Lookism Simp
17 posts
Recently been obsessed with lookism. Made this account to just have an outlet for my random thoughts, headcannons, stories and overall oneshots. Ask me to write anything.
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lookismlover · 1 year ago
Goo Kim x Reader: The Fake Date
You had always been infatuated by Gun since the day you met him, the day your father told you he was going to be your bodyguard. 
Whether it was with his fighting prowess, that bleak and mature, yet nasty attitude he had, or the overall mysteriousness he had enveloped himself in. You couldn’t put your finger on why, but you were. 
It had been almost 2 years since he was made your bodyguard, and even though you spoke every day and he was around you enough to see your tells when you were upset, angry or scared you still felt like you didn’t know him at all. 
By this point you realized that the so called “infatuation” you had with him had turned into you liking him, you didn’t know how but it had and yet Gun didn’t even bat an eye at you. 
He was there to protect you, not to be romantically involved with you, not in the slightest and yet you wanted him to be, even at the very least, you wanted him to look at you as a potential romantic partner.
Even though you knew this was never going to happen it was a thought that you kept locked away at the back of your mind because after all, even though you felt so close to him, you knew you were still so far away.
However there was one thing or should I say person that brought you too close together in any situation -  that was your shared annoyance and hatred for Goo.
You too also had that same annoyance and hatred for that yellow headed bastard.
Ever since you met him, you had never liked him. 
I mean what was there to like about him, he was obnoxious, self-obsessed, arrogant, conceited and overall just a money hungry pig.
You hated it whenever you would have to be in the same vicinity as him, let alone talk to him.
You hated that he was your fathers bodyguard and you had to put up with seeing him.
But what you hated more was that you had concocted a plan even you, yourself, hated in order to even try and get a smidge of affection, potentially even a straight up confession out of Guns’ mouth. 
That plan was to fake date Goo and make Gun jealous.
It was a plan that even you were willing to go through just to get Gun to notice you in a romantic sense. 
Was it something you were proud of coming up with - No.
Was it something you wanted to do to potentially get a reaction out of Gun - Maybe.
Was it petty and distasteful that you had even thought about this and were going to act upon it - Yes.
And so with everything you had thought up and concocted it was time to put your plan into action, the next time you were seeing Goo was tomorrow and so it was time to act.
You wake up to the sound of your alarm. That ear piercing sound that aggravates you every morning. You always reach over and turn it off so you don’t have to hear it but again and again, it goes off.  
You soon get up and go do your daily morning routine like always, when you thought about last night, how you were going to act on your plan. When you remembered this fact, you could start to feel your palms sweating and feel heat rising to your face, when you hear a knock at your bedroom door. 
You come out of the bathroom and head to the door to open it when you hear an all too familiar voice behind the door, it was Gun. Gun was at your bedroom door at 9 in the morning. You open the door and see him standing there, already in some designer suit, his hair swept back with what you think is too much gel and those black sunglasses of his. You just look at him for a moment before he breaks the silence. “Hurry up and get ready, your father wants me to take you to get something for tonight” Gun says with the stern way he always does. You go away to say something, but you're too groggy to even think or say a snarky comment back to him and so you just oblige and go get ready. 
Within 20 minutes you're ready for the day but you’re still not eager to respond to anything anyone has to say, not even Gun. You leave the room to see Gun nowhere in sight and so you just think for a moment before realizing that he's probably outside, having a cigarette waiting for you. You walk through the house getting to the front door and long behold he is in fact there having a cigarette leaning against the car in the driveway waiting for you.
“Finally ready, huh?” he questions.
“Yeah” is the only word you're able to say in your still half asleep state, even though it’s been about an hour since you’ve gotten up. You see Gun slightly smirk before he puts his cigarette out and goes to open the passenger side door for you. 
You take this as a silent way of him saying ‘let’s go’ without using any words since you clearly can’t be bothered having a conversation with him. He gets in the driver's side and starts up the car while you sit with your head against the window, almost a sign to Gun that you don’t want to talk and that you’re too tired to even keep up a conversation. That and the fact that you’ve only given him a blank and measly stare at your bedroom door and a simple ‘Yeah’ when he tried to talk to you. 
You do in fact doze off before he even leaves the driveway of your father’s house. You wake up to Gun shaking your arm, you look around to see that you’re outside of a dress shop which you suspect you’re going into with Gun. Your suspicions turn out to be true when he says ‘let’s go then’.
You’re in the shop looking about while Gun sits on a couch, leaning his head back as if it's a chore that he’s even here right now, but after all he is your bodyguard. You pick out a few dresses and take them to the fitting room, each time coming out to try and get Gun’s opinion only to be met with a “mhm” or “just pick one” each time, without him even looking at what you put on. 
Until finally you find a dress that you really like. Not just one that you randomly picked out to hurry this up or a dress that a shop assistant picked out for you saying ‘this would look good on you’. 
It was a long black form fitting dress with a slit that ran up the right side of the leg, a corset type sternum piece that was sheer on the midriff and short off the shoulder sleeves that were barely connected to the dress but was still there. 
You take the dress and put it on in the fitting room with a pair of plain black heels that you also brought in and look in the mirror. You love the dress and the heels that you brought in on a whim look great with it as well. You go out and ask Gun what he thinks and again he just says the usual ‘mhm’ without him even looking. 
You’ve had enough of him being uninterested and so in anger you slightly shout “look at me, what you do think”. 
This definitely prompted a response from him since the first thing he did was pick his head off the back of the coach and look straight at you. You could see his eyebrows raised when he looked at you, but what you would have liked to know is if that was from your slightly over the top reaction or his reaction to the dress.
Without saying a word he stands up and walks over to you, you can’t see his eyes but it almost feels like he’s examining you in the dress. When he eventually gets to you he slightly looks down and then ushers for you to spin around, which you oblige. You slowly spin around while you can still feel Gun staring at you until you come almost face to face with him again, then he eventually speaks.
“This ones the winner I think” 
“You didn’t even look at the other ones, obviously you would say that this ones the winner” You say almost annoyed that he hadn’t been looking at you more. 
“I did look at the others, but there wasn’t much to look at with those” 
“Even if you did look at the others, what do you mean by there wasn't much to look at?” You ask, confused by what he means. 
“I mean those weren’t good enough for you, they didn’t suit you either, so this one really is the winner” He says almost sincerely, as if trying to pay you a compliment.
You can’t say anything to what he just said but you can feel your cheeks start to heat up a little bit and so you go back to the fitting room to take the dress and heels off before you go to pay for them. After leaving the shop Gun drops you back off at your home, saying that he has business to take care of and will see you at the event your father's hosting later that evening. 
You go into the house only to hear such an irritating voice coming from down the hall, it was Goo. You drop your bags in your room before going to look for the source of your sudden irritation. He was in your father’s study talking to him. You're about to walk away but hear the conversation between them both finish and then Goo walks out spotting you eavesdropping.
“Well well well…did ya have fun listening to the conversation princess?” He says sarcastically, knowing that him speaking to you is enough to get under your skin. But calling you princess however, he knows that will piss you off and it does. You scoff at him, not even saying a word before turning away until he speaks again. 
“Heyyyyy princess where are you going, lets talk for a bit” 
You stop walking when he says that only to turn and walk towards him. You get face to face with him, being a slight bit childish by putting your finger in his face before speaking to him.
“Stop talking to me and stop fucking calling me princess” You say angrily.
Goo starts to laugh which pisses you off and your anger bubbles over, you take your finger out of his face and go to slap him, but he just leans back and dodges it with ease.
“What was that for, I thought we were having a good conversation…princess” He says still smirking and lightly laughing while knowing that you're getting more and more pissed off.
“Fuck off dickhead” You say angrily, trying no to lash out again and turning around to walk away. But of course Goo couldn’t let you have the last word.
“Well either way i’ll see you later tonight” He says before putting his hands in his pockets and turning around to walk away.
You pause again while walking away to turn your head around to look at the yellow hair bastard that is now walking away from you. Again you scoff while you start to walk back to your room. 
You get back to your room and flop down on your bed laying on your back, hand over your face and thinking about your plan. After what’s just happened you don’t want to go through with it but you know that this is probably the only way to get Gun’s attention. 
But then your mind drifts back to the dress shop you were at earlier today, where Gun had hardly paid attention to you but complimented you in his own way. You start to think to yourself that this is a bad idea and that you don’t want to go through with it but at the back of your mind you know and you hate that you know this is the best opportunity you have to get Gun’s full attention on you, to get Gun to admit to himself that he might have any feelings at all towards you.
So even though you still think it’s a bad idea, all the thoughts that shoot through your mind get pushed aside with the realization that this is the only way to get Gun.
It was now time for your fathers event, you had got ready, done your hair, makeup, the works.
You were now ready to try and have a civil conversation with Goo, or at least try your best to. 
You leave your room taking in a deep breath and walk towards the main area of your home where the event is taking place. 
By this point your stomach is in knots, not only thinking about what is going to happen when you eventually ask Goo about fake dating each other, but also what Gun might think of you.
You make your way to the end of the hall, where you take one more deep breath in rounding the corner before inevitably facing all of your father colleagues, work associates and other personnel at the event. 
You notice a few faces in the crowd and they notice you, you flash a quick smile at each of them before scanning the room again and spotting Gun. 
Gun was talking to your father, presumably about the ‘business’ he had to take care of earlier that day. Out of ethics however, you decide to go over and say hi to your father before trying to find Goo.
You make your way over, then you watch as your father slightly motions for Gun to quiet down as you’re arriving. You didn’t really care what they were saying to each other, you just wanted to find Goo and ask him if he would help - God, you never thought for a million years you would be saying that to yourself. Goo, helping you. HA it was actually laughable. 
You swiftly say hi to your father, Gun as well and then make your way to scan the crowd in search of the yellow headed prick himself. Eventually you spot him. Spending time, talking to the women that are there. I mean you say spending, but it is Goo, so you never know if the women are talking to him willingly or if he’s just harassing them. 
Whichever one it was you make your way over. Hesitantly, given the circumstances that happened hours before, you speak.
“Goo can i talk to you for a minute” you say in the nicest way you possibly can given that you hate him.
Goo turned around in utter shock that you were even talking to him.
“Wait me!?” “As in me, me, Goo Kim me” he says in sheer disbelief.
“Yes, you, can we talk for a second…away from everyone” you said semi-whispering so nobody could hear. After all, you were embarrassed that you were talking to him, let alone asking him to talk away from open ears and prying eyes.
Both of you exit the busy room as business associates of your father are crowding around him, talking about their next ideas and how great of a business man your father has become.
Unbeknownst to both of you though Gun saw you both leave, thankfully however he didn’t bother to follow you both.
He just thought it was odd that the both of you, of all people, would be talking and leaving a room together.
You decide it would be a good idea to drag Goo into the most secluded place you can think of, at least when it was so busy with your fathers’ business associates - his office.
After the two of you are alone, regret starts to come over you and then follows guilt.
You start to question why you're doing this, not only to yourself but also to Gun, the person you like. 
That is until Goo opens that obnoxious mouth of his. That regret and guilt soon turns to anger with the next two sentences that leave his mouth.
“Sooooo…are we here because you want a secret rendezvous and you want me to be the lover in this equation” he pauses for a second.
“If so I’m not interested in doing that with a bitch like you” he says bluntly and then smiles.
Already you can sense that this was a bad idea and that you're also about to explode with anger that he could even be so bold as to say that to you.
But then again, this is Goo and you hate him anyways with how self-obsessed he always is.
You calm yourself down as best you can in the situation and somehow you plaster a fake smile on your face, that even Goo can tell is fake before saying your next few words.
“No, i can assure you that’s not what this is” you deadpan.
“Oh, then what is this?” he asks, now slightly curious about the circumstances.
So, hesitantly, you tell him about what's going on with Gun and your feelings towards him, leaving out the part about fake dating the bastard himself in front of you until you hear what he has to say about all of this first. 
After you’re done explaining you look at Goo, no reaction is evident upon his face until an insane smile comes across it and then hysterical laughter follows. 
You let him laugh all he wants and then he eventually calms down, after 5 minutes or so, but he does calm down and his laughing spell comes to an end.
That is until he abruptly says.
“So why am I here then?”
“I’m not just here because you wanted someone to confide your feeling to and even then I’m not the one you want to confess to”
He wasn’t wrong, not in the slightest.
You ponder for a moment , trying to convince yourself that this was a good idea but in no sense of this was it a ‘GOOD’ idea.
Putting your pride aside and leaving your last shred of dignity that you still have left after telling Goo all of this, that so-called ‘secret’ that you keep hidden away.
You shakily say. 
“Well Gun doesn’t see me as a romantic partner, so-”
 He cuts you off before you can say anything else.
“Yeah no shit, he doesn’t see anyone like that, what do you want me to do about-”
“SHUT UP” you screamed.
This time you cut him off before he could finish.
You steady your voice as best you could before continuing on with what you were saying, while also answering his question that you screamed in the middle of.
“What I want you to do is…fake date me in order to make Gun jealous”
The room goes silent, even though it’s just you and Goo in it to begin with.
Even at that moment you could have swore that Goo had even stopped breathing in order to keep quiet.
But the silence was broken by the yellow headed bastard laughing. 
Not just hysterically laughing like before, but kackling, almost as if he was mocking you through his laughter this time.
“That’s the dumbest idea i’ve ever heard and i’ve heard some pretty dumb ideas in my time”
You think for a second before calculating your response.
“I know it is, but if you think about it and I mean honestly think about it, what is there to lose?”
You pause and then continue, answering your own question while Goo just lets you speak.
“You hate Gun and like to annoy him, I want to make Gun jealous or annoyed or feel some, ANY,  type of emotion towards me - at least the kind that’s visible”
“You don’t have to say yes and even I know that it’s a stupid idea but come on, what wrong with giving it a try, we would both get something out of it”
“Even if you say no though…DON’T… TELL…GUN…”
You stop talking to let Goo speak, then you hear footsteps coming towards you.
Not from outside but from inside, you hadn’t realized it but at some point during your monologue you had closed your eyes and tilted your head down.
The footsteps stopped about an arms length away from you and that’s when you looked up and opened your eyes to see Goo with a sinister grin on his face.
With the room still silent and you being slightly terrified of what was about to come out of his mouth, you back up, just slightly to be a little ways away from Goo. 
He just continues to move forward with that sinister smile of his.
You both continued to do this thing, Goo moving forward, you moving backwards, still not saying a word to each other. 
The only way you could describe it, was as though it was a weird game of cat and mouse.
But in this equation it felt like predator and prey. 
That is until you came to a stop, you had hit your fathers desk that sat almost at the back of the room, so you knew that by this point Goo had won this frivolous game of whatever it was. 
After hitting the desk however, Goo didn’t stop coming towards you - No, in fact he continued until you and him were practically face to face. 
Enough room to where your lips weren’t touching but you could feel his breath on your face and then he finally spoke.
With that, he spun on his heel and left the office leaving you wondering what he meant by sure.
Sure he’ll fake date you. Sure he won’t say anything to Gun. Sure…sure…sure. It played through your mind, again and again and again. Sure. What did he mean?. 
He left wondering what he meant and all you could continue to do was play the entire conversation in your mind. 
Still just repeating that one word over and over in your head, sure.
You soon snapped back into reality wondering how long you had been thinking about what he said, you also had to wonder how long you had been gone from the event. 
Then your mind started racing again when this time you really did hear footsteps coming from outside of the room. 
The air around you felt heavy and thick. Almost like being crushed, due to the overwhelming anxiety that you could feel with each footstep getting closer and closer to the door. 
Eventually you snapped back into reality. Making a dash behind your father’s desk and sitting in his chair, legs crossed under the desk, elbows on the desk with your phone in hand trying to look busy and not like you just had an infuriating, yet confusing conversation.
Within a few seconds one of the doors swung open, you made it just in time and thank god you did because it was Gun. 
Gun looked confused at first, you however were worried at what he was confused about - Was it because you were behind your father’s desk? Was it because you were in your father’s office? Or was it because he saw Goo leave and now he’s seen you in here as well?.
Your mind raced with all the possibilities of what could be going through his mind, then he spoke and it was the one question you really didn’t want to hear.
“Was that Goo leaving here just now?” Gun asked in a stern yet confused manner.
“Actually yes, it was. Why do you ask?” You say somewhat smugly, yet anxious.
“I just never thought I would see the day when you and Goo would be talking, after all we both know how you feel about him.” Gun says in a monotone voice, now not sounding confused at all.
This was now your chance, your chance to see if he would react, your chance to see how far you could potentially push Gun.
You turned off your phone, putting it down next to a pile of papers and files on the desk. Then with the most sheepish grin you looked up at Gun and started to speak.
“Even if I do feel a certain way about Goo, why do you care if I see him or not. Hell this whole time I might have been pretending not to like him.” You spat. The words coming out as calmly yet as teasingly as you could make them.
Gun stood there expressionless, not saying a single word and not showing a single emotion, at least that was visible. After all, he still had his glasses on so you couldn’t see his eyes. 
But something felt off, more with Gun rather than anything. You thought that you had finally gotten a reaction out of him, but that’s not what it was. Someone was getting a reaction out of him but it wasn’t you. That's when you heard it, or rather heard him. Goo was laughing down the hallway, an audible cackle could be heard probably from miles away. 
Goo had heard the entire conversation that you and Gun were having. The only thing he could do was cackle at your little comment. 
You thought to yourself for a moment that this was the source of Gun's irritation and that off feeling you had and you would have been right, even though you wished it was your comment about Goo. But what you couldn’t predict was that the conversation between you and Gun, as well as his expressionless face, was going to change in a matter of seconds after what Goo had just opened his mouth and said.
What Goo said snapped you back into your conscious mind and it rang through your ears, like a blood curdling scream. Like the alarm you had to wake up to every morning. Like nails on a chalkboard or a fork running across a plate. Your confusion about what Goo meant earlier when he said ‘sure’ was gone within seconds and given that you came up with the idea in the first place, you just had to act like you knew it was coming when you heard it.
“Y’know she’s right, she really was pretending not to like me this whole time. Hell if you paid  closer attention to her, you would've known that we've been dating for about 2, no 3 months now.” That’s what Goo said, that’s why Gun’s expression changed after hearing it and that's what you had to play along with.
Gun now looked visibly irritated, glancing back and forth at you and Goo. Goo with that smug smirk of his and you with your now sheepish yet irritated grin. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. I mean come on who could?. You and Goo. Like he said, you both hated each other, at least that's what he thought.
The looks between you and Goo continued until Goo spoke again. “Come on, isn’t now the perfect time to tell him that we’re dating?” Goo said nonchalantly, almost trying to get a reaction out of both you and Gun.
“There is no way in hell, you both are going out with each other. Or as you say, ‘have been’ for the past 3 months like someone said.” Gun spoke in a sarcastic tone, looking directly at Goo when using the word someone and also using air quotes at the words have been.
Goo was away to speak when you stood up from behind the desk, cutting him off before a word could even leave his mouth.
“We actually have been and why are you so skeptical about it Gun?” You question, but also holding firm that you and Goo have had this ‘secret’ relationship going for the past few months. 
“Well, I just never thought that you two of all people would be a couple. But apparently I'm wrong.” Gun said in a now irritated voice.
“Guess you were.” You and Goo say in unison, looking at each other and giving each other a very odd small smile. Almost reassuring each other that, yes, you both were going to fake date each other and that, yes, you are definitely going to irritate Gun with this. 
Gun by this point was taken aback by what was transpiring in front of him, but still didn’t believe that yourself and Goo were dating. So that’s when he came up with a plan of his own. A plan that not even you thought about.
“Ok I’ll give you both the benefit of the doubt that you're actually going out with one another. But only if you kiss each other right now.” Gun said, smiling intently while looking back and forth between the both of you, to see and also to make sure that you both were in fact dating.
While Gun was looking between you both chuckling to himself because he knew that you both were not dating. Your mind started to swirl with what you could do to convince him.
Until your mind started to short circuit when you felt Goo’s lips press against your own. The kiss then stopped and Goo pulled back hugging you and whispered into your ear.
“Just go along with it” That's all he said and that’s exactly what you did.
Goo kept his arm around you and then moved beside you. This was the point that you could see Gun’s face and god do you wish you could take a picture of it. 
Gun stood there with his eyebrows raised and mouth slightly ajar, not knowing what to make of the situation, or potentially being too embarrassed to do anything. 
Of course, Goo had to break the silence. “Well get what you wanted?” He asked in an almost mocking tone. 
Gun cleared his throat and then spoke in a mocking tone to both of you but mainly Goo. “Well I guess you are going out, who would have thought”. 
With that he turned and left. As soon as Gun was no longer in sight you pushed Goo off with as much force as you could, hoping he would fall, but he didn’t.
“What the fuck was that!” You say in a loud whispered scream. 
“Didn’t YOU want this? Weren’t YOU the one to ask me to fake date YOU and if so why shouldn’t we kiss to prove OUR relationship, fake or not?” The very few words that Goo then spoke left you speechless because you knew he was right. You knew you couldn’t argue with him and he knew this as well. 
With that Goo left and you sat down, thinking and imagining what had just transpired and what was going to happen if this continued.
Either way you didn’t want to stick around at the party any longer and so you went to your room and slept.
The next morning you woke up before your alarm, got ready for the day and headed downstairs. Only to find that Goo and Gun were there with your father, speaking about something that seemed to be important.
You didn’t want to interrupt and as quietly as you could, you tried to tip-toe past them as they were sitting in the living room talking. Unbeknown to you however, you were the main topic of conversation and they did in fact see you, but didn’t call over to you.
You could feel the conversation stop, even only for a moment as you passed. Then as you entered the kitchen, you could hear the conversation pick back up to what it was like before. 
You subconsciously shut the door to the kitchen, not wanting to be rude and eavesdrop anymore than you tried to do yesterday (which obviously didn’t end well) and made some cereal for yourself. You sat at the island to let the conversation die before even thinking about going back to your room. 
The conversation however, didn’t die down, instead it got more heated. You could hear your father scream at Gun, then pause, then all his anger turned to Goo. You didn’t know what he was angry at, you could only assume that Goo did something stupid like he always did, and he pissed off your father to the max this time, but only if you knew what was really happening.
You looked at your phone to see what time it was, 9:48am. By this point you had finished eating, rinsed out the bowl, put it in the dishwasher and done a few other mundane tasks that you didn’t have to do, but done to kill time.
The conversation had been going since about 9:12am, potentially longer since you remember coming downstairs at that point. You gave yourself another 15 minutes or so before going back through the chaos. 
Then at 9:51am, your father called for you, anger clear in his voice. You didn’t know why, but you only assumed that it had something to do with Goo. You also assumed that the conversation was over and he was just calling you out, still stressed, to have a regular father daughter conversation. 
You made your way out of the kitchen eagerly to hopefully find out what was going on, or at least get a hint about what happened and you hoped that you could calm your father, even just a small amount. You always hated talking to your father when he was stressed or angry because you felt like you were getting the back end of what happened, but he always apologized to you, saying he didn’t mean it which you knew.
You still left eagerly, walking and contemplating what had happened and wondering how you could console your father this time, or what the conversation was going to be like. Until you saw Gun still sitting on the couch and Goo standing up somewhat defensively with his arms folded across his chest.
You looked from Gun, to Goo, to your father and saw that all of them were looking back at you. Gun looking stoic, yet smug. Goo looking amused as always, but at the same time, almost worried?. And your father looking at you with anger and hurt, almost as though he felt betrayed.
“What’s going on, is everything ok?” you ask.
“Please, sit” Your father said, in what you knew to be his angry voice, while he still tried to keep his cool.
You did as he asked and sat on the chair that was opposite Goo, facing your father, Gun visible at the right side of your peripheral.
“Again, what’s going on?” You ask, still confused.
Your father, still ignoring what you ask then says - “Goo, sit down as well please” practically commanding the room at this point. Goo, not wanting to anger your father further, does just that and sits.
Then your father starts the conversation, eventually answering your question almost immediately and you're shocked by what he asks and also how he found out so quickly.
“Is it true that yourself and Goo are in a…relationship?” Your father practically spat those words at you. Almost like he wanted to stab Goo and send you to your room, telling you not to come out until he permitted it. 
You look at your father in shock, again not believing how he found out so quickly. Then looking at Goo to see he was staring straight at you with a death stare. Not the kind of, I hate you one, that you're used to from him. But the kind that immediately sends chills down your spine, a way more accurate representation of a death stare. The kind that says, you caused this situation and I want to kill you, kind of death stare.
You look back at your father, fearful now of what was to come, not being able to say yes or no. But you were able to ask a question that almost confirmed what he was saying, fake relationship or not. “Who told you” was all you said.
“Gun did and thank god he did”
“Why is it so bad if she is going out with me?” Goo questions. While you just stare directly at Gun in shock.
“There is nothing wrong with you, but I don’t want you going out with my daughter” Your father says back. All while you just sit in silence looking directly at Gun, now giving him the same death stare as Goo had just given you.
Gun then chimes into the conversation, but mainly aiming the words directly at you. “I thought it would be best if your father knew what was happening between the both of you, after all I do still need to keep you safe” He says.
“And thank you for telling me Gun, you did the right thing here” Your father says, now somewhat calm at this point.
Gun just bows his head slightly, in a manner that’s clear to everyone to say that he doesn’t want to converse anymore, but also to say, you’re welcome, to your father.
“Even if I am going out with Goo, what’s so wrong about it?” You say, before you even realize that you were speaking again.
You could see that Goo was shocked by this, that you were somewhat…standing up for him?. Your father doesn’t say anything and instead just looks at you in surprise.
“Wasn’t it only yesterday that you hated Goo? And now you're in a relationship with him” Your father asks, as though he was surprised by the revelation that’s happening before him. That you might really be in a relationship with Goo.
You stay quiet for a moment. Then you quickly think back to the conversation yesterday between Goo, Gun and yourself. Realizing that Goo had said you both have been together for 3 months. 
Before you spoke you could see Goo getting ready to say something. Not sure what he was about to say, potentially that you both WEREN’T dating. You started speaking before he could even say one word. 
“Dad, we’ve been going out for 3 months already. I didn’t want to tell you because I was worried how you would react and clearly I was right in thinking that. We kept up the hating act because it was easier that way and it still does somewhat represent how we are with each other, even now. But please just accept it” You say this, not even recognising how sincere and calm that came across. Also while thinking you could be a great actress. 
Everyone now looked at you surprised, but the one person you looked at first wasn’t your father and it certainly wasn’t Gun at this moment in time. It was Goo and he was staring back at you in shock, but what also felt like appreciation for standing up for him.
The conversation continued for what felt like another 40 minutes, but was probably only 5. As your father continued to say that he wasn’t happy with what was going on, but would allow it as long as you were ‘happy’. 
He may or may not have threatened Goo about 10 or so times in the process, but allowed the “relationship” to continue as is. But by that point you had withdrawn yourself from the conversation that was happening before you, so many thoughts racing through your mind. But, there were two that were constantly sticking out at you. 
The first being that Gun might actually be getting jealous. Jealous enough to go to your father. Sure he might say it’s because it’s his duty to protect you, but you could sense that wasn’t the case.
And the second being that you couldn’t shake the feeling that dating Goo, fake or not, might not be such a bad thing. It might actually be fun…nice even?.
After everything that just happened, you went back to your room, not speaking to anyone after everything was said and done. The only thing you did was check the time on your phone to see how long you had been, 11:37am. It had been almost 2 hours that you were stuck there. 2 hours that you had to listen to your father, but thinking back it must have been longer for Goo and Gun.
You sat in your room for another hour or so to wrap your head around everything, before it all felt suffocating. You wanted to get out, you needed to get out and so you did just that.
You left the house as quietly as you could, not wanting to alarm your father or have Gun trail behind you. You just wanted to be alone and so that’s what you were going to do.
You noted the time on your phone again, 1:03pm and then you told yourself that you would be back before 4pm so as to not alarm anyone. Or at least so you thought.
As time went on and you were just aimlessly walking about to clear your head, while also continuously looking down at your phone to check the time over and over again, you heard a noise.
You didn’t think much of it because you knew better than to poke your nose into other peoples business. Hell, think about what your father did for a living. Basically controlling Goo and Gun, having them take down powerful fighters, while your father hid in the shadows and took down some of his own business associates. You didn’t want to get involved in that, at least not anytime soon if you could help it.
You walked a slight bit faster until the noise was no longer there. You were relieved, then you just walked aimlessly again. 
After hearing the noise and getting a bit freaked out, you lost track of time. It had been 3:13pm when you last looked and much like you said to yourself, you had to be back by 4pm so as to not raise concern. 
By the time you remembered that fact, you had probably walked around another 3 miles or so. Rather than worry by this point, you broke your rule and just continued to walk, until you were in Seoul.
It had taken about 5 hours to walk to Seoul, even though it should have only taken about an hour, but you didn’t mind. The walk cleared your head and you could just text your father and say you were in Seoul if he asked. 
By this point you realized that it was 6:37pm when you had gotten to Seoul. So what better time than to go eat, and potentially go look for some things to buy?. 
You went and got some Samgyeopsal (Korean BBQ) and decided that after this you would go window shopping just so you could stay out of the house a little longer. Obviously not wanting to get scolded for running out of the house. But also because of the lecture that would follow the scolding about how ‘reckless’ you had been for leaving in the first place with nobody (Gun) to protect you.
Either way you ate while also swallowing down some guilt as well as anger. Even though the walk was a good way for you to clear your head, you also realized how forthcoming your father was and how overprotective he was. Sure he had his reasons, but you just realized how smothering that started to feel today. 
After the meal you did exactly what you had in mind, window shopping. You started to walk around again feeling happy that you had a meal and also had time to think and forget certain things.
Another look at your phone as you were walking about revealed the time to be 7:36pm. It would be getting dark in about 30 minutes and so with this in mind, you decided to head for the subway so that you could hopefully be back before dark. Even though you would have an earful from your father, you figured that with a talk, he would understand your reasons for wanting to leave for a little while.
Before you could reach the subway though, it started to rain. You tried to run but almost slipped and with no umbrella you were getting soaked. You decided to go buy one but to no avail, all of them at the nearest shop had been sold out within minutes of the rain starting. 
So you decided to wait, at least until it calmed down a little, but it didn’t. The rain just continued to pour down and get heavier. Your clothes by this point had become weapons against you. The drenched pieces of fabric had become so wet in the few minutes that it had taken you to run to the shop to find an umbrella, that now they were clinging to your skin. Making you almost freeze with every gust of wind or even slight breeze that came your way.
At this point you knew you didn’t have a choice but to run to the subway if you wanted to get home quickly. So you ran, attempting not to slip while running, which you almost failed a few times, but you still made it to the subway in a matter of a few minutes. 
To your dismay though, as soon as you looked at the announcements board displaying the trains, times and where they were going to, each of them read delayed. Over and over you read that word, worrying now that you would need to call your father and have him or someone come and get you. 
Even though you knew you would be in trouble for having left without a word or also having left without having a so-called “bodyguard” by your side, you figured there was no other way of getting home tonight.
Until you remembered something. Goo lived in an apartment just outside the center of Seoul. You could make it there in about 10 minutes if you wanted to and it would save the lecture. You could say to your father that you were just staying at a friend's house and that had been where you were the entire day.
You didn’t know why you hadn’t thought about that idea before now. But then again until last night, which was now about a day ago, technically 2 days ago if you counted separate days on a callander, you didn’t really have a conversation with Goo, at least not a civilized one.
With this in mind though, you thought to yourself about how it would be fine, that Goo would let you in, at least for the night, right?. Either way you didn’t really have a choice. Because as soon as you picked up your phone and pressed the call button on the contact that was named ‘Father’, you needed to stay.
Your father answered and you explained everything, about how it was all too much this morning, about how you needed to get out of the house and about where you were right now. 
To say he was mad would be an understatement, yet he also understood where you were coming from. He apologized and you did the same. Then you brought up that you were going to stay at a friend’s house for the night. That you were only doing this to get some time away and he didn’t question you. 
He asked if you needed anything, to which you told him you didn't and you would buy anything if you needed it. He told you that was fine, apologized one last time and with that the phone call ended. Now you knew had no choice but to go to Goo’s apartment.
You started walking through the rain that was still pouring down, not caring about an umbrella by this point. You just wanted to get somewhere warm and that was hopefully where you were going right now.
After walking about 5 minutes, you looked up at his apartment building that was standing tall just outside the center of Seoul. While doing this you were glad that at some points you did listen to the idiot while he was talking, otherwise you wouldn’t have known about him living so close to where you currently were. 
