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Reminder everyday pirate media use ad block steal music
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i was born inside an airpod case 3 minutes ago your honor and i love abortion
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Glasgow, Scotland
photo by benchristian
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Magdalene with a Skull - Mateo Cerezo
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I want every disabled person who can't work or study to know that their existence is just as valuable and important as everyone else's. Your value as a person is not something you have to earn, it's something you're born with.
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im all for de-gendering slang terms like dude guy girl etc but if someone says that you calling them that makes them uncomfortable and you respond by saying "oh but im using it in a gender neutral way!" you're an asshat
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You know, I think there’s been a growing awareness and acceptance lately of lesbians/wlw with very complicated relationships with gender and unconventional gender identities, and that’s super awesome!! But I also feel like there should be an equal amount of positive energy and attention for gay men/mlm/nblm who also have complicated relationships with gender. So!! Here’s to all gay ‘men’(people) who use she/her pronouns, who use they/them pronouns, who use neopronouns, who are very feminine, who may want to physically transition to be more feminine, whose identity as gay/mlm is intrinsically tied to their gender, whose gender identity may seem to contradict their sexual identity; to all the drag queens, femmes, and nonbinary men-loving people - your gender-fuckery is just as valid as anyone else’s gender fuckery, you are allowed to label your sexuality however you damn well please, pronouns do not equal gender, and you are valid, incredible and recognized!
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once you people accept that cis people can use any pronouns and that, yes, even a cis man may use exclusively she/her or they/them, or a cis woman may use he/him or they/them, we can have a modicum of peace and unity
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the sentence "it's impossible to misgender someone using gender neutral pronouns" is very thinly veiled transphobia btw
refusing to use someone's pronouns once you know what they are is misgendering. it doesn't matter what pronouns you replace them with.
if a trans woman tells you she uses she/her pronouns, and you knowingly use they/them instead without correcting yourself, that is still misgendering.
if a nonbinary person tells you it uses he/it pronouns, and you knowingly use they/them instead without correcting yourself, that is still misgendering.
this is not a debate, this is a fact, it is misgendering
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just like it’s important that we let people embrace and be flamboyant with their gender, we must allow people to have gender be a nonimportant part of their identity. a cis woman can love being feminine and claim her womanhood loud and proud, just like another cis woman can just be ‘whatever’ about it. a trans woman can be hyperfeminine and proud, while another can just say ‘yeah i’m a woman’ without it being a gigantic deal to her. a non-binary person doesn’t have to be constantly torn up about their gender identity to be non-binary. all experiences of gender are unique and valid in their own way.
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Here is a complete list of the people who can decide if someone is LGBTQ+:
1. The person themselves
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I'm gonna say it here too. Allow me to be crystal fucking clear.
It is not cowardly to stay in the closet. Full stop. You do not owe anyone any part of yourself you aren't ready to share
If you unable to come out because you fear for your safety or well-being or because you know it will cause you substantial discomfort, that is not a defect in you. It's a failure of the society in which you live and the community surrounding you.
If you just don't want to share that part of yourself, that is valid and I support you
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