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loaovoop-blog · 2 years ago
var __pbpa = true;var translated_warning_string = 'Warning: Never enter your Tumblr password unless \u201chttps://www.tumblr.com/login\u201d\x0ais the address in your web browser.\x0a\x0aYou should also see a green \u201cTumblr, Inc.\u201d identification in the address bar.\x0a\x0aSpammers and other bad guys use fake forms to steal passwords.\x0a\x0aTumblr will never ask you to log in from a user\u2019s blog.\x0a\x0aAre you absolutely sure you want to continue?'; <!-- var namMember = new Array( "Cazarrecompensas", "Nick Casidecapitado", "Drip in Your Love", "Broken", "La Haine", "No se Q Esperas", "Opaco", "Me olvide", "Triste xq si", "Mononoke", "Baskerville Hounds", "Thriller", "Hold a Sec", "Ben 10", "Otra Realidad", "Esquivarlo", "Lobby Boy", "Habanera", "Intro", "Mas Na", "ITM4L", "Echo a Volar", "Postre", "Tenemos ke Hablar", "Till The End (Interludio)", "Idaho", "Meridiano", "Eyes Wide Shut", "The Village", "Final Fantasy", "Outro", "Giovanni de Luca", "Anime", "Lady Di", "Aiayai", "HuyendO", "De tu amor(Evol)", "Ikran", "Yessir (Enry-K)", "DE LA FORMA EN QUE YO QUIERO", "Si tu quieres/EGUZKILORE", "Viridiana", "130 Freestyle", "Know Myself", "Looooong Lashes", "BRANGELINA", "Connie Nikas (feat. Natalia Lacuzna)", "LILO", "Laberinto de Pasiones", "MalfoyMansion", "Nureyev", "7 Vidas (feat. Juicy BAE)", "Through the storm", "Quemando Roma (Jxu)", "La Pelea (Negro Bates)", "Numeros (Flaquito Apache)", "Transparente (Flaquito Apache)", "Si Me Ves Por Ahi (Flaquito Apache)", "Daniel Johnston (Claudio Montana)", "Sintomas (Diego 900)", "Buena y Mala (Juicy BAE)" //********************************************************* var lstMember = new Array(); var parent = new Array(); var equal = new Array(); var rec = new Array(); var cmp1,cmp2; var head1,head2; var nrec; var numQuestion; var totalSize; var finishSize; var finishFlag; //The initialization of the variable+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function initList(){ var n = 0; var mid; var i; //The sequence that you should sort lstMember[n] = new Array(); for (i=0; i<namMember.length; i++) { lstMember[n][i] = i; } parent[n] = -1; totalSize = 0; n++; for (i=0; i<lstMember.length; i++) { //And element divides it in two/more than two //Increase divided sequence of last in first member if(lstMember[i].length>=2) { mid = Math.ceil(lstMember[i].length/2); lstMember[n] = new Array(); lstMember[n] = lstMember[i].slice(0,mid); totalSize += lstMember[n].length; parent[n] = i; n++; lstMember[n] = new Array(); lstMember[n] = lstMember[i].slice(mid,lstMember[i].length); totalSize += lstMember[n].length; parent[n] = i; n++; } } //Preserve this sequence for (i=0; i<namMember.length; i++) { rec[i] = 0; } nrec = 0; //List that keeps your results //Value of link initial // Value of link initial for (i=0; i<=namMember.length; i++) { equal[i] = -1; } cmp1 = lstMember.length-2; cmp2 = lstMember.length-1; head1 = 0; head2 = 0; numQuestion = 1; finishSize = 0; finishFlag = 0; } //リストのソート+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //flag:Don't know characters // -1:Chose the left // 0:Tie // 1:Chose the right function sortList(flag){ var i; var str; //rec preservation if (flag<0) { rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp1][head1]; head1++; nrec++; finishSize++; while (equal[rec[nrec-1]]!=-1) { rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp1][head1]; head1++; nrec++; finishSize++; } } else if (flag>0) { rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp2][head2]; head2++; nrec++; finishSize++; while (equal[rec[nrec-1]]!=-1) { rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp2][head2]; head2++; nrec++; finishSize++; } } else { rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp1][head1]; head1++; nrec++; finishSize++; while (equal[rec[nrec-1]]!=-1) { rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp1][head1]; head1++; nrec++; finishSize++; } equal[rec[nrec-1]] = lstMember[cmp2][head2]; rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp2][head2]; head2++; nrec++; finishSize++; while (equal[rec[nrec-1]]!