You were also happy that you were almost there. Excited almost. Maybe due to this being one of the most ‘rebellious’ things you’ve done especially in recent years - but oh well, you needed to get out even for one night.
After another 7 minutes, and getting slightly lost trying to find the entrance, you eventually made it. You were outside his apartment building, getting ready to walk inside. You took a breath and did just that. 
Security was looking at you as if you didn’t belong there. I mean you couldn’t blame them. Soaking wet hair, clothes that were now stuck to your body and dripping water all over the floor. Yeah - you couldn’t blame them for thinking that.
Either way you walked past slightly nervous, while also trying to crack a joke about how wet it was outside. But to no avail, there wasn’t even a small chuckle from any of them, not even the receptionist. 
You continued on, trying to look like you knew where you were going so nobody would question you. You got into the elevator with no questions asked, but distasteful staring looking your way as you were leaving wet footprints on the marble as you walked through the lobby. 
In the elevator you clicked 2 floor buttons that you thought his apartment could be on, the first being the 14th floor and the second being the 16th. In your mind, you thought that if those floors weren’t where his apartment was then it had to be the 15th. When the doors opened up on the 14th floor, you knew that this wasn’t the right floor when the apartments didn’t look “expensive” enough - at least not for Goo. 
You then reached the 16th floor where all of the penthouse apartments were and then you knew you were right with at least one of your three guesses. 
Penthouse apartment number 113, that was his. You remembered because anything with the number 13 always stuck in your head for some odd reason. You stepped out, not knowing if someone else would see you and judge you even more than the security or receptionist had when you arrived. 
There was no one. You breathed a sigh of relief and started to walk to his door, rehearsing what you could say to persuade him to let you into his home. 
Then it hit you, what if he wasn’t there?. What if he was out? What if your father had called ahead and warned him that you might be coming, that he would then come and get you if you showed up at Goo’s?.
No, you had to clear your mind. Plus you also told your father that you would be staying at a friend’s house, so why would he question you.
You arrived in front of his door, it was almost obnoxious as Goo himself. Gold outlines of vines spewed across the matt black door. A gold doorbell at the side of his door, along with a gold door knocker with a wolf’s face on it?. 
You looked disgustingly at the door knocker, but again this was Goo’s apartment you thought, so this was normal. He liked money and even though he didn’t like spending it all that often, when he did, he really went all out on expensive things. But then again money can’t always buy taste…clearly.
By this point you had enough courage to ring the doorbell and so you did. Ring… wait…nothing. Ring…wait…nothing. Ring…wait…nothing.
In that instant your fear was coming to life. He wasn’t there. What were you going to do now?. Go back into the rain?. Try to call a friend at 8:13pm and hope that their parents would let you stay with, well, nothing for one night just because you didn’t want to go home and was too stubborn to let your father have someone drop things off?.
You thought for another minute and then gave the bell one last ring, hoping that he was in. Ring…wait…nothi - in that moment the door slammed open, revealing Goo with no glasses on, his hair and body just as wet as yours and a towel wrapped around his waist. 
He was in the shower. That’s why he wasn’t answering. Goo clicked his fingers in your face a few times before you snapped back from your thoughts and then he spoke.
“My eyes are up here princess” he said with a slight bit of sarcasm, adding the nickname that you hated for good measure. 
“Huh?” You muttered confused.
“What too shy to admit that you’ve wanted to see my abs all this time, that’s ok, here you go” Goo said with all the flirtiness and sarcasm he could muster. 
You let out a sigh along with a small chuckle, before you spoke again.
“Listen Goo, I’m not here for you I… I need a place to stay tonight, so can I stay here?” You say with a hint of sadness in your voice.
Goo looks at you for a moment before the smile tugging on his lips, drops to a straight line . Then without another word he moves aside, letting you in. No questions, no snarkiness, nothing, just Goo purely showing kindness.
You walk inside taking in all the expensive furniture. The dark wallpaper and paint, with accents of blue, gold and silver in different parts of the house. It was a bit different from what you had expected, especially for Goo. I mean he always wears bright colors.
The door shuts and then you hear a lock click into place. Much like when the door slammed open, the door locking snapped you out of your train of thought. 
You turn to Goo, then just stare because you don't know what to say. You expected him to put up more of a fight. To question you on why you were here. Hell, you even expected him not to be here or even for him not to let you inside. But this scenario, you didn’t plan for. You hadn’t even thought it was a possibility. Goo saying a few sarcastic and flirtatious comments like he always did, even while being an ass and then letting you in when you said you needed a place to stay for the night. This was not something you were expecting - you didn’t expect kindness from him at all.
Without a second thought in Goo’s mind, he breaks the silence. “Well my showers been ruined now and clearly you’ve already had a shower. But not a very hot one I'm assuming?”
With another slight chuckle leaving your lips and Goo then smiling again, the tension is then gone between you both. You both just laugh until there is a breeze and you shiver. Goo takes note of this and grabs your wrist, leading you to the bathroom, not saying a word.
“What are you doing?” You ask.
Goo doesn’t say anything but hands you a towel and then leaves for a moment. He then returns with one of his shirts and a pair of sweatpants. He hands them to you without saying anything else, while grabbing the ones that were already in the bathroom and throwing them outside onto a nearby sofa, nicely taking his glasses in his hand and then grabbing the door handle. 
As he’s leaving, that's when he finally speaks. “Go in the showers and change before you catch a cold”. With that the door shuts. You lock it and then hear rustling on the outside of the door, presumably Goo changing. But then you take into account how kind he’s being. 
You reiterate to yourself about how, technically, it’s only been 2 days since the both of you have started to talk civilly to one another and how in those 2 days, so much has happened.
You’ve had multiple conversations, started to fake date, Gun then found out almost immediately, you’ve kissed, Gun told your father, your father lectured you, screamed at you and Goo, you stood up for Goo and then that same day you walked to his apartment in the rain needing a place to stay for the night. Now you're in his bathroom, in his house, getting ready to shower and staying the night. 
How all of this has happened you have no idea and you don’t really want to know, or rather, you don’t want to admit that this is all your doing, just to get Gun’s attention. But now thinking about how you might have his attention, you’re not that bothered. 
Instead, right here, right now, in Goo’s bathroom, you care more about what he will think of you when you walk out. You care more about what the supposed ‘yellow haired bastard’ thinks of you rather than the person you have been fascinated about for years, and you don’t know what to make of it.
You get out of the shower and put on Goo’s clothes. Tying the waistband of the sweatpants as far as they can go so they won’t fall off of you, and trying to sit the shirt across your shoulders but to no avail as it keeps slipping down your left shoulder. 
You sigh and realize that there is no hairbrush for you to comb your hair and that there also isn’t a toothbrush for you. Although thinking any of these thoughts isn’t exactly helping your case, considering you did show up at his house unannounced. 
You tidy the bathroom as best you can before leaving and going to find Goo to ask if he has a spare toothbrush and hairbrush that you could use while you're here. However, once you leave the bathroom the house seems oddly quiet.
You shout out to Goo to ask him the questions, but no response. You wonder if this is the part of your earlier thoughts where your father comes through the door and takes you home. But again you say to yourself that he doesn’t know you're here, he thinks you're at a friend's house. Either way, you don't have a choice but to wait and see what happens. So you sit on his sofa and go on your phone.
Another 15 minutes goes by and then Goo comes through the door, almost tripping on himself, until you see he’s holding some bags. Goo looks up and sees that you’re out of the shower. Meanwhile, you're looking at him trying to not laugh as he did almost fall over. Then you take in his appearance, only for a few seconds. His hair is still wet but neat enough and he’s in regular no name brand clothes with his glasses on. 
Trying to ignore that he almost fell, he nonchalantly takes off his shoes and hands you one of the two bags. With a gesture of his head, you know that this is somehow his way of saying ‘open it’ and so you do just that.
Inside the bag is everything you might need to stay at his place for a night, or by the looks of things, maybe more. There’s a hairbrush, toothbrush, some makeup wipes, hair ties, deodorant, everything that you might need and more. You’re left speechless. 
But it doesn’t end there, Goo motions for another bag, the bag he almost tripped on. You pick it up and see that it’s another regular black bag, as if he also got it from the convenience store. In this bag though is clothes. Some luxury brands sit in the bag like Dior and Saint Laurent and then some regular clothes like a plain black hoodie and ripped blue jeans. 
You look at Goo in shock, complete and utter shock. Clearly it was evident on your face and he realized that because he spoke, in a calm yet unconcerned tone. 
“I know you said you needed a place to stay for tonight, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to buy a few things in case you’re in this…predicament again”. He then stopped speaking for a few seconds and added onto the initial sentence. 
“Also I'll be invoicing you for the clothes. They were expensive after all”. You pause for a second to look at him and he’s entirely serious. By this point you can’t help but laugh uncontrollably, he does the same after seeing you practically doubled over. But he also reiterates that he’s in fact entirely serious about invoicing you. 
You don’t fight him, instead you transfer the money that he asks for because you didn’t want to hear him complain if it came to that. Once all was said and done, you both sat down, not saying a word, rather you both soaked up the silence. The odd thing was, the silence wasn’t eerie, rather it was tranquil and you both could feel it. You sat like that for a good few minutes before Goo finally asked the question that you would rather not answer, at least for tonight. 
“So why are you here?”
“Well, I needed time away and given everything that happened today I think it’s only fitting that I come and stay at my ‘boyfriends’ house, don’t you think?” You say jokingly, trying to avoid the question, while also answering it and trying to sound lighthearted. 
“True, very true. I mean what type of ‘boyfriend’ would let their ‘girlfriend’ spend a night out on the streets, especially when there’s a downpour, even if they might have wanted them to” 
You look at Goo after he speaks, registering the last part of his sentence. Then he laughs and you join him. You both continue to talk, not about your father, not about what happened today, but just talk. It started with the weather, then how you got here and about why Goo went out and bought you clothes and such. Then the conversation turned to your feelings, more specifically about Gun. 
“Listen, I get that you have this weird fascination with Gun. But of all people to choose from to date, HIM!?” Goo says in a confused and mocking way. 
Feeling a sense of  deja vu, you try to steer away from the topic but he keeps coming back round to it. Eventually you think Goo is done when he gets up, but instead he comes back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. 
You look at him with a disappointed look on your face given you're both underage, but you feel like you need it and you figure that your father would be fine with it even if he did find out, since he does give you drinks at home. So once the bottle is open and there’s a half full glass that's being handed to you, you oblige and take it from Goo. 
You swirl the glass around a few times before taking a drink, it’s not as bitter as other red wines you’ve had and so you pick up the bottle. Black raspberry. Huh, at least Goo has good taste.
You put the bottle back down and take another sip, then your mind slips back to the earlier conversation about Gun. You take one last sip and then you start to speak. 
“I guess the fascination comes from the fact that Gun understands me. I don’t know how to explain it, but he does. I don’t like that he does, but then again he has been with me for so long that I can’t exactly deny the obvious. There’s also him being, well…mysterious I guess. You’ve both been with me and my father for so long that I can’t help but wonder about him, about what he was like in Japan. I mean I know some bits and pieces but nothing substantial. I don’t think anyone knows about Gun’s past fully apart from my father and some people that came to Korea to kill him for what he’s done to them. I think that’s why, but who knows really” You say this and turn to Goo, he’s leaning forward, attentively listening to every word you’re saying and you appreciate it. 
“Again, true, but what about me?” Goo asks.
“Huh?” You say confused about what he's asking.
“I mean much like you said, ME and Gun have been with you and your father for so long now, so aren’t you curious about me, or is it just Gun?” Goo asks, as if trying to pry some of your feelings out on what you think about him. 
For some reason with that question, you feel your heart start to race slightly. You ignore it and start to think. You think about what you’re going to say, if you’re going to tell him what you’re thinking right now, if you’re going to stretch the truth a little, or, if you’re going to lie to him. You have another sip of your wine, sigh, and then settle on telling him the truth.
“Sure, I've been curious about you as well, but not as much as Gun. It’s also not like I could have asked you this and that about yourself though. I mean we hated each other and I think partially we still do. We have this whole bargain, fake dating thing going on obviously. Which we each get benefits out of. You piss off Gun, I get his attention and also see if he might have at least some feelings for me. But it’s not like we actually care about each other. I mean we never have really. From the time that we first met each other, we’ve just never..clicked. At least I don’t think we have. I also honestly think that in the past 2 days, we’ve spoken more to each other than in the past 2 almost 3 years that we’ve known each other. It’s funny though. I mean thinking back, I don’t think there was ever a time when we were in the same proximity and didn’t argue. Yet right now, we're sitting down, having a drink, while also holding a regular open and honest conversation with one another. It’s a miracle if you really think about it”. 
After saying everything you think about Goo and your relationship with him, you feel some sort of weight lift from your shoulders. As if this has been burdening you for a while and you're glad it’s out now. You look up from the wine glass to see that Goo is still looking at you and listening to you so attentively. Then he speaks.  
“What if this entire time, I've never hated you?” 
You continue to look at Goo but this time it’s with confusion. You both stare at each other for what feels like hours, but you know it’s only been about 20 seconds. Goo then breaks the silence first.
“Don’t look at me like that”
“Don’t look at you like what. Like you didn’t just say that you’ve never hated me? Also, what do you even mean by that? You mean you’ve never hated me ever, even when I was a bitch to you or you’ve never hated me because you…”
You stall with the last thing that you’re about to say because you’re not sure if you want to know the answer to it. Goo looks at you as if forming his answer, but then he just starts to speak his mind. Or at least what you think is him speaking his mind, but then again this is Goo, he always says what he’s thinking. 
“What I mean when I say I've never hated you is that, well, I've never hated you. I can’t explain it, I just never have. I think it’s because you’re so easy to rile up that even when you are a bitch, it’s fun. You speak the truth, try and hit me, obviously I dodge with ease and you just gradually get more and more pissy, which in turn makes it even more fun. It's a constant cycle you see” Goo says this with so much conviction and pleasure in his voice that you think he’s getting a kick out of it. Almost as if at this very moment he’s trying to piss you off. 
You just continue to look at Goo with a little less confusion now, but more annoyance rather than anything else. Goo just looks at you and starts to laugh because he knows that he’s got you annoyed. Which makes you even more annoyed.
“You know it really is easy to piss you off” Goo says while trying to stifle his laughter. 
“Oh fuck off” You say as you’re gradually getting more angry.
“What, it is. It’s not my fault it’s easy, that part is kinda on you” 
“You know how you just said that you’ve never hated me?” You say lacing it with a hint of snarkiness.
“Yes?” Goo says confused.
“Well I can’t say the same thing about you” You say this with all the snarkiness and pettiness you can muster. 
“Oh come on, don’t be like that” Goo says sarcastically.
“Oh yeah and why shouldn’t I be like this?” You say, snapping back at him.
“Because you’re just proving my point” 
You know that you can’t argue with him anymore because he’s right. You will be proving his point if you continue to argue with him and get even more snappier. But the thing is that right now you are proving his point. Even the way that you just spoke to him proves his point and you hate that he’s right. 
“Also what were you going to say?” Goo asks you.
“What was I going to say, when?” You ask.
“When you were asking me what I mean when I said I didn’t hate you”
You just look at Goo confused because you’ve already forgotten the conversation with Goo being such a pain. Goo then sighs and speaks again.
“Y’know, the part where you trailed off. “Or you’ve never hated me because you…”. Y’know that part?” Goo questions, but the only thing you can think of is how he just tried to mimic your voice. You’re slightly annoyed but at the same time you also try not to laugh at him. But then you remember what you were going to say after that last part.
“OH, that was nothing, just ignore that last part” You say now getting slightly flustered by what you thought.
Goo just looks at you, his brows furrowed as if he’s saying that’s bullshit and you know it. But you’re not about to tell him the truth and you’re sure as hell not going to tell him that you were thinking that he might…like you. That thought has to be burned out of your brain immediately. Goo just nods his head and then doesn’t speak of it again. 
You both finish your glasses of wine, not saying a word to one another. Eventually Goo gets up and you think he’s going to pour you both another glass, but instead he walks upstairs. You assume he’s going to bed and that he’s leaving you to fend for yourself. Selfish asshole. But then Goo emerges with a blanket and a few pillows. 
“I’m tired so I'm going to bed. You take the bed, it’s upstairs, first door on the left. I’ll take the sofa” Goo says.
You’re not entirely sure what to make of it. He’s letting you take the bed and he’s the one taking the sofa, after you show up unannounced. That doesn’t seem right.
“No it’s ok. I'll take the sofa, I mean I am the one who just turned up” You say sarcastically. Goo laughs at your statement, but then proceeds to usher you off the sofa as he lays down the pillows and the blanket and lays down. 
“I did just say that I would take the couch. I mean I'm pretty sure you heard me say it right?” You question Goo because his actions are surprising you even more now. 
“Yup I heard you. But I just didn’t care enough to go back upstairs. Anyway, off you go, go to bed” The way that Goo says this makes you feel little. Not little as if you feel beneath him, but little as if you're a little kid again and you don’t like it.
“Goo seriously. You're really annoying me now. I told you I'll take the sofa, you go back up to bed. It’s your apartment so I'm fine with it, just go” Your words come off frosty, which is what you were intending. But as you're walking towards him getting ready to yank the blanket back and push him off the sofa if need be, he turns, just as your about to do so.
“I told you take the bed”
“And I told you no” 
You’re standing over Goo now, arms folded over your chest. You do feel as if you're being a little child at this moment. But in all honesty, you’re not letting Goo have the couch because you would feel bad.
“Fine” Goo says after about 10 seconds or so of you standing in front of him. 
“Good” You say somewhat feeling accomplished that you’ve now won the argument. But Goo doesn’t get up. 
“Are you getting up?” You question. But before he even gives you an answer, you’re pulled down onto the sofa next to Goo. 
“What are you doing!” You yell.
“All I said was fine. I never said I was going to go to bed. But you were adamant about having the sofa. So now you’ve got the sofa” You shiver at his words because he’s right behind you, whispering in your ear. Holding onto your waist as he’s speaking. 
“But…” Is all you can say before Goo grumbles into the back of your neck. You don’t want to move because you wouldn’t feel as if you won. And I mean technically you hadn’t won, but you still got the sofa, right?.
You’re not sure how long you had been lying for now, but you gather it had been a while. Goo still had an arm slung around your waist, but his breathing was steady now. He was asleep. You were just lying there. Still as can be. 
You tried not to move too much because you didn’t want to be cuddling up with Goo. At the rate it was going though, there would only be 2 options. Either you cuddle up with Goo and somewhat still “win” the argument you both had, or you could go to his bed. 
You tried to crane your head to see Goo as best you could. What you saw was Goo face, peaceful as could be. You didn’t think you would ever see Goo this peaceful in his life. But yet here he was. Eyes closed, his long eyelashes visible, hair messy, no glasses and looking so peaceful.
You turned back around and did what you didn’t want to do. But you also didn’t want to disturb his sleep. So, you back your way up just slightly until you felt your back hit his chest. That was when you heard him mumble again. 
You weren’t sure if he was awake, but either way you still kept quiet. Then you felt his arms. Instead of there being one arm just slung around your waist, there was now 2. One underneath your waist, holding you tightly and the other also now holding you tightly. 
Goo then pulled you even closer to him. So close that the only thing you could think of was him. How nice it felt to be so close to him. How you both fit together so well, almost like a piece of a puzzle and how nice he smelt. 
Then without you meaning to. You put your hands on top of his. Grabbing onto his arms and locking yours in place. Then you laid your head down on one of the pillows, ready to fall asleep. 
But you felt Goo graze the back of your neck with his nose, it made you giggle because it tickled slightly. Then you felt him kiss the back of your neck, before he spoke in a raspy i’m just up voice. “Goodnight” Was all he said but that made your heart skip a beat. 
You kept your eyes open for a few more minutes just processing what had happened. But with the warmth you were feeling and not wanting to think about anything else until tomorrow, you shut your eyes and fell asleep.
You wake up with a slight headache, but what really draws your attention is that you feel breath on your face. You eventually open your eyes and see that you’re face to face with Goo. You don’t know what to do, but you think back to last night and then it clicks. You fell asleep after he kissed the back of your neck and told you goodnight and you both fell asleep.
You think about what to do and while you’re doing so, you’re frightened by a voice. 
“Good morning” Goo says to you in a raspy voice and it reminds you of what he sounded like last night. 
“Morning” You say back to him. 
Goo then slowly opens his eyes and you’re just staring right at him when his eyes do open. You wonder if he’g he's going to say something, but nothing leaves his mouth. He just stares back at you, while you stare at him.
There’s something in his eyes that you can’t quite place. You think it might be confusion or perhaps regret. But Goo doesn’t say anything. He just continues to stare with that something being present in his eyes. 
“So are we going to get up or are we just going to lay down and look awkwardly at each other?” You question Goo on the matter. Partially to break the tension, but mostly because you’re so close to him. 
“Uh yeah, yeah” Goo says back to you. But when he says this to you his voice almost sounds sad. After hearing him say yes though, you waste no time in getting out of his grip and getting up from the safe. After doing that you look at the wine glasses and bottle. Now you remember why you woke up with a headache.
You pick up the glasses and bottle as Goo is just continuing to stare. Like fully STARE at you. You feel like if he could stare harder and potentially cause a hole to form through you, he would do it. 
Either way, you do your best to ignore him and clean up. Which you do. But it’s mostly to keep yourself distracted from the awkwardness. After cleaning, you practically do your morning routine. Brushing your hair, brushing your teeth, getting something to eat. 
You’re doing the last part of your routine while Goo is still on the sofa just looking at you. You don’t know why he’s staring at you but it’s starting to annoy you. But even though it’s starting to annoy you, you can’t help but feel giddy that he’s staring at you so much. 
You start to make breakfast with what Goo has in his fridge, he doesn’t have much but you can make do. You shout back to Goo asking if he wants anything and he just responds with “Whatever you're having”. So you make 2 omelets.
Once you finish making them you take both plates and go back to the sofa, handing one to Goo as you pass. But you don’t sit on the sofa, you sit on the floor, which garners a what are you doing look from Goo.
“What are you doing?” Goo asks. Yup, it was a what are you doing look. 
“Sitting and eating” You say back.
“That doesn’t explain why you’re on the floor” 
“Because I wanted to sit on the floor” You say back to him sarcastically. 
“Why?” Goo asks, confused.
 “Because, why not?” 
Goo just sighs and starts eating. So you do the same. Both of you finish and then Goo gets up and takes the plates. But you feel as if there is a specific conversation that needs to be had. You’re just not sure which conversation that is going to be yet.
After breakfast Goo went and did his normal routine, or at least what you expect to be his normal routine. Finally, he sits down. Before you even think about what conversation needs to be had, he speaks.
“So, are you going back today?” Goo asks.
“Back home?” You say back to him. 
“Why?” Goo questions, as if he’s expecting you to stay another day.
“Why?” You question back.
“Yes, why?” Goo questions again.
“Because I should probably go back home” You say back to him.
“But didn’t you come here to get away?. I mean seriously. One day and that’s enough for you?” Goo questions again.
Sure you needed to get away, but you were only going to be gone for one night. More importantly though, is Goo asking you to stay?.
“I mean I did get away right?”
“Yes, you did”
“Ok, so we’ve clarified that I got away”
“That we have”
“Ok great. So why are you being so pushy on me staying here another night. I mean do you want me to stay?” 
“Yes” Goo says matter-of-factly.
Well you weren’t expecting that. I mean you liked the honesty, but wow, that caught you by surprise. You think about it for a moment. I mean could you really stay away for another night?. You told your father that you were only going to be gone for the night. What would he say if you were staying out another night?. 
You think and think. Mainly thinking about what your father would say and then you think about the fact that Goo actually wants you to stay another night. Once you’ve cleared your thoughts you pick up your phone and walk away from Goo. You click on the same contact that you clicked on last night. Father. Then you press call again.
This time he doesn’t pick up after the first call, so you call again. Then he picks up. 
“Hi, how are you this morning?. Do you need a car to come and pick you up?” Your father says from the other end of the phone. You’re quiet for a moment and in that moment you look at Goo. He’s just staring back at you. The look on his face is that of confusion and uncertainty, but you think he knows what you’re doing. 
“Hi. I’m fine dad and no the car won’t be necessary. I’m..uh…I’m going to stay another night with my friends, maybe even two. I hope that’s ok?” You say to your father. Your voice hushed so that Goo couldn't hear. 
Your father sighs. This is your way of knowing that your father isn’t happy that you're staying over again but he’s going to let you and sure enough he did. The call ended and the only thing he asked of you, was that you call him every morning and night. You agreed and so that was that. You were going to stay with Goo another night. Possibly 2. 
You went back over and sat down - this time on the sofa.
“Well, looks like I’m stuck here again” You say to Goo playfully as you lay your head down on the back of the sofa. Goo just looks at you with a smile on his face and you’re not sure how to take it. I mean why did he want you to stay?. 
“Hey Goo, why did you want me to stay?” You ask him, hoping to clear your mind a little. 
“Good question and I’ll be honest. It’s because you’re good company” He says back.
Safe to say you’re not sure how you feel about that. But the most you do know is that you don’t mind that answer. And that was obvious to Goo as well considering the smile that was plastered on your face. Goo just smiles back at you. 
A few minutes later, both you and Goo are cleaning the house. He did say he could do it alone, but you had already started lifting the blanket and pillows off of the sofa before he could argue with you. 
“So, the first door on the left upstairs, right?” You ask him just to clarify where you’re taking the blanket and pillows.
“Cool. Where do you want them?” You ask.
“Just put the pillows back on the bed and the blanked at the bottom” 
After asking you walk upstairs and into his bedroom. Odd, was the first word that came to mind. Much like the house itself, you expected it to be colorful, but it wasn’t. It was also just really…clean?. You, yourself are even confused as to why you were expecting his room to be a mess, but nevertheless, you were. 
You continue to look around and then you see the color you’ve been waiting to see. His closet door is slightly ajar and all you see are his obnoxious suits in all different colors. You laugh to yourself at just the thought of his house being painted bright colors. You’re definitely glad that he didn’t do that to himself or anyone else for that matter.
After your laughing fit is over with, you do as Goo told you to do with the pillows and blanket. Once you’re done you take one last look around the room, nodding in approval of the cleanliness. But as you’re walking out you see a framed picture on the drawers by his door. 
It’s of Gun, Goo and yourself. You pick up the picture and study it more closely, only to remember that this is the day that the both of them and your father took you to a theme park for your birthday a few years back. You smile at the memory and then look at the picture again, only to see that you’re looking at Gun and Goo…Goo’s look at you. But not with disgust or anger or any emotion you correlate to a grievance in a person. He’s looking at you like your father looks at you, with eyes full of…love?. 
You put the picture down and leave the room, unsure if that’s the right emotion he’s got in his eyes. You’re sure you’re overthinking this. Yes, that has to be it. You’re overthinking it, you say to yourself. You walk back downstairs and look around. Goo isn’t anywhere you can see. You shout for him a couple of times, but to no avail. There’s no answer, he left.  
An hour passes and Goo still isn’t back. Then another hour. Then another. By the fourth hour you wonder if your father had called him when you were upstairs and you figured he had. It’s now lunchtime and you’re getting hungry. So much like this morning you go over to the kitchen and start making something. Only then do you see the note that Goo must have left for you.
‘Your dad called. I have to go out and deal with a few things. Be back when I’m back, Goo. x”
Once you read it you nod in appreciation that he left a note at all. Then you do a double take back to the note. Your eyes grow wide as you see he’s left an ‘x’ at the end of the note. Once again your heart starts beating faster and you’re not sure what to make of it. God, Goo really is messing with your head and you don’t like it one bit. 
You're sleeping when Goo arrives back at his apartment, so you don’t hear him come in or come over to you at all. It isn’t until you feel your head being lifted up ever so slightly, that you stir and open your eyes only a fraction. 
When you do, you see Goo looking up at the TV while eating his dinner and then you realize that your head is on his lap. You don’t want to move or even let on that you’re away. So instead you just close your eyes again. Falling asleep.
Once you wake up for the second time, Goo is nowhere to be seen. You think for a moment. Was that a dream?. Was I just dreaming?. No. No, that had to be real. That was real. Only a few moments after reassuring yourself that what happened wasn’t a dream, Goo appeared at the top of the stairs.
“Oh, she lives” Goo Says sarcastically.
“Ha ha. What time is it?” 
“No need to be so miserable after you wake. I mean you were dead to the world. I was having my doubts you were still alive. Oh and it’s…6:08pm” 
“Ok, thanks. When did you get back?” 
“Abooouut, an hour about” 
“Ok. Oh, thanks for leaving the note. I was slightly worried when you weren’t here” You say this as you’re still in your groggy stage of getting up. So you don’t even recognise that you just said you were worried about Goo. 
Once you’re up and not feeling groggy, you look over at Goo. He’s just smiling. He’s not looking at the TV or his phone or anything in the apartment. He’s just smiling, so sheepishly that you’re intrigued to know what’s causing him to smile so much. But then Goo looks at you, still smiling. 
You raise and eyebrow at him. In response Goo just shrugs his shoulders. You sigh and shake your head back and forth. Then after all the dramatical effects both of you have been doing to one another. You look at each other and just burst out laughing. None of you stop until you start wheezing and Goo starts snorting. But again, you both just look at each and laugh even harder.
This goes on for another 5 minutes, in which time, things only get funnier. Eventually after another few minutes, you stop. Both trying to catch a breath. You hadn’t laughed like that in so long, it was nice, this was nice. You think for a minute and discover that you’re calling this moment with Goo, nice, fun even. Wow, he’s really gotten under your skin these last few days.
Then you think back, back to when you both hated each other. Well, when you just hated Goo. After all, Goo never really hated you. He admitted that. You think back to the night in the study, how he was so close to your face when you first brought up the fake dating idea to him. You think about how your father reacted and how you defended Goo. Then how Goo reacted to you defending him. You think about how he let you in last night, bought you clothes and necessities that you would need. He even bought you extras, ‘just incase’. 
Then you think about how you fell asleep together. How Goo kissed the back of your neck and wished you goodnight. How he left the note for you. How he was looking at you in the picture at the theme park and eventually your mind fell back to the time where Goo had kissed you. He kissed you to ‘prove’ your relationship wasn’t “fake”. 
You smile at the thought of the kiss. At the thought that just a few days ago he kissed you and you felt disgusted and angry. Then you look at Goo, who’s just now caught his breath. You look at him and just think some more. You watch him. Then you smile. You’re smiling at everything that’s happened the last couple of days. 
But what you’re really smiling about is the thought you just had. That thought being that you wouldn’t have wanted to go through this with Gun. I mean you hadn’t really thought about him at all these last couple of days, even though you’re doing all of this to get Gun’s attention. The irony. But the one person you were happy to go through this all with, is Goo. 
Goo eventually catches his breath, then looks in your direction. You're already staring at him of course. But you’re not sure how to ask the questions you’re thinking of right now. And there’s A LOT.
“Goo” You eventually manage to say. 
“Yes?” He says back with worry lacing through his voice.
“If I ask you some questions, can you give me the truth?” Goo raises a brow at you this time.
“Sure” He says. “I guess” You nod at his answer and then think. Then you think about how you’ve been doing a lot of that lately. But you inevitably have 1 main question in mind, so you know that that’ll be the last question you ask.
You sigh and close your eyes before looking back at Goo, preparing yourself for what’s to come and the answers he might give to you. Answers you’re not sure if you want to hear. 
“Why did you agree to fake dating me?”
“Because I thought it would be fun” Goo answered the question, but why didn’t you feel satisfied by that answer?.
“Goo give me a better reason other than because you thought it would be fun” You say to him, trying to pry an actual answer out of him.
With this Goo sighs, looks away from you and then looks at you again. “You really want to know why?” Goo says, now questioning you.
“Yes, that would be nice” 
“Fine. It’s because I didn’t want to say no to you. Actually, It’s because I couldn’t say no to you”
“What do you mean you couldn’t say no to me?” You question him again.
“To be honest, I’m not exactly sure about what I mean by it. Don’t get me wrong, I did think it would be a whole lot of fun doing this and annoying Gun. But there was just something, something in your eyes that I couldn’t say no to” 
“Ok” You say. Somewhat happy, but also confused by that answer.
“Next question. Why do you have that picture of you, Gun and I in your bedroom?” Goo looks at you slightly taken aback by what you just asked. But then you think he realized that the picture wasn’t exactly hidden.
