"Match Inesparado Parte 02"
Perspectiva de Gilberto:
Después de salir de la universidad, Pedro y yo nos dirigimos a mi apartamento para hablar sobre cómo manejaríamos estas dos semanas de intercambio. No podíamos simplemente vivir nuestras vidas como si nada; había que planificar.
—Voy a encargarme de preparar tus clases, y te capacitaré para que puedas darlas sin problema —le dije con firmeza.
Pedro hizo una mueca y se dejó caer en el sofá.
—Jamás he dado clases. Lo más cercano han sido exposiciones... y ni siquiera me gustaban —se quejó.
—Pues vas a tener que acostumbrarte —le respondí—. No es solo por mí, sino porque podrías meterme en problemas si lo haces mal.
Bufó con frustración pero terminó aceptando, aunque dejó claras sus condiciones.
—Entonces tú no arruines mi reputación, ni con mis amigos ni con Karla —me advirtió—. Y Rubén va a asegurarse de que no te pongas flojo con mi cuerpo.
Acepté, aunque lo último me causó gracia. ¿Tan preocupado estaba por su físico? Bueno, tendría que respetarlo.
Antes de separarnos, le di instrucciones sobre cómo usar las cosas en mi apartamento y le expliqué mi rutina. Por suerte, Pedro mencionó que sus padres estarían fuera del país durante esas semanas, lo que facilitaría su adaptación.
Nos despedimos con la promesa de mantenernos en contacto y revisar cómo iba todo al día siguiente.
Perspectiva de Pedro:
Me dejé caer en el sillón y encendí la televisión, pero nada me llamaba la atención. Los viernes solía salir con mis amigos, ir a alguna fiesta o al menos distraerme con algo más emocionante. Pero ahora, atrapado en el cuerpo de Gilberto, lo único que tenía por hacer era estar encerrado en casa.
Me miré en el reflejo de la pantalla apagada del televisor. Mi nuevo físico me incomodaba. Estaba lejos de lo que me gustaba ver en el espejo.
A las diez de la noche, el cansancio empezó a invadirme. Me puse ropa para dormir y me recosté en la cama. Como parte del acuerdo, habíamos intercambiado cuentas en nuestros celulares: mi teléfono tenía las redes de Gilberto y el suyo las mías.
Tomé el celular de Gilberto y revisé sus redes sociales. Apenas publicaba cosas, solo recomendaciones de películas y uno que otro artículo sobre educación. No tenía mucha vida social en línea.
La verdadera sorpresa llegó cuando revisé sus mensajes. Entre ellos, había una conversación con alguien llamado Alfredo. Al principio pensé que era solo un viejo amigo, pero cuando leí más, me di cuenta de que era algo más.
Era su ex novio. Me quedé en silencio, tratando de procesarlo. ¿Gilberto era gay? Nunca lo habría imaginado. Aunque, ahora que lo pensaba, nunca lo había visto con ninguna mujer.
—Vaya, vaya... —murmuré para mí mismo.
Esto hacía que toda la situación fuera aún más extraña. No solo estábamos atrapados en los cuerpos del otro, sino que ahora también tenía en mis manos un secreto que jamás habría imaginado.
Perspectiva de Gilberto:
Llegar a la casa de Pedro se sentía como entrar a un mundo completamente diferente al mío. Mi plan original para el fin de semana era preparar las clases y asignar tareas, pero apenas pasaron unos minutos antes de que algo más captara mi atención: este cuerpo.
Era joven, con piel suave y músculos bien definidos. Algo que nunca tuve en mi juventud. ¿Y si me permitía disfrutar un poco de esta experiencia? Al fin y al cabo, Pedro tenía fama de ser rebelde. ¿No podía yo hacer lo mismo?.
El celular de Pedro vibraba constantemente con mensajes de chicas. Algunas coqueteaban abiertamente, otras solo dejaban insinuaciones. Me pregunté si Pedro también tendría admiradores hombres. Su historial de Instagram no mostraba nada fuera de lo común, pero…
¿Y si hacía un experimento? La idea de instalar Grindr cruzó por mi mente. No tenía malas intenciones, solo quería ver qué pasaba. Por 24 horas, solo para observar… Me convencí a mí mismo.
Para evitar usar los datos de Pedro, registré la cuenta con un correo mío y elegí algunas de sus mejores selfies. Coloqué etiquetas y una descripción creíble, nada demasiado revelador.
