Lock tf in. Lock in with your manifestations, shifting, the void state WHATEVER! Put aside that “I can’t do it” mindset and tell yourself “I can get this shit down by TODAY”. It’s easy. Fuck doubts and negative thoughts cause they can’t do shit anyways. You wanna use a method? Search up a method and lock in. Don’t want to use a method? Don’t and STILL lock tf in. Stop being lazy and get serious about what it is that you want to achieve. You KNOW you can manifest, you KNOW you can shift, you KNOW you can enter the void state. Put that victim mentality up and LOCK TF IN!!
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How to wake up in void with intention

1. Clarify Your Intention: Decide what you want, which is to wake up in the void state. Keep it simple and specific, like: "I will wake up in the void effortlessly."
2. Affirm as You Fall Asleep: While you're drifting off, repeat your intention in a calm and relaxed way. You can say, "When I wake up, I'll be in the void," or "/ easily wake up in the void state." Let this be the last thought in your mind.
3. Feel Confident: As you set your intention, feel the calm knowing that it's going to happen. Don't stress about the "how"-just trust that you'll wake up in the void. The key is to feel relaxed and expectant.
4. Let Go: After you've affirmed your intention, let go of the need to control the process. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be for your subconscious to guide you to the void state

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you're not reprogramming shit. you're choosing.
there is no reprogramming that needs to be done. you just choose. you are always just choosing. "reprogramming your subconscious mind".... as if God/consciousness can be reprogrammed. y'all CHOOSE to do that. you CHOOSE to believe you have to work on your self concept rather than just realizing you are perfect already so whatever you want is available to you now. you can just decide you have what you want. you can decide it's a part of you now because you are everything. "be not of the world but be of me." there is no need to let yourself get sucked into circumstances you don't want when you created them. you can create something else just by embodying. it IS easy. it IS simple. you say it's not so it isn't. God can't be reprogrammed so what exactly are you wasting your time doing? you can simply remind yourself of who you actually are as pure consciousness and make your decisions from there. even if you had a negative thought two seconds ago, who cares. choose differently. decide. decide. decide. nothing else. you are always deciding. you're deciding right now.
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There is No "In Spite Of". It’s Because Of.
“I get what I want no matter what the 3d shows me.” “I have my man in spite of what I’m seeing. Omg, did he just lick her ti-” “I don’t care what my bank account says, I have 3 trillion in it anyways.” .......
Do you realize that instead of looking at the 3d and rationalizing what you are seeing, you can just decide it instead?? When I started this page, I didn’t say “oh well even though I have 5 followers, I actually have 1200.” NO! I said b*tch I have damn near 5k kiss my ass Tumblr notifications and look at that, I do. The 3d shows you what you say she does. Stop trying to be friends and put that b*tch her in the place tf!!!! If everything is what you say it is, then say what you need to say and know it’s true now. Stop being an attention seeking wh*re and continually asking the 3d to change bc she won’t listen to you! She’s gonna hear your miserable tears and give you more shit to cry about unless you decide you are crying about how you just got the most fire pipe/pus in the world! I’m so serious. Turn that inner frown upside down so you can turn your outer world around. This is simple and if you want to argue it’s not, you can’t be shocked you experience that. Notice how you don’t need evidence of negative things to occur before you decide on whether or not they will happen. So why is it now the opposite for what you do want? You are the one providing evidence to yourself about whether or not something will occur, not the other way around. Who you say you are dictates what is around you. At this very moment, you can say “I’m living my best life with my partner and I’m rich asf and I have a fatass house….” And the only thing that would make that not true is whether or not you choose to argue that. Yup. It’s that simple. Decide what you are seeing. Decide what the 3d is showing you because the 3d is you. Decide. Decide. Decide. I’m not saying to ignore your feelings or emotions, though they don’t control the outcome. I’m saying that even if you are physically feeling something, change the meaning internally. It works every time.