“That was just a memory. It was a fun day”
“Goo” You say because yet again, you feel like that isn’t the truth.
“Fine. Fine. I kept it because…well…it’s the only picture I have of…you” You just look at Goo, not sure what to say or what to do. Your lips part slightly as if you're about to speak again, but you can’t think of anything to say. Then you swallow hard at what he just said. He has that picture because it’s the only picture he has of you. YOU!. Wow, just wow. What do you even say to that? What can you even say to that?. 
You eventually let out a shaky breath, hoping to calm your heart down slightly. “Ok, thanks for the honesty. I’ve just got a few more questions. That is if it’s ok?” Goo’s looking away from you now, but he nods to say yes.
“Ok. Then what about the ‘x’ on the note, why did you do that? Or kiss me on the neck and say goodnight? Why were you staring at me so intensely this morning?” You now had so many more questions, but you think that covers the few of the less visceral ones.
“That’s a lot of questions. But I’ll answer them all for you and I won’t try to spin the truth anymore, so here goes. I kissed the back of your neck last night because I wanted you to know I was there and that I was comfortable around you. I wanted you to feel comfortable around me as well because to me at least, you felt as though you were uncomfortable. I left you the ‘x’ on the note because I appreciated what you did for me and wanted to be kind. And as for me staring at you this morning. It all somewhat ties together with everything else I said” Goo sighs and then closes his eyes shut so tight that you can see the wrinkles on them. He looks at you again after opening them, not looking away from your eyes this time. 
“The entire reason I was looking at you this morning was because we woke up so close together. Not just close together but face to face, our lips almost touching. The entire reason I was looking at you like that this morning, the entire reason I kissed the back of your neck last night and the entire reason why I left you that ‘x’ on the note was because the entire time that you’ve been here, in my apartment, when we’ve talked, when we’ve laughed, when we’ve argued was because I wanted to kiss you. I couldn’t do it last night because I was behind you and I knew you wouldn’t have liked nor wanted it. I knew when we woke that you wouldn’t want it and I knew that before I left here to handle some things for your dad, that you wouldn’t want it. That answer all your questions?” 
You sit there completely stunned. Stunned to the point where you think you could be a statue. You couldn’t move, you couldn’t speak, you couldn’t even move your eyes. You just sat there. Goo looking straight ahead, right at you. You blink for the first time in what feels like years. Then you can somewhat move. But you still feel as though you can’t speak. You’re not even sure if you want to speak.
You both continue to just look at each other, not saying a word. Then, just like always, Goo breaks the silence.
“Any more questions?” With this, you eventually find your voice. 
“Just one, maybe two more” 
“Then ask away”
“Ok. Why didn’t you think I wouldn’t want you to kiss me?” Goo looks shocked at what you’ve just asked. But nevertheless, he answers.
“Because it’s me and not Gun who would be kissing you. I mean last night you told me that you thought we always hated each other. It was you who said we just never ‘clicked’” He was right of course. You did say all of that. So you just nod and you’re ready to move onto your last question, but before you can do that Goo jumps in.
“Since I've been answering all the questions. Answer a couple of mine before you ask me anymore”
“Ok. It’s only fair” You say back. 
“Great. I expect the same honesty that I’ve given you” Goo says this so authoritatively, that you feel like your in a room with your father. 
“Of course” You say back to him. Hoping that in any way, he will speak slightly softer.
“Good. So why are you here with me right now instead of Gun? I mean that’s who you really want to be with right?” The hope disappears from you quickly as you realize that Goo just became even more colder to you.
“Because I couldn’t go to him. I didn’t want to go to him. And even if I did go to him, he would have just told me that I’m not his problem or that I shouldn’t be there or he would have taken me back to my father. Sure I may have come to you because you were the easier option, but I liked being here with you. I like being with you. And as for who I want to be with right now. It’s not Gun, it’s you” Again you both just look at each other. But this time it’s Goo who could be mistaken for a statue. 
“Ok, if that’s my questions finished with, then I have one more” Goo just nods, not saying a word. 
“Do you like me?” This was the one question you didn’t want to ask, but you had to know the answer to. You had to know. You needed to know.
“Yes” Was the only word Goo could say and that answered all of your questions. That answered every thought that you could think of. There was just one more thing that you had to say to Goo for that night.
“Thank you for telling me the truth” Was the only thing you said before getting up. Goo watched you as you did so. His eyes were full of hurt and sadness. But you couldn’t let the feeling go that if you left, you would never see him again. Or that he wouldn’t want to see you again. So as you walked, you stopped in front of him and turned to face him. 
“Goo” You said as softly as you could. “Can you stand up for me please, I think you’re sitting on my phone” He now looked so hurt. He looked so hurt that you cared more about your phone than him. But you think he cared more about the fact that you were leaving.
Sure enough though, Goo stood up. You walked behind him, grabbed your phone that he was in fact sitting on, slid it into the back pocket of your jeans and then turned back to face him. You didn’t say anything to him and he wasn’t even looking at you. So you thought and you decided to do one of the most impulsive things you’d ever done and probably would ever do.
Within a few seconds of you thinking about what you were about to do, you did it. You cupped Goo’s face in your hands and kissed him. Then you pulled away. Looking at him. The hurt and sadness had turned to shock and disbelief. So you did it again. When you pulled away this time, he still looked the same. So you did it one more time. This time when you did it, Goo snaked his arms around your waist and lifted you up. After your feet were back down on the ground and you had stopped kissing, you looked at Goo.
“I’m going to bed now” Was all you said. You weren’t sure why you said it but it confused you as much as it confused Goo. But the entire reason you think you said it was because you would have to admit something to yourself. You would have to admit that you were falling for Goo.
You wake up the next morning with a cramp in your neck, probably from lying on the sofa at a weird angle. You slowly wake up and gaze at your surroundings, familiarizing yourself that you are still at Goo’s apartment. 
You get up and do what can only be described as distracting yourself from thoughts of last night. You kissed Goo. Not because you had to but because you wanted to. 
You get a cup of coffee, brush your teeth after and go in the shower. All while you’re still thinking about Goo. Goo this, Goo that. Until finally you think that it is Gun that you should be thinking about.
So you try to think about Gun, you think about all the fun times you had with him and how he gets you. Then as if clockwork, Goo jumps straight back into your thoughts as he descends the stairs.
“Hey” You say as casually as you can.
“Hi” Goo says back in a somewhat cold manner.
“How are you?” You ask him, trying to lighten up the conversation but to no avail. 
“Mhm” Goo responds back. You can’t help but think your lack of ‘caring’ last night about this kiss and how cold you were after have something to do with this. But again, you try to converse with Goo. 
“So, how did you sleep last night?” You ask.
“Good, that’s…well good!” You say back, AGAIN trying to lighten the mood. But at this point you’re hoping that it’s just down to Goo waking up. 
“Well coffee’s ready if you want a cup. I thought I should make you some, show you how thankful I am that you let me stay here these past few nights” You say to Goo.
“No problem” 
The room goes quiet after that. No conversations to be had and none that you wanted to start. So you go and sit down and start drinking your coffee in complete silence. 
Goo joins you, but sits far away to the point that you know he is avoiding you in the best way he can. You just continue to drink your coffee and not chat until there’s a knock at the door. 
You immediately look at the door, then to the clock that is sitting in the living room. 7:46am. Who can be here at 7:46am?. Until you hear the voice. His voice. Gun’s voice. 
You don’t even have enough time to get up and go somewhere, let alone hide. Then Goo, as cool as a cucumber, just says “It’s open”. 
You look at Goo, then look at the door which Gun is now standing in. Gun just looks at you and then to Goo. 
“Told you she’s here. She’s been here for the past 2 nights” Goo says.
Taken aback by what Goo has just said, you look at him. He stares right back at you with a completely straight face. No hint of emotion present on it at all. No anger. No hurt. No surprise…no surprise.
“You called Gun” You say looking at Goo. But he doesn’t speak.
“YOU CALLED GUN” You say again this time raising your voice, as well as yourself off the sofa. 
“Yes, Goo called me” Gun chimes in.
“I wasn’t asking you” You say back to Gun, not taking your eyes off of Goo.
“Yes, I called Gun” Goo eventually says. 
You’re shocked at how casually this conversation is for him. How..normal it is that he’s called Gun to get you. Normal. Huh. You suppose it is normal for Gun to come and get you. But you didn’t think it would be Goo to call him first. 
All you can do after thinking for a moment is to nod your head. You know what this is about and why it’s happened. But wasn’t it inevitable?. Wasn’t this how it was always going to be?. You would have to go back to your father’s house at some point, but you thought you might have had another night.
Another night to stay with Goo. To be around Goo. To sort out what had happened between you both. Your…feelings for Goo. But no. All because of a miscommunication that you caused, this is now a thing that’s happening.
Right here, right now - Gun is picking you up from Goo’s apartment, after Goo was the one to call him. Great, you think to yourself. Just great.
An hour later you and Gun are leaving Goo’s apartment. Goo has just sat, emotionless, while you’ve gathered the slight part of “your” things that were scattered around. After doing that and leaving the clothes Goo bought you, you go towards Gun.
“You’ve got everything?” Gun asks.
“Yes, now can we go” You say back to him, while looking at your feet because the fact is you can’t look at Goo. Not right now at least.
“Again, thank you for telling me where she was” Gun says back to Goo before leaving. But just as the door was closing you could see the smirk on Gun’s face and the slight look of despair on Goo’s.
Another hour later and a silent car journey, you’re home. Back at your father’s house and Gun is waiting for you to get out. 
“Thanks” You say to him, so coldly that even you think it is a bit mean.
“Why were you at Goo’s?” Gun asks out of nowhere, even though you were expecting it at least at some point. But now?. 
“It doesn’t matter” 
“Yes. Yes it does” 
“Why does it matter?” You question.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you said that you were at your friend's house for the past few days. Then, come to find out, you’re at Goo’s”
“Yup, I was in fact at Goo’s. Shocker now isn’t it?” You say back sarcastically. 
“Really, that’s it. That’s the only explanation I’m getting?” Gun spits back at you.
“You're really expecting an explanation. Wow, we're a bit full of ourselves aren’t we?” You say back with even more sarcasm this time. But Gun just looks at you and smirks. He knows that he’s pushing your buttons and you’re also very much aware of what he is doing. 
“I’m not, just curious that’s all” He eventually says back to you. 
“Well can’t I hang out at my boyfriend's house?” You eventually say back, giving him a slight explanation. Gun then does something that you were not expecting. He starts laughing. Hysterically laughing.
“Oh come on. You really think Goo called me and didn’t mention your little deal with him, hm?” Just from that one sentence, your sense of reality shatters. Goo told Gun. Goo told Gun. Goo told Gun. 
All you can think to do at this moment in time is to simply repeat that sentence. Over and over again, until probably on the 100th time, it sinks in. Goo told Gun about your deal. He told him the relationship was fake. That you were in fact, never in a relationship with Goo. Meaning that he must have told Gun about your feelings for him.
“So, what’s it going to be? Are you going to tell me the truth about everything orrr am I going to have to tell your father about your little outing?” Gun eventually speaks, drawing your mind back to reality that you lost only moments ago.
However, you can’t help but think with his choice of words that he might not know EVERYTHING. So you think carefully about what you say next because you certainly cannot have your father hearing about you staying at a guy's apartment, let alone Goo’s.
You collect your thoughts and process what little information you have and what information Gun has let slip. He knows the deal with Goo was a lie. He knows that your relationship with Goo was a lie. But he might not know that you had feelings for him. Ok.
“You want to know the truth? Well here it is” You pause before speaking to look straight at Gun and he’s now just looking straight back at you. His eyes are not wavering from yours and then you start off on your lies mixed with truth.
“Yes, I did fake a relationship with Goo. Why? I’m not sure, call it boredom and to see what you might think and wow did that work. The look on your face when we actually kissed, comical” You stop there for a brief moment. Gun’s eyes are still glued to your own but you can now see that the ever familiar smirk has been wiped from his lips. 
“To be completely honest with you, I really do wish I had a framed picture of that moment. It was amazing. But as for why I was at Goo’s house. Let me think. Oh, yes, that’s right, when you thought Goo and I actually were in a relationship, you ran straight to my father and then I needed space. So I went out for a walk, ended up in Seoul and long behold it started to rain. I wandered about a little while, trying to find an umbrella, but you know how it is.Then I ran to the subway”
Again you stop, taking in what you’ve said and by the look and Gun’s face Goo definitely didn’t tell him about how you had feeling for him. And now you're hoping he also didn’t tell Gun about anything else.
“Now let me finish the story, since you are SOOO interested. After running down to the subway, every single message on the board said delayed. So that’s when I decided to stay somewhere for the night. I didn’t think it would be appropriate to just turn up at anyone’s doorstep given the circumstance, so that’s when I remembered that Goo stayed nearby. I called my father, explained that I needed some time away and then made my way to his apartment. Oh yeah, thanks for the information on where he lived, it was really useful even though I never expected to be going there at any given moment of my life. But it worked out nicely. So I made my way over, found the building, went in, went up in the elevator and found his obnoxious door and hey presto, it was Goo’s apartment. I stayed there for 2 nights and then you came to collect me no more than, oh 2 and a half hours ago now” 
You eventually stop speaking after having said everything and you feel accomplished. You’ve said everything you wanted to say, lie or truth. You’ve shut down Gun and you’ve wiped the smirk off his face. You’ve also avoided your father from finding out and you’ve avoided a lecture. So yes, right now you feel very accomplished. 
Now you’re just waiting for Gun to say something back to you. But he doesn’t. He’s just sitting in silence, now not even looking at you. He’s just gripping the steering wheel and you can see that his knuckles have turned white with just how tightly he’s gripping it.
You can only think to yourself about what he has to say and that’s the worrying part. You’re not sure what he will have to say about everything. Sure, you have told him everything that happened, leaving out a few parts. But in the back of your mind your thoughts are still nagging at you that he still might know. That he might know everything. You need Gun to speak so you know, for certain, that he doesn’t know everything. 
“Well then, I suppose that’s all of my question and further questions answered. Apart from one. Why is it that you and Goo, I’m assuming, were getting on like a so-called ‘house on fire’ until today. What exactly happened, huh?” 
Of all the questions that Gun could have asked, this one wasn’t high on your list for ones that you wanted to answer. But you were going to do so anyway to avoid any arguments or lectures later down the line. 
“Well, if you must know, we had an argument last night. Nothing in particular just a spat, so to speak” You say, assuming this is enough for Gun. But of course it isn’t.
“An argument about what?” He asks. 
“Oh you know, he didn’t like the way that my toothbrush touched his. Regular things when you’re living with someone” You say sarcastically, hoping that Gun won’t press on. But of course, that doesn’t happen.
“I’m being serious here. What was the argument about?” 
“Like I said, it was about a toothbrush” You say again. Gun just looks at you unimpressed with your retort and asks again.
“What was it about?” 
“Fine, you really want to know what it was about?” You question.
“Preferably, yes. It would save me telling your father and dim my curiosity” Gun says sarcastically this time. 
“Fine. If you want to know that badly then here’s the truth. We kissed last night, well I kissed him because that was all I could think to do. Then after I pulled away I said that I was going to bed. Are you happy now you know the truth?” 
Gun just looks at you, eyes wide, his grip on the steering wheel even tighter than before, as if he’s the one that has a reason to be angry. But he does, you just didn’t know it then. 
It’s been 3 weeks since you have been back home. 3 weeks since Gun had dropped you back off at your father’s home. 3 weeks since your arguments with both Goo and Gun and 3 weeks since you’ve spoken to either of them. 
You don’t know what to think. You don’t know what to do, but you are grateful to Gun. He kept his word and didn’t say anything to your father when you came back and the weeks that followed. 
But you’re not happy that neither of them has spoken to you. But you can’t blame them either. You’re just upset and that’s fine, you’ll get over it. But nevertheless, it still hurts to know that you messed up what is probably the two people you were closest to. 
But in the past 3 weeks, you’ve also realized something. You’ve realized that in the almost 5 days that you spent with Goo meant something to you. You were too scared to admit it before, but now you’re not scared to. You caught feelings for Goo. But even with everything that went on with Gun, you still have feelings for him as well. How selfish.
But you decided that you were not going to pity yourself. So you have text them both, but with no luck. You apologize to Goo about what you said and asked him if you could both talk. He left you on read. 
As for Gun, you’re not entirely sure what you did but you suppose that hanging out with Goo, who you can only describe as Gun “best friend” and admitting that you kissed him had something to do with it. You’ve also text him, but again with no luck.
You’ve also realized how selfish it was to have done the whole fake dating thing with Goo. So when you came back from Goo’s apartment and arrived after Gun had dropped you off. You went to your father and told him everything about fake dating Goo and that Gun was wrong about your relationship with him. But you still stand by what you said. You didn’t mention anything else though.
Either way, with everything you’ve realized over the past 3 weeks, you feel better about yourself. You’ve figured out that putting people against one another or using someone to your advantage to get someone else, might not be a good idea. Ever.
But you are excited for today. After 3 weeks you are going to see Gun and Goo today. But what you’re not excited for is their reactions of seeing you again, because you’re not entirely sure how they’re going to react. All you can do is hope it’s going to go well. 
3 hours later and 2 coffees in your system, you’re ready and waiting for both of them along with your father in his office. You can’t remember the last time that your palms were this sweaty over seeing someone. You suppose it was when your father told you that you would be meeting your bodyguard for the first time, the irony. 10 or so minutes later, they both arrive. Your father greets them both first with a ‘Hello’ and then it’s your turn to speak.
“Hi” You say as calmly as you can, speaking to both of them.
“Hi” Goo says back.
“Hi, how have you both been?” Gun asks.
“I’ve been better” You say.
“Well then, let’s see if we can change that” Your father says, interjecting into the conversation. You just look at him and smile at him trying to be thoughtful and funny. All you can think is just how ‘funny’ doesn’t suit your father in the slightest.
Goo and Gun both take their seats as your father starts the meeting with all 3 of you present. He’s just going over the usual overviews of his business and from starting again today, you will have Gun as your bodyguard again. Goo as his. 
Once everything is said and done. Instruction clear. Everything worked out. Your father makes a hasty exit to answer a call and you’re left alone with both Goo and Gun.
“So how have you both been?” You ask, curious as to how they both have been. But also trying to ease some of the residual tension in the room.
“Great” Goo replies hastily, as if not wanting to have a conversation with you.
“Good” Gun replies in a slightly less cold manner than Goo.
“Well I suppose starting again today you’re both back as mine and my father’s bodyguards” You say, pointing out the obvious. But you cannot think of anything else to say. The tension now is almost unbearable. You could probably cut it with a knife. 
“Yes” Goo and Gun say at the same time. 
“Look, can we just stop this. I know it’s blatantly obvious but I fucked up. On both accounts I fucked up. I didn’t mean to practically put the both of you against one another, but I did. I really am sorry about that and for everything else. So can we maybe…try to act like we all used to. Like the both of you used to” You say eventually because you couldn’t take the pressure in the room any longer.
“And how did we both act before?” Gun asks. 
“That’s a hard question to answer. But I suppose you acted like, well, friends, but more so friends at a push. And it’s a very big push” You say, trying to bring back your sarcasm along with a potential laugh from one of them. But to no success.
“We were never friends” Goo says matter-of-factly and Gun nods in support of what Goo has just said.
“Ok, so not friends. Got it. But how about co-workers?. That works right. I mean you’re both going to be around one another a lot again. So why not try to get along like how you both used to?” You say.
“That wouldn’t work. Not anymore” Goo says.
“I agree. That wouldn’t work” Gun then says. 
You just sigh at both of them. In the last 3 weeks you haven’t seen both of them. You also forgot that it’s a losing game to argue with them. It must have also slipped your mind that they are like cats and dogs. They can be around one another, but they will never get on with one another.
While thinking about all of this. Goo gets up to leave and because you have been meaning to talk to both Goo and Gun 1 on 1. Assuming they want to as well. You quickly yell Goo’s name. Maybe a little too loudly. 
“Yes?” Goo says in surprise. 
“Sorry that was a bit loud. Could I talk to you for a minute or two?. Would that be ok?” You ask. 
“Sure, I guess” Goo says, letting out a sigh after he finished speaking. 
“Great. Also Gun could you wait here for however long this takes?. I was hoping I could talk to you as well” You ask Gun.
“Sure” Gun replies back.
You nod at Gun. Giving him a silent thank you and then make your way towards the door where Goo is standing with his arms folded across his chest. 
“Ok, well we’ll be talking in the kitchen if you need me for anything before that” You say back to Gun just as you’re pushing the door open and walking out with Goo.
You walk into the kitchen with Goo trudging behind you. Just judging by his attitude today, he’s more prickly than usual. Meaning that if you say something that might set him off, or even just in general, he’s going to lay into you one way or another. Great, you think to yourself. But to be honest, with the way that you left his apartment and how you treated him beforehand, you can’t blame him.
“So” You say, trying to ease your way into things.
“How have you really been?” You say again because it’s the only thing you can think of.
“Like I said, I've been great” Goo says again.
“Ok, well that’s good. I’m glad” You say, trying to lighten the mood before you inevitably ruin it again.
“Ok. Let’s cut to the chase and get this over with. I’m sorry. Really, really sorry for how things went” You say eventually just giving in.
“You’re sorry about what exactly?” Goo says back to you and now you can tell he’s getting angry. But you can also tell that with the way you left things, he’s hurt. 
“I’m sorry about, well, everything. I’m sorry that I came running to you. I’m sorry that I stayed longer than one night. I’m sorry about asking all those question” You pause for a second not wanting to say the last few sentences, but you know you have to. You know you have to because if not the guilt and hurt that you’ve put Goo through would eat away at you.
“And I’m sorry for saying what I said, after I kissed you. And..and I’m sorry for kissing you. It shouldn’t have happened. I’m just so, so sorry” You say. The hurt and sorrow in your voice is so present to you, that you didn’t think you were the one actually speaking. You didn’t think that everything you said and done with Goo affected you this much. You didn’t think it hurt you this much.
“You’re right. It should have never happened. None of it should have ever happened” Goo says, agreeing with every point in one fail swoop.
“Yeah. It shouldn’t have. But…” You pause, not sure if you should finish what you were saying.
“But what?” Goo says, now slightly intrigued as to what you were going to say.
“But I’m..I’m glad it did” You say eventually. With as much authority as you can muster. 
Goo just stares at you. Unsure of what to say or do. You’re the exact same. You don’t know if it was a good idea to say everything you were thinking, but you’re hoping it was. The staring game between you and Goo continues for another few seconds before Goo looks away.
“You’re glad everything happened?. I mean everything. Are you serious!?. You kissed me out of nowhere and then said you were going to bed and your GLAD that happened?. Fuck you. Seriously, fuck you” Goo says before he storms out or even gives you a chance to explain. But you’re not going to run after him. You’re sure you’ll be able to talk to him at some other point and be able to clear everything up. But for right now, you have to let him cool off. 
You make your way back to your father’s office. Where you find Gun is still sitting in his chair waiting for you to arrive back. 
“Hi” You say, trying not to startle him. But it’s Gun, you don’t think anything could startle him.
“Have a fun chat with Goo then?” Gun asks.
“You could say that, but no. It was more a conversation we needed to have, but it was left unfinished” You say back.
“Ok. So why did you want to talk to me?” Gun asks curiously. 
“Well I figured that since we haven't talked in 3 weeks and I feel like you’re mad at me. That we needed to have this talk” You say back, getting straight to the point again.
“I’m not mad” Gun says back to you.
“Yes you are” 
“No, I’m not” Gun says again. This time a lot more stern sounding.
“Gun I’ve known you for years, I know when you’re mad. But if you say you’re not made, then you’re upset. So my question is why?” Gun lets out a sigh to your observation.
“Ok I suppose I’m a little upset. But I’m not mad” He eventually says back.
“Ok not mad, just upset. Got it. But why?” You ask.
“Goo” Is all Gun answers with.
“Goo?” You say back, questioning him. You think it’s because they have both had an argument with one another, which is why they also acted more coldly to one another today.
“Yes, Goo” Gun says.
“Elaboration?” You ask. Again unsure of what he means.
“You and Goo. That’s why I’m upset” Gun says back. You have to take a second to register what he’s just said. You and Goo. Wait, YOU and GOO?. Gun’s not upset because he had an argument with Goo. He’s upset because he’s jealous. But just for clarification, you have to ask him because if you don’t, you know you will never get a straight answer from him.
“You're jealous then?” 
“Yes” Gun says straightforwardly. Your eyes go wide because of what he’s just said. But at the back of your mind, you know that this is what you wanted. This was the entire reason that you started to fake date Goo. This. Everything about this. You wanted to happen. But now, you don’t. You know that much like you had just done with Goo, you had to come clean about everything. For your own piece of mind, as well as Gun’s you had to.
“Look” You say, gearing yourself up for what’s about to unfold.
“I have to be honest with you on this one Gun. You know how 3 weeks ago I told you ‘everything’?” You say and Gun nods his head.
“Well, I might have been lying. But only about a few things. I was also really bitchy, so I’m sorry about that. I’m sorry about lying as well. And I’ll tell you the truth, if you want to hear it?” You say, unsure about how he will take it. But also unsure about how he will take another piece of news. 
“By all means, pretell” Gun says.
“Ok. So I was telling the truth about everything, bar one thing. The entire situation played out exactly like I said it did. It rained. I ran down to the subway and every train was delayed. I called my father. I didn’t want to go to a friend's house, so I went to Goo’s. I stayed a few nights. I kissed him and then said I was going to bed. All of that is the truth” You say and Gun nods.
“But what I wasn’t being entirely honest about was the reason for fake dating Goo” Gun nods again, but is curious as to your explanation because he’s now leaning forward in the chair. Ready to hear what you have to say.
“The truth is that I asked Goo to fake date me to make you jealous because I liked you” There, you think. The truth. It’s out now, no taking it back.
“Huh. Well can’t say I saw that coming. But I do appreciate the honesty”
“Why, thank you” You say sarcastically. Feeling a weight lift off your chest.
“But, I also can’t help the fact that you said ‘liked’ me. Past tense” Gun says and your eyes shoot up.
“You said you liked me. Again, past tense. So you don’t like me anymore?” Gun questions.
“I. I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t” You say back to Gun surprised that you even said liked. I mean you did still like him, right?. It was only just this morning that you liked both Goo and Gun. But since having that conversation with Goo, you can’t help but think about him.
“Now I'll tell you the truth” Gun says, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“The truth is that I don’t see very many people in a romantic way. I’m sure you’ve gathered that which is why you pulled this stunt, right?” You nod in clarification of his statement.
“Well, that day when I came to get you from Goo’s house I was fine because he told me all about your little scheme. Leaving out a few bits and pieces. But either way when we were in the car and you said that you kissed Goo. I was pissed. That’s when I thought to myself that I may feel something for you. And I did in fact get jealous. When you told me there that you did all of this to get my attention, I was relieved. But then I heard you say liked” You continue to nod, not knowing what to say to any of this. But Gun continues.
“Now I’ll be completely honest with you. You have to admit to yourself that even though you liked me. You don’t like me anymore. With every little petty thing I've done like tell your father about you and Goo. And be snarky about collecting you from Goo’s. You don’t like me anymore. But I also have to admit to myself that in those instances I was jealous. But again. You have to admit to yourself that you don’t like me anymore, It’s Goo you like. Not me. Not after everything” Gun says this and it hits you like a pile of bricks.
All this time, since he talked to your father. He’s been jealous. Which is what you wanted. But now looking back, it made him look like a dick and you hated him for it. That’s when you went running to Goo. That was when your feelings for Goo came from. All this time, you thought you still liked Gun. But really after everything. Especially seeing and talking to both of them today. You’ve realized after Gun’s lecture. That you don’t like Gun anymore. It’s Goo that you have feelings for. It’s Goo that you like. 
“I like Goo” You say out loud.
“I like Goo” You say out loud again, confirming your feelings. 
You then look at Gun, who has a slightly faded smile on his face. You can feel the small amount of pain he feels emanating from him and then you say a quiet ‘sorry’ because you feel guilty, so so guilty about all of this.
You now know that you’ve caused all of this. Every single thing that you’ve done has caused all this pain, all this hurt and you would do anything to change it. But it’s too late now to go back in time and do that, it’s happened and you just have to find a way to fix it.
So, while Gun and yourself are still in your dad’s office, you both sit quietly. You concocting a plan to undo all of this and Gun sitting patiently, waiting and then getting ready to listen to what you have to come up with. You finally hatch an idea. One that you think will have the best outcome on everyone's part.
“Well” You say to Gun.
“Well” Gun says back to you.
“I think I have an idea”
“Hopefully it’s nothing like the last one” Gun says back in a sarcastic manner, smiling while he says it. 
“Ha ha, very funny. But no it’s definitely not like the last one” You say back reassuringly. 
“Thank god for that. So what is it?.” Gun questions.
“Well, firstly, given the fact that it had you and Goo in it to begin with, I don’t want that to happen again. Unless you’re okay with it” You say back to Gun, awaiting his response. 
“Look, as much as last time was a complete fuck up for you, in your so called ‘plan’. I’m fine with helping you this time” Gun says.
“After all, contrary to popular belief, I do want to see you happy. And if that means being with Goo of all people, then I’ll help you” Gun finally says.
You look at Gun and smile with his words. But then what he has just said about Goo click and you start laughing. Gun then joins in and soon you are both laughing with one another.
“Thank you” You say after eventually calming yourself down. “Seriously, thank you” Gun nods at your response and you can’t help but feel like this is reminiscent of so called ‘old times’ you used to spend with him. The exception being that there is a lot more talking going on and he’s not just nodding this time around.
“So, what’s the plan?” Gun questions.
“Well, I was thinking that you could go over to his house and talk to him for a little while. Say it’s for work. Slip in a few questions about him and I…us and see how he reacts” You say back answering his question.
“Hmmm” Gun says back in retaliation to the plan. 
“Why the hmmm?” You ask.
“Well won’t that be a bit suspicious?” 
“Suspicious?. I mean slightly, but even then you could just say some bullshit like you always do and voila, case closed” You say back to him. 
Gun just looks at you with a questioning look. “You think I can just bullshit my way through a conversation?” He finally asks. 
“Yes, yes I do and you’re pretty good at it” You say back to him with a smile on your face and then again, you both burst into laughter. 
“So, what comes after the plan?” Gun asks.
“Well, that part I haven’t exactly figured out yet. But I was thinking that I would give him a week or so to cool down and then talk to him. And my father, about maybe…the possibility of a serious, well, relationship with Goo” Gun looks at you and then smiles back at your answer.
“Aww, getting all sappy now are we?” Gun says back mockingly.
“No” You say firmly “But you did ask didn’t you?. And well, after everything. Mostly with you making me admit that I have feelings for Goo, I actually don’t think it would be a bad thing if we gave things a go. That is if he doesn’t hate me for everything” 
Gun just smirks at what you’re saying. But you can tell he isn’t hurt, he is just genuinely happy that you and his well, rival, best friend in some weird way, whatever they are. You can tell he is just happy for you both and that makes you happy as well.
“So, when are you going to talk to your father about all of this?” Gun asks. 
“Now that, I’m not sure about. I’m also not sure how he will take it or how he will take the whole, you know” You stop talking and then Gun interjects. 
“Fake dating thing?” Gun says finishing your sentence for you.
“Yeah. The whole fake dating thing” You sigh at the end of it, with how much damage you have caused with this entire idea. God, how stupid you are. But you will put it right. You have to put it right in order to get Goo back.
Gun pulls you from your thoughts when he speaks and you almost jump with how startled you are by it. “Your father will be fine with everything, I mean he has to be. Wait, does he not even know that you and Goo ‘broke up’” All you can do is shake your head to his question.
“Well then, I really want to watch that conversation play out” Gun says with yet another smirk on his face. “Oh trust me, I would much rather you be there. But alas, you have a very touchy conversation with Goo to have. Well you are having that conversation on my behalf, but still” You say back, mimicking his sarcasm and adding a smirk onto your face for an extra touch.
Gun just looks at you, unimpressed. But you just look at Gun and mouth the words ‘thank you’ to him. You realize at that moment that neither of you want to breach the silence that has fallen upon the conversation. But it isn’t the type of silence that is awkward, it’s just comforting to you both at this minute. The silence that you both used to have. The silence you used to have before everything became such a mess and you’re glad it’s happening right now, because you know that with this silence again, that everything with you and Gun will be okay.
