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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
Strive to be equally beautiful and terrifying.
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
“Lessons? Whatever for?”
She stands with hands on her hips, wearing a somewhat perplexed expression. The idea that she’d need lessons to be better at singing had never occurred to her. As far as she was concerned, there was no-one better when it came to it! The suggestion was almost… Offensive.
Her singing, on the other hand, was wholly offensive. It’s just that no-one had dared to actually suggest it to her, for fear of a demise most agonising… She was famed for it, after all. She squints down at the other, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. And then, she speaks.
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“Are you suggesting, my DEAR Assassin, that I’m a sub-par vocalist?”
Oh that’s a dangerous expression.
Oh dear, he’s never been the best at handling temperamental individuals, he himself having a fairly hotheaded side-- He is, however, a wonderful ACTOR, and here he wears the face of the admiring maestro, the kind gentleman. 
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“ I’d never be so bold, m’lady!  However the true artist ever seeks improvement and perfection.  I meant only to ask if you’d ever CONSIDERED what you might be able to learn from someone? “  He hopes to a charming smile, hopes to a well demeanor, that she will not be offended. He has no desire for all out war between them.
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
Fun fact about Erik:  Touch starved.  Holy shit is he touch starved-- the idea of touch however is initially repulsive.  You must be someone he really trusts first but breaching that initial barrier he just??? oh man please touch and give him affection constantly. 
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
telling me that you want to explore the possibilities of shipping with me isn’t forcing a ship with me. sending me a ship-related meme to test the waters isn’t forcing a ship on me. writing me a starter and having your muse refer to mine as a significant other / and or insinuating that my muse feels something for him/her without discussing it with me first is totally forcing a ship on me. so please, send me all the ship memes you want, come to my inbox and yell about shipping our muses; i love that shit.
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
“Now, hold still. This might sting a little.“
beauty && the beast starters || accepting !
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          “ Nn, go on then. “   His fault anyway.  He’d made the mistake of CARELESSNESS.  One false step on the edge of hesitation and he’d narrowly missed being FATALLY impaled.  The injury though, a gash right through the tender muscle of his shoulder, was proving troublesome.  He’s grateful for Urnungal’s help, even if he does complain the entire time. 
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
     I suppose 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 is ᴡᴏʀᴛʜᴡʜɪʟᴇ …
             … when life gives you a sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇ to be with the one you 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝒆.
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
Beauty and the Beast (1991)   {Sentence Starters}
“You… you came back.“
“Oh, this is all my fault!”
“Of course I came back.“
“He’s no monster! You are!”
“No one says no to ______!“
“I was trying to be hospitable.“
“It’s a shame about your father.“
“Couldn’t keep quiet, could we?“
“Try the gray stuff, it’s delicious!“
“If only I had gotten here sooner.“
“Oh, that is despicable… I love it!”
“Don’t talk like that. You’ll be all right.“
“Tale as old as time, true as it can be.“
“No time to explain. You must go, now!“
“Now, hold still. This might sting a little.“
“This is the day your dreams come true.“
“You should learn to control your temper!”
“Just had to invite him to stay, didn’t we?“
“Everything’s going to be fine. You’ll see.“
“But, he could die! Please, I’ll do anything!“
“I want to do something for her. But what?“
“Well, some people use their imagination.“
“It doesn’t matter now. Just let them come.“
“For who could ever learn to love a beast?“
“If you’d hold still, it wouldn’t hurt as much!“
“By the way, thank you… for saving my life.“
“Please! Please, don’t leave me! I love you.“
“Do you realize what you could have done!?”
“How can you read this? There’s no pictures!“
“After all this time, he’s finally learned to love.”
“Let me go! Let me go! Please, don’t hurt me!“
“I’ll not have you making up such wild stories.”
“You’ll come out, or I’ll…I’ll break down the door!”
“If you hadn’t run away, this wouldn’t have happened.“
“If you hadn’t frightened me, I wouldn’t have run away!“
“Please, I meant no harm. I-I just need a place to stay.“
“I’ll have ____ for my wife! Make no mistake about that!”
“There may be something there that wasn’t there before.“
“Promise or no promise, I can’t stay here another minute.“
“Barely even friends, then somebody bends unexpectedly.“
“Oh, your hands are like ice. We need to get you out of here.“
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had feelings for this monster.“
“Don’t you see? She’s the one. The girl we have been waiting for.”
“Who does she think she is? That girl has tangled with the wrong man!”
“We’re not safe until his head is mounted on my wall! I say we kill the beast!“
“Well, there’s the usual things: flowers, chocolates, promises you don’t intend to keep.”