You can literally sit and not drive a car for an entire month and a half and decide one day you are going to start driving again. Before you get in, are you questioning yourself on whether or not you can still do it??? If before the break you knew yourself to be an excellent driver, why would one month of not doing so shake your foundation? Some people never forget how to do things because they decide they can never forget. Everything is you. If everything is now, then you’ve already done it. You’re never “out of practice,” never “starting over,” because nothing was ever lost in the first place. There is no time working against you. It’s just you vs. you. Your perception of everything and relation to it. If you’re thinking something outside of you is outside of you, how can you be shocked you can’t reach it? When you truly know something is done, you don’t stress about it or have to take deep breaths to “regulate” your nervous system. You just know. So before you opened your window to see the sun in the morning, even as you saw sun rays or the light from the sun but not the sun itself, did you have to meditate on the fact that “omg yes, let me breathe and just remind myself that I will see the sun bc it has to show up and I am gonna see it and it’s gonna be—“ NO YOU DIDN’T. YOU JUST KNEW AND OPENED THE DAMN WINDOW. JUST KNOW AND OPEN YOUR MIND’S EYE TO THAT WHICH YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE DAMN. How is anybody still asking if things are possible when that’s the reason way they exist? Possibilities exist because you do. You give everything life. Feeding old stories about why this and why that happened just resurrects zombies of your “past” that you don’t want to deal with so stop doing that. Stop trying to justify the 3d or accept crumbs when you should just accept yourself and the story you are telling because that is the ultimate truth. What you see, say or think inwardly IS what projects outwardly so what the fuck is going on within you?
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1. Final Decision – You decide that you already have it. You are not trying, hoping or wishing. It is already yours.
2. Nothing Outside of It Exists – Anything that does not reflect your decision is irrelevant. If it arises, ignore it or reinterpret it in your favor.
3. Zero Reaction – Adverse circumstances have no weight. They do not change your inner certainty.
4. Absolute Confidence – You do not need to “fix” anything. Your only function is to remain certain that you already have it.
5. Living Normally – You act and think as if you already have it, effortlessly, without trying to “make it happen”.
Lock in it is about making your decision so absolute that external reality has no choice but to bow to it.
Dealing with doubts and contradictions in the "who told you?" method
(inspiration from the power of i am)
Who told you that you are feeling like shit? Who told you that you have no money? Who told you that you don’t have your SP? Who told you that you angry or depressed?
remember the divine order of things: as WITHIN so WITHOUT.
If you are giving power to the external and bringing it to the internal and allowing it to intoxicate you, you are giving your divine power away.
So who told you that?
Always ask that and go back within and remind yourself of the truth and correct that then go live your life.
If you absorb an identity and you are BEING it, everything you do will lead to that, there is no wrong choice, theres no wrong movement, as long as you remain the person you chose within and don't contradict that.
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just a reminder that your subconscious mind doesn’t have eyes. it’s literally blind. it doesn’t know the difference between what’s true or false and it’s not gonna do a quick google search to fact-check what you’re telling it lmao! YOU’RE the one deciding what’s true or not. oh you’re not physically in your dr? doesn’t matter, you’re still there in your mind and that’s a straight up fact. it has to become your physical reality because 1) it’s something you can imagine and 2) it’s something you want to happen.
your subconscious also can’t resist anything you repeat just because “it doesn’t believe it enough” 😭 that bitch is BLIND, do you understand? belief is not important trust me. all you have to do is persist. <333
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Hold up y'all know that blockages and limiting beliefs are not a thing right???? That nothing is holding you back right???? That they're just made up and not actually real right????
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Literally nothing. Whether you want to induce pure consciousness or shift, falling asleep during your meditation/method is not a big deal. You're the one who's making it a big deal. You might think you've "failed" because you fell asleep and woke up in your "o/r". But the only reason you failed is because you're letting yourself fail. It's all about your damn mindset don't make this harder for yourself when it doesn't even need to be.
