localdumbwizard · 3 days
everyone who's ever read the silmarillion: fuck i need to reread that thing
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localdumbwizard · 4 days
but i stay silly! *←said in the most world-weary voice you ever did hear*
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localdumbwizard · 7 days
Having some feelings this evening about Frodo’s reaction to people around him being corrupted by desire for the One Ring. How generally devoid it is of any blame placed on that person, and how he instead treats it as a tragedy to spare others from by distancing himself.
It’s a big deal in the latter books that Frodo wants to show Sméagol kindness if possible because things have progressed so far that Frodo can recognize his own experience in him. But what’s really making me stare at a wall right now are Frodo’s early days reactions even before the personal identification is as strong.
Basically, I can’t stop thinking about how deeply Frodo’s reaction to that last encounter with Boromir is informed by the fact that the first person to ever try and take the ring from Frodo was actually Bilbo. The fact that the first person Frodo ever saw corrupted to that point, even for a moment, was the kind, clever, caring uncle who adopted and taught him, and who Frodo thinks the world of.
Just thinking about the personal relationship Frodo had with the very first person he saw the Ring affect and how fundamentally that set the tone for his understanding of it for the entirety of the journey.
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localdumbwizard · 8 days
I was introduced to a girl who I had been told learned some Elvish. At first I was excited, but then I found out that she knew Sindarin, and I was like, who would choose Sindarin over Quenya?
Anyways that was the most Feanorian thought that I ever had. 
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localdumbwizard · 9 days
The term and concept of "rent lowering gunshots" has seeped into my mental vocabulary, and I've welcomed it there. Something I'm up to is gross and weird? Good, keeps the rent low. Keeps judgy people out. Post weird shit on your blog, do weird shit to your hair, be as fucky as your heart ever wants to be. If you're not the one making the profit, make yourself unprofitable. The aposematism of brightly coloured creatures is there to warn predators, not friends.
You have no moral obligation to make yourself palatable for those who would consume you.
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localdumbwizard · 10 days
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localdumbwizard · 12 days
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this is my favorite genre of post
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localdumbwizard · 13 days
this article is behind a paywall but i'm obsessed with the headline + photo combo
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localdumbwizard · 15 days
What do you call a gay metal-head who's still in the closet?
A rainbow in the dark
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localdumbwizard · 17 days
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localdumbwizard · 18 days
it's a rough world out there (leaving your bubble and seeing casual lotr fans having no understanding of or empathy for frodo despite the horrors he shouldered the way nobody else could)
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localdumbwizard · 18 days
i must not kill myself . killing myself is the myself killer
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localdumbwizard · 20 days
It’s crazy how low self-worth fucks with peoples lives
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localdumbwizard · 22 days
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localdumbwizard · 23 days
the fact that maedhros cried out to fingolfin's host when he heard them arrive at the gates of angband breaks my heart every time i remember it. did he call fingon's name specifically? did he actually think his voice could reach them?
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localdumbwizard · 23 days
did you hear mark zuckerberg renamed facebook to ligma
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localdumbwizard · 24 days
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