It has been a couple of days since your conversation with Gun. Since then you have gotten your hair done to try to feel better and to help with your nerves, but it hasn’t worked in the slightest. But today is the day that you are going to tell your father about everything. Every. Single. Thing. 
You have tried to prepare yourself for the inevitable conversation. You’ve come up with so many different outcomes. You’ve come up with how the conversation will start and end. You’ve come up with how you’re even going to lead into the topic of everything, but each time it just makes you more nervous. 
You made sure a few days ago that your father would be free when you went to talk to him. But since then, you really have been trying to mentally prepare yourself, to no avail though. So as you’re walking down the hallway getting ready to enter his office, you freeze just outside the door and take one final deep breath in to attempt to calm your nerves and much like you figured it would, it has not helped.
“Hi dad” You say as you enter his office. 
“Hi” He says back in his firm but yet fatherly voice.
“So what is it that you wanted?” He asks. 
“Well, about that” You pause for a moment and he raises his eyebrows at you curiously.
“It’s about…well, there's a lot I want to talk to you about” You finally say and with that, you now have his full undivided attention on you.
“Go on” He says, making you more nervous.
“Okay. So you umm..well you remember that Goo and I were dating right?” 
“Well, that wasn’t exactly true” You say to him while looking down at your hands fiddling with your fingers. 
“Go on” You eventually hear back.
“You know what, it’s a long story. It can wait for another time. Sorry to bother you” You say back to him, too nervous and scared to tell him that truth. But as you go to stand up, he stands first. You remain seated until he walks around his desk, takes a chair and pulls it over to where you are sat. Instinctively, you turn your chair towards him.
Then suddenly he smiles at you and takes your hands. You always forget that the man sitting in front of you is your father, since he is always so strict and firm with everyone else. But in every other term, he is your father. So now with this, you feel a lot more at ease with telling him. 
“Go on” He says to you.
“Well, the entire thing with Goo and I was fake. We never really dated, at all. It only came into fruition the night of your event actually. The truth is that I came up with this plan” You pause there, preparing yourself for what you’re about to say.
“Plan?” Your father eventually asks after a long, drawn out pause from you.
“Yes, a plan. The thing is that before that night, I had liked Gun for so many years. Too many now that I think about it. But he just intrigued me so much. So that night I asked Goo to have a conversation with me and in that conversation I told him the plan that I wanted to put into place. I told him that I wanted us to fake date in order to make Gun jealous” As you’ve just admitted all of this your father is sat in the other chair nodding and taking everything in. So given that it is going somewhat well in your eyes so far, you continue.
“So, that night Gun came into the room. Found Goo and I and because Goo is well…Goo, he decided to have a little fun and play along. So he told Gun that we had been going out for some time and then we kissed to prove it. The very next day, that is when we had our conversation. Then I went out, walked about for a little while and got trapped in the center of Seoul. Everything I said on the phone that night was true, apart from where I was staying” You inhale a deep breath but you can already tell that your father has figured out where this is going.
“You stayed at Goo’s house?” He asks. You nod in response. 
“Can I ask why you lied?” 
“Well, the truth is that I didn’t think it would be appropriate to show up at one of my friends' doors and ask to stay the night on such short notice, soaking wet, cold and not having anything to wear for the next day. So I guess, well I figured that since Goo was then the closest person to the area that I would walk to his apartment and hope to god that he would answer the door. And it’s also because I didn’t want to come home that night. I really just needed time to cool down and digest everything. I mean it was a small lie, a stupid plan and then you found out and reacted how you did. I just couldn’t be around it. I’m so sorry” You say.
Your father squeezes your hand in reassurance that he isn’t angry with you, not in the least. But you still feel so guilty for lying to him. 
“So, what happened after?” He questions you again.
“I went, knocked on his door and he was there. He let me in. I showered and he came back with some stuff for me. I mean he was really sweet in the entire thing. After that we drank some wine, had a conversation and then went to bed” 
“Is there more?” “A hell of a lot more, yes. The next day I called you, remember?” Your father nods in response. “Everything I said on the call was true. I did need some more space from you but I just lied about where I was. Then as the day went on everything was fine. But then Goo left to go do a job for you and he left a note. It had an ‘x’ at the bottom of it and he had this picture when we were at the theme park. I fell asleep that day and when he came back I woke up, we had this entire conversation about everything and it kinda ended in me kissing him and then the only thing I could say after that was ‘I’m going to bed’” You stop and try to catch your breath. It didn’t register how fast you were talking just then and with everything you just revealed to your father, you don’t want to stop there. So just as fast as you assume you stopped speaking, you start again. 
“After that, the next day he called Gun to come and get me. Gun brought me back and had a few words to say to me. They both were so pissed off at me about everything. So then 3 weeks went by, no texts, no calls, no communication whatsoever with any of them. Then 3 days ago now we had that meeting and everything kind of came to a head. I had a conversation with Goo and he flipped out on me because I really hurt him. Then he left. After that I had a conversation with Gun and I found out that my plan worked. But he made me realize that by that point, it wasn’t him that I liked, it was Goo. So now we have this entire other plan of him trying to talk to Goo and slip things in about me and that I have no idea on my end what to do. But I wanted to tell you. I wanted to be honest with you because I don’t want to mess up again. I really like Goo and I just don’t want to mess up” 
Now everything is out in the open. You have no clue how your father is going to react to your confession but you’re hoping he isn’t too mad at anyone involved. 
“That’s quite the story. One hell of a story actually. One that I didn’t expect. But I'm glad you told me. And if you’re wondering, I'm not mad at you” You look up after he says this and all of a sudden you feel your nausea fade away. You hadn’t registered just how ill you were feeling until this very moment. But then it had faded away and you felt better. 
Your father then stands up and puts the chair back in it’s place and then stands in front of you. A tell tale sign that he wants you to do the same and so you do. Suddenly, you are engulfed in a hug. And you hug him back just as tightly as he is hugging you.
“All I have to say is, thank you for telling me the truth. And if you do like Goo as much as I think you do, don’t fuck it up this time if you get another chance” With that being said and your father letting you go. You make a swift exit and go back to your room to decide on a plan of what’s to come. A plan that you’re hoping will work. 
A few days after the conversation with your father, you have filled Gun in on the plan that you hope will go well and today is the day it will come into play. Still sticking to the original plan, Gun will go around and talk to Goo, throwing in a few questions about yourself in the process. Then Gun will ask Goo to a dinner to discuss what your father had said previously when all 3 of you had the meeting about 5 days ago and you will show up in his place. Hopefully everything will go well and then you can discuss everything with Goo, resulting in a happy ending.
But since this morning you have been frantically pacing about your room, thinking about everything. You have called Gun about 2 times already to make sure he’s aware of what he needs to do and both times he has responded with ‘I know the plan, don’t worry’. Now you’re onto texting him. But you haven’t received a reply back and that’s worrying you. 
20 minutes of pacing later you hear the signature *ding* of your phone. You run and grab it from your bed and it is a text from Gun. 
*I’ve just arrived. Don’t worry, everything will be fine, it's just like we went over. I’ll let you know how it goes.*
*Okay.* is the only thing you can respond with given how anxious you are. Now with that it’s just a waiting game to see how everything plays out.
“Well” Gun says, stepping into Goo’s apartment. “How has everything been”
“Amazing” Goo replies rather nastily. 
“As pleasant as always I can tell”
“Ha ha, very funny. Now just sit down so we can get this over and done with” Gun obliges to the somewhat command-like comment and sits.
“So, what did you want to go over?” Goo says with a still rather hateful tone in his voice and Gun can’t distinguish whether it’s from his presence or because of you.
“Firstly, why the dick attitude of yours?. I mean you’re always a dick, but amazingly enough, this is a whole other level” Gun asks curiously. 
“Oh fuck off, this is how I normally am. Can’t you tell?” Goo replies back, now even more aggravated.
“Mhm. So this little attitude of yours wouldn’t have anything to do with you know who?” Goo just scoffs.
“No it doesn’t have anything to do with her if you must know” 
“Right. So no bitter feeling, no pining for her, nothing of that sort going on right now?” Gun asks, attempting to make Goo more annoyed because he knows this is the best way to get answers out of him.
“Again. NO” Goo shouts the last part.
“Wow, touchy. But even in saying no, it’s a yes. Got it” 
“You know what, fuck off if you’re going to be like that”
“Be like what?” Gun replies, acting oblivious. 
“Oh I don’t know. Curious, nosey, intrusive or just sticking your nose somewhere it doesn’t belong” Goo retorts back.
“Right. So you are upset then. God I couldn’t tell” 
“Oh fuck off. I mean seriously, you would be too”
“Trust me, given what I’ve heard from her and the entire little plan that she concocted, yeah I’m pissed. But seriously the thing she did to you, that’s just laughable” Gun says tauntingly. 
“Right and you’ve hear everything” 
“That’s right” Gun replies back calmly. Goo turns around at this and raises his eyebrows, not needing to ask the question ‘seriously?’ for Gun to understand what he was going to say. So Gun just nods.
“Well then. Looks like you guys are happy again” 
“Were friends again if that’s what you mean” 
“Right…friends” Goo replies back, now getting agitated. 
“You seem bothered. Want to tell me why?” Gun says, provoking Goo even more. 
Then after a few seconds, Gun sees a glass flying towards his head and after that Goo goes in for a punch. They have a small scuffle on the floor for a good few minutes, both landing punches on one another until Goo finally stops and stands. Gun does the same and they both wipe themselves down before sitting on the sofa.
“This is bullshit” Goo says. “All of this is fucking bullshit” 
“Clarification?” Gun asks curiously.
“Her and me. Me and her. God, it’s bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit” 
“Aww so you are upset” Gun mocks. Goo just looks at him for a moment before taking in his surroundings and Gun assumes he doesn’t want to break his expensive furniture. 
“Look just fuck off, I’m not in the mood” Goo says back.
“Listen. I don’t really care all that much. But, for what it’s worth. She is sorry” Gun says as he stands up to leave. 
But as he walks towards the door and reaches for the handle Goo suddenly asks something.
“Also what happened to talking about the meeting?” Goo questions.
“We can go over it another time. Clearly, you’re not in the right headspace” And with that Gun leaves Goo’s apartment.
Another *ding* on your phone makes you jump as you have just sat down to think about everything for the millionth time. It’s from Gun again. Much like last time you open it at lightning speed.
*Half the plan worked. Very well actually. The other half, not so much*
*What do you mean by half?. What half.* You reply back.
*Dinner didn’t work out. I didn’t even ask. But he is pissed about you and everything you have done. Like seriously, a little provoking and we were having a small fight on the floor.*
*Seriously. He is pissed*
*Also, if you ask me again to go back over there, my answer is no. I am NOT putting up with him again. At least not until it’s necessary.* 
*Got it. Thank you for doing half of the plan though. But what should I do now?.* You ask.
*Talk to him.* 
And with that you are left bewildered. Goo doesn’t want to talk to you and from what Gun has just texted you he’s so pissed off that he’s willing to throw punches. 
A few hours of deliberating later and you still have no idea what to do. Clearly he’s annoyed and hurt and you're pretty sure you’re the last person he wants to see or even hear from right now. So you decide to leave it. Wait for everything to settle down and then you will try to talk to him.
Another few weeks have passed. Now this marks almost a month of not speaking to Goo. Even now you’re still not sure what to do. Since the day that everything came to a head, you’ve seen him a handful of times. Always leaving your father’s office after a meeting and once in the kitchen making a coffee. You didn’t even attempt to talk to him and you’re sure he hadn’t even acknowledged your presence. 
Much like when you tried to put the plan into place with Gun, you continue to berate him about what you should do. It always ends with him saying ‘talk to him’. But you can’t bring yourself to do that.
Now after a few days since the last meeting and talking to your father about everything else that has happened. Your father has told you that Goo will be over in a few hours since he needs to speak to him again, this time on his own. You just replied with an ‘okay’ and told him that you’ll stay out their way. Mostly meaning Goo.
After the few hours are over with, you assume that everything is said and done and that Goo has left. So you go downstairs to find your father.
“DAD” You scream, waiting to hear a response back so you can go to it. But, nothing.
“DAD” You scream again, this time trying to be as loud as possible. But still, nothing. You’re about to scream a third time before you hear a voice shout from the kitchen. 
“He’s not here” 
It’s Goo. Wait, what is Goo doing here, he should be gone by now. You question to yourself. But nonetheless you go to the kitchen because you have a few questions. Such as ‘Where is my dad?’.
As you enter the kitchen. Sure enough, sat on a stool, you see Goo. You furrow your eyebrows questioningly and then walk towards him. 
“So, why are you here? I thought you left” You ask Goo, not expecting a reply.
“Your father. Said he was going away for a few hours. Gun’s out on a job and your father wanted someone to watch you” Goo replies, answering all your questions in one go. 
“Great” You reply back coldly. Then with that, the room falls silent again. So you go and make yourself a coffee while you're here. You grab the kettle, fill it up, place it back down and click it so it starts to boil. Then you turn around, fold your arms across your chest and lean against the counter, just staring at Goo.
Suddenly, Goo looks up and straight at you. Making you freeze for a moment. But then he climbs off his stool and starts walking over to you. All of a sudden your eyes grow wide and you feel your heartbeat quicken in pace. 
Then in a swift flash, Goo is stood in front of you. He then reaches towards you and instinctively you close your eyes. Then suddenly you hear a cupboard door open and some sort of plate being taken out. You open your eyes again and Goo is leaning over you with a bowl in hand. Suddenly he looks down at you and speaks.
“Can you move, I need a spoon” 
You blink for a moment before moving and now you’re trying to hold your tongue. But you can’t for much longer after he grabs a spoon and heads back.
“Seriously, are you still this pissed off?” You ask him annoyed.
“Annoyed?. Annoyed about what?.” Goo asks unbothered.
“Seriously?” You question.
“Yes, seriously” 
“You really are such a dick, you know that right?”
“Oh, so I’m a dick now?” Goo replies back angrily.
“Yes. I mean seriously. I let you cool down, I didn’t talk to you given the circumstances and the only words that you say to me is first why my dad left and then you say ‘can you move, I need a spoon’. I mean what the fuck, really?” You say back, now getting angry yourself.
“Oh I’m every so very sorry princess” Goo says back tauntingly.
“You know how much I hate that nickname, so stop fucking using it” 
By this point you don’t notice that Goo has put down the bowl and spoon. You also don’t conceive the fact that you have slowly been moving closer to Goo, who is just standing round at the opposite side of the counter. And within a few seconds you are face to face screaming at one another.
This goes on for a few minutes before you eventually just scream out something that halts Goo in his tracks.
“At least I wasn't fighting with Gun because I couldn’t handle how hurt or even jealous I was” All of a sudden, silence. You both look at each other and then you step back and look down. You feel bad that you’ve just admitted to knowing about what Gun and Goo had talked about. But you also just crossed a line by assuming things. 
“How do you know about that?” Goo asks. 
“Who do you think, Gun told me. I kinda asked him to tell me what you talked about if I came up in conversation” There’s a long pause before either of you speak again, but just as you do there’s a click. It’s the front door.
“Anyone here?” It’s Gun who’s just arrived. 
“In here” Goo shouts back.
Once Gun walks into the kitchen and sees both you and Goo almost face to face he smirks and then asks rather snarkily “Lovers quarrel?” with a smirk on his face. With that you look at both of them, completely ignoring the fact that you wanted coffee and head back up to your room. You then hear the door slam and an engine start. You can tell it’s Goo’s car and then it fades away as it grows silent again. 
About 10 minutes later footsteps come up the stairs and then there is a knock at your door. Begrudgingly you answer it and it’s Gun.
“What do you want?” You ask annoyed.
“Sorry” Gun says. You sigh at this and let him in, he just goes and sits on the bed. 
“It’s fine, I just overreacted a little” 
“I mean yes, you did. But what was that, with you and Goo?” 
“We had an argument”
“Oh. So you’re talking now” 
“No. Definitely not talking”
“Okay, sure. Anyways, I'm not staying here” “But what about my dad?” You ask.
“Just tell him that Goo left a couple of minutes before he got back” Gun retorts.
“Sure thing” 
Then with that Gun leaves and you hear a click from the front door locking and another car engine starts and you hear it slowly fade. Then you’re alone. You think about everything that has just happened and how much it has hurt you. *Ding*. You pick up your phone assuming that it is Gun who is texting you until you read the name. *Piss head*. It’s Goo. You open the text quickly and read it.
*Sorry for the argument. Can you come to my apartment tomorrow, we need to talk* 
Now your head is really spinning.
Is your reply and then you prepare yourself for tomorrow.
You could barely sleep last night because you were thinking about the text from Goo. Your anxiety crept up on you when you were about to go to sleep then suddenly all you thought about was Goo. What does he want?. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?. God, even now you’re a nervous wreck thinking about it. But you leave at 2pm and your Gun will drive you.
You told your dad about everything when he got in and he nodded along as you were telling him. But when he walked into his office you saw a smile set across his face. Clearly he’s happy for you but doesn’t want to admit it. 
You check the time quickly to see how long you have until you get picked up by Gun. Suddenly you realize you overslept and it’s 1pm. Where did the time go and why didn’t you hear your alarms is all you ask yourself before you’re rushing to find an outfit and shower.
After showering and doing all the necessary things like brushing your teeth and hair, putting on your clothes. You check the time again and suddenly you hear a car horn. 1:49pm. That will be Gun. You got ready just in time you think and now you’re off to go and see Goo.
You walk outside and get in Gun’s car. Clipping in your seatbelt as soon as you sit down, then the anxiety wears away and the nausea hits. You really wish you had taken some sort of pain meds before you left. Maybe they would have dulled down the ill feeling in your stomach.
“You good?” Gun asks. 
“I feel like I’m going to throw up” You say back to him. He leans over, opens the glove compartment and then there is some medication. You look at him, smile and then reach for the medication. Popping out 2 pills while Gun hands you his half drunk bottle of water, but you don’t care. You just want to take these and hope everything goes well. 
“So, nervous I take it” 
“How could you tell?” You ask back sarcastically.
“Oh you know, this and that” 
“Ha ha” You respond back. Then there's a jolt and suddenly you recognize that Gun has started driving. 
“Do you by any chance know what he wants?” You ask Gun, hoping for a best case scenario where he knows everything. 
“Not a single idea” 
“God. Why couldn’t you know something” You almost whine this out. 
“Just have to go in blind”
“You know I hate not having even a slight inkling into what’s about to occur. So frankly, this is my worst nightmare playing out” 
“Such a shame. I would pity you if it wasn’t slightly funny” Gun says back now stifling back laughter. 
“Such an ass” You retort back and that makes Gun laugh. 
The drive isn’t long but it is silent after you almost threw up after going over a speed bump. Then you arrive at Goo’s apartment. You let out a deep sight before looking over at Gun and giving him a not then getting out. Closing the door behind you, you look up and feel the irony in the situation. 
You wait for Gun to leave and then walk towards the entrance. Once you’re in the lobby you make your way to the elevator and step inside. You remember the floor number this time, press it and wait as it slowly climbs up the floors. It’s so slow that it’s almost painful as it climbs up. Then it stops and the doors open. 
You let out another sigh before exiting the elevator and walking to Goo’s door. You wait for a minute before you ask yourself again why you’re here or what are you doing. But you can’t be bothered to fight it anymore and give in. Recognising you’re already here, you know you can’t turn back and so you knock on Goo’s door and wait for an answer.
Suddenly the door opens and Goo appears in front. He moves out the way and motion with his hand to come in and sure enough you walk in. 
“Sorry” He says.
“About what?” You ask.
“About yesterday” 
“Just about yesterday?” You ask him.
“No, not just about yesterday” You just nod as he talks. 
“Well at least you’re speaking to me now” 
“I could say the same thing about you” Goo says back.
“Well, I thought you wouldn’t want to talk to me”
“And why is that?” Goo questions. 
“I mean, given everything, I think you understand why” Goo nods as you say this but then you see a smile come across his face. 
“I you really want to know, I’m glad we’re talking again”
“Me too” 
You both sit for an hour or two talking about this and that, but you know sooner or later that you will have to have a serious talk about what really happened between you both. But before that Goo gets up and asks if you want a pizza and you nod vigorously and say yes.
It’s about 6pm by the time the pizza gets there and you both stop talking to eat. You get the plates and Goo brings out wine again. Then you start to reminisce on the night that Goo said ‘what if i’ve never hated you’ and then you look at him for a moment, happy and content, pouring out wine for you both with an ordered in pizza sat in front of you both. 
You place the plates down. Take your seat and then Goo hands you the wine. You think before taking a sip and then place it down, thinking about the conversations to come and you want to be sober for it. You both eat and drink and then after it’s finished, you take the plate and clean them while Goo dries the dishes. You aren’t saying a word to one another, you aren’t even looking at each other, but yet you can tell that both of you feel so content.
And so once everything is done and before you sit back down on the sofa you tell Goo that you have to make a call or 2. The first person you call is your father, telling him that you won’t be back tonight and that you’re planning on staying over at Goo’s talking. He doesn’t like the idea, but he’s not going to stop you, after being so truthful to him this past week. Then you call Gun, explaining the situation and trying to be questioned so much by him. But even through the phone you can feel the ever growing smirk on his face and then you hang up and everything is dealt with. 
Then again, you start to reminisce on how similar this is to how you first got to talking. The phone calls you made, staying overnight, having wine and then having conversations that turned into something so deep that not even you, yourself imagined it would. At least not with Goo. But here you are again, you think to yourself. Back in the same position, just without the storm and wet clothes. 
You go over and sit back down beside Goo. Letting out another sigh before you have to face the music and the conversations that will happen. But first you feel like you should let him know that you may or may not have told both your father and Gun that you will more than likely stay over tonight without mentioning it to the apartment's owner.
“ Goo” You say.
“What’s up” 
“Do you mind if I stay tonight?” 
“Well, I kind of canceled my ride and told my dad I would be staying over here because we do have a lot to talk about” You answer back.
“That is true. So, are we going to get started on the talks or are we just going to keep tiptoeing around it?” Goo asks suddenly. 
“Well, let’s start” You say back to him.
“Great” He says. 
“So. Why the shouting match yesterday and how did you get Gun to tell you about the conversation and fight that he and I had?” 
“The shouting match was because you were a dick. A month of no conversation and then tell me to move because you need a spoon. I mean seriously Goo a SPOON?” You say rather annoyedly. 
“But as for how I found out about the conversation, I may have set up another plan with Gun this time to try and get you to talk to me again..” 
“You did what?” Goo asks surprised.
“Yeah..I asked him if he would come over here and talk about the meeting we had a few weeks back. Then I asked him if maybe, just maybe he could slip in a few questions about me and see how that goes. But I swear all he told me was that you were annoyed and jealous and all you went on about was me, then there was a fight and overall from what I gathered, it was a mess” “Well you’re right about that. It was a complete mess” 
“Yeah. I figured as much” You say, laughing slightly. 
“But as for everything else. It’s also true what he said. I mean I was so pissed off about everything, but mainly about you that even when he came in here I had an attitude on me” Goo says. 
“Well. That’s slightly comforting to know. But still I absolutely hate myself for what happened between us. Well between all 3 of us. But mainly you and I” You say suddenly. Goo then looks at you for a moment before seeing that you are telling the truth.
“Really?” He asks, almost unsure what to think.
“Yes really. I regret that entire plan of making Gun jealous. I regret how I put you two against one another and I regret hurting you in the process of my own selfish actions” 
“Good to hear. But what about what you said in the kitchen that day that we talked, the day of the meeting?” Goo asks.
“Well truth be told I still stand by exactly what I said. I’m glad everything happened like that between us, but at the time I wasn’t entirely sure why until I had a conversation with Gun after you left” 
“And what conversation would that be?” Goo asks curiously.
“Well I told him about everything. The fake dating plan. Me wanting to go out with him, blah, blah, blah. You know the deal by now. But what really got me was when I said I liked Gun and Gun pointed that out. Going on to say a little monologue about how he did see me as a potential partner, this and that and then he said that I don’t feel the same way anymore because he was a complete dick” At this Goo tilts his head curious as to what you mean. 
“What I mean is that he pointed out that I didn’t like him and I hadn’t liked him since coming back from this apartment. Your apartment” You say to Goo. He goes silent for a moment and then the pieces click in his head. 
“Hold on. Let me get this straight. You mean to say that you liked Gun for years and once you actually got him jealous and he started becoming a dick, you didn’t like him anymore” Goo asks almost as a confirmation. 
“Yes” You say.
“Then once I called Gun to pick you up and drag you back, even after everything that happened. You didn’t like him anymore?” 
“Yes” You say again. 
“And what’s more is that you and Gun had a conversation where you said you liked him and he pointed it out and then what?. You realized that it was..” Goo stops before continuing, not wanting to be wrong in what he is assuming. 
“Yes. At that moment when I said that to Gun and he pointed it out saying a few certain things, it clicked. It clicked to me why I said that I was going to bed instead of kissing you again and again or even staying up and talking until the sun came up. It’s because I like you Goo and don’t ask me why because I don’t know. I have absolutely no clue. But yes. I like you” You finally say. Confirming everything that Goo was thinking. Or at least you're hoping so.
Goo stops for what feels like a few hours and then he just looks at you, until he breaks his eye contact. Then he looks at the glass of wine and drinks it all down in one. You’re trying not to smile at this because it’s so funny it's almost comedic. But then after only a minute he speaks. 
“I’m so sorry i’ve been such a fucking dick. You were right. This entire time I have been a dick and what’s more I hate myself for it. But Gun was also right in saying that I was jealous when he came here that day. That’s why I started a fight with him because I thought that he would win you over and I just didn’t want to see that happen. But at the same time I didn’t want to talk to you because I was pissed. So fucking pissed. But now…” Goo just stops speaking and looks at you. Smiling from ear to ear like an idiot. All you can do though is do the exact same thing back and then the laughter happens. 
You both laugh for 15 minutes. You’re crying from it and Goo is doubled over holding his stomach from it cramping up from laughing so hard and then you eventually stop and wait for Goo to do the same. After he does stop laughing, you both just look at each other and then Goo stands up. You do the same, except you move towards him and once you’re close enough to him, you wrap your arms around him, hugging him. 
He hugs you back and you stay like that for a good few minutes. Neither of you wanting to be the first to let go. But then Goo is the first one to break the connection, but in the best way possible. He cups your cheeks and kisses you and you kiss him back. You pull away and kiss each other again and again. Eventually you get slightly tired and so by that point you break away from him and say. 
“I’m tired right now. So I’m going to go to bed” With that being said you both burst into laughter at how stupid you both are. All these plans and misunderstanding and yet with a simple conversation, everything was solved. 
Goo runs up to his bedroom and brings down a shirt and sweatpants for you to wear and you go and get changed. When you come out of the bathroom he is lying on the sofa the exact same way he was when you first slept over that one fateful night. And so you crawl into his arms and he throws the blanket over you. Kissing you on the back of the neck goodnight. 
You wake up the next morning happy as can be. Then before you know it one night turns into two, two turns into three and three turns into a week. Until four months later you have a few boxes left to move that Gun is helping you with. Then you will officially have moved into Goo’s apartment. 
“Well looks like you’re moving in” Goo says sarcastically. 
“Wasn’t that always the plan?” You say sarcastically back to Goo, with a smile on your face. 
“I guess it might have been” Goo says, moving over to you and hugging you as you put the last box down. You smile up at Goo and then see that he is dangling something in his hand.
“Your house keys princess” Go says with a smirk on his face. Meanwhile you know you look unimpressed with that nickname. But it has grown on you over these past few months. 
“Great” You say. “I’ll be taking those '' As you take the keys out of Goo’s hand. You look up at him after taking them and smile again. Goo then leans down and kisses you and you kiss him back. 
“I love you” Goo says to you.
“I love you too” You say back to Goo.
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lookismlover · 1 year ago
Update and Future Plan!
Hi everyone! Before I start, thank you so much for anyone who has read the entirety of 'The Fake Date'. I will be uploading the full version in an hour or so, rather than having it in 6 different parts. As of right now I will be taking a break from writing anything, as it is the holiday season, but, I will be back in January with an update of what I am doing.
In that regard, I do have a few things in mind for writing, but they might be about a different manga/manhwa rather than lookism, but there will be another story from lookism (potentially with Gun this time around) coming soon. Also, it will in fact, most likely, be uploaded in it's entirety rather than releasing it in parts (I didn't really enjoy the format, but as I was writing it throughout many months, that was the only way I could do it, so I would like to say I'm sorry for that).
To also give everyone some insight into the other manga's I was thinking about writing for, they potentially would include Tokyo Revengers, Haikyu!!, Blue lock and Jujutsu Kaisen. There might be some more that I could write for, but those are the ones I feel like I know the most about.
Anyway, I feel like I have bored everyone enough with this update, but I just wanted to keep everyone up to date on what is happening and what is going to happen (I promise I haven't abandoned my account, even though it may look like it). However, for now, that is all. I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and a great new years and I will see you all again soon! :)
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lookismlover · 1 year ago
Goo Kim x Reader: The Fake Date Final
Hi everyone. Here is the final part of 'The Fake Date'. I am sad to see that it is finally finished, but I am glad with the way it ended. Thank you to everyone and anyone who has read even one sentence that I have wrote so far, I really appreciate it. If anyone would like me to write anything in particular for me to write next please let me know. But as it stands, here is the final chapters of 'The Fake Date'. I hope you enjoy!. :)
“I like Goo” You say out loud.
“I like Goo” You say out loud again, confirming your feelings. 
You then look at Gun, who has a slightly faded smile on his face. You can feel the small amount of pain he feels emanating from him and then you say a quiet ‘sorry’ because you feel guilty, so so guilty about all of this.
You now know that you’ve caused all of this. Every single thing that you’ve done has caused all this pain, all this hurt and you would do anything to change it. But it’s too late now to go back in time and do that, it’s happened and you just have to find a way to fix it.
So, while Gun and yourself are still in your dad’s office, you both sit quietly. You concocting a plan to undo all of this and Gun sitting patiently, waiting and then getting ready to listen to what you have to come up with. You finally hatch an idea. One that you think will have the best outcome on everyone's part.
“Well” You say to Gun.
“Well” Gun says back to you.
“I think I have an idea”
“Hopefully it’s nothing like the last one” Gun says back in a sarcastic manner, smiling while he says it. 
“Ha ha, very funny. But no it’s definitely not like the last one” You say back reassuringly. 
“Thank god for that. So what is it?.” Gun questions.
“Well, firstly, given the fact that it had you and Goo in it to begin with, I don’t want that to happen again. Unless you’re okay with it” You say back to Gun, awaiting his response. 
“Look, as much as last time was a complete fuck up for you, in your so called ‘plan’. I’m fine with helping you this time” Gun says.
“After all, contrary to popular belief, I do want to see you happy. And if that means being with Goo of all people, then I’ll help you” Gun finally says.
You look at Gun and smile with his words. But then what he has just said about Goo click and you start laughing. Gun then joins in and soon you are both laughing with one another.
“Thank you” You say after eventually calming yourself down. “Seriously, thank you” Gun nods at your response and you can’t help but feel like this is reminiscent of so called ‘old times’ you used to spend with him. The exception being that there is a lot more talking going on and he’s not just nodding this time around.
“So, what’s the plan?” Gun questions.
“Well, I was thinking that you could go over to his house and talk to him for a little while. Say it’s for work. Slip in a few questions about him and I…us and see how he reacts” You say back answering his question.
“Hmmm” Gun says back in retaliation to the plan. 
“Why the hmmm?” You ask.
“Well won’t that be a bit suspicious?” 
“Suspicious?. I mean slightly, but even then you could just say some bullshit like you always do and voila, case closed” You say back to him. 
Gun just looks at you with a questioning look. “You think I can just bullshit my way through a conversation?” He finally asks. 
“Yes, yes I do and you’re pretty good at it” You say back to him with a smile on your face and then again, you both burst into laughter. 
“So, what comes after the plan?” Gun asks.
“Well, that part I haven’t exactly figured out yet. But I was thinking that I would give him a week or so to cool down and then talk to him. And my father, about maybe…the possibility of a serious, well, relationship with Goo” Gun looks at you and then smiles back at your answer.
“Aww, getting all sappy now are we?” Gun says back mockingly.
“No” You say firmly “But you did ask didn’t you?. And well, after everything. Mostly with you making me admit that I have feelings for Goo, I actually don’t think it would be a bad thing if we gave things a go. That is if he doesn’t hate me for everything” 
Gun just smirks at what you’re saying. But you can tell he isn’t hurt, he is just genuinely happy that you and his well, rival, best friend in some weird way, whatever they are. You can tell he is just happy for you both and that makes you happy as well.