In my opinion inducing pure consciousness is even easier through sleep, because you're shutting down your physical senses. All it takes to wake up in pure consciousness/I am/void state/god state/quantum field/universal mind (they're all the same fcking thing just with different labels), is to believe that you will. Belief is the key. Don't get frustrated if you don't get it the first day, you are literally reprogramming your mind from the nasty limiting beliefs that are holding you back, cut yourself some slack. It's literally just changing your mindset, it's all what it is. I don't care how you do it, journal, affirm, visualize, meditate... who. cares. The point is that you do SOMETHING that works for you that'll help you shift your mindset. You never shift your reality, you shift your reality BY shifting your mindset. Got it? Mind over matter. You're above your physical reality, so act like it.
With shifting it's the same. Just believe that you'll shift and you will. It really is that simple. And if you don't shift that is completely fine, don't get mad at yourself or your 3D. You did everything correctly, just keep up the good mindset and the 3D has no choice but to manifest your belief. Notice how I said belief and not desire? Well the 3D does not care what you desire or what you don't desire, it just materializes what you accept to be the truth.
And sometimes you accept that you don't have your desire, which is why you "need" to manifest it, which is why it's not there.
This is the cycle.
Break it.
Have it in your mind RIGHT NOW. DARE to think that you have what you want right now. I know it might sound unbelievable , but remember, you're the boss. You make the rules. So make rules that work in your favor!??
Also, you guys do know that.... sleep methods exist, right...???
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HWANG Method - Entering the Void
Entering the void, astral projection, and lucid dreaming are completely natural experiences. They are not something foreign to you but rather innate abilities that have always been within you, waiting to be remembered. All you need is concentration, faith, and practice.
Each person may experience this process differently, but the key is to trust that the void is your natural state. You don’t have to force anything—just allow it to happen.
Step 1: Deep Relaxation
Before you begin, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. You can be lying down, sitting, or in any position that feels comfortable to you.
Close your eyes and start breathing slowly and deeply. As you inhale and exhale, mentally repeat affirmations that help you release stress and relax your body:
"I am so relaxed."
"My body feels as light as a feather."
"I release all the stress of the day."
"Each breath takes me deeper."
Focus on the sensations. Feel how, with each exhalation, your body releases tension, as if you were dissolving into the air.
If your mind starts to wander, simply observe your thoughts without judgment and gently bring your attention back to your breathing.
Step 2: Setting Your Intention
Once you are deeply relaxed, it’s time to set your intention. This is crucial because your mind needs a clear direction to guide the experience.
Tell yourself with conviction:
"Tonight, I will enter the void."
"I will have a lucid dream with complete clarity."
"I will detach from my physical body and explore beyond it."
It’s not just about repeating words—it’s about feeling what you are affirming. Your intention is the key that unlocks the door to the void.
Step 3: Affirmations of Connection
Now that your intention is set, start affirming your presence in this natural state. Repeat mentally or out loud:
"I AM."
"I am pure consciousness."
"This is my natural state."
"Being in the void is natural for me."
"I AM the void."
"I AM power."
"There is no separation between me and the all."
These affirmations should feel authentic. Even if, at first, it seems like you’re just repeating words, over time, you will start to believe them and experience them as truth.
Imagine that each affirmation is like a key unlocking new dimensions within you.
Symptoms (or Lack of Symptoms) During the Transition
As you enter this state, you may begin to feel physical and energetic sensations. Some of them may include:
A feeling of extreme heaviness or absolute lightness
Vibrations throughout your body
A sensation of falling or floating
A buzzing or ringing in your ears
Pressure in your head or chest
An increased heart rate
The feeling that something is "pulling" you away from your physical body
However, it is also possible to enter the void without experiencing any symptoms at all. Some people transition smoothly without physical sensations, simply finding themselves in the void effortlessly.
Both experiences are valid—whether you feel sensations or not, trust that the process is working.