Apenas terminé el perfil, la aplicación comenzó a sonar con notificaciones. Un aluvión de mensajes llegó casi de inmediato. Hombres dejando cumplidos, preguntando si quería salir o incluso proponiendo encuentros más atrevidos.
Me quedé sorprendido. Jamás en mi vida había recibido tanta atención. Siempre fui rechazado, y mi única relación había sido con Alfredo, mi ex. Pero ahora, con este cuerpo joven y atlético, todo era distinto.
Mientras exploraba los chats, un perfil me llamó la atención. Rubén.
Me quedé helado. Mi alumno, el mejor amigo de Pedro… era gay. Antes de que pudiera reaccionar, llegó un mensaje suyo:
Rubén: "No eres Pedro. Sé que eres el profesor Gilberto. ¿Qué carajos está haciendo usted aquí?"
Tan pronto como recibí el mensaje de Rubén, mi corazón se aceleró. Me había descubierto. Por un momento, imaginé lo peor. ¿Y si se lo contaba a Pedro? Estaba en problemas. Pero algo en su tono me hizo dudar. ¿Era posible que Rubén también estuviera en el clóset?
Si él me confrontaba, yo también podía hacerlo. Así que, con algo de nerviosismo, le admití mi verdadera orientación sexual. No tenía mucho sentido ocultarlo más.
Su respuesta fue inesperada.
Rubén: "Te veo en la mañana. Vamos a correr y hacer ejercicio."
Tragué saliva. Miré su perfil en Grindr y me encontré con fotos demasiado reveladoras. ¿Era esta realmente la vida secreta de Rubén? También tenía un álbum privado. No quise abrirlo.
Apagué la aplicación y decidí enfocarme en lo que originalmente había planeado: organizar mis clases. Pero no podía dejar de pensar en la conversación que tendría con Rubén al día siguiente.
Perspectiva de Rubén:
Desde que Pedro y el profesor Gilberto cambiaron de cuerpos, me sentía culpable. Después de todo, la idea de la apuesta había comenzado conmigo. Ahora me tocaba ayudar a Gilberto a mantener el físico de Pedro. No podía dejar que se descuidara en estas dos semanas.
Pero lo que realmente me sorprendió fue descubrir que el profesor Gilberto era gay. Y no solo eso… probablemente también era un hombre de clóset, como yo. Nunca había tenido un romance con otro hombre. Salí con mujeres antes de darme cuenta de quién era realmente. Y nadie lo sabía. Hasta ahora.
Conocía a Pedro desde antes de la universidad. Siempre me pareció atractivo, pero no al grado de enamorarme. Ahora, pensar que el profesor Gilberto estaba en su cuerpo… era una idea extraña. ¿Cómo sería Gilberto en una relación? ¿Habría estado alguna vez con alguien?
La conversación en Grindr se sintió extraña pero reveladora. No quería seguir hablando por chat. Era mejor discutir esto en persona. Por eso, decidí que al día siguiente, cuando saliéramos a correr, hablaríamos a fondo.
Perspectiva de Pedro:
Desperté con la vaga esperanza de que todo hubiera sido un sueño. Que abriría los ojos y volvería a ser yo mismo. Pero no. Seguía atrapado en el cuerpo de mi profesor. Suspiré con frustración. Esto era aburrido.
Si al menos hubiera terminado en el cuerpo de alguien interesante… pero no, me había tocado ser el profesor más amargado de la universidad. Me estiré en la cama y revisé el celular de Gilberto. Nada interesante. Este hombre tenía la vida social de un mueble.
Entonces, un mensaje entró.
Gilberto: "Pedro, báñate. Olvidé decirte que hoy tengo un evento importante al que debes asistir."
Le respondí de inmediato.
Pedro: "¿Evento de qué? ¿Puedo inventar que estoy enfermo y no ir?"
A los pocos segundos, el celular vibró.
Gilberto: "No. Es una reunión de la facultad. No puedes faltar. Ponte algo formal."
Pedro: "¿Formal? ¿En serio?"
Gilberto: "Sí. Revisa mi armario. Hay un traje negro que te quedará bien."
Genial. Ahora tenía que pasarme la mañana jugando a ser un profesor responsable. Me levanté de mala gana y me dirigí al baño. Si iba a hacer esto, al menos intentaría no arruinarlo demasiado.
