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loosekraken · 2 years ago
"MOTHER NATURE "1"....STUPID WHITE PEOPLE "0" BARRED BY FACEBOOK & Markie "Z" This Reply BARRED BY FACEBOOK & Markie "Z"-----ACCT SHUT DOWN > >>> " Rattlesnakes , Critters which have Poison in their fangs which kills people when bitten , usually when you do not leave them alone , , some people do not leave rattlesnake alone & like to play with rattlesnakes , some of these people are white people , stupid people play with poisonous critters , some of these stupid people are white people.....when people play with poisonous critters , get bit & die , Mother Nature is One (1) Up......Stupid Humans are One (1) Down...When Stupid White People Play with Rattlesnakes & get bit & Die ...The Score is Mother Nature "1" & Stupid White People "0".........Markie "Z Wanna argue this in front of a federal judge ? Costs me Nothing $"0" & I want your surfboard (as well as all your houses)
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loosekraken · 2 years ago
Bottom of the ninth , Repubs at bat , 2 0ut , bases loaded w/ score Lib Dems 2 Repubs 0.......Repubs looking to take the game & the Mid-Terms......Repubs heavy hitters coming to bat , Jordan , Gaetz , Greene , Boebert , .....Wait WAIT....Bullpen moves in new pitcher with new pitch the mainline 158 screwball....Strike Strike Strike & 158 Republican Congresspersons Removed from the playing field & office 6 wks B4 Mid-Terms for their Unlawful/Sedicious Acts of Jan 6th , 2021 during the counting of electoral votes.......Republicans left with only a handful of votes in House & Senate combined......Donald Trump's Hopes of taking Speaker of the House & possible protection from Lawsuits . .....SMOKED........like all those Top Secret & Classified Doc's he flushed & burned after selling'em to Putin , Saudi (jared's billions) , China , North Korea....................Polygraph Donald Trump , His Family & Entire Administration on What , How Much & Who they sold USA'S Secrets to
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
TRUMPERS > While you flew the white flag from everywhere that could be seen , the entire landscape.....Sherman Burned you to the rocks , In 2022 we will not even permit you the rocks nor the white flag
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
WOODWARD & BERNSTEIN > You Want A Book ? I Got a Book , Except it's not for telling ! In 2022 Le Kraken Brings the Conservative SCOTUS Justices Down , Brings the Republicans in Congress Down , Brings Donald Trump 2022 & 23016 Down , Brings George W. Bush in 2000 Down , the Entire Republican Party DOWN....In 2024 there shall be NO republican on the Ticket...... Woodward/Bernsteun - MY STORY , the knowledge of what was wrong actually beginning in 2000 & going back to 1793 , the waiting for someone to do the right thing , Everyone knew-ALL the federal & state politicians & the Lawyers & ALL the Law school Professors & ALL the Const law experts & ALL the Media & THEY ALL KNEW , except for The People who were bullshitted from the start...they just had the fault of belief .... I'm seeing no one to take the step year after year decade after decade The Damage & Injury piling up , knowing that me as a no one will be laughed at & dismissed & prob will have by the far right , the K.K.K. , Proud Boys & Oath Keepers put a high price on my head LITERALLY.....DAY BY DAY waiting for 22 years....UNTILL ONE DAY What is the weight that a person can bear...How long can he wait.... The Questions day after day of How many Injuries could he have prevented...UNTILL he Deaths of jan 6th How Great do they bear because he was 22 years late...Write a Friggin Book about THAT
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
TRUTH HURTS , some...It has been said that Knowledge is Power , I am not sure about that but I do know this , I have had the Knowledge for over 2 years of events that will come to a finality B4 Christmas 2022 , I have tried to convey this knowledge beforehand for that time period & have been laughed at , ridiculed , & scoffed at as an idiot.....so much I guess like Paul Revere,,Might matter to someone looking for fame power & $$...However I will settle for the silence of these people when in 2022 (1)---SIX (6) Conservative SCOTUS JUSTICES are removed from the SCOTUS Bench by the Federal Courts & All of their Concservative Opinions / Rulings / Orders Vacated & declared Null & Void from Inception & Legally Unenforceable .....(2)---158 Republican Senators & Rep's Removed from their Congressional Offices B4 Nov 2022 Mid Term Elections & all their Official Acts from Jan 6th 2021 Declared Null & Void from Inception & legally unenforceable.(3)---That Donald Trump has been an Illegitimate President from Nov 2016 Losing Both the Pop Vote as well as the Electoral College & Forced upon the American People by the Republican Controlled Congress , each member of which shall be referred to DOJ for Indictment , Prosecution & Long Long Prison Terms..for most a Life sentence considering their age & sentence imposed as they will die in a prison cell or handcuffed to a bed in a prison Hosp. To Include Donald Trump / Mike Pence & Most of their Family & Administration
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