If any sensation becomes too intense, simply relax even more and surrender to the process.
Remember: the void is your natural state. There is nothing to fear.
Extra Tip
A useful trick to help detach from your physical body is to visualize your hands moving in your mind. Imagine yourself lifting them, touching your surroundings, feeling textures.
This technique can make it easier to separate and take the final step into the experience.
Additional Elements
If you wish, you can enhance the method with:
Relaxing music or ambient sounds
Subliminal audios with affirmation messages
Binaural frequencies that induce altered states of consciousness
There are no strict rules on what to use, but the most important thing is that your attention always returns to your breathing.
Final Advice
If at any moment you feel fear or uncertainty, remember that you are in control. The void is not something external—it is a part of you.
Trust the process.
Let go without forcing anything.
Remember that this is natural for you.
Once you complete these steps, you will have entered the void. From there, you can experience the universe in ways you never imagined.
- Good luck. I love you, hwangeter.
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⚠︎ IMPORTANT REMINDER: you’re not useless or pathetic for wanting to use methods ⚠︎
i personally don’t obsess over them all too much but there are such cute ones that i’ll use just for fun (eg @luckykiwiii101’s distraction method and @hrrtshape’s anti method to name two i absolutely adore)
if you want to touch your bedroom wall 3 times if you think that will help, go and use that as a placebo. As long as you remember that these methods are lifeless and it’s all YOU, you’re fine. Society has taught us some bullshit, that we need to work hard to get things, even subliminally, like in the media for example movies, where you’re stirred in the right direction to root for the hardworking “underdog” and hate the person that gets everything handed to them. We are taught that’s the right way: effort. And getting desires without trying is a sign of being spoiled or just too good to be true.
This mindset has been ingrained into our conscious and subconscious mind, so it isn’t going to be the easiest thing for most people to unlearn. So although we can of course change our mindset in a second, let’s be patient with others.
And let’s keep that in mind and be kind to those still figuring it out. Of course methods aren’t need and all we need is to just decide, but let’s be respectful in conveying that message.
Methods can be cutesy and fun and can be great placebos (although not needed), you aren’t pathetic for doing psych k, robotic affirming or anything else. Just remember those methods would be nothing without YOU, not the other way around.
You should also remember that you were once in their shoes whether that’s something you’re up for admitting or not, the occasional tough love post is fine, and can be appreciated by many, i’ve made many tough love posts for people who genuinely needed that cold glass of water thrown in their face, but being a regular bitch will never be a cute look, you’re just driving people away and giving loser idk 🤷♀️
let’s behave ourselves…. and remember you’re interacting with actual human beings

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ʜᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ ɪɴᴅᴜᴄᴇ ᴘᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴꜱᴄɪᴏᴜꜱɴᴇꜱꜱ ᴇᴀꜱɪʟʏ ᴛᴏɴɪɢʜᴛ (𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬)

Does inducing pure consciousness (or the void) seem complicated? I promise it is EASIER than you think! You just need to understand how your body and mind are working at that moment.
The key to everything is this: when the body falls asleep and the mind stays awake, you are in pure consciousness.
Why? Because without an active body, the ego loses power. No limiting thoughts, no fixed identity, just YOU as pure awareness.
Do this after you wake up at night (your body is already super relaxed and ready to go back to sleep!)
Lie down and relax, without moving.
Let your body fall asleep, but keep your mind awake. Count in your head or focus on an imaginary point in space. This prevents your mind from following your body into sleep!
If you feel tingling, heaviness, or a feeling of “disconnection” from your body, you’re there!
At this point, simply affirm, “I am pure consciousness” or “I am in the void.”
Boom. Your body is asleep, you are pure consciousness.
You will find yourself in an immense calm and darkness, with no body perception. No weight, no limiting thoughts. Just YOU.
You are in the void. You are consciousness itself.
And from here you can manifest anything instantly!
