today is October 15th, 2024
I am a Catechumen! I just finished a Becoming Orthodox class at my church, and will be preparing for baptism soon!
I am a sophomore in college as well. I have joined a Orthodox club at my church for Orthodox uni students, so I have met people that way.
#orthodox#church#bible#christian veiling#christianity#greek orthodox#russian orthodox#icons#orthodox icons#catechism#baptism#parish
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New story!
Not the most yandere, so it’s posted on @kniv3sandyander3s and the link is below. check out sincerely me!
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yes! my yandere account here on tumblr has a instagram acc!! @kniv3sandyander3s !!
i also have a yandere core twitter: @kniv3sandyander3s
along with my main insta: @mars_at_sunset !!
also part 2 of the lost boys story is dropping 5:50 central time tommorow! go add the reminder on insta!!
tommorow at 5:00 central time I will be posting the 2nd LOST BOYS WRITING!!
I will also be doing a request by @ringa-starr !! super sorry I haven’t done this sooner. More updates on my insta @kniv3sandyander3s (main @mars_at_sunset )
can’t wait!
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Is There Life on Mars? turned 4 today!
note: GUYS NO WAY?! holy shit!! i've had a horrible thanksgiving break and this made it all worthwhile!! thank you for all the support!! love you all!
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Wearing a couple's t shirt with Paul. Yours says "I'm fucking stupid" and his says "I'm stupid" and it's only funny when you are together which is probably always.
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life recently
hi guys!
if you didn't know, I am a part of the class of 2023!! i graduate next month (in may,) and life is getting pretty hectic starting on Wednesday, 19th of April, 2023.
So basically, heres a timeline:
us 12th graders set up for prank day
thursday is prank day
then we have a week off to study for exams
may 1st is when 3 weeks of exams start :(
have exams on my birthday :(
then after exams we have a drive around our neighbourhood
then prom :)
then graduation!!!!
then i leave for the summer and get ready for college
as much as i would love to keep writing on here, I will be taking a bit of a break.
i will try and write a bit, but not as much until late may.
(this message will be posted to all my other accounts!)
thank you so much for understanding!
#lokis knives#sorry guys#i hate exams#class of 2023#where you at?#look at us 05 babies#anyway#see you in may guys!
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new account!
hey guys!
if you are a veiling Christian and want to have a faith-based blog, please go and check out my other blog @thatwritingveilingchristian !
i haven't posted anything yet but i will soon!
please please please submit anything: any questions you have, something you want to talk about!
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part 1: native kids
warnings: traumatic adoption
NOTES!!!: I am adopted, and this is the first part of a series about traumatic adoptions. ALASKA NATIVES AND NATIVE AMERICANS ARE DIFFERENT! check out this link for more information: https://www.bia.gov/faqs/why-are-american-indians-and-alaska-natives-also-referred-native-americans
if you have any questions, please ask them!
posted: Friday, 7th April, 2023
For native americans and alaska native kids, keeping their culture alive is important, which is why they do this through their kids. This is why it's so important to keep young alaska natives and native americans on the reservation, and with biological family members.
This is top priority for their tribe when a kid may be sent off the reservation. However, biological family members may not always step up right away, or have the proper resources/equipment to take care of a child or children. In this case, many native kids are placed with families outside of the rez.
For bio family members to reclaim their kin, they have to go through a long governmental process in which they have to prove they have a suitable source of income, dependable housing, and proper education, all of that. This can take years. When the foster family that is in current guardianship of the young child hears about this, they can/will/usually start the adoption process, which can take a long time. It's basically a race against the clock. The foster family does this because they have grown so attached to the kid(s) that they can’t bear them going back to the rez.
However, many governments will send the child back to the rez with their bio family, culture, and homeland. Many white foster families feel “entitled” to their foster kid, and feel like it's their duty to “save” the child.
They usually try to dig stuff up that shows that the kids will be better off with them then on the rez. However, the way that they take the child is also horrible and traumatic. It's usually police cars and CPS workers who pull up unannounced and knock on your door, and take the child with them, no proper goodbye. Because of this, most kids only pack what they need into a trash bag to bring with them, some don’t have time.
In my opinion, native kids should stay within their culture, and all kids up for potential adoption should have the chance to stay within their bio families, however, the way that CPS comes and takes the kids is cruel and traumatizing. Whats yours?