Ducharse en este cuerpo fue una experiencia… rara. No era la primera vez que veía a un hombre desnudo. Digo, las regaderas del centro deportivo no dejaban mucho a la imaginación. Pero verme desnudo como un hombre mayor era otra cosa.
Pero verme desnudo como un hombre mayor era otra cosa. Intenté no pensar demasiado en ello. Era un cuerpo, nada más. Me duché rápido y me vestí, pero pasé del traje que Gilberto quería que usara. No iba a parecer un abuelo en una boda.
Me puse unos jeans y una camiseta para darle un poco de vida y estilo a este cuerpo. Cuando salí del departamento, tomé el chevy de Gilberto. Me había prohibido usar su coche, pero ¿qué podía pasar? Llegué a la reunión, que resultó ser más aburrida de lo que imaginé. Nada más valía la pena que el café gratis. Justo cuando ya pensaba en largarme, alguien me llamó por mi supuesto nombre.
—¡Gilberto! —dijo un hombre acercándose con entusiasmo.
Oh, genial.
Tuve que fingir que lo conocía, sonriendo y asintiendo a todo lo que decía. No tenía ni idea de quién era, pero claramente era alguien cercano a Gilberto. Y entonces apareció otra persona.
El exnovio de Gilberto. Mierda. Intenté disimular mi incomodidad, pero Alfredo me miraba diferente.
—Te ves… distinto, —dijo, dándome una sonrisa curiosa—. Ese estilo te queda bien.
Tal vez Gilberto jamás se vestiría así. Antes de que pudiera inventar algo, Alfredo fue directo al punto.
—¿Tienes planes para esta noche?
Yo ya me imaginaba a dónde iba esto. Mierda, mierda, mierda.
—Eh… no.
Maldita sea, ¿por qué dije eso? Alfredo sonrió más.
—Genial. Entonces ven a cenar a mi casa
Esto no podía terminar bien. Pero ya no podía decir que no. El universo estaba equilibrando la jugada.
Match Inesperado Parte 01:
Esperen próximamente la tercera parte de Match Inesperado
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Naked Truth
I’ve often thought about the morality of harvesting men for their skins. But the truth of the matter is, when I slide into a fresh bodysuit, moral implications, are the furthest from my mind. Some have called me a serial killer. I don’t care. The truth of the matter is when I see myself behind a stolen face, I know I have found my true calling.
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Chinese Delivery
I felt like Chinese tonight so I ordered some delivery. Luckily this handsome Asian came with it. I gave him an injection instead of a tip. Not the best reward for his hard work, but I couldn’t resist myself. Now I get to enjoy my Moo Shu pork while looking like a full meal. I think I’m going to really enjoy this skin.
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I left a few skins out for my husband to try on. He sent me a picture of the one he liked best. I think he’s chosen well. He looks good in something Mexican. I can’t wait to pump him full of cum when I get home.
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I saw this young Twink in the gym that I wanted to harvest. But I was there with some friends and didn’t feel like shedding my current skin. So I injected him when his back was turned and folded him into his locker. Now, next time I come to the gym, there will be a perfect Twink bodysuit waiting for me. I made sure to get him before he showered. His skin will just be sitting in there absorbing all of that musk. I’m already excited for my next visit to the gym.
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In The Park
I caught another guy waiting for his friends. He had no clue why I just took his picture. I like trying to get a shot off before harvesting. His concern only grew as I approached him with a loaded syringe. Before he had a chance to react, the needle was already in his throat. I just had to worry about his friends. I knew they were expecting him. So I immediately slipped on his skin and continued to wait for them. Looking like this I’m sure they won’t notice anything different. I think I’m going to enjoy my newest park score.
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“Bro, you gotta help me.”
Brandon rolled his eyes. “Again? What now?”
“I’ve got a chemistry test in an hour, and I don’t know shit.”
“That’s the understatement of the year,” he muttered, flicking the ashes from his pipe.
“Dude, shut up and help me! My parents are threatening to send me home if I fail this semester!”
Brandon looked over at his roommate, and weighed his options. Dan was wearing his signature hoodie, as well as one of his ratty ball caps. Nothing about his mind or body suggested he had any sort of redeeming quality as a human being– which made it that much easier to take advantage of his huge dick whenever he wanted. Seeing as how Brandon was entirely responsible for Dan’s newer, dumber persona he felt mildly responsible for how things had turned out. Mostly, though, the thought of having to train another roommate was exhausting. It’d taken him months to get Dan the way he wanted him.
