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Lune ☆ she/they ☆ english/spanish ☆ Wild Kratts sideblog ☆ I draw, I write, and I panic lmao
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loneluneh · 4 months ago
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loneluneh · 4 months ago
Behold! After getting my appendix removed I arrive with a 4,000 word chapter LOL
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Some art based on my fic while I procastinate writing the next chapter !!
Figuring out what Chris' V.I.L.E uniform should look like so I thought it better to draw it first and then write it lol
Plus I wanted to draw Snowy too! Some more ramblings below the cut !!
This art is based off of chapter 9 which I'm still writing ! The gauntlets make an appearance on chapter 8 lmao
For the gauntlets I imagine they emit electric discharges which can paralize + do some damage to weaker objects. This ties in with Chris' V.I.L.E agent name which I still haven't announced wink wink
I have most of the story mapped out and BOY am I excited !! I may upload some more art while I update the fic !!
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loneluneh · 5 months ago
Twitter loved this a lot so I’ll share it here too 👍
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loneluneh · 6 months ago
New Episodes of Wild Kratts
Three new episodes of Wild Kratts will be airing in November of 2024. Salamander Streaming, Bumblezzz, and Chimpanzee and Me.
The synopsis for Bumblezz is yet to come, however we have plots for Salamander Streaming and Chimpanzee and Me.
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Salamander Streaming - Airing Monday November 4th, 2024.
Mysteriously, the Tortuga shorts and powers down while the gang is streaming a movie. Koki says it won't be back today. What are they going to do? Chris and Martin announce they can still do streaming - salamander streaming! The rest of the gang wonders, what in the world is salamander streaming? The bros explain that salamander streaming is getting miniaturized and floating down a stream in tiny little boats looking for salamanders, of course! It's a race to find as many salamanders as they can while Koki tries to fix the Tortuga.
Pre-Episode Thoughts:
This was one of the episodes that the brothers announced at their live shows. I think that they will be focusing on tiger salamanders. Either way, I think it's gonna be cool that we might have a Salamander Power Suit.
WK's pop-culture references in the modern seasons are really hit and miss, but this is actually some good fucken wordplay with streaming.
If the Tortuga really is powered down, then will we actually see Salamander Power? Or is it gonna be like Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy where the brothers don't use any Power Suits? Either way, I'm looking forward to it.
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Chimpanzee and Me - Airing - Airing Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
The gang travels deep into Uganda's tropical forests to uncover the true nature of the chimpanzee, but Chris sprains his ankle at the most inopportune time and can't participate. He is sad and upset. It's the climbing adventure that he's always looked forward to most. He tries to hide his disappointment and gets support from his friends, but it is a young chimp who shows him how to truly make the best of a bad situation.
Pre-Episode Thoughts:
This was another episode that Martin had hinted at the live shows. What's funny is that 2D Martin also expressed the idea of heading into the African rainforests in Rattlesnake Crystal (an episode that IRL Martin wrote). Again, not sure why it took them almost a decade and a half to get to this, but I digress.
Goddamn we are getting a LOT of angst in S7. Between this, No Name Dream, and the most recent episode, A Fish Out of Water, we're getting more character-driven plots, (especially if you count Paisley's redemption in the special). And while this does seem to be similar to Flight of the Draco, this does seem to have an intereting twist. Chimpanzees have many abilities apart from climbing, such as intellect, empathy, craftiness, and communciation. Maybe Chris will discover that and eventually use those skills to rescue the chimpanzees and/or the gang from a bad situation later.
Also, baby chimps are really fucking cute. I so hope that Chris gets to name it in the episode.
I've debated with my friends on this, and I do hope that we see a Chimpanzee Suit.. but knowing how anatomically similar chimps are to humans, and given how uncanny the Power Suits in the modern seasons have been.... I very much wonder.
That being said, if there is gonna be a Chimp Suit, I wonder if Chris will be the one to invent it? Assuming that he's staying behind at the Tortuga throughout this episode and makes the observations, then it would make sense that he'd invent the suit. Martin invented the Ermine Power Disc back in Season 5, so maybe Chris could invent a Chimpanzee Suit. Part of me thinks it'll backfire just as horribly, but after the bullshit that was the Indri-Conda Suit, I'm willing to accept anything 😭😭
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loneluneh · 6 months ago
AAAAH OMGG I AM SCREAMING AAAH this is amazing!! Thank you so much for the beautiful art !! <3
Honestly I am at a loss for words aaah muchisimas gracias!! estoy que enloquezco jajaj me encanta!! :D
Desde hace días llevo queriendo hacerlo y hoy a las 3:22 am lo terminé.
Pronto una escena de del capitulo 9
AURewind -> @loneluneh
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I've been wanting to do it for days and today at 3:22 am I finished it.
Soon a scene from chapter 9
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loneluneh · 6 months ago
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Some art based on my fic while I procastinate writing the next chapter !!
Figuring out what Chris' V.I.L.E uniform should look like so I thought it better to draw it first and then write it lol
Plus I wanted to draw Snowy too! Some more ramblings below the cut !!
This art is based off of chapter 9 which I'm still writing ! The gauntlets make an appearance on chapter 8 lmao
For the gauntlets I imagine they emit electric discharges which can paralize + do some damage to weaker objects. This ties in with Chris' V.I.L.E agent name which I still haven't announced wink wink
I have most of the story mapped out and BOY am I excited !! I may upload some more art while I update the fic !!
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loneluneh · 11 months ago
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Lighting "practice" feat. My "villain" Chris design LMAOO
Maybe one day I'll update my fic hmm
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loneluneh · 1 year ago
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I am unhinged.
The bros as trolls because why not !? After thinking it a little bit I decided to make them rock trolls, Martin is more of a rock-country troll while Chris leans more towards rock-electro !!
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loneluneh · 1 year ago
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Caved in and made some doodles of my WK au !
In this AU, an accident leaves Chris suffering from amnesia. Zach rescues him and was gonna inicially use him to blackmail the Tortuga Crew but after realizing Chris can't remmember any of his time as a WK and that his knowledge in animals could be useful to him, Zach decides to convince the younger Kratt to join his side.
So yeah !! Now they are both evil, dumb and dramatic yay! Orange and black cat dynamic lol
More info below the cut !
In this AU Chris still has most of his memories but his time as a Wild Kratt is completely erased. He remmembers up to the time where he graduated college.
Zach uses this to his advantage and comes up with a story in which Chris and the rest of the WK went their separate ways after Chris had a fight with his brother and the rest of the crew.
Chris is kinda suspicious at first but as time goes on he starts to believe it. This is due to the fact that his views on animals and how they should be treated has been changing the more he has been with Zach and he doesn't agree with the idea of "living free and in the wild" anymore. So he can see how he and the Wild Kratts may have had a falling out.
He has more of a "I think animals should be kept caged so that they can be safe and humanity can study them and appreciate their beauty" kinda vibe.
He still loves animals and doesn't want to hurt them tho, so he and Zach argue on how Zach shouldn't use animals in his inventions.
They both come to an agreement that if Zach uses animals on his inventions then no harm should come to the creatures. (Chris still disapproves tho)
I HAVE A LOT of notes on this AU but I'm afraid this is already kinda confusing ?? I get so in my head sometimes so lmk if you understand any of this LOL
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loneluneh · 1 year ago
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Rewatched the show a couple days ago and I maaaay be a lil hyperfixated on the show now...
Here's Chris ! Drawing him made me realize his hair is kinda hard to draw lol, I like how this turned out tho!
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