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hey guys.
i have not been as active here as i should have been. i've been putting a lot of my energy into my yandere account, @knivesandyanderes .
i have been writing there a lot more, and have gotten some requests for writings! i love writing over on that space, and will be continuing.
however, i want to start writing non yandere characters and stories on this page, along with writing prompts that i find on tumblr. as well.
i will be continuing the "screwed" series and "birds vampires of a feather stay together," after i post one more yandere alphabet on my yandere account.
(that will not be my last post on there, i will be taking some time to write on here. i'm trying to put my free time into these two accounts) :)
i have not forgotten about you guys, and will be supplying more non yandere writings here.
thanks for your understanding!
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#Willow and Unangan Tunuu
warnings: cussing (one curse word)
posted: Tuesday, 14th March, 2023
i sign off my posts as "thanks, alaska."
this is mainly because i want to go by a fake name, but also beause i care deeply for my home state.
today, joe fucking biden approved the willow project: a huge oil project by conoco phillips that will destroy the north slopes of my home state, alaska.
this will hurt our native communities, as no money will go to their community. and a language native to our native alaskans, Unangan Tunuu, will be at danger.
only 100 native speakers of this language are still alive.
i am trying to preserve this language.
if anybody is interested in learning the basics of the language, below is a website that is set in alaska that has good lessons on the language.
happy learning.
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new stories coming soon!
keep an eye on this page for the second part to the "Birds Vampires of a Feather Stay Together part 2," "Screwed Part 2," and my first TLB headcanon!
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Birds Vampires of a Feather Stay Together
My first TLB story and it's the first of a series! This story does include Micheal as one of the lost boys, so he will be written as a brotherly figure. There is no romantic relationship between y/n and the boys. Star and Laddie are not in this.
y/n (a half-vampire) is seen as the little sister to Marko, Dwayne, David, Paul and Micheal, who are overprotective and loving. However, when she is kidnapped by a group of experienced vampire hunters who are targeting the boys and is taken across the country, what lengths will the boys go to get their sister back?
TW: cursing,
*There will be two POVs, one from y/n side and the other from the boy's side. I will make that as clear as possible!*
You and Marko slowly walked back to the bikes after a fun night on the boardwalk. Stomaches filled with fries and slushies, bags filled with trinkets and prizes won from the games, you both were ready to go back to the cave and watch a few movies with the others before sunrise teased you back into your nests.
Soon, the familiar faces of the other boys came into view, and Marko ran up to go talk with Paul, leaving you in the dust.
"Marko, you really dislike me that much?" You teased as you finally reached earshot of him. He turned around and lightly punched you on the shoulder, making you repeat the same action back at him. David rolled his eyes and mounted his bike.
"Who do you want to ride y/n?" You turned around to face Dwayne, forgetting he was there.
"I'll ride with you. Also, Micheal," you called out, walking around Dwayne to get to his bike, "didn't you say you were gonna buy me one of these someday next week? Then I'll be able to ride by myself, and learn tricks..."
David turned around to look at Micheal, who was trying not to make eye contact with any of them. "Did you really tell y/n that you were gonna buy her a bike? Are you serious? She is safer with one of us, you know that."
"What? No, I didn't... I never said... shes lying!" Micheal shouted, shooting you a cold stare, which quickly broke into a crooked smile, sensing the prank you were pulling.
"Really, passing the blame onto the youngest? Nice going, Micheal. We'll continue this at the cave. " David hopped on his bike and sped off, with Paul following closely behind.
Once at the cave, David stormed over to Micheal and dragged him into another room by his arm. Soon, muffled talking could be heard.
Dwayne looked over at you, seated on the couch. "You have been spending too much time with Paul and Marko, y/n." You looked back at him, returning the half smile. "What can I say? They are the most fun out of all of you guys."
"I heard that y/n!" David shouted from across the cave. You snickered and turned your attention back to the crappy TV that was playing one of Pauls's favourite horrors. Soon, a very pissed David and a very pale Micheal came over and joined everybody else.
"y/n, your "pranks" aren't funny." David locked eye contact with you, getting situated in his chair.
"Well, you must have a bad sense of humour because I think they are hilarious." You spat back with a smile on your face.
David rolled his eyes and sat forward in his chair. "You have really got to stop hanging out with Paul and Marko."
"Hey! I'm right here ya know!" You reached over Dwayne's chest to pat Paul on the shoulder.
"That's exactly what I said, David. No offence to Paul or Marko, but you pulling pranks like these could get you in more trouble than you need to be in." Dwayne piped in.
Now you were getting a bit pissed. "Well, sorry that there is quite literally nothing else I can do. There's only a limited number of things I can do in this fucking town, and I can't go anywhere without one of you guys always being on my ass!" You huffed and crossed your arms defensively.