“Yeah, alright,” Brandon said. “I’ll let you borrow some of my smarts. Just for a few hours, though. You better let me fuck you senseless tonight, got it? I want you drained of every last drop.” Dan simply nodded in agreement, standing ready and waiting for Brandon’s gift.
“Get ready,” he said, taking a long drag. “I’m only giving you the one ring.”
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I got him awhile back, he’s been a great addition to my collection. I feel so perfectly comfortable sealed up in his skin. He made a habit of showing too much skin. I have no problem continuing the tradition.
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Splendors of Youth/Toll of Time
It was quiet in the coffee shop when Travis walked in. His morning had not started well, angry texts from his ex reminding him how shit of a boyfriend he had been. But, still- he wasn't the boyfriend type. He wanted to enjoy being 22 and hot, able to walk into a club and leave with any guy he deemed worthy.
So when he walked into the shop, smelling of java and fresh pastries, he was barely cognizant of the old man standing by the counter. It wasn't that he was unable to see him, per se. It's that he often disregarded people who weren't his impending sexual dalliance, or someone giving him some sort of service.
The old man, however, was quite interested in the young man walking in. He - Bert - was admittedly still attracted to guys way too young for his 62 years of experience. The boy was wearing tight joggers, a tee-shirt tight enough to see his pecs, abs, and biceps. He also had a backwards cap on, which was a thing he secretly enjoyed - those straight-acting boys who presented masc. He could tell the boy had no care for him. In fact, he was not even flicking a single glance in his direction.
Despite Bert clearly standing in front of the register waiting for the barista to return with his coffee, Travis stepped right up to the counter. "Hey, can I get some service here!"
The young woman pouring coffee for Bert on the back wall looked up with confusion. "Yes, one moment please. I am serving this gentleman."
Travis followed her gesturing to Bert, who cocked a half-smile and nodded. Travis harrumphed, and gave him the cold shoulder.
"You seem testy. Everything alright?" Bert asked Travis.
"Why are speaking to me?" Travis said, not even turning around.
"Well, I thought maybe you might talk while you wait for your order." Bert explained.
"I don't need some crusty old queen to waste my time, ok? I'm just running late and need this caffeine bad." Travis waved, still not looking at Bert.
"Ok, no need for the jab. Aren't you a ray of sunshine..." Bert snipped.
"Ugh, of course he gets sassy." Travis bemoans into the air.
"You just don't think I'm worth your time or attention. I get it. You are young, hot, and want to enjoy it. I admit I miss those days. It doesn't mean you have to be a brat about it, though." Bert chided.
"Well, I also don't need your lecture. But here we are." Travis said, finally turning.
"Hi!" A cheery voice said from behind. The two looked at the woman behind the counter. "I think you'd both enjoy a sample of this. It's a new coffee we are testing!"
Travis and Bert looked at her, a big beaming smile eerily distracting them from their tiff.
"Uh... thanks?" Travis mumbled, accepting the tiny cup of coffee. It almost had a purple color? He tossed it back, and felt the hot liquid surging through his body. A strange sensation overtaking him, feeling a little lighter somehow.
Bert took his, and followed suit. The liquid similarly surged through his esophagus, down into his stomach where it too made him feel light. The two stood for a moment, and then stumbled back as they both had a simultaneous headrush. Colors swam across their vision, and a sound whirled in their ears.
As the sensation receded, the two felt themselves coming to. Both were turned from one another, having twisted about in their short fit. Bert, suddenly quite terse cried out, "Whatever that was is NOT coffee, you bitch!"
Travis turned, and snapped at the angry Bert. "Hey kid, calm down!"
Except, the Travis who turned and saw Bert was no longer Travis. He was stunned as he took in the image of a man before him. An old man, fine white hair, wrinkly face, the sweater and button-up combo he distinctly remember choosing this morning...
The man who wore Bert's face was now turning and having a similar experience. He saw the young, fit man wearing his joggers and gym shirt... his face??
"What the hell is this..." Travis said, feeling his tongue in his mouth, the very texture of it suddenly, aggressively foreign to him. He was also acutely aware of his bones, feeling them grinding across one another at the joints, his body suddenly much colder too.
