Semi-Private multimuse blog featuring Jade Curtiss, Luke Fon Fabre and Asch the Bloody. Tracking the tag: longhairedassholes Little to no personal posts Triggers tagged at your request Read rules before interacting M!A- N/A
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Pixiv ID: 53722497
Member: tktg
permission to upload was given by the artist
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Tales of Christmas icons
Would anyone be interested if I were to do sets of christmas themed icons of Tales characters? Followers & people in the tags could suggest characters and I’d do the most requested ones per set!
Someone else did exactly this several years back, but I think it’d be fun to do it myself now. I was looking through some old art and I found a faux icon I had done for a friend who was upset their fav character hadn’t been drawn yet. I thought, “hey, why not do my own now?!”
If this post/idea receives a lot of popularity, I will do it!
#okay consider Sorey but with mini christmas tree earings rather than feathers#or maybe mikleo sticking his finger in figgy pudding like#what is this#[Not roleplay related]
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❤ Art by: ロータス/オニバス@ツイッター
※Permission to upload this was given by the artist. Please, rate and/or bookmark their works on Pixiv and do not repost without the artist’s permission ☆ The artist wants me to state that their art is unofficial and has no relationship with Bandai Namco games.
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Asch chilling and drinking his tea is one of my favorite things tbh
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“It’s my home, where I come from your Majesty… ” he seemed very confused, so she decided not to press. When asked to pack-up all her belongings, she got a bit overwhelmed. Ok, taking them out was easy, but how was she going to get them back in?! I wish they’d just pop back inside… As soon as she had that thought, her right pointer finger went rigid, and sparks flew from the tip. The sparks wrapped around all her belongings which disappeared into the glitteriness, and simply flew back into the bag. No mess, no fuss. Just POOF!
Ayla wasn’t sure she wanted to see this Colonel Jade again; he seemed so cold when she had first made his acquaintance. Yes, he was out-of-this-world handsome, but she felt like she was bothering him when she met him. Ayla hated to be a bother; she didn’t want to cause anyone annoyance, or get in the way in the slightest. That makes people not like you immediately, and that was the absolute last thing she wanted. She wasn’t sure how she remembered the way back to his office, but his name was on the plaque outside the door, so she knew she was in the right place. Her body was quaking, a tremor going through it making her look like she had some sort of neurological disorder. It felt familiar to her, so she decided to just ignore it and get on with what she was doing. She rapped on the door softly, not wanting to startle anyone who was inside.
“Excuse me? May I come in?” she called in a shaky voice to whomever was inside.
Jade looked up from a document about plumbing propositions and sighed, taking off his glasses and wiping them with a cloth before returning them to their place on his face. Who could it be? Whoever it was didn’t solider and it most certainly wasn’t Peony.
“Yes, you may come in.” He was careful to keep his tone free of exasperation, just in case it was someone of great importance.
He was still waiting on the confirmation that the pod like thing arrived to Belkend in one piece, perhaps it was one of the scientists. Then again, it would be rather odd if someone came so soon. The pod was large and obviously heavy, transporting it all the way over to the Research city would theoretically take a few days.
Or perhaps it was that strange woman. Peony should have taken care of her and her situation but...
[Closed for theprincessoctopus]
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The Fon Master Guardian hurried down the corridor to his office, bursting through the door as soon as the Colonel said her name, with a grin pasted across her face.
“Oh Colonel~! It’s been a while~!”
Jude wasn’t surprised in the slightest. If anything he was expecting her rather abrupt arrival, his window was open and he had heard her talking to the guards a few minutes ago.
“Indeed, it has been. How may I be of service? You wouldn’t come to me unless you needed something.”
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Hey sweetie, just wanted to check on you and make sure you're still kicking! Haven't seen a peep out of you for a few days. Everything ok?
I’ve been going to sleep in the wee hours in the morning and getting up as late as 1 or 3 pm. Then I don’t feel like writing because I’m so out of it. I’m correcting my sleep schedule soon though, so when I lose this tired feeling I promise I’ll get to your draft.
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hey doll! The last response was really good! I can tell you put a lot of effort into it!
Thanks. That’s means a lot to me.
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“Yeah you’re welcome jerkface, no problem,” he says, scowling up at the other redhead before getting up as well, checking his own gun. It still felt strange in his hand, but he was getting more accustomed to it now, though that very thought was troublesome to the younger of the pair. He lets Asch lead of course, he’s still a rookie and Asch was too prideful to even consider letting Luke take the lead, no matter how hurt he was.
He’s happy to keep an eye on their rear anyways. Asch is better at picking out the best paths to take through situations like they were in and Luke didn’t want to risk getting them hurt when Asch had already been shot once.
And in all honesty, Luke was pretty sure that had been his fault anyways.
No comment was said about the whole ‘jerkface’ comment. Squabbling in enemy territory would only lead to blood and probably death but not for the enemy itself.
Asch wasted no time, he took sharp turns, climbed fences with minor trouble, and ducked behind dumpsters at more than one point. He hardly even spared a glance back to see that Luke was alright. He was assuming that Luke was keeping up. Though this time around he did glanced back at Luke. There were two guys up ahead, backs to the alleyway they were in. He couldn��t take them out at the same time. With a few motions to Luke, he screwed on his silencer and waited for Luke to do the same.
“Alright. I’ll take left you take right. On my mark.”
“Come on, let me help you!” [It was really hard to pick one for Luke to send to Asch xD]
[ Mafia starters ]

“No one said I wanted your help you useless dreck! Now butt out and go do whatever useless people do!” It wasn’t his best comeback but the red haired man was stressed out, it made it somewhat hard to think of something witty to say.
( adismulofonfabre )
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Was it… that bad? “Erm… Luke? Do you want me to get you anything..? You look a little, well… red.”