✗ Waiting too carefully for the body to fall asleep (the paradox is that the more you wait, the less it happens! It's a bit like when you wait for a message on your cell phone, the more you check the less it arrives, right? haha) ✓ Ignore the body and focus on something neutral (like counting, singing, etc.).
✗Thinking that it's difficult or that it takes a long time. ✓IT'S EASY! The body falls asleep every night, just don't interfere!
✗Being afraid of sleep paralysis. ✓It's not a problem, IT'S YOUR ALLY! If you feel "blocked", it means you did everything right!
♡You don't have to "do" something, you just have to let it happen.The body sleeps every night. You just have to stay present with your mind awake.
That's why it's FAST and EASY.♡
Manifest what you want now bitch 🤭
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How I feel after saying "you only live once" in a room full of non-shifters (I know damn well you don't)
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something I think a lot of people tend to overlook is how fortunate they are to know about shifting. how can you know and believe in shifting yet still be demotivated and not believe in yourself? do you realize how powerful you are with this knowledge? babes, you are quite literally limitless and you better fucking start acting like it.
shifting found YOU not the other way around, under different circumstances you could’ve been the one to scroll past that one post about shifting or LOA. then what? news flash- you’d actually still be in the same place not having your desires, because you doubt yourself knowing how lucky you are to know of the law. but on the bright side, you can change that the second you decide you’re in charge.
take control of your life, your reality and stop whining and crying about the law “not working”, it always works - it’s a LAW. you’re the only obstacle holding yourself back from getting your desires. I’ve struggled with the exact same situation, before I took control and stopped letting the 3D get to me. you’re always in control whether you’re confident about your abilities or insecure. It does not matter, your dominant assumptions will always harden into reality, until you change that.
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I jst logged into Tumblr and I'm seeing so many posts on my fyp people saying they have shifted I'm so freaking happy for you guyssss!?!?!!!
#loassumption#loassblog#loa tumblr#loablr#loa blog#affirm and persist#affirmations#edward art#law of assumption#manifestation#reality shifting#shifting blog#shifting community#shifters#shiftblr#god state#neville goddard
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The voidstate isn't some kind of place you enter with your body.
You are it. You're everything and nothing.
Now read it out loud:
I am the Void.
I am everything and nothing.
I exist. I am pure awareness.
I am pure consciousness.
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Guys. Come on. This is unserious.
It angers me so much when people are saying that they are tRyInG fOr FoUr YeArS. You have already shifted. In fact many
many many many times!!!!
"Bwut Dera, I dont remember shifting-" SHUT UP AND LISTEN FOR ONCE
Let me explain easily. Every time you make a choice you automatically shift. You shift over 1000 times a day. Even when you decide to scroll right now you shift.
Let me explain. Imagine two tables in front of you. One is with a hundred books and the other is with a hundred fruits. And you choose the one with books. In THAT EXACT MOMENT you shift. Or you can choose the table with fruits and you wil shift to that reality.
And there many
Variations of this one choice. Where you take three steps to the table, where you go there like a therian on all fours, where you stumble as you go there. And. So. ON.
The whole point is: you shift all the time. So whats the problem with just accepting that and shift to a SPECIFIC reality. You make the choices. Your consciousness is LITERALLY BLIND. It cant tell you where you are or what choices you can and cant make. You. Have. Free. Will!!!!!! Use it for your own use!!!!
The end.
And go shift.
From your beloved Dera.
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⚠️ Remember, an assumption is a belief WITHOUT physical proof. As the law states and as we all know, as long as you live knowing that your assumption is true, your physical reality will show you that. You are not waiting for anything. All you need to do is accept it in your mind as true. You are it NOW. You have it NOW. I promise you that’s it. Just accept it and everything else follows. There’s no fail unless you assume so. There’s no need for long posts because it’s SO DAMN SIMPLE. There’s no eye opening post that will tell you any secret. Stop looking and just be.
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