=-1) { rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp2][head2]; head2++; nrec++; finishSize++; } } //Processing after finishing with one list if (head1<lstMember[cmp1].length && head2==lstMember[cmp2].length) { //List the remainder of cmp2 copies, list cmp1 copies when finished scanning while (head1<lstMember[cmp1].length){ rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp1][head1]; head1++; nrec++; finishSize++; } } else if (head1==lstMember[cmp1].length && head2<lstMember[cmp2].length) { //List the remainder of cmp1 copies, list cmp2 copies when finished scanning while (head2<lstMember[cmp2].length){ rec[nrec] = lstMember[cmp2][head2]; head2++; nrec++; finishSize++; } } //When it arrives at the end of both lists //Update a pro list if (head1==lstMember[cmp1].length && head2==lstMember[cmp2].length) { for (i=0; i<lstMember[cmp1].length+lstMember[cmp2].length; i++) { lstMember[parent[cmp1]][i] = rec[i]; } lstMember.pop(); lstMember.pop(); cmp1 = cmp1-2; cmp2 = cmp2-2; head1 = 0; head2 = 0; //Initialize the rec before performing the new comparison if (head1==0 && head2==0) { for (i=0; i<namMember.length; i++) { rec[i] = 0; } nrec = 0; } } if (cmp1<0) { str = "battle #"+(numQuestion-1)+" "+Math.floor(finishSize*100/totalSize)+"% sorted."; document.getElementById("battleNumber").innerHTML = str; showResult(); finishFlag = 1; } else { showImage(); } } //The results+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //順位=Rank/Grade/Position/Standing/Status //名前=Identification term function showResult() { var ranking = 1; var sameRank = 1; var str = ""; var i; str += "<table style=¥"width:200px; font-size:18px; line-height:120%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; border:1px solid #000; border-collapse:collapse¥" align=¥"center¥">"; str += "<tr><td style=¥"color:#ffffff; background-color:#e097d9; text-align:center;¥">rank<¥/td><td style=¥"color:#ffffff; background-color:#e097d9; text-align:center;¥">options<¥/td><¥/tr>"; for (i=0; i<namMember.length; i++) { str += "<tr><td style=¥"border:1px solid #000; text-align:center; padding-right:5px;¥">"+ranking+"<¥/td><td style=¥"border:1px solid #000; padding-left:5px;¥">"+namMember[lstMember[0][i]]+"<¥/td><¥/tr>"; if (i<namMember.length-1) { if (equal[lstMember[0][i]]==lstMember[0][i+1]) { sameRank++; } else { ranking += sameRank; sameRank = 1; } } } str += "<¥/table>"; document.getElementById("resultField").innerHTML = str; } //Indicates two elements to compare+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function showImage() { var str0 = "battle #"+numQuestion+" "+Math.floor(finishSize*100/totalSize)+"% sorted."; var str1 = ""+toNameFace(lstMember[cmp1][head1]); var str2 = ""+toNameFace(lstMember[cmp2][head2]); document.getElementById("battleNumber").innerHTML = str0; document.getElementById("leftField").innerHTML = str1; document.getElementById("rightField").innerHTML = str2; numQuestion++; } //Convert numeric value into a name (emoticon)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function toNameFace(n){ var str = namMember[n]; /* str += ' '; switch(n) { //case -1 Because it is a sample, delete it case -1: str+=""; break; }*/ return str; } //--> <!-- #mainTable{ font-size: 19px; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; width: 410px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 10px 5px; } #leftField{ width: 120px; height: 150px; border: 1px solid #000; cursor: pointer; } #rightField{ width: 120px; height: 150px; border: 1px solid #000; cursor: pointer; } .middleField{ width: 120px; height: 70px; border: 1px solid #000; cursor: pointer; } a{ color: #e097d9; text-decoration : none; } a:hover{ color: #8f8f8f; } body { width: 600px; margin: 0 auto; font-family: 'Times New Roman', erif; } -->
Canciones L'Haine Sorter elige cual es tu cancion fav para tener una lista en orden de ellas :) favorite members from the group. nota: si eliges 'no opinion' o 'I like both' frequentemente afecta de manera negativa a tus resultados.
battle #1 0% sorted. I like both no opinion
<!-- initList(); showImage(); //-->
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