Your Wife's Secret Girlfriend
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localapologist · 2 months ago
Junior Officer Maddie Nolen - Alphabet Headcanons (SFW)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
~ Maddie is super affectionate.
~ Not only is she physically affectionate (she loves hugs, hand-holding, and just having you near her or her hands or lips on you somehow), but the way she talks to her partner would be so intentional and caring, merely because she knows that every moment with her girl would count in her line of work.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
~ Maddie is definitely the friend who has a clear crush on her bestie for years, but refuses to say anything because of gay panic. This includes if she knows her friend is gay too! (Because in her mind; “What if she's gay for every girl but me?”)
~ Having this in mind though, her reluctance to tell you about her crush, or even her not having a crush on you, would not change much about being her best friend. She'd still be kind, considerate, generous and an overall delight to hang around.
~ She's definitely a yapper friend though, so be prepared.
~ The friend would start with her enthusiastically introducing herself in a random setting and an instant connection leading to you wanting to know where you'll most-likely find her again.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
~ Maddie loves to cuddle. It's second nature to her. The reassurance of having someone near, especially after long days, makes her feel safe and secure, and she'll often ask for cuddles in the middle of the day if she thinks it won't be too much of an inconvenience for you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
~ Maddie is so devoted that she'd definitely want to settle down. She'll get you to a courthouse a year into your relationship if you let her. But that's also just her way of expressing love, true commitment.
~ In terms of cooking and cleaning, she's definitely not a multi-talented queen in this regard. She's either gonna feed you a 5-star meal after leaving the kitchen in an almost irreparable state, or be the best cleaner who burns toast on the regular. (And you'll take either option, of course) She does lean closer to being a good cook though.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
~ She's going kicking and screaming. She definitely didn't come to the realisation that you had to break up by herself, and one of her friends and/or family probably made her aware of how the relationship wasn't working anymore.
~ Still, once she's more aware of the fragments in the relationship, she can't look away. She'll either try to rapidly fix them and fail, or break down from the realisation and then slowly explain why this isn't gonna work out.
~ She's not good at hiding her disappointment for the most part though, so once you separate, she might need some space from you entirely so she doesn't fall back into old habits.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
~ As stated, when this girl is in love, she's in love. Walk past a ring/jewellery store after a month and she'll go, “So we're off to the courthouse tomorrow, aren't we?”
~ She is endlessly committed, and realistically, 2 or 3 years together would be more than enough for her to know that you're the one she wants to be with forever.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
~ Have you ever met anyone so gentle? I doubt it. She radiates that soft energy.
~ Physically, her touch is beyond gentle. With such a rough job, she takes pride in getting to come home and be as soft as possible. Which is why seeing her in battle can be so jarring (and hot) because she doesn't look like the type to be able to manhandle people so efficiently.
~ Emotionally, she's just as gentle. She cares deeply about your feelings, and makes sure that those needs are constantly met. She can be a bit of a ‘yes man’ sometimes, not wanting to hurt your feelings with the truth, but overall, you know it's just because she cares.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
~ She's a walking teddy bear. Loves hugs more than the average person.
~ She sees them as part of her routine. Her calming rituals. So at least 3 times a day. Morning hugs, random hugs whenever you see each other during the day, and finally, a hug after she's back from work at night.
~ Her hugs are soft, and all-consuming. Sometimes they're a bit tight if she hasn't had her deserved amount for the day and missed you. They're slow, tender and patient. The world will wait until she's content with letting go of you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
~ She probably said various equivalents of it before you even started dating.
~ The moment she actually says it would probably be once she feels settled in the fact that she's chosen a person who cares for her in the right way. She might have a conversation with Steb about it at work and after he begrudgingly tells her to just be out with it, she'll come home so excited to finally let those words slip out.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
~ She holds a reoccurring silent jealousy that turns more sulky the longer she's around the person who's making her feel that way.
~ She's easily reassured, so gentle contact can calm her down, but she does get anxious about that kind of thing because of her tendency to not see the transparent things others might in a relationship.
~ After a bout of isolation, and maybe some dramatic pouting, a quick kiss will quickly remind her that she's got nothing to worry about.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
~ Her pecks are delicate and gentle, almost feather-like. Her deeper kisses are agonisingly slow and teasing, until you call her out on it.
~ Any patch of skin you have that's on display is fair game for her. Her lips will find their way to your shoulders, back, neck, lips, etc.
~ Though she's usually the kisser of the relationship, surprise slow kisses on her lips in the middle of the day will have her in a frenzy. She also loves a good forehead/cheek kiss.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
~ It's a hit or miss with kids. Kids find her to be really alluring and she'll often be caught smiling at kids playing or cooing at a baby, but put a child in her direct care, and she'll definitely freak out and overcompensate.
~ I'm talking, you asked her to babysit a niece of yours for 6 hours and she managed to spend a quarter of her paycheck on supplies she surely didn't need.
~ But the kid(s) would be in good hands. They'd be well entertained.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
~ She's definitely an early riser. An enthusiastic one at that. Mornings are spent cuddling, brewing coffee and making breakfast.
~ On her days off, she'll likely let you sleep in, make you breakfast in bed, and either yap, or read to you while you settle into the day.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
~ She's not up most of the night. She doesn't have a set bed-time, but you'd be hard-pressed to find her awake past 10 on a weekday. Especially after a grueling day at work. She likes to have you in her arms while she sleeps, so you're usually going about your business sitting in bed while she dozes off, occasionally throwing glances at her sleeping figure or kissing her forehead, whispering sweet nothings to her.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
~ Past relationships will have gotten her used to giving more than she receives, so at first she might not notice that she's being closed off. She just assumes you don't care to know anything about her.