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
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i. the caster had mixed emotions once her eyes met with that familiar mask - never had she expected to have an unexpected opportunity to see the very same man she had grown to fear . her heart slammed against her ribcage as she tried to find something to say . 
ii. “ the talents i was born with - the talents you helped me to hone in - they have been morphed into a weapon of destruction . and of your talents ? not for the murdering , but for your own peaceful talents . they , too , belong to the stage . it hurts me that you , too , have been sent to the throne , monsieur . “ all of christine’s words were genuine - despite her heart being won by another in her life , she still admired the phantom - but she never had the chance to thank him for all that he had done for her since her father’s death . 
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        A sentiment altogether unexpected of her, too oft does the bloody history of his hands overpower his LEGACY of the creative.  Too many people recall him as a murderer...he EXPECTED her to be no different-- but to have her confess pain to his fate...
      “ Hardly. “ He admits, is not so bold as to reach for her, “ I have been summoned to the ASSASSIN class.  I will not be remembered for my CRAFT but for the wake of gore I left behind carving a path for you.  Tis true my talent too is of the stage but the truth of it is that I would rather avoid the SPOTLIGHT.  It’s you...you’re the one whom HISTORY shall remember.  Of that, I will be sure. “ 
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
|| y’all Nathan Chen just SLAUGHTERED the competition.  Holy s h  i t. 
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
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           Never, in all eons of time or passage of days, would he ever imagine she would be HERE.  There is a difference between the dreaming of her voice, of her face, and in the actuality of knowing she has been SUMMONED.  ( Something SAD, for belonging to the throne she is not free-- and then, elation.  He will see her once more, HEAR her once more.  Never is there a thought that she will DESPAIR to see him.  He does not let such a thing dawn upon him-- ) 
         “ -- it wounds me to imagine you on a battlefield.  Your talents are for the stage, not the bloodbath of war. “ 
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
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he LAUGHED at that - especially considering his fur was brown and not white, but he was also correct in his estimation of the White Rabbit. he thought he looked a bit more like the MARCH HARE, if he had to say so …
“Ahaha, no, but I am not he, but I did pen him! Lewis Carrol, at your service,” he said with a sweeping bow, his hand over his chest. “Caster class servant.”
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       “ I see then.  Not a fiction but the reality.  The author. “  From one creator to another there is a certain RESPECT, on the other hand Lewis Carrol was suspected to be beyond eccentric and straight into insane.  Erik wonders at how true it might be.   “ You called to me, was there something you needed? “ 
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
|| online.  working on more icons. 
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
|| alright guys sorry, I’m dying and sick and it’s time to try and sle e p 
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
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    He greets the question with immediate distrust, unable to reconcile this Servant in his mind.  ( Rabbit ears?  Perhaps belonging then to the tale of Alice in Wonderland is all that he can grasp at.  All else...well, he doesn’t trust it either way. ) 
    “ Indeed.  My first guess at your TRUTH would call you the WHITE RABBIT, but I feel that unlikely.  I don’t consider the white rabbit a particularly talented fighter. “ 
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“Hm…I’m sorry, I don’t mean to intrude, but are you by chance the phantom of the opera?” He was a rather distinctive looking fellow!
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
|| not sure about how I wanna reconcile musical vs. book canon yet it’ll take me a while to do it but jusT SAYING THAT LIKE???? URNUNGAL, IF I MERGE CANONS, DEFINITELY REMINDS HIM OF GUSTAVE AND HE’S AH SHIT WOW CHILD.
      // @marsarrim
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lonelyvoiced-blog · 7 years ago
“My apologies, Phantom. For, that is who you are, yes? The man they called the Phantom of Palais Garnier?”
Perhaps he was not knowledgeable of the man’s story, but in Chaldea, one tended to hear whispers- though, to be fair, the expansive library built to cater to Masters’ needs was quite helpful in his quest for knowledge.
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He is not smiling, an oddity in itself- though, perhaps the strangeness is lessened when one considers circumstance- he is nothing more than a glorified murderer, if the tales were to be believed.
…He should not be so quick to judge, given his own bloody history.
Thus, with a grimace, he lowered his guard, scowl disappearing from his face, replaced by a wary expression.
“I had not intended to upset you, Assassin.”
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      “ Yes.  It is entirely appropriate to call me simply by that title, though Assassin suits me just as well. “  He answers simply, and is of course careful not to neglect his manners.  Though he turns his eyes away from the Saber and toward the bundle of papers in his hands, tied elegant with dark ribbon.  
     “ I had hardly expected you to know me, KING OF KNIGHTS.  I am not worth the notice of a holy king, I’m afraid.  You did not upset me,  bear no fear.  I...am simply unsure how best to GREET royalty, I suppose.  I’ve never had the opportunity. “  For the mask of a gentleman demands he lower his head, but Erik is unsure.  That HOLY BLADE, a centerpiece of epics-- he would be lying if he said he was not INTERESTED in it, or in it’s wielder. 
    “ Turn your face away from the GARISH light of day,        Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light. “
Yes, LIKE SUNLIGHT Arthur is.  Surely, there will be no feeling aside from retribution to sin in his holy name.  Erik does not wish to draw that attention to himself.
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