Looking for a Lucky Woman to Own me
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Twenty six years old, strong, good-looking, Alpha male outside my home life, I am a submissive man at home and towards Women. I believe in Femdom, FLR, Female Supremacy, and belonging to a Dominant Alpha Female is the best relationship / personal life. Being below a Domme Alpha Woman at her feet is natural, comfortable, and the best way to show her love, respect, and devotion. I am looking for a loving LTR / FLR. That is my goal. This is real life to me. No games. My inbox is open!! NO FINDOMS, I DON’T TRIBUTE!!.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 3 months ago
Welcome to my pretty pink world
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 3 months ago
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 3 months ago
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 3 months ago
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 3 months ago
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 3 months ago
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This is how it should be
Begging to be allowed to cum
I own you and your orgasm
Now DM me immediately
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 3 months ago
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 3 months ago
Submissive Men Need This
Submission to a woman is far beyond just sexual. If you are a submissive man, and you only see the sexual aspect of submission, you're missing the key piece of the puzzle to unlocking it's true mystery.
Have you ever questioned, what drives you? Why is submission so arousing? Why does it speak to your soul? Why does it feel like it is a part of who you are? Why can't you escape it, no matter how hard you try? No matter what you do, no matter who you enter into a relationship with, you will always have the urge to submit to a woman, even if you keep that urge suppressed or hidden.
You will never not want to submit. It will follow you all throughout your entire life. Is it not time for you to act on it? Is it not time for you to finally seek out a partner whom you can submit to? You're not meant to spend your entire life endlessly scrolling social media jerking off to other men being dominated.
There are plenty of women out there that need you to see beyond your fantasy, so you can offer yourselves to them and be of a great value, enhancing their lives as a result.
The submissive urge within you is not born of sexual desire, that just makes it exciting and passionate. It's far deeper than that. It comes from an innate desire to adore, honor, care for, please, and serve a woman. It is a natural instinct within you. It is the recognition of your place in life. It is the natural power exchange between men and women. You may sexualize this and turn it into fantasy and fetish, but at the root core of it all, this urge is beyond the sexualization. It's who you are, and you can't ever change that.
You can be ashamed of it, you can run from it, you can suppress it, you can even deny it for a while. But without it, you will never know what true fulfillment actually is. You will always feel like something is missing in your life. Always! Until you start to do something about it. Until you find a woman who will accept you as her submissive.
That is your goal in life. That is your mission, whether you know it or not. Even when she's not in your life, even when you haven't even met her yet, she is your purpose. Everything is about finding her, and if you haven't figured that out yet, you will likely be living a life in the doldrums of online fantasy, wishing you could find her but feeling completely hopeless about it.
Years tick by, a decade comes and you feel even more hopeless. This inaction, this limbo, this wishing you could find her, is not serving you. You can stay in this state of inaction forever, and never find her. You must find it within you, to say to yourself, I've had enough of this. I'm going to do what it takes, and I'm going to become the man I need to be, to find the woman that will accept my submission to her.
If you are at this point in your life.... if you are ready.... The Submissive's Journey was written for you. You are not alone in this struggle, others have walked the path before you. However, it is you alone, that must make the decision to change. You must create a resolve, to find her no matter what. That's step 1 on The Submissive's Journey.
To learn more.... invest in yourself, because she's worth it.
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 3 months ago
Orgasms Are For Girls!
Female orgasms are far more valuable than male ones.
This is evident in our biology.
When we watch what happens to a man post orgasm, his body is drained, and he gets tired, and often loses all sexual appetite.
He may not even want to be touched. He loses interest in cuddling, romance and intimacy.
He may even feel slightly depressed, like cumming was a promise that didn't deliver.
Sure it felt good for a few moments, and then just ike that, that euphoric feeling disappears, and he's snapped back to reality.
Orgasm didn't benefit him.
It actually made him worse off than before he started. Waiting for his body to recharge to get back to that point where he feels alive with passion again.
He also loses his desire to take risks, and also enters sub drop for a time. What good has come from his orgasm? Female orgasm on the other hand.... Is a completely different story.