“So, when are you going to talk to your father about all of this?” Gun asks. 
“Now that, I’m not sure about. I’m also not sure how he will take it or how he will take the whole, you know” You stop talking and then Gun interjects. 
“Fake dating thing?” Gun says finishing your sentence for you.
“Yeah. The whole fake dating thing” You sigh at the end of it, with how much damage you have caused with this entire idea. God, how stupid you are. But you will put it right. You have to put it right in order to get Goo back.
Gun pulls you from your thoughts when he speaks and you almost jump with how startled you are by it. “Your father will be fine with everything, I mean he has to be. Wait, does he not even know that you and Goo ‘broke up’” All you can do is shake your head to his question.
“Well then, I really want to watch that conversation play out” Gun says with yet another smirk on his face. “Oh trust me, I would much rather you be there. But alas, you have a very touchy conversation with Goo to have. Well you are having that conversation on my behalf, but still” You say back, mimicking his sarcasm and adding a smirk onto your face for an extra touch.
Gun just looks at you, unimpressed. But you just look at Gun and mouth the words ‘thank you’ to him. You realize at that moment that neither of you want to breach the silence that has fallen upon the conversation. But it isn’t the type of silence that is awkward, it’s just comforting to you both at this minute. The silence that you both used to have. The silence you used to have before everything became such a mess and you’re glad it’s happening right now, because you know that with this silence again, that everything with you and Gun will be okay.
It has been a couple of days since your conversation with Gun. Since then you have gotten your hair done to try to feel better and to help with your nerves, but it hasn’t worked in the slightest. But today is the day that you are going to tell your father about everything. Every. Single. Thing. 
You have tried to prepare yourself for the inevitable conversation. You’ve come up with so many different outcomes. You’ve come up with how the conversation will start and end. You’ve come up with how you’re even going to lead into the topic of everything, but each time it just makes you more nervous. 
You made sure a few days ago that your father would be free when you went to talk to him. But since then, you really have been trying to mentally prepare yourself, to no avail though. So as you’re walking down the hallway getting ready to enter his office, you freeze just outside the door and take one final deep breath in to attempt to calm your nerves and much like you figured it would, it has not helped.
“Hi dad” You say as you enter his office. 
“Hi” He says back in his firm but yet fatherly voice.
“So what is it that you wanted?” He asks. 
“Well, about that” You pause for a moment and he raises his eyebrows at you curiously.
“It’s about…well, there's a lot I want to talk to you about” You finally say and with that, you now have his full undivided attention on you.
“Go on” He says, making you more nervous.
“Okay. So you umm..well you remember that Goo and I were dating right?” 
“Well, that wasn’t exactly true” You say to him while looking down at your hands fiddling with your fingers. 
“Go on” You eventually hear back.
“You know what, it’s a long story. It can wait for another time. Sorry to bother you” You say back to him, too nervous and scared to tell him that truth. But as you go to stand up, he stands first. You remain seated until he walks around his desk, takes a chair and pulls it over to where you are sat. Instinctively, you turn your chair towards him.
Then suddenly he smiles at you and takes your hands. You always forget that the man sitting in front of you is your father, since he is always so strict and firm with everyone else. But in every other term, he is your father. So now with this, you feel a lot more at ease with telling him. 
“Go on” He says to you.
“Well, the entire thing with Goo and I was fake. We never really dated, at all. It only came into fruition the night of your event actually. The truth is that I came up with this plan” You pause there, preparing yourself for what you’re about to say.
“Plan?” Your father eventually asks after a long, drawn out pause from you.
“Yes, a plan. The thing is that before that night, I had liked Gun for so many years. Too many now that I think about it. But he just intrigued me so much. So that night I asked Goo to have a conversation with me and in that conversation I told him the plan that I wanted to put into place. I told him that I wanted us to fake date in order to make Gun jealous” As you’ve just admitted all of this your father is sat in the other chair nodding and taking everything in. So given that it is going somewhat well in your eyes so far, you continue.
“So, that night Gun came into the room. Found Goo and I and because Goo is well…Goo, he decided to have a little fun and play along. So he told Gun that we had been going out for some time and then we kissed to prove it. The very next day, that is when we had our conversation. Then I went out, walked about for a little while and got trapped in the center of Seoul. Everything I said on the phone that night was true, apart from where I was staying” You inhale a deep breath but you can already tell that your father has figured out where this is going.
“You stayed at Goo’s house?” He asks. You nod in response. 
“Can I ask why you lied?” 
“Well, the truth is that I didn’t think it would be appropriate to show up at one of my friends' doors and ask to stay the night on such short notice, soaking wet, cold and not having anything to wear for the next day. So I guess, well I figured that since Goo was then the closest person to the area that I would walk to his apartment and hope to god that he would answer the door. And it’s also because I didn’t want to come home that night. I really just needed time to cool down and digest everything. I mean it was a small lie, a stupid plan and then you found out and reacted how you did. I just couldn’t be around it. I’m so sorry” You say.
Your father squeezes your hand in reassurance that he isn’t angry with you, not in the least. But you still feel so guilty for lying to him. 
“So, what happened after?” He questions you again.
“I went, knocked on his door and he was there. He let me in. I showered and he came back with some stuff for me. I mean he was really sweet in the entire thing. After that we drank some wine, had a conversation and then went to bed” 
“Is there more?” “A hell of a lot more, yes. The next day I called you, remember?” Your father nods in response. “Everything I said on the call was true. I did need some more space from you but I just lied about where I was. Then as the day went on everything was fine. But then Goo left to go do a job for you and he left a note. It had an ‘x’ at the bottom of it and he had this picture when we were at the theme park. I fell asleep that day and when he came back I woke up, we had this entire conversation about everything and it kinda ended in me kissing him and then the only thing I could say after that was ‘I’m going to bed’” You stop and try to catch your breath. It didn’t register how fast you were talking just then and with everything you just revealed to your father, you don’t want to stop there. So just as fast as you assume you stopped speaking, you start again. 
“After that, the next day he called Gun to come and get me. Gun brought me back and had a few words to say to me. They both were so pissed off at me about everything. So then 3 weeks went by, no texts, no calls, no communication whatsoever with any of them. Then 3 days ago now we had that meeting and everything kind of came to a head. I had a conversation with Goo and he flipped out on me because I really hurt him. Then he left. After that I had a conversation with Gun and I found out that my plan worked. But he made me realize that by that point, it wasn’t him that I liked, it was Goo. So now we have this entire other plan of him trying to talk to Goo and slip things in about me and that I have no idea on my end what to do. But I wanted to tell you. I wanted to be honest with you because I don’t want to mess up again. I really like Goo and I just don’t want to mess up” 
Now everything is out in the open. You have no clue how your father is going to react to your confession but you’re hoping he isn’t too mad at anyone involved. 
“That’s quite the story. One hell of a story actually. One that I didn’t expect. But I'm glad you told me. And if you’re wondering, I'm not mad at you” You look up after he says this and all of a sudden you feel your nausea fade away. You hadn’t registered just how ill you were feeling until this very moment. But then it had faded away and you felt better. 
Your father then stands up and puts the chair back in it’s place and then stands in front of you. A tell tale sign that he wants you to do the same and so you do. Suddenly, you are engulfed in a hug. And you hug him back just as tightly as he is hugging you.
“All I have to say is, thank you for telling me the truth. And if you do like Goo as much as I think you do, don’t fuck it up this time if you get another chance” With that being said and your father letting you go. You make a swift exit and go back to your room to decide on a plan of what’s to come. A plan that you’re hoping will work. 
A few days after the conversation with your father, you have filled Gun in on the plan that you hope will go well and today is the day it will come into play. Still sticking to the original plan, Gun will go around and talk to Goo, throwing in a few questions about yourself in the process. Then Gun will ask Goo to a dinner to discuss what your father had said previously when all 3 of you had the meeting about 5 days ago and you will show up in his place. Hopefully everything will go well and then you can discuss everything with Goo, resulting in a happy ending.
But since this morning you have been frantically pacing about your room, thinking about everything. You have called Gun about 2 times already to make sure he’s aware of what he needs to do and both times he has responded with ‘I know the plan, don’t worry’. Now you’re onto texting him. But you haven’t received a reply back and that’s worrying you. 
20 minutes of pacing later you hear the signature *ding* of your phone. You run and grab it from your bed and it is a text from Gun. 
*I’ve just arrived. Don’t worry, everything will be fine, it's just like we went over. I’ll let you know how it goes.*
*Okay.* is the only thing you can respond with given how anxious you are. Now with that it’s just a waiting game to see how everything plays out.
“Well” Gun says, stepping into Goo’s apartment. “How has everything been”
“Amazing” Goo replies rather nastily. 
“As pleasant as always I can tell”
“Ha ha, very funny. Now just sit down so we can get this over and done with” Gun obliges to the somewhat command-like comment and sits.
“So, what did you want to go over?” Goo says with a still rather hateful tone in his voice and Gun can’t distinguish whether it’s from his presence or because of you.
“Firstly, why the dick attitude of yours?. I mean you’re always a dick, but amazingly enough, this is a whole other level” Gun asks curiously. 
“Oh fuck off, this is how I normally am. Can’t you tell?” Goo replies back, now even more aggravated.
“Mhm. So this little attitude of yours wouldn’t have anything to do with you know who?” Goo just scoffs.
“No it doesn’t have anything to do with her if you must know” 
“Right. So no bitter feeling, no pining for her, nothing of that sort going on right now?” Gun asks, attempting to make Goo more annoyed because he knows this is the best way to get answers out of him.
“Again. NO” Goo shouts the last part.
“Wow, touchy. But even in saying no, it’s a yes. Got it” 
“You know what, fuck off if you’re going to be like that”
“Be like what?” Gun replies, acting oblivious. 
“Oh I don’t know. Curious, nosey, intrusive or just sticking your nose somewhere it doesn’t belong” Goo retorts back.
“Right. So you are upset then. God I couldn’t tell” 
“Oh fuck off. I mean seriously, you would be too”
“Trust me, given what I’ve heard from her and the entire little plan that she concocted, yeah I’m pissed. But seriously the thing she did to you, that’s just laughable” Gun says tauntingly. 
“Right and you’ve hear everything” 
“That’s right” Gun replies back calmly. Goo turns around at this and raises his eyebrows, not needing to ask the question ‘seriously?’ for Gun to understand what he was going to say. So Gun just nods.
“Well then. Looks like you guys are happy again” 
“Were friends again if that’s what you mean” 
“Right…friends” Goo replies back, now getting agitated. 
“You seem bothered. Want to tell me why?” Gun says, provoking Goo even more. 
Then after a few seconds, Gun sees a glass flying towards his head and after that Goo goes in for a punch. They have a small scuffle on the floor for a good few minutes, both landing punches on one another until Goo finally stops and stands. Gun does the same and they both wipe themselves down before sitting on the sofa.
“This is bullshit” Goo says. “All of this is fucking bullshit” 
“Clarification?” Gun asks curiously.
“Her and me. Me and her. God, it’s bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit” 
“Aww so you are upset” Gun mocks. Goo just looks at him for a moment before taking in his surroundings and Gun assumes he doesn’t want to break his expensive furniture. 
“Look just fuck off, I’m not in the mood” Goo says back.
“Listen. I don’t really care all that much. But, for what it’s worth. She is sorry” Gun says as he stands up to leave. 
But as he walks towards the door and reaches for the handle Goo suddenly asks something.
“Also what happened to talking about the meeting?” Goo questions.
“We can go over it another time. Clearly, you’re not in the right headspace” And with that Gun leaves Goo’s apartment.
Another *ding* on your phone makes you jump as you have just sat down to think about everything for the millionth time. It’s from Gun again. Much like last time you open it at lightning speed.
*Half the plan worked. Very well actually. The other half, not so much*
*What do you mean by half?. What half.* You reply back.
*Dinner didn’t work out. I didn’t even ask. But he is pissed about you and everything you have done. Like seriously, a little provoking and we were having a small fight on the floor.*
*Seriously. He is pissed*
*Also, if you ask me again to go back over there, my answer is no. I am NOT putting up with him again. At least not until it’s necessary.* 
*Got it. Thank you for doing half of the plan though. But what should I do now?.* You ask.
*Talk to him.* 
And with that you are left bewildered. Goo doesn’t want to talk to you and from what Gun has just texted you he’s so pissed off that he’s willing to throw punches. 
A few hours of deliberating later and you still have no idea what to do. Clearly he’s annoyed and hurt and you're pretty sure you’re the last person he wants to see or even hear from right now. So you decide to leave it. Wait for everything to settle down and then you will try to talk to him.
Another few weeks have passed. Now this marks almost a month of not speaking to Goo. Even now you’re still not sure what to do. Since the day that everything came to a head, you’ve seen him a handful of times. Always leaving your father’s office after a meeting and once in the kitchen making a coffee. You didn’t even attempt to talk to him and you’re sure he hadn’t even acknowledged your presence. 
Much like when you tried to put the plan into place with Gun, you continue to berate him about what you should do. It always ends with him saying ‘talk to him’. But you can’t bring yourself to do that.
Now after a few days since the last meeting and talking to your father about everything else that has happened. Your father has told you that Goo will be over in a few hours since he needs to speak to him again, this time on his own. You just replied with an ‘okay’ and told him that you’ll stay out their way. Mostly meaning Goo.
After the few hours are over with, you assume that everything is said and done and that Goo has left. So you go downstairs to find your father.
“DAD” You scream, waiting to hear a response back so you can go to it. But, nothing.
“DAD” You scream again, this time trying to be as loud as possible. But still, nothing. You’re about to scream a third time before you hear a voice shout from the kitchen. 
“He’s not here” 
It’s Goo. Wait, what is Goo doing here, he should be gone by now. You question to yourself. But nonetheless you go to the kitchen because you have a few questions. Such as ‘Where is my dad?’.
As you enter the kitchen. Sure enough, sat on a stool, you see Goo. You furrow your eyebrows questioningly and then walk towards him. 
“So, why are you here? I thought you left” You ask Goo, not expecting a reply.
“Your father. Said he was going away for a few hours. Gun’s out on a job and your father wanted someone to watch you” Goo replies, answering all your questions in one go. 
“Great” You reply back coldly. Then with that, the room falls silent again. So you go and make yourself a coffee while you're here. You grab the kettle, fill it up, place it back down and click it so it starts to boil. Then you turn around, fold your arms across your chest and lean against the counter, just staring at Goo.
Suddenly, Goo looks up and straight at you. Making you freeze for a moment. But then he climbs off his stool and starts walking over to you. All of a sudden your eyes grow wide and you feel your heartbeat quicken in pace. 
Then in a swift flash, Goo is stood in front of you. He then reaches towards you and instinctively you close your eyes. Then suddenly you hear a cupboard door open and some sort of plate being taken out. You open your eyes again and Goo is leaning over you with a bowl in hand. Suddenly he looks down at you and speaks.
“Can you move, I need a spoon” 
You blink for a moment before moving and now you’re trying to hold your tongue. But you can’t for much longer after he grabs a spoon and heads back.
“Seriously, are you still this pissed off?” You ask him annoyed.
“Annoyed?. Annoyed about what?.” Goo asks unbothered.
“Seriously?” You question.
“Yes, seriously” 
“You really are such a dick, you know that right?”
“Oh, so I’m a dick now?” Goo replies back angrily.
“Yes. I mean seriously. I let you cool down, I didn’t talk to you given the circumstances and the only words that you say to me is first why my dad left and then you say ‘can you move, I need a spoon’. I mean what the fuck, really?” You say back, now getting angry yourself.
“Oh I’m every so very sorry princess” Goo says back tauntingly.
“You know how much I hate that nickname, so stop fucking using it” 
By this point you don’t notice that Goo has put down the bowl and spoon. You also don’t conceive the fact that you have slowly been moving closer to Goo, who is just standing round at the opposite side of the counter. And within a few seconds you are face to face screaming at one another.
This goes on for a few minutes before you eventually just scream out something that halts Goo in his tracks.
“At least I wasn't fighting with Gun because I couldn’t handle how hurt or even jealous I was” All of a sudden, silence. You both look at each other and then you step back and look down. You feel bad that you’ve just admitted to knowing about what Gun and Goo had talked about. But you also just crossed a line by assuming things. 
“How do you know about that?” Goo asks. 
“Who do you think, Gun told me. I kinda asked him to tell me what you talked about if I came up in conversation” There’s a long pause before either of you speak again, but just as you do there’s a click. It’s the front door.
“Anyone here?” It’s Gun who’s just arrived. 
“In here” Goo shouts back.
Once Gun walks into the kitchen and sees both you and Goo almost face to face he smirks and then asks rather snarkily “Lovers quarrel?” with a smirk on his face. With that you look at both of them, completely ignoring the fact that you wanted coffee and head back up to your room. You then hear the door slam and an engine start. You can tell it’s Goo’s car and then it fades away as it grows silent again. 
About 10 minutes later footsteps come up the stairs and then there is a knock at your door. Begrudgingly you answer it and it’s Gun.
“What do you want?” You ask annoyed.
“Sorry” Gun says. You sigh at this and let him in, he just goes and sits on the bed. 
“It’s fine, I just overreacted a little” 
“I mean yes, you did. But what was that, with you and Goo?” 
“We had an argument”
“Oh. So you’re talking now” 
“No. Definitely not talking”
“Okay, sure. Anyways, I'm not staying here” “But what about my dad?” You ask.
“Just tell him that Goo left a couple of minutes before he got back” Gun retorts.
“Sure thing” 
Then with that Gun leaves and you hear a click from the front door locking and another car engine starts and you hear it slowly fade. Then you’re alone. You think about everything that has just happened and how much it has hurt you. *Ding*. You pick up your phone assuming that it is Gun who is texting you until you read the name. *Piss head*. It’s Goo. You open the text quickly and read it.
*Sorry for the argument. Can you come to my apartment tomorrow, we need to talk* 
Now your head is really spinning.
Is your reply and then you prepare yourself for tomorrow.
You could barely sleep last night because you were thinking about the text from Goo. Your anxiety crept up on you when you were about to go to sleep then suddenly all you thought about was Goo. What does he want?. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?. God, even now you’re a nervous wreck thinking about it. But you leave at 2pm and your Gun will drive you.
You told your dad about everything when he got in and he nodded along as you were telling him. But when he walked into his office you saw a smile set across his face. Clearly he’s happy for you but doesn’t want to admit it. 
You check the time quickly to see how long you have until you get picked up by Gun. Suddenly you realize you overslept and it’s 1pm. Where did the time go and why didn’t you hear your alarms is all you ask yourself before you’re rushing to find an outfit and shower.
After showering and doing all the necessary things like brushing your teeth and hair, putting on your clothes. You check the time again and suddenly you hear a car horn. 1:49pm. That will be Gun. You got ready just in time you think and now you’re off to go and see Goo.
You walk outside and get in Gun’s car. Clipping in your seatbelt as soon as you sit down, then the anxiety wears away and the nausea hits. You really wish you had taken some sort of pain meds before you left. Maybe they would have dulled down the ill feeling in your stomach.
“You good?” Gun asks. 
“I feel like I’m going to throw up” You say back to him. He leans over, opens the glove compartment and then there is some medication. You look at him, smile and then reach for the medication. Popping out 2 pills while Gun hands you his half drunk bottle of water, but you don’t care. You just want to take these and hope everything goes well. 
“So, nervous I take it” 
“How could you tell?” You ask back sarcastically.
“Oh you know, this and that” 
“Ha ha” You respond back. Then there's a jolt and suddenly you recognize that Gun has started driving. 
“Do you by any chance know what he wants?” You ask Gun, hoping for a best case scenario where he knows everything. 
“Not a single idea” 
“God. Why couldn’t you know something” You almost whine this out. 
“Just have to go in blind”
“You know I hate not having even a slight inkling into what’s about to occur. So frankly, this is my worst nightmare playing out” 
“Such a shame. I would pity you if it wasn’t slightly funny” Gun says back now stifling back laughter. 
“Such an ass” You retort back and that makes Gun laugh. 
The drive isn’t long but it is silent after you almost threw up after going over a speed bump. Then you arrive at Goo’s apartment. You let out a deep sight before looking over at Gun and giving him a not then getting out. Closing the door behind you, you look up and feel the irony in the situation. 
You wait for Gun to leave and then walk towards the entrance. Once you’re in the lobby you make your way to the elevator and step inside. You remember the floor number this time, press it and wait as it slowly climbs up the floors. It’s so slow that it’s almost painful as it climbs up. Then it stops and the doors open. 
You let out another sigh before exiting the elevator and walking to Goo’s door. You wait for a minute before you ask yourself again why you’re here or what are you doing. But you can’t be bothered to fight it anymore and give in. Recognising you’re already here, you know you can’t turn back and so you knock on Goo’s door and wait for an answer.
Suddenly the door opens and Goo appears in front. He moves out the way and motion with his hand to come in and sure enough you walk in. 
“Sorry” He says.
“About what?” You ask.
“About yesterday” 
“Just about yesterday?” You ask him.
“No, not just about yesterday” You just nod as he talks. 
“Well at least you’re speaking to me now” 
“I could say the same thing about you” Goo says back.
“Well, I thought you wouldn’t want to talk to me”
“And why is that?” Goo questions. 
“I mean, given everything, I think you understand why” Goo nods as you say this but then you see a smile come across his face. 
“I you really want to know, I’m glad we’re talking again”
“Me too” 
You both sit for an hour or two talking about this and that, but you know sooner or later that you will have to have a serious talk about what really happened between you both. But before that Goo gets up and asks if you want a pizza and you nod vigorously and say yes.
It’s about 6pm by the time the pizza gets there and you both stop talking to eat. You get the plates and Goo brings out wine again. Then you start to reminisce on the night that Goo said ‘what if i’ve never hated you’ and then you look at him for a moment, happy and content, pouring out wine for you both with an ordered in pizza sat in front of you both. 
You place the plates down. Take your seat and then Goo hands you the wine. You think before taking a sip and then place it down, thinking about the conversations to come and you want to be sober for it. You both eat and drink and then after it’s finished, you take the plate and clean them while Goo dries the dishes. You aren’t saying a word to one another, you aren’t even looking at each other, but yet you can tell that both of you feel so content.
And so once everything is done and before you sit back down on the sofa you tell Goo that you have to make a call or 2. The first person you call is your father, telling him that you won’t be back tonight and that you’re planning on staying over at Goo’s talking. He doesn’t like the idea, but he’s not going to stop you, after being so truthful to him this past week. Then you call Gun, explaining the situation and trying to be questioned so much by him. But even through the phone you can feel the ever growing smirk on his face and then you hang up and everything is dealt with. 
Then again, you start to reminisce on how similar this is to how you first got to talking. The phone calls you made, staying overnight, having wine and then having conversations that turned into something so deep that not even you, yourself imagined it would. At least not with Goo. But here you are again, you think to yourself. Back in the same position, just without the storm and wet clothes. 
You go over and sit back down beside Goo. Letting out another sigh before you have to face the music and the conversations that will happen. But first you feel like you should let him know that you may or may not have told both your father and Gun that you will more than likely stay over tonight without mentioning it to the apartment's owner.
“ Goo” You say.
“What’s up” 
“Do you mind if I stay tonight?” 
“Well, I kind of canceled my ride and told my dad I would be staying over here because we do have a lot to talk about” You answer back.
“That is true. So, are we going to get started on the talks or are we just going to keep tiptoeing around it?” Goo asks suddenly. 
“Well, let’s start” You say back to him.
“Great” He says. 
“So. Why the shouting match yesterday and how did you get Gun to tell you about the conversation and fight that he and I had?” 
“The shouting match was because you were a dick. A month of no conversation and then tell me to move because you need a spoon. I mean seriously Goo a SPOON?” You say rather annoyedly. 
“But as for how I found out about the conversation, I may have set up another plan with Gun this time to try and get you to talk to me again..” 
“You did what?” Goo asks surprised.
“Yeah..I asked him if he would come over here and talk about the meeting we had a few weeks back. Then I asked him if maybe, just maybe he could slip in a few questions about me and see how that goes. But I swear all he told me was that you were annoyed and jealous and all you went on about was me, then there was a fight and overall from what I gathered, it was a mess” “Well you’re right about that. It was a complete mess” 
“Yeah. I figured as much” You say, laughing slightly. 
“But as for everything else. It’s also true what he said. I mean I was so pissed off about everything, but mainly about you that even when he came in here I had an attitude on me” Goo says. 
“Well. That’s slightly comforting to know. But still I absolutely hate myself for what happened between us. Well between all 3 of us. But mainly you and I” You say suddenly. Goo then looks at you for a moment before seeing that you are telling the truth.
“Really?” He asks, almost unsure what to think.
“Yes really. I regret that entire plan of making Gun jealous. I regret how I put you two against one another and I regret hurting you in the process of my own selfish actions” 
“Good to hear. But what about what you said in the kitchen that day that we talked, the day of the meeting?” Goo asks.
“Well truth be told I still stand by exactly what I said. I’m glad everything happened like that between us, but at the time I wasn’t entirely sure why until I had a conversation with Gun after you left” 
“And what conversation would that be?” Goo asks curiously.
“Well I told him about everything. The fake dating plan. Me wanting to go out with him, blah, blah, blah. You know the deal by now. But what really got me was when I said I liked Gun and Gun pointed that out. Going on to say a little monologue about how he did see me as a potential partner, this and that and then he said that I don’t feel the same way anymore because he was a complete dick” At this Goo tilts his head curious as to what you mean. 
“What I mean is that he pointed out that I didn’t like him and I hadn’t liked him since coming back from this apartment. Your apartment” You say to Goo. He goes silent for a moment and then the pieces click in his head. 
“Hold on. Let me get this straight. You mean to say that you liked Gun for years and once you actually got him jealous and he started becoming a dick, you didn’t like him anymore” Goo asks almost as a confirmation. 
“Yes” You say.
“Then once I called Gun to pick you up and drag you back, even after everything that happened. You didn’t like him anymore?” 
“Yes” You say again. 
“And what’s more is that you and Gun had a conversation where you said you liked him and he pointed it out and then what?. You realized that it was..” Goo stops before continuing, not wanting to be wrong in what he is assuming. 
“Yes. At that moment when I said that to Gun and he pointed it out saying a few certain things, it clicked. It clicked to me why I said that I was going to bed instead of kissing you again and again or even staying up and talking until the sun came up. It’s because I like you Goo and don’t ask me why because I don’t know. I have absolutely no clue. But yes. I like you” You finally say. Confirming everything that Goo was thinking. Or at least you're hoping so.
Goo stops for what feels like a few hours and then he just looks at you, until he breaks his eye contact. Then he looks at the glass of wine and drinks it all down in one. You’re trying not to smile at this because it’s so funny it's almost comedic. But then after only a minute he speaks. 
“I’m so sorry i’ve been such a fucking dick. You were right. This entire time I have been a dick and what’s more I hate myself for it. But Gun was also right in saying that I was jealous when he came here that day. That’s why I started a fight with him because I thought that he would win you over and I just didn’t want to see that happen. But at the same time I didn’t want to talk to you because I was pissed. So fucking pissed. But now…” Goo just stops speaking and looks at you. Smiling from ear to ear like an idiot. All you can do though is do the exact same thing back and then the laughter happens. 
You both laugh for 15 minutes. You’re crying from it and Goo is doubled over holding his stomach from it cramping up from laughing so hard and then you eventually stop and wait for Goo to do the same. After he does stop laughing, you both just look at each other and then Goo stands up. You do the same, except you move towards him and once you’re close enough to him, you wrap your arms around him, hugging him. 
He hugs you back and you stay like that for a good few minutes. Neither of you wanting to be the first to let go. But then Goo is the first one to break the connection, but in the best way possible. He cups your cheeks and kisses you and you kiss him back. You pull away and kiss each other again and again. Eventually you get slightly tired and so by that point you break away from him and say. 
“I’m tired right now. So I’m going to go to bed” With that being said you both burst into laughter at how stupid you both are. All these plans and misunderstanding and yet with a simple conversation, everything was solved. 
Goo runs up to his bedroom and brings down a shirt and sweatpants for you to wear and you go and get changed. When you come out of the bathroom he is lying on the sofa the exact same way he was when you first slept over that one fateful night. And so you crawl into his arms and he throws the blanket over you. Kissing you on the back of the neck goodnight. 
You wake up the next morning happy as can be. Then before you know it one night turns into two, two turns into three and three turns into a week. Until four months later you have a few boxes left to move that Gun is helping you with. Then you will officially have moved into Goo’s apartment. 
“Well looks like you’re moving in” Goo says sarcastically. 
“Wasn’t that always the plan?” You say sarcastically back to Goo, with a smile on your face. 
“I guess it might have been” Goo says, moving over to you and hugging you as you put the last box down. You smile up at Goo and then see that he is dangling something in his hand.
“Your house keys princess” Go says with a smirk on his face. Meanwhile you know you look unimpressed with that nickname. But it has grown on you over these past few months. 
“Great” You say. “I’ll be taking those '' As you take the keys out of Goo’s hand. You look up at him after taking them and smile again. Goo then leans down and kisses you and you kiss him back. 
“I love you” Goo says to you.
“I love you too” You say back to Goo.
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lookismlover · 1 year ago
Hi all, another little update. I know the chapters were meant to be released yesterday, but I have been going over it in my head over and over and I keep changing the ending again and again.
So firstly I wanted to apologised for the chapters not being released when I said they would be, but I also don't want the final part being released and hating it. But I am currently writing up another ending right now and I can say for definite that the final chapter will be released by the end of the day today November 5th!.
Thank you so much for sticking around with me and the story (I know I'm not the best when it comes to releasing things on time but I want the story to be the best it can be for everyone who reads it) but today you will have thee final chapters that will wrap up this story!.
See you all later today and thank you so much for reading it!. :)
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lookismlover · 1 year ago
I am happy to say that I feel confident in the final chapters of ‘The Fake Date’ now that I have written them. Over the next week I will be making a few more changes but they should be released by November 4th.
I would also like to thank anyone who has read any of the 5 posts of ‘The Fake Date’ so far and thank you to everyone who will be waiting for the release of the final chapters. I will hopefully see you all on November 4th!. :)
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lookismlover · 1 year ago
Hi everyone, sorry for being MIA for the past month, i’ve been a bit busy. While I have been MIA though I have been working on the upcoming chapters that will finish the fake date. I’m still writing them, but they all should be released soon.
Due to the fake date almost being completed, I would love if anyone who would like me to write something for a character to message me and I will try to bring it to life. Again though, thank you to everyone who has been reading the chapters and I will see you soon with an update!
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lookismlover · 1 year ago
Goo Kim x Reader: The Fake Date Part 5
Here is the much anticipated part 5. Again I would just like to thank you all for your patience in the happenings that occurred over the past few days that kept part 5 from releasing when it was originally supposed to. I also decided to back track on my decision to release another chapter or two today. I'm sorry about this but I've realized that there won't be very many chapters left and I would much rather have a longer final part to end the series with. But nevertheless, here is part 5 of The Fake Date and I hope you all enjoy it. :)
You wake up the next morning with a cramp in your neck, probably from lying on the sofa at a weird angle. You slowly wake up and gaze at your surroundings, familiarizing yourself that you are still at Goo’s apartment. 
You get up and do what can only be described as distracting yourself from thoughts of last night. You kissed Goo. Not because you had to but because you wanted to. 
You get a cup of coffee, brush your teeth after and go in the shower. All while you’re still thinking about Goo. Goo this, Goo that. Until finally you think that it is Gun that you should be thinking about.
So you try to think about Gun, you think about all the fun times you had with him and how he gets you. Then as if clockwork, Goo jumps straight back into your thoughts as he descends the stairs.
“Hey” You say as casually as you can.
“Hi” Goo says back in a somewhat cold manner.
“How are you?” You ask him, trying to lighten up the conversation but to no avail. 
“Mhm” Goo responds back. You can’t help but think your lack of ‘caring’ last night about this kiss and how cold you were after have something to do with this. But again, you try to converse with Goo. 
“So, how did you sleep last night?” You ask.
“Good, that’s…well good!” You say back, AGAIN trying to lighten the mood. But at this point you’re hoping that it’s just down to Goo waking up. 
“Well coffee’s ready if you want a cup. I thought I should make you some, show you how thankful I am that you let me stay here these past few nights” You say to Goo.
“No problem” 
The room goes quiet after that. No conversations to be had and none that you wanted to start. So you go and sit down and start drinking your coffee in complete silence. 