Bert was experiencing a different sensation. He felt vital, with an energy in his limbs that felt capable of summiting a mountain right here and now. He was warm, and quite firm as he probed his chest and arms with youthful, unwrinkled hands.
"Enjoy your coffee!" The barista called out. She then disappeared by the counter into the backroom.
As the barista mader her swift exit, Bert was struck by a similar impulse. This was a gift, karmic, cosmic, who cared? He was hot, young, and immensely fuckable.
"Well, see ya kid!" He sang to Travis, now trapped in his older frame. "I'm gonna go."
"No, wait! We need to swap back. I can't be... this? You?!" Travis pleaded, as he reached for Bert's arm. Bert yanked his arm away from Travis' grasp.
"I think not. Maybe this will be a good experience for you. On the other hand, I know this will be a very fun experience for me." Bert started to walk away, when his phone- Travis' phone- chimed. "Oh, who is this? An ex of yours?"
"Noooo! Don't talk to him!" Travis complained.
"Oh, he is cute... I think I'll give him a call. See if he'll take you... or me, back?" Bert smirked. He wondered why anyone would have split with such a cute guy. He spun around and walked through the door. Travis on the other hand started yelling for the barista to come back and reverse this.
She would never appear.
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The Collection
Chapter 1: The Ring (David's Perspective)
I open my computer. It was very late, but my boss had requested for some last-minute adjustments to a presentation showcasing the company earnings. Still, I couldn’t concentrate, not when Anne had given me those terrible news. Instead of opening the power point, I went to Instagram and scrolled through Anne’s profile. There were several photos where she was showcasing that big ring on her hand. She said yes and all people were congratulating her. But I couldn’t feel happy. It was not a big secret that I was in love with her. However, my friends always criticized me as I never made my move and, when I was finally ready, well… it was too late as Ashton was already on her life.
I will never understand how she could fall for him. Of all the places were she could have meet up a guy, she end up doing so in her acting classes. Yeah, you can already guess what kind of person Ashton was. He was a struggling artist. I know that he have tried his best to be a fashion model or some kind of celebrity. But he has clearly failed in doing so. Instead of doing something productive in his life, like getting a real job… he spend most of his time being an extra in some shitty movie or doing the lowest of the jobs at a nearby coffee shop. Anne was too good for him. For fuck's sake, she had a master’s degree in public relations. She had a stable job with a big paycheck waiting for her at the end of each month. She was all the package, brains and beauty. I guess that you can say that Ashton was a good-looking guy, but that’s it. Honestly, there was no doubt in my mind that Anne would end up regretting marrying the guy… I have no doubt that Ashton would only leech of her money.
I dedicate the rest of my time to finish the reports. Then I went to my manager’s office. Mr. Devon was an imposing man. He was a super harsh boss. He didn’t tolerate the slightest mistake, and I have seen him making cry several of my colleges. However, he knew how to manage himself in front of leadership… so many people outside of our area thought that he was one of the coolest men out there. I have get used to his style. You know… during my high school years I have to deal with bullies, so I knew how to manage and survive this type of toxic personality. As expected, during the meeting, he destroyed every aspect of my work. He even got a bit personal, telling me that I was worthless. I know… the best thing that I could do was to resign to this place. But let’s be honest here… the job market was not in a very good shape and the salary was good. I also couldn’t afford to be jobless, so the only thing that I could do for the time being was to tolerate and endure as much as possible.
After so many hours trapped in that office, my boss let me go. I knew that tomorrow I have a very long day… I dreaded every aspect of it. But for the moment, I could enjoy the walk home through the middle of the night. That is when it happened. I was passing by the bridge when I realized that someone was trying to jump. I immediately ran towards him and beg him to stop. “This thing is cursed; this thing is cursed”. He cried as we struggle for a bit. He punched me with all his force before giving up and falling to his knees. “Please, I beg you take this away from me” he said as he handed me a small ring box. I grabbed it without thinking. I just stay at the side of that man until an ambulance arrived and took him away. I felt a level of accomplishment that I have never experienced before… I have saved a man’s life… but that also make me start reflecting on my own. Was I really happy? Hell no. The love of my life is marrying a dumbass, my boss despises me, and I have very few friends. Encountering this man was a signal that I needed to change my life.