Micheal looked up from his spot on the floor at you. "Hey. David's right. You're getting too reckless. Paul and Marko know how to handle themselves, you don't. We are just trying to protect you, ok?"
You rolled your eyes but said nothing in response. In your heart, you knew that they were right. They wanted you to be safe, and they had their own way of doing that. Also, your statement about Santa Carla being boring was not true, and you knew it. There was a new stand or store that popped up every night, and you somehow found a new food that you had somehow missed before.
However, the night came to an end and the boys all slinked off to their rafters to get to sleep. You got comfortable in your nest, but sleep did not claim you. You tossed and turned, yet you didn't feel tired whatsoever. Finally, you got up and threw on a sweatshirt, long pants and some of Marko's old boots that were too small for him. You grabbed some cash from your secret hiding spot, even though you didn't need it. Dwayne had taught you how to stuff food up your sleeves early on and you were a master at it.
You were going out of the cave alone during the day.
You knew that the boys would be beyond pissed if they had woken up and found you missing, but you knew how to sneak out. It was not your first rodeo.
Soon, you reached the beach and walked across the sand to the boardwalk. Thankfully, there were not many surf nazis out, so your walk was not interrupted. You walked through the stands and food stalls, not really paying attention to where you were going. While passing by the carousel, you bumped shoulders with a gloomy-looking man. As you turned around to apologize, he stopped in his tracks and grabbed your wrist gently.
"Um, can I help you?" You asked, faking niceness. Your other hand slid into your back pocket, where you kept Davids's pocket knife.
"Yeah, I think you could, doll. Do you happen to know where I can rent movies? The guys and I are looking to have a night in, ya know? Maybe you could join us?"
You slid your hand out of the man's grasp and stuffed both your hands in your sweatshirt pocket.
"There's one, Maxs' Video Store. If you take a left at-" You were interrupted as the man grabbed one of your shoulders, making you tense up.
"Oh doll, why don't you take us? What is your name, by the way?" You smiled tensely and started leading the way.
"Jessica. Jessica Peters." Was it your real name? No. But, it was better than giving out your actual name to a group of men wearing all black in Santa Carla.
"Jessica. Nice to meet you. I'm Alexander, and that's Brett and Gabriel. Thanks for helping us out, Jessica." You resisted the urge to look at Alexanders' face. Did he know your game? The way he had said Jessica like it left a sour taste in his mouth... something was wrong. You were heading back to the cave after you had dropped the three men off at the video store.
Thankfully, Maria was working the cash register, so you walked up to her.
"Hey, Maria! These guys are looking for some movies. Also, is Max in? I need to ask him for a movie suggestion." You looked at Maris with pleading eyes, and thankfully she understood.
"Yeah of course! What type of movies are you looking for today? Romance, horror, comedy... Oh, and Max is in the back! You know what to do! Come on guys, let's go get you a good movie." Before Alexander and co walked off, Alexander turned back to you.
"Thanks for all your help, Jessica. It was very helpful." He gave you a half smile before following Maria into the rows of movies. You shook your head before heading behind the curtains.
"Max? Where are you?" You called out in the darkness. Soon, you heard footsteps coming towards your general direction, and a light switch turned on overhead.
"Oh, hey y/n. What do yo- do the boys know your out in the middle of the day?" Max closed his office door behind him, keeping Thorn from exiting.
You shifted your weight onto your right foot. "That's what I need your help with. There are some creepy guys who said they wanted to rent a movie, so I lead them here, and they don't believe any of the lies I'm telling them, which, in hindsight, makes sense because they are lies, but, you know, I need an escort to help me get back to the cave, and..." your voice slowly got quieter as you realized Max had tensed up and was heading to the cash register.
"I'll have Jacob walk you over to the beach. I'll distract them. Come by again tonight and tell me in full detail what happened with those men." He turned to face you, his eyes full of anger and concern. "Do you understand?"
You nodded yes slowly, too afraid to open your mouth to speak.
After an agonizingly awkward walk with Jacob back to the beach, you were able to slink back into your bed and fall asleep. However, a few hours later, Dwayne was shaking your shoulders and softly calling your name. You groaned and sat up in bed.
"What?" You muttered, half asleep. You climbed out of bed and grabbed a hair tie to pull your curls up on the top of your head. After a few minutes of grogginess, you fully awoke, remembering what Max had told you. Now, the problem was finding a way out passed all of them without having one of them follow you.
"Shit shit shit!" You muttered under your breath. You turned around and walked past Dwayne, who had gotten off of your bed and was heading towards the door.
