"wherever lady himiko goes, follows a devastating burn. she must die in order for life to return."
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
"i assure you, that your brain is in the right place, sir Dearest.~ that was none other than me. i guess i have that.... ”habit”, of appearing to people when they are being the least of their.. true selves. don't get to meet anyone for real that way, either... what you say we use this opportunity to do just that~?"
the luminous beast, in it's absolute 25 foot tall and adjustable glory, reveals her sleek face at last.
{ @longfanged }
"fuhuhu... now, nothing to fear here, darling. i don't bite...~"
* His eyes seemed to widen in a pleasantly surprised manner, as he grinned *
" Oh~ I remember you, you were there for me when i became my beast self were you not? Or am i just hallucinating or mixing things up?~"
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(Snappy, spiteful, and proud? The bomb couldn't possibly have been a better mix of character in Longfang's eyes. Most men crumble beneath her influence after a minute spent making eye contact with her, so this is one very welcome surprise to the dragoness.)
Ah... My apologies. You know, I could call you by your name instead, if you would be so kind to share it with me~?
Well, well, well, lookie lookie what have we here? Hum... I've seen plenty of your sort, but... Nothing this extraordinary.~
- { @longfanged }
"Wha'-? ... Ac'ually, fuck it, I'm not even gonna botha' askin' what'eva now that means. Whatchu want, whoever ya're?"
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(After taking a moment to analyze the atmosphere, she decides to let the name thing go for the time being.)
Ooh? Oh, no, noo! Oh darling, you have misunderstood... That was absolutely not meant to come off as demeaning. It is just that I am fairly new around these parts, and was only wondering where can I find some... Fun, to be had? ... Or, trouble, to dabble in, I suppose. Either will do. I am sorry if I made that unclear at first. ... And, I turned to you because you sure do seem to have the looks of someone that just knows how to have fun~! For, I know not if you've noticed, but, us dragons... Have an eye for gold.~
Well, well, well, lookie lookie what have we here? Hum... I've seen plenty of your sort, but... Nothing this extraordinary.~
- { @longfanged }
"Wha'-? ... Ac'ually, fuck it, I'm not even gonna botha' askin' what'eva now that means. Whatchu want, whoever ya're?"
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A little tense, are we...? I would only ask a minute of your time, if that's alright. A little rude to immediately give attitude to a lady, and one that only inquires some directions of all things, much?
(The dragoness takes a powerful step forward, letting her freakishly tall self come fully into view.)
I have names aplenty, but you may use Longfang... It is the one most folks actually manage to memorize well.
Well, well, well, lookie lookie what have we here? Hum... I've seen plenty of your sort, but... Nothing this extraordinary.~
- { @longfanged }
"Wha'-? ... Ac'ually, fuck it, I'm not even gonna botha' askin' what'eva now that means. Whatchu want, whoever ya're?"
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Allow me to put it in the language that you can actually speak, then...-
(The mechanical dragoness reached down and violently picked him up by the hoodie. ... Or whatever happened to be left of it... Before pulling him up to eye level. Aware that he can't fight back or struggle in his current state.)
You're not "one of a kind."
You never even were.
(And then, she hurled him far, and into the abandoned ruins that were once habitable... Not wanting to be caught in the way of the upcoming blast.)
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
#There are others. Others... Just like you. They go by your name. They look and live like you.#And they are the true ones. You... Are just another pathetic copy.#You're a spare.#You're not needed.#An extra.#An alternative.#A waste of space.
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... Do you seriously still fail to "get it"?
(Longfang carelessly approached him with unabashed confidence and slight disappointment, rhythmically swaying her tail and hips as she did so, like the sassy deathtrap that she is.)
Tsk, tsk, tsk... I guess I should take back what I said on you being perceptive... Well. There is no use on me trying to tell you, you won't listen to a damn thing I say anyway. You've just proven to me that you haven't absorbed even a pitiful 1% of what I've shared with you. So... Why don't ya ask those little multiversal "sanses", or those "anons" who claim to care about you so much?
(She very discreetly began lifting the giant spiked mace at the tip of her tail, and allowed it to move around a bit, with what looked a scary lot like ease.)
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
#They have been nothing but thorns in my side anyway... And all that for your sake? Well... Surely they care enough to give you your answers.#... You sad little fool.#No wall can hold me.
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You really should have been more careful spilling such... Vital intel, hm? I mean... How did you THINK I got into this realm? You didn't think I originated here, did you? Fuhuhu... Oh, the laughs!
Hey Whitty? I may or may not have tricked the fuck out of that dragon thing. And now she may or may not be more bent on killing me than killing you sooo ur welcome. :’)
#The shadows have eyes.#You said it yourself... Now I'm after you too. And even the birds in trees know that all predators eventually... Lurk.
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(The cannon clicks and shifts back into place before she can speak again...)
Don't be ridiculous... All I need is to get rid of you, so I can focus on the next one. Although I must hand it to you, you're much more of a challenge than I had initially anticipated. It's far too unfortunate that I need to bring this little game of ours to an end now... But, for the sake of Balance, so be it.
(She stands back upright, regaining her most "visually acceptable" form... Standing still. Eerily still.)
You've survived so far, but now it is time for the end... Your last stand, against my Final Assault. I hope you're ready now, after this little warmup of ours.