It was until the next day when I remembered that I have kept that box. The man said that it was cursed, but curiosity took the best out of me. So I openned it. Yeah, Inside I found a weird ring. It seemed made of gold and it had several inscriptions on it. In fact, it reminded me of something pulled out directly from the lord of the rings. It also seemed to have needle attached to it, which probably had been used as a weapon in the past as it was covered in a dark red color. I then inspected the box. It had a message written that said, “stab and transform, stab and become”. I put on the ring, and I felt a surge of power. “This cannot be real” I said to myself.
I was immersed in the moment, when I heard someone knocking on the door. I immediately panic, thinking that someone has come for the ring and that I may be in danger. However, when I realized that it was a delivery guy, I realized that this was a great opportunity to test this device. I open the door and saw the handsome man in front of me. I slowly move the ring in order to make a small scratch on the guy. Something that will not raise any concerns if this end up being a futile exercise. I just quickly move my hand, not really sure of what was going to happen.
It just took a second, one moment the man was looking at me, the next one he was collapsing. I immediately catch him up. My heart was accelerating as I pulled this delivery guy into my house. I was able to see the corridor and I couldn’t be gladder that there was no neighbor in the sight. How could I explain this to someone like Jordan or Miss Meyer?
I put that guy on the floor of my kitchen. I started to panic a bit as it seems that I have effectively killed him, as he was no breathing nor has any type of pulse. Immediately, I jump over him and prepared to do some chest compressions. But the moment that I touched his torso, I saw as his body collapsed and he started to deflate like a ballon. I just stared at that empty carcass for a couple of minutes. I would not deny it, I felt extremely nauseated. That is when I realized that I was late for work. This needed to wait. I just grabbed that man’s skin and hid it under my bed. Of course, I grabbed his phone, keys and wallet… as I needed to figure out who was the unfortunate man that I encountered.
Of course, I couldn’t concentrate during work. Can you blame me? The good thing was that my boss never came to office on Friday, so I could dedicate my time on looking online for anything that could give me a clue of what was happening. Sadly, the only thing that I could find was some creepy pastas that detailed how could you transform people into wearable skins. None of them talked about a ring… but at least they gave me an idea of what I should do next. The rest of my day, I dedicate to find more about this delivery guy… his name was Shawn Johnson. It seems that he recently moved to this city, which seemed something good as no one will miss him. As I gathered more information, I started to relax… this ring seems to be a blessing, I can become anyone that I want. I can become a famous artist, get revenge on my high school bullies and even… I can be the man that ends up marrying Anne. The possibilities were endless.
So when night arrived, I pull Shawn’s skin and inspected it for several minutes. The mouth was not stretchy at all, and I couldn’t see any opening. Then I remember the words. I grabbed the ring and stabbed again the skin. Immediately the back opened. I was super nervous as I approached the skin, as I entered Shawn’s flesh and become one with him. One moment there was blackness, the next one I was gasping for air. I slowly stand up and immediately felt the height difference. I looked at my hands for several minutes… unable to believe that I am him… that I can become whomever I want. I inspected my flesh and play with my borrowed dick. Without a doubt, one of the most erotic experiences that I have in my life. I know that I could enjoy being this stud for the rest of the weekend, but in my mind, I already knew what my next step would be. I was going to visit my hometown and exact revenge on all those bullies that make me hate my high school years. Yes... I look so good in this body, and with this ring, I am certain that I would have unlimited power.
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Laundromat encounters
Alex and Jamie, a playful gay couple, were sorting through their laundry when they spotted Coach Mike, the football coach from the local university, struggling to retrieve something from the depths of a washing machine. His athletic form was comically contorted as he climbed inside, his blue patterned shorts visible from the back. Alex had a spark of mischief and whispered "Watch this,“ into his ear with a wicked grin. He then swiftly crept behind the coach and slid inside the Coach’s back”
Emerging from the washing machine, now in control of Coach Mike's form, Alex held a smelly, damp jock in his hand. With a playful grin, he brought it to his nose, sniffing it exaggeratedly, which made Jamie hard on the spot. "Hey there, champ," he said with a wink, his voice deep but playful, "You ever seen a coach do laundry like this?"
Jamie, laughing at the sight, responded, "No, Coach, can't say I have. But I like this new side of you."
