loganog · 10 years
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@loogan: #galewedding2.0
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loganog · 10 years
There definitely will be, it'll be exciting. Right! But they're friends so it's not imposing, or, well, it shouldn't be imposing. That would probably be a bit better than just barging in, yeah. I feel like you need it for something I'm not supposed to know about, but okay sure. Eh hem. I love you, Janey. There you go, you're welcome. Yeah, you still have something.
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Agreed.There are definitely going to be some new ones formed this week. Like subtle suggestion and inquisition. That’s fun, right? Well, I don’t want to impose on our friends! I’d definitely call them from the driveway instead of just walk up to the door. Oh, that’s good- “I love you, Janey” should work. Not that I need it, or anything. It’s just a nice thought that you should voice to the world. And to my cell phone.  Damn, really? I’ve still got it.
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loganog · 10 years
Familiar and horrible, all at the same time.
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Because she seemed like she knew what she was doing. And, I mean, it all turned out pretty well from what it looks like so.
The permanent stench of rotting garbage is rather familiar though. 
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Tell me again, why did we let Merelle use New York as the wedding venue?
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loganog · 10 years
New traditions are the best traditions. Just make everyone visit you every now and then. Or show up at their door and surprise them, that would work too. I'm pretty sure they don't do it that way, nope. Conviction? Okay, do you want me to say I love Janey, or do you want me to say I love you, Janey cause those are two very different things. Still surprised.
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I mean, we can make our own tradition with it. I simply can’t go any longer without seeing you guys and you and Janey are who I’m going to have to depend on to bring us back together. Right  . . is that not how the locals do it down there? You do! I thought so. Now say it again: with conviction. Throw your voice into it, yeah? Are you really surprised? It is me, after all.
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loganog · 10 years
Five years works, yeah. Renew our vows every five years? I'm pretty sure that isn't how that works. I don't even think we had vows the first time though, cause it was in Bora Bora. Janey... I love Janey. You're being quite weird, you know that?
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I’ll expect them at least every five years. And if we don’t have a wedding coming up, you and Janey will just have to renew your vows. I mean, you’re already going at it twice. Oh, you do? Who do you love again? 
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loganog · 10 years
Then happy crying is okay.
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Happy crying, actually.
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loganog · 10 years
It's like a high school reunion, but an apartment reunion. That's what I'm calling it now, an apartment reunion. No, I hate her. Of course I love her. Tell you about what exactly?
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Yeah, I really do thing we all needed to see each other again. Just getting our fix so we can survive until the next wedding. Yep, marrying the girl you love . . you do love her, right? [subtly whips out her cell phone] You should tell me about that.
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loganog · 10 years
You have a point, I would be pretty worried too.
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I'm pretty great actually, you?
It is New York, after all. I would actually be worried if it wasn’t this loud and busy.
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But hey there, my fellow groom-to-be. How’re you?
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loganog · 10 years
It'll be great! We really have, it's a nice thing. No crying, crying is really sad. Unless it's happy crying.
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I got you! I got you! We’ll burst out laughing and smiling and crying our eyes out because we all grown together in reality.
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loganog · 10 years
I'm always weirdly awkward, it just happens, can't control the awkward. No, I don't actually. I got sick of smelling like pizza everyday. I went to college for a while and now I edit books for a living.
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Stop being weirdly awkward, anyways do you still deliver pizza’s?
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loganog · 10 years
Yeah, that person. I don't know what you call that person. Thank you very much.
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The soon to be guy that’ll be walking your wife down the aisle. Congrats, again.
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loganog · 10 years
When we all see each other at the same time, we need to sing that one song about reuniting.
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It’s okay, we’re all just here for one thing. To reunite.
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loganog · 10 years
I would be lying if I said I didn't miss you guys, so yeah I did. Oh, yeah, that makes this a lot less terrible.
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But you did miss all our lovely faces, didn’t you? And I’m sure the looming wedding makes it just a little more bearable. 
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loganog · 10 years
It's terrible, I can't stand it.
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You’re telling me.
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loganog · 10 years
Hey there soon to be... whatever you're soon to be.
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Oh hey there soon to be groom.
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loganog · 10 years
I forgot how busy it is here. I did not miss the whole busy thing.
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loganog · 10 years
And I Don't Know Where I'm Going
But I Know It's Gonna Be a Long Time
Getting accepted into college was something Logan had always dreamed of. So, when he had gotten accepted into the University of Chicago, life had felt somewhat like a dream. He had the most amazing girl by his side and if you were to ask him, he would say his life was pretty much perfect, except the untidiness that was occasionally in the apartment.
Moving to Chicago had been a big step for Jane and Logan, it had gotten them away from New York and every bad memory there, but it kept them close enough to their friends. And Logan wouldn't go back even if someone paid him. He had come to love the tiny apartment and everything in it, and he ended up loving going to school, which wasn't much of a surprise.
Logan had been pacing back and forth in the kitchen for what felt like hours, staring at the coffee pot sitting on the stove. He finally decided to get over the butterflies in his stomach and go get a book. Logan walked out of the kitchen and into the small bedroom they shared, taking the first book he saw off the bookshelf and back to the kitchen with him. He took the ring out of his pocket and taped it to the back of the book, sighing when he realized it was a Dr. Seuss book.
He quickly went and set the thin book on the coffee table, going back to the kitchen and leaning against the counter. Taking a sip of his coffee, he tapped his foot lightly against the floor as he waited for Jane to come home. He let his mind wander, the sudden fear that she would say no coming into his head. From that thought, he started thinking of everything that could possibly go wrong, causing him to spill the coffee he had been about to drink onto the floor.
"Damn it," Logan whispered to himself, staring down at the little puddle of coffee on the floor. He quickly threw a towel down at it, wiping it up with his foot and throwing the towel under the counter to pretend it had never happened. He heard Jane come in and he instantly looked up at her, giving her a smile. "Hi, hey, how are you?" he said quickly, not even giving her time to answer before grabbing her hand and pulling her into the living room. "My day was great, I read a book."
Logan made sure she sat on the couch before handing her the thin book on the table. "Here, read this," he said with a smile. "I do expect you to read it, it's very good. One of the best books I've ever read. Great rhymes, very big plot twist, nice pictures, it's great quality, I love it, you'll love it," he rambled on, sighing happily when she finally started reading it.
As she read, he slowly got down on one knee, making sure she didn't notice his slight movement. When she finished reading, Logan took a deep breath, looking up at her. "Jane Kelley, will you marry me? But for real this time?" he asked, his words coming out slow and sincere. He gave a small nod at her question, the fear of her saying no once again seeping into his mind.
He let out the breath he didn't even know he had been holding when she hugged him, wrapping his arms around her with a huge smile on his face. He leaned back a bit and took the ring from her, gently sliding it onto her finger. "I love you," he whispered, a huge smile on his face.
He wasn't sure where they were going to go from here, but he was sure that wherever they went, it would be a good place. It would be somewhere he always wanted to be.
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