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
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(Longfang managed to land a scratch with her following attack. Not as good as she would have hoped, but any damage is damage regardless. The attack in question, is a blindingly bright blast of- Oh, who even knows? Plasma? Fire? Concentrated pent up lightning? Laser?... All of the above? Either way, the major drawback of using it is that she must remain perfectly static in order to not fall over with the sheer force of the blast alone... Which is probably how he dodged most of it. Stress on the word "most". She has burned a small area on his back.)
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
#Stop whining and start dying.#Nobody can save you.#They may try all they want... But in the end none of it will matter.
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(Stalling for a moment, double checking for any incoming secret attacks or whatever, Longfang watched the body dissipate into nothing. Then, she approached the only remaining piece of it... The small, fragile little soul. Without question or care, she snags it before it can shatter and vanish. Forcing it to stay together in her firm grasp, she eyes it for a few moments... Before tightening her hold, shattering it manually, then crushing the fragments into nothing.)
... Insufficient. This one was far too weak. I have no use for it. And, frankly, neither will the others from the group...
(She lets said remains burn away in her hand, absorbing whatever little material there was to them... What? She sure wasn't leaving anything behind.)
Now... Where was I?... Ah, right!
Oh, Whitmoooore~? I believe you and I still have some unfinished business here..!
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
#And do you know what is the best part? ... Well. That would clearly be the one where you realize this whole escapade was all in vain.#Cute try though.#This interaction is concluded.
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(Her grin grew bigger, oh how Longfang enjoyed watching this unfold... She summoned her scythe of chaos into her other, "normal" hand.)
Harumph! Bold of you to assume that there will be any semblance of who you once were by the time we are done...
(And with that, she charged forward with blood-curdling speed and horrifically robotic movement... Before nimbly twirling on the pins she was standing on, turning into a spinning cyclone of magenta mist, deadly scythe slashes, and annihilation itself.)
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
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Only "one" god tier reason? Awe. Considering the fact there are actually several, I'm afraid my reasoning might be a bit too much to put properly into words. ... Say, how about I "demonstrate" instead?
(Her eyes flashed a ferocious pink... Fear. With that, Longfang took a step forward, allowing her limbs to deform into shapeless black mass once again, before a bright violet blade replaced one of her monstrous hands... The beast's wings extended in a similar manner, turning into additional spider-like limbs she used to prop herself up and off the ground with.)
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
#Your floating little skulls don't frighten me. I've seen that trick a thousand times.#Now... You gonna get out of my way or do I have to move you myself? ... By tearing your dumb little Souls out?
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Hmph... Well, that was easier than I thought it would be...
(She seems almost disappointed with how easy that was, actually. Nonetheless, Longfang pushes herself back fully upright, cracking her mechanical joints in the process.)
... I guess this means it's "my turn" now?
(-She sneered, resting a hand on her hip with the smile of a cheshire cat.)
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
#... Unless this is how you flee?#Regardless; I have a job to do.#There are way too many copies of the people in this world... And someone needs to keep those numbers under control.#... Say. Those three sound like fun. I should keep an eye out for this... ''Error''. ... And the Bete Noire? I've heard of them alright...#How funny this whole situation is.#''Speak of the Black Beast...''#With a Black Beast.
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(For some reason, she still chuckles evilly, despite being actively pinned to the ground... Almost willingly going down. She remembers this game.)
Fuhuhu... Would you look at that. It appears that Whitmore's little friends have arrived to try and stop me~...
(She then cracks her head around to face the skeletons.)
"Soul control", huh? Typical move, for those like yourselves. Funny how you of all folks fail to realize the bigger picture.
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
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Funny you should say that...
(Growling, she yainks the blade free, resulting in collapse of the light post.)
Most people consider me a cold-blooded brute... But you seem somewhat perceptive. Now, if only you were perceptive enough... You might have stood an actual chance...-- Grr..gralph.... RrraAARGH!!-- Cglk...!
(As she spoke, her jaw started getting opening more and more, until it was frighteningly, unnaturally wide... Revealing a mechanic cannon barrel, which protrudes from the darkness in the back of her throat, and begins glowing bright violet... Charging.)
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
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Ah, "boss", we meet again. Back from your daily break I see? Anywho... I think there might be a... "disconnect" of sorts going on here. You seem confused, rightfully so... You must have misunderstood.
Since when were you the one in control?
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
#When I set my mind to some goal... It gets done.#And surely your small self cannot stop me.#You cannot even effectively contain and neutralize a single national threat in the form of a failed experiment...#How do you think to contain ME?
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Tsk, tsk, another one, blissfully unaware... Of how worthless you are. Don't you see..? It won't matter what the outcome of this battle is. Even if you do perish... They will find another to replace you. Quickly and painlessly.
They. Always. Do.
(She suddenly swung the blade again, aiming for his side... Seemingly failing to notice her own experiences as they progressively clouded her resolve.)
*Running, running, running... That's all he knows. That's the only way.*
*Sneaking. Hiding. Frantic breathing.*
*He stalls for a moment, catching his breath, getting a feel for his surroundings...*
*Outskirts. Streets are empty. It's quiet. Dead of night. Nobody is around, and the streetlights are barely working, some blinking in and out of life, others completely busted. There is a broken down husk of a building nearby, probably abandoned. It all feels like a nightmare... So he thinks, the guy that never even experienced one of those.*
*He pounds a fist against the thick hull of a streetlight, before turning around and resting his back against it... Looking out towards the very city he just fled from like a maniac.*
"First Gabriel gets a whiff of me, then everyone starts acting weird, and now this!?"
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