Her orgasm, immediately relieves her of all stress. It's one of the best things a woman can do for stress relief. Not only that, but orgasm especially from oral, actually charges her up, making her feel more alive.
A sense of fulfillment comes with it, A relaxed euphoria follows, that can sometimes last the entire next day. Her orgasm helps to balance her emotions, while also filling her with more confidence, in her body, and in life.
Her orgasms can be used as a way of creating motivation and ambition. The more often she orgasms, the more empowered, and happy, her life will be.
That's why it's the goal of submissive men to make her happy, because when she's happy, he's happy. Well coincidentally, or perhaps, by design, our natural biology compliment each other.
Men who are denied orgasms, tend to give up their orgasms to the women in their lives.
Almost as if that's the natural order of things.
As if that's how it was always meant to be. Because men experience the same euphoria that women do, when they're kept in denial, and under her authority.
Male orgasms, are meant to be given up for women. That's why she gets so horny when she has him locked in chastity, it's an actual exchange of power.
She's picking up his excess sexual energy, and feeling horny like him. It's also why when he makes her orgasm, he enjoy and feels, her pleasure, almost as much as she does. Because he's in subspace, in surrender, giving his energy up for her.
Male orgasms, really have no benefit for him or her. That's why he can never think of a good reason to be let out of chastity. Because there isn't one!
He's meant to serve her.
That's why FLR's are an amazing way to live, because it's in natural harmony with each other, the way nature intended.
Create the FLR of your dreams with my Practical FLR book series!
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 3 months ago
Always Make Him Eat His Cum
One great rule in a FLR is mandatory cum eating.
It's really not even meant to be an option.
There's really no excuse not to eat it. It's polite.
But there's more to it than just that. There's multiple reasons on why he should be eating his cum, without being told.
The main reason is because it helps him develop the submissive mindset beyond sexuality.
When he is always submissive, and horny, he ties submission to being horny. So naturally when he gets off, his submission will drop off and he will want a break from submission.
In a FLR there are no breaks from submission that she doesn't agree to. So it's unacceptable for him to not be in the mood to submit, just because he had a full release orgasm.
This actually makes full release orgasms something to fear, and avoid, which isn't very ideal. You don't want to be afraid of certain acts just because it might cause his submission to drop.
Instead, it's time to train him to be submissive, whether he's horny or not. Whether it's sexual or not.
The moment he cums, any ideas and appeal of eating his cum he entertained only moments before, are completely gone.
The idea of eating it now is a turn off, and maybe even gross.
This is a perfect opportunity.
It's the perfect time for him to demonstrate his submission to her, and re-enforce the submissive mindset in his non-horny mind.
It's time to make him eat his cum. Not quickly either. Slowly. Make him wait a few seconds between each lick.
If it was collected in a glass, sip it slowly, and let the taste infiltrate his entire mouth.
He doesn't get to just slurp it up and gone, that's too easy. No, he must savor it, and understand, he will be eating it from now one, every time, every last drop.
This will maintain his submissive mindset through a full release orgasm, and will train his non-horny mind that he's still owned by her. That submission to her is not optional.
It's also a sign of respect for her, to do it without being told, to demonstrate that he knows his place, and will respectfully clean up his own mess, as a sign of gratitude, so she doesn't have to do it.
It's the polite, submissive thing to do.
There are other benefits of this as well, since cum is full of vitamins and minerals, it's a complete and total waste to not eat it. It's healthy, and replenishes the nutrition lost in cumming.
It should be mandatory, and non negotiable. Every time. The bigger the load, the better.
Always make him eat it.
Create the FLR of your dreams with the Practical FLR book series!
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Please reblog if you support me as an author.
It helps expand my reach, and shows the world the amazing benefits of a FLR.
Thank you for reading!
