Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Mod: I owe you guys an apology
I’m archiving the blog. I’m sorry. I really am. I try to drum up the motivation to come back to this and at least write out a short story or put up more of my characters, I just can’t do it. To be honest, I’ve lost interest. The game isn’t fun for me, and as much as I love the ideas, the creatures, the overall premise of the game, it’s run it’s course.
I’ve also lost the energy to roleplay. I try and I try to get myself back into the roles but I just can’t do it anymore. It served it’s purpose for me back then (my alternative was suicide, honestly), so I’m sorry if anyone feels used or abandoned. That wasn’t my intention. I was hoping to make friends, and I think I’ve done that. But I don’t want to stop being friends because I’m no longer interested in just this one thing.
So, yeah, this blog probably won’t update anymore. I’m sorry if you’re sad, mad, disappointed... me too. I just need to think of me and my needs right now. Life is hecktic and crazy and I’m doing what I can to make sense of it and try to stay here. So, if you guys wanna stay in touch, you can always message my main blog @golden-masquerade or ask for my skype or discord (I don’t use the latter very often). I wish I could have ended this on a better note, but... well, I’ll try.
Thanks, everyone, for taking interest in and interacting with my blog. Eugene and the others are going to enjoy their much needed vacation.
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for 1,000 lob points a week, i will stop–
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Mal nods. “Alright, if I task you into cleaning O-06-20-A’s cell, how would you go about it?” A trick question right off the bat? Again, Mal was testing her.
“you dont clean 0-06-20-A, you’ll just piss it off and cause a breach and I doubt you want that sack of flesh walking around in this body” olive contiues, “if you actually wanted me to do some meaningful work you’d get me to feed or talk to it, so nice try Mal,”
Mal smiled at first, then did the exact opposite of smiling. “Somebody hasn’t been working with my ‘puppy’ that often, I guess. It’s chamber needs to be cleaned at least twice every two weeks, because it gets shed skin and dry blood everywhere and we need to check the place for weaknesses often. So if I gave the order to clean O-06-20-A’s cell and included the phrase ‘don’t fucking argue with me and do it,’ how would you do it?”
“well in that case I would do it for you, I wouldn’t be a good employee if I didn’t follow your every command Mal,” Olive smirked, “to me you are the queen of this department, and I must obey the queen or be lock away in the dungeon, right?”
“Sarcasm won’t get you anywhere.” Mal gave Olive a little stare. “Before my puppy came here, he was one of the most dangerous Abnormalities in Site 17. I’ve been his personal caretaker for a year, and I know all it’s little ins and outs, it’s strengths and weaknesses, who it does and doesn’t like, etc. And I know who and when to handle it to keep it from breaching. Yeah, cleaning it’s cell sucks and it hates it, but I schedule cleanings around when it’s happiest so when someone comes in to make it grumpy, it’s not so grumpy that it decides to break out. I also pick people I know for a fact are strong enough to not lose their cool around it. If I gave you that job, Olive, I’ve already taken precautions to ensure your safety and I believe that you’re the best person for the job at that time.
“So, try again. I ask you to clean O-06-20-A’s cell. What and how do you do it?”
Closed thread w/lobotomycorp-headcannons
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not sure if easter egg or coincidence.
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Mal nods. “Alright, if I task you into cleaning O-06-20-A’s cell, how would you go about it?” A trick question right off the bat? Again, Mal was testing her.
“you dont clean 0-06-20-A, you’ll just piss it off and cause a breach and I doubt you want that sack of flesh walking around in this body” olive contiues, “if you actually wanted me to do some meaningful work you’d get me to feed or talk to it, so nice try Mal,”
Mal smiled at first, then did the exact opposite of smiling. “Somebody hasn’t been working with my ‘puppy’ that often, I guess. It’s chamber needs to be cleaned at least twice every two weeks, because it gets shed skin and dry blood everywhere and we need to check the place for weaknesses often. So if I gave the order to clean O-06-20-A’s cell and included the phrase ‘don’t fucking argue with me and do it,’ how would you do it?”
Closed thread w/lobotomycorp-headcannons
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What about black swan?
Agent Ruth takes the question.
“Oh, you mean F-02-70-W? They were acquired in Ireland about a month ago, and the company has been playing hot potato with them, bouncing them from facility to facility. We’re due to have them in a month or so, and Safety is scrambling to find a good solution for them.
“As far as the notes go, it’s just six young boys, roughly the same height, wearing nettle shirts, green collar necklaces and... orange shoes? ...not sure why that detail is in the papers, but alright... They don’t speak or react to much stimuli, the paper notes that they don’t seem to blink either. And they only seem to give any changes when they aren’t given proper care, or when something bad happens in the facility such as five consecutive deaths or in the case of a level 3 breach. They start to show signs of distress, and that summons their sister: the real Abnormality.
“The Swan herself is.... oh.... oh my that picture... anyway, the damage she causes doesn’t seem entirely severe to humans, but her presence alone leaves others prone to panic. Including Abnormalities. And here’s where this one appears dangerous. She stresses out other Abnormalities, which causes them to breach as well. So in the event of a level 3 breach, the sister can come along and make the situation so much worse.