Goo joins you, but sits far away to the point that you know he is avoiding you in the best way he can. You just continue to drink your coffee and not chat until there’s a knock at the door. 
You immediately look at the door, then to the clock that is sitting in the living room. 7:46am. Who can be here at 7:46am?. Until you hear the voice. His voice. Gun’s voice. 
You don’t even have enough time to get up and go somewhere, let alone hide. Then Goo, as cool as a cucumber, just says “It’s open”. 
You look at Goo, then look at the door which Gun is now standing in. Gun just looks at you and then to Goo. 
“Told you she’s here. She’s been here for the past 2 nights” Goo says.
Taken aback by what Goo has just said, you look at him. He stares right back at you with a completely straight face. No hint of emotion present on it at all. No anger. No hurt. No surprise…no surprise.
“You called Gun” You say looking at Goo. But he doesn’t speak.
“YOU CALLED GUN” You say again this time raising your voice, as well as yourself off the sofa. 
“Yes, Goo called me” Gun chimes in.
“I wasn’t asking you” You say back to Gun, not taking your eyes off of Goo.
“Yes, I called Gun” Goo eventually says. 
You’re shocked at how casually this conversation is for him. How...normal it is that he’s called Gun to get you. Normal. Huh. You suppose it is normal for Gun to come and get you. But you didn’t think it would be Goo to call him first. 
All you can do after thinking for a moment is to nod your head. You know what this is about and why it’s happened. But wasn’t it inevitable?. Wasn’t this how it was always going to be?. You would have to go back to your father’s house at some point, but you thought you might have had another night.
Another night to stay with Goo. To be around Goo. To sort out what had happened between you both. Your…feelings for Goo. But no. All because of a miscommunication that you caused, this is now a thing that’s happening.
Right here, right now - Gun is picking you up from Goo’s apartment, after Goo was the one to call him. Great, you think to yourself. Just great.
An hour later you and Gun are leaving Goo’s apartment. Goo has just sat, emotionless, while you’ve gathered the slight part of “your” things that were scattered around. After doing that and leaving the clothes Goo bought you, you go towards Gun.
“You’ve got everything?” Gun asks.
“Yes, now can we go” You say back to him, while looking at your feet because the fact is you can’t look at Goo. Not right now at least.
“Again, thank you for telling me where she was” Gun says back to Goo before leaving. But just as the door was closing you could see the smirk on Gun’s face and the slight look of despair on Goo’s.
Another hour later and a silent car journey, you’re home. Back at your father’s house and Gun is waiting for you to get out. 
“Thanks” You say to him, so coldly that even you think it is a bit mean.
“Why were you at Goo’s?” Gun asks out of nowhere, even though you were expecting it at least at some point. But now?. 
“It doesn’t matter” 
“Yes. Yes it does” 
“Why does it matter?” You question.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you said that you were at your friend's house for the past few days. Then, come to find out, you’re at Goo’s”
“Yup, I was in fact at Goo’s. Shocker now isn’t it?” You say back sarcastically. 
“Really, that’s it. That’s the only explanation I’m getting?” Gun spits back at you.
“You're really expecting an explanation. Wow, we're a bit full of ourselves aren’t we?” You say back with even more sarcasm this time. But Gun just looks at you and smirks. He knows that he’s pushing your buttons and you’re also very much aware of what he is doing. 
“I’m not, just curious that’s all” He eventually says back to you. 
“Well can’t I hang out at my boyfriend's house?” You eventually say back, giving him a slight explanation. Gun then does something that you were not expecting. He starts laughing. Hysterically laughing.
“Oh come on. You really think Goo called me and didn’t mention your little deal with him, hm?” Just from that one sentence, your sense of reality shatters. Goo told Gun. Goo told Gun. Goo told Gun. 
All you can think to do at this moment in time is to simply repeat that sentence. Over and over again, until probably on the 100th time, it sinks in. Goo told Gun about your deal. He told him the relationship was fake. That you were in fact, never in a relationship with Goo. Meaning that he must have told Gun about your feelings for him.
“So, what’s it going to be? Are you going to tell me the truth about everything orrr am I going to have to tell your father about your little outing?” Gun eventually speaks, drawing your mind back to reality that you lost only moments ago.
However, you can’t help but think with his choice of words that he might not know EVERYTHING. So you think carefully about what you say next because you certainly cannot have your father hearing about you staying at a guy's apartment, let alone Goo’s.
You collect your thoughts and process what little information you have and what information Gun has let slip. He knows the deal with Goo was a lie. He knows that your relationship with Goo was a lie. But he might not know that you had feelings for him. Ok.
“You want to know the truth? Well here it is” You pause before speaking to look straight at Gun and he’s now just looking straight back at you. His eyes are not wavering from yours and then you start off on your lies mixed with truth.
“Yes, I did fake a relationship with Goo. Why? I’m not sure, call it boredom and to see what you might think and wow did that work. The look on your face when we actually kissed, comical” You stop there for a brief moment. Gun’s eyes are still glued to your own but you can now see that the ever familiar smirk has been wiped from his lips. 
“To be completely honest with you, I really do wish I had a framed picture of that moment. It was amazing. But as for why I was at Goo’s house. Let me think. Oh, yes, that’s right, when you thought Goo and I actually were in a relationship, you ran straight to my father and then I needed space. So I went out for a walk, ended up in Seoul and long behold it started to rain. I wandered about a little while, trying to find an umbrella, but you know how it is.Then I ran to the subway”
Again you stop, taking in what you’ve said and by the look and Gun’s face Goo definitely didn’t tell him about how you had feeling for him. And now you're hoping he also didn’t tell Gun about anything else.
“Now let me finish the story, since you are SOOO interested. After running down to the subway, every single message on the board said delayed. So that’s when I decided to stay somewhere for the night. I didn’t think it would be appropriate to just turn up at anyone’s doorstep given the circumstance, so that’s when I remembered that Goo stayed nearby. I called my father, explained that I needed some time away and then made my way to his apartment. Oh yeah, thanks for the information on where he lived, it was really useful even though I never expected to be going there at any given moment of my life. But it worked out nicely. So I made my way over, found the building, went in, went up in the elevator and found his obnoxious door and hey presto, it was Goo’s apartment. I stayed there for 2 nights and then you came to collect me no more than, oh 2 and a half hours ago now” 
You eventually stop speaking after having said everything and you feel accomplished. You’ve said everything you wanted to say, lie or truth. You’ve shut down Gun and you’ve wiped the smirk off his face. You’ve also avoided your father from finding out and you’ve avoided a lecture. So yes, right now you feel very accomplished. 
Now you’re just waiting for Gun to say something back to you. But he doesn’t. He’s just sitting in silence, now not even looking at you. He’s just gripping the steering wheel and you can see that his knuckles have turned white with just how tightly he’s gripping it.
You can only think to yourself about what he has to say and that’s the worrying part. You’re not sure what he will have to say about everything. Sure, you have told him everything that happened, leaving out a few parts. But in the back of your mind your thoughts are still nagging at you that he still might know. That he might know everything. You need Gun to speak so you know, for certain, that he doesn’t know everything. 
“Well then, I suppose that’s all of my question and further questions answered. Apart from one. Why is it that you and Goo, I’m assuming, were getting on like a so-called ‘house on fire’ until today. What exactly happened, huh?” 
Of all the questions that Gun could have asked, this one wasn’t high on your list for ones that you wanted to answer. But you were going to do so anyway to avoid any arguments or lectures later down the line. 
“Well, if you must know, we had an argument last night. Nothing in particular just a spat, so to speak” You say, assuming this is enough for Gun. But of course it isn’t.
“An argument about what?” He asks. 
“Oh you know, he didn’t like the way that my toothbrush touched his. Regular things when you’re living with someone” You say sarcastically, hoping that Gun won’t press on. But of course, that doesn’t happen.
“I’m being serious here. What was the argument about?” 
“Like I said, it was about a toothbrush” You say again. Gun just looks at you unimpressed with your retort and asks again.
“What was it about?” 
“Fine, you really want to know what it was about?” You question.
“Preferably, yes. It would save me telling your father and dim my curiosity” Gun says sarcastically this time. 
“Fine. If you want to know that badly then here’s the truth. We kissed last night, well I kissed him because that was all I could think to do. Then after I pulled away I said that I was going to bed. Are you happy now you know the truth?” 
Gun just looks at you, eyes wide, his grip on the steering wheel even tighter than before, as if he’s the one that has a reason to be angry. But he does, you just didn’t know it then. 
It’s been 3 weeks since you have been back home. 3 weeks since Gun had dropped you back off at your father’s home. 3 weeks since your arguments with both Goo and Gun and 3 weeks since you’ve spoken to either of them. 
You don’t know what to think. You don’t know what to do, but you are grateful to Gun. He kept his word and didn’t say anything to your father when you came back and the weeks that followed. 
But you’re not happy that neither of them has spoken to you. But you can’t blame them either. You’re just upset and that’s fine, you’ll get over it. But nevertheless, it still hurts to know that you messed up what is probably the two people you were closest to. 
But in the past 3 weeks, you’ve also realized something. You’ve realized that in the almost 5 days that you spent with Goo meant something to you. You were too scared to admit it before, but now you’re not scared to. You caught feelings for Goo. But even with everything that went on with Gun, you still have feelings for him as well. How selfish.
But you decided that you were not going to pity yourself. So you have text them both, but with no luck. You apologize to Goo about what you said and asked him if you could both talk. He left you on read. 
As for Gun, you’re not entirely sure what you did but you suppose that hanging out with Goo, who you can only describe as Gun “best friend” and admitting that you kissed him had something to do with it. You’ve also text him, but again with no luck.
You’ve also realized how selfish it was to have done the whole fake dating thing with Goo. So when you came back from Goo’s apartment and arrived after Gun had dropped you off. You went to your father and told him everything about fake dating Goo and that Gun was wrong about your relationship with him. But you still stand by what you said. You didn’t mention anything else though.
Either way, with everything you’ve realized over the past 3 weeks, you feel better about yourself. You’ve figured out that putting people against one another or using someone to your advantage to get someone else, might not be a good idea. Ever.
 But you are excited for today. After 3 weeks you are going to see Gun and Goo today. But what you’re not excited for is their reactions of seeing you again, because you’re not entirely sure how they’re going to react. All you can do is hope it’s going to go well. 
3 hours later and 2 coffees in your system, you’re ready and waiting for both of them along with your father in his office. You can’t remember the last time that your palms were this sweaty over seeing someone. You suppose it was when your father told you that you would be meeting your bodyguard for the first time, the irony. 10 or so minutes later, they both arrive. Your father greets them both first with a ‘Hello’ and then it’s your turn to speak.
“Hi” You say as calmly as you can, speaking to both of them.
“Hi” Goo says back.
“Hi, how have you both been?” Gun asks.
“I’ve been better” You say.
“Well then, let’s see if we can change that” Your father says, interjecting into the conversation. You just look at him and smile at him trying to be thoughtful and funny. All you can think is just how ‘funny’ doesn’t suit your father in the slightest.
Goo and Gun both take their seats as your father starts the meeting with all 3 of you present. He’s just going over the usual overviews of his business and from starting again today, you will have Gun as your bodyguard again. Goo as his. 
Once everything is said and done. Instruction clear. Everything worked out. Your father makes a hasty exit to answer a call and you’re left alone with both Goo and Gun.
“So how have you both been?” You ask, curious as to how they both have been. But also trying to ease some of the residual tension in the room.
“Great” Goo replies hastily, as if not wanting to have a conversation with you.
“Good” Gun replies in a slightly less cold manner than Goo.
“Well I suppose starting again today you’re both back as mine and my father’s bodyguards” You say, pointing out the obvious. But you cannot think of anything else to say. The tension now is almost unbearable. You could probably cut it with a knife. 
“Yes” Goo and Gun say at the same time. 
“Look, can we just stop this. I know it’s blatantly obvious but I fucked up. On both accounts I fucked up. I didn’t mean to practically put the both of you against one another, but I did. I really am sorry about that and for everything else. So can we maybe…try to act like we all used to. Like the both of you used to” You say eventually because you couldn’t take the pressure in the room any longer.
“And how did we both act before?” Gun asks. 
“That’s a hard question to answer. But I suppose you acted like, well, friends, but more so friends at a push. And it’s a very big push” You say, trying to bring back your sarcasm along with a potential laugh from one of them. But to no success.
“We were never friends” Goo says matter-of-factly and Gun nods in support of what Goo has just said.
“Ok, so not friends. Got it. But how about co-workers?. That works right. I mean you’re both going to be around one another a lot again. So why not try to get along like how you both used to?” You say.
“That wouldn’t work. Not anymore” Goo says.
“I agree. That wouldn’t work” Gun then says. 
You just sigh at both of them. In the last 3 weeks you haven’t seen both of them. You also forgot that it’s a losing game to argue with them. It must have also slipped your mind that they are like cats and dogs. They can be around one another, but they will never get on with one another.
While thinking about all of this. Goo gets up to leave and because you have been meaning to talk to both Goo and Gun 1 on 1. Assuming they want to as well. You quickly yell Goo’s name. Maybe a little too loudly. 
“Yes?” Goo says in surprise. 
“Sorry that was a bit loud. Could I talk to you for a minute or two?. Would that be ok?” You ask. 
“Sure, I guess” Goo says, letting out a sigh after he finished speaking. 
“Great. Also Gun could you wait here for however long this takes?. I was hoping I could talk to you as well” You ask Gun.
“Sure” Gun replies back.
You nod at Gun. Giving him a silent thank you and then make your way towards the door where Goo is standing with his arms folded across his chest. 
“Ok, well we’ll be talking in the kitchen if you need me for anything before that” You say back to Gun just as you’re pushing the door open and walking out with Goo.
You walk into the kitchen with Goo trudging behind you. Just judging by his attitude today, he’s more prickly than usual. Meaning that if you say something that might set him off, or even just in general, he’s going to lay into you one way or another. Great, you think to yourself. But to be honest, with the way that you left his apartment and how you treated him beforehand, you can’t blame him.
“So” You say, trying to ease your way into things.
“How have you really been?” You say again because it’s the only thing you can think of.
“Like I said, I've been great” Goo says again.
“Ok, well that’s good. I’m glad” You say, trying to lighten the mood before you inevitably ruin it again.
“Ok. Let’s cut to the chase and get this over with. I’m sorry. Really, really sorry for how things went” You say eventually just giving in.
“You’re sorry about what exactly?” Goo says back to you and now you can tell he’s getting angry. But you can also tell that with the way you left things, he’s hurt. 
“I’m sorry about, well, everything. I’m sorry that I came running to you. I’m sorry that I stayed longer than one night. I’m sorry about asking all those question” You pause for a second not wanting to say the last few sentences, but you know you have to. You know you have to because if not the guilt and hurt that you’ve put Goo through would eat away at you.
“And I’m sorry for saying what I said, after I kissed you. And..and I’m sorry for kissing you. It shouldn’t have happened. I’m just so, so sorry” You say. The hurt and sorrow in your voice is so present to you, that you didn’t think you were the one actually speaking. You didn’t think that everything you said and done with Goo affected you this much. You didn’t think it hurt you this much.
“You’re right. It should have never happened. None of it should have ever happened” Goo says, agreeing with every point in one fail swoop.
“Yeah. It shouldn’t have. But…” You pause, not sure if you should finish what you were saying.
“But what?” Goo says, now slightly intrigued as to what you were going to say.
“But I’m..I’m glad it did” You say eventually. With as much authority as you can muster. 
Goo just stares at you. Unsure of what to say or do. You’re the exact same. You don’t know if it was a good idea to say everything you were thinking, but you’re hoping it was. The staring game between you and Goo continues for another few seconds before Goo looks away.
“You’re glad everything happened?. I mean everything. Are you serious!?. You kissed me out of nowhere and then said you were going to bed and your GLAD that happened?. Fuck you. Seriously, fuck you” Goo says before he storms out or even gives you a chance to explain. But you’re not going to run after him. You’re sure you’ll be able to talk to him at some other point and be able to clear everything up. But for right now, you have to let him cool off. 
You make your way back to your father’s office. Where you find Gun is still sitting in his chair waiting for you to arrive back. 
“Hi” You say, trying not to startle him. But it’s Gun, you don’t think anything could startle him.
“Have a fun chat with Goo then?” Gun asks.
“You could say that, but no. It was more a conversation we needed to have, but it was left unfinished” You say back.
“Ok. So why did you want to talk to me?” Gun asks curiously. 
“Well I figured that since we haven't talked in 3 weeks and I feel like you’re mad at me. That we needed to have this talk” You say back, getting straight to the point again.
“I’m not mad” Gun says back to you.
“Yes you are” 
“No, I’m not” Gun says again. This time a lot more stern sounding.
“Gun I’ve known you for years, I know when you’re mad. But if you say you’re not made, then you’re upset. So my question is why?” Gun lets out a sigh to your observation.
“Ok I suppose I’m a little upset. But I’m not mad” He eventually says back.
“Ok not mad, just upset. Got it. But why?” You ask.
“Goo” Is all Gun answers with.
“Goo?” You say back, questioning him. You think it’s because they have both had an argument with one another, which is why they also acted more coldly to one another today.
“Yes, Goo” Gun says.
“Elaboration?” You ask. Again unsure of what he means.
“You and Goo. That’s why I’m upset” Gun says back. You have to take a second to register what he’s just said. You and Goo. Wait, YOU and GOO?. Gun’s not upset because he had an argument with Goo. He’s upset because he’s jealous. But just for clarification, you have to ask him because if you don’t, you know you will never get a straight answer from him.
“You're jealous then?” 
“Yes” Gun says straightforwardly. Your eyes go wide because of what he’s just said. But at the back of your mind, you know that this is what you wanted. This was the entire reason that you started to fake date Goo. This. Everything about this. You wanted to happen. But now, you don’t. You know that much like you had just done with Goo, you had to come clean about everything. For your own piece of mind, as well as Gun’s you had to.
“Look” You say, gearing yourself up for what’s about to unfold.
“I have to be honest with you on this one Gun. You know how 3 weeks ago I told you ‘everything’?” You say and Gun nods his head.
“Well, I might have been lying. But only about a few things. I was also really bitchy, so I’m sorry about that. I’m sorry about lying as well. And I’ll tell you the truth, if you want to hear it?” You say, unsure about how he will take it. But also unsure about how he will take another piece of news. 
“By all means, pretell” Gun says.
“Ok. So I was telling the truth about everything, bar one thing. The entire situation played out exactly like I said it did. It rained. I ran down to the subway and every train was delayed. I called my father. I didn’t want to go to a friend's house, so I went to Goo’s. I stayed a few nights. I kissed him and then said I was going to bed. All of that is the truth” You say and Gun nods.
“But what I wasn’t being entirely honest about was the reason for fake dating Goo” Gun nods again, but is curious as to your explanation because he’s now leaning forward in the chair. Ready to hear what you have to say.
“The truth is that I asked Goo to fake date me to make you jealous because I liked you” There, you think. The truth. It’s out now, no taking it back.
“Huh. Well can’t say I saw that coming. But I do appreciate the honesty”
“Why, thank you” You say sarcastically. Feeling a weight lift off your chest.
“But, I also can’t help the fact that you said ‘liked’ me. Past tense” Gun says and your eyes shoot up.
“You said you liked me. Again, past tense. So you don’t like me anymore?” Gun questions.
“I. I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t” You say back to Gun surprised that you even said liked. I mean you did still like him, right?. It was only just this morning that you liked both Goo and Gun. But since having that conversation with Goo, you can’t help but think about him.
“Now I'll tell you the truth” Gun says, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“The truth is that I don’t see very many people in a romantic way. I’m sure you’ve gathered that which is why you pulled this stunt, right?” You nod in clarification of his statement.
“Well, that day when I came to get you from Goo’s house I was fine because he told me all about your little scheme. Leaving out a few bits and pieces. But either way when we were in the car and you said that you kissed Goo. I was pissed. That’s when I thought to myself that I may feel something for you. And I did in fact get jealous. When you told me there that you did all of this to get my attention, I was relieved. But then I heard you say liked” You continue to nod, not knowing what to say to any of this. But Gun continues.
“Now I’ll be completely honest with you. You have to admit to yourself that even though you liked me. You don’t like me anymore. With every little petty thing I've done like tell your father about you and Goo. And be snarky about collecting you from Goo’s. You don’t like me anymore. But I also have to admit to myself that in those instances I was jealous. But again. You have to admit to yourself that you don’t like me anymore, It’s Goo you like. Not me. Not after everything” Gun says this and it hits you like a pile of bricks.
All this time, since he talked to your father. He’s been jealous. Which is what you wanted. But now looking back, it made him look like a dick and you hated him for it. That’s when you went running to Goo. That was when your feelings for Goo came from. All this time, you thought you still liked Gun. But really after everything. Especially seeing and talking to both of them today. You’ve realized after Gun’s lecture. That you don’t like Gun anymore. It’s Goo that you have feelings for. It’s Goo that you like. 
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lookismlover · 1 year ago
Sneak Peak!
Since the update has taking a few days more than expected and everyone had been so kind about it. I though I should give you a little sneak peak into what's to come. This is only part of Chapter 1 of Part 5 of 'The Fake Date'. But I hope you enjoy even this little bit and I will see you tomorrow with an update! :)
You wake up the next morning with a cramp in your neck, probably from lying on the sofa at a weird angle. You slowly wake up and gaze at your surroundings, familiarizing yourself that you are still at Goo’s apartment. 
You get up and do what can only be described as distracting yourself from thoughts of last night. You kissed Goo. Not because you had to but because you wanted to. 
You get a cup of coffee, brush your teeth after and go in the shower. All while you’re still thinking about Goo. Goo this, Goo that. Until finally you think that it is Gun that you should be thinking about.
So you try to think about Gun, you think about all the fun times you had with him and how he gets you. Then as if clockwork, Goo jumps straight back into your thoughts as he descends the stairs.
“Hey” You say as casually as you can.
“Hi” Goo says back in a somewhat cold manner.
“How are you?” You ask him, trying to lighten up the conversation but to no avail. 
“Mhm” Goo responds back. You can’t help but think your lack of ‘caring’ last night about this kiss and how cold you were after have something to do with this. But again, you try to converse with Goo. 
“So, how did you sleep last night?” You ask.
“Good, that’s…well good!” You say back, AGAIN trying to lighten the mood. But at this point you’re hoping that it’s just down to Goo waking up. 
“Well coffee’s ready if you want a cup. I thought I should make you some, show you how thankful I am that you let me stay here these past few nights” You say to Goo.
“No problem” 
The room goes quiet after that. No conversations to be had and none that you wanted to start. So you go and sit down and start drinking your coffee in complete silence. 
Goo joins you, but sits far away to the point that you know he is avoiding you in the best way he can. You just continue to drink your coffee and not chat until there’s a knock at the door. 
You immediately look at the door, then to the clock that is sitting in the living room. 7:46am. Who can be here at 7:46am?. Until you hear the voice. His voice. Gun’s voice. 
You don’t even have enough time to get up and go somewhere, let alone hide. Then Goo, as cool as a cucumber, just says “It’s open”. 
You look at Goo, then look at the door which Gun is now standing in. Gun just looks at you and then to Goo. 
“Told you she’s here. She’s been here for the past 2 nights” Goo says.
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lookismlover · 1 year ago
Hi everyone, just wanted to keep you all posted on the next part that was meant to be out today (and hopefully still should be). But unfortunately the power and wifi in my local area has been completely shut off with no clear schedule of when it will be back up and running. With this happening and only having data, I cannot access the story due to me not backing it up on my phone. I am so sorry about this and will try to have it out later today if possible but I’m not sure what will happen.
Again, I am so sorry and will do my absolute best to get it out today. Thank you for understanding and I will (hopefully) see you later today for the update! :)
Update: I have just been told that the power will not be back on until 10pm tonight, so unfortunately no update. There will also be no update tomorrow as I am at college, so the update will be out on the 9th. I am so sorry and for this I will add a few more chapters to the release. Thank you for understanding and see you September 9th! :)
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lookismlover · 2 years ago
Hi everyone! I just wanted to thank you for reading the last few chapters. There will be another 2 updates before 'The Fake Date' is over with. I would also like to say that the updates for the story will be slightly slower, this is due to me starting back at college. I hope you understand this and thank you if you do. If you have any requests for writing I will try to fulfil them after I have finished writing 'The Fake Date'.
The next chapter should be out between August 31st - September 7th. Thank you for understanding and I will be seeing you soon with an update! :)
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lookismlover · 2 years ago
Goo Kim x Reader: The Fake Date Part 4
Thank you for the support on the previous parts!. Here is part 4!. There will only be a few more parts before I eventually finish this so be ready for those. Again I would like to apologise for this not coming out yesterday. It was unfortunate what happened but luckily I was able to remember most of what I wrote. Again thank you and I hope you enjoy! :)
You continue to look at Goo but this time it’s with confusion. You both stare at each other for what feels like hours, but you know it’s only been about 20 seconds. Goo then breaks the silence first.
“Don’t look at me like that”
“Don’t look at you like what. Like you didn’t just say that you’ve never hated me? Also, what do you even mean by that? You mean you’ve never hated me ever, even when I was a bitch to you or you’ve never hated me because you…”
You stall with the last thing that you’re about to say because you’re not sure if you want to know the answer to it. Goo looks at you as if forming his answer, but then he just starts to speak his mind. Or at least what you think is him speaking his mind, but then again this is Goo, he always says what he’s thinking. 
“What I mean when I say I've never hated you is that, well, I've never hated you. I can’t explain it, I just never have. I think it’s because you’re so easy to rile up that even when you are a bitch, it’s fun. You speak the truth, try and hit me, obviously I dodge with ease and you just gradually get more and more pissy, which in turn makes it even more fun. It's a constant cycle you see” Goo says this with so much conviction and pleasure in his voice that you think he’s getting a kick out of it. Almost as if at this very moment he’s trying to piss you off. 
You just continue to look at Goo with a little less confusion now, but more annoyance rather than anything else. Goo just looks at you and starts to laugh because he knows that he’s got you annoyed. Which makes you even more annoyed.
“You know it really is easy to piss you off” Goo says while trying to stifle his laughter. 
“Oh fuck off” You say as you’re gradually getting more angry.
“What, it is. It’s not my fault it’s easy, that part is kinda on you” 
“You know how you just said that you’ve never hated me?” You say lacing it with a hint of snarkiness.
“Yes?” Goo says confused.
“Well I can’t say the same thing about you” You say this with all the snarkiness and pettiness you can muster. 
“Oh come on, don’t be like that” Goo says sarcastically.
“Oh yeah and why shouldn’t I be like this?” You say, snapping back at him.
“Because you’re just proving my point” 
You know that you can’t argue with him anymore because he’s right. You will be proving his point if you continue to argue with him and get even more snappier. But the thing is that right now you are proving his point. Even the way that you just spoke to him proves his point and you hate that he’s right. 
“Also what were you going to say?” Goo asks you.
“What was I going to say, when?” You ask.
“When you were asking me what I mean when I said I didn’t hate you”
You just look at Goo confused because you’ve already forgotten the conversation with Goo being such a pain. Goo then sighs and speaks again.
“Y’know, the part where you trailed off. “Or you’ve never hated me because you…”. Y’know that part?” Goo questions, but the only thing you can think of is how he just tried to mimic your voice. You’re slightly annoyed but at the same time you also try not to laugh at him. But then you remember what you were going to say after that last part.
“OH, that was nothing, just ignore that last part” You say now getting slightly flustered by what you thought.
Goo just looks at you, his brows furrowed as if he’s saying that’s bullshit and you know it. But you’re not about to tell him the truth and you’re sure as hell not going to tell him that you were thinking that he might…like you. That thought has to be burned out of your brain immediately. Goo just nods his head and then doesn’t speak of it again. 
You both finish your glasses of wine, not saying a word to one another. Eventually Goo gets up and you think he’s going to pour you both another glass, but instead he walks upstairs. You assume he’s going to bed and that he’s leaving you to fend for yourself. Selfish asshole. But then Goo emerges with a blanket and a few pillows. 
“I’m tired so I'm going to bed. You take the bed, it’s upstairs, first door on the left. I’ll take the sofa” Goo says.
You’re not entirely sure what to make of it. He’s letting you take the bed and he’s the one taking the sofa, after you show up unannounced. That doesn’t seem right.
“No it’s ok. I'll take the sofa, I mean I am the one who just turned up” You say sarcastically. Goo laughs at your statement, but then proceeds to usher you off the sofa as he lays down the pillows and the blanket and lays down. 
“I did just say that I would take the couch. I mean I'm pretty sure you heard me say it right?” You question Goo because his actions are surprising you even more now. 
“Yup I heard you. But I just didn’t care enough to go back upstairs. Anyway, off you go, go to bed” The way that Goo says this makes you feel little. Not little as if you feel beneath him, but little as if you're a little kid again and you don’t like it.
“Goo seriously. You're really annoying me now. I told you I'll take the sofa, you go back up to bed. It’s your apartment so I'm fine with it, just go” Your words come off frosty, which is what you were intending. But as you're walking towards him getting ready to yank the blanket back and push him off the sofa if need be, he turns, just as your about to do so.
“I told you take the bed”
“And I told you no” 
You’re standing over Goo now, arms folded over your chest. You do feel as if you're being a little child at this moment. But in all honesty, you’re not letting Goo have the couch because you would feel bad.
“Fine” Goo says after about 10 seconds or so of you standing in front of him. 
“Good” You say somewhat feeling accomplished that you’ve now won the argument. But Goo doesn’t get up. 
“Are you getting up?” You question. But before he even gives you an answer, you’re pulled down onto the sofa next to Goo. 
“What are you doing!” You yell.
“All I said was fine. I never said I was going to go to bed. But you were adamant about having the sofa. So now you’ve got the sofa” You shiver at his words because he’s right behind you, whispering in your ear. Holding onto your waist as he’s speaking. 
“But…” Is all you can say before Goo grumbles into the back of your neck. You don’t want to move because you wouldn’t feel as if you won. And I mean technically you hadn’t won, but you still got the sofa, right?.
You’re not sure how long you had been lying for now, but you gather it had been a while. Goo still had an arm slung around your waist, but his breathing was steady now. He was asleep. You were just lying there. Still as can be. 
You tried not to move too much because you didn’t want to be cuddling up with Goo. At the rate it was going though, there would only be 2 options. Either you cuddle up with Goo and somewhat still “win” the argument you both had, or you could go to his bed. 
You tried to crane your head to see Goo as best you could. What you saw was Goo face, peaceful as could be. You didn’t think you would ever see Goo this peaceful in his life. But yet here he was. Eyes closed, his long eyelashes visible, hair messy, no glasses and looking so peaceful.
You turned back around and did what you didn’t want to do. But you also didn’t want to disturb his sleep. So, you back your way up just slightly until you felt your back hit his chest. That was when you heard him mumble again. 
You weren’t sure if he was awake, but either way you still kept quiet. Then you felt his arms. Instead of there being one arm just slung around your waist, there was now 2. One underneath your waist, holding you tightly and the other also now holding you tightly. 
Goo then pulled you even closer to him. So close that the only thing you could think of was him. How nice it felt to be so close to him. How you both fit together so well, almost like a piece of a puzzle and how nice he smelt. 
Then without you meaning to. You put your hands on top of his. Grabbing onto his arms and locking yours in place. Then you laid your head down on one of the pillows, ready to fall asleep. 
But you felt Goo graze the back of your neck with his nose, it made you giggle because it tickled slightly. Then you felt him kiss the back of your neck, before he spoke in a raspy i’m just up voice. “Goodnight” Was all he said but that made your heart skip a beat. 
You kept your eyes open for a few more minutes just processing what had happened. But with the warmth you were feeling and not wanting to think about anything else until tomorrow, you shut your eyes and fell asleep.
You wake up with a slight headache, but what really draws your attention is that you feel breath on your face. You eventually open your eyes and see that you’re face to face with Goo. You don’t know what to do, but you think back to last night and then it clicks. You fell asleep after he kissed the back of your neck and told you goodnight and you both fell asleep.
You think about what to do and while you’re doing so, you’re frightened by a voice. 
“Good morning” Goo says to you in a raspy voice and it reminds you of what he sounded like last night. 
“Morning” You say back to him. 
Goo then slowly opens his eyes and you’re just staring right at him when his eyes do open. You wonder if he’g he's going to say something, but nothing leaves his mouth. He just stares back at you, while you stare at him.
