sipping tea, learning languages
41 posts
joy // xv // intp i like languages, welcome to a little side blog dedicated to that // attempting to learn Español // probably procrastinating a little bit as well ^-^
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lluviaaaaa · 5 years ago
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hiya! here’s ten fairly useful general language resources:
So I have a decent amount of experience jumping from language to language
(presumably in an attempt to become the master polygot of my dreams)
&! here’s a bunch of general resources that I’ve had stored on my laptop for ages now. You probably know a decent number of these, but hey! maybe you’ll find something helpful regardless:
Duolingo: Most everyone -whether they are a beginner in learning languages or an expert in multiple fields- has heard of it. Nevertheless, it’s a casual, yet informative source. While I wouldn’t recommend solely relying on Duolingo for your language learning, it is an enjoyable way to do so.
Compiled List of Duolingo Tips & Notes: An unofficial website that has complied the ‘Tips’ provided alongside each Duolingo lesson. Basically, it explains what each section contains, often providing vocabulary lists & grammar explanations. Can be extremely helpful in clarifying aspects of a language that one may not immediately understand, & overall, is well organized.
Unofficial Duolingo Stories: Duolingo has a ‘Stories’ feature, which allows one to learn appropriate grammar & vocabulary with the use of scenarios. However, out of all the languages offered, this feature is only present on a few of them. This website provides the same feature/scenarios for a variety of other languages. A great resource if you prefer a more interactive way of absorbing information.
Tinycards: Duolingo’s very own flashcard service. Vocabulary for your lessons may be present here, & this source can be a wonderful way to memorize if you prefer learning methods like spaced repetition.
Memrise: Similar to Duolingo, but offers a much larger variety of languages. It is especially helpful for vocabulary, but doesn’t delve into grammar as much.
Lingvist: Another source which focuses on vocabulary. Provides relevant vocabulary. Unfortunately, at the moment this source only offers five languages in total.
Mango Languages: A wonderful source that walks you through both grammar & vocabulary, with a large variety of languages, including ones that are more uncommon. Costs money, but there IS a free trial, so…
HelloTalk: Provides the ability to connect with native speakers of the language you are trying to learn, as well as others who are similarly learning the language.
Tandem: Similar to HelloTalk. You can meet people & further improve on your conversation skills.
LyricsTraining: You can learn vocabulary through music! You can find & select songs, & learn vocabulary from the lyrics. It’s presented like a game, & is generally quite fun to use, especially if you’re interested in music in different languages. Consists of a decent amount of popular languages.
I’ve attempted linking all the sources. Feel free to add some more, I’m always on the lookout for recommendations ≧◠‿◠≦✌
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lluviaaaaa · 7 years ago
There’s a language I really want to start learning but I wanna do it like secretly you know? And then be like oups hello friends I speak this language now ;)))
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lluviaaaaa · 7 years ago
That moment when you’ve been studying a language for months and all of a sudden it just…clicks
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lluviaaaaa · 7 years ago
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Here’s some weapons for your essay writing arsenal!
Hemingway Editor Calmly Writer  The Most Dangerous Writing App Purdue O.W.L. One Look Thesaurus JSTOR Google Scholar
Reply with your favourite or other great websites I didn’t include!
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lluviaaaaa · 7 years ago
A little update...
Hi guys!
Lately, I’ve been busy bc school (sadly 😞), hence why I haven’t been updating this blog recently. But...I have a quizlet account where I’ll be updating the majority of the spanish vocab I’ve been learning.
Here’s the link: https://quizlet.com/x-172/folders/espanol
It isn’t much yet, but I hope this helps!!!
