung’s plate herself to lay before her girlfriend. “Miss,” she said with a bow of her head.
Hyunjung giggled. She grabbed the already-placed plate in front of Soobin and lifted it up just to set it back down. “Miss,” she mimicked.
The two girls met eyes and smiled through their laughter. Hyunjung’s father called a toast and they lifted their glasses, but the couple weren’t paying attention to anyone but each other. Maybe it was the glass of wine. Maybe it was her ability to play pretend. But Hyunjung wanted to believe that for tonight, everything could be perfect—just for once.
Hyunjung cut into her steak. Soobin took a sip of wine. The restaurant music shuffled to Urban Zakapa. ‘I Don’t Love You.’
What Should I Say,
From Where to How,
Hyunjung’s mother dabbed her mouth with her napkin and looked at the couple with a twinkle in her eye, pride beaming down on Hyunjung.
I drop my head
And you look at me,
That awkward silence.
Hyujung’s father cleared his throat. “Tomorrow Mrs. Kim and I would like to take Soobin golfing. Hyunjung, I know you said you’d be engaged tomorrow, so I hope you don’t mind us making arrangements without you.”
I don’t love you,
You probably already know
“Of course,” Hyunjung answered, looking back and forth between them. Soobin seemed especially red in the face for some reason.
“I’m glad you are getting along well,” she added with a blush of her own. “Let my dad win, will ya?” she whispered to Soobin.
Even if you cry,
My heart doesn’t hurt.
The other girl just stared straight ahead at her wine glass, red in the face and a bit of sweat building on her brow. Finally, she looked at Hyunjung with the softest eyes.
That’s just all. This is how I feel.
I don’t love you. I don’t love you.
Suddenly uneasy, Hyunjung glanced down at her steak. They ate for a moment in silence. Next to her, Soobin’s mother tilted her head to her daughter and took another sip of wine.
“Not now,” Soobin murmured, glaring shortly at her mother. She wore a strange smile. Some glowing look on her face that Hyunjung had never seen before. Her eyes turned upwards towards the ceiling. “This song?” She laughed under her breath, almost too quietly for Hyunjung to hear.
I don’t love you,
There’s no other reason.
Hyunjung took a bite of her steak and glanced playfully at her girlfriend as she swallowed, giggling along with a joke she wasn’t quite sure she was in on.
I don’t want to say the words,
I’m sorry or forgive me.
Hyunjung gazed at her girlfriend and the more she drank, the less jittery she felt about impressing Soobin’s parents. What she wanted to do now, more than anything, was take Soobin back to their room. Live in the moment. Make this night a sweet one.
The music shuffled. Piano chords rang in and faded out. Hyunjung looked up at Soobin in surprise. She knew this song—the song they danced to the first night they went out together, ‘Midnight’ by Suzy. Soobin gave her a knowing smile.
Rising from her seat all of a sudden, Soobin held out a hand. Her eyes twinkled like her hair gel and their wine beneath the restaurant chandelier. “Dance with me,” she requested cutely.
Hyunjung looked around at all the seated restaurant-goers. There wasn’t a dance floor. “Here?” she asked hesitantly.
But Soobin held out her hand and with a quick glance at their parents, Hyunjung couldn’t say no. In the ten foot space between tables, they carved out their own dance floor. Their hands touched and the two girls swayed as Suzy’s voice carried their feet.
Of course I can’t sleep, and you can’t either,
Like the moon going down, you turned away from me,
Waiting is my only bad habit,
Every day I am hurting unknowingly.
I am going through such a hard time,
You only give me the gift of tears.
Soobin pulled back. Their feet dragged to a stop. Soobin gazed up at Hyunjung with bright, lost eyes. “I love you,” she whispered.
Hyunjung blinked. She returned Soobin’s smile and replied, “I love you too.”
“Hyunjung… I never want us to be apart,” Soobin went on, voice rising. Her eyes looked glossy. “Waiting has been my only bad habit. I’ve been going through such a hard time, waiting for this moment—of course I can’t sleep, thinking about you.” Her eyes welled up and a tear rolled down her cheek. Hyunjung’s mouth parted and she reached out for her girlfriend, reaching for her leaking tears.
But Soobin dropped out of her reach.
Dropped to one knee.
Hyunjung’s mouth widened. W-What? Music gone. Heart stopped.
“Every day you give me—” Soobin sniffled and reached into the purse draped over the back of her chair. “—So many things. More than just these tears of joy.” She tried to blink back the waterworks but it was to no avail. Soobin met Hyunjung’s eyes. She pulled out a small black velvet box from her purse.
A ring box.
“Kim Hyunjung, will you marry me?”
“Oh my god…” Hyunjung’s ears rang. That face. That angel of a face. That sweet, beautiful, loving, caring, talented, perfect, oblivious face staring up at her. The most perfect sight she had ever seen—through the lens of another life. Hyunjung felt like she was decaying from the inside out. “Oh my god,” Tears streamed down Hyunjung’s burning face.
What a beautiful horror.
She choked on air. “Y-Ye,” she stammered, “O-Of course I will!” Torrents of sobbing so thick she couldn’t see the faces all around the room trained their way. Of course she would. Of course! Why wouldn’t she?
