lolimded15 · 5 years
I thought it meant coding language for a moment and then I’m like wtf
Python most definitely will pretend to be asleep if it means his s/o would try and wake him up with kisses. He would pretend to be asleep as long as possible because laying in bed with them is one of his favourite things. Also because why would he want to work when his s/o is right there???
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lolimded15 · 5 years
But Change company to school and staff to students.Idk abt anyone else but my school totally does this.
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lolimded15 · 5 years
Yep life totally hates me.
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lolimded15 · 5 years
Asbggvfbctgbgfvcggb so cute
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“This is Ramona. Ramona likes sinks.”
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lolimded15 · 5 years
True af
Shinsou: i’m going to sleep
Midoriya: it’s 10 AM
Shinsou: time isn’t real
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lolimded15 · 5 years
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lolimded15 · 5 years
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