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
🌸 COLORS (색깔) saek-kkal
검색 - black 흰색 - white 희색 - gray 갈색 - brown 노란색 - yellow 주황색 - orange (or 오렌지색 which comes from the english word “orange”) 빨간색/붉은색 - red 녹색/초록색 - green 보라색 - purple 파란색 - blue 하늘색 - blue sky 분홍색 - pink (or 핀크색 which comed from the english word “pink”) 짙은… - dark /insert color/ 연한… - light /insert color/
⚠as u probably noticed, they all end with the same syllable : 색 “색” comes from chinese and means “color”! MOST of the time, you can remove the syllable “색” if the word is placed before a noun.
🌸 some examples on how you can use these words:
빨간 입슬 : red lips 분홍색 꽃 : pink flower 갈색 머리 : brown hair 파란 눈 : blue eyes 검은 차 : black car
♡ 가장 좋아하는 색깔이 뭐예요? -> what is your favorite color?
♡ 제가 좋아하는 색깔을 연한 녹색이에요 -> my favorite color is light green
♡ 저는 보라색을 좋아해요 -> i like purple
💭 now, what is YOUR favorite color?🤷 go ahead and let me know by quoting this post :) in korean obviously~
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
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Directions in Korean!
쪽 - Direction
왼쪽 - Left 
오른쪽 - Right
뒤로 - Backwards
앞으로 - Forwards
북(쪽) - North
동(쪽) - East
남(쪽) - South
서(쪽) - West
Let’s make some sentences with this vocabulary!
“쭉 가서 왼쪽으로 가면 돼요.“ - “Just go straight and then left.” 
“뒤로 갈까요?“ - “Should we go backwards?”
“오른쪽으로 가세요“ - “Go right.” 
“병원을 지난 후에 오른쪽으로 가세요.“ - “Turn right after passing the hospital.” 
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
the most awkward part of learning a language is when you are able to understand a sentence but you have no idea how to make that sentence
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
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Spring Vocabulary
봄 - spring
비 - rain
바람 - wind
흐려요 - cloudy
우비 - rain jacket
구름 - cloud
꽃 - flower / bloom
우산 - umbrella
추워요 - cold
잎 - leaf
식물 - plant
풀 - grass
나무 - tree
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
ancient greek word of the day: ἀστεροειδής (asteroeidēs), star-like
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
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“It’s like there’s nothing in me, and there’s also a thousand unspeakable feelings.”
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
언어 (Language)
Language - 언어 Korean - 한국어 English - 영어 Spanish - 스페인어 Mandarin Chinese - 중국어 Cantonese - 광둥어 Japanese - 일본어 Russian - 러시아어 French - 프랑스어 German - 독일어 Arabic - 아랍어 Italian - 이탈리아어 Dutch - 네덜란드어 Finnish - 핀란드어 Greek - 그리스어 Latin - 라틴어 Hebrew - 히브리어 Hindi - 힌디어 Indonesian - 인도네시아어 Irish - 아일랜드어 Portuguese - 포르투갈어 Thai - 태국어 Vietnamese - 베트남어
☆Can you speak____? ____ 할 수 있어요? ☆Can you speak German? 독일어 할 수 있어요?
★I can speak ____. ____할 수 있어요. ★I can speak Italian. 이탈리아어 할 수 있어요.
♦︎I speak ____. ____해요. ♦︎I speak Hindi. 힌디어 해요.
♡I speak ___ well. ____잘 해요 ♡I speak English well. 영어 잘 해요.
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
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SLANG 대박~ awesome! Swag! 멘붕~mental breakdown (comes from 멘탈붕괴) 심쿵~sound of a settling heart. When something is cute 헐~ wow. (sarcastically) 훈훈하다~heart warming 훈남/훈녀~a heart warming guy (rather than good looking) 미남/미녀~a physically attractive guy 엄친아~mother’s friend’s son (abr. of 엄마의 친구의 아들) 행쇼~”peace” or be happy (“peace” as in “peace out” or bye. Comes from 행복하십쇼) 갑 vs 을~superior versus subordinate 알바~part time job (comes from 아르바이트) 개소리~ nonsense (literally: dog noise) 게거품 물다~ to be extremely angry (literally: foaming at the mouth like a crab) 까다~ to criticize
Ahhh. (°_°) so many slang words~ obviously there’s more, but let’s move on to texting.