There’s something in his eyes that you can’t quite place. You think it might be confusion or perhaps regret. But Goo doesn’t say anything. He just continues to stare with that something being present in his eyes. 
“So are we going to get up or are we just going to lay down and look awkwardly at each other?” You question Goo on the matter. Partially to break the tension, but mostly because you’re so close to him. 
“Uh yeah, yeah” Goo says back to you. But when he says this to you his voice almost sounds sad. After hearing him say yes though, you waste no time in getting out of his grip and getting up from the safe. After doing that you look at the wine glasses and bottle. Now you remember why you woke up with a headache.
You pick up the glasses and bottle as Goo is just continuing to stare. Like fully STARE at you. You feel like if he could stare harder and potentially cause a hole to form through you, he would do it. 
Either way, you do your best to ignore him and clean up. Which you do. But it’s mostly to keep yourself distracted from the awkwardness. After cleaning, you practically do your morning routine. Brushing your hair, brushing your teeth, getting something to eat. 
You’re doing the last part of your routine while Goo is still on the sofa just looking at you. You don’t know why he’s staring at you but it’s starting to annoy you. But even though it’s starting to annoy you, you can’t help but feel giddy that he’s staring at you so much. 
You start to make breakfast with what Goo has in his fridge, he doesn’t have much but you can make do. You shout back to Goo asking if he wants anything and he just responds with “Whatever you're having”. So you make 2 omelets.
Once you finish making them you take both plates and go back to the sofa, handing one to Goo as you pass. But you don’t sit on the sofa, you sit on the floor, which garners a what are you doing look from Goo.
“What are you doing?” Goo asks. Yup, it was a what are you doing look. 
“Sitting and eating” You say back.
“That doesn’t explain why you’re on the floor” 
“Because I wanted to sit on the floor” You say back to him sarcastically. 
“Why?” Goo asks, confused.
 “Because, why not?” 
Goo just sighs and starts eating. So you do the same. Both of you finish and then Goo gets up and takes the plates. But you feel as if there is a specific conversation that needs to be had. You’re just not sure which conversation that is going to be yet.
After breakfast Goo went and did his normal routine, or at least what you expect to be his normal routine. Finally, he sits down. Before you even think about what conversation needs to be had, he speaks.
“So, are you going back today?” Goo asks.
“Back home?” You say back to him. 
“Why?” Goo questions, as if he’s expecting you to stay another day.
“Why?” You question back.
“Yes, why?” Goo questions again.
“Because I should probably go back home” You say back to him.
“But didn’t you come here to get away?. I mean seriously. One day and that’s enough for you?” Goo questions again.
Sure you needed to get away, but you were only going to be gone for one night. More importantly though, is Goo asking you to stay?.
“I mean I did get away right?”
“Yes, you did”
“Ok, so we’ve clarified that I got away”
“That we have”
“Ok great. So why are you being so pushy on me staying here another night. I mean do you want me to stay?” 
“Yes” Goo says matter-of-factly.
Well you weren’t expecting that. I mean you liked the honesty, but wow, that caught you by surprise. You think about it for a moment. I mean could you really stay away for another night?. You told your father that you were only going to be gone for the night. What would he say if you were staying out another night?. 
You think and think. Mainly thinking about what your father would say and then you think about the fact that Goo actually wants you to stay another night. Once you’ve cleared your thoughts you pick up your phone and walk away from Goo. You click on the same contact that you clicked on last night. Father. Then you press call again.
This time he doesn’t pick up after the first call, so you call again. Then he picks up. 
“Hi, how are you this morning?. Do you need a car to come and pick you up?” Your father says from the other end of the phone. You’re quiet for a moment and in that moment you look at Goo. He’s just staring back at you. The look on his face is that of confusion and uncertainty, but you think he knows what you’re doing. 
“Hi. I’m fine dad and no the car won’t be necessary. I’m..uh…I’m going to stay another night with my friends, maybe even two. I hope that’s ok?” You say to your father. Your voice hushed so that Goo couldn't hear. 
Your father sighs. This is your way of knowing that your father isn’t happy that you're staying over again but he’s going to let you and sure enough he did. The call ended and the only thing he asked of you, was that you call him every morning and night. You agreed and so that was that. You were going to stay with Goo another night. Possibly 2. 
You went back over and sat down - this time on the sofa.
“Well, looks like I’m stuck here again” You say to Goo playfully as you lay your head down on the back of the sofa. Goo just looks at you with a smile on his face and you’re not sure how to take it. I mean why did he want you to stay?. 
“Hey Goo, why did you want me to stay?” You ask him, hoping to clear your mind a little. 
“Good question and I’ll be honest. It’s because you’re good company” He says back.
Safe to say you’re not sure how you feel about that. But the most you do know is that you don’t mind that answer. And that was obvious to Goo as well considering the smile that was plastered on your face. Goo just smiles back at you. 
A few minutes later, both you and Goo are cleaning the house. He did say he could do it alone, but you had already started lifting the blanket and pillows off of the sofa before he could argue with you. 
“So, the first door on the left upstairs, right?” You ask him just to clarify where you’re taking the blanket and pillows.
“Cool. Where do you want them?” You ask.
“Just put the pillows back on the bed and the blanked at the bottom” 
After asking you walk upstairs and into his bedroom. Odd, was the first word that came to mind. Much like the house itself, you expected it to be colorful, but it wasn’t. It was also just really…clean?. You, yourself are even confused as to why you were expecting his room to be a mess, but nevertheless, you were. 
You continue to look around and then you see the color you’ve been waiting to see. His closet door is slightly ajar and all you see are his obnoxious suits in all different colors. You laugh to yourself at just the thought of his house being painted bright colors. You’re definitely glad that he didn’t do that to himself or anyone else for that matter.
After your laughing fit is over with, you do as Goo told you to do with the pillows and blanket. Once you’re done you take one last look around the room, nodding in approval of the cleanliness. But as you’re walking out you see a framed picture on the drawers by his door. 
It’s of Gun, Goo and yourself. You pick up the picture and study it more closely, only to remember that this is the day that the both of them and your father took you to a theme park for your birthday a few years back. You smile at the memory and then look at the picture again, only to see that you’re looking at Gun and Goo…Goo’s look at you. But not with disgust or anger or any emotion you correlate to a grievance in a person. He’s looking at you like your father looks at you, with eyes full of…love?. 
You put the picture down and leave the room, unsure if that’s the right emotion he’s got in his eyes. You’re sure you’re overthinking this. Yes, that has to be it. You’re overthinking it, you say to yourself. You walk back downstairs and look around. Goo isn’t anywhere you can see. You shout for him a couple of times, but to no avail. There’s no answer, he left.  
An hour passes and Goo still isn’t back. Then another hour. Then another. By the fourth hour you wonder if your father had called him when you were upstairs and you figured he had. It’s now lunchtime and you’re getting hungry. So much like this morning you go over to the kitchen and start making something. Only then do you see the note that Goo must have left for you.
‘Your dad called. I have to go out and deal with a few things. Be back when I’m back, Goo. x”
Once you read it you nod in appreciation that he left a note at all. Then you do a double take back to the note. Your eyes grow wide as you see he’s left an ‘x’ at the end of the note. Once again your heart starts beating faster and you’re not sure what to make of it. God, Goo really is messing with your head and you don’t like it one bit. 
You're sleeping when Goo arrives back at his apartment, so you don’t hear him come in or come over to you at all. It isn’t until you feel your head being lifted up ever so slightly, that you stir and open your eyes only a fraction. 
When you do, you see Goo looking up at the TV while eating his dinner and then you realize that your head is on his lap. You don’t want to move or even let on that you’re away. So instead you just close your eyes again. Falling asleep.
Once you wake up for the second time, Goo is nowhere to be seen. You think for a moment. Was that a dream?. Was I just dreaming?. No. No, that had to be real. That was real. Only a few moments after reassuring yourself that what happened wasn’t a dream, Goo appeared at the top of the stairs.
“Oh, she lives” Goo Says sarcastically.
“Ha ha. What time is it?” 
“No need to be so miserable after you wake. I mean you were dead to the world. I was having my doubts you were still alive. Oh and it’s…6:08pm” 
“Ok, thanks. When did you get back?” 
“Abooouut, an hour about” 
“Ok. Oh, thanks for leaving the note. I was slightly worried when you weren’t here” You say this as you’re still in your groggy stage of getting up. So you don’t even recognise that you just said you were worried about Goo. 
Once you’re up and not feeling groggy, you look over at Goo. He’s just smiling. He’s not looking at the TV or his phone or anything in the apartment. He’s just smiling, so sheepishly that you’re intrigued to know what’s causing him to smile so much. But then Goo looks at you, still smiling. 
You raise and eyebrow at him. In response Goo just shrugs his shoulders. You sigh and shake your head back and forth. Then after all the dramatical effects both of you have been doing to one another. You look at each other and just burst out laughing. None of you stop until you start wheezing and Goo starts snorting. But again, you both just look at each and laugh even harder.
This goes on for another 5 minutes, in which time, things only get funnier. Eventually after another few minutes, you stop. Both trying to catch a breath. You hadn’t laughed like that in so long, it was nice, this was nice. You think for a minute and discover that you’re calling this moment with Goo, nice, fun even. Wow, he’s really gotten under your skin these last few days.
Then you think back, back to when you both hated each other. Well, when you just hated Goo. After all, Goo never really hated you. He admitted that. You think back to the night in the study, how he was so close to your face when you first brought up the fake dating idea to him. You think about how your father reacted and how you defended Goo. Then how Goo reacted to you defending him. You think about how he let you in last night, bought you clothes and necessities that you would need. He even bought you extras, ‘just incase’. 
Then you think about how you fell asleep together. How Goo kissed the back of your neck and wished you goodnight. How he left the note for you. How he was looking at you in the picture at the theme park and eventually your mind fell back to the time where Goo had kissed you. He kissed you to ‘prove’ your relationship wasn’t “fake”. 
You smile at the thought of the kiss. At the thought that just a few days ago he kissed you and you felt disgusted and angry. Then you look at Goo, who’s just now caught his breath. You look at him and just think some more. You watch him. Then you smile. You’re smiling at everything that’s happened the last couple of days. 
But what you’re really smiling about is the thought you just had. That thought being that you wouldn’t have wanted to go through this with Gun. I mean you hadn’t really thought about him at all these last couple of days, even though you’re doing all of this to get Gun’s attention. The irony. But the one person you were happy to go through this all with, is Goo. 
Goo eventually catches his breath, then looks in your direction. You're already staring at him of course. But you’re not sure how to ask the questions you’re thinking of right now. And there’s A LOT.
“Goo” You eventually manage to say. 
“Yes?” He says back with worry lacing through his voice.
“If I ask you some questions, can you give me the truth?” Goo raises a brow at you this time.
“Sure” He says. “I guess” You nod at his answer and then think. Then you think about how you’ve been doing a lot of that lately. But you inevitably have 1 main question in mind, so you know that that’ll be the last question you ask.
You sigh and close your eyes before looking back at Goo, preparing yourself for what’s to come and the answers he might give to you. Answers you’re not sure if you want to hear. 
“Why did you agree to fake dating me?”
“Because I thought it would be fun” Goo answered the question, but why didn’t you feel satisfied by that answer?.
“Goo give me a better reason other than because you thought it would be fun” You say to him, trying to pry an actual answer out of him.
With this Goo sighs, looks away from you and then looks at you again. “You really want to know why?” Goo says, now questioning you.
“Yes, that would be nice” 
“Fine. It’s because I didn’t want to say no to you. Actually, It’s because I couldn’t say no to you”
“What do you mean you couldn’t say no to me?” You question him again.
“To be honest, I’m not exactly sure about what I mean by it. Don’t get me wrong, I did think it would be a whole lot of fun doing this and annoying Gun. But there was just something, something in your eyes that I couldn’t say no to” 
“Ok” You say. Somewhat happy, but also confused by that answer.
“Next question. Why do you have that picture of you, Gun and I in your bedroom?” Goo looks at you slightly taken aback by what you just asked. But then you think he realized that the picture wasn’t exactly hidden.
“That was just a memory. It was a fun day”
“Goo” You say because yet again, you feel like that isn’t the truth.
“Fine. Fine. I kept it because…well…it’s the only picture I have of…you” You just look at Goo, not sure what to say or what to do. Your lips part slightly as if you're about to speak again, but you can’t think of anything to say. Then you swallow hard at what he just said. He has that picture because it’s the only picture he has of you. YOU!. Wow, just wow. What do you even say to that? What can you even say to that?. 
You eventually let out a shaky breath, hoping to calm your heart down slightly. “Ok, thanks for the honesty. I’ve just got a few more questions. That is if it’s ok?” Goo’s looking away from you now, but he nods to say yes.
“Ok. Then what about the ‘x’ on the note, why did you do that? Or kiss me on the neck and say goodnight? Why were you staring at me so intensely this morning?” You now had so many more questions, but you think that covers the few of the less visceral ones.
“That’s a lot of questions. But I’ll answer them all for you and I won’t try to spin the truth anymore, so here goes. I kissed the back of your neck last night because I wanted you to know I was there and that I was comfortable around you. I wanted you to feel comfortable around me as well because to me at least, you felt as though you were uncomfortable. I left you the ‘x’ on the note because I appreciated what you did for me and wanted to be kind. And as for me staring at you this morning. It all somewhat ties together with everything else I said” Goo sighs and then closes his eyes shut so tight that you can see the wrinkles on them. He looks at you again after opening them, not looking away from your eyes this time. 
“The entire reason I was looking at you this morning was because we woke up so close together. Not just close together but face to face, our lips almost touching. The entire reason I was looking at you like that this morning, the entire reason I kissed the back of your neck last night and the entire reason why I left you that ‘x’ on the note was because the entire time that you’ve been here, in my apartment, when we’ve talked, when we’ve laughed, when we’ve argued was because I wanted to kiss you. I couldn’t do it last night because I was behind you and I knew you wouldn’t have liked nor wanted it. I knew when we woke that you wouldn’t want it and I knew that before I left here to handle some things for your dad, that you wouldn’t want it. That answer all your questions?” 
You sit there completely stunned. Stunned to the point where you think you could be a statue. You couldn’t move, you couldn’t speak, you couldn’t even move your eyes. You just sat there. Goo looking straight ahead, right at you. You blink for the first time in what feels like years. Then you can somewhat move. But you still feel as though you can’t speak. You’re not even sure if you want to speak.
You both continue to just look at each other, not saying a word. Then, just like always, Goo breaks the silence.
“Any more questions?” With this, you eventually find your voice. 
“Just one, maybe two more” 
“Then ask away”
“Ok. Why didn’t you think I wouldn’t want you to kiss me?” Goo looks shocked at what you’ve just asked. But nevertheless, he answers.
“Because it’s me and not Gun who would be kissing you. I mean last night you told me that you thought we always hated each other. It was you who said we just never ‘clicked’” He was right of course. You did say all of that. So you just nod and you’re ready to move onto your last question, but before you can do that Goo jumps in.
“Since I've been answering all the questions. Answer a couple of mine before you ask me anymore”
“Ok. It’s only fair” You say back. 
“Great. I expect the same honesty that I’ve given you” Goo says this so authoritatively, that you feel like your in a room with your father. 
“Of course” You say back to him. Hoping that in any way, he will speak slightly softer.
“Good. So why are you here with me right now instead of Gun? I mean that’s who you really want to be with right?” The hope disappears from you quickly as you realize that Goo just became even more colder to you.
“Because I couldn’t go to him. I didn’t want to go to him. And even if I did go to him, he would have just told me that I’m not his problem or that I shouldn’t be there or he would have taken me back to my father. Sure I may have come to you because you were the easier option, but I liked being here with you. I like being with you. And as for who I want to be with right now. It’s not Gun, it’s you” Again you both just look at each other. But this time it’s Goo who could be mistaken for a statue. 
“Ok, if that’s my questions finished with, then I have one more” Goo just nods, not saying a word. 
“Do you like me?” This was the one question you didn’t want to ask, but you had to know the answer to. You had to know. You needed to know.
“Yes” Was the only word Goo could say and that answered all of your questions. That answered every thought that you could think of. There was just one more thing that you had to say to Goo for that night.
“Thank you for telling me the truth” Was the only thing you said before getting up. Goo watched you as you did so. His eyes were full of hurt and sadness. But you couldn’t let the feeling go that if you left, you would never see him again. Or that he wouldn’t want to see you again. So as you walked, you stopped in front of him and turned to face him. 
“Goo” You said as softly as you could. “Can you stand up for me please, I think you’re sitting on my phone” He now looked so hurt. He looked so hurt that you cared more about your phone than him. But you think he cared more about the fact that you were leaving.
Sure enough though, Goo stood up. You walked behind him, grabbed your phone that he was in fact sitting on, slid it into the back pocket of your jeans and then turned back to face him. You didn’t say anything to him and he wasn’t even looking at you. So you thought and you decided to do one of the most impulsive things you’d ever done and probably would ever do.
Within a few seconds of you thinking about what you were about to do, you did it. You cupped Goo’s face in your hands and kissed him. Then you pulled away. Looking at him. The hurt and sadness had turned to shock and disbelief. So you did it again. When you pulled away this time, he still looked the same. So you did it one more time. This time when you did it, Goo snaked his arms around your waist and lifted you up. After your feet were back down on the ground and you had stopped kissing, you looked at Goo.
“I’m going to bed now” Was all you said. You weren’t sure why you said it but it confused you as much as it confused Goo. But the entire reason you think you said it was because you would have to admit something to yourself. You would have to admit that you were falling for Goo.
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lookismlover · 2 years ago
Hi everyone, thank you for the support on the last few chapters I released. I just wanted to say that the next few chapter will be released on August 4th. Sorry they took a little bit later to release than expected (I was on holiday). Again, thank you and see you August 4th with new chapters! :)
Edit: Hi everyone. Unfortunately the chapters will be released tomorrow, August 5th, instead. This is due to a technical error caused by my computer. As I was writing the last few chapters, my computer shut down and reset, rendering me with the chapters that I wrote not being there. I hope you understand and I am really sorry. They will be out tomorrow and again I hope you understand.
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lookismlover · 2 years ago
Goo Kim x Reader: The Fake Date Part 3
Here is part 3 of The Fake Date. Thank you so much for waiting and I hope you enjoy! :)
The next morning you woke up before your alarm, got ready for the day and headed downstairs. Only to find that Goo and Gun were there with your father, speaking about something that seemed to be important.
You didn’t want to interrupt and as quietly as you could, you tried to tip-toe past them as they were sitting in the living room talking. Unbeknown to you however, you were the main topic of conversation and they did in fact see you, but didn’t call over to you.
You could feel the conversation stop, even only for a moment as you passed. Then as you entered the kitchen, you could hear the conversation pick back up to what it was like before. 
You subconsciously shut the door to the kitchen, not wanting to be rude and eavesdrop anymore than you tried to do yesterday (which obviously didn’t end well) and made some cereal for yourself. You sat at the island to let the conversation die before even thinking about going back to your room. 
The conversation however, didn’t die down, instead it got more heated. You could hear your father scream at Gun, then pause, then all his anger turned to Goo. You didn’t know what he was angry at, you could only assume that Goo did something stupid like he always did, and he pissed off your father to the max this time, but only if you knew what was really happening.
You looked at your phone to see what time it was, 9:48am. By this point you had finished eating, rinsed out the bowl, put it in the dishwasher and done a few other mundane tasks that you didn’t have to do, but done to kill time.
The conversation had been going since about 9:12am, potentially longer since you remember coming downstairs at that point. You gave yourself another 15 minutes or so before going back through the chaos. 
Then at 9:51am, your father called for you, anger clear in his voice. You didn’t know why, but you only assumed that it had something to do with Goo. You also assumed that the conversation was over and he was just calling you out, still stressed, to have a regular father daughter conversation. 
You made your way out of the kitchen eagerly to hopefully find out what was going on, or at least get a hint about what happened and you hoped that you could calm your father, even just a small amount. You always hated talking to your father when he was stressed or angry because you felt like you were getting the back end of what happened, but he always apologized to you, saying he didn’t mean it which you knew.
You still left eagerly, walking and contemplating what had happened and wondering how you could console your father this time, or what the conversation was going to be like. Until you saw Gun still sitting on the couch and Goo standing up somewhat defensively with his arms folded across his chest.
You looked from Gun, to Goo, to your father and saw that all of them were looking back at you. Gun looking stoic, yet smug. Goo looking amused as always, but at the same time, almost worried?. And your father looking at you with anger and hurt, almost as though he felt betrayed.
“What’s going on, is everything ok?” you ask.
“Please, sit” Your father said, in what you knew to be his angry voice, while he still tried to keep his cool.
You did as he asked and sat on the chair that was opposite Goo, facing your father, Gun visible at the right side of your peripheral.
“Again, what’s going on?” You ask, still confused.
Your father, still ignoring what you ask then says - “Goo, sit down as well please” practically commanding the room at this point. Goo, not wanting to anger your father further, does just that and sits.
Then your father starts the conversation, eventually answering your question almost immediately and you're shocked by what he asks and also how he found out so quickly.
“Is it true that yourself and Goo are in a…relationship?” Your father practically spat those words at you. Almost like he wanted to stab Goo and send you to your room, telling you not to come out until he permitted it. 
You look at your father in shock, again not believing how he found out so quickly. Then looking at Goo to see he was staring straight at you with a death stare. Not the kind of, I hate you one, that you're used to from him. But the kind that immediately sends chills down your spine, a way more accurate representation of a death stare. The kind that says, you caused this situation and I want to kill you, kind of death stare.
You look back at your father, fearful now of what was to come, not being able to say yes or no. But you were able to ask a question that almost confirmed what he was saying, fake relationship or not. “Who told you” was all you said.
“Gun did and thank god he did”
“Why is it so bad if she is going out with me?” Goo questions. While you just stare directly at Gun in shock.
“There is nothing wrong with you, but I don’t want you going out with my daughter” Your father says back. All while you just sit in silence looking directly at Gun, now giving him the same death stare as Goo had just given you.
Gun then chimes into the conversation, but mainly aiming the words directly at you. “I thought it would be best if your father knew what was happening between the both of you, after all I do still need to keep you safe” He says.
“And thank you for telling me Gun, you did the right thing here” Your father says, now somewhat calm at this point.
Gun just bows his head slightly, in a manner that’s clear to everyone to say that he doesn’t want to converse anymore, but also to say, you’re welcome, to your father.
“Even if I am going out with Goo, what’s so wrong about it?” You say, before you even realize that you were speaking again.
You could see that Goo was shocked by this, that you were somewhat…standing up for him?. Your father doesn’t say anything and instead just looks at you in surprise.
“Wasn’t it only yesterday that you hated Goo? And now you're in a relationship with him” Your father asks, as though he was surprised by the revelation that’s happening before him. That you might really be in a relationship with Goo.
You stay quiet for a moment. Then you quickly think back to the conversation yesterday between Goo, Gun and yourself. Realizing that Goo had said you both have been together for 3 months. 
Before you spoke you could see Goo getting ready to say something. Not sure what he was about to say, potentially that you both WEREN’T dating. You started speaking before he could even say one word. 
“Dad, we’ve been going out for 3 months already. I didn’t want to tell you because I was worried how you would react and clearly I was right in thinking that. We kept up the hating act because it was easier that way and it still does somewhat represent how we are with each other, even now. But please just accept it” You say this, not even recognising how sincere and calm that came across. Also while thinking you could be a great actress. 
Everyone now looked at you surprised, but the one person you looked at first wasn’t your father and it certainly wasn’t Gun at this moment in time. It was Goo and he was staring back at you in shock, but what also felt like appreciation for standing up for him.
The conversation continued for what felt like another 40 minutes, but was probably only 5. As your father continued to say that he wasn’t happy with what was going on, but would allow it as long as you were ‘happy’. 
He may or may not have threatened Goo about 10 or so times in the process, but allowed the “relationship” to continue as is. But by that point you had withdrawn yourself from the conversation that was happening before you, so many thoughts racing through your mind. But, there were two that were constantly sticking out at you. 
The first being that Gun might actually be getting jealous. Jealous enough to go to your father. Sure he might say it’s because it’s his duty to protect you, but you could sense that wasn’t the case.
And the second being that you couldn’t shake the feeling that dating Goo, fake or not, might not be such a bad thing. It might actually be fun…nice even?.
After everything that just happened, you went back to your room, not speaking to anyone after everything was said and done. The only thing you did was check the time on your phone to see how long you had been, 11:37am. It had been almost 2 hours that you were stuck there. 2 hours that you had to listen to your father, but thinking back it must have been longer for Goo and Gun.
You sat in your room for another hour or so to wrap your head around everything, before it all felt suffocating. You wanted to get out, you needed to get out and so you did just that.
You left the house as quietly as you could, not wanting to alarm your father or have Gun trail behind you. You just wanted to be alone and so that’s what you were going to do.
You noted the time on your phone again, 1:03pm and then you told yourself that you would be back before 4pm so as to not alarm anyone. Or at least so you thought.
As time went on and you were just aimlessly walking about to clear your head, while also continuously looking down at your phone to check the time over and over again, you heard a noise.
You didn’t think much of it because you knew better than to poke your nose into other peoples business. Hell, think about what your father did for a living. Basically controlling Goo and Gun, having them take down powerful fighters, while your father hid in the shadows and took down some of his own business associates. You didn’t want to get involved in that, at least not anytime soon if you could help it.
You walked a slight bit faster until the noise was no longer there. You were relieved, then you just walked aimlessly again. 
After hearing the noise and getting a bit freaked out, you lost track of time. It had been 3:13pm when you last looked and much like you said to yourself, you had to be back by 4pm so as to not raise concern. 
By the time you remembered that fact, you had probably walked around another 3 miles or so. Rather than worry by this point, you broke your rule and just continued to walk, until you were in Seoul.
It had taken about 5 hours to walk to Seoul, even though it should have only taken about an hour, but you didn’t mind. The walk cleared your head and you could just text your father and say you were in Seoul if he asked. 
By this point you realized that it was 6:37pm when you had gotten to Seoul. So what better time than to go eat, and potentially go look for some things to buy?. 
You went and got some Samgyeopsal (Korean BBQ) and decided that after this you would go window shopping just so you could stay out of the house a little longer. Obviously not wanting to get scolded for running out of the house. But also because of the lecture that would follow the scolding about how ‘reckless’ you had been for leaving in the first place with nobody (Gun) to protect you.
Either way you ate while also swallowing down some guilt as well as anger. Even though the walk was a good way for you to clear your head, you also realized how forthcoming your father was and how overprotective he was. Sure he had his reasons, but you just realized how smothering that started to feel today. 
After the meal you did exactly what you had in mind, window shopping. You started to walk around again feeling happy that you had a meal and also had time to think and forget certain things.
Another look at your phone as you were walking about revealed the time to be 7:36pm. It would be getting dark in about 30 minutes and so with this in mind, you decided to head for the subway so that you could hopefully be back before dark. Even though you would have an earful from your father, you figured that with a talk, he would understand your reasons for wanting to leave for a little while.
Before you could reach the subway though, it started to rain. You tried to run but almost slipped and with no umbrella you were getting soaked. You decided to go buy one but to no avail, all of them at the nearest shop had been sold out within minutes of the rain starting. 
So you decided to wait, at least until it calmed down a little, but it didn’t. The rain just continued to pour down and get heavier. Your clothes by this point had become weapons against you. The drenched pieces of fabric had become so wet in the few minutes that it had taken you to run to the shop to find an umbrella, that now they were clinging to your skin. Making you almost freeze with every gust of wind or even slight breeze that came your way.
At this point you knew you didn’t have a choice but to run to the subway if you wanted to get home quickly. So you ran, attempting not to slip while running, which you almost failed a few times, but you still made it to the subway in a matter of a few minutes. 
To your dismay though, as soon as you looked at the announcements board displaying the trains, times and where they were going to, each of them read delayed. Over and over you read that word, worrying now that you would need to call your father and have him or someone come and get you. 
Even though you knew you would be in trouble for having left without a word or also having left without having a so-called “bodyguard” by your side, you figured there was no other way of getting home tonight.
Until you remembered something. Goo lived in an apartment just outside the center of Seoul. You could make it there in about 10 minutes if you wanted to and it would save the lecture. You could say to your father that you were just staying at a friend's house and that had been where you were the entire day.
You didn’t know why you hadn’t thought about that idea before now. But then again until last night, which was now about a day ago, technically 2 days ago if you counted separate days on a callander, you didn’t really have a conversation with Goo, at least not a civilized one.
With this in mind though, you thought to yourself about how it would be fine, that Goo would let you in, at least for the night, right?. Either way you didn’t really have a choice. Because as soon as you picked up your phone and pressed the call button on the contact that was named ‘Father’, you needed to stay.
Your father answered and you explained everything, about how it was all too much this morning, about how you needed to get out of the house and about where you were right now. 
To say he was mad would be an understatement, yet he also understood where you were coming from. He apologized and you did the same. Then you brought up that you were going to stay at a friend’s house for the night. That you were only doing this to get some time away and he didn’t question you. 
He asked if you needed anything, to which you told him you didn't and you would buy anything if you needed it. He told you that was fine, apologized one last time and with that the phone call ended. Now you knew had no choice but to go to Goo’s apartment.
You started walking through the rain that was still pouring down, not caring about an umbrella by this point. You just wanted to get somewhere warm and that was hopefully where you were going right now.
After walking about 5 minutes, you looked up at his apartment building that was standing tall just outside the center of Seoul. While doing this you were glad that at some points you did listen to the idiot while he was talking, otherwise you wouldn’t have known about him living so close to where you currently were. 
You were also happy that you were almost there. Excited almost. Maybe due to this being one of the most ‘rebellious’ things you’ve done especially in recent years - but oh well, you needed to get out even for one night.
After another 7 minutes, and getting slightly lost trying to find the entrance, you eventually made it. You were outside his apartment building, getting ready to walk inside. You took a breath and did just that. 
Security was looking at you as if you didn’t belong there. I mean you couldn’t blame them. Soaking wet hair, clothes that were now stuck to your body and dripping water all over the floor. Yeah - you couldn’t blame them for thinking that.
Either way you walked past slightly nervous, while also trying to crack a joke about how wet it was outside. But to no avail, there wasn’t even a small chuckle from any of them, not even the receptionist. 
You continued on, trying to look like you knew where you were going so nobody would question you. You got into the elevator with no questions asked, but distasteful staring looking your way as you were leaving wet footprints on the marble as you walked through the lobby. 
In the elevator you clicked 2 floor buttons that you thought his apartment could be on, the first being the 14th floor and the second being the 16th. In your mind, you thought that if those floors weren’t where his apartment was then it had to be the 15th. When the doors opened up on the 14th floor, you knew that this wasn’t the right floor when the apartments didn’t look “expensive” enough - at least not for Goo. 
You then reached the 16th floor where all of the penthouse apartments were and then you knew you were right with at least one of your three guesses. 
Penthouse apartment number 113, that was his. You remembered because anything with the number 13 always stuck in your head for some odd reason. You stepped out, not knowing if someone else would see you and judge you even more than the security or receptionist had when you arrived. 
There was no one. You breathed a sigh of relief and started to walk to his door, rehearsing what you could say to persuade him to let you into his home. 
Then it hit you, what if he wasn’t there?. What if he was out? What if your father had called ahead and warned him that you might be coming, that he would then come and get you if you showed up at Goo’s?.
No, you had to clear your mind. Plus you also told your father that you would be staying at a friend’s house, so why would he question you.
You arrived in front of his door, it was almost obnoxious as Goo himself. Gold outlines of vines spewed across the matt black door. A gold doorbell at the side of his door, along with a gold door knocker with a wolf’s face on it?. 
You looked disgustingly at the door knocker, but again this was Goo’s apartment you thought, so this was normal. He liked money and even though he didn’t like spending it all that often, when he did, he really went all out on expensive things. But then again money can’t always buy taste…clearly.
By this point you had enough courage to ring the doorbell and so you did. Ring… wait…nothing. Ring…wait…nothing. Ring…wait…nothing.
In that instant your fear was coming to life. He wasn’t there. What were you going to do now?. Go back into the rain?. Try to call a friend at 8:13pm and hope that their parents would let you stay with, well, nothing for one night just because you didn’t want to go home and was too stubborn to let your father have someone drop things off?.
You thought for another minute and then gave the bell one last ring, hoping that he was in. Ring…wait…nothi - in that moment the door slammed open, revealing Goo with no glasses on, his hair and body just as wet as yours and a towel wrapped around his waist. 