Since 2015 YAHOO Has been knowingly & intentionally with falseness , lies & seditionist intentions , decieved the American People of the Illigetimate 2016 Presidency of Donald 'the john' Trump who in 2016 LOST both the Popular Vote , the american will , by millions of votes & who also LOST the Electoral College for over a dozen iussues/reasons to include Hundreds of Electoral College Republican Electors who were Constitutionally Prohibited from being Electors , Pam Bondi Trump Elector while also serving as the Fla Atty Gen along with 9 othere Fla Trump Electors so Const Prohibited in just one state.......YAHOO , Who along with the Proud Boys & Oath Keepers will be enjoined B4 Christmas 2022 in a Federal Courtroom with the Charge of Seditious Conspiracy 18 USC Sec. 2384 Up to 20 Yrs Federal Prison PER COUNT & while Watching the Murder of Police Officers did nothing beforehand while forearmed wth the knowledge of violent armed intent & intent to kill , will be subject to the Death Penalty for Premeditated Murder in the 1st Degree.........Welcome to the Real World YAHOO
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
BARRED BY YAHOO FROM COMMENTS & REPLYS ; For Simply stating Facts over Yahoo Fiction,,,Truth over Yahoo Lies....I Am Barred from any & all comments & any & all replys for simple statements that "Donald Trump did not win the 2020 Presidential Election"
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
BANNED BY YAHOO CC'D FACEBOOK /TUMBLR >> "Trump tells 'Save America' rally crowd in Arizona: 'Americans kneel to God and no one else" That same GOD who knowingly & intentionally with willful premediated intent to inflict the most henious prolonged painful death by drowning upon 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 % of ALL Life Forms upon the Planet Earth AND Upon 99.9999999999999999999 et cet % of all Human Beings upon the Planet....Let me repeat that ..This GOD Killed / Murdered literally all of the Human Beings upon Planet Earth because they did not Honor him correctly & their behavior PISSED GOD OFF..........& Donald Trump Kneels to this GOD......No Kidding...Donald Trump sucks the knob of humanity's greatest serial Killer & forced Abortionist , all the children waiting to be born...that's right > right to lifers..GOD Abortioned MILLIONS in a split second , all waiting to be born & drowned in GOD'S Displeasure & PISSED OFF'ed Ness Drowned after their mothers had taken their last breaths as they struggled to breath never understanding WHY Air was replaced with Water. & it did not work.Hummmmmmmmmmmmm GOD GEEEE The Bible Classes don't tell you much about that do they Religious & Religion MEGA TV People - You have Trillions $$$$ in damages due Humanity WE ARE COMING..The Inquisition will seem like a Cancun vacation to you.....
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
There are those who say & say & talk & talk & post & post & text & text & e-mail & e-mail.....AND then there are those who DO.....But in between there are those who do all of the former because they have done all of the latter & it is just a matter of filing the prepared paperwork>you see they "Know"!! which is why they "Say".....Between now & christmas 2022 it's gonna be one hell of a fireworks show , be there !! it's gonna be wildest
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
“A civil society is founded on respect for the law. If every citizen chose to break the law, we would have no society at all, at least not a civil one. It is this respect for the law and of the law enforcing agencies that, somewhat paradoxically, ensures the freedoms recognized in the Constitution.” Steve Bannon possesses no more immunity from the law , from the consequences of their conduct , speech , expression than any other individual in america....Steve Bannon must be sentenced to the max allowed , 2 years in prison run back to back in a federal prison...He must not be permitted to be free on bail pending appeal as our prisons are stuffed full of non-violent offenders denied that right , who sit in jails & prisons for years & decades before being released as 'not guilty' of the crimes accused...most often due to corrupt DA's , Cops , Court Appointed Attys who face no consequences for their felonious acts...UPON SENTENCING Steve Bannon must be immediately taken into custody & remanded to a federal prison for Two (2) Straight years...Give Steve Bannon his 'Medieval' give him his 'Misdemeanor from hell'
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
BARRED BY YAHOO - Ted Cancun Cruz.....On January 6th , 2021 When "U" Objected to the Electoral College Certification of Pres Biden's Victory in the 2020 Presidential Election "U" Violated "UR" Oath of Office , a federal Felony & 1 Yr Prison in the Big House & immediate removal from Office - On That Date- & permanent bar to any lifetime federal Gov Employment......This is in addition to numerous Federal Criminal & Civil Rights Statutes carrying very very stiff Prison time 10 yrs , 20 yrs @ count......The Constitution provides no provision , no process & procedure for any Electoral College vote count objections....the constitution has never been amended to permit such objections...Congress is constitutionally barred from changing the const , adding to removing from the const except by ART-V > Amendment.....Any Congressional Statute changing the constitution w/o amendment is sedition & treason THIS would include The Electoral Count Act , a Congressional Statute adding to the U.S.Constitutions Electoral College Provisions absent ART V - Amendment > "Objections to the Electoral Vote Count in Congress".....2022 B4 Mid-Terms you & 157 of your republican congresspersons will be called into a federal court to account for your unconst & unlawful conduct to include the Illegal impersonations of federal officials as you impeached yourselves , lost all power , authority & entitlement to political office on at leat Jan 6th 2021......" ONION LIKE >JUDGE : Ted Cruz aka Cancun Cruz , Did You Read the Constitutions provision on counting electoral votes >CANCUN : YES JUDGE : Cancun Does the Const Contain any provisions for Objections by any party to the Vote Count > CANCUNE : NO >JUDGE : Cacun has the const ever been Amended ART V Amendment to add such objections > CANCUN : NO > JUDGE : Cancun did you then & do you now understand the mind boggling federal criminal felonies & civil rights statutes violations with the truly vast prison time you are facing > CANCUN : YES > JUDGE : Cancun but then why? > CANCUN : We are the Republican Party , the chosen one's standing above the right hand of GOD unbound by all laws except to ourselves...Since 1793 We have been re-writing the constitution so as to guarantee we could do as we did in 2000 (bush) & 2016 (trump) Re-Write Electoral College Provisions so that even though they lost with a republican controlled congress they won & almost in 2022 (trump) , Put a republican presidential candidate into the presidency when they have lost both the Pop Vote & the Electoral College..In 2024 We shall establish a Republican Dynasty with no end of the Presidency , Congress , Federal Gov. , all State & local Govs...We cannot be prosecuted Indicted nor convicted...We Are the Only American Patriots , Immune from any of your laws....Donald Trump shall replace GOD in the Christian Bible in 2024 ..................... JUDGE : U.S.Marshalls Service ...Cuff'em , Click'em & Can'em
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
TRUMPERS--You call for a civil war....Please remind you that the two flags that you fly....The Confederate & Nazi Flags Both LOST...you are flying the White Flags of LOSERS...The Only Flag that they flew at their end , The White Flag
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
America--U have been BS'D By all Sides....Dems will not ring the bell because THEY want to use it for their President......Repubs the same......All the Constitutional Law Experts & Law Professors no see no hear no say because they get media exposure & $$$ as they are called to respond each time it comes up..Everyone KNOWS except The People.....Well in 2022 The People are going to ring the bell....In a Federal Court !!! .A Office of Legal Counsel MEMO from some nobody in a windowless basement broom closet praying that like Jeff Clark they get a shot at being somebody & something .....that a Sitting President is absolutely Immune from the consequences of their criminal acts IS Legally Worthless....This is Not a Congressional Enactment , Law.......This is Not a SCOTUS Ruling....This is Not a Federal District Court / Federal Appellate Court Ruling......It Has Not Ever been Upheld by any Court...This MEMO has No Legal Standing attached to it in any way.....This MEMO has less legal standing than a MEMO from my Dry Cleaners that they have No Legal Liability & are not responsible nor accountable for burning up my Jacket !....As they fork over the cash in the back alley
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
Pam Bondi , 2016 Fla Atty Gen & Trump Elector > Two (2) Offices of trust & profit Prohibited by the Const. > 1 of 10 electors in Fla Const Prohibited from being electors in just Fla alone.....2016 Hundreds of Trump Electors Constitutionally Prohibited...2016 - Donald Trump LOST the Pop Vote by Millions & LOST the Electoral College by numbers & fraud..the Republican Controlled Congress 'Rigged' the 2016 Election....Plaintiff's will Stop the '2016 Steal' in 2022 , remove Donald Trump from 45 & remove from the Trump Brand the United States Presidency..He shall be Erased in Disgrace as just another LOSER....Trump : Vodka-Loser...Casinos-Loser..Airlines-Loser..Steaks-Loser..Travel-Loser.. Water-Loser & on & on...Belly Up , some within 30 days.....Politics 2016 LOSER 2022 LOSER 1st Oval Office Resident IMPEACHED Twice in American History & 1st to lead an armed violent overthrow of the Government & failed only because he is God's #1 LOSER
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
WEBSTERS : Disgusting > Mental picture of Donald Trump butt naked
WEBSTERS : Suicidal > Mental picture of Donald Trump banging Melania
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
BANNED BY YAHOO......POST : "Reports: (Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are married).....I read on social media post that Ben carried a case of wine into the bedroom that night , got blackout alcohol overcome & Jen filed for divorce the next afternoon /any corroboration out there anyone ? ".............How can this be against YAHOO Communtiy Standards ?? ....It has been apparent from day one that YAHOO's Owners , Staff , Employees lack even the most minimum of Human Standards Hummmmmmmmmmmm
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loosekraken · 3 years ago
"Since Roe was overturned, more Americans are moving to states that better match their political and social beliefs"..........As The Red States sink lower & lower into poverty , ignorance , stupid , racism , sexism , homophobes , white supremacy & white fear........These states financially exist "Only" because of the Federal Taxes Paid by Blue States......Leave these tax benefits to the states that paid'em...Shut off these funds to these Red States , let'em go belly up & put on the auction block (you'd be familiar with that down south ehhhh)& set'em up as storage for nuke waste , sanitation waste pits , razor wire tent cities for all trump supporter terrorists for the last 6 yrs to include all federal & state republican officials...do something constructive with these vast red wastelands
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