Hyunjung hiccuped. She tasted bile in the back of her throat.
The world was spinning around her. Somewhere in another universe Soobin was rising to her feet and placing a ring on a finger that wasn’t Hyunjung’s. They were embracing now but Hyunjung couldn’t feel it. Everything was a numb blur: the warm light, the distant faces looking their way and clapping, Soobin’s palms against her back, the churning beef in her gut, her parents— her parents—
Eyes closed. Power through it. Hands. Chin. Smile. Smile. Don’t forget to look gracious for Mr. and Mrs. Park. Don’t forget to finish your dinner. Don’t forget— Dammit, don’t forget to make Soobin feel loved. And don’t forget to enjoy… Enjoy it? This is your engagement. Just make it another thirty minutes. At least, just, survive. Count the songs if you have to. Count the measures.
Sleep well for my share, instead of me,
I can’t sleep tonight again, just in case.
Sleep well for my share, and goodbye,
I can’t sleep again tonight, so I can’t have your dream.
Hyunjung locked the bathroom door behind her. That metallic taste still lingered in the back of her throat, no matter how many glasses of wine she eased down her throat. She caressed her forehead and pinched her eyes. The hangover would be insane and it wouldn’t even be worth it; if anything, the guilt was more paralyzing than ever.
Stripping her shirt off and throwing it into the free-standing hotel bathtub, she stomped across the tile floor. Why was this bathroom so damn big anyway? Hyunjung threw open the windowpane and leaned over the slim windowsill. With a painted smile on her face, she waved to the black car rolling down the hotel driveway. Her fiance’s face in the window smiled back.
There it was again.
Hyunjung lurched back from the window and spun, not even pausing to close it behind her. She fell on her knees in front of the toilet. The bile completely drowned out any lingering taste of wine. Hyunjung sniffled and snorted, breaths coming and going. She lurched forward once, but only a few tears dropped into the toilet bowl. Her ass bounced back on her heels. Wheezing. Again. Tears. Again. Tears. Again. Hyunjung wretched. Her stomach was nearly empty by now; it was mostly bile and acid that came out of her. And a stream of tears.
Hyunjung sat back on her heels, cradling her head in her hands. Whimpering. She closed the toilet lid and flushed. Grabbing the vanity for support, looking her reflection up and down, wondering where it had all gone wrong. As if she had to ask.
She stared herself dead in the mirror. “I have to end it.” If only she could see the strength to do it in the pair of eyes staring back at her. She had to try.
Willing her erection down as best she could, she unlocked her phone and texted Sojung, She’s gone, you can come on up.
They moaned together— surprised one another together— giggled together—
In the warm fog of cumming together, they held each other. Hyunjung could feel Sojung’s precious heat wrapped around her cock, and the patches of their mingled juices slicking up Sojung’s inner thighs. Lying on her back, Hyunjung looked up at the cute post-orgasm face of the girl above her. No force in this world could get her to unsheath her cock from that girl’s pussy. Lock and key. At least for a few minutes. Inside Sojung was where her length belonged.
Sojung giggled again, brushing the sweaty locks of hair from her face. The two scanned each other’s flush-red faces. “I—” Sojung softly bit her lip and let her eyes drop. She finished the sentence in her head.
Hyunjung rocked her cock inside the girl and closed her eyes. Sojung’s head slowly settled into the crook of her neck, like coming to rest at the bottom of the sea, little breaths warming Hyunjung’s ear. Hyunjung rubbed her back and let them lie there. In peace. Two bodies connected as one.
At the eye of a fatal storm, even here she could find peace. Hyunjung’s head rolled lazily in her pillow, body unwound, eyes staring up at nothing. Just for a moment, no worries. Just release.
Her untroubled face fell to the side, turning away from Sojung. Peace. It was a lie. It wasn’t right. But it was right on time.
Indeed, she was right on time to see the end.
Right on time to see the door open at the other end of the room and Soobin step through.
Right on time to see Soobin’s eyes rise, as if in slow motion.
Right on time to see that loving smile freeze in place—not held up by emotion but by the muscle memory of pure, uncomprehending shock.
Right on time to see her fiance’s face lose all strength.
They locked eyes and Hyunjung saw it all unfold before her from beneath Sojung’s dozing body.
First, the not understanding what she was seeing.
And then the understanding—and the disbelief.
And then, after a second, belief. The double-checking that the face, and the body… and the cock… were indeed her fiance's face and body and cock. The arduous elimination of another possibility—any other possibility—which the look on Hyunjung’s face told her she didn’t need to do, but she did anyway.
And then, to Hyunjung’s horror… the realization. The realization of the betrayal. The realization of the charade. The lie. The realization that she had in truth been alone, all this time; not together, but alone. In bits and pieces, it sank in. Hyunjung could see it in Soobin’s eyes: all the little moments, being violently rewritten in Soobin’s memories.
The realization that when they had had sex that morning, they hadn’t been making love. She had been getting fucked. Fucked by a fraud.
And all those nights she had spent snuggled up against her girlfriend to keep warm? Something wicked had been lying next to her the whole time, dolled up in empty words.
