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There is no heterosexual explanation for this. I NEED to see the directors notes or something on the blocking for this whole bar scene because what were they thinking. Whose idea was this. I love it. I can't stop thinking about it.
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Good old days
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Bucky got hurt because he wanted to protect Steve and Steve cares about him (and is angry because Bucky got hurt)
So this took me longer to draw than I intented to ( Yay Iā€™m sooo slow O.o)
of course there are lot of mistakes, Iā€™m still trying to get better with anatomy and proportions, so Iā€™m sorry if it looks too crappy T_T
and I want to thank the people who helped me to decide how to draw Bucky and thanks to my sister (I bothered her all the time) <3
(and sorry for my bad english T_T)
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GIF credit @lost-shoe @namieamuuro
I shouldā€™ve rewatched the whole scene before I wrote the meta. That look on Steveā€™s face afterwards. This was not supposed to happen. Why does it feel like something thatā€™s happened before?
He looks up and the sniper is gone. Heā€™s trying to recall every detail he saw, ā€œFast, strong, has a metal arm.ā€
His heart sinks a little when he hears Nat say that the Winter Soldier has been credited with assassinations that span decades. He thought his past had dropped in for a visit, but the Winter Soldier had been active through the half century that he had been asleep in ice. Maybe the familiarity came only from the strength and speed that was characteristic of super soldiers.
He thought he saw his past, but he only saw another version of himself.
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Then he sees the Winter Soldier on the Causeway, strutting striding calmly through the crowd, dark silhouette materialising from the haze like a familiar ghost from the past.
And he was so, so familiar.
The way he rests the rifle against his shoulder. The way his weight shifts as he takes aim. The way his hands wrap around the grip to steady his shot. The way he holds the shield as though heā€™s held it on his arm a hundred times before. The way his foot slides back a step and the way his torso tilts as he prepares to toss.
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ā€œCatch!ā€ He could almost hear the voice. He could almost hear the smile in that voice, calling across the void of 70 years.
But overlying that familiarity was also something starkly foreign. It was the stare of a predator, the efficiency of a machine, the relentlessness of a robot. Not only was there no recognition or emotion in those eyes, but every fluid movement was calculated to maximise injury and lethality.
So different from the man he resembled, who always gave Steve a place of solace and shelter.
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He grabs the assassin and throws him over his shoulder.
Why does even the weight and height feel so familiar? The breadth of his shoulders, the curve of his ribs, the heave of his back, and the way he twists nimbly back onto his feet.
(*cough* Even if you take the non-sexualised reading of their relationship thereā€™s enough physical intimacy in their shared youth scenes to suggest they would have had frequent close physical contact with each other, whether affectionately or during training.)
Steve could feel his own agitation. He wanted to know. He needed to know. The answer was surging to the surface but he was almost afraid of what it would show.
He never knew urgency could ache so much.
He pulls off the mask, and his world goes silent.
The uncharacteristic ruthlessness, the unrecognisable aloofness, the unusual prosthesisā€¦the unlikely alliance with Hydra.
It was impossible. Inconceivable.
But indisputable.
It was Bucky.
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(Thanks @reijamira for the tag. Hereā€™s an identity meta šŸ˜‰)
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Inktober Day 2
Some things stay the same. (Steve loves being the big spoon.)Ā 
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I'm an absolute slut for 40s Stucky
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My boiissssss
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Chris Evans was the ultimate stevebucky warrior
1. ā€œMarry: probably Buckyā€
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2. Calling Steve and Buckyā€™s relationship ā€œa love storyā€
3. ā€œWho does Bucky love most?ā€
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4. ā€œHe chooses Buckyā€
5. ā€œā€˜Iā€™ donā€™t careā€
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6. Saying that stucky fics ā€œwrites itselfā€
7. ā€œI have a soft spotā€
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ā€•Ā Leonard Cohen,Ā Selected Poems, 1956-1968
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Even the fucking legos šŸ˜­
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I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.
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the dream i dreamed was not denied meā€¦
10 years of CATWS! (feat. today's @catws-anniversary daily theme: "the end of the line.")
this movie has the exact same effect on me now that it did in 2014. consider this piece a testament to the fact that, to this day, i still think about these guys whenever i hear a wistful 1940s love song.
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I now believe this is canonā€¦.
Credit in photo ā˜ŗļø this is not mine
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slowdancing for comfort since FOR EVERā€” i over did it
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It'd be so sweet if things just stayed the same...
uncensored version
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@marvelartparty Winter Exchange Gift for @kocuria
How the Civil War Stucky reunion should have goneā€¦
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"You know, on second thoughts, I'm not interested in going outside."
Stucky AU - Holiday
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