“We’re hoping to either find a way to contain the Swan itself or find a means to provoke an additional response from the brothers to see what it takes to keep them as happy in their environment as possible. However, Agent Zaya being Agent Zaya wants to run tests on what constitutes as distress on the brothers and I...” Her hands shake as she forces a smile. “...well, I have to say I’m looking foreword to it.”
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Olive glanced her eyes around the room; thank full for how the goggles shielded her nervous looking eyes. Why does she want to work? to just do something else than rot in a cell all day? Or is it some more? Guilt for all the trouble she caused?
After a minute of thinking she answers, “ Well I guess I just want to help, being alone in a cage gives you plenty of time to … think”
Mal gave a couple of nods, but frowned.
“That’s only natural. No one wants to be cooped up in a cell. But there’s something you need to consider: This is CCT. Central Command. Not just anybody gets this position. They’ve been working with the company for years, seen it all, felt it all, held back the blood, sweat and tears to make it this far. The face of the company. The ones other facilities from the outside talk to. And the ones who handle the most dangerous tasks we have.
“I can’t take in anyone who can’t handle the job. If you can’t perform the way CCT needs you, then it’s back into that cell of yours. Because if I hire you, and you’re not prepared for either the long work hours or the Abnormalities we keep… well, you either die of stress or die of another Abnormality, and I get fired and locked up under bright lights permanently. Nobody wins and Lobotomy makes sure of that.
“No one here can afford for anyone to make a mistake. I can only hire someone who not only can do the job, but wants to. So, I’m going to ask again: why should I hire YOU for Central Command?”
Olive looks Mal in the eye, “because I want to work! I can push myself much further than any human agent!” Olive puts her clawed hands on the table, also streching her wings abit, “besides … you’d want a giant, strong and able abnormailty on you side? Wouldn’t you?” Olive was sounding confident as she made her case, “ do you even know where I came from?” Olive asked.
Mal smirked at all of this. “I don’t have your entire file on me, but I know the basics. Lived in a tent, volunteered at a bird sanctuary, joined Lobotomy and was a loyal worker in the Control Team for many years. At least until you decided to put that mask on.” Mal put her hands on the table, looking into Olive’s eyes with confidence, and her shit-eating smirk grew wider. “Yes, Olive, I would like a giant, stong and able Abnormality at my side. Know where I can find one?”
This test was not going to work. But if it did, Olive would have the advantage. Under the bright lights concentrated to keep shadows away from Mal, she wouldn’t be able to fight back.
Olive jaw opened, almost forming forming a smile as she leaned in, “Well your looking at her” Olive smirked, sounding more arrogant by the minute, “ would you like me to demonstrate ?” Olive asked again.
Mal’s eyes wandered to the floor for a couple of seconds before looking back up at Olive again. “As much as I’d love to, Olive, there’s two very important things to remember.” With both hands, she points to the armed guards on either side of her, who were stationed there to keep Olive safe from Mal. “So let’s take a roundabout way of proving yourself while not straining your eyes in here. I’m gonna list some of the Abnormalities I keep here in CCT, and I want you to show me how you’d go about keeping them contained. Now, I want you to give me your first impulsive answer, okay? Think on it for too long, and I’ll fail you instantly, okay?”
Olive nods her head; leaning back into her seat running her hands together, “ok Mal, hit me with your best shot”.
Mal nods. “Alright, if I task you into cleaning O-06-20-A’s cell, how would you go about it?” A trick question right off the bat? Again, Mal was testing her.
Closed thread w/lobotomycorp-headcannons
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Mr sejo, whats the worst breach you've seen?
“F-01-35 went by many names, but was recognized from the story ‘Girl With The Iron Hands.’ She was highly unstable and extremely paranoid of everyone around her, and if you heard her story you would be understanding of it. Conversing with her was extremely dangerous, as she would lash out at anyone in the belief that they were the Devil attempting to con her yet again. And she was always escaping, searching for her husband and child, who have long since passed on as far as we know.
“Anyway, her fully functioning iron prosthetic hands have injured many an employee fairly seriously, but hadn’t caused death until this particular incident. We don’t entirely know what happened, as her department decided to ignore her for twenty four hours and she wasn’t provoked in any way, but she broke out of her cell by ripping the doors off their tracks. Her iron hands were able to change into buzz saws, hooks, much larger hands, virtually anything she needed, and this was something the company had never seen before. She slaughtered everyone she came across; she even made shields to block bullets. Myself and another telekinetic managed to get her under control and back into her cell, but she killed two thirds of the staff in her rampage.
“Blood and organs were everywhere. There was a smell we couldn’t identify that lingered for weeks. Most of the survivors were barely able to speak, myself included. F-01-35 was transferred to Site 17 not long afterward, due to her highly unpredictable nature.”
Where is the Abnormality now?
“Site 17 fell and there were only four survivors. F-01-35 was not one of them.”
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"hello Eugene, long time no see"
“Olive, hello! Yes, it’s been too long. How has CCT been treating you?”
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"eugene oh my god stop being emo i know ur jealous of the german smoke man. also tell the black swan boys that i said hi if you have 'em." - admin. z, with love.
“...I’m not emo.”
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Hello friend have a pineapple
“...thanks, I suppose.”
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