He was in the shower. That’s why he wasn’t answering. Goo clicked his fingers in your face a few times before you snapped back from your thoughts and then he spoke.
“My eyes are up here princess” he said with a slight bit of sarcasm, adding the nickname that you hated for good measure. 
“Huh?” You muttered confused.
“What too shy to admit that you’ve wanted to see my abs all this time, that’s ok, here you go” Goo said with all the flirtiness and sarcasm he could muster. 
You let out a sigh along with a small chuckle, before you spoke again.
“Listen Goo, I’m not here for you I… I need a place to stay tonight, so can I stay here?” You say with a hint of sadness in your voice.
Goo looks at you for a moment before the smile tugging on his lips, drops to a straight line . Then without another word he moves aside, letting you in. No questions, no snarkiness, nothing, just Goo purely showing kindness.
You walk inside taking in all the expensive furniture. The dark wallpaper and paint, with accents of blue, gold and silver in different parts of the house. It was a bit different from what you had expected, especially for Goo. I mean he always wears bright colors.
The door shuts and then you hear a lock click into place. Much like when the door slammed open, the door locking snapped you out of your train of thought. 
You turn to Goo, then just stare because you don't know what to say. You expected him to put up more of a fight. To question you on why you were here. Hell, you even expected him not to be here or even for him not to let you inside. But this scenario, you didn’t plan for. You hadn’t even thought it was a possibility. Goo saying a few sarcastic and flirtatious comments like he always did, even while being an ass and then letting you in when you said you needed a place to stay for the night. This was not something you were expecting - you didn’t expect kindness from him at all.
Without a second thought in Goo’s mind, he breaks the silence. “Well my showers been ruined now and clearly you’ve already had a shower. But not a very hot one I'm assuming?”
With another slight chuckle leaving your lips and Goo then smiling again, the tension is then gone between you both. You both just laugh until there is a breeze and you shiver. Goo takes note of this and grabs your wrist, leading you to the bathroom, not saying a word.
“What are you doing?” You ask.
Goo doesn’t say anything but hands you a towel and then leaves for a moment. He then returns with one of his shirts and a pair of sweatpants. He hands them to you without saying anything else, while grabbing the ones that were already in the bathroom and throwing them outside onto a nearby sofa, nicely taking his glasses in his hand and then grabbing the door handle. 
As he’s leaving, that's when he finally speaks. “Go in the showers and change before you catch a cold”. With that the door shuts. You lock it and then hear rustling on the outside of the door, presumably Goo changing. But then you take into account how kind he’s being. 
You reiterate to yourself about how, technically, it’s only been 2 days since the both of you have started to talk civilly to one another and how in those 2 days, so much has happened.
You’ve had multiple conversations, started to fake date, Gun then found out almost immediately, you’ve kissed, Gun told your father, your father lectured you, screamed at you and Goo, you stood up for Goo and then that same day you walked to his apartment in the rain needing a place to stay for the night. Now you're in his bathroom, in his house, getting ready to shower and staying the night. 
How all of this has happened you have no idea and you don’t really want to know, or rather, you don’t want to admit that this is all your doing, just to get Gun’s attention. But now thinking about how you might have his attention, you’re not that bothered. 
Instead, right here, right now, in Goo’s bathroom, you care more about what he will think of you when you walk out. You care more about what the supposed ‘yellow haired bastard’ thinks of you rather than the person you have been fascinated about for years, and you don’t know what to make of it.
You get out of the shower and put on Goo’s clothes. Tying the waistband of the sweatpants as far as they can go so they won’t fall off of you, and trying to sit the shirt across your shoulders but to no avail as it keeps slipping down your left shoulder. 
You sigh and realize that there is no hairbrush for you to comb your hair and that there also isn’t a toothbrush for you. Although thinking any of these thoughts isn’t exactly helping your case, considering you did show up at his house unannounced. 
You tidy the bathroom as best you can before leaving and going to find Goo to ask if he has a spare toothbrush and hairbrush that you could use while you're here. However, once you leave the bathroom the house seems oddly quiet.
You shout out to Goo to ask him the questions, but no response. You wonder if this is the part of your earlier thoughts where your father comes through the door and takes you home. But again you say to yourself that he doesn’t know you're here, he thinks you're at a friend's house. Either way, you don't have a choice but to wait and see what happens. So you sit on his sofa and go on your phone.
Another 15 minutes goes by and then Goo comes through the door, almost tripping on himself, until you see he’s holding some bags. Goo looks up and sees that you’re out of the shower. Meanwhile, you're looking at him trying to not laugh as he did almost fall over. Then you take in his appearance, only for a few seconds. His hair is still wet but neat enough and he’s in regular no name brand clothes with his glasses on. 
Trying to ignore that he almost fell, he nonchalantly takes off his shoes and hands you one of the two bags. With a gesture of his head, you know that this is somehow his way of saying ‘open it’ and so you do just that.
Inside the bag is everything you might need to stay at his place for a night, or by the looks of things, maybe more. There’s a hairbrush, toothbrush, some makeup wipes, hair ties, deodorant, everything that you might need and more. You’re left speechless. 
But it doesn’t end there, Goo motions for another bag, the bag he almost tripped on. You pick it up and see that it’s another regular black bag, as if he also got it from the convenience store. In this bag though is clothes. Some luxury brands sit in the bag like Dior and Saint Laurent and then some regular clothes like a plain black hoodie and ripped blue jeans. 
You look at Goo in shock, complete and utter shock. Clearly it was evident on your face and he realized that because he spoke, in a calm yet unconcerned tone. 
“I know you said you needed a place to stay for tonight, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to buy a few things in case you’re in this…predicament again”. He then stopped speaking for a few seconds and added onto the initial sentence. 
“Also I'll be invoicing you for the clothes. They were expensive after all”. You pause for a second to look at him and he’s entirely serious. By this point you can’t help but laugh uncontrollably, he does the same after seeing you practically doubled over. But he also reiterates that he’s in fact entirely serious about invoicing you. 
You don’t fight him, instead you transfer the money that he asks for because you didn’t want to hear him complain if it came to that. Once all was said and done, you both sat down, not saying a word, rather you both soaked up the silence. The odd thing was, the silence wasn’t eerie, rather it was tranquil and you both could feel it. You sat like that for a good few minutes before Goo finally asked the question that you would rather not answer, at least for tonight. 
“So why are you here?”
“Well, I needed time away and given everything that happened today I think it’s only fitting that I come and stay at my ‘boyfriends’ house, don’t you think?” You say jokingly, trying to avoid the question, while also answering it and trying to sound lighthearted. 
“True, very true. I mean what type of ‘boyfriend’ would let their ‘girlfriend’ spend a night out on the streets, especially when there’s a downpour, even if they might have wanted them to” 
You look at Goo after he speaks, registering the last part of his sentence. Then he laughs and you join him. You both continue to talk, not about your father, not about what happened today, but just talk. It started with the weather, then how you got here and about why Goo went out and bought you clothes and such. Then the conversation turned to your feelings, more specifically about Gun. 
“Listen, I get that you have this weird fascination with Gun. But of all people to choose from to date, HIM!?” Goo says in a confused and mocking way. 
Feeling a sense of  deja vu, you try to steer away from the topic but he keeps coming back round to it. Eventually you think Goo is done when he gets up, but instead he comes back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. 
You look at him with a disappointed look on your face given you're both underage, but you feel like you need it and you figure that your father would be fine with it even if he did find out, since he does give you drinks at home. So once the bottle is open and there’s a half full glass that's being handed to you, you oblige and take it from Goo. 
You swirl the glass around a few times before taking a drink, it’s not as bitter as other red wines you’ve had and so you pick up the bottle. Black raspberry. Huh, at least Goo has good taste.
You put the bottle back down and take another sip, then your mind slips back to the earlier conversation about Gun. You take one last sip and then you start to speak. 
“I guess the fascination comes from the fact that Gun understands me. I don’t know how to explain it, but he does. I don’t like that he does, but then again he has been with me for so long that I can’t exactly deny the obvious. There’s also him being, well…mysterious I guess. You’ve both been with me and my father for so long that I can’t help but wonder about him, about what he was like in Japan. I mean I know some bits and pieces but nothing substantial. I don’t think anyone knows about Gun’s past fully apart from my father and some people that came to Korea to kill him for what he’s done to them. I think that’s why, but who knows really” You say this and turn to Goo, he’s leaning forward, attentively listening to every word you’re saying and you appreciate it. 
“Again, true, but what about me?” Goo asks.
“Huh?” You say confused about what he's asking.
“I mean much like you said, ME and Gun have been with you and your father for so long now, so aren’t you curious about me, or is it just Gun?” Goo asks, as if trying to pry some of your feelings out on what you think about him. 
For some reason with that question, you feel your heart start to race slightly. You ignore it and start to think. You think about what you’re going to say, if you’re going to tell him what you’re thinking right now, if you’re going to stretch the truth a little, or, if you’re going to lie to him. You have another sip of your wine, sigh, and then settle on telling him the truth.
“Sure, I've been curious about you as well, but not as much as Gun. It’s also not like I could have asked you this and that about yourself though. I mean we hated each other and I think partially we still do. We have this whole bargain, fake dating thing going on obviously. Which we each get benefits out of. You piss off Gun, I get his attention and also see if he might have at least some feelings for me. But it’s not like we actually care about each other. I mean we never have really. From the time that we first met each other, we’ve just never..clicked. At least I don’t think we have. I also honestly think that in the past 2 days, we’ve spoken more to each other than in the past 2 almost 3 years that we’ve known each other. It’s funny though. I mean thinking back, I don’t think there was ever a time when we were in the same proximity and didn’t argue. Yet right now, we're sitting down, having a drink, while also holding a regular open and honest conversation with one another. It’s a miracle if you really think about it”. 
After saying everything you think about Goo and your relationship with him, you feel some sort of weight lift from your shoulders. As if this has been burdening you for a while and you're glad it’s out now. You look up from the wine glass to see that Goo is still looking at you and listening to you so attentively. Then he speaks.  
“What if this entire time, I've never hated you?” 
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lookismlover · 2 years ago
Still waiting for more 💔 i always check to see if there are any updates
I know, I'm so sorry they've taken this long to be released. But I didn't like how it was going, so I decided to re-wright a few of them. They will be out later on today and there is 5 of them. I promise they're worth the wait!
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lookismlover · 2 years ago
I love your fake date fanfic, aaahh!! desperately waiting for more rn :'3
Ahhhh, thank you so much, I'm so glad you like it! I'm currently writing another 5 or so chapters so there's more chapters that everyone can read all at once. They will probably be out by the 12th of July, if not the 15th by the latest. Hope you enjoy them when they release and I promise it'll be worth the wait! :)
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lookismlover · 2 years ago
Goo Kim x Reader: The Fake Date 2
I just wanted to thank you all for the support on my first few chapters. I also just wanted to apologise for how slowly they've been getting out, I have been a bit busy these last few months. But there will be a few more chapter releasing next month. As of now though here is another 2 chapter, hope you enjoy. :)
The air around you felt heavy and thick. Almost like being crushed, due to the overwhelming anxiety that you could feel with each footstep getting closer and closer to the door. 
Eventually you snapped back into reality. Making a dash behind your father’s desk and sitting in his chair, legs crossed under the desk, elbows on the desk with your phone in hand trying to look busy and not like you just had an infuriating, yet confusing conversation.
Within a few seconds one of the doors swung open, you made it just in time and thank god you did because it was Gun. 
Gun looked confused at first, you however were worried at what he was confused about - Was it because you were behind your father’s desk? Was it because you were in your father’s office? Or was it because he saw Goo leave and now he’s seen you in here as well?.
Your mind raced with all the possibilities of what could be going through his mind, then he spoke and it was the one question you really didn’t want to hear.
“Was that Goo leaving here just now?” Gun asked in a stern yet confused manner.
“Actually yes, it was. Why do you ask?” You say somewhat smugly, yet anxious.
“I just never thought I would see the day when you and Goo would be talking, after all we both know how you feel about him.” Gun says in a monotone voice, now not sounding confused at all.
This was now your chance, your chance to see if he would react, your chance to see how far you could potentially push Gun.
You turned off your phone, putting it down next to a pile of papers and files on the desk. Then with the most sheepish grin you looked up at Gun and started to speak.
“Even if I do feel a certain way about Goo, why do you care if I see him or not. Hell this whole time I might have been pretending not to like him.” You spat. The words coming out as calmly yet as teasingly as you could make them.
Gun stood there expressionless, not saying a single word and not showing a single emotion, at least that was visible. After all, he still had his glasses on so you couldn’t see his eyes. 
But something felt off, more with Gun rather than anything. You thought that you had finally gotten a reaction out of him, but that’s not what it was. Someone was getting a reaction out of him but it wasn’t you. That's when you heard it, or rather heard him. Goo was laughing down the hallway, an audible cackle could be heard probably from miles away. 
Goo had heard the entire conversation that you and Gun were having. The only thing he could do was cackle at your little comment. 
You thought to yourself for a moment that this was the source of Gun's irritation and that off feeling you had and you would have been right, even though you wished it was your comment about Goo. But what you couldn’t predict was that the conversation between you and Gun, as well as his expressionless face, was going to change in a matter of seconds after what Goo had just opened his mouth and said.
What Goo said snapped you back into your conscious mind and it rang through your ears, like a blood curdling scream. Like the alarm you had to wake up to every morning. Like nails on a chalkboard or a fork running across a plate. Your confusion about what Goo meant earlier when he said ‘sure’ was gone within seconds and given that you came up with the idea in the first place, you just had to act like you knew it was coming when you heard it.
“Y’know she’s right, she really was pretending not to like me this whole time. Hell if you paid  closer attention to her, you would've known that we've been dating for about 2, no 3 months now.” That’s what Goo said, that’s why Gun’s expression changed after hearing it and that's what you had to play along with.
Gun now looked visibly irritated, glancing back and forth at you and Goo. Goo with that smug smirk of his and you with your now sheepish yet irritated grin. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. I mean come on who could?. You and Goo. Like he said, you both hated each other, at least that's what he thought.
The looks between you and Goo continued until Goo spoke again. “Come on, isn’t now the perfect time to tell him that we’re dating?” Goo said nonchalantly, almost trying to get a reaction out of both you and Gun.
“There is no way in hell, you both are going out with each other. Or as you say, ‘have been’ for the past 3 months like someone said.” Gun spoke in a sarcastic tone, looking directly at Goo when using the word someone and also using air quotes at the words have been.
Goo was away to speak when you stood up from behind the desk, cutting him off before a word could even leave his mouth.
“We actually have been and why are you so skeptical about it Gun?” You question, but also holding firm that you and Goo have had this ‘secret’ relationship going for the past few months. 
“Well, I just never thought that you two of all people would be a couple. But apparently I'm wrong.” Gun said in a now irritated voice.
“Guess you were.” You and Goo say in unison, looking at each other and giving each other a very odd small smile. Almost reassuring each other that, yes, you both were going to fake date each other and that, yes, you are definitely going to irritate Gun with this. 
Gun by this point was taken aback by what was transpiring in front of him, but still didn’t believe that yourself and Goo were dating. So that’s when he came up with a plan of his own. A plan that not even you thought about.
“Ok I’ll give you both the benefit of the doubt that you're actually going out with one another. But only if you kiss each other right now.” Gun said, smiling intently while looking back and forth between the both of you, to see and also to make sure that you both were in fact dating.
While Gun was looking between you both chuckling to himself because he knew that you both were not dating. Your mind started to swirl with what you could do to convince him.
Until your mind started to short circuit when you felt Goo’s lips press against your own. The kiss then stopped and Goo pulled back hugging you and whispered into your ear.
“Just go along with it” That's all he said and that’s exactly what you did.
Goo kept his arm around you and then moved beside you. This was the point that you could see Gun’s face and god do you wish you could take a picture of it. 
Gun stood there with his eyebrows raised and mouth slightly ajar, not knowing what to make of the situation, or potentially being too embarrassed to do anything. 
Of course, Goo had to break the silence. “Well get what you wanted?” He asked in an almost mocking tone. 
Gun cleared his throat and then spoke in a mocking tone to both of you but mainly Goo. “Well I guess you are going out, who would have thought”. 
With that he turned and left. As soon as Gun was no longer in sight you pushed Goo off with as much force as you could, hoping he would fall, but he didn’t.
“What the fuck was that!” You say in a loud whispered scream. 
“Didn’t YOU want this? Weren’t YOU the one to ask me to fake date YOU and if so why shouldn’t we kiss to prove OUR relationship, fake or not?” The very few words that Goo then spoke left you speechless because you knew he was right. You knew you couldn’t argue with him and he knew this as well. 
With that Goo left and you sat down, thinking and imagining what had just transpired and what was going to happen if this continued.
Either way you didn’t want to stick around at the party any longer and so you went to your room and slept.
Here is Part 1 of The Fake date if you haven't read it already. I've also just released Part 3, I hope you enjoy! :)
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lookismlover · 2 years ago
Goo Kim x Reader: The Fake Date
Currently I have been writing a fanfic about Gun and Goo on Wattpad. I figured that I may as well share it on Tumblr as well. I'm still writing it , so it will be in different parts (not sure how many yet) but as of now this is all 3 chapter that I currently have written. Hope you enjoy :)
Hi all, just thought I should let you know that part 2 is currently up. Hope you enjoy!
You had always been infatuated by Gun since the day you met him, the day your father told you he was going to be your bodyguard. 
Whether it was with his fighting prowess, that bleak and mature, yet nasty attitude he had, or the overall mysteriousness he had enveloped himself in. You couldn’t put your finger on why, but you were. 
It had been almost 2 years since he was made your bodyguard, and even though you spoke every day and he was around you enough to see your tells when you were upset, angry or scared you still felt like you didn’t know him at all. 
By this point you realized that the so called “infatuation” you had with him had turned into you liking him, you didn’t know how but it had and yet Gun didn’t even bat an eye at you. 
He was there to protect you, not to be romantically involved with you, not in the slightest and yet you wanted him to be, even at the very least, you wanted him to look at you as a potential romantic partner.
Even though you knew this was never going to happen it was a thought that you kept locked away at the back of your mind because after all, even though you felt so close to him, you knew you were still so far away.
However there was one thing or should I say person that brought you too close together in any situation -  that was your shared annoyance and hatred for Goo.
You too also had that same annoyance and hatred for that yellow headed bastard.
Ever since you met him, you had never liked him. 
I mean what was there to like about him, he was obnoxious, self-obsessed, arrogant, conceited and overall just a money hungry pig.
You hated it whenever you would have to be in the same vicinity as him, let alone talk to him.
You hated that he was your fathers bodyguard and you had to put up with seeing him.
But what you hated more was that you had concocted a plan even you, yourself, hated in order to even try and get a smidge of affection, potentially even a straight up confession out of Guns’ mouth. 
That plan was to fake date Goo and make Gun jealous.
It was a plan that even you were willing to go through just to get Gun to notice you in a romantic sense. 
Was it something you were proud of coming up with - No.
Was it something you wanted to do to potentially get a reaction out of Gun - Maybe.
Was it petty and distasteful that you had even thought about this and were going to act upon it - Yes.
And so with everything you had thought up and concocted it was time to put your plan into action, the next time you were seeing Goo was tomorrow and so it was time to act.
You wake up to the sound of your alarm. That ear piercing sound that aggravates you every morning. You always reach over and turn it off so you don’t have to hear it but again and again, it goes off.  
You soon get up and go do your daily morning routine like always, when you thought about last night, how you were going to act on your plan. When you remembered this fact, you could start to feel your palms sweating and feel heat rising to your face, when you hear a knock at your bedroom door. 
You come out of the bathroom and head to the door to open it when you hear an all too familiar voice behind the door, it was Gun. Gun was at your bedroom door at 9 in the morning. You open the door and see him standing there, already in some designer suit, his hair swept back with what you think is too much gel and those black sunglasses of his. You just look at him for a moment before he breaks the silence. “Hurry up and get ready, your father wants me to take you to get something for tonight” Gun says with the stern way he always does. You go away to say something, but you're too groggy to even think or say a snarky comment back to him and so you just oblige and go get ready. 
Within 20 minutes you're ready for the day but you’re still not eager to respond to anything anyone has to say, not even Gun. You leave the room to see Gun nowhere in sight and so you just think for a moment before realizing that he's probably outside, having a cigarette waiting for you. You walk through the house getting to the front door and long behold he is in fact there having a cigarette leaning against the car in the driveway waiting for you.
“Finally ready, huh?” he questions.
“Yeah” is the only word you're able to say in your still half asleep state, even though it’s been about an hour since you’ve gotten up. You see Gun slightly smirk before he puts his cigarette out and goes to open the passenger side door for you. 
You take this as a silent way of him saying ‘let’s go’ without using any words since you clearly can’t be bothered having a conversation with him. He gets in the driver's side and starts up the car while you sit with your head against the window, almost a sign to Gun that you don’t want to talk and that you’re too tired to even keep up a conversation. That and the fact that you’ve only given him a blank and measly stare at your bedroom door and a simple ‘Yeah’ when he tried to talk to you. 
You do in fact doze off before he even leaves the driveway of your father’s house. You wake up to Gun shaking your arm, you look around to see that you’re outside of a dress shop which you suspect you’re going into with Gun. Your suspicions turn out to be true when he says ‘let’s go then’.
You’re in the shop looking about while Gun sits on a couch, leaning his head back as if it's a chore that he’s even here right now, but after all he is your bodyguard. You pick out a few dresses and take them to the fitting room, each time coming out to try and get Gun’s opinion only to be met with a “mhm” or “just pick one” each time, without him even looking at what you put on. 
Until finally you find a dress that you really like. Not just one that you randomly picked out to hurry this up or a dress that a shop assistant picked out for you saying ‘this would look good on you’. 
It was a long black form fitting dress with a slit that ran up the right side of the leg, a corset type sternum piece that was sheer on the midriff and short off the shoulder sleeves that were barely connected to the dress but was still there. 
You take the dress and put it on in the fitting room with a pair of plain black heels that you also brought in and look in the mirror. You love the dress and the heels that you brought in on a whim look great with it as well. You go out and ask Gun what he thinks and again he just says the usual ‘mhm’ without him even looking. 
You’ve had enough of him being uninterested and so in anger you slightly shout “look at me, what you do think”. 
This definitely prompted a response from him since the first thing he did was pick his head off the back of the coach and look straight at you. You could see his eyebrows raised when he looked at you, but what you would have liked to know is if that was from your slightly over the top reaction or his reaction to the dress.
Without saying a word he stands up and walks over to you, you can’t see his eyes but it almost feels like he’s examining you in the dress. When he eventually gets to you he slightly looks down and then ushers for you to spin around, which you oblige. You slowly spin around while you can still feel Gun staring at you until you come almost face to face with him again, then he eventually speaks.
“This ones the winner I think” 
“You didn’t even look at the other ones, obviously you would say that this ones the winner” You say almost annoyed that he hadn’t been looking at you more. 
“I did look at the others, but there wasn’t much to look at with those” 
“Even if you did look at the others, what do you mean by there wasn't much to look at?” You ask, confused by what he means. 
“I mean those weren’t good enough for you, they didn’t suit you either, so this one really is the winner” He says almost sincerely, as if trying to pay you a compliment.
You can’t say anything to what he just said but you can feel your cheeks start to heat up a little bit and so you go back to the fitting room to take the dress and heels off before you go to pay for them. After leaving the shop Gun drops you back off at your home, saying that he has business to take care of and will see you at the event your father's hosting later that evening. 
You go into the house only to hear such an irritating voice coming from down the hall, it was Goo. You drop your bags in your room before going to look for the source of your sudden irritation. He was in your father’s study talking to him. You're about to walk away but hear the conversation between them both finish and then Goo walks out spotting you eavesdropping.
“Well well well…did ya have fun listening to the conversation princess?” He says sarcastically, knowing that him speaking to you is enough to get under your skin. But calling you princess however, he knows that will piss you off and it does. You scoff at him, not even saying a word before turning away until he speaks again. 
“Heyyyyy princess where are you going, lets talk for a bit” 
You stop walking when he says that only to turn and walk towards him. You get face to face with him, being a slight bit childish by putting your finger in his face before speaking to him.
“Stop talking to me and stop fucking calling me princess” You say angrily.
Goo starts to laugh which pisses you off and your anger bubbles over, you take your finger out of his face and go to slap him, but he just leans back and dodges it with ease.
“What was that for, I thought we were having a good conversation…princess” He says still smirking and lightly laughing while knowing that you're getting more and more pissed off.
“Fuck off dickhead” You say angrily, trying no to lash out again and turning around to walk away. But of course Goo couldn’t let you have the last word.
“Well either way i’ll see you later tonight” He says before putting his hands in his pockets and turning around to walk away.
You pause again while walking away to turn your head around to look at the yellow hair bastard that is now walking away from you. Again you scoff while you start to walk back to your room. 
You get back to your room and flop down on your bed laying on your back, hand over your face and thinking about your plan. After what’s just happened you don’t want to go through with it but you know that this is probably the only way to get Gun’s attention. 
But then your mind drifts back to the dress shop you were at earlier today, where Gun had hardly paid attention to you but complimented you in his own way. You start to think to yourself that this is a bad idea and that you don’t want to go through with it but at the back of your mind you know and you hate that you know this is the best opportunity you have to get Gun’s full attention on you, to get Gun to admit to himself that he might have any feelings at all towards you.
So even though you still think it’s a bad idea, all the thoughts that shoot through your mind get pushed aside with the realization that this is the only way to get Gun.
It was now time for your fathers event, you had got ready, done your hair, makeup, the works.
You were now ready to try and have a civil conversation with Goo, or at least try your best to. 
You leave your room taking in a deep breath and walk towards the main area of your home where the event is taking place. 
By this point your stomach is in knots, not only thinking about what is going to happen when you eventually ask Goo about fake dating each other, but also what Gun might think of you.
You make your way to the end of the hall, where you take one more deep breath in rounding the corner before inevitably facing all of your father colleagues, work associates and other personnel at the event. 
You notice a few faces in the crowd and they notice you, you flash a quick smile at each of them before scanning the room again and spotting Gun. 
Gun was talking to your father, presumably about the ‘business’ he had to take care of earlier that day. Out of ethics however, you decide to go over and say hi to your father before trying to find Goo.
You make your way over, then you watch as your father slightly motions for Gun to quiet down as you’re arriving. You didn’t really care what they were saying to each other, you just wanted to find Goo and ask him if he would help - God, you never thought for a million years you would be saying that to yourself. Goo, helping you. HA it was actually laughable. 
You swiftly say hi to your father, Gun as well and then make your way to scan the crowd in search of the yellow headed prick himself. Eventually you spot him. Spending time, talking to the women that are there. I mean you say spending, but it is Goo, so you never know if the women are talking to him willingly or if he’s just harassing them. 
Whichever one it was you make your way over. Hesitantly, given the circumstances that happened hours before, you speak.
“Goo can i talk to you for a minute” you say in the nicest way you possibly can given that you hate him.
Goo turned around in utter shock that you were even talking to him.
“Wait me!?” “As in me, me, Goo Kim me” he says in sheer disbelief.
“Yes, you, can we talk for a second…away from everyone” you said semi-whispering so nobody could hear. After all, you were embarrassed that you were talking to him, let alone asking him to talk away from open ears and prying eyes.
Both of you exit the busy room as business associates of your father are crowding around him, talking about their next ideas and how great of a business man your father has become.
Unbeknownst to both of you though Gun saw you both leave, thankfully however he didn’t bother to follow you both.
He just thought it was odd that the both of you, of all people, would be talking and leaving a room together.
You decide it would be a good idea to drag Goo into the most secluded place you can think of, at least when it was so busy with your fathers’ business associates - his office.
After the two of you are alone, regret starts to come over you and then follows guilt.
You start to question why you're doing this, not only to yourself but also to Gun, the person you like. 
That is until Goo opens that obnoxious mouth of his. That regret and guilt soon turns to anger with the next two sentences that leave his mouth.
“Sooooo…are we here because you want a secret rendezvous and you want me to be the lover in this equation” he pauses for a second.
“If so I’m not interested in doing that with a bitch like you” he says bluntly and then smiles.
Already you can sense that this was a bad idea and that you're also about to explode with anger that he could even be so bold as to say that to you.
But then again, this is Goo and you hate him anyways with how self-obsessed he always is.
You calm yourself down as best you can in the situation and somehow you plaster a fake smile on your face, that even Goo can tell is fake before saying your next few words.
“No, i can assure you that’s not what this is” you deadpan.
“Oh, then what is this?” he asks, now slightly curious about the circumstances.
So, hesitantly, you tell him about what's going on with Gun and your feelings towards him, leaving out the part about fake dating the bastard himself in front of you until you hear what he has to say about all of this first. 
After you’re done explaining you look at Goo, no reaction is evident upon his face until an insane smile comes across it and then hysterical laughter follows. 
You let him laugh all he wants and then he eventually calms down, after 5 minutes or so, but he does calm down and his laughing spell comes to an end.
That is until he abruptly says.
“So why am I here then?”
“I’m not just here because you wanted someone to confide your feeling to and even then I’m not the one you want to confess to”
He wasn’t wrong, not in the slightest.
You ponder for a moment , trying to convince yourself that this was a good idea but in no sense of this was it a ‘GOOD’ idea.
Putting your pride aside and leaving your last shred of dignity that you still have left after telling Goo all of this, that so-called ‘secret’ that you keep hidden away.
You shakily say. 
“Well Gun doesn’t see me as a romantic partner, so-”
 He cuts you off before you can say anything else.
“Yeah no shit, he doesn’t see anyone like that, what do you want me to do about-”
“SHUT UP” you screamed.
This time you cut him off before he could finish.
You steady your voice as best you could before continuing on with what you were saying, while also answering his question that you screamed in the middle of.
“What I want you to do is…fake date me in order to make Gun jealous”
The room goes silent, even though it’s just you and Goo in it to begin with.
Even at that moment you could have swore that Goo had even stopped breathing in order to keep quiet.
But the silence was broken by the yellow headed bastard laughing. 
Not just hysterically laughing like before, but kackling, almost as if he was mocking you through his laughter this time.
“That’s the dumbest idea i’ve ever heard and i’ve heard some pretty dumb ideas in my time”
You think for a second before calculating your response.
“I know it is, but if you think about it and I mean honestly think about it, what is there to lose?”
You pause and then continue, answering your own question while Goo just lets you speak.
“You hate Gun and like to annoy him, I want to make Gun jealous or annoyed or feel some, ANY,  type of emotion towards me - at least the kind that’s visible”
“You don’t have to say yes and even I know that it’s a stupid idea but come on, what wrong with giving it a try, we would both get something out of it”
“Even if you say no though…DON’T… TELL…GUN…”
You stop talking to let Goo speak, then you hear footsteps coming towards you.
Not from outside but from inside, you hadn’t realized it but at some point during your monologue you had closed your eyes and tilted your head down.
The footsteps stopped about an arms length away from you and that’s when you looked up and opened your eyes to see Goo with a sinister grin on his face.
With the room still silent and you being slightly terrified of what was about to come out of his mouth, you back up, just slightly to be a little ways away from Goo. 
He just continues to move forward with that sinister smile of his.
You both continued to do this thing, Goo moving forward, you moving backwards, still not saying a word to each other. 
The only way you could describe it, was as though it was a weird game of cat and mouse.
But in this equation it felt like predator and prey. 
That is until you came to a stop, you had hit your fathers desk that sat almost at the back of the room, so you knew that by this point Goo had won this frivolous game of whatever it was. 
After hitting the desk however, Goo didn’t stop coming towards you - No, in fact he continued until you and him were practically face to face. 
Enough room to where your lips weren’t touching but you could feel his breath on your face and then he finally spoke.
With that, he spun on his heel and left the office leaving you wondering what he meant by sure.
Sure he’ll fake date you. Sure he won’t say anything to Gun. Sure…sure…sure. It played through your mind, again and again and again. Sure. What did he mean?. 
He left wondering what he meant and all you could continue to do was play the entire conversation in your mind. 
Still just repeating that one word over and over in your head, sure.
You soon snapped back into reality wondering how long you had been thinking about what he said, you also had to wonder how long you had been gone from the event. 
Then your mind started racing again when this time you really did hear footsteps coming from outside of the room. 
Here is part 2 and 3 for anyone wanting to continue reading. I greatly appreciate everyone who has read any of the part. I am also still new to tumblr, so I only just figured out how to link and do some other things on here. Again thank you for the support on reading the first part, I hope you like the second! :)
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