longwayaround · 1 year
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Aziraphale smiled back, relieved to see the suggestion well-received. Not that he expected that it wouldn't be, it was just... things could get so complicated between them sometimes, couldn't they? And he supposed that was in no small part his own fault. He'd spent so long pushing Crowley away. "There's a lovely little pop-up café I saw on the way in," Aziraphale suggested. But really, that was more something he'd enjoy, wasn't it? He wanted something they would both like. "But I think feeding the ducks would be perfect."
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Sometimes he needed to ask his angel to actually word, and then again sometimes he needed to word. Not and is what he meant? What? He frowned at his angel and waited, Aziraphale would get there he knew he would, hopefully. There was hope fluttering around in his stomach, it wasn't him saying they couldn't… "Of course, angel. You can pick this time. Or we can just feed the ducks?" The demon smiled.
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longwayaround · 1 year
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"If that's what I want?" The question felt - well, it felt like forgiveness, really. Aziraphale-brand forgiveness, a shield to hide behind, something that said 'it's not me, it's you', but in a way no one could ever say was anything but angelic. Crowley's own shields went up immediately. "Right. Should've figured it'd be like this. Thisss, this is why I shouldn't have come."
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Something felt off about what Crowley had said but he didn't mention anything, not when he didn't know really what it was and maybe he concluded it was because of him. He doesn't know. "I-" He couldn't force himself to say anything. "Okay, dear." He wanted to continue asking why, but forcing his demon was never going to work. Not really, not when he sometimes didn't want to- neither did Aziraphale. It still felt like- never mind, "if that's what you want Crowley."
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longwayaround · 1 year
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favorite doctor who quotes: 60/?
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longwayaround · 1 year
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That was fast, and the Doctor wasn't sure how she felt about that.
On the one hand, she hated waiting, and she was very curious about this whole situation, which made waiting even worse. On the other hand, the fact that the tears were appearing this frequently probably didn't bode well. That certainly was no natural phenomenon, to start off, though she'd already suspected as much.
There were very few things that could naturally cause tears like this, and they were very unlikely to happen on your average planet. No, they needed more volatile elements, things that would be hostile to most life forms, and quite possibly threaten the structural integrity of the planet.
But if it was happening this often, then someone was causing it, and whatever they were doing... it didn't bode well.
"Have you got the coordinates?" The Doctor asked, already doing a quick scan with the sonic to see if it could pick up any fluctuations. They weren't strong enough yet, it seemed, too difficult to tell apart from background noise. "Or do they always show up in the same spot?"
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"Here we go," The Visionary said hopefully. The algorithm checked out, but whether or not it actually worked was up in the air. She wished her TARDIS hadn't broken down and lost power. She would love to have access to the computer, but it sat in darkness.
She typed a few keys on the keyboard before pressing enter to start the program. The screen changed to one that looked like a sine wave, fluctuating steadily. She knew it was searching the local temporal patterns for anything amiss, anything for a portal to pop up.
She chewed on her bottom lip impatiently. She already knew that the tears followed a pattern but they were never exact in their timing; that was why she needed the algorithm. The last one concerned her. The knockback was new. Was it some kind of retaliation from whoever was behind them to prevent her from interfering?
The computer sounded an alarm and popped up with a time and coordinates.
"That's in a few minutes. We'd better get moving." She was already straightening.
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longwayaround · 1 year
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'What, and you're in charge?'
DOCTOR WHO (2005 -)
4.02 ~ ‘The Fires of Pompeii’
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longwayaround · 1 year
Yaz blinked somewhat dazedly - it was a lot to take in, the highlights of so many different lives. Like a movie you needed to watch several times to fully understand, a compelling story that drew you back in time and time again, but which left you drained after each rewatch. So many beautiful things, but so much tragedy, too.
"Yeah," she assured the Doctor, offering her a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... it's a lot, isn't it? I knew it would be, but it's different, seeing it." It was difficult, after all, for a human mind to comprehend the vastness of a Time Lord's lifespan. "Thank you for sharing all of that with me. It was... really special. Hard to imagine that just two regenerations ago you were running around in a bow tie. And a fez."
The Doctor stood there, letting her see all this. This wasn't something that she would do for everyone. To be fair, not everyone asked about seeing, or wishing they had met previous versions of him. That was probably the reason why she didn't do it that often.