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 5 months ago
FLR Contract
I ______________, the Wife and I _____________ the husband willing and without duress agree to the create a loving Female Led Relationship (FLR). Our goals for creating the FLR are:
1. Reduce conflict and increase harmony in our marriage through clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
2. Increase awareness and acceptance of Female Supremacy by being a positive role model.
3. Support Female Causes, so that Women everywhere can shape the world in Their image.
We will achieve these goals as follows:
The Wife
1. The wife is the head of the household.
2. As the head of the household, Her leadership will be acknowledged by the husband by referring to Her as “Queen,” “Goddess,” “Love” or whatever title She chooses.
3. She will create a yearly plan and budget.
4. She is responsible for ensuring the plan stays on track.
5. She is responsible for decision making and may seek the input of other family members but does not need their consent. As the decision maker, once She makes Her decision, the decision is final and not to be questioned by the other family members.
6. In order to stay on plan and to communicate Her decisions, the Wife will lead bi-weekly family meetings.
7. Her leadership is unlimited and extends to all areas of life including but not limited to children, careers, where the family lives, use of free time, sex, money, politics, education, religious beliefs, etc.
8. Most decisions have financial impacts, therefore it is imperative that the Wife have complete control of the family finances. Children and husband can be given an allowance or debit cards which the Wife will fund at Her discretion.
9. The Wife’s career should always take precedence. This will help the Wife with both financial and title promotions. As the Wife moves up the ladder, She will be able to better provide for Her family and help other Women by hiring/promoting more Women where She works.
10. The Wife will be responsible for rewarding and punishing family members as She deems necessary.
The husband
1. The husband agrees to obey, serve and worship his Wife.
2. The husband agrees to wear a male chastity device and give his Wife the only keys. Other than a medical emergency, the Wife will decide when Her husband can access his penis.
3. Since the Wife has the burden of planning and making all decisions, the husband must do all household chores. This includes but is not limited to cooking, cleaning, running errands and child rearing.
4. The husband will transfer all of his assets to his Wife’s ownership. The husband can pay bills from a joint account funded by Wife but only the Wife can make financial decisions.
5. The husband is responsible for planning daily chores and meals but should check with the Wife to see if She requires any changes.
6. The husband must never raise his voice to his Wife or disagree with Her decisions.
7. The husband should always seek his Wife’s approval for his appearance.
8. The husband should start every morning by reciting his FLR Affirmations and end every night by kneeling before his Wife kissing Her feet and thanking Her for Her guidance.
9. The husband should complete his housework before his Wife returns from work so that he can focus on Her needs when She is home. If the husband works then the husband will do the housework at night and on weekends.
10. If the husband fails to obey, serve and worship his Wife then he will accept whatever punishment the Wife decides is appropriate. Punishment includes but is not limited to spankings, loss of allowance, extended chastity periods and/or loss of free time.
In order to support Female Supremacy, the Wife and husband will vote for Female candidates in all elections and provide financial support to Female candidates.
The family will only go to Female doctors and dentist unless the insurance choices are limited to males in a particular specialty.
The family will shop at Female owned stores, companies with Female CEO’s or companies highly rated by Working Mother’s Magazine.
The family will donate to Female specific charities and will volunteer 50 hours per year at a Woman’s Shelter.
FLR Affirmations (husband)
1. Women are divine beings and superior to males.
2. My Wife is a Woman. She is a divine being and my Superior.
3. My Goddess is always right.
4. I will obey my Goddess without hesitation.
5. I will serve my Goddess until I exceed Her expectations.
6. I will worship Her divine body any time and in any way She desires.
7. As a male, I am grateful to be my Goddess’ servant and to make Her time on earth as pleasurable as possible.
8. When not in the service of my Goddess, I will strive to make the life of other Women better.
9. I support Women Causes that will help Women take Their rightful place as rulers of Their lives and of the world.
10. I willingly accept any corrective action my Goddess deems warranted by my shortcomings.
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 6 months ago
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 6 months ago
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I am looking for a strict Woman to marry her and form a family under a FLR and be totally control.
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 6 months ago
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 6 months ago
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The king surrenders to his Queen!!
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 6 months ago
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looking-for-a-ltr-flr · 6 months ago
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