looseleafexhibition · 7 years
The 5 of us formed due to a strong cohesive aesthetic. Collectively, the group possessed a vast range in skills, ranging from: website design, publication design, painting, sculpture, photography, vinyl, hanging, writing, and stretching. Throughout the course of this project, the 5 of us worked alongside each other equally, generating ideas off of one another with critical feedback discussed on a regular basis.Together these skills enabled us to present works in new ways and consider many dissemination possibilities. 
Exhibition as a whole review:
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
We acknowledged there was a huge turn out to our opening night, this came down to how well we advertised. Alongside the choice of date (at least 5 openings)
Opening night review:
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
The gallery provides a lot of space for the audience to interact and consider the movement of the works, and to move around the space with not too much palette or information overload. As the gallery has movable walls, there are works that are sometimes concealed behind corners, at times this made it hard to gage the exhibition as a whole, often forgetting about the other half of the gallery space. - Polly
Group Melting Pot Review: Potential of the space
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
Artist’s Works That Were Exhibited
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Tonal Nuance #1 — Polly
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Tonal Nuance #2 (left) & #4 (right) — Polly
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Tonal Nuance #3 (top) & #4 (bottom) — Polly
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Untιttled (1) — Robert
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Anamorphosis and the Fourth Dimension 1/2 — Harris
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Anamorphosis and the Fourth Dimension 2/2 — Harris
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
With our exhibition coming together we began to notice small details that intertwined themes together and over all meant for a successful exhibition.
Initially we had a lot of discussion around our intentions to have pot plants growing and living temporarily in our exhibition, this would help the space feel less sterile, and push our concepts around the coming together of ideas to form an over arching context.
Also one of our last steps we had on our check list before our exhibition opening was reprinting the booklet publications due to my (polly’s) change in installation arrangement.
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
Ultimately we spent a lot of time and effort to research in depth around the logistics of how we intend to pull the whole installation concepts off. Initially we began testing our ideas on a4 scale, both with tracing paper and with acetate. This helped us establish a clean design layout and also play on layering effects.
From here, moving forward we began to test modes of installation methods and what materials would cleaning and seamlessly represent our concepts without drawing to much attention or taking away from the ‘loose leaf’ notion.
I (Polly) tested both bulldog clips and grommet holes which from there would then get attached to wire rope. After much testing the A0 tracing paper curled at the edges too much and when hung, didn’t cooperate with the layout. To resolve this issue I (Polly) constructed a pine poster hanger like system to bind the sheets between the two pieces. This resolution created a structured mode of hanging and helped maintain the clean aesthetic we were after.
Installation logistics
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
We were extremely grateful to have such amazing food catered for us by Olive.
Food Sponsors
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
We gained access to the Gallery on the Monday before our opening on the Wednesday, this gave us some time to perfect our installtion and test many options out.
This included the many nails that were tested to find the perfect one.
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
Roberts Plaque
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
We had a few days to play with the arrangement of the works within the space before the opening. We were all pretty certain on where we all intended to show works, although once Shannon visited the space we tested out iterations of Pollys work, which eventually resulted in a confirmed re arrangement. This meant we had to re print the floor plan to suit this.
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
Paper stock was an important element in our work. We had many concepts that focused around the accumulation of different media and that the audience could accumulate this data at their own will. Paper stock colours were intended to keep minimal neutral organic tones yet distinctive enough to tell apart the artists.
first tests on final paper stock
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
After much debate and test printing we finally decided on a paper stock selection,
Grey for publication booklet
Pink for Robert Artist page
Yellow for Polly Artist page
White for Harris Artist page
Final Paper Stock
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
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arranging move in dates and logistics of install with Dylan (gallery owner)
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
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A4 acetate testing for the larger A0 final hanging installation
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
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Content arrangement for hanging manifesto
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
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Content drafting for installation
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looseleafexhibition · 7 years
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Publication content editting
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