Finally she moved her hands away. She looked at Yaz. She hoped she was okay after that. The Doctor had no idea what she would say about what she had just seen or what she thought about any of it. "Are you okay after that?" She asked, wanting to check.
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longwayaround · 1 year
"What's wrong with my shirts and ties?" he asked, though without any heat in the words, just a hint of amusement. Donna had made sure his wardrobe was at least slightly updated occasionally while they were traveling together, but it hadn't really been touched since. Maybe it was due for a bit of a refresher.
Shopping was very much not one of the Doctor's favorite activities - in fact, he'd dropped Donna off quite a few times and gone off to visit some nearby museum, expedition site, festival, or whatever happened to catch his interest, but in this case... maybe a shopping trip was just the thing to help him and Rose get reacquainted.
"I know you would." Rose replied as he said this to her. Seeing him smile like this, she couldn't help but smile back at him. Things had been so much easier for both of them before. But if he could help him be happy, then that was what she was going to do.
The smile got bigger as he did this and the TARDIS engines came to life. She looked at him. "Maybe we should get you something while we are there." Rose said. She looked him over. "Not the suit or coat. I love that. Maybe the shirts or ties." Rose told The Doctor.
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longwayaround · 1 year
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"I don't know. Nothing," he lied, and tried to ignore how the words tasted bitter on his tongue. He was a demon, after all, he lied. No need to get himself into a twist about it, it was supposed to be part of his nature. Never mind the fact that he hardly ever lied to this one particular angel, and certainly not about anything that mattered. This, he told himself, did not matter. "Just... maybe shouldn't have come here, that's all."
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Crowley & Aziraphale
@longwayaround "I shouldn't have come." (crowley for aziraphale, if that's okay!)
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"Crowley?" He asked concerned for his demon, did something make his demon want to leave? "What's wrong dear?" He worried in his normal angel way, he honestly just wanted to make sure Crowley was good here. (see what you did?) Aziraphale didn't ask what it was that had suddenly changed his mood, more worried that he might have overdone it.
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longwayaround · 1 year
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"Oh, dear. No, that's not what I meant. Well, it was, but - " Okay, you know that lovely little saying humans had invented about knowing when to stop digging? Shovel, meet Aziraphale. It was probably high time for them to go their separate ways. "Why don't we try something else? The day is still young, as they say."
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Azirahale & Crowley
@longwayaround ❝ don’t blame me! it was your idea to come in here! ❞ (aziraphale for crowley)
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"ME? Why is it all my fault all of a sudden?" He hissed, yes he knows. It was his idea, but his angel doesn't have to suddenly blame him for it all when he knows Aziraphale was happy to go along with it. He huffed and "I wasss jusst-" he stopped and didn't bother to finish it. "Never mind, you don't like it. That's fine."
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longwayaround · 1 year
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None of us know for sure what's out there. That's why we keep looking. Keep your faith. Travel hopefully. The universe will surprise you. Constantly.
Jodie Whittaker as Thirteenth Doctor DOCTOR WHO - Series 11
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longwayaround · 1 year
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Stasis chamber. I do love a good stasis chamber.
David Tennant as Tenth Doctor DOCTOR WHO - “42” (3.07)
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longwayaround · 1 year
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I just want you to know that there are worlds out there safe in the sky because of her. That there are people living in the light and singing songs of Donna Noble a thousand million light years away. They will never forget her, while she can never remember. And for one moment, one shining moment, she was the most important woman in the whole wide universe.
David Tennant as Tenth Doctor DOCTOR WHO (2005-) - Series 4
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longwayaround · 1 year
send “ POST - IT NOTE ” for what my muse would leave yours in a post - it note message !
( could be left on their desk, on the mirror, on the fridge, etc ! )
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longwayaround · 1 year
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requested by @73chn1c0l0rr3v3l >> yaz + can you hear me?
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longwayaround · 1 year
; I'll do a proper meme call later, but I've added CROWLEY, AZIRAPHALE & MURIEL as test muses, so if you want me to send something from your meme tag from them, please feel free to like this post!
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longwayaround · 1 year
; I'll probably add this to my pinned post later, but until then, since tumblr's notifications have been worse than usual -> have a link to my thread tracker!
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longwayaround · 1 year
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Come on, come on, we're going to the country! Fresh air and geniuses, what more could you ask? I'm not coming with you.
DOCTOR WHO - 4.04 The Sontaran Stratagem
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