TEXTING ㅇㅋ~ okay ㄱㄷ~ wait. (from 기다려주세요) ㅇㅇ~Informal yes (from 응) ㅎㅎ/ㅋㅋ/푸하하하~ laugh/laugh/evil laugh respectively ㄴ/ㄴㄴ~ no ㅎㅇ~ hi (from 하이) ㅇㄷ~ where? (From 어디?) ㅃ/ㅃㅃ/ㅃㅇ/ㅂㅂ/ㅂㅇetc.~ bye ㄱㅊ~ it’s okay (괜찮아) ㅈㅅ~ sorry (죄송해) ㅉㅉ~ tsk tsk ㅊㅋ~ congratulations (축하해) ㄱㅅ~ thank you (감사해) ㄷㄷ~ shivering noise ㄷㅊ~ shut up (닥쳐) ㅅㄱ~ “peace” (kind of similar to 행쇼 except more of a goodbye than a be happy) (수고해라/수고)
EMOTICONS ㅠㅠ/ㅜㅜ~ crying ^^/^-^ ~ smiling eyes ㅡㅡ ~ wth straight face. Like -_- orz/OTZ/OTL~ a dude kneeling over (I’ve known this for a very long time and I STILL read it as “orz” “O-T-Z” and “O-T-L” ㅎㅎ)
I hope this helped you guys understand any native texters that are texting you these weird things that you can’t understand. I suppose it is like an American texting a person learning English “lol wats up brah. U doin gud? Lolz k me 2” ㅎㅎ Anyway~ if someone texts you some weird thing that doesn’t translate on the translator or dictionary, chances are, it’s probably slang. Just ask that person to write it out as a full word, or give you the meaning in English. If not, it’s probably online!
행쇼! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
~특별한 짱보라
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
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I have prepared a personal guide on how to self study Korean! So, if you are interested in learning Korean, and have no idea where to start, give this a read and hopefully it should give you some encouragement!
I should hopefully keep this guide updated. Updated on: 160521
Warning: LONG POST
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
Korean Masterlist:
Seeing as I have a masterlist for ALL of my posts, including resources, books, etc (find it here) I wanted an organised lesson one! I hope this will help everyone!
Lesson 1: Hangul Basic Consonants Pt.1 Lesson 2: Hangul Basic Consonants Pt.2 Lesson 3: Hangul Basic Consonants  Lesson 4: Diphthongs Lesson 5: Aspirated and Double Consonants Lesson 6: Batchim Pt.1  Lesson 22: Batchim Pt. 2 NEED TO KNOW:
Lesson 17: How Korean Age Works Lesson 18: Levels of Politeness in Korean
Lesson 7: Hello, Thank You, Goodbye, Yes and No Lesson 8: I’m Sorry Lesson 9: Please, More, a Little Lesson 14: Native Korean Numbers and Uses Lesson 16: Sino-Korean Numbers and Uses Lesson 19: Days of the Week Lesson 20: Months Lesson 21: Body Parts Lesson 23: School Subjects Lesson 24: School Vocabulary Lesson 25: Family Lesson 42: Today, Tomorrow, Now etc. Lesson 58: Vegetables Lesson 59: Fruit Lesson 60: Emotions Lesson 61: Food and Drink Lesson 68: Sports Lesson 69: Places in Town Lesson 79: Animals  Lesson 80: Clothes  Lesson 84: Sickness Pt. 1 Lesson 85: Sickness Pt. 2 Lesson 86: Sickness Pt. 3 Lesson 93: Transportation Lesson 94: Halloween  GRAMMAR: Lesson 10: It Is, What is It? Lesson 12: This Is, What is This? Lesson 13: This, That, It, Thing Lesson 26: Have/Don’t Have Lesson 17: 15 Useful Verbs Lesson 27: Present Tense Conjugation Lesson 28: Past Tense Conjugation Lesson 29-32: Future Tense 1 2 3 4 Future Tense Meanings and Examples 1 2 3 4 Lesson 33: How to Form