When she cooked her girlfriend breakfast, even when Hyunjung was still sleeping, taking care to be as quiet as possible so Hyunjung could sleep in extra? Maybe Hyunjung had been dreaming of some other pussy she liked better. Maybe Hyunjung wasn’t thinking of her at all.
When she sucked Hyunjung’s cock—not because she wanted to, but because she wanted to give Hyunjung something no one else could? Someone else was. Maybe her lips weren’t even Hyunjung’s favorite. She was just a second, third-best option.
When she placed her hand in Hyunjung’s and let her lead her around town, laughing in the rain, sharing their worst moments in karaoke, drinking until one of them had to walk the other home? A fucking wasting her time. Years of her life down the fucking drain. All stolen from her in one fatal moment.
When she gave her life away? She gave it to a complete imposter
The tidal wave of realization washed her away in an instant—
And then it was over. Everything they’d built for four years. Shattered to ruins.
Hyunjung saw it in Soobin’s eyes. Glossing over. Walls going up and shuttering the windows. Forever—
Her breath hitched and Hyunjung shoved Sojung off her cock.
Soobin flinched like someone had pulled a knife on her. Flying back from the doorframe.
“WAIT—” Hyunjung threw herself onto her feet. No plan, just adrenaline. She wasn’t even trying to save anything. She was just going through the dutiful motions, as if she owed Soobin a little shred of desperation before it was all done.
Soobin ran.
Hyunjung cursed and grabbed a pair of boxers, limbs flailing. Feet dashing across the hotel floor. Down the hallway, not caring that she was topless in a five-star hotel.
Hyunjung looked down.
From the top of a grand staircase.
At the bottom of the stairs.
Soobin looked up. She shuddered. Eyes shaking.
“I don’t know you.” She shook her head. “I don’t…”
Air puffed out of Hyunjung’s throat but died on her lips.
“What could you p-possibly have to say?” Tears rolled down Soobin’s cheek.
For the life of her, Hyunjung tried. But in the end, what did she have to say?
Soobin eyed her slowly and finally nodded. Nothing was left that needed to be said. Understanding. She bowed her head to hide the tears. One hand slipped her ring off the other and dropped it in a coat pocket, defeated.
And she stepped into the lobby to cancel the rest of golf with the Kims, and then call a cab for her parents.
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lordofthekinkdom · 10 months
For a new writer here, you are actually pretty good! Can i be your 🍭 anon if you are doing that?
thank you! I really appreciate the kind words. I am actually not new to writing fanfics though; used to write on aff and I still have some of them public. I'm going to work on moving some of them onto tumblr too in the next few weeks/months. (I don't know what the candy means so I guess I'm not doing it lol)
0 notes
lordofthekinkdom · 11 months
Small Sips
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Small sips.
Delicate curls of steam twisted their way up past chapping lips into the crisp October sky. A sip of matcha. A sip of cocoa. Their hotblooded breaths chilled in the distance between them.
“How have you been?”
Soojin chewed her lip. The hum of traffic murmured in the distance. She rubbed the handle of her teacup, not sure where to look. Or what to say back.
“I’ve been alright,” She nodded, mostly to herself. “I’ve been… better.”
Shuhua looked somewhere into the space in front of her. “That’s good.” Her voice was barely audible; “I’m glad to hear that.”
Another sip of her cocoa. Shuhua wasn’t sure what words she had meant to say, but she didn’t think she had said them. As the mug came back down, she remembered to smile. Their eyes almost met.-
“What have you been up to,” Soojin stammered, barely a question. She adjusted her legs somewhere under the table. Crossing and uncrossing her ankles. Her eyes settled in the middle of the table, on the flowers in the vase. A rose red like blood.
“Um,” Shuhua sucked in the steam from her drink. She looked up to the sky. “You know, th-the comebacks, uh—”
“Oh…” Soojin rubbed her eyebrow and nodded quickly. Stipid question.
Shuhua thumbed her mug’s handle. “Uh… Touring, and, and, everything…”
“Right,” Soojin said. She breathed out a laugh. “Of course. Silly to ask…”
Shuhua laughed quietly back. She shrugged behind the rim of her mug. Soojin brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. The smile lingered on her lips and Soojin’s eyes drifted from her tea to the pair opposite her. Shuhua could barely meet Soojin’s gaze, but when she did it was impossible to look away.
“I missed you,” Shuhua breathed softly, the words faltering on her lips.
Soojin blinked. She turned her ear towards Shuhua. “Sorry, what?”
“I-We missed you. All of the girls,” Shuhua said louder. There was a pause in her voice. Her eyes drifted somewhere. “So, what about you? What have you been up to?”
“Um, you know,” Soojin shrugged. “The same… same stuff. Spending time with my family, dancing, trying to remember to get outside. Like I’m supposed to.” She nodded down at the table. “I really am doing better.”
“That’s… good,” Shuhua repeated. She tapped the table leg with her toe and took another sip of her cocoa.
“Yeah…” Soojin agreed.
Somewhere in the distance, the traffic churned below them. Cars roaring past them as fading lights and disappearing on their way to somewhere else, destination unknown, swallowed up by a setting sun.