Alex stepped closer, the dynamic charged with excitement. "Well, you're about to see a lot more," he whispered before leaning in for a kiss. The kiss was different; Coach Mike's larger frame made it more commanding, yet the tenderness was unmistakably Alex's.
As they kissed, Alex's hands, now larger and stronger, roamed over Jamie's back, pulling him closer. Jamie's hands slipped under the coach's shorts, feeling the warmth of the ass cheeks beneath. "You're quite the catch, Coach," Jamie murmured against Alex's lips.
Their playful banter continued, deepening the role-play. "You know, I've got this team to coach, but tonight, you're my star player," Alex said, chuckling.
After a moment, Alex pulled back slightly, a spark of mischief in his eyes. "You know, Jamie, this possession thing is fun. How about you take over Charlie, our star quarterback? Imagine all the fun we could have together."
Jamie, not missing a beat, jumped into character, his voice now all confident, "Coach, that sounds like a winning strategy to me. I'm ready to take the field.” They kissed again, full of excitement for what was to come.
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A Better Marcus Than Marcus
It all started when my sister’s boyfriend, Marcus, did a complete 180. The guy used to be your textbook finance bro—straight-laced, all about stocks, cryptos, and protein shakes. He was also the type who’d casually flex his "intellectual superiority" at family dinners like he was the human embodiment of a TED Talk nobody asked for.
Then, out of nowhere, he turned into this fun, carefree dude. He started to grow his hair and beard and constantly walk shirtless, showcasing his unfairly perfect pair of pecs and set of abs. He even tattooed his arm—something I would never expect from him. It wasn’t just a change in style; it was like he had become a totally different person.
I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Then it hit me—my sister’s ex, Dylan, a scrawny hippie who could’ve been the poster child for essential oils and “love, man” vibes. Dylan and I had gotten along great back in the day, mostly because he shared a little secret with me: a drug. No, not this kind of drug. This stuff could turn anyone into a bodysuit. Yeah, you heard me. One hit of this thing, and you could empty someone out, leaving behind a perfectly usable, skin-tight vessel. Thanks to him, I solved my bullying problem at school by wearing the jock leader's body.
Then, one day, Dylan disappeared from our lives after my sister dumped him. No warning, no goodbye, nothing. I thought that was the end of it. Turns out, it wasn’t.
Fast-forward to tonight. We’re having a family dinner at my parents’ house, and Marcus is here, all smiles and carefree vibes, making dumb jokes with my parents. It was the perfect chance to test my theory. I waited until everyone was distracted with dessert and pulled Marcus aside to a quiet corner of the house.
“I need to talk to you,” I whispered, trying to keep my voice low.
He cocked an eyebrow but followed me. Once we were out of earshot, I didn’t waste any time.
“I know you’re not really Marcus,” I said, crossing my arms. “I know it’s you, Dylan.”
For a moment, he just stared at me, then a wide grin spread across his face. “Took you long enough, bro,"
He opened his robe even more to show me his muscular body, looking like he was showing me an outfit and not another man's skin, “Yeah, it’s me. Poor Marcus never saw it coming. Injected this asshole with the stuff after he dropped your sister at your house, and bam! Marcus went to bodysuit city.” He chuckled darkly. “I’ve been living my best life ever since and with the love of my life."
I’ll admit, I wasn’t surprised. But hearing it confirmed still left my mouth agape.
"So, what now? You gonna rat me out to your sister? You wouldn't do that to good old Dylan here, would you? Not after I helped you turn your jock bully into a bodysuit. I even helped you out at faking his disappearance, I had to drive to another state to get rid of that bodysuit."
I smirked. “That depends. What’s in it for me?”
Dylan—or Marcus, I guess—laughed. “Alright, how about this: I let you enjoy Marcus’s body anytime you want, as long as you keep your mouth shut.”
It was a twisted offer, but let’s be real—I’d had a thing for Marcus since day one. The chance to have him, even under these bizarre circumstances, was too good to pass up.
“Deal,” I said, extending a hand.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, bro,” he replied, shaking my hand. Before we could head upstairs, my sister caught us in the hallway.
“Where are you two going?” she asked.
Thinking quickly, Dylan—Marcus—flashed his charming smile. “Your brother wanted to show me his collectible…uh…vinyl record collection. Said he’s got some rare finds.”
She bought it. “Wow, bonding over music. Finally. I’m proud of you two. Don't take too long, we're going to have karaoke." She leaned forward to give Marcus a kiss and walked away.