“Uh.... no. No no no. Nope. Need nothing. Nothing. Ah ha ha...” Luke rubbed at his face in a sad attempt to wipe some sweat away. A small peck on the cheek was what he had been looking for, not a whole mouth on mouth thing. The shock of it had scrambled his mind. He just needed a little time to himself to recover.
“I’m sorry that I got way too into playing house and accidentally kissed you passionately.” {to any luke considering no matter what, it's probably going to be amusing :')}
[ Ridiculous rp starters ]

He would have responded, he really would have, but he was still too shocked to even speak. He was just staring up at the sky like ‘Why Lorelei?’
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“Yes, Sir!” The soldiers sounded off, and saluted at the Colonel’s orders. More soldiers would be called and they would start excavation later on in the day when they could get many hands to lift the massive object.
As Ayla began to pull objects out of her bag, it became clear to everyone watching that there had to be some kind of enchantment on it. The bag was but a medium, maybe 12x12 satchel made of leather and metal, but what came out of it was not only huge (a full, 8 piece set of luggage, filled to capacity with Ayla’s clothes, toiletries–such as shampoo and soap, and shoes), but many as well! Rows and rows of disks, a device with the symbols MP3 on it, drawing, painting, sculpting, and writing supplies, and numerous books on all subjects, but in a language only Ayla could read! Ayla stopped pulling things out when she thought the bag was empty, but as soon as she closed it, it had weight to it once again. She didn’t continue to pull though, seeing as how much she had already removed, soon she would lose all space to walk in the room!
“I… ” she looked at all her belongings with her mouth agape, “I guess this is all mine! I had no idea such magick existed in this world!” she thought about what she had just said, ’In this world’… I have come from another world..? I must have… that’s why everything is so unfamiliar here… So where did I come from? As soon as she had that thought, her bag shot open and “spit out” a small globe of a planet she recognized immediately. “This is… was… my home!” She looked at the words on it and knew all of them, knew which country she was from, even what region and city! Her memory flooded back as she touched and rolled the globe in her half-gloved hands. But she remembered everything except who she was and why she was there. She still couldn’t remember if she had parents, why she was in the pod, who had put her there, or why she had left her world, which she remembered was called: “Earth.” she said to the Emperor, as she held up the globe for him to see.
Jade didn’t stick around to watch. It was hot outside and he could trust that the excavation would go without a hitch, no need to puppy guard them all. Besides, he still had a small stack of paperwork to do, it was best to get that done before more stacked on top of that.
The last thing he wanted was paperwork mountain. He already had to deal with that the last time his highness sent him out on an errand that took a surprising week to accomplish.
The more she pulled out of that magical bag of her’s, the higher Peony’s eyebrows rose. How could so much stuff fit in a bag so small? Jade probably knew, he’d have to have him study it when he returned. When Ayla pulled out the globe the emperor’s brows furrowed. Earth? What was that?
“Is.... that a star? No... just. This really isn’t my expertise here.” Peony let out a sigh and tapped at the arm of his throne, thinking about what his next move should be. Playing guessing games all day was a huge waste of time.
In the end he settled on letting Jade handle all of this. Leave it to Jade to know just about everything, his own studies hadn’t been so extensive. “Alright, uh.... pack all that stuff back up,” he looked at all of it and shrugged his shoulders “if you can, and head back to Jade’s office, I’m sure he’ll be back soon.”
[Closed for theprincessoctopus]
#princessoctopusrp#;;Four-eyed Fonist;;#//I'm so sorry this took so long. I just haven't been in a writing mood as of late. Long roleplays are harder for me\\
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Hey doll, just checking up on you! You doin' ok?
Yeah. I’ve just been busy, and Jade doesn’t wanna come out and play. I tried to work on the draft but it was half assed and I didn’t like it. I’m sorry for keeping you on hold for so long.
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when i’m about to shitpost

when the shitposting is complete

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The left handshake is the Scout Handshake. When warriors shake with their right hand, they must put their sword down first. So its means “Trust me” because you are unable to attack them. To shake with your left hand though, you must put your shield down and expose yourself to attack.
Jade is telling Luke “I trust you”
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Positivity: longhairedassholes
Send me any URL you want, and I’ll talk about the things I like about them and their blog.
{Yuri is freaking awesome, okay? I’m a fan of their swagmasterlowell account, mainly because the literal swag, but I love how they run the longhairedassholes account so much. Mainly because their writing is lovely to read and is very engaging, they’re super chill as a mun, and their characterisation of Luke, Asch and Jade are practically spot on.}
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A minute passed, and then another, and another. With each passing minute Luke’s face got redder and redder until even the fires of hell wouldn’t be able to compete.

“I..... Uh......... space?” The kiss must have fried his brain to nothing.
“I’m sorry that I got way too into playing house and accidentally kissed you passionately.” {to any luke considering no matter what, it's probably going to be amusing :')}
[ Ridiculous rp starters ]

He would have responded, he really would have, but he was still too shocked to even speak. He was just staring up at the sky like ‘Why Lorelei?’
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It's cool hun. I appreciate your devotion to quality. Mostly I just worry that you're ok, I get nervous very easily.
I’m just sorry for being a drag. I’ll work on it tonight.
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