Soojin placed her cup back in its saucer. “I’m actually going to be putting out a song next month.”
Shuhua blinked. She blinked again. “N-Next month?”
Soojin glanced at her, shifting in her seat. She nodded.
“W-Wow… That’s…” The words got lost somewhere on the way down Shuhua’s tongue.
Soojin nodded again and pressed her lips into a tight smile. “Um… Yeah. I… It’ll be good. I like the, the music and everything.”
“With your company? Is it like, a, a full release?” Shuhua looked up at her.
Soojin folded her hands on the table. She nodded a third time.
“I see, that’s great,” Shuhua said, smiling for the girl. “You deserve it. I’ll look forward to it.”
Soojin looked Shuhua in the eye and smiled. Her back rested against the chair.
“Will you be…” Shuhua shrugged, “Performing? Choreography and everything?”
“Mhm,” Soojin nodded again. “We filmed the music video last week.”
“Vid…” Shuhua stammered, “Wow, that’s amazing, unnie. Wow…”
They looked at each other.
Soojin’s shoulders shrugged. “I missed you… you all.” Her lip pressed into her cheek.
“Ah—” Shuhua opened her mouth for a moment, then closed it softly. She felt something rushing up the back of her throat. A stinging in the corner of her eye.
Soojin leaned forward quickly in her chair and reached into her pocket. “Here! Do— Would you like to see the dance? We filmed a little, uh… dance…”
“Yeah, okay,” Shuhua grinned. “You love to dance…” Her words trailed off as she scanned Soojin’s face. She blinked, pulling her eyes back to the phone. “Let’s see.”
Soojin unlocked the phone and held it between them, scrolling back through her camera roll—
“Hm!” Shuhua squeaked. Her mug clinked on the table.
Soojin looked up at her, thumb slowing on the screen. Shuhua sat frozen across from her. For a moment— Then the younger girl quickly stared down at her lap. Her eyes were wide.
“Wh…” Soojin breathed, studying her. “What…?”
When Shuhua looked up, her cheeks were red. Lips pulled tight, eyes glaring off to the side. She shook her head and scoffed, “I saw it.”
Soojin’s eyebrows sank. “Saw what? Saw—” She looked down. Her jacket had slipped off her shoulder just the slightest bit and revealed the shapely cut of her baby blue knit dress. A tight fit around the neck, but no shoulders. Soojin pulled the jacket back into place. The bit of skin between the jacket and dress was marked with the light tracings of teeth.
“Ah… Shuh-hua…” Her face went stiff.
Shuhua swallowed. “You called me here…” When she glanced over, her eyes shot daggers. “What? To tell me you found someone else?”
“What?” Soojin stammered dumbly, “N-No, what? Of course not…”
The phone screen went dark.
The boil in Shuhua’s gaze was too hot for another human, so she trained it on the horizon. “No? But you got it on last night. What, you only just remembered my name when her teeth sank into your neck?”
Soojin’s mouth fell open.
“I should have known you replaced me,” Shuhua muttered bitterly before adding, “Some slut to shove in my face.”
“Shuhua,” Soojin gasped. She was trembling. Eyes darted around the patio, where other patrons of the off-kilter American-inspired café were taking notice. She had a million better things to say, but the one she went with was, “You’re making a scene.”
“You know, I’m different now, Soojin? I don’t…” Shuhua had to look away again. Her eyes were glossing over. “I speak up now. Say things I wouldn’t have before. Well, I guess you found some whore to do the things I used to.”
“Shuhua,” The words spilled from Soojin’s limp lips. “I wouldn’t. I mean, I wouldn’t mean to— I didn’t—”
“You didn’t mean to, what?” Shuhua’s tongue grazed her lip. “I bet the cunt’s good.” She pushed out her chair and got to her feet.
“Shuhua!” When the first tears broke through, Soojin couldn’t stop them. “Stop! It’s not…” She reached for Shuhua’s hand, but didn’t take it. “Please, I miss you, Shuhua.”
“You miss me?” Shuhua scoffed. “You haven’t talked to me in…”
Soojin stepped in between Shuhua and the door. Mascara-imbued tears welled atop her cheeks. She shook her head. “I’m sorry… But please don’t misunderstand. I miss you. N-Not—”
“Not fucking me?” Shuhua snapped.
Soojin’s eyes softened as more tears flowed. “Please. I still need…” She took a long breath and hung her head. “…Look, it’s been so hard without you.”
Shuhua swallowed and rolled back onto her heels. She looked down. When she sighed, it was to cover the soft little sounds of her crying. She raised the arm of her sweater to her face. “Asshole,” she whispered in shaky breaths. “I decided I wouldn’t cry today.”
Soojin looked away. Down at the table. Anywhere. Those damn drinks. She picked them up, facing away from Shuhua for a long moment, carrying them to nowhere in particular. The door? Just to get away from the peeping eyes, maybe. “It’s okay,” she whispered over her shoulder. She wiped her eyes with the palm of her hand. “Your eyes don’t look as bad as mine, anyway.” Shuhua choked through a giggle.
