lookafterings · 2 months
by the way this is the procedure to get out of gaza
it costs 5k USD per adult and 2.5k USD per child
if you want to raise this money via GOFUNDME it has to be arranged by someone who is NOT living in Palestine because GFM does not release money to Palestine. GFM also verifies every detail so it has to be accurate so you need someone who is out of Palestine and also familiar with the bureaucracy.
once you raise the money one of your FIRST ORDER RELATIVES have to deposit this money IN CASH and IN PERSON at the Cairo offices of a company called hala. this person cannot be a Palestinian male under 40 because they are not allowed to be Egypt without a permit
once you pay the money you have to WAIT for your names to be published by Egyptian military at the Rafah crossing and the you have 24 hours to get out
it is a very long and convoluted process that is impossible for most Palestinians who do not have contacts in other counties. Please please donate to the GFMs you see floating around because they’ve been verified and this is only the first step in an arduous journey. Once in Cairo, Palestinians aren’t allowed to work so they need money for their support also.
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lookafterings · 2 months
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Please match my donation if you’re able to!
I'm writing to you with a full of hope that you will support me 🙏
My family is in great danger due to the war, and I try to use a GoFundMe campaign to escape with them from the war...
Could you help me by sharing my story? 😥🙏🙏
Every reblog or donate or share can make a difference in my family's life 🙏
Thank you for your kindness support 🌷
Hello Hadeel, yes of course I will donate and share!
Hadeel’s campaign has been verified - please donate if you can and reblog so it can reach more people!
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lookafterings · 2 months
I'm writing to you with a full of hope that you will support me 🙏
My family is in great danger due to the war, and I try to use a GoFundMe campaign to escape with them from the war...
Could you help me by sharing my story? 😥🙏🙏
Every reblog or donate or share can make a difference in my family's life 🙏
Thank you for your kindness support 🌷
Hello Hadeel, yes of course I will donate and share!
Hadeel’s campaign has been verified - please donate if you can and reblog so it can reach more people!
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lookafterings · 3 months
Today, July 3, would have been my sister Mariam’s 22nd birthday. She was with my father in Gaza and went missing in October, with no one being able to locate her since. We consider her one of the many beautiful martyrs that became buried under the rubble and are unable to be properly accounted for.
Mariam was the most important person in my life, I miss her every second of every day and it is important for me to use the love I will always have for her into helping the people I can right now.
To honour her memory this year I am hoping to raise money for 3 specific gofundme campaigns:
Dina and her children (CAD)
Noor and Alaa (euro)
Ayman and his family (USD)
These are all fundraisers with very few donations, and ones I have personal connections with. From today until July 31, I am hoping to raise as much money for them in Mariam’s memory.
General Donation Overview:
I use ‘€’ for the currency in this post, but it is the same equivalent for $ USD/CAD (€25 is $25 etc) depending on what gofundme you donate to
Make sure to send your proof of donation directly to me (through asks or messages) and make sure the date, amount and gfm are visible. If applicable, please also send me a mailing name/address
Every TWENTIETH (20th) donor will receive a handmade Palestine themed item (must be comfortable giving a mailing name/address)
For every €1,000 raised I will donate €20 to each fundraiser (all I can afford right now, but amount is subject to change as my financial situation changes this month!)
Specific Donation Amount Rewards:
€5-24 donation - you will have my never ending love and support :)
€25 donation - you will receive all of the above AND I will send you a handwritten message in a card with this medieval Palestine flag print design on it from @werewolf-transgenderism! (support Miles on inprnt here!!)
To receive this you will need to be comfortable send a mailing name/address for the envelope. If you want a different name/something specific in the card let me know! (I will send anywhere)
€50 donation - you will receive all of the above AND be entered to a brand new copy of either the book Men in the Sun by Ghassan Kanafani or The Butterfly's Burden by Mahmoud Darwish
2 winners will be chosen, book choice will be first come first serve for the winners. You must be comfortable giving a mailing address (I will ship anywhere)
€150 donation - you will receive all of the above AND a handmade Palestine themed item (without having to be a certain donor number)
Gofundme Goal Rewards:
If Dina’s fundraiser reaches $2,000 CAD - I will attempt to cook my way through The Gaza Kitchen (I have an older edition) and document my journey/share recipes
If Noor’s fundraiser reaches €2,000 - I will start a virtual book club for books by Palestinian authors (if this happens I will figure out logistics later)
If Ayman’s fundraiser reaches $2,000 USD - I will learn how to crochet (I don’t know how) and will document my journey/giveaway all my (bad) creations :)
That’s it for now, sorry it’s so much info in one post!! You guys raised over $11,500 USD for the fundraising campaign I did in January to honour my father’s birthday and I am hoping this fundraising campaign for my sister can come close to that. As always, please let me know if you have any questions :)
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lookafterings · 3 months
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According to Save the Children "up to 21,000 children are estimated to be missing in the chaos of the war in Gaza, many trapped beneath rubble, detained, buried in unmarked graves, or lost from their families, said Save the Children."
