lockedwoof · 4 years
— ( michael trevino, cis man, he/him ) & metal chains rattling and reflecting moonlight, car speeding down a dark empty highway, crumpled papers strewn around the room. well, look who finally came back from the dead TYLER LOCKWOOD. I hear they are 24 and a WEREWOLF. they can be very LOYAL & PROTECTIVE. I think we should keep an eye on them just to be safe, I heard they can also be AGGRESSIVE & VENGEFUL. I hear they are here to be an APPRENTICE at INK AND QUILL TATTOO, I hope they don’t die this time around.
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Keeping all his canon despite the tvd writers’ incompetence. Summary: Starting from being the aggressive teen jock who saw his faults and began to change himself, accidentally got his curse triggered, got turned into a hybrid by Klaus and sired to him, broke every bone in his body a hundred times to break the sire bond, became alpha to the hybrids, lost his pack to Hayley’s betrayal and his mom to Klaus’ murderous tendencies, became human again when Bonnie brought him back from the Other Side, triggered his curse again after Liv sacrificed herself for him and left Mystic Falls.
He traveled a lot after he left, sometimes hunting rogue vamps with Jeremy, or helping werewolf packs. Also visited Beacon Hills multiple times during this period.
Was killed by Damon during one of his visits back to Mystic Falls.
I absolutely refuse that he found peace with Vicki, he did watch over  Matt with her sometimes but I say he found peace with his mother.
He is only just back from the dead which is quite disorienting for him, not to mention he is quite displeased to be being back seeing as he had found much deserved peace, but now he was back in the world which had given him nothing but loss and pain.
He works at Ink and Quill Tattoo and is open for all connections!
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lockedwoof · 4 years
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Kyle Manuel Valenti || 2x02
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lockedwoof · 4 years
Fuck anyone who says I have to forgive everyone, “for my sake.” I worked hard for this anger. I worked hard to love myself enough to hate them.
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lockedwoof · 4 years
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Welcome TESSA, you’re now trapped within the boarders of Autumn’s Peak, where many things seem to lurk in the dark and there is no escape. Be sure to send your information in and check out our checklist within 24 hours so you don’t get lost.
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lockedwoof · 4 years
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Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood on The Vampire Diaries, Season 2; 2.01 “The Return” Part 2/2 
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lockedwoof · 4 years
        ANGER   WAS   :                                      BETTER   THAN   TEARS                                     BETTER   THAN   GRIEF                                     BETTER   THAN   GUILT
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lockedwoof · 4 years
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get ready to make reprieve your new home, TYLER LOCKWOOD. pack your bags and get settled in. you have 24 hoursto go through the checklist and submit your paperwork. an extension can be provided at request.
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lockedwoof · 4 years
Seems like Ambrose is looking for another volunteer to give her the blood she needs?
“What the actual--”@rosiesrered
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lockedwoof · 4 years
How did it feel to be so close to killing someone?
Felt like shit, what kind of question is this? I want nothing to do with this supernatural madness.
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lockedwoof · 4 years
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lockedwoof · 4 years
When she stopped him from going, Tyler was ready to go off at her again but she surprised him by actually giving him what he asked for. For a moment, he didn’t grasp what she was doing, simply stared at her before he came to his senses. “Yeah.” he finally said, taking the glass from her. “Yes, I’ll make sure about that.” he promised her, looking at her curiously. Perhaps he had taken it a step too far. “No, nothing else, but, thanks.” he said quietly.
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That was more than Ambrose hoped for for the day, she had plan to perhaps enjoy a drink with the other since they happened to bump into each other but seems like that plan is out of the window. The brunette merely gave Tyler a glance before turning to leave, now that things turned sour between them – there wasn’t much to say or do. Maybe it is time to seduce another human plaything, as she highly doubt the other would be her willing blood bag any time soon.
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lockedwoof · 4 years
Ambrose admits what the Lockwood said after caught her off guard and it made her heart clanged, this wouldn’t be the first time someone had said the same thing to her and despite how many time she heard it – it still hurts but she refuse to acknowledge it nor to show it. “Wait.” Amrbose called and stopped the other in his track, grabbing the nearest shot glass nearby before she bit into her wrist and let those crimson liquid fills the glass. “Make sure she doesn’t die after taking it, you owe me a favour Tyler and she is your problem is she turns.” The brunette added, before handing Tyler the glass with a brief glance. “If you have nothing else to say, I’ll take my leave.”