She stood next to Soojin at the door, and sighed. Her feet tapped the stone patio. “Sorry. Sorry… I don’t know why…”
Soojin’s exhale stirred the steam from the drinks in her hands.
“I mean, I slept with other girls too,” Shuhua whispered. Half to herself. But she couldn’t hide the angry edge still in her voice. “I shouldn’t…”
“It’s okay,” Soojin whispered again. “Let’s just… take these…”
Shuhua’s eyes followed Soojin’s back into the shop. She glanced around and assessed the situation. Okay, yes, maybe she had brought too much attention to the pair.
They passed through the door, collecting themselves as best they could, and walked their mostly unfinished cups back to the counter. The American cafe looked like it belonged somewhere in Itaewon. Stupid name. Stupid interior design. Stupid country music playing in the background. Pictures and passing time, you only smile like that when you’re drinking…
I wish I didn’t, but I do.
Remember every moment on the nights with you.
Soojin slid the cups on the counter and shuffled away, not wanting the barista to see her face, and she felt Shuhua’s hand against her leg. A few fingers passing beneath the sleeve of her jacket, finding a few of her own.
Shuhua pulled her around the corner, out of sight of the staff. A gentle orange sunset poured through big floor-to-ceiling windows over a row of empty tables. Soojin’s numb feet followed. Into the back of the café, a little unisex sign hanging from the ceiling. Inside, Shuhua closed the door behind them.
“Shu…” Soojin was backed against a sink countertop. The bathroom was small, decorated with cute wall paper and a soft light hanging from the ceiling. A toilet and sink took up half the room; their bodies, the other half. Her back to Soojin, Shuhua turned the lock.
Soojin swallowed, fingering the hem of her jacket sleeves. She pressed her butt against the sink counter. Her bare legs, shivering here more than out in the cold air. “What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to talk to you,” Shuhua snapped, turning around. She looked Soojin in the eye, hurt written softly on her face. She murmured, “Why didn’t you call me?”
Soojin pulled the sides of her jacket over her tight dress. There were dismissive words already formed in the creases of her lips, but she wanted to come up with a real answer. “I don’t know… I felt like… We were done.”
“Done?” Shuhua spat stiffly into her bottom teeth. She looked up at the dangling light and laughed. “Okay… Yeah, I felt that way too, Soojin. When you stopped talking to me.”
Soojin sighed. “I don’t know, Shu… You all were on your world tour. Tours. A-And, you know. All your success, charts… And I just thought…”
Shuhua looked at her incredulously. “Thought what?”
“That I wasn’t a part of it anymore.”
“That’s so—”
She swallowed.
A short breath and blurry eyes.
The details on the walls—deep red and blue-purple stripes, with muted leafy vines and petal-tipped twigs, swirling from floor to ceiling.
Shuhua found her voice. It came out like a whimper. “And you decided you want to be a part of us again after you fucked someone?”
Soojin blinked up at her.
Shuhua shook her head quickly, sucking in a breath. “Sorry— God, I don’t know why I can’t—”
“It’s okay.” Stepping forward, Soojin reached out for her hand. She steadied herself. “We didn’t text while you were on tour. And I was, you know. Therapy. And I made the mistake… Of thinking…”
Shuhua swallowed. She pulled Soojin’s hands closer. Stepping closer. Breathing closer. “You didn’t text back…”
Soojin chuckled gently into Shuhua’s hair, eyes stinging. “S-Stupid… I was so…”
“Stupid,” Shuhua said with a teary chuckle back. She swatted at Soojin arm. And then grabbed it. Bodies pressing closer.
“I-I thought—” Soojin searched for words. “It wasn’t good, you know?”
Shuhua hummed against her.
“The s-sex,” she shivered. “It should have been you. And I’m sorry.”
“Mmh,” Shuhua chuckled painfully into her skin. Her words wrapped her girl up like a warm blanket. “It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.”
Some inky tear rolled down Soojin’s cheek. Her tears were going to stain her all the way home.
Backwards. Shuhua pushed her backwards into the sink counter. The smallest of spaces between them. Shuhua pulled back the flap of her jacket, rolling it over her bare shoulder. She kept her glassy eyes down, where Soojin couldn’t see them.
Forwards. Two lips pulling forwards, latching onto the marks etched into Soojin’s shoulder. Teeth sinking into flesh. Soojin sucked up an unprepared breath. Knuckles whitening around the countertop. A wet smack of the mouth. Shuhua looked up at her. “There. It’s mine now.” She looked sternly at Soojin, an edge lingering in her voice, “Don’t you forget it.”
Soojin looked down at her. Lips curling nervously. As if she didn’t deserve it— But despite her outward anger, Shuhua just couldn’t get truly mad at her, and Soojin could read her like a book. Shuhua’s fingers found hers again at the edge of the sink and squeezed.
“Yours,” Soojin repeated.
“You silly cunt,” Shuhua snorted. Her hands left Soojin’s again, this time again for her jacket. More forcefully. Soojin stumbled against the counter when Shuhua threw it off her shoulders. “Take it off.”