The report breaks the overall number to include at least 4,000 children who are likely trapped under the rubble and presumed dead, 17,000 children who are unaccompanied and separated from their families, with an unknown number that are buried in unmarked mass graves, and others who have been forcibly disappeared by Israeli forces, detained and transferred outside of Gaza.
Children. At least 21,000 missing children in Gaza just since October 2023.
You simply cannot convince anyone that this is what it takes for an entity to "defend itself." Israel is and has always been a terrorist, genocidal state that relies on this kind of violence to sustain its existence as a settler colony.
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lookafterings · 3 months
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Wild horses crossing a river in Iran Photo: Eydi Heydari
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lookafterings · 3 months
Pdf of The Question of Palestine by Edward Said
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lookafterings · 3 months
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“At first I wanted to be a butterfly but a butterfly is so beautiful that people catch it and trap it in their notebooks. I don't want anyone to shut me in.”
Frontiers of Dreams and Fears "أحلام المنفى" by Mai Masri 2001
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lookafterings · 3 months
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Listening to the sea
by Marek Cina
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lookafterings · 3 months
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New Year's Eve in the dormitory, Leningrad, 1983 (photo by Yuri Belinsky)
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lookafterings · 3 months
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Louise Bourgeois, Les Étoiles, 2009
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lookafterings · 3 months
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Babson Arabian Vlacq Amurrah and her filly Halypa Azeema
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lookafterings · 3 months
🚨: Urgent ‼️
The majority do not know about the Nuseirat massacre. Let me tell you about the most difficult day in my life and the life of my family. After we were displaced from the area east of Deir al-Balah because it had become a dangerous area, we went to the Nuseirat area, where the largest operation in the history of the occupation took place in which 4 prisoners were freed, but unfortunately they killed about 270 Palestinian people. At this time, the bombing was very intense, as the place we were in was damaged by artillery shells, even though half of it had been bombed already. After we hid in the stairwell area in the house, considering it the safest place in the house, after two hours of fear and continuous bombing, I was surprised that you are still alive, Ahmed. I am... I am very surprised how I am still alive after all this. I think death at the time was better than these feelings. I hope to intensify your assistance to reach the largest possible number of donors so that we can try to leave the country as soon as possible. If the Rafah crossing is opened, I wish you a life full of peace. No. I hope you live such difficult days. Thank you to all the donors. I will put some pictures after the event and put the donation link.
In fact, the story is much more difficult than the words
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lookafterings · 4 months
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lookafterings · 4 months
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An equation that only makes sense to those with a genocidal mindset.
Reminder that it has never been about the hostages and that hostages have been used as a justification for the numerous massacres over the past 8 months, the last of which was in Nuseirat today where over 200 Palestinians were killed, adding to the overall number of nearly 40,000 Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza. The horrific massacre in Nuseirat today should be all you need to know to understand what Israel means when they say they want to "free the hostages" by refusing to engage in diplomatic efforts.
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lookafterings · 4 months
Hello everyone 🍉
thank God we were displaced yesterday from the eastern area of ​​Deir al-Balah. For those who do not know, this is an eastern area into which the army recently penetrated. We survived, thank God, and were displaced for the seventh time, but unfortunately the place where we were displaced does not have internet at all, and it takes no less than 2 minutes to walk on foot. Kilo in order to connect to the Internet and post a post, so I ask everyone to help me participate, and if I can publish as well, knowing that there is not much left for my campaign, there is less than 1,200 € left for the campaign to be completed. Thank you all, I will put the PayPal link as well, as you know the high prices, neither the jobs nor the salaries. There is no hard work, so we rely on the help you provide on PayPal to buy food and wood to cook on the fire and bring life’s resistance. I will put the links and thank you to everyone, my brothers. I hope for your support and participation.
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lookafterings · 4 months
the twice-censored nakba as a legal concept article is just fantastic and it's so incredibly dull and anti-intellectual that zionists insist on killing concepts and arguments that they refuse to engage with. violence and repression as an automatic response before it is ever a last resort.
it is simply extraordinary how liberal zionism continues to espouse a regime of democracy and enlightenment in the US when they have never engaged intellectually with palestinians on their own merits. it reminds me of how netanyahu refused to meet edward said and instead complained that "he wants me dead."
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