Korean Sentences Lesson 34: Don’t + Verb Lesson 35: Topic/Subject Marking Particles ~은/는 + ~이/가 Lesson 36: Topic/Subject Marking Particles ~은/는 + ~이/가 Pt 2 Lesson 37: Object Marking Particle ~을/를 Lesson 38: Want To -고 싶어요 Lesson 39: Location Marking Particles ~어디, ~에, ~에서 Lesson 40: Negative Sentences Lesson 41: Negative Sentences with 하다 Lesson 43: Who? Lesson 44: Why, How, How much? Lesson 45: From - To - , From - Until - Lesson 46: Therefore, So Lesson 47:  And, With ~하고, ~(이)랑 Lesson 48:  But, However, ~그렇지만, ~그런데 Lesson 49:  To/From Someone Lesson 50: Plural Nouns Lesson 51: Telling Time Lesson 53: -지 마세요 (지마) Lesson 54: -(으)세요 Imperative Lesson 55: -아/어/여 주세요 Lesson 56: -도 Too, Also, As Well Lesson 57: -만 Only Lesson 62: Can, Cannot - (으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 Lesson 63: Present/Past/Future Progressive Lesson 64: A bit, Really, Very, Not really, Not at all Lesson 65: Changing Nouns into Verbs -는 것  Lesson 66: Counters 개 + 명 Lesson 67: To Be Good/Bad At Lesson 70: Have to, Should, Must Lesson 71: Still, Not Yet Lesson 72: Already Lesson 73: (으)로 Lesson 74: If, In Case Lesson 75: Let’s Lesson 76: Pronouns + Possessive Pronouns Lesson 77:ㄹ/을 것: Lesson 78: Doable/Worth Doing Lesson 81: (으)ㅂ시다 Lesson 82: 처럼 Like Lesson 83: More….Than Lesson 87: 좋다 vs 좋아하다 Lesson 88: -ㄴ가 Lesson 89: 다, 더 - All, More Lesson 90: Behind, In Front of, Beside Lesson 91: Written Descriptive Form Adjectives Lesson 92: Before -ing Lesson 95: To be Similar to/The Same as -같다 Lesson 96: To Care/Not Care Pt.1 Lesson 97: To Care/Not Care Pt.2 Lesson 98: Connecting Verbs Lesson 99: Might, Perhaps, It’s Possible Lesson 100: To Want 원하다 PHRASES:
Lesson 11: Where Are You From? I’m From Lesson 52: Self Introduction 
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
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🌧What’s in my pencil case?🌧 (part 1 of 2)
I thought I’d do one of these today, since my day is filled with doctors’ appointments and I don’t have time to do other productive things~
From top to bottom:
A 0.7 bic mechanical pencil (I won this by making the all-conference math team!)
0.5 Kokuyo Colorée mechanical pencil (blue)
0.5 Uni Jetstream ballpoint pen - black ink (sky blue). I unfortunately can’t get this to work but when it was working it was my writing utensil of choice!
0.5 Pilot Hi-Tec-C gel pen- black ink
Cess Hi-Basic Collection gridded ruler (this came in a sewing kit but it’s the perfect size for my bullet journal!)
Iconic Un Jour de Reve Pen Case (I feel so fancy using this tbh)
0.5 mechanical pencil lead + white eraser set (from Target)
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lluviaaaaa · 8 years ago
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070117 (⌒▽⌒)☆ a trip to muji
i usually only buy like 2 pens at a time from muji bc $$!! but i splurged and got: -12 gel pens in various colors and sizes (I like 0.7 best) -a 5-layered acrylic organizer (it was on sale bless) -a 5 pack of those small lined notebooks -one more small A6 lined notebook 
my studygram
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