Soojin’s eyes sank into Shuhua’s. In the heavy space between them, her jacket fell to the counter, then the floor. Just a skintight blue dress. Her curves dripped in front of Shuhua like honey pouring onto sweet lips. Beneath her arm, another hickey came into view. Shuhua dove for it. Cheeks pressing into Soojin’s underarm, tongue tasting her sweat.
“Oh—” Soojin gasped at the contact.
When she tried to move, Shuhua’s grip shoved her back in place. Shuhua bit down harder. “Mine,” She breathed against Soojin’s skin. “No one else’s. Never again.” Hands in her hair, cautiously, Soojin flushing when she held her in her hands.
Shuhua’s fingers materialized on bare thighs, skin like silk. Two bodies that felt so right when they touched. Soojin’s breaths fell heavy atop Shuhua’s head. When the younger girl released her skin from between her teeth and traced her lips up her neck, Soojin nearly melted into the sink.
“Stay with me,” Shuhua whispered into her ear. A command.
Fingers trailing delicately under the hem of Soojin’s dress. Her other hand pressed behind Soojin’s back, squeezing their chests together. Soojin couldn’t let go of Shuhua’s hair.
Their lips felt like a warm morning, fresh sheets. Draped in old memories. When they met, they saw nothing but each other. Shuhua’s hand on the base of Soojin’s neck, pushing them closer. It was like the first time Soojin had eaten, drawing more of Shuhua between her lips. Greedy for her tongue. Downing it with their saliva and tears.
Their breasts pressed softly, walled by blue cotton and a white tee shirt. Two bras. Close enough for now.
Shuhua’s black jeans were pressing between Soojin’s thighs, her hand sliding the blue dress up-up-up. Boots off the ground, locking weakly behind Shuhua. Soojin slid back onto the counter until her head tapped the mirror and Shuhua bit down on her lip. Warmth from Shuhua’s mouth spilled into her own like medicine. Healing her.
They choked on each other’s ragged breaths. Soojin’s right hand slid down from Shuhua’s hair to her neck. From her shoulder to her back. Shuhua’s left was locked between Soojin’s thighs. Heavy breaths left wet clouds on their faces. 
Soojin’s breath hitched when a pair of nails dug into her crotch. “Oh,”
Where the heat of their exhales and the pounding in their chest brought the temperature between them to a simmer, their kiss broke, and Shuhua’s lips slipped down Soojin’s jawline. Her head tipped back to give the girl better access. Right below her chin, to the bone where her jaw met her neck, Shuhua lit her up with pink bites.
Soojin’s body flushed and flexed. Just two fingertips pressing into wet cotton was enough to make her cry into their owner’s ear. Every movement she felt like nothing before. The fabric getting slick as it was pushed back and forth. Or nearly drawn up into her swelling folds. “O-o-God—”
“That’s it,” Shuhua hummed against her neck. “Mine.”
Her hole squeezed whatever it could. Just a shallow intrusion.
A third finger pushed the cotton up until it hit her bud. Right where Shuhua knew it would be, between those precious labia she had committed to memory. A little bit of pressure right where she knew Soojin liked it.
Shaking fingers tightened on the back of Shuhua’s jacket. Soojin choked on a sob and Shuhua had to hold her head in place. Their necks, faces, hair, all wove together as Shuhua found her lips again. Muffling those sweet moans she drew out of Soojin’s lips with every loop her fingers made around her clitoris.
The layer between Shuhua’s fingers and Soojin’s core was pushed aside. The hand on the back of Soojin’s head tightened to steady her reaction. Teasing fingers played with Soojin’s flooded vulva, up and down. Their teeth knocked. Soojin moaned into the back of Shuhua’s throat.
Two wet fingers slid down from Soojin’s clitoris to her opening. She moaned desperately as her vagina got spread open wide enough to take both. The hum from Soojin’s throat was too loud; Shuhua pulled back, opened her mouth wide, and took both of the other girl’s lips between her teeth. Soojin’s eyes fluttered open long enough to see Shuhua lean in and bite her mouth closed.
Fingers. Sliding inside. Clenching loose fabric. Pulling hair. Soojin’s moans escaped through her nose and kissed Shuhua’s face.
“Be good for me,”
Shuhua released Soojin’s lips when both fingers sank in to the first knuckle. The two of them must have replaced all the oxygen in the bathroom with their heavy panting.
“Get up,”
Soojin could feel each syllable beat against her cheek. Her eyes hung somewhere languid between open and shut. She wanted every sweet nothing from Shuhua’s lips whispered into her skin for safekeeping.
“Get up,” Shuhua wasn’t asking.
Their faces parted. Loose strands of hair linked them with static. But Shuhua was demanding. Soojin’s heavy eyes focused on the girl in front of her. Get up, she had said.
“I’m not going to fucking tell you again,”
Shuhua’s hands went for Soojin’s hair, pulling the girl forward. Soojin’s breathing staggered. “Who let you become so…” The end of the sentence got lost in a sputter. Soojin’s heart was fluttering all the way up into her throat.
“Dominant is the word you’re looking for,” Shuhua murmured absently into the hot air between them.