~ When you make it clear that you want to know more about her though, she quickly gets comfortable being very open. She definitely had a tendency to say everything at once, in fear that you might stop caring if she waits, but, once she's reassured that there'll always be a space for her to express herself, she'll be more comfortable letting the things she wants to share come to her naturally.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
~ I don't know, she seems like she might have a hidden temper. Not in an outward way, but in that “If I take you to a rage room I'd be frightened” way. She tries to give people the benefit of the doubt, but she also has limits.
~ Might become more passive-aggressive the more her patience is tested.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
~ She remembers everything. Both the things you've told her, and the little things she's just observed about you from you being around.
~ She might keep a little notebook on hand to write things about you down if she doesn't trust her memory all that well.
~ She'll randomly say things she remembers learning about you when they come to mind, mostly muttering to herself but also sometimes declaring it in a louder way accidently.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
~ Either a day where you did something really intimate and personal together (cooking a new fancy meal, making pottery, strawberry picking) or a moment where she was absolutely spoiled by you for her birthday or a special milestone. (Which would be a first for her) The quiet moments are her favourite.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
~ With her line of work, Maddie feels a sense of obligation to already be protective over you, so you are always very close to her in public, if only for your protection.
~ An arm would always be wrapped around your waist, and she'll definitely be walking on the outer side of the pavement for you. She also gives off a death glare to any suspicious passers-by as a warning to watch it.
~ She's pretty secure in physical protection, but verbal protection from others is a thing she definitely loves. Seeing her partner defend her for even the littlest thing so she doesn't have to explain herself would make her feel so loved.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
~ Definitely a planner. Will plan dates on a regular basis, start organising anniversaries months in advance, and put in the utmost effort into being the best for you.
~ She is more willing to share responsibility for dates, but anniversaries are all her. She often has you clear the week/weekend when these anniversaries occur.
~ An amazing gift giver to. She can go a bit overboard, but her gifts are always beautiful and sentimental.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
~ Talks over people when overly excited.
~ Can display naive tendencies at times, and be a bit impulsive or quixotic.
~ Sometimes struggles to have healthy boundaries with her work, overexerting herself.
~ Anxious nail bitter.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
~ She's got a very specific aesthetic that she curated when she was young, so she's very comfortable with how she looks.
~ She also knows she's cute, so very little effort is needed.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
~ She loves being in a relationship, so most-likely. If you're away, she'll miss you like hell.
~ Not that she couldn't breathe without you (she might pretend that's the case if it'll get you to stay) but she does prefer to have you in general.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
~ She's got two handwriting types. A beautiful cursive although shaky handwriting that she uses for people she likes, and a completely illegible chicken scratch/morse code thing going on when she wants to mess with people.
~ She learned to write with both her left and right hands as a kid because becoming ambidextrous was a heavy special interest of hers at some point.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
~ Hates not having you around when she's in a bad mood. The world might as well be ending if that's what her life has come to.
~ Clothes that are more showy than comfortable. She'll complain until she can change into something better.
~ A partner who isn't transparent with her. She cherishes honesty and appreciates that more than anything.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleep habits of theirs?)
~ Mandatory 9-10 hours if you want her to be able to function right during the day. And her body will take those hours regardless of convenience.
~ She's a deep but light sleeper. She falls asleep easily and will look like she's really deep in it until a small noise wakes her up extremely easily.
~ Mumbles in her sleep. Again, certified yapper, in all states of consciousness.
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localapologist · 3 months ago
Is it weird that i like maddie as a charcter more now that she was revealed as a traitor?
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localapologist · 3 months ago
Oh, Maddie, you will always be famous!!!
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she lived , ate the dyketator pussy , lied , served cunty bob, and died. Truly the GOAT
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localapologist · 3 months ago
I'm gonna stick beside her!! 🤷‍♀️
I stand with my canceled wife Maddie Nolan IDGAFFFF
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localapologist · 3 months ago
So, how do you think the Maddie switch up happened?
I'm thinking that Caitlyn must have called it (the relationship) off before she went out and found Vi, and Ambessa swiftly used that moment to tap into the heartbreak Maddie was experiencing.
Ambessa: "I know the pain of a heart recently broken. A love unfulfilled."
Maddie: (trying to hold back tears) "I loved her. I really did."
Ambessa: (holds Maddie face up by her chin) "Child, you still do. Your emotions cloud your judgement."
And in this moment, Ambessa hands Maddie the gun and gives her a look. The look that would typically shift her mindset. But instead, love-drunk Maddie thought she would be able to double-cross Ambessa. Beat the Noxians from the inside. Use the skills Cait taught her. Pretend for just long enough to make her proud.
She just wanted love, you can tell. But she also never learnt of limits.
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localapologist · 3 months ago
So I'm guessing Maddie took the breakup a bit hard... 💀
(I feel bad for laughing about it, but it makes sense that she switched sides. Very much "If I can't have her, no one can." behaviour)
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localapologist · 3 months ago
When the Maddie hate is so bad you create a community to protect her and your peace 😭
(Feel free to join: https://www.tumblr.com/join/cC_VJrJA)
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