As soon as we were in my room, the facade dropped. I locked the door, and he turned to me, that sly grin back on his face. “Alright, bro,” he said, taking off his already unbuttoned white shirt and letting it fall to the floor. “Let’s see what you’ve been fantasizing about.”
I immediately pushed him down onto his knees, grabbing a handful of his long hair to assert control. “You’re going to start by sucking me off like a good slut,” I whispered.
His grin widened as he complied, reaching for my pants and pulling them down. His warm mouth quickly wrapped around me, and I let out a satisfied groan as he worked his tongue expertly. Once my cock was slick and throbbing, I pulled him back by his hair, forcing him to look up at me.
“Get on the bed, on all fours, now! You're my secret boyfriend slut now,” I ordered. He obeyed, taking off his pants and crawling onto the bed completely naked with his huge ass waiting for me. It was the sight I've been dreaming of ever since my sister introduced Marcus.
I walked over to my desk and turned on some rock music to muffle what was about to happen.
Climbing onto the bed behind him, I gripped his long hair tightly as I positioned myself. Without hesitation, I thrust into him hard, using his hair as leverage. Dylan moaned as I filled Marcus' ass. This wasn't our first time together. When Dylan was wearing my hot bully's body, he let me fuck him as a final revenge before he dumped the bodysuit in another state.
Marcus' back arched, and he let out a muffled moan, the sound drowned out by the loud music. I didn’t let up, pulling his hair like reins as I pounded into him mercilessly.
I leaned down on his back as I filled Dylan's—Marcus' ass with my cum. “You make a better Marcus."
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Season 3
Wish Granted: Fleeing and Sight Seeing
Olivia wanted to site see and she just wished she found escape the boring days she was experiencing and see the world. The genie heard this and snapped his fingers and within moments Olivia vanished.
Olivia found herself in a strange place in a beat up pick up truck. Olivia got out of the car and saw she was on a highway. “Where the hell am I?” She asked herself, as as her hair began to recede into her head.
Her clothing quickly shifted into a new outfit that was draping over her body. Olivia then looked down at her new clothing, as she looked at her hands.
Her fingers began to thicken and become callous looking like sausages, as his hands got larger and widened. Olivia howled, as her body began to gain muscle and mass, as her legs got thicker and longer. Her feet got wider and longer as they expanded in the once giant shoes she found himself wearing.
His biceps swelled, as his torso swelled with muscle. The clothing began to tighten around his body, as his hair receded further into his head, as his hairline began to move upward. His face began to age, and change. Facial hair grew on his face, as his nose got larger. His jawline squared, as Sergio let out a deep grunt.
His manhood formed between his tree trunk like legs, as his changes finished. Sergio looked around and saw the beat up truck he was on. “Fuck” he said seeing it was on its last leg.
Sergio was fleeing from the law, and he loved the thrill and seeing the new sites as he ventured away. He decided to abandon the truck and walk on foot, and needed to hot wire a car in the next parking lot he saw.
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Humans of the Great Shift #2
Inspired by TG Swapping Caps series Humans of the Great shift
When the Great Shift happened, I was in the middle of playing video games in my room. One second, I was holding my controller, and the next, I was staring at a set of huge hands resting on the kitchen counter. At first, I was confused, but then I saw my reflection in the window. I wasn’t me anymore—I was my older brother, Tyler!
Tyler’s always been the cool one—muscles, tattoos, and a mustache that I used to tease him about, but now? It actually looks great on me. I couldn’t stop smiling as I checked out this new body. The biceps, the broad shoulders, even his crazy hair—it all felt amazing.
I spent the rest of the day exploring everything. Flexing in the mirror was obviously the first thing I did. Then I tried on his clothes, which all fit perfectly. I even went out for a walk, and people actually smiled at me like I was some kind of confident, outgoing guy.
Being Tyler feels incredible. He always seemed so put together, and now I get to live like him for the rest of life since the Great Shift is permanent. I think I’m rocking this new look!
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He actually asked that guy if he could wear him! And the crazy thing was - he agreed! I still don't really know how Jamie managed that. But he sure has his ways of persuation sometimes
Under one condition, though. There should be no pictures or vids where his face would be visible.
No problem, though.
I was so excited to do this! To have us come to his place, him, waiting to be turned, curious to have the experience...
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