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When she stopped him from going, Tyler was ready to go off at her again but she surprised him by actually giving him what he asked for. For a moment, he didn’t grasp what she was doing, simply stared at her before he came to his senses. “Yeah.” he finally said, taking the glass from her. “Yes, I’ll make sure about that.” he promised her, looking at her curiously. Perhaps he had taken it a step too far. “No, nothing else, but, thanks.” he said quietly.
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lockedwoof · 4 years
With her time spend with the original family and knowledge from being a witch, she quickly learnt that the legends of werewolves are frankly quite real. Ambrose tilt her head slightly at the other’s words, “A untriggered werewolf.” She noted, it begins to become clear why he is so desperate in wanting her help. “But wouldn’t that be exactly what your family wanted?” The brunette asked, from what she saw – mayor Lockwood seemed to be a rather proud man, one that seems too proud and argon for her liking. “Being a werewolf can’t be this bad.”
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“Are you seriously counting the pros of being a werewolf right now?” Tyler looked at her, baffled. “I am worried she will die. I don’t want to wait for her to die and become a freaky monster to boot. I don’t give a crap about what my family wants.” His voice kept rising and he glared coldly at the brunette. “You know what, fuck you. Go to fucking hell, I’ll find another way to help my friend who I actually give a fuck about. You keep being this cold-hearted bitch and enjoy your immortal life all alone.”
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lockedwoof · 4 years
“Are you kidding?” Tyler deadpanned on seeing the other. Rose had done him a huge favour helping save Bonnie’s life and he was worried somehow people were going to find that out. “Weren’t you supposed to be resting?”
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Bonnie knew she shouldn’t have been out, especially when Tyler had told her she needed to stay home. He had did something. Had her healed with blood so if people saw a girl who had been in the ICU was up and around, she would be in trouble. But she was really craving snacks. She was trying to reach for one at the top of a shelf and she turned when she heard someone cough. “What? You mind helping me?”
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lockedwoof · 4 years
“You know, I was in a fucking car accident.” Tyler said dramatically. Now that Bonnie was fine and he wasn’t freaking out anymore, he was using the incident to get people’s attention when needed. “I could have died. Literally. And somehow -- somehow, I have to endure worse than possible death seeing you and Caleb pine for each other and refuse to date. What the fuck is that? Really?” @witchycxssie​  
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lockedwoof · 4 years
Ambrose could hear the desperation in his tone and it surprised her if she was honest, never did she ever thought would come a day where Tyler asks — almost begs for a favour. But it wasn’t that made her consider changing her mind, it was the second part. “What do you mean by curse?” She asked, brows frowned whilst she stared at the other for a moment. Clogs clicking in the back of her head, some of the things begins to somewhat make sense now if her guess is current. “You’re a werewolf?”
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"Well--" he began to explain, but the other had caught on pretty quickly. "I mean, I won't be a werewolf if you help save Bonnie." he pointed out. "But if not--" It was scary to admit out loud what was coming for him if Bonnie died, he had been trying not to think of it, feeling that it would be selfish of him to do so when her life was on line but it was all out in the open now. A sigh left his lips as his voice filled with worry again. And fear. "If not, I guess I'm fucked."
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lockedwoof · 4 years
With the time they’ve spend together, Ambrose has told the other secrets or two of vampires including the fact that their blood could be used to heal injuries. This is the first time she have seen Tyler with that expression, only to suggest that what he is asking is serious. “No, I’m not helping you Tyler.” She said, withdrawing her hand as the smirk faded too. Giving someone vampire blood is a risk and the last thing she want is to take care of a baby vamp, as if she haven’t already accidentally turned her best friend with her blood. “Unfortunately, you’re going to have to ask someone else.”
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His face fell as the other said no to his request. “Please.” he said quietly. “It’s not like I know every vampire in this town, just -- come on, Rose.” He wasn't someone who would ask for favours and definitely not someone who would say please to someone who clearly wasn't going to help him but he didn’t have many choices here and this wasn't about him. Well, not all about him, only partially. “If not to save her life, do it for me. I crashed the car, if she dies -- I’ll trigger my curse.”
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