When Soojin gulped, it felt like it dropped straight to her gut. “Fuck,”
There wasn’t time for her to get to her feet before Shuhua ripped her off the countertop and spun her around. “I don’t have time for this,” she spat into Soojin’s hair. Fingers laced from behind, two palms pressed firmly against the mirror in front of them. Soojin stared at Shuhua’s arms wrapping around her in the reflection. Holding her tight and forcing her into position. Her legs swayed.
She had never been treated like this before.
“Bend forward,”
She may have whimpered, but this time Soojin didn’t hesitate. The hem of her dress slid up her thighs as she leaned over the sink. Her chest lowering; her legs straightening. Down. Until her forearms were flush with the mirror, palms leaving sweaty handprints on the glass.
A hand was sliding up her thigh, almost to her ass now. Taking her dress with it. Soojin’s eyes fluttered closed. There was no taking back her dignity like this—she was all Shuhua’s now. Her decency was brushed away around the other’s wrist. Soojin’s hands slid as she moaned. Fingerprints smeared atop their reflection, marking what filthy things had been done on the other side of that mirror.
Soojin could hear the air go hollow behind her, sucked away through Shuhua’s teeth when she laid eyes on Soojin’s cheeky panties. Soojin couldn’t help but think it was cute, how the younger always found something in her daily habits risqué. Some things never change.
Blunt nails clawed at Soojin’s ass; she could feel Shuhua’s body pressing close behind her. Shuhua was craving. She raked into Soojin’s ass until it hurt, unsatisfied with every small moan she was clawing from Soojin’s lips.
There was a moment when the contact broke. And then Shuhua’s hand collided with her skin. A shark spank—rough, but not loud enough to give them away. Merciful, almost.
“You deserve harder,” Shuhua breathed down her neck.
And Soojin knew she was right.
When Shuhua finally pulled her panties down to her knees, Soojin’s fingers curled on the mirror. “C-Come on, Shushu…” Her feet slid apart inch by inch on the tile floor.
Shuhua’s nails ripped across her ass cheeks again; this time no fabric down the middle, just skin. Hot breaths stirred Soojin’s hair covering her ear. “I’ve never seen you like this,” Shuhua’s voice was achingly thick. “Begging to be fucked…” The pads of her fingers slipped down Soojin’s nethers. “Who taught you to be submissive?”
Teeth sank into her ear. Soojin moaned softly, the mirror fogging with her breath.
“Be quiet,” Shuhua hissed. “You’ll get us thrown out.” Her fingertips toyed with Soojin’s hole.
Soojin’s breaths came in and out like her lungs were about to break down. Shuhua’s hand closed over her own atop the mirror. It was too long of a pause. Would Shuhua make her beg? Soojin opened her mouth to say something.
But the push came first. Two fingers at a time, sliding through her vagina into the familiar warmth of her core. Soojin’s eyes rolled back in her head.
“Shut the fuck up,” Soojin breathed down her neck.
Soojin cried as silently as she could. Tears in her eyes. Their fingers squeezed around each other on the cool glass.
A thrust to the second knuckle—it was deep enough for Shuhua to hit Soojin’s g-spot. No need to search; it was like muscle memory for the younger girl. Soojin didn’t deserve the luxury of gentleness. Arms flexing, Soojin’s fingers raked the mirror, barely controlling herself.
The second thrust nearly brought her to her knees. Vaginal fluid smearing down Shuhua’s hand. Soojin squeaked and moaned.
“Can’t control yourself,” Shuhua muttered.
It made Soojin shiver from neck to tail. That tone. It wasn’t a question. Shuhua left her palms to fend for themselves on the glass and shoved a couple of spare fingers in Soojin’s mouth. Shutting her up for good. Something like a warning.
A warning, because Shuhua’s thrusts didn’t build up slowly.
Electric. The need pent up in Soojin’s every muscle was evident to the touch. Those smooth walls inside her trying to choke Shuhua’s digits. The relief seeped with the fluids into the pads of Shuhua’s fingers.
“Ff-ff-f—” Soojin’s muffled curses. Eyes rolling back and forth. As those fingers rocked her body.
The stain on Shuhua’s own panty grew with every stupid moan Soojin let out onto her fingers. That precious rattling in the back of Soojin’s throat.
Fingers curling into Soojin’s flesh. Delicious energy coursing between their veins.
Walls throbbing. Neck shaking. Fists balling on the mirror. It was like she was daring Soojin to scream into her hand, fingers fucking in and out of her.
Shuhua’s hands were lost to a wet blur between Soojin’s legs.
One little curl.
Cool satisfaction.
Muscles flexing. Body breaking.
Too easy.
Dripping down knuckles and palms. Shuhua’s hands came out sweet like sugar.
And she would have given her another round too, if they weren’t in a fucking café bathroom.
Soojin’s torso, wrapped in that blue cotton that was coated with sweat by now, rose and fell beautifully. Her bare hips rocked up and down in front of Shuhua, just slightly with each breath. A perfect window into her secret curves and crevices—little secrets that had still visited Shuhua in her dreams months after they’d stopped talking. Nothing could beat seeing it in the flesh.
They didn’t get up so much as collapse into each other, Soojin rolling onto her side on the counter and Shuhua leaning in to bring their lips back together. When their hands met, Soojin could feel the stickiness that had come from her own body. Something about lips on lips tasted sweeter after coming; the kind of satisfaction didn’t come from casual pussy. It came from Shuhua.
It took a minute for Shuhua to stand up straight again. Soojin hung back her head. Their short breaths were like symphony and harmony, filling the room with their bonded music. Basking in the sound of the afterglow. She let Shuhua pull her panties back up for her, then carefully fix her dress back into place.
Soojin got to her feet and the two stood opposite each other for a moment in the quiet. A long breath came and went through Soojin’s teeth as she studied the other girl. Those sweet dark eyes that she had missed staring into so much.
Shuhua slowly stepped back from her as their heart rates cooled. She glanced down at her fingers, glazed with Soojin, and balled them up awkwardly at her side. “Uh,” Shuhua chuckled awkwardly, hand painted with the evidence of what they just did. Soojin smiled as she picked her coat up off the floor. She was too sweaty to put it on now; maybe she was damp from the ice that had melted between them.
It was a blur leaving the café. One second they were closing the bathroom door as quietly as possible, as if failing to do so would give their lovemaking away; the next second they were scurrying out the door with their hoods up, past the baristas starting to do their closing routine, hoping no stray cameras were lying in wait outside.
It was nearly dark; Soojin’s car sat alone at the top of the hill.
Soojin zipped up her jacket. A stolen glance over at the girl who had just been knuckle-deep in her guts. Her residue was still glistening on Shuhua’s fingertips; the girl was absentmindedly spreading it all over her phone screen as she typed.
“Are you ordering a ride?” Soojin asked quietly.
“Oh, um,” Shuhua glanced over. “I-I’ll see. If I can find one…”
Soojin rocked back and forth on her heels.
The tap-tap of Shuhua’s fingers on her screen. Still glossy.
“I-I can,” Soojin nodded towards her car, “Give you a ride.”
“Oh… it’s…”
“It’s no problem.”
Shuhua’s tongue slid over her bottom lip. “Sure. I mean,” she stared down at the app; “It’s probably best if I…”
Soojin didn’t know if they didn’t need to say it, or if they just couldn’t say it, but she nodded along.
“I’ll text…” She realized she didn’t have anyone to text, anyway. “And let them know I’ll be…”
“Sure,” Soojin kept nodding.
Shuhua just clicked off her phone. She looked at the dark screen for a moment and slid it into her pocket.
They stood at the edge of the parking lot. The final red glow of the fading sun obscured the cityscape into streaks of light.
“I-I’m…” Shuhua stammered at her side; “I’m not hooking up with you, though.” She held her feet in place, looking up at Soojin. Her eyes felt crusty from the dry tears and nippy air.
“I told you before. I miss you.” The words hung snugly in the space between them. Soojin shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “I don’t need, just, fingers in my guts, okay?”
Shuhua swallowed and nodded a few times more than necessary. “Okay.”
Soojin held out her sleeve. Four little fingertips poked out the bottom, and with a little smile, Shuhua took them.
They walked to the car.
Shuhua cleared her throat. “I mean, it kind of did seem like you needed fingers in your guts, though…”
Soojin paused for a second, rolling her eyes in disbelief.
“I’m just…” Shuhua looked away and shrugged, bottom lip jutting out innocently. “Just saying. Do you, uh, bottom often now, or—”
“No,” Soojin snapped under her breath. She pulled out her car key remote and unlocked it. God, sometimes this girl could say the most out of pocket shit.
Just like old times.
Something about it made Soojin feel warm somewhere inside.
“Oh,” Shuhua smirked. “I guess I should feel special, then…?”
Soojin clicked her tongue. She led Shuhua to the passenger door and hummed a little affirmation, squeezing Shuhua’s hand in her own. “Of course…” Then she pulled them face to face. Shuhua glanced up at her glossy eyes. Soojin wanted one more good look at Shuhua’s face before she had to take her eyes off her and drive home. “You’re one-of-a-kind.”
A blush betrayed Shuhua, only growing deeper and redder the more Soojin stared. Her gaze dropped just for a moment over the other girl’s body. “Then…” A smirk trailed across her mouth. “I’m looking forward to more of that one-of-a-kind dynamic.”
 A small laugh danced between Soojin’s lips and she smiled dreamily into Shuhua’s eyes. “Don’t fool yourself.”
But Shuhua’s guts were already churning under the other girl’s gaze before she even said the words. It was that touch she’d recognize anywhere. The butterflies had been building up in her stomach—no, somewhere lower than that—since the moment she felt it, for the first time in months, waiting in line to order their drinks.
Soojin whispered in the softest voice. “You’ll be bottoming for me later, baby girl.”
And as she opened the car door, Shuhua knew, she meant it.
I hope everyone had a good Soojin is Back Day! I whipped this thing up in like 48 hours flat so it's not perfect but I am pretty proud of how quickly I whipped it out.
I'm a smut writer previously mainly on aff but I'll be slowly cross-posting my content there onto here too. Hopefully I'll have more new smuts soon!
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