"You ok y/n? You seem stressed." Dwayne asked, his tone laced with worry. You turned around and replied. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just have to go somewhere." Five heads all turned towards you.
"Go where exactly?" David called out from his chair. You rolled your eyes and then turned to face him.
"Your favourite place in the world, David. Max's Video Store!" You exclaimed with feigned excitement. He stood up from his chair and headed over to the fountain. "If your going to get movies, take Marko and Paul with-"
"That's the thing, I'm not getting movies. Max said he wanted me to..." you scrambled to think of an excuse, one that would instantly put the boys off your ass. "To walk Thorn!"
Paul's face morphed into one of utter disgust. "Well, count me out, y/n. Dogs are horrible." Thank god one of them was off your back.
"Well, I'm going to take my walkman anyway, and I'll be back soon. I don't need an escort to walk a fucking dog. Anyway, I'll be back in like, thirty minutes."
"Language y/n." Dwayne chided. "And be safe," David added. You rolled your eyes and headed out of the cave.
Soon, you could see the video store's sign, and you basically ran towards the store. You had been on edge ever since the encounter with the men in black, and you didn't want to see them again. Thankfully, Max was waiting for you at the cash register, and you followed him into the back of the store. You followed him to a table and sat down opposite him.
"Ok, Max, tell me everything you know. Who were those men?" You couldn't keep in your questions anymore.
Max sighed and put his hands on the table. "Vampire hunters. Maria talked to them, and they basically spilt their whole plan to her. They said they want to 'cleanse Santa Carla of vampires, and make Earth a fully human world' or something stupid like that. You need to stop coming out during the day, alright? I'll break it to the boys when they saunter by here again."
You stood up, a thousand questions swirling in your mind. Who were the hunters after? Why were they in Santa Carla, California? Were they after you, and your brothers? You turned around to ask Max the final question, but all you could see was black.
#the lost boys#david#marko#paul#dwayne#sister#micheal#max#tlb#reader insert#santa carla#california#vampires
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TLB series!
The first instalment of a new TLB series will be coming out this week! The link will be posted on my pinned master list!
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Top 22 of 2022
It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for, folks. Fifty-two weeks of cold hard data measuring original posts, likes, reblogs, and searches, weighted and ranked. And it all ultimately comes down to this: not only is Stranger Things the #1 topic on Tumblr over this last year of data, but fans posted so much about Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington that they also made the list of Top Things.
Meanwhile, season 2B of the beloved animated series The Owl House aired, along with the first episode of the final season, which turned out to be a rollercoaster of coming out joy and absolute heartbreak. Evergreen favorites Critical Role’s Bells Hells, a mix of familiar and new faces, have spent the year adventuring around Marquet. And we don’t talk about Bruno, no, no, no, but Encanto fans sure do.
On the MCYT front, several new Minecraft SMP servers provided a ton of content for MCYT fans, treating them to new stories and character dynamics. This year was also marked by mourning as the community grieved the passing of one of their own—the popular streamer Technoblade.
In other gaming news, Pokémon Legends: Arceus and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have players catchin’ and battlin’ away. And over the past year, Deltarune players stocked up on bananas, while Genshin Impact players hoarded primogems to wish for their favorite banner characters.
Back on the small screen, folks have had a lot of emotions about the very gay pirate show Our Flag Means Death and the (somewhat sapphic) League of Legends animated series Arcane. House of the Dragon took us back to Westeros and really leaned into “complicated family dynamics,” while “complicated shipping dynamics” was the theme for Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. And between Battinson and Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, it was a big year for a character with some serious emotional issues.
Finally, aesthetic bloggers rejoice! Cottagecore and Dark Academia are both on here. Halloween was big, which makes sense because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Of course, this list wouldn’t be complete without BTS—some things don’t change. And to round us out, please remember to like, reblog, and thank our resident Artists on Tumblr, who continue to nourish us and our dashboards with their incredible creations. This is Tumblr’s Year In Review.
Stranger Things
The Owl House
Artists on Tumblr
Critical Role
Eddie Munson | Stranger Things
Our Flag Means Death
The Dream SMP Minecraft Server
Star Wars
Genshin Impact
House of the Dragon
Dark Academia
Batman | The DC Universe
Steve Harrington | Stranger Things
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
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Star: (y/n), i like your top
Alan: i have a name, you know
You: what do you mean you like him?!
Star: *exhales*
Sam: alan, i like your top
You: i have a name, you know
Alan: what do